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May 27th, 2018
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  1. [dohtml]
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  6. <div class="mavpkmn">
  7. <img src="">
  8. </div>
  9. <div class="mavtxt"><u>key items</u><br>
  10. — pokédex <br>
  11. — jinoa region map <br>
  12. — trainer identification card <br><br>
  14. <u>heal items</u><br>
  15. — x5 potion <br>
  16. — x2 full heal <br>
  17. — x1 revive<br><br>
  19. <u>held items</u><br>
  20. — none<br><br>
  22. <u>technical machine</u><br>
  23. — none<br><br>
  25. <u>capsules</u><br>
  26. — x5 pokéball <br><br>
  28. <div class="mavooc"><b>00</b> CAUGHT, <b>00</b> TRADE, <b>00</b> HATCHED, <b>00</b> BOUGHT, <b>00</b> TOTAL
  29. </div></div>
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  31. </div></div>
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  41. [center]table by [user=3,4]lecc[/user][/center]
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  47. [dohtml]
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  71. <center>
  73. <div class="firefly-border"><div id="firefly"><div class="top-hover">
  74. <img src="">
  75. </div>
  77. <div class="firefly-background">
  78. <table>
  79. <tr><td>
  81. <div class="firefly-tracker">
  82. <div class="firefly-status">THREADS</div>
  83. <div style="width: 175px; height: 421px; font-family: open sans; font-size: 11px; color: #000000; overflow: auto; padding-right: 10px; line-height: 100%; position: relative; top: 10px;" class="firefly-scroll">
  84. <center>✧ - in progress | ✦ - archived</center><p>
  85. ✧ <a href="">tooth and claw</a> with @character name at <b>practice rooms</b><p>
  87. ✧ <a href="link">thread title</a> with @character name at <b>location</b><p>
  89. ✧ <a href="link">thread title</a> with @character name at <b>location</b><p>
  91. ✧ <a href="link">thread title</a> with @character name at <b>location</b><p>
  92. </div></div>
  93. </td>
  95. <td>
  96. <div class="firefly-tracker">
  97. <div class="firefly-status">RELATIONSHIPS</div>
  98. <div style="width: 175px; height: 421px; font-family: open sans; font-size: 11px; color: #000000; overflow: auto; padding-right: 10px; line-height: 100%; position: relative; top: 10px;" class="firefly-scroll">
  100. <img alt="" src="" style="width:50px;border:solid #6B6A6A 2px;float:left;margin-right:2px;font-family:cambria;">@character name
  101. <div style="width:115px;height:45px;padding:2px;padding-left:2px;font-size:9px;font-family:cambria;line-height:9.5px;padding-top:2px;float:left;text-align:justify;overflow:auto;margin-bottom:5px;"><b>STATUS</b> Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse id luctus elit. Maecenas auctor sit amet augue at sagittis. Sed dui felis, suscipit vel ipsum nec, placerat blandit justo. Duis ornare urna ante, vitae tempor nisl fermentum vitae. Morbi gravida massa ac massa ultrices, eu ullamcorper odio aliquet. In non leo vitae libero ultricies imperdiet. Pellentesque pellentesque viverra blandit. Nunc elit dui, ullamcorper quis sagittis at, consequat nec nulla. Praesent elit orci, feugiat semper turpis at, rutrum iaculis dolor. Nulla pharetra tellus sit amet massa placerat, eget tempor nisi eleifend. Suspendisse accumsan urna auctor turpis tempor, vel sollicitudin est semper. Donec luctus tempor quam a scelerisque.</div>
  103. <img alt="" src="" style="width:50px;border:solid #6B6A6A 2px;float:left;margin-right:2px;font-family:cambria;">@character name
  104. <div style="width:115px;height:45px;padding:2px;padding-left:2px;font-size:9px;font-family:cambria;line-height:9.5px;padding-top:2px;float:left;text-align:justify;overflow:auto;margin-bottom:5px;">Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse id luctus elit. Maecenas auctor sit amet augue at sagittis. Sed dui felis, suscipit vel ipsum nec, placerat blandit justo. Duis ornare urna ante, vitae tempor nisl fermentum vitae. Morbi gravida massa ac massa ultrices, eu ullamcorper odio aliquet. In non leo vitae libero ultricies imperdiet. Pellentesque pellentesque viverra blandit. Nunc elit dui, ullamcorper quis sagittis at, consequat nec nulla. Praesent elit orci, feugiat semper turpis at, rutrum iaculis dolor. Nulla pharetra tellus sit amet massa placerat, eget tempor nisi eleifend. Suspendisse accumsan urna auctor turpis tempor, vel sollicitudin est semper. Donec luctus tempor quam a scelerisque.</div>
  106. <img alt="" src="" style="width:50px;border:solid #6B6A6A 2px;float:left;margin-right:2px;font-family:cambria;">@character name
  107. <div style="width:115px;height:45px;padding:2px;padding-left:2px;font-size:9px;font-family:cambria;line-height:9.5px;padding-top:2px;float:left;text-align:justify;overflow:auto;margin-bottom:5px;">Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse id luctus elit. Maecenas auctor sit amet augue at sagittis. Sed dui felis, suscipit vel ipsum nec, placerat blandit justo. Duis ornare urna ante, vitae tempor nisl fermentum vitae. Morbi gravida massa ac massa ultrices, eu ullamcorper odio aliquet. In non leo vitae libero ultricies imperdiet. Pellentesque pellentesque viverra blandit. Nunc elit dui, ullamcorper quis sagittis at, consequat nec nulla. Praesent elit orci, feugiat semper turpis at, rutrum iaculis dolor. Nulla pharetra tellus sit amet massa placerat, eget tempor nisi eleifend. Suspendisse accumsan urna auctor turpis tempor, vel sollicitudin est semper. Donec luctus tempor quam a scelerisque.</div>
