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a guest
Mar 17th, 2017
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text 232.12 KB | None | 0 0
  1. 8318
  2. Tried to remove task twice, task =
  3. Duplicate task added to DependencyRoot with name '
  4. Null or empty prefab resource name given to factory create method when instantiating object with type '{0}'.
  5. Null prefab given to factory create method when instantiating object with type '{0}'.
  6. Could not find instance for key '{0}'
  7. Found duplicate values in KeyedFactory: {0}
  8. Expected fallback type '{0}' to derive from '{1}'
  9. Invalid installer type given during bind command. Expected type '{0}' to derive from 'MonoInstaller'
  10. Validation for factory '{0}' failed
  11. Error during construction of type '{0}' via {1}.Create method!
  12. Null was passed to a value-type argument
  13. Coroutine container not configured... did you forget to call Init?
  14. Random Insertion is semantically invalid, since this structure does not guarantee ordering.
  15. Passed argument 'args' is invalid size. Expected size is 1
  16. Internal error. Trying to destroy object that is already released to pool.
  17. Nullable object must have a value.
  18. GetKeyForItem(item)
  19. Index out of range
  20. " and can't be used in this generic collection.
  21. " isn't of type "
  22. The value "
  23. element already exists
  24. Collection was modified after the enumerator was instantiated.
  25. shouldnt happen
  26. index and count exceed length of list
  27. Collection was modified; enumeration operation may not execute.
  28. DataArray
  29. number of items exceeds capacity
  30. Array is multidimensional
  31. newNode
  32. node
  33. list modified
  34. other
  35. collection
  36. HashSet have been modified while it was iterated over
  37. not of type:
  38. KeyValuePairs
  39. An element with the same key already exists in the dictionary.
  40. Destination array cannot hold the requested elements!
  41. index larger than largest valid index of array
  42. this is a read-only collection
  43. Current is not valid
  44. out of sync
  45. does not implement right interface
  46. Enumeration already finished
  47. Enumeration has not started. Call MoveNext
  48. This collection is read-only.
  49. Cannot error out a completed AssetRequest.
  50. Cannot complete a completed AssetRequest.
  51. Completed AssetRequest was garbage collected without being released. Memory leak?
  52. Unable to load asset {0} from bundle {1}
  53. bundle
  54. No valid component found for asset {0}
  55. Failed to load bundle {0}: {1}
  56. ({0}, {1}, {2}, {3})
  57. ({0}, {1}, {2})
  58. ({0}, {1})
  59. Promise<T, U>.Error threw an exception
  60. Promise<T, U>.Finally threw an exception
  61. Promise<T, U>.Then threw an exception
  62. Promise<T, U>.When threw an exception
  63. Promise<T>.Error threw an exception
  64. Promise<T>.Finally threw an exception
  65. Promise<T>.Then<T> threw an exception
  66. Promise<T>.Then threw an exception
  67. Unknown key in inventory delta. Item might be new on the server
  68. is older than latest inventory timestamp; ignoring
  69. Item's timestamp
  70. Server error: inventory item doesn't have a timestamp
  71. Unknown key in full inventory refresh. Item might be new on the server
  72. {0} items in inventory delta: {1} -> {2}
  73. wasn't an update.
  74. wasn't a deletion.
  75. The prediction for key
  76. There's no prediction to roll back for key
  77. Sorry, there's already a prediction for key:
  78. Sorry, there's already a prediction for this GUID
  79. Item [{0}]
  80. Page
  81. response text:
  82. Failed to create a session:
  83. RPC fail with status {0}
  84. RpcPromise.StatusError threw an exception
  85. RPC ({0}) {1} failed: {2}
  86. Queue is empty
  87. comparer
  88. capacity must be positive.
  89. Cannot peek when ListQueue is empty.
  90. Cannot dequeue when ListQueue is empty.
  91. element is outside of the bounds of the quadtree
  92. {{ First = {0}, Second = {1} }}
  93. The value '{0}' is not of type '{1}' and cannot be used in this generic collection.
  94. Wrapped ICollection<T> does not support indexer.
  95. Wrapped ICollection<T> does not support Insert.
  96. Wrapped ICollection<T> does not support RemoveAt.
  97. Wrapped ICollection<T> does not support IndexOf.
  98. Duplicate item already exists for '{0}'.
  99. enumerable
  100. Given collections have different length in Zip operator
  101. item
  102. Key is null
  103. entries
  104. Key already exists in map
  105. Non-nullable value types do not support null values
  106. allowNullValues
  107. Not enough space in the array
  108. , Distance =
  109. Pair =
  110. {
  111. Found null instance with type '{0}' in BindInstance method
  112. valueSelector
  113. func
  114. Expected to find installer with type '{0}' at resource path '{1}'
  115. Could not find unique ScriptableObjectInstaller with type '{0}' at resource path '{1}'
  116. Could not find unique MonoInstaller with type '{0}' on prefab '{1}'
  117. Assets
  118. Invalid type: {0} passed to event expecting {1}
  119. {0} replaced itself with {1}
  120. Attempted to create an item that wasn't installed in the ItemsInstaller
  121. The uv index is invalid (must be in [0..3]
  122. results
  123. Results array is null
  124. Passed argument 'args[0]' is of the wrong type. Type:{0} Expected:{1}
  125. Object doesn't match target
  126. Cannot copy source collection elements to destination array
  127. Comparison threw an exception.
  128. comparison
  129. action
  130. initial
  131. Expected to receive exception of type '{0}' but nothing was thrown
  132. Assert Hit! Wrong type found. Expected '
  133. Assert Hit! Expected empty collection but found {0} values. {1}
  134. Expected collection to be empty but instead found '{0}' elements
  135. Expected type '{0}' to derive from '{1}'
  136. Installers/
  137. body
  138. No IComparable or IComparable<{0}> interface found.
  139. resultSelector
  140. collectionSelector
  141. Type {0} expected {1} received.
  142. JNI: Unknown return type '
  143. Cannot request assets from a disposed bundle handle.
  144. Cannot request assets from an uninitialized bundle handle.
  145. Attempt to load bundle {0} failed immediately.
  146. assetName
  147. bundleName
  148. Could not create getter for {0}.
  149. Get
  150. Could not create setter for {0}.
  151. fieldInfo
  152. Set
  153. JNI: Unknown field type '
  154. JNI: Unknown generic array type '
  155. Data/BuildNotes
  156. previousScenes.txt
  157. testscenes.txt
  158. batchrun.txt
  159. networkconfig.txt
  160. Couldn't connect to the server:
  161. IntegrationTest Ignored
  162. IntegrationTest Timeout
  163. IntegrationTest Failed with exception
  164. IntegrationTest Failed
  165. inBatchMode
  166. UnityEditorInternal.InternalEditorUtility, UnityEditor, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null
  167. Created Test Runner
  168. TestRunner
  169. is excluded on this platform
  170. Ignored tests:
  171. Ignored:
  172. Failed tests:
  173. Failed:
  174. Passed:
  175. was expected
  176. IntegrationTest
  177. IntegrationTest Finished
  178. IntegrationTest Started
  179. IntegrationTest Run interrupted
  180. Test run interrupted (crash?)
  181. StateMachine
  182. Multiple GameObjects refer to
  183. not found. Skipping.
  184. Failed to load types from:
  185. New Test
  186. Sent
  187. \s
  188. Invalid path part
  189. No test left
  190. is test a group
  191. Actual:
  192. Expected:
  193. failed.
  194. assertion failed.
  195. .testMaterials have been sorted alphabetically.
  196. .testGameObjects have been sorted alphabetically.
  197. Created in
  198. CheckPeriodically
  199. More than one refence to comparer found. This shouldn't happen
  200. {0}, line {1} ({2})
  201. failed. Value:
  202. assertion failed.(
  203. 0.########
  204. </size></b>
  205. <b><size=18>
  206. tests failed!
  207. All test succeeded
  208. Sounds/Characters/pv{0:000}
  209. Specular with Normal Maps - 4 LIGHTS + ambient and rim
  210. Normal Maps or Specular Pixel Lit - 4 LIGHTS + ambient and rim
  211. Pixel Lit - THERE ARE 4 LIGHTS + ambient and rim
  212. Vertex Lit / No Eye Shading - directional + ambient and rim
  213. _Opacity
  214. FaderOut
  215. FaderIn
  216. SeqInfo Load: failed to convert sequence
  217. No localization string for activity:
  218. encounter_score_catch_streak
  219. encounter_score_pokemon_caught
  220. encounter_score_new_pokemon
  221. encounter_score_milestone
  222. encounter_score_one_shot
  223. encounter_score_first_catch
  224. encounter_score_nice_throw
  225. encounter_score_great_throw
  226. encounter_score_excellent_throw
  227. encounter_score_curveball
  228. encounter_score_total_exp
  229. general_xp
  230. _Scanlines
  231. Mouse X
  232. <!> Failed to load
  233. Received unset response status when getting GMTs
  234. Cached GMTs empty.
  235. Invalid timestamp in returned asset digest.
  236. Cached asset digest empty.
  237. : failed to write to disk
  238. : wrote synchronously
  239. {0:X16}_{1}
  240. : no bytes to write
  241. <!>
  242. *.*
  243. Load remote config cache from network: {0}
  244. Load remote config cache from disk: {0}
  245. <i> RPC request NETWORK {0}
  246. <i> RPC request CACHE {0}
  247. remote_config_cache/
  248. PokemonGoPlus.Plugin
  249. startClientService
  250. com.nianticlabs.pokemongoplus.service.ClientService
  251. createBridge
  252. com.nianticlabs.pokemongoplus.bridge.ClientBridge
  253. pgpplugin
  254. There can only be 1 PgpPlugin
  255. PgpApi
  256. UpdateNotifications
  257. StopSession
  258. StartSession
  259. GetScannedResultsInternal
  260. StopScanning
  261. Scanning is not started
  262. StartScanning
  263. Scanning already started
  264. GetPgpState
  265. ©2000
  267. Map tile is missing {0}
  268. Tile_{0}
  269. Text line longer than maximum supported characters
  270. Unhandled language ({0}), showing English text source.
  271. ninetales
  272. vulpix
  273. clefable
  274. clefairy
  275. nidoqueen
  276. nidoran
  277. sandslash
  278. sandshrew
  279. arbok
  280. ekans
  281. fearow
  282. spearow
  283. raticate
  284. rattata
  285. pidgeot
  286. pidgey
  287. beedrill
  288. weedle
  289. butterfree
  290. caterpie
  291. raichu
  292. pikachu
  293. blastoise
  294. squirtle
  295. charizard
  296. charmander
  297. venusaur
  298. bulbasaur
  299. prog1
  300. img2
  301. img1
  302. textField2
  303. textField1
  304. Blend
  305. No RawImage is bound to {0}
  306. No Text is bound to {0}
  307. Only Vertical and Grid layout types are supported
  308. RecyclerElement_{0}
  309. Text component is missing, failed to set text: "{0}"
  310. Clicked
  311. Found {0} Web Cams
  312. Camera is not available
  313. Failed to initialize WebCam due to permission error
  314. Actual WebCamTexture width:{0} height:{1}
  315. Requesting WebCamTexture width:{0} height:{1} fps:{2}
  316. Unknown camera resolution
  317. No available back camera, fall back to the front camera
  318. No available WebCam found.
  319. WebView Loaded: {0}
  320. WebView Error: {0}
  321. finish
  322. Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; CPU iPhone OS 7_1_2 like Mac OS X) AppleWebKit/537.51.2 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/7.0 Mobile/11D257 Safari/9537.53
  323. WebViewObject
  324. https://
  325. http://
  328. Water
  329. visit_a_pokestop_short_title
  330. catch_a_pokemon_short_title
  331. feedback_added_xp
  332. quest_streak_format
  333. Test dialog with only 1 button
  334. OK or CANCEL what is it gonna be?!
  335. Error Message
  336. report_issues_link
  337. help_center_link
  338. settings_are_you_sure_report_prompt
  339. general_sign_out_confirm
  340. {0} - {1}
  341. CheckRequests
  342. codename_reassign_success
  343. Unexpected CodenameResultProto.Status: {0}
  344. Codename invalid
  345. Codename already assigned to this player
  346. Codename change not allowed
  347. codename_are_you_sure
  348. codename_already_yours
  349. codename_warning_message
  350. Illegal pip index: {0}
  351. Flourish
  352. LongFlash
  353. FillPip
  354. alreadyFilled
  355. Heal
  356. hp_slider
  357. pokemon_name
  358. shiny
  359. checkmark
  360. new_pokemon_image
  361. favorite_image
  362. gym_logo
  363. buddy_image
  364. deployed_image
  365. pokemon_thumbnail
  366. batch_transfer_confirm
  367. pokemon_info_multi_transfer_shiny_pokemon_error
  368. NewSpeciesCaught
  369. No candy color set for family ID {0}
  370. Play
  371. Error using incubator: {0}
  372. incubator_choose_egg
  373. pokemon_info_powerup_player_lv_too_low
  374. pokemon_info_powerup_pokemon_deployed
  375. pokemon_info_powerup_need_stardusts
  376. pokemon_info_powerup_need_candies
  377. pokemon_info_evolve_need_key_item
  378. pokemon_info_evolve_need_candies
  379. Hide
  380. +{0}
  381. Serious problem: EvoPromise never got defined before InteractionComplete
  382. pokemon_unfavorite_error
  383. pokemon_favorite_error
  384. low
  385. mid
  386. high
  387. best
  388. appraise_outro_{0}
  389. appraise_size_small_{0}
  390. appraise_size_tiny_{0}
  391. appraise_size_large_{0}
  392. appraise_size_huge_{0}
  393. appraise_stat_{0}_{1}
  394. general_defense
  395. general_attack
  396. appraise_stat_highest_tie_{0}
  397. general_stamina
  398. appraise_stat_highest_{0}
  399. appraise_overall_{0}_{1}
  400. appraise_intro_{0}
  401. usage.pokemoninfo.click_favorite
  402. pokemon_info_transfer_failed
  403. Releasing Pokemon: {0}, {1}
  404. pokemon_info_transfer_favorite_error
  405. pokemon_info_transfer_pokemon_buddy
  406. pokemon_info_evolve_pokemon_deployed
  407. pokemon_shiny_info_transfer_to_professor_confirmation
  408. pokemon_info_transfer_to_professor_confirmation
  409. pokemon_info_evolution_failed
  410. pokemon_info_powerup_confirmation
  411. pokemon_info_evolution_confirmation
  412. XS
  413. XL
  414. Problem incubating egg: {0}
  415. egg_detail_put_in_incubator
  416. egg_detail_hatch_walk
  417. entry_number
  418. entry_name
  419. shadow
  420. capture_indicator
  421. background
  422. pokemon_icon
  423. Unable to find evolution chain proto for Pokemon {0}
  424. pokedex_details_category_not_caught
  425. pokedex_details_type_not_caught
  426. pokedex_details_height_not_caught
  427. pokedex_details_weight_not_caught
  428. {0:N1}
  429. pokedex_page_name_not_seen
  430. usage.profile.click_set_buddy
  431. usage.profile.click_log
  432. general_and
  433. team_name_team
  434. {0:D}
  435. {0:D} / {1:D}
  436. usage.profile.click_customize_avatar
  437. ^[A-Za-z0-9\-]*$
  438. onboard_name_are_you_sure
  439. onboard_name_too_long_error
  440. onboard_name_too_short_error
  441. onboard_name_invalid_characters_error
  442. #5F5F5FFF
  443. #FFE556FF
  444. #E63838FF
  445. #2271FFFF
  446. pokemon_nickname_error
  447. general_no
  448. general_yes
  449. general_cancel
  450. LetterSpacing: Missing Text component
  451. recycle_dialog_suffix
  452. recycle_dialog_prefix
  453. Item not currently usable: {0}
  454. Unknown item type: {0}
  455. x<b>{0}</b>
  456. incubator_selector_uses_left
  457. incubator_selector_infinite_uses
  458. Failed to retrieve details for POI {0}
  459. POI {0} has no ImageUrl set
  460. POI {0} has no Name set
  461. Cannot initialize POI inspection GUI for unexpected PoiType.
  462. pokemon_info_stardust_label
  463. Problem collecting daily defender bonus: {0}
  464. {0:c}
  465. defender_bonus_header
  466. defender_bonus_collect_now
  467. defender_bonus_nothing_deployed
  468. Cloud
  469. No conversation found for key: {0}
  470. |{0}
  471. g
  472. pgp_log_pokemon_hatched
  473. Editor login failed.
  474. Requesting GMTs...
  475. Requesting asset digest...
  476. Logging in...
  477. HoloholoTest
  478. Initializing plugin...
  479. Installing bindings...
  480. <color=#{0}>{1}</color>
  481. {0}{1}{2}
  482. Exception thrown attempting to decode HTML characters from '{0}':{1}
  483. &#
  484. StreetView request time out.
  485. url:
  486. Request failed:
  487. application/json
  488. Request tile [
  489. &key=AIzaSyBsF0XUO1q445riJNFTGgIrOAV2vMk8dsY
  490. &session=
  491. ?panoId=
  493. { 'mapType': 'streetview' }
  495. AIzaSyBsF0XUO1q445riJNFTGgIrOAV2vMk8dsY
  497. Request metadata [
  498. &radius=50&key=AIzaSyBsF0XUO1q445riJNFTGgIrOAV2vMk8dsY
  499. &lng=
  500. &lat=
  502. Problem receiving daily bonus: {0}
  503. shop_daily_bonus_amount
  504. shop_quick_balls_get_them_here
  505. shop_quick_balls_title
  506. shop_quick_coins_get_them_here
  507. shop_quick_coins_title
  508. usage.quickshop.click_exchange
  509. usage.quickshop.click_more
  510. Can't fit {0} items in QuickShopGuiController.
  511. Error buying SKU: {0}
  512. Unexpected item type: {0}
  513. AVATAR_
  539. Unexpected Category: {0}
  540. BUNDLE
  541. AVATAR
  544. ITEMS
  545. Unexpected presentation type name: {0}
  546. SALE
  547. SORT
  549. Unexpected currency name: {0}
  552. Already checked daily bonus
  553. iap.purchase
  554. category
  555. sku
  556. pokecoin
  557. shop_coming_soon
  558. shop_something_went_wrong
  559. shop_inventory_full
  560. {0}_description
  561. {0}_title
  562. shop_fully_upgraded
  563. SnapshotPreviewExitDiscard
  564. SnapshotPreviewExitSave
  565. sendBroadcast
  566. parse
  567. android.intent.action.MEDIA_SCANNER_SCAN_FILE
  568. android.content.Intent
  570. Save the screenshot to {0}
  571. 3cce70b1-4257-4764-bb78-3c99716b2b3e
  572. edd52c99-e7f7-4ca1-a721-8edd390393d9
  573. b37f5273-038e-470f-b69a-2327e1745861
  574. Recv RPC({0}) {1}
  575. Sent RPC({0}) {1}
  576. authentication_revoked_error
  577. app_exit_confirmation_message
  578. authentication_failed_sign_out
  579. authentication_failed_try_again
  580. authentication_retry_prompt
  581. OnboardingCompleted without being in the WorldMapState
  582. Zeppelin {0}
  583. Road Outline
  584. Road
  585. quest_first_pokestop_of_the_day
  586. quest_first_catch_of_the_day
  587. No localization string for quest:
  588. Unable to find any meshes in the selection
  589. Outliner recursed more than 65536, bailing out
  590. Empty MeshFilter. Error?
  591. _outline
  592. triangleIndicies must be a non null array with a length that's a multiple of three
  593. action.search_pokestop
  594. total
  595. pokestop_id
  596. pokestop_item_inventory_full
  597. inventory_egg
  598. pokestop_no_items_found
  599. No listeners subscribed to click.
  600. usage.profile.click_shop
  601. pokestop_disk_empty_desc
  602. pokestop_disk_empty_title
  603. pokestop_disk_activate_error
  604. pokestop_disk_error_out_of_range
  605. pokestop_disk_activate_error_already_has_disk
  606. isModded
  607. active
  608. _cDiff
  609. GetGymDetails RPC Failed: {0}
  610. Failed to get POI details for Gym
  611. Error setting player team.
  612. player_avatar
  613. player_xp
  614. player_level
  615. No player stats was found in the inventory.
  616. N0
  617. Connect to Device: selectedDevice = {0}
  618. settings_sfida_store_url
  619. settings_sfida_about_url
  620. Got SFIDA state: {0}
  621. Sfida state should be DISCONNECTED or FAILED, but found {0}
  622. pgp_error_cannot_connect
  623. Failed to start session due to timeout. state: %s
  624. Connection failed
  625. pgp_connected
  626. pgp_start_session
  627. Start SFIDA session: {0}
  628. ScanDevices complete.
  629. pgp_error_failed_to_register
  630. Failed to connect to the device:
  631. pgp_registering
  632. Register SFIDA device: {0}
  633. settings_sfida_howto_pair
  634. {0}{1}
  635. settings_sfida_howto_pair_url
  636. FindDevice complete
  637. pgp_error_device_not_found
  638. Timeout to connect to device: {0}
  639. Found device: {0}
  640. pgp_scaning
  641. Scan for device: {0}
  642. pgp_bluetooth_not_supported
  643. pgp_bluetooth_enabling
  644. pgp_bluetooth_unauthorized
  645. pgp_msg_bluetooth_enabled
  646. Initialize PgpService
  647. pgp_bluetooth_is_off
  648. pgp_pokemon_in_range
  649. pgp_pokestop_in_range
  650. pgp_log_received_items
  651. pgp_log_pokemon_fled
  652. pgp_log_pokemon_caught
  653. getDefaultAdapter
  654. android.bluetooth.BluetoothAdapter
  655. cb9a1ca0-5ca2-4b2f-a842-e26d5c6edef9
  656. f26546e6-b7e7-4c53-bb7c-8dc109a72c78
  657. 91b88fff-bdc7-4b10-b9c6-f8eb73aa56ab
  658. a2cc6bfe-46f1-4dde-87d3-e27eb18bcb1a
  659. c34e5826-794a-11e6-8b77-86f30ca893d3
  660. 13a91e46-3e2c-11e6-ac61-9e71128cae77
  661. 16d91881-cd9a-425c-99d4-de5358d774de
  662. a48ae148-2b06-49e2-b7af-fd102e3526c8
  663. f228cd90-6d28-4cb3-8b74-682637d21a02
  664. 1e4ad837-1e93-42be-92f5-585e20104c62
  665. 0fdd0e25-9cdd-4cd8-826d-a8eafb1fed52
  666. 584eb9ef-6c9b-49d4-a548-d6b48101f76c
  667. 09929d1d-4109-4e04-8929-6e368e8ebf9d
  668. 5a4d0a56-e3e1-4e72-b1fd-8dd550a1cb03
  669. Park
  670. FadeOut
  671. FadeIn
  672. Error capturing pokemon {0}
  673. onboard_caught_pokemon
  674. onboard_change_name
  675. onboard_name_fail
  676. onboard_name_cannot_change
  677. onboard_name_owned
  678. onboard_name_not_valid
  679. onboard_name_not_available
  680. visit_a_pokestop
  681. onboard_name_registered
  682. [Onboarding] Respawning because player walked away from the starter pokemon {0} time(s)