  108. </div></div>
  109. </td><tr>
  110. </table>
  112. </div></div>
  113. <div style="text-align: center; margin-top: 10; margin-bottom: 10; font-family: Open Sans; color: #000; text-transform: uppercase; font-size: 10px"><a href="">➹ charli</a></div>
  114. </center>[/dohtml]
  116. --
  118. --
  120. [center][i]click tabs to activate and read more || ✦ active pokemon - ✧ storage pokemon[/i][/center]
  121. [dohtml]<center><div class="titanicc">
  122. <div class="titanics">
  124. <div class="titanic">
  125. <input type="radio" id="titanic-1" name="titanic-group-1" checked>
  126. <label for="titanic-1" style="border-bottom:1px dashed #932C2C;border-radius:100px;margin-top:10px;">[IMG][/IMG]</label>
  127. <div class="ctitanic">
  129. <div style="width:500px; height:435px; font-family:cambria;font-size:12px;line-height:12.5px;text-align:justify; padding:7px; overflow:auto; border-left:4px #babbbb solid;border-right:4px #babbbb solid;border-radius:6px;padding:5px 10px 5px 10px;">
  130. <center><img src="" style="margin-top:-5px;margin-bottom:-15px;">
  131. <br><br>
  132. <b><font color="#932C2C" size="5";><b>AZULA</b></font></b>
  133. <br>#228 HOUNDOM, THE DARK POKEMON<br>
  134. <img src="" style="margin-top:-1px;margin-bottom:0px;opacity:0.5;"><img src="" style="margin-top:-1px;margin-bottom:0px;"><br><br></center>
  136. <font color="#932C2C">TYPE »</font></b> dark & fire <br>
  137. <font color="#932C2C">GENDER »</font></b> female <br>
  138. <font color="#932C2C">ABILITY »</font></b> flash fire <i>[fire-type moves deal 1.5 times damage when by fire type attacks]</i> & early bird <i>[allows pokemon to wake up faster]</i><br><br>
  139. <font color="#932C2C">HEIGHT »</font></b> 4'07" <br>
  140. <font color="#932C2C">WEIGHT »</font> 77.2 lbs. <br>
  141. <font color="#932C2C">EGG GROUP »</font> field<br>
  142. <font color="#932C2C">DISTINGUISHING FEATURES »</font> wears a rapidash skull
  143. <br><br>
  144. <font color="#932C2C">PARENTS »</font></b> unknown <br>
  145. <font color="#932C2C">SIBLINGS »</font> unknown<br>
  146. <font color="#932C2C">MATE »</font> none <br>
  147. <font color="#932C2C">OFFSPRING »</font> sterile
  148. <br><br>
  149. <font color="#932C2C">MET AT »</font></b> pre made <br>
  150. <font color="#932C2C">CAUGHT WITH »</font> pokeball <br>
  151. <font color="#932C2C">HELD ITEM »</font> none
  152. <br><br>
  153. <font color="#932C2C">LEVEL »</font> thirty<br>
  154. <font color="#932C2C">KNOWN MOVES »</font> iron tail, dark pulse, fire blast, thunder fang, smog, howl <br>
  155. <font color="#932C2C">NEEDS TO LEARN »</font> sludge bomb, hidden power (dragon) <br>
  156. <font color="#932C2C">KEY NOTES »</font> none<br>
  157. <font color="#932C2C">SPEECH »</font> #932C2C
  158. <br><br>
  159. <font color="#932C2C">BEHAVIOR »</font> This monstrous hellhound may have larger curved horns and wearing a Rapidash's skull for sport, but she is not afraid to tell you what's what. She considers all of the world her domain and holds little regard for the lives on it. She understands human emotions through one-sided observations. She knows what they are intellectually but she cannot feel as they do or comprehend why a human would feel a certain way in a certain situation. Houndoom's emotions and a human's emotions are simply not on the same spectrum. With her amoral nature, Azula has little need to become physically attached to anything. She focused on prey or propagating her species to claim the entire world. Her biggest pride is being the best hunter. She is consistently on the alert, watchful for even the slightest change in wind that would give her the advantage. She was once a savage hunter in the empty plains. She has earned many enemies from the Ponyta and Rapidash there. However, she takes pride in her ability as an apex predator and knowing it is her destiny to be population control. Azula can eat three times her own weight. Although she is interested in bearing pups to continue her lineage, Houndoom isn't above cannibalism to maintain a healthy litter or sustain herself in tough situations. But when she found out she was sterile/cant have pups of her own, she has made it her personal mission to adopt any canine like creature in as her own. She is stoic and has little to say to anyone else. Houndoom may fight heavily with other, especially smaller teammates to establish her own dominance amongst the Pokemon around her. She fights best one-on-one. In battles with multiple Pokemon, Azula thinks only of herself and will fight anything that gets near her. True to Pokemon instinct, she takes commands from a human well despite her ruthless personality. Azula and Maverick have a special strong bond, often times no words will be spoken in battle as they trust each others own decisions. .
  160. <br><br>
  161. <font color="#932C2C">HISTORY »</font> pre made TBA
  162. </div>
  164. </div>
  165. </div>
  167. </div>
  168. </div>
  169. <span class="libcred"><i><font size="1"><a href="link">this template was made by</a> <a href="">libby</a> <a href="link">of</a> <a href="">shine</a> <a href="link">- edited by outcast for her use only</a></i></font></span>
  170. </center>
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