  683. first_time_encounter
  684. onboard_welcome_screen
  685. Hidden/MaskedGrayscale
  686. Character Camera
  687. f_shoes_default_1
  688. f_shirt_default_5
  689. f_pants_default_4
  690. f_hat_default_A_5
  691. f_belt_default_4
  692. m_socks_default_3
  693. m_shoes_default_2
  694. m_shirt_default_2B
  695. m_hat_default_5
  696. m_gloves_default_2
  697. m_backpack_default_2
  698. onboard_are_you_sure_decline_tos
  699. Failed to download news asset: {0}
  700. Failed to get news: {0}
  701. action.news_viewed
  702. News Cache
  703. action.news_updated_app
  704. Failed to get a link for news popup: {0}
  705. action.news_link_clicked
  706. action.news_dismissed
  707. country
  708. news_id
  709. Asset Browser disabled by build flags
  710. Main
  711. Failed to start encounter with WildMapPokemon
  712. Successfully encountering wild pokemon: {0}
  713. wild
  714. Encounter status: {0}
  715. Encounter error.
  716. Failed to start encounter, inventory is full.
  717. Pokemon is not in range
  718. Missing field: Pokemon
  719. Missing field: WildPokemon.PokemonDisplay
  720. Missing field: WildPokemon.Pokemon
  721. Missing field: WildPokemon.SpawnPointId
  722. Wild Pokemon encounter returned different Pokemon than displayed on map: {0}
  723. Attempting encounter: {0}
  725. ActionSelected
  726. ButtonSelected
  727. ButtonDeselected
  728. settings_are_you_sure_support_prompt
  735. Failed to start encounter with TroyDiskMapPokemon
  736. troy_disk
  737. Failed to encounter disk pokemon: {0}
  738. Already encountered disk pokemon: {0}
  739. Failed to start disk encounter, inventory is full.
  740. encounter_pokemon_not_in_range
  741. Disk Pokemon is not in range
  742. Successfully encountering disk Pokemon: {0}
  743. TroyDisk encounter returned different Pokemon than displayed on map: {0}
  744. Unexpected time of day setting
  745. usage.speed.warning.passenger
  747. Constructing NativeLocationProvider
  748. action.encounter
  749. encounter_type
  750. Failed to register the Apple Watch device
  751. apple_watch
  752. boot_safety_warning_{0}
  753. shop_inventory_full_go_to_upgrades
  754. encounter_too_many_pokemon
  755. Not spawning wild encounter {0} as it has been blacklisted by the local client.
  756. UpdateMapPokemon : Adding wild pokemon: {0}
  757. Unexpected Poi.FortType
  758. cellId
  759. MapEntityCell-{0}
  760. Cannot lock spawn points twice on the same cell.
  761. Cell {0}: Updating encounter: {1}
  762. Updated S2 cell contains deleted spawn point: {0}
  763. Removing cell {0}
  764. ignoring GetMapObjectsOutProto map cellwith old AsOfTimeMs: {0}
  765. ignoring GetMapObjectsOutProto map cell with no AsOfTimeMs
  766. Got mapObject cells: {0}
  767. Failed getting mapObject cells: {0}
  768. mismatch between the cells and timestamps count
  769. Clearing the map cell cache.
  770. Failed to start encounter with IncenseMapPokemon
  771. incense
  772. Failed to encounter incense pokemon: {0}
  773. general_pokemon_inventory_full
  774. Failed to start incense encounter, inventory is full.
  775. Successfully encountering incense Pokemon: {0}
  776. Incense encounter returned different Pokemon than displayed on map: {0}
  777. No PTC login URLs found for language {0}, defaulting to English.
  778. [a-zA-ZÀ-ÿ\d_+]
  779. ptc_auth_failed
  780. Clearing cached age gate submission.
  781. 80a6f7e6-1a8d-442e-bd95-74c795242b3f
  782. Authentication failed state: {0}
  783. google_auth_failed
  784. ZoomedIn
  785. Expire
  786. Not spawning Troy disk encounter {0} as it has been blacklisted by the local client.
  787. Unexpected Lucky Egg RPC response: {0}
  788. Not spawning incense encounter {0} as it has been blacklisted by the local client.
  789. Unexpected incense RPC response: {0}
  790. {0}:{1:D2}
  791. item_bag_irrelevant
  792. buff_already_applied
  793. Incubate
  794. / {0}
  795. {0}-{1}
  796. Substituting debug country code
  797. Substituting debug language
  798. vi
  799. uk
  800. tr
  801. th
  802. sv
  803. es
  804. sl
  805. sk
  806. sh
  807. ru
  808. ro
  809. pt
  810. pl
  811. lv
  812. it
  813. hu
  814. iw
  815. el
  816. de
  817. fr
  818. fi
  819. fo
  820. en
  821. nl
  822. da
  823. cs
  824. zh
  825. ca
  826. bg
  827. by
  828. eu
  829. ar
  830. af
  831. GB
  832. SE
  833. ES
  834. SI
  835. SK
  836. RO
  837. PT
  838. PL
  839. NL
  840. MT
  841. LU
  842. LV
  843. IT
  844. IE
  845. HU
  846. DE
  847. FR
  848. FI
  849. EE
  850. DK
  851. CZ
  852. CY
  853. HR
  854. BG
  855. BE
  856. AT
  857. ""
  858. The key {0} @{1}:{2} does not contain {3}.
  859. The key {0} @{1}:{2} does not contain {3}, fallback to English.
  860. The table {0} does not contain {1}, fallback to English.
  861. The table {0} must contain English.
  862. The first column must be "Key" {0}, {1}.
  863. Failed to read header from TSV file for {0}, {1}.
  864. move_desc_
  865. move_name_
  866. pokemon_category_
  867. pokemon_desc_
  868. D4
  869. pokemon_name_
  870. _desc
  871. _name
  872. _value_format
  873. _title
  874. Format exception for key <{0}>:{1}
  875. user_tasks
  876. conversations
  877. moves
  878. items
  879. pokemon
  880. general
  881. Failed to release Pokemon {0}: {1}
  882. action.release_pokemon
  883. Pokemon nickname failed {0}
  884. action.nickname_pokemon
  885. nickname
  886. Pokemon favorite failed {0}
  887. action.favorite_pokemon
  888. favorite
  889. Failed to evolve Pokemon {0}: {1}
  890. action.evolve_pokemon
  891. pokemon_cp_evolved
  892. pokemon_id_evolved
  893. update.pokemon_inventory
  894. pokemon_count
  895. Sending favorite request for Pokemon {0}, {1}
  896. Attempting to favorite a Pokemon that is not in the Pokemon bag.
  897. Sending nickname request for Pokemon {0}, {1}
  898. Attempting to nickname a Pokemon that is not in the Pokemon bag.
  899. Sending evolve request for Pokemon {0}
  900. Cannot evolve a Pokemon that is not in the Pokemon bag.
  901. Sending release request for Pokemon {0}
  902. Attempting to release a Pokemon that is not in the Pokemon bag.
  903. Player
  904. Failed to use revive: {0}
  905. Failed to use potion: {0}
  906. Failed to use item {0} in encounter
  907. Recycle item failed {0}
  908. item_count
  909. update.item_bag
  910. Sending recyle request for item {0}
  911. in encounter.
  912. Sending encounter use request for item {0}
  913. on Pokemon.
  914. Cannot use
  915. Cannot use revive on non-fainted Pokemon.
  916. Cannot use potion on Pokemon at max stamina.
  917. Sending request to use item {0} on Pokemon {1}
  918. Image Downloaded: {0}, {1:f2}mbTexture Cache Limit: {2}mbCache {3:f1}% full
  919. Error downloading image:
  920. [ImageDownloadService] Error downloading image {0} : {1}
  921. Removed stale image from cache: {0:f2}mb freed
  922. team_name_team0
  923. LevelDown
  924. LevelUp
  925. gym_results_timed_out
  926. gym_results_defeat
  927. gym_results_victory
  928. +#;-#;0
  929. gym_results_xp_awarded
  930. gym_results_pokemon_defeated
  931. general_cp
  932. RedGoBehind
  933. team_red_intro
  934. RedSlideIn
  935. BlueGoBehind
  936. team_blue_intro
  937. BlueSlideIn
  938. YellowGoBehind
  939. team_yellow_intro
  940. YellowSlideIn
  941. first_time_gym_team_intro
  942. first_time_gym_low_level
  943. pick_team_rejection
  944. pick_team{0}_desc
  945. YellowSelected
  946. RedSelected
  947. BlueSelected
  948. Loading...
  949. SteveTheGym
  950. Level: {0}Tier: {3}Prestige: {1}Animation: {2}
  952. gym_inrange
  953. gym_team
  954. gym_points
  955. {0} / {1}
  956. (no FortId)
  957. User failed to start a Gym Battle at {0}
  958. No picture found for Gym {0}. Lat: {1}, Long: {2}
  959. inRange
  960. Team
  961. Error starting initial battle: {0}
  962. Error starting successive battle: {0}
  963. Ending battle with status: {0}
  964. Gym
  965. common_empty
  966. GymLevel[FirstLevel: {0}, LastLevel: {1}, GymPointsStart: {2}, GymPointsEnd: {3}, LevelNumber: {4}, TierNumber: {5}]
  967. TransitionSpeed
  968. Tier
  969. SwapLogo
  970. InstantChange
  971. _EnvironmentColor
  972. Spin {0} for {1}, but spinning is not implemented.
  973. Squish {0} for {1}
  974. Sink {0} to {1}, but sinking is not implemented.
  975. Scale {0} to {1}
  976. gym_battle_lockout
  977. gym_deploy_lockout
  978. gym_gym_is_too_far
  979. action.deploy_pokemon
  980. gym_pokemon_count
  981. gym_prestige
  982. gym_id
  983. pokemon_cp
  984. Deploy returned with status: {0}
  985. Send deployment of pokemon {0} to server
  986. gym_deploy_confirmation
  987. gym_level
  988. getCountryName
  989. getAdminArea
  990. getLocality
  991. pokemon_info_address_format
  992. getFromLocation
  993. Failed to find address
  994. {0:F3},{1:F3}
  995. style=feature:landscape|color:0x8fef84&style=feature:road|element:geometry.fill|color:0x61a493&style=feature:road|element:geometry.stroke|color:0xf2ff8b|weight:2&style=feature:water|color:0x5bc6ff&style=feature:poi|element:labels.icon|visibility:off&style=feature:poi.park|color:0x0bb190&style=feature:road|element:labels.icon&style=element:labels.text.fill|color:0xffffff&style=element:labels.text.stroke|color:0x707070
  996. android.location.Geocoder
  997. Failed to get settings from the server:{0}
  998. Received new settings: {0}
  999. GameMasterData update failed: {0}
  1000. GameMasterData received null response from RPCService
  1001. fx/{0}
  1002. Error writing file to {0}{1}
  1003. Launch speed: <b>{0}</b> Input speed: <b>{1}</b> Perfect speed: <b>{2}</b>Angle: <b>{3}</b> Spin amount: <b>{4}</b>
  1004. No Waist bone found to set collider height.
  1005. No Waist bone found to set collider radius.
  1006. No Head bone found to set collider radius.
  1007. No capture probability to set reticle with.
  1008. Fly
  1009. NumShakes
  1010. Drop
  1011. IsDragging
  1012. Closed
  1013. Close
  1014. Spawn
  1015. Breakout
  1016. Monsterball
  1017. Unknown ball type:
  1018. Gyroscope is not available.
  1019. Pulse
  1020. BerryBonus
  1021. Error completing encounter.
  1022. Enounter Result: {1} Encounter: {0}
  1023. Directory not found: {0}
  1024. IMG_{0:yyyy-MM-dd-HHmmssff}.png
  1025. /mnt/sdcard/Pictures/PokemonGO/
  1026. Have yet to implement movement type, defaulting to jump
  1027. encounter_unknown_cp
  1028. Use
  1029. Show
  1030. x{0}
  1031. action.catch_pokemon
  1032. miss_percent
  1033. curve
  1034. hit
  1035. balltype
  1036. height
  1037. weight
  1038. cp
  1039. pokemon_id
  1040. map_pokemon_type
  1041. status
  1042. An item selection GUI is already open.
  1043. encounter_berry_already_used
  1044. encounter_out_of_berries
  1045. encounter_item_berries
  1046. encounter_item_pokeballs
  1047. <b>{0}</b>
  1048. encounter_nice_throw
  1049. encounter_great_throw
  1050. encounter_excellent_throw
  1051. encounter_pokemon_broke_free
  1052. encounter_pokemon_was_caught
  1053. encounter_gotcha
  1054. encounter_caught_metamon
  1055. encounter_wild_pokemon_appeared
  1056. CaptureCamera
  1057. ar_encounter_no_gyro_err
  1058. MapPokemon was destroyed during the Approach animation, bailing out
  1059. _MainTex_Matrix
  1060. GlobalSettings
  1061. DeferredInvoke
  1062. Invisible
  1063. EggHatch
  1064. NewSpecies
  1065. Evolve
  1066. Attempting to complete an expired StateToken.
  1067. State Machine ({0}): {1}
  1068. Exception thrown while completing state {0}:{1}
  1069. Error parsing version response: {0}
  1070. Error retrieving version URL: {0}
  1071. https://{0}/{1}
  1072. err_taking_you_to_app_store
  1073. err_update_now
  1074. err_location_not_measured
  1075. err_gps_silent
  1076. err_no_internet
  1077. This platform doesn't have an app store url
  1078. Error extracting key from game item. The client doesn't know about an item type.
  1079. Unknown Item enum in inventory. This might be new on the server
  1080. Verify Challenge Unsuccessful
  1081. Empty token received from challenge webpage.
  1082. {0}?language={1}&cb={2}
  1083. t should be in the range [0, 1]
  1084. MapCharacters
  1085. DepthOnly-Clone
  1086. Building
  1087. WorldMap
  1088. Hidden/DepthOnly
  1089. Problem with setting buddy: {0}
  1090. buddy_walked_found_candy
  1091. Earned candy from walking buddy: {0}, {1}
  1092. CancelBuddySwap
  1093. ConfirmBuddySwap
  1094. loaded
  1095. buddy_chosen
  1096. NewBuddyPreload
  1097. buddy_total_walked
  1098. pokemon_info_candy_label
  1099. {0:0.#}
  1100. <!> Failed to boot step
  1101. GetRemoteConfigVersions RPC failed
  1102. <!> Failed to get remote config versions
  1103. <i> GetRemoteConfigVersions {0}s
  1104. err_get_digest
  1105. Invalid auth state: {0}
  1106. Loading Scene
  1107. MapBoot
  1108. Not executing Highlight Fx because attackAffector not FOUND {0}
  1109. battle_surrender_confirmation
  1110. Dodge
  1111. ReticleOn
  1112. Letterbox
  1113. Seq: {0}, name: {1}
  1114. ToastFadeInOut
  1115. F0
  1116. Attempting to set energy at {0}, but canonical energy was set at {1}
  1117. Attempting to set health at {0}, but canonical health was set at {1}
  1118. Attempting to add energy delta at {0}, but canonical energy was set at {1}
  1119. Attempting to add health delta at {0}, but canonical health was set at {1}
  1120. Error starting battle: {0}
  1121. Received AttackGymOutProto for mismatched battleId.
  1122. Error returned sending AttackGymCallback.
  1123. pokeball_exit
  1124. Waist
  1125. Sounds/
  1126. Damage
  1127. Attack
  1128. Seq: Invalid wait time: '{0}'
  1129. VFX: {0}, mod: {1}, actor: {2}, action: {3}
  1130. atk-move
  1131. Seq default
  1132. Seq: {0}, name: {1}, stage: {2}
  1133. seq_transform_fast
  1134. battle_special_toast
  1135. ui-sync
  1136. complete
  1137. seq_outro
  1138. seq_ding
  1139. seq_return
  1140. seq_faint
  1141. seq_intro
  1142. attack_dodge
  1143. super_effective
  1144. not_very_effective
  1145. {0}/{1}
  1146. Action start: {0}, Attacker: {1}, Type: {2}, ActivePokemonId: {3}, Duration: {4}
  1147. Changing active Pokemon to {0}
  1148. Ignoring new BattleLog as battle has already completed with status {0}
  1149. battle_round_number
  1150. training_round_number
  1151. ShowUsernames
  1152. battle_round_victory
  1153. Activate
  1154. Visible
  1155. isActivated
  1156. badge_capture_bonus_reward
  1157. /{0}
  1158. hasBaby
  1159. skin_
  1160. f_
  1161. m_
  1162. Unexpected customization slot:
  1163. Unexpected avatar model requested
  1164. No pattern set on asset: {0}
  1165. Couldn't find part {0} to replace with mesh {1}
  1166. Avatar mesh is baked
  1167. speed
  1168. _playerPosition
  1169. blink
  1170. Attempted to focus on color choice {0}, but it was not found in the swatch data.
  1171. item_name
  1172. equipped
  1173. color_icon
  1174. group_skin
  1175. avatarId
  1176. PlayerProto contains null avatar data. Assigning default instead.
  1177. Avatar item is purchasable, unowned, but not IAP item: {0}
  1178. Could not find group "{0}"in avatar items list
  1179. item_price
  1180. nameplate
  1181. selected
  1182. coin
  1183. sale
  1184. locked
  1185. owned
  1186. item_icon
  1187. Item {0} can not be added to group, group {1} differs from existing group {2}
  1188. Item {0} can not be added to group, icon {1} differs from group icon {2}
  1190. AvatarItemList was null when trying to display items.
  1191. usage.avatarshop.purchase_error
  1192. RequestClothingBundle Failed with status: {0}
  1193. isActive
  1194. usage.avatarshop.open_store
  1195. usage.avatarshop.equip_item
  1196. Cannot equip, no current item
  1197. usage.avatarshop.show_quick_shop
  1198. has_enough_coins
  1199. iap_sku
  1200. usage.avatarshop.purchase_item
  1201. Cannot purchase, no current item
  1202. avatar_lock_badge
  1203. avatar_lock_level
  1204. color
  1205. asset_name
  1206. usage.avatarshop.select_color
  1207. No customization options found in game object: {0}
  1208. ColorOption not found. Item: {0}, Bundle: {1}
  1209. Unsupported: OpenColorPicker with items from different bundles: {0}
  1210. item_group
  1211. usage.avatarshop.select_item_group
  1212. Could not add {0} to group {1}
  1213. [AvatarItemColorChoice(Id: {0})]
  1214. Failed to set avatar: {0}
  1215. onboard_avatar_already_set
  1216. general_error
  1217. general_network_error
  1218. SetAvatar RPC failed
  1219. Character
  1220. Could not apply avatar item to unknown Slot: {0}
  1221. Could find avatar item for unknown Slot: {0}
  1222. No GMT data found for: {0}
  1223. Iap avatar item without sku defined in store: {0}
  1224. Attempt to purchase item item already owned: {0}
  1225. Attempt to purchase item not purchaseable: {0}
  1226. Couldn't find option {0} on asset {1}. Resorting to default color option.
  1227. Color option index {0} out of range for asset {1}
  1228. [AvatarCustomizationOption(Name: {0}, Slots: {1}, Id: {2})]
  1229. customization_not_set
  1230. usage.avatarshop.open_features
  1231. onboard_done_customization
  1232. group_name
  1233. usage.avatarshop.select_slot
  1234. Loaded avatar bundle {0} doesn't have any AvatarCustomizationOption component
  1235. Failed to load clothing icon {0}: {1}
  1236. Failed to load clothing {0}: {1}
  1237. Failed to find asset {0}, using fallback
  1238. Avatar Icon Bundle Cache
  1239. Avatar Bundle Cache
  1240. niantic
  1241. "birthdate":"([0-9]+)-([0-9]+)-([0-9]+)"
  1243. &client_id=mobile-app_pokemon-go
  1244. access_token=
  1245. Unable to parse access token
  1246. expires=([^&]+)
  1247. access_token=([^&]+)
  1249. &code=
  1250. &grant_type=refresh_token
  1251. w8ScCUXJQc6kXKw8FiOhd8Fixzht18Dq3PEVkUCP5ZPxtgyWsbTvWHFLm2wNY0JR
  1252. &client_secret=
  1253. &
  1254. client_id=mobile-app_pokemon-go
  1255. ticket=([^&]+)
  1256. application/x-www-form-urlencoded
  1258. &locale={0}
  1259. &password=
  1260. &username=
  1261. &_eventId=submit
  1262. &execution=
  1263. lt=
  1264. Invalid response
  1267. MBkFCzOV+6fMiTPNED+TvexB7eyTTtjpNIi70kDRhjKgN/XQD3VIKCgrHIpUpR4G
  1268. 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
  1269. 6gquDqz3vbmWzbWMhu3vbpBhzglcWW6gO804BJIiNRY=
  1270. ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789-_.~
  1271. Invalid locale
  1272. nb
  1273. jp
  1274. nn
  1275. 5750bac0-483c-4131-80fd-6b047b2ca7b4
  1276. Error attempting to retrieve minimum client version.
  1277. Initial PTC login failed.
  1278. Get Player Fail with status: {0}
  1279. Authorization failed.
  1280. TokenManager failed to authorize login.
  1281. Unable to complete initial version check.
  1283. ptc
  1284. ptc_error_activation_required
  1285. screen.error
  1286. screen.service.sso.error
  1287. screen.service.error
  1288. users.login.missing_terms
  1289. users.login.activation_required
  1290. Clearing all cached auth data. This should only be called when testing.
  1291. ResetScene
  1292. Unsupported cached token provider.
  1293. 60b01025-c1ea-422c-9b0e-d70bf489de7f
  1294. b7cde183-53c5-416e-9814-43d911e70b7f
  1295. e12a216a-121e-11e6-a148-3e1d05defe78
  1296. PLAY
  1297. PAUSE
  1298. This button is missing an AudioClip.
  1299. {0} was already queued before calling PlayMusic. Consider using PlayQueuedMusic next time.
  1300. One Shot Audio
  1301. Attempting to play a NULL AudioClip
  1302. Attempting to play a NULL AudioSource
  1303. _uv2
  1304. _uv1
  1305. _uv0
  1306. {0} : Unable to set id for {1}
  1307. Center_Socket
  1308. Ground_Socket
  1309. Body_Socket
  1310. Face_Socket
  1311. Halo_Socket
  1312. Head
  1313. Jaw
  1314. No corresponding file in Resources for asset bundle: {0}
  1315. Unable to load asset bundle {0} from corresponding file in Resources
  1316. {0}/{1}/{2}
  1317. android
  1318. Ran out of Pokemon sprite fallbacks.
  1319. Unable to find form icon variant for Pokemon icon {0}
  1320. Unable to find costume icon variant for Pokemon icon {0}
  1321. Unable to find shiny icon variant for Pokemon icon {0}
  1322. Failed to load Pokemon sprite {0}: {1}
  1323. No form settings found for Pokemon {0}
  1324. _shiny
  1325. _{0:00}
  1326. pokemon_icon_{0:000}
  1327. pm{0:0000}_{1:00}
  1328. pm{0:0000}
  1329. Bundle {0} does not exist in asset digest. Falling back to default form.
  1330. Pokemon Icon Cache
  1331. Pokemon Bundle Cache
  1332. Failed to load asset bundle from byte array.
  1333. Asset {0} broken, wrong CRC
  1334. Failed to download bundle {0}
  1335. Unable to decrypt stream for bundle {0}
  1336. Failed to download or decrypt bundle {0} after {1} attempts.
  1337. Error deleting corrupted file {0}: {1}
  1338. Bundle {0} not found in asset digest
  1339. Failed to download {0}URL {1}Error: {2}
  1340. .bundle
  1341. Unable to delete file {0}: {1}
  1342. Clearing local asset cache.
  1343. bundles
  1344. Could not find expected cloud URL entry for {0}
  1345. CloudURL refresh FAILED, No more automatic retries
  1346. Unable to retrieve cloud URL for {0}
  1347. AssetDigest refresh error: {0}
  1348. AssetDigest refresh : no new digest
  1349. AssetDigest refresh : invalid entry for bundle {0}
  1350. AssetDigest refresh: Digest empty.
  1351. GetDownloadURL RPC failed: {0}
  1352. Could not find expected cloud URL entry for assetId {0}
  1353. {0} dl url : missing url from RPCService
  1354. {0} dl url : null response from RPCService
  1355. AssetDigest refresh : FAILED, No more automatic retries
  1356. AssetDigest refresh : No update, {0} minutes between last refresh
  1357. Did not find expected asset ID {0}
  1358. {0} dl url : not in entries
  1359. Requested URL for asset {0} before digest is ready.
  1360. Decode asset got exception: {0}
  1361. Asset bundle {0} is corrupt.
  1362. Got exception: {0}
  1363. doFinal
  1364. AES
  1365. javax.crypto.spec.SecretKeySpec
  1366. javax.crypto.spec.IvParameterSpec
  1367. AES/CBC/PKCS5Padding
  1368. getInstance
  1369. javax.crypto.Cipher
  1370. PFAi$;]G7Rg>kz4w
  1371. CloudStoreBundleLoader
  1372. privacy_policy_url
  1373. privacy_policy_button
  1374. general_ok
  1375. privacy_policy_update_notice
  1376. Porygon API {0} failed with status {1}
  1377. HealthKit permissions: {0}
  1378. Location permissions: {0}
  1379. Exception Thrown in Animation Func: {0}
  1380. .unity
  1381. TestComponent
  1382. IntegrationTest Fail
  1383. IntegrationTest Pass
  1384. Idle2Transition
  1385. Breadcrumb: {0}
  1386. _instance
  1387. {0} Missing PokemonModel : {1}
  1388. Can't play attack animation: Invalid Move ID {0}
  1389. ModelScale GMT missing for Pokemon {0}
  1390. GameMasterDataService update failed: {0}
  1391. loop01
  1392. down01
  1393. damageS01
  1394. tokusyu01
  1395. buturi01
  1396. land01
  1397. waitB01
  1398. waitA01
  1399. sequence_
  1400. Avatar Customization: Couldn't find proto for clothing id: {0}
  1401. avatar_{0}
  1402. Prefabs/Items/it{0:0000}
  1403. No goal higher than {0} for badge type {1}, getting closest lower tier
  1404. Problem getting exact goal of {0} for badge type {1}, trying to get next highest tier
  1405. {0:0.0}
  1406. Resize =
  1407. Columns =
  1408. 0.57.4
  1409. a96546ce-b8f6-4c74-a946-5cce16a8cb47
  1410. 5644ec0f8d4d8c0a00d081f1
  1412. setLogcatReportingEnabled
  1413. isLogcatReportingEnabled
  1414. setCustomVersionName
  1415. getCustomVersionName
  1417. at
  1418. Logged:
  1419. getTransactionValue
  1420. setTransactionValue
  1421. failTransaction
  1422. endTransaction
  1423. beginTransaction
  1424. leaveBreadcrumb
  1425. setMetadata
  1426. put
  1427. org.json.JSONObject
  1428. Crittercism.SetMetadata given arrays of different lengths
  1429. setUsername
  1430. _logCrashException
  1431. _logHandledException
  1432. :
  1433. initialize
  1434. CrittercismAndroid failed to initialize. Unable to find class
  1435. Initializing Crittercism with app id
  1436. CrittercismAndroid is already initialized.
  1437. Raycast hit something
  1438. Raycast fired
  1439. GetCachedOrDownloadGameMasterClientTemplates RPC failed
  1440. No localization string found for: {0}
  1441. BRB_CHAR_FX
  1442. _CharacterColor
  1443. Cannot create particle instance from null prefab.
  1444. Failed to find child {0} for particle effect {1}
  1445. CreateParticle: Failed to find MainCamera
  1446. Failed to create particle
  1447. Monsterball/Origin
  1448. Load Prefab: failed to load {0}
  1449. _{0:0000}
  1450. fx/{0}{1}
  1451. Failed to find child {0}
  1452. AnimAttackEvent.AttackEvent is deprecated and should be removed from animations on {0}
  1453. Failed to find MainCamera to parent particle to.
  1454. MainCamera
  1455. Origin/Waist/Spine1/Spine2/RShoulder2/RArm2/RForeArm2/RHand2
  1456. Origin/Waist/Spine1/Spine2/RShoulder/RArm/RForeArm/RHand
  1457. Origin/Waist/Spine/RShoulder/RArm/RForeArm/RHand
  1458. Origin/Waist/Spine1/Spine2/RArm/RForeArm/RHand
  1459. Origin/Waist/Spine/RArm/RForeArm/RHand
  1460. Origin/Waist/RArm/RForeArm/RHand
  1461. Origin/Waist/RHand
  1462. Origin/Waist/RFeelerA/RFeelerB/RFeelerC
  1463. Origin/Waist/Spine1/Spine2/Spine3/Spine4/Spine5/Neck/Head/UpperBeak/Teeth
  1464. Origin/Waist/Spine1/Spine2/Spine3/Spine4/Spine5/Spine6/Spine7/Head
  1465. Origin/Waist/Spine1/Spine2/Spine3/Neck1/Neck2/Head
  1466. Origin/Waist/Spine1/Spine2/Neck1/Neck2/Neck3/Head
  1467. Origin/Waist/Spine1/Spine2/Neck1/Neck2/Head
  1468. Origin/Waist/Spine1/Spine2/Neck/Head
  1469. Origin/Waist/Spine1/Spine2/Head
  1470. Origin/Waist/Spine/Head
  1471. Origin/Waist/Neck1/Neck2/Neck3/Head
  1472. Origin/Waist/Neck/Head
  1473. Origin/Waist/Head
  1474. Origin/Waist
  1475. Origin
  1476. Unable to parse AnimAttackEvent id for {0}
  1477. TopMenuClose
  1478. ActionClose
  1480. TopMenuOpen
  1481. ActionOpen
  1482. GoForward
  1483. GoBack
  1484. canGoForward
  1485. canGoBack
  1486. javascript:
  1487. LoadURL
  1488. SetVisibility
  1489. SetMargins
  1490. Destroy
  1491. Init
  1492. net.gree.unitywebview.CWebViewPlugin
  1493. [UpsightReward] productIdentifier: {0}, quantity: {1}, signatureData: {2}, billboardScope: {3}
  1494. billboardScope
  1495. signatureData
  1496. quantity
  1497. productIdentifier
  1498. [UpsightPurchase] productIdentifier: {0}, quantity: {1}, billboardScope: {2}
  1499. {}[],:"
  1500. UpsightManager
  1501. No UpsightManager Component on GameObject
  1502. onApplicationResumed
  1503. onApplicationPaused
  1504. setShouldSynchronizeManagedVariables
  1506. unregisterForPushNotifications
  1507. registerForPushNotifications
  1508. recordAttributionEvent
  1509. recordGooglePlayPurchase
  1510. recordMonetizationEvent
  1511. destroyBillboard
  1512. prepareBillboard
  1513. isContentReadyForBillboardWithScope
  1514. recordMilestoneEvent
  1515. recordAnalyticsEvent
  1516. recordSessionlessAnalyticsEvent
  1517. getLatestSessionStartTimestamp
  1518. getLatestSessionNumber
  1519. purgeLocation
  1520. setLocation
  1521. getManagedBool
  1522. getManagedInt
  1523. getManagedFloat
  1524. getManagedString
  1525. getUserAttributesDatetime
  1526. getUserAttributesBool
  1527. getUserAttributesInt
  1528. getUserAttributesFloat
  1529. getUserAttributesString
  1530. setUserAttributesDatetime
  1531. setUserAttributesBool
  1532. setUserAttributesInt
  1533. setUserAttributesFloat
  1534. setUserAttributesString
  1535. setOptOutStatus
  1536. getOptOutStatus
  1537. getPluginVersion
  1538. UnityEditor
  1539. setLoggerLevel
  1540. getSid
  1541. getPublicKey
  1542. UnityEditor-Key
  1543. getAppToken
  1544. UnityEditor-Token
  1545. Upsight Push Extension not included.
  1547. Upsight Marketing Extension not included.
  1548. registerExtension
  1550. Upsight initialization failed!
  1551. Upsight initialization failed! JNI Exception thrown:
  1552. Upsight.init() was called but the SDK is currently disabled due to Upsight.sdkEnabled. Upsight will not initialize.
  1553. setEnabled
  1554. isEnabled
  1556. _Luminance
  1557. _BlurDistance
  1558. _AxialAberration
  1559. _ChromaticAberration
  1560. _VignetteTex
  1561. _Blur
  1562. _Feather
  1563. _Wipe
  1564. No valid adaptive tonemapper type found!
  1565. _SmallTex
  1566. _HdrParams
  1567. _AdaptionSpeed
  1568. _ExposureAdjustment
  1569. _Curve
  1570. _RangeScale
  1571. _Blurred
  1572. _BlurArea
  1573. _BlurSize
  1574. _SunColor
  1575. _Skybox
  1576. _SunThreshold
  1577. _SunPosition
  1578. _BlurRadius4
  1579. _SSAO
  1580. _TexelOffsetScale
  1581. _Params
  1582. _NoiseScale
  1583. _FarCorner
  1584. _RandomTexture
  1585. _AOTex
  1586. _Axis
  1587. _BlurFilterDistance
  1588. _Radius2
  1589. _Radius
  1590. _Rand
  1591. _ProjectionInv
  1592. _ProjInfo
  1593. _ProjInfoRight
  1594. _ProjInfoLeft
  1595. _Overlay
  1596. _UV_Transform
  1597. OnRenderImage in Helper called ...
  1598. is not part of the Unity 3.2+ effects suite anymore. For best performance and quality, please ensure you are using the latest Standard Assets Image Effects (Pro only) package.
  1599. has been disabled as it's not supported on the current platform.
  1600. The image effect
  1601. should be overwritten.
  1602. CheckResources () for
  1603. is not supported on this platform!
  1604. on effect
  1605. The shader
  1606. Missing shader in
  1607. _ScratchOffsetScale
  1608. _GrainOffsetScale
  1609. _ScratchTex
  1610. _GrainTex
  1611. Noise shaders are not set up! Disabling noise effect.
  1612. _NoiseTilingPerChannel
  1613. _NoiseAmount
  1614. _MidGrey
  1615. _NoisePerChannel
  1616. _DX11NoiseTime
  1617. Noise & Grain effect failing as noise texture is not assigned. please assign.
  1618. _AccumOrig
  1619. _Angle
  1620. _CenterRadius
  1621. _RotationMatrix
  1622. _SceneFogMode
  1623. _SceneFogParams
  1624. _DistanceParams
  1625. _HeightParams
  1626. _CameraWS
  1627. _FrustumCornersWS
  1628. _Threshold
  1629. _Exponent
  1630. _BgColor
  1631. _SampleDistance
  1632. _BgFade
  1633. _Sensitivity
  1634. _ArScale
  1635. _Source
  1636. _TapHigh
  1637. _TapLowForeground
  1638. _TapLowBackground
  1639. _TapMedium
  1640. _TapLow
  1641. _InvRenderTargetSize
  1642. _ForegroundBlurExtrude
  1643. _LowRez
  1644. _Screen
  1645. pointBuffer
  1646. _FgCocMask
  1647. _BokehParams
  1648. _SpawnHeuristic
  1649. _BlurredColor
  1650. _CurveParams
  1651. _FgOverlap
  1652. _LrDepthTex
  1653. _HrDepthTex
  1654. _AdaptParams
  1655. _CurTex
  1656. _AdaptTex
  1657. intensity
  1658. _MainTexBlurred
  1659. _ClutTex
  1660. _Offset
  1661. _Scale
  1662. Couldn't color correct with 3D LUT texture. Image Effect will be disabled.
  1663. cannot be used as a 3D LUT.
  1664. The given 2D texture
  1665. targetColor
  1666. selColor
  1667. _RgbDepthTex
  1668. _ZCurve
  1669. _RgbTex
  1670. _MotionBlurTmpCam
  1671. _SoftZDistance
  1672. _DisplayVelocityScale
  1673. _BlurDirectionPacked
  1674. _TileTexDebug
  1675. _NeighbourMaxTex
  1676. _VelTex
  1677. _NoiseTex
  1678. _Jitter
  1679. _VelocityScale
  1680. _MinVelocity
  1681. _MaxRadiusOrKInPaper
  1682. _MaxVelocity
  1683. _StereoToPrevViewProjCombined1
  1684. _StereoToPrevViewProjCombined0
  1685. _ToPrevViewProjCombined
  1686. _PrevViewProj
  1687. _InvViewProj
  1688. _Bloom
  1689. _Parameter
  1690. vignetteIntensity
  1691. useSrcAlphaAsMask
  1692. threshold
  1693. stretchWidth
  1694. tintColor
  1695. _threshold
  1696. offsets
  1697. colorD
  1698. colorC
  1699. colorB
  1700. colorA
  1701. _ColorBuffer
  1702. _Intensity
  1703. _StretchWidth
  1704. _Saturation
  1705. _Threshhold
  1706. _Offsets
  1707. _Blend
  1708. _BlurRadius
  1709. _OffsetScale
  1710. _EdgeSharpness
  1711. _EdgeThreshold
  1712. _EdgeThresholdMin
  1713. TouchScript
  1714. [TouchScript] No input source found, adding StandardInput. (this message is harmless)
  1715. [TouchScript] No camera layer found, adding CameraLayer for the main camera. (this message is harmless)
  1716. TouchManager Instance
  1717. UI Layer
  1718. [TouchScript] Only one instance of UILayer should exist in a scene. Destroying.
  1719. Layer
  1720. No Main camera found!
  1721. Fullscreen @
  1722. Global Fullscreen
  1723. No Camera found for CameraLayer '
  1724. ObjectId
  1725. RotationAcceleration
  1726. RotationVelocity
  1727. Area
  1728. Height
  1729. Width
  1730. Angle
  1731. TUIO
  1732. [TouchScript] Initialized Unity touch input.
  1733. [TouchScript] Initialized Unity mouse input.
  1734. Pen
  1735. [TouchScript] MouseInput is deprecated! Please use StandardInput instead.
  1736. Mouse
  1737. [TouchScript] MobileInput is deprecated! Please use StandardInput instead.
  1738. Touch
  1739. TouchManager instance is required!
  1740. OnTap
  1741. OnRelease
  1742. OnPress
  1743. OnTouchCancelled
  1744. OnTouchEnded
  1745. OnTouchMoved
  1746. OnTouchBegan
  1747. OnLongPress
  1748. wait
  1749. OnGestureCancel
  1750. No GesturehManager found! Please add an instance of GesturehManager to the scene!
  1751. No TouchManager found! Please add an instance of TouchManager to the scene!
  1752. OnGestureStateChange
  1753. OnFlick
  1754. OnTransformComplete
  1755. OnTransform
  1756. OnTransformStart
  1757. Gesture {0} erroneously tried to enter state {1} from state {2}
  1758. GestureManager Instance
  1759. (Laptop)
  1760. ^(.*mobile.*|intel hd graphics.*|.*m\s*(series)?\s*(opengl engine)?)$
  1761. Unknown Device
  1762. TouchVisualizer must be on an UI element!
  1763. inactive touch
  1764. TouchProxy must be on an UI element!
  1765. Tags:
  1766. Id:
  1767. Touch id:
  1768. _MaskOnValue
  1769. _MaskOffValue
  1770. _RampOffset
  1771. _MaskTex
  1772. _RampTex
  1773. .cs
  1774. /Scripts/
  1775. Assets/Extern/
  1776. Lunar Mobile Console
  1777. LunarConsole
  1779. 0.0.8b
  1780. height:
  1781. width:
  1782. y:
  1783. x:
  1784. You ran out of GUI Element spaces
  1785. Your GUI normal color has an alpha of zero, and will not be rendered.
  1786. hasInitiliazed:
  1787. id:
  1788. useEstimatedTime:
  1789. ease:
  1790. type:
  1791. to:
  1792. from:
  1793. delay:
  1794. time:
  1795. passed:
  1796. toggle:
  1797. gameObject:null
  1798. gameObject:
  1799. LeanTween - When passing values for a vector path, they must be in sets of four: controlPoint1, controlPoint2, endPoint2, controlPoint2, controlPoint2...
  1800. LeanTween - When passing values for a vector path, you must pass four or more values!
  1801. You ran out of areas to add listeners, consider increasing INIT_LISTENERS_MAX, ex: LeanTween.INIT_LISTENERS_MAX =
  1802. );
  1803. LeanTween - You have run out of available spaces for tweening. To avoid this error increase the number of spaces to available for tweening when you initialize the LeanTween class ex: LeanTween.init(
  1804. error this function is no longer used
  1805. _TintColor
  1806. ~LeanTween
  1807. </color>
  1808. <color=
  1809. </b>
  1810. <b>
  1811. set LeanTest.expected =
  1812. Too many tests for a final report!
  1813. FAILED:
  1814. _____________________ PASSED:
  1815. Final Report:
  1816. -
  1817. red
  1818. fail
  1819. green
  1820. pass
  1821. [
  1822. Item_
  1823. ) counts are not equal
  1824. ) and listItemSizes (
  1825. The data (
  1826. Only 2 coefficients supported.
  1827. Matrix / vector dimension mismatch
  1828. setUnityApplicationState
  1829. injectKeyPress
  1830. injectSingleTap
  1831. launchConfigureActivity
  1832. setTouchCoordinates
  1833. setTapIsTrigger
  1834. setShowVrBackButtonOnlyInVR
  1835. setVRBackButtonEnabled
  1836. setAlignmentMarkerEnabled
  1837. setSettingsButtonEnabled
  1838. setVRModeEnabled
  1839. getDisplayMetrics
  1841. EndOfFrame
  1842. Cardboard SDK object should be a singleton.
  1843. Built-in UI layer disabled. Causes: [
  1844. Built-in distortion correction disabled. Causes: [
  1845. Creating new default cardboard screen texture
  1846. Unable to determine Unity version from:
  1847. 4.5
  1848. $1
  1849. (\d+\.\d+)\..*
  1850. Unity 4.5+ is needed for UnityRenderEvent
  1851. Debug override
  1852. Exception calling method
  1853. Object is null when calling method
  1854. Exception calling static method
  1855. Object is null when calling static method
  1856. Exception creating object
  1857. Exception getting class
  1858. Exception while connecting to the Activity:
  1859. Cannot access Activity
  1860. setNavigationBarColor
  1861. setStatusBarColor
  1862. setFlags
  1863. setSystemUiVisibility
  1864. getDecorView
  1865. getWindow
  1866. runOnUiThread
  1867. currentActivity
  1868. com.unity3d.player.UnityPlayer
  1869. 1.1.8-44587e7
  1870. Assets/Plugins/Zeppelin
  1871. Cannot call Play() on running transition {0}
  1872. Gui already dismissed
  1873. {0}: GuiController canvases are managed automatically and should not have a camera set manually.
  1874. {0}: GuiController canvases are managed automatically and should not have a sorting layer set manually.
  1875. {0}: GuiController canvases are managed automatically and should not have a sorting order set manually.
  1876. Coroutine threw {0}{1}
  1877. Cannot pop task when no tasks are running.
  1878. Cannot run new task when already at the maximum concurrent tasks.
  1879. maxConcurrentTasks
  1880. Only Closed Splines can be Triangulated
  1881. shapeSegments must be at least 2
  1882. pathSegments must be at least 1
  1883. shape
  1884. Vertex in 1-ring is 2-valent
  1885. Center vertex must not be on a boundary
  1886. t should be in the range (0.0, 0.5)
  1887. Failed to relink halfedges around vertex #{0} during creation of face #{1}
  1888. No vertex exists at this index.
  1889. Runaway vertex circulator
  1890. Runaway face circulator.
  1891. Unset index, cannot continue.
  1892. Halfedge count was odd after compaction
  1893. GeneratedMeshObjects require a custom GetHashCode
  1894. copyCurve
  1895. A Bezier requires at least 2 controlPoints
  1896. controlPoints
  1897. initKey
  1898. {0} cleared child state
  1899. {0} collapsed itself
  1900. {0} transitioned to child state {1}
  1901. Invalid Substate
  1902. PrefabDependency[RefType={0}, BindingTypes={1}]
  1903. Error while attempting to install Factory, {0} does not inherit from InstalledPrefabFactory
  1904. InstallPrefab is only supported on MonoBehaviour fields.
  1905. InstalledPrefab reference {0}.{1} is null
  1906. Can't initialize an AssetBundleHandle multiple times.
  1907. loader
  1908. Unhandled event: {0}
  1909. Can't call Start in this state
  1910. google
  1911. '{0}' cannot be empty.
  1912. MemberInfo '{0}' must be of type FieldInfo or PropertyInfo
  1913. MemberInfo '{0}' is not of type FieldInfo or PropertyInfo
  1914. MemberInfo '{0}' has index parameters
  1915. property
  1916. MemberInfo must be of type FieldInfo, PropertyInfo, EventInfo or MethodInfo
  1917. Type {0} is not a dictionary.
  1918. Type {0} is not a collection.
  1919. '{0}' is not a generic class definition.
  1920. genericClassDefinition
  1921. '{0}' is not a generic interface definition.
  1922. genericInterfaceDefinition
  1923. propertyInfo
  1924. Unexpected member type '{0}' for member '{1}'.
  1925. Expected a single member with the name '{0}'.
  1926. Actual value was {0}.
  1927. \'
  1928. \u2029
  1929. \u2028
  1930. ' is not an enum.
  1931. Enum name '{0}' already exists on enum '{1}'.
  1932. Property '{0}' does not have a getter.
  1933. Could not get constructor for {0}.
  1934. )\/
  1935. \/Date(
  1936. )/
  1937. /Date(
  1938. Invalid date time handling value.
  1939. Unexpected DateTimeKind value.
  1940. -zz
  1941. HH:mm:
  1942. HH:
  1943. HH
  1944. yyyy-MM-ddT
  1945. yyyy-MM-
  1946. yyyy-
  1947. ^[A-Fa-f0-9]{8}-([A-Fa-f0-9]{4}-){3}[A-Fa-f0-9]{12}$
  1948. Unsupported INullable type: {0}
  1949. {null}
  1950. Could not cast or convert from {0} to {1}.
  1951. initialValue
  1952. Cannot deserialize non-cubical array as multidimensional array.
  1953. Serialized JSON:
  1954. Deserialized JSON:
  1955. attributeProvider
  1956. Error creating '{0}'.
  1957. No parameterless constructor defined for '{0}'.
  1958. No matching parameterized constructor found for '{0}'.
  1959. serializerWriter
  1960. serializerReader
  1961. IsSpecified result for property '{0}' on {1}: {2}
  1962. ShouldSerialize result for property '{0}' on {1}: {2}
  1963. Type '{0}' implements ISerializable but cannot be serialized using the ISerializable interface because the current application is not fully trusted and ISerializable can expose secure data.
  1964. Finished serializing {0} with converter {1}.
  1965. Started serializing {0} with converter {1}.
  1966. Writing type name '{0}' for {1}.
  1967. Writing object reference Id '{0}' for {1}.
  1968. Cannot write a null value for property '{0}'. Property requires a value.
  1969. Finished serializing {0}
  1970. Started serializing {0}
  1971. Error writing object reference for '{0}'.
  1972. Writing object reference to Id '{0}' for {1}.
  1973. . Serializing self referenced value.
  1974. . Skipping serializing self referenced value.
  1975. with type '{0}'.
  1976. for property '{0}'
  1977. Self referencing loop detected
  1978. Required property '{0}' expects a value but got null.
  1979. Required property '{0}' not found in JSON.
  1980. Error setting value in extension data for type '{0}'.
  1981. Could not find member '{0}' on {1}
  1982. Unable to find a constructor to use for type {0}. A class should either have a default constructor, one constructor with arguments or a constructor marked with the JsonConstructor attribute.
  1983. Could not find member '{0}' on object of type '{1}'
  1984. Could not find member '{0}' on {1}.
  1985. Finished deserializing {0} with converter {1}.
  1986. Started deserializing {0} with converter {1}.
  1987. Deserializing {0} using creator with parameters: {1}.
  1988. creator
  1989. ISerializable type '{0}' does not have a valid constructor. To correctly implement ISerializable a constructor that takes SerializationInfo and StreamingContext parameters should be present.
  1990. Unexpected end when setting {0}'s value.
  1991. Deserializing {0} using ISerializable constructor.
  1992. To fix this error either change the environment to be fully trusted, change the application to not deserialize the type, add JsonObjectAttribute to the type or change the JsonSerializer setting ContractResolver to use a new DefaultContractResolver with IgnoreSerializableInterface set to true.
  1993. Type '{0}' implements ISerializable but cannot be deserialized using the ISerializable interface because the current application is not fully trusted and ISerializable can expose secure data.
  1994. Unexpected end when deserializing array.
  1995. Unexpected token when deserializing multidimensional array:
  1996. Infinite loop detected from error handling.
  1997. Unexpected token when deserializing object:
  1998. Could not convert string '{0}' to dictionary key type '{1}'. Create a TypeConverter to convert from the string to the key type object.
  1999. Finished deserializing {0}
  2000. Started deserializing {0}
  2001. Unable to find a default constructor to use for type {0}.
  2002. Unable to find a constructor to use for type {0}.
  2003. Could not create an instance of type {0}. Type is an interface or abstract class and cannot be instantiated.
  2004. Cannot create and populate list type {0}.
  2005. Error reading object reference '{0}'.
  2006. Read object reference Id '{0}' for {1}.
  2007. IsSpecified for property '{0}' on {1} set to true.
  2008. Error converting value {0} to type '{1}'.
  2009. Cannot populate list type {0}.
  2010. Cannot deserialize readonly or fixed size list: {0}.
  2011. Cannot call OnError on an array or readonly list, or list created from a non-default constructor: {0}.
  2012. Cannot call OnSerializing on an array or readonly list, or list created from a non-default constructor: {0}.
  2013. Cannot preserve reference to array or readonly list, or list created from a non-default constructor: {0}.
  2014. To fix this error either change the JSON to a {1} or change the deserialized type to an array or a type that implements a collection interface (e.g. ICollection, IList) like List<T> that can be deserialized from a JSON array. JsonArrayAttribute can also be added to the type to force it to deserialize from a JSON array.
  2015. Cannot deserialize the current JSON array (e.g. [1,2,3]) into type '{0}' because the type requires a {1} to deserialize correctly.
  2016. Could not resolve type '{0}' to a JsonContract.
  2017. Type specified in JSON '{0}' is not compatible with '{1}'.
  2018. Resolved type '{0}' to {1}.
  2019. Type specified in JSON '{0}' was not resolved.
  2020. Error resolving type specified in JSON '{0}'.
  2021. $values
  2022. $id
  2023. Resolved object reference '{0}' to {1}.
  2024. Additional content found in JSON reference object. A JSON reference object should only have a {0} property.
  2025. JSON reference {0} property must have a string or null value.
  2026. $ref
  2027. To fix this error either change the JSON to a {1} or change the deserialized type so that it is a normal .NET type (e.g. not a primitive type like integer, not a collection type like an array or List<T>) that can be deserialized from a JSON object. JsonObjectAttribute can also be added to the type to force it to deserialize from a JSON object.
  2028. Cannot deserialize the current JSON object (e.g. {{"name":"value"}}) into type '{0}' because the type requires a {1} to deserialize correctly.
  2029. Cannot deserialize readonly or fixed size dictionary: {0}.
  2030. Cannot call OnError on readonly list, or dictionary created from a non-default constructor: {0}.
  2031. Cannot call OnSerializing on readonly dictionary, or dictionary created from a non-default constructor: {0}.
  2032. Cannot preserve reference to readonly dictionary, or dictionary created from a non-default constructor: {0}.
  2033. Unexpected token when deserializing primitive value:
  2034. JSON string value
  2035. JSON primitive value (e.g. string, number, boolean, null)
  2036. JSON array (e.g. [1,2,3])
  2037. JSON object (e.g. {"name":"value"})
  2038. Unexpected token while deserializing object:
  2039. Unexpected end when deserializing object.
  2040. Additional text found in JSON string after finishing deserializing object.
  2041. No JSON content found and type '{0}' is not nullable.
  2042. .
  2043. Error serializing
  2044. Error deserializing
  2045. Could not clear error context. Error context is already null.
  2046. Current error context error is different to requested error.
  2047. A different Id has already been assigned for value '{0}'.
  2048. A different value already has the Id '{0}'.
  2049. A member with the name '{0}' already exists on '{1}'. Use the JsonPropertyAttribute to specify another name.
  2050. Insufficient permissions. Creating an uninitialized '{0}' type requires full trust.
  2051. Value is not a JToken.
  2052. contract
  2053. serializer
  2054. underlyingType
  2055. Error getting value from '{0}' on '{1}'.
  2056. Error setting value to '{0}' on '{1}'.
  2057. memberInfo
  2058. Could not find type '{0}' in assembly '{1}'.
  2059. Could not load assembly '{0}'.
  2060. The DefaultReferenceResolver can only be used internally.
  2061. Cannot set value onto extension data member '{0}'. The extension data collection is null and it cannot be set.
  2062. Invalid extension data attribute on '{0}'. Member '{1}' type must implement IDictionary<string, JToken>.
  2063. Invalid extension data attribute on '{0}'. Member '{1}' must have a getter.
  2064. Specified
  2065. ShouldSerialize
  2066. Null collection of seralizable members returned.
  2067. Serialization Callback '{1}' in type '{0}' must have a single parameter of type '{2}'.
  2068. Serialization Error Callback '{1}' in type '{0}' must have two parameters of type '{2}' and '{3}'.
  2069. Serialization Callback '{1}' in type '{0}' must return void.
  2070. Virtual Method '{0}' of type '{1}' cannot be marked with '{2}' attribute.
  2071. Invalid Callback. Method '{3}' in type '{2}' has both '{0}' and '{1}'.
  2072. Invalid attribute. Both '{0}' and '{1}' in type '{2}' have '{3}'.
  2073. Multiple constructors with the JsonConstructorAttribute.
  2074. Could not determine JSON object type for type {0}.
  2075. Unexpected value type: {0}
  2076. valueType
  2077. Object must be of type TimeSpan.
  2078. Object must be of type Uri.
  2079. Object must be of type Guid.
  2080. Object must be of type byte[].
  2081. Unexpected JTokenType.
  2082. Unexpected JContainer type.
  2083. Error reading JToken from JsonReader. Unexpected token: {0}
  2084. Error reading JToken from JsonReader.
  2085. Could not convert '{0}' to {1}.
  2086. jsonSerializer
  2087. Can not convert {0} to Uri.
  2088. Can not convert {0} to TimeSpan.
  2089. Can not convert {0} to Guid.
  2090. Can not convert {0} to String.
  2091. Can not convert {0} to UInt64.
  2092. Can not convert {0} to UInt32.
  2093. Can not convert {0} to Single.
  2094. Can not convert {0} to SByte.
  2095. Can not convert {0} to Byte.
  2096. Can not convert {0} to UInt16.
  2097. Can not convert {0} to Int16.
  2098. Can not convert {0} to Int32.
  2099. Can not convert {0} to Char.
  2100. Can not convert {0} to Double.
  2101. Can not convert {0} to Decimal.
  2102. Can not convert {0} to DateTime.
  2103. Can not convert {0} to Int64.
  2104. Can not convert {0} to Boolean.
  2105. The parent is missing.
  2106. Cannot access child value on {0}.
  2107. Error reading JProperty from JsonReader. Current JsonReader item is not a property: {0}
  2108. Error reading JProperty from JsonReader.
  2109. {0} cannot have multiple values.
  2110. Cannot add or remove items from {0}.
  2111. Error reading JObject from JsonReader. Current JsonReader item is not an object: {0}
  2112. Error reading JObject from JsonReader.
  2113. propertyName
  2114. Can not add property {0} to {1}. Property with the same name already exists on object.
  2115. Argument is not a JToken.
  2116. The JsonReader should not be on a token of type {0}.
  2117. Unexpected end of content while loading {0}.
  2118. Error reading {0} from JsonReader.
  2119. Can not add {0} to {1}.
  2120. o
  2121. The number of elements in the source JObject is greater than the available space from arrayIndex to the end of the destination array.
  2122. arrayIndex is equal to or greater than the length of array.
  2123. arrayIndex is less than 0.
  2124. Index is equal to or greater than Count.
  2125. Index is less than 0.
  2126. Index must be within the bounds of the List.
  2127. Cannot change {0} during a collection change event.
  2128. Error reading JConstructor from JsonReader. Current JsonReader item is not a constructor: {0}
  2129. Error reading JConstructor from JsonReader.
  2130. Error reading JArray from JsonReader. Current JsonReader item is not an array: {0}
  2131. Error reading JArray from JsonReader.
  2132. Unsupported type: {0}. Use the JsonSerializer class to get the object's JSON representation.
  2133. Token {0} in state {1} would result in an invalid JSON object.
  2134. Unknown JsonType:
  2135. No token to close.
  2136. No close token for type:
  2137. Unexpected type when writing end:
  2138. Unexpected token when reading date constructor. Expected EndConstructor, got
  2139. Unexpected token when reading date constructor. Expected Integer, got
  2140. Unexpected end when reading date constructor.
  2141. Unexpected token type.
  2142. TokenType
  2143. Date
  2144. Invalid state:
  2145. */
  2146. /*
  2147. Invalid JsonToken:
  2148. textWriter
  2149. Error parsing NaN value.
  2150. Cannot read NaN as a decimal.
  2151. Error parsing positive infinity value.
  2152. Cannot read Infinity as a decimal.
  2153. Error parsing negative infinity value.
  2154. Cannot read -Infinity as a decimal.
  2155. Error parsing undefined value.
  2156. Error parsing null value.
  2157. Error parsing boolean value.
  2158. Error parsing comment. Expected: *, got {0}.
  2159. Unexpected end while parsing comment.
  2160. JSON integer {0} is too large or small for an Int64.
  2161. Input string '{0}' is not a valid number.
  2162. Input string '{0}' is not a valid decimal.
  2163. JSON integer {0} is too large or small for an Int32.
  2164. Input string '{0}' is not a valid integer.
  2165. Unexpected content while parsing JSON.
  2166. Unexpected character while parsing constructor: {0}.
  2167. Unexpected end while parsing constructor.
  2168. Unexpected end.
  2169. Unexpected character encountered while parsing value: {0}.
  2170. Invalid JavaScript property identifier character: {0}.
  2171. Unexpected end while parsing unquoted property name.
  2172. Invalid character after parsing property name. Expected ':' but got: {0}.
  2173. Invalid property identifier character: {0}.
  2174. After parsing a value an unexpected character was encountered: {0}.
  2175. Unexpected character encountered while parsing number: {0}.
  2176. Unexpected end while parsing unicode character.
  2177. Bad JSON escape sequence: {0}.
  2178. Unterminated string. Expected delimiter: {0}.
  2179. Unexpected state: {0}.
  2180. Additional text encountered after finished reading JSON content: {0}.
  2181. jsonWriter
  2182. reader
  2183. Serialization binder cannot be null.
  2184. Reference resolver cannot be null.
  2185. Not a valid close JsonToken: {0}
  2186. While setting the reader state back to current object an unexpected JsonType was encountered: {0}
  2187. JsonToken {0} is not valid for closing JsonType {1}.
  2188. $value
  2189. System.Byte[]
  2190. $type
  2191. Error reading date. Unexpected token: {0}.
  2192. Could not convert string to DateTime: {0}.
  2193. Error reading string. Unexpected token: {0}.
  2194. Error reading integer. Unexpected token: {0}.
  2195. Could not convert string to integer: {0}.
  2196. Error reading decimal. Unexpected token: {0}.
  2197. Could not convert string to decimal: {0}.
  2198. Error reading bytes. Unexpected token: {0}.
  2199. Unexpected token when reading bytes: {0}.
  2200. The reader's MaxDepth of {0} has been exceeded.
  2201. , line {0}, position {1}
  2202. Path '{0}'
  2203. ['
  2204. undefined
  2205. delimiter
  2206. Delimiter must be a single or double quote.
  2207. .0
  2208. Unexpected JsonToken when deserializing node:
  2209. JSON root object has multiple properties. The root object must have a single property in order to create a valid XML document. Consider specifing a DeserializeRootElementName.
  2210. Unexpected property name encountered while deserializing XmlDeclaration:
  2211. Unexpected JsonToken:
  2212. xmlns:
  2213. json
  2214. json:Array
  2215. Cannot get an XML string value from token type '{0}'.
  2216. XmlNodeConverter cannot convert JSON with an empty property name to XML.
  2217. !DOCTYPE
  2218. XmlNodeConverter can only convert JSON that begins with an object.
  2219. Unexpected type when converting XML:
  2220. XmlNodeConverter only supports deserializing XmlDocuments
  2221. Unexpected XmlNodeType when serializing nodes:
  2222. @internalSubset
  2223. @system
  2224. @public
  2225. @name
  2226. @standalone
  2227. @encoding
  2228. @version
  2229. Array
  2230. Unexpected XmlNodeType when getting node name:
  2231. !
  2233. Value must be an XML object.
  2234. Error deserializing Regex. No pattern found.
  2235. Unexpected end when reading Regex.
  2236. Unexpected token when reading Regex.
  2237. Pattern
  2238. u
  2239. Unexpected end when reading KeyValuePair.
  2240. Cannot convert null value to KeyValuePair.
  2241. Unexpected end when reading DataTable.
  2242. Unexpected JSON token when reading DataTable: {0}
  2243. Unexpected JSON token when reading DataTable. Expected StartArray, got {0}.
  2244. Unexpected end when reading DataSet.
  2245. Expected Bytes but got {0}.
  2246. Unexpected end when reading bytes.
  2247. Unexpected token when reading bytes: {0}
  2248. Unexpected object type when writing binary: {0}
  2249. Unexpected token parsing binary. Expected String or StartArray, got {0}.
  2250. Cannot convert null value to {0}.
  2251. Unexpected value type when writing binary: {0}
  2252. An object id must be 12 bytes
  2253. Value is too large to fit in a signed 64 bit integer. BSON does not support unsigned values.
  2254. Value is too large to fit in a signed 32 bit integer. BSON does not support unsigned values.
  2255. Error writing {0} value. BSON must start with an Object or Array.
  2256. Cannot write raw JSON as BSON.
  2257. Cannot write JSON constructor as BSON.
  2258. Cannot write JSON comment as BSON.
  2259. An ObjectId must be 12 bytes
  2260. Unexpected token when writing BSON: {0}
  2261. Unable to load scene '{0}'
  2262. Mouse ScrollWheel
  2263. Found multiple 'Inject' attributes on type field '{0}' of type '{1}'. Field should only container one Inject attribute
  2264. Parameters of InjectAttribute do not apply to constructors and methods
  2265. Found multiple 'Inject' attributes on type parameter '{0}' of type '{1}'. Parameter should only have one
  2266. Tried to analyze abstract type '{0}'. This is not currently allowed.
  2267. Expected type '{0}' to drive from ILateTickable while checking priorities in TickableHandler
  2268. Expected type '{0}' to drive from ITickable while checking priorities in TickableHandler
  2269. Expected type '{0}' to drive from IFixedTickable while checking priorities in TickableHandler
  2270. Ambiguous creation parameters (game object name / parent info) when using ToSubContainerPrefab with AsSingle
  2271. Ambiguous creation parameters (game object name/parent info) when using ToSubContainerPrefab with AsSingle
  2272. Expected prefab with name '{0}' to container a component of type 'GameObjectContext'
  2273. Invalid installer type given during bind command. Expected type '{0}' to derive from 'Installer<>'
  2274. Invalid use of binding '{0}'. Found ambiguous set of creation properties.
  2275. Invalid use of binding '{0}'. Ambiguous set of creation properties found (argument value mismatch)
  2276. Invalid use of binding '{0}'. Ambiguous set of creation properties found (argument length mismatch)
  2277. Cannot use both '{0}' and '{1}' for the same dec.Type/ConcreteIdentifier!
  2278. Cannot use both '{0}' and '{1}' for the same type/concreteIdentifier!
  2279. SceneContext on object {0} of scene {1} requires a single implementation of contract {2}, but multiple were found.
  2280. SceneContext on object {0} of scene {1} requires contract {2}, but none of the loaded SceneContexts implements that contract.
  2281. SceneContext
  2282. Scene cannot have both a parent scene context name set and also an explicit parent container given
  2283. Could not find resource at path '{0}' with type '{1}'
  2284. Could not find ProjectContext component on prefab 'Resources/{0}.prefab'
  2285. Tried to create multiple instances of ProjectContext!
  2286. ProjectCompositionRoot
  2287. ProjectContext
  2288. Ambiguous creation parameters (game object naming/parent info) when using ToPrefab with AsSingle
  2289. Ambiguous creation parameters (arguments) when using ToPrefab with AsSingle
  2290. Ambiguous creation parameters (gameObject name/parent info) when using ToPrefabResource with AsSingle
  2291. Ambiguous creation parameters (arguments) when using ToPrefabResource with AsSingle
  2292. Expected to find prefab at resource path '{0}'
  2293. Invalid value returned from FromMethod. Expected non-null.
  2294. Provider returned multiple instances when only one was expected when looking up type '{0}'
  2295. Provider returned zero instances when one was expected when looking up type '{0}'
  2296. Provider returned multiple instances when one or zero was expected
  2297. Null value returned from creator '{0}'
  2298. Cannot include null values into Zenject method. Must use the Explicit form if need to do this.
  2299. Error occurred while initializing IInitializable with type '{0}'
  2300. Found duplicate IInitializable with type '{0}'
  2301. Expected to find at least one component with type '{0}' on prefab '{1}'
  2302. Found MonoKernel derived class that is not hooked up to GameObjectContext. If you use MonoKernel, you must indicate this to GameObjectContext by dragging and dropping it to the Kernel field in the inspector
  2303. Cannot inject arguments into empty game object
  2304. Found null instance for type '{0}' in FromInstance method
  2305. Late
  2306. Expected type '{0}' to derive from ILateTickable
  2307. Fixed
  2308. Expected type '{0}' to derive from IFixedTickable
  2309. Expected type '{0}' to derive from IDisposable
  2310. Expected type '{0}' to derive from IInitializable
  2311. Expected type '{0}' to derive from ITickable
  2312. Expected type '{0}' to derive from one or more of the following interfaces: ITickable, IInitializable, ILateTickable, IFixedTickable, IDisposable
  2313. Error occurred while disposing IDisposable with type '{0}'
  2314. Found duplicate IDisposable with type '{0}'
  2315. Tried to dispose DisposableManager twice!
  2316. You should not use Container.Bind for factory classes. Use Container.BindFactory instead.
  2317. Could not find component with type '{0}' when instantiating new game object
  2318. Found multiple matches with type '{0}' when injecting into game object '{1}'
  2319. Found null component while injecting into game object '{0}'. Possible missing script.
  2320. Passed unnecessary parameters when injecting into game object '{0}'. Extra Parameters: {1}
  2321. Found null component while injecting game object '{0}'. Possible missing script.
  2322. Null value given to factory constructor arguments when instantiating object with type '{0}'. In order to use null use InstantiatePrefabForComponentExplicit
  2323. Null value given to factory constructor arguments when instantiating object with type '{0}'. In order to use null use InstantiateExplicit
  2324. Expected type '{0}' to derive from UnityEngine.Component
  2325. Null prefab found when instantiating game object
  2326. GameObject
  2327. Given DiContainer does not support creating new game objects
  2328. Invalid type given for prefab. Given object name: '{0}'
  2329. Could not find prefab at resource location '{0}'
  2330. Use InjectGameObject to Inject game objects instead of Inject method
  2331. Passed unnecessary parameters when injecting into type '{0}'. Extra Parameters: {1}Object graph:{2}
  2332. Error occurred while instantiating object with type '{0}'
  2333. More than one (or zero) constructors found for type '{0}' when creating dependencies. Use one [Inject] attribute to specify which to use.
  2334. Found constructor parameters on ScriptableObject type '{0}'. This is not allowed. Use an [Inject] method or fields instead.
  2335. Expected type '{0}' to be non-abstract
  2336. Error occurred while instantiating object of type '{0}'. Instantiator should not be used to create new mono behaviours. Must use InstantiatePrefabForComponent, InstantiatePrefab, or InstantiateComponent.
  2337. Circular dependency detected! Object graph: {0}
  2338. Provider returned multiple instances when one was expected!
  2339. Provider returned zero instances when one was expected!
  2340. with ID '{0}'
  2341. Unable to resolve type '{0}'{1}. Object graph:{2}
  2342. while building object with type '{0}'
  2343. Found multiple matches when only one was expected for type '{0}'{1}. Object graph: {2}
  2344. Could not find required dependency with type '{0}' Object graph: {1}
  2345. Invalid source type
  2346. DependencyRoot
  2347. Zenject: Found null component on game object '{0}'. Possible missing script.
  2348. fiBackupSceneStorage
  2349. Found null component in ZenjectBinding on object '{0}'
  2350. Found empty list of components on ZenjectBinding on object '{0}'
  2351. Found null installer in '{0}'
  2352. Could not find installer component on prefab '{0}'
  2353. Found null installer prefab in '{0}'
  2354. Expected to find component with type 'MonoInstaller' on given installer prefab '{0}'
  2355. Found null prefab in Context
  2356. Found null installer in Context '{0}'
  2357. Found circular dependency when creating type '{0}'
  2358. Must supply at least one concrete type to the current binding
  2359. Invalid type given during bind command. Expected type '{0}' to derive from type '{1}'
  2360. Invalid type given during bind command. Expected type '{0}' to not be abstract.
  2361. Invalid type given during bind command. Expected type '{0}' to derive from UnityEngine.Component
  2362. Invalid type given during bind command. Expected type '{0}' to either derive from UnityEngine.Component or be an interface or be GameObject
  2363. Invalid type given during bind command. Expected type '{0}' to either derive from UnityEngine.Component or be an interface
  2364. Null or empty resource path provided
  2365. Invalid type given during bind command. Expected type '{0}' to derive from UnityEngine.Object
  2366. Invalid type given during bind command. Expected type '{0}' to NOT derive from UnityEngine.Component
  2367. Received null game object during bind command
  2368. Received null prefab during bind command
  2369. Unfinished binding! Finalizer was not given.
  2370. Object '{0}' can only be injected into MonoBehaviour's since it was bound with 'FromSiblingComponent'. Attempted to inject into non-MonoBehaviour '{1}'
  2371. Error occurred while accessing property '{0}'
  2372. ', but found '
  2373. Wrong type when creating generic list, expected something assignable from '
  2374. Int16
  2375. Decimal
  2376. Byte
  2377. Void
  2378. Object
  2379. {0}[]
  2380. `
  2381. Assert hit!
  2382. ':
  2383. Assert Hit! Found null pointer when value was expected.
  2384. Assert Hit! Found null pointer when value was expected
  2385. Assert Hit! Expected null pointer but instead found '
  2386. ' to differ from '
  2387. '.
  2388. ' but found '
  2389. Assert Hit! Expected '
  2390. <NULL>
  2391. Expected type '{0}' to derive from or be equal to '{1}'
  2392. Assert hit!
  2393. Mesh can not have more than 65000 vertices
  2394. Toggle {0} is not part of ToggleGroup {1}
  2395. Arial.ttf
  2397. _UseAlphaClip
  2398. _StencilWriteMask
  2399. Stencil Id:{0}, Op:{1}, Comp:{2}, WriteMask:{3}, ReadMask:{4}, ColorMask:{5} AlphaClip:{6} ({7})
  2400. doesn't have _ColorMask property
  2401. _ColorMask
  2402. doesn't have _StencilWriteMask property
  2403. doesn't have _StencilReadMask property
  2404. _StencilReadMask
  2405. doesn't have _StencilComp property
  2406. _StencilComp
  2407. doesn't have _StencilOp property
  2408. _StencilOp
  2409. doesn't have _Stencil property
  2410. Material
  2411. _Stencil
  2412. GetRayIntersectionAll
  2413. RaycastAll
  2414. Raycast
  2415. Attempting to use a stencil mask with depth > 8
  2416. (Layout Rebuilder for)
  2417. !#$%&'*+-/=?^_`{|}~
  2418. Input Caret
  2419. SelectAll
  2420. Also make sure to disable sprite packing for this sprite.
  2421. Using alphaHitTestMinimumThreshold greater than 0 on Image whose sprite texture cannot be read.
  2422. ". The tile size will be increased. To remove the limit on the number of tiles, convert the Sprite to an Advanced texture, remove the borders, clear the Packing tag and set the Wrap mode to Repeat.
  2423. Too many sprite tiles on Image "
  2424. Shared UI Mesh
  2425. Item
  2426. Blocker
  2427. Dropdown List
  2428. The dropdown template is not valid. The Item Image must be on the item GameObject or children of it.
  2429. The dropdown template is not valid. The Item Text must be on the item GameObject or children of it.
  2430. The dropdown template is not valid. The child GameObject with a Toggle component (the item) must have a RectTransform on its parent.
  2431. The dropdown template is not valid. The template must have a child GameObject with a Toggle component serving as the item.
  2432. The dropdown template is not assigned. The template needs to be assigned and must have a child GameObject with a Toggle component serving as the item.
  2433. Scrollbar Vertical
  2434. Scrollbar Horizontal
  2435. Scroll View
  2436. Option C
  2437. Option B
  2438. Option A
  2439. Item Label
  2440. Item Checkmark
  2441. Item Background
  2442. Content
  2443. Viewport
  2444. Template
  2445. Arrow
  2446. Dropdown
  2447. Enter text...
  2448. Placeholder
  2449. InputField
  2450. Checkmark
  2451. Sliding Area
  2452. Scrollbar
  2453. Handle
  2454. Handle Slide Area
  2455. Fill
  2456. Fill Area
  2457. Background
  2458. RawImage
  2459. Image
  2460. New Text
  2461. Button
  2462. Panel
  2463. Trying to remove {0} from rebuild list while we are already inside a rebuild loop. This is not supported.
  2464. Trying to add {0} for graphic rebuild while we are already inside a graphic rebuild loop. This is not supported.
  2465. Disabled
  2466. Pressed
  2467. Highlighted
  2468. Normal
  2469. Input: Touch
  2470. Input: Faked
  2471. Cancel
  2472. Submit
  2473. Vertical
  2474. Horizontal
  2475. sortingOrder:
  2476. sortingLayer:
  2477. module.renderOrderPriority:
  2478. module.sortOrderPriority:
  2479. screenPosition:
  2480. worldPosition:
  2481. worldNormal:
  2482. depth:
  2483. index:
  2484. distance:
  2485. module:
  2486. <B>Pointer:</b>
  2487. <b>Pointer Input Module of type: </b>
  2488. <b>Press Rayast:</b>
  2489. <b>Current Rayast:</b>
  2490. <b>Use Drag Threshold</b>:
  2491. <b>pointerDrag</b>:
  2492. <b>lastPointerPress</b>:
  2493. <b>pointerPress</b>:
  2494. <b>pointerEnter</b>:
  2495. <b>eligibleForClick</b>:
  2496. <b>delta</b>:
  2497. <b>Position</b>:
  2498. No module
  2499. <b>Selected:</b>
  2500. while already selecting an object.
  2501. Attempting to select
  2502. renderOrderPriority:
  2503. sortOrderPriority:
  2504. eventCamera:
  2505. Name:
  2506. /tuio/2Dobj
  2507. /tuio/2Dcur
  2508. fseq
  2509. alive
  2510. set
  2511. /tuio/2Dblb
  2512. .xsd
  2513. app
  2514. .//
  2515. MainDataTable
  2516. ATTENTION: This schema contains references to other imported schemas
  2517. msprop
  2518. xs
  2519. mstns
  2520. childkey
  2521. parentkey
  2522. DataSetColumn
  2523. SourceVersion
  2524. SourceColumnNullMapping
  2525. SourceColumn
  2526. Size
  2527. Scale
  2528. Precision
  2529. Direction
  2530. DbType
  2531. ProviderType
  2532. ParameterName
  2533. AllowDbNull
  2534. StoredProcedure
  2535. Parameters
  2536. CommandText
  2537. CommandType
  2538. DeleteCommand
  2539. UpdateCommand
  2540. InsertCommand
  2541. SelectCommand
  2542. Modifier
  2543. FillMethodModifier
  2544. FillMethodName
  2545. QueryType
  2546. ScalarCallRetval
  2547. Public
  2548. GetMethodModifier
  2549. GetMethodName
  2550. GenerateMethods
  2551. GenerateShortCommands
  2552. Mappings
  2553. Sources
  2554. MainSource
  2555. DataAccessorName
  2556. GeneratorDataComponentClassName
  2557. BaseClass
  2558. Tables
  2559. urn:schemas-microsoft-com:xml-msdatasource
  2560. DataSource
  2561. Relationship
  2562. Target identity constraint was not found:
  2563. ConstraintOnly
  2564. IsNested
  2565. The XPath specified simple element field, but mapping type is not simple element.
  2566. The XPath specified attribute field, but mapping type is not attribute.
  2567. Invalid XPath selection inside field. Cannot find: {0}
  2568. Invalid XPath selection inside selector. Cannot find: {0}
  2569. PrimaryKey
  2570. ConstraintName
  2571. DataSet does not suport 'list' nor 'union' simple type.
  2572. {0}_{1}
  2573. There is already primary key columns in the table "{0}".
  2574. Nested element must not have the same name as DataSet's name.
  2575. Ordinal
  2576. _text
  2577. Locale
  2578. UseCurrentLocale
  2579. Value {0} is invalid for attribute 'IsDataSet'.
  2580. IsDataSet
  2581. bar
  2582. foo
  2583. Invalid row change state
  2584. hasErrors
  2585. urn:schemas-microsoft-com:xml-msprop
  2586. Error
  2587. ' is missing in the destination dataset
  2588. Cannot load diffGram. Table '
  2589. errors
  2590. There are already another column that has different mapping type. Column is {0}, existing mapping type is {1}
  2591. The table '{0}' is already allocated as a child of another table '{1}'. Cannot set table '{2}' as parent table.
  2592. _Text
  2593. _Column
  2594. Column {0} is already mapped to {1}.
  2595. Child column was not found :
  2596. Parent column was not found :
  2597. Child table was not found :
  2598. Parent table was not found :
  2599. _Id
  2600. DataSet is not designed to handle XML Schema as data content. Please use ReadXmlSchema method instead of InferXmlSchema method.
  2601. en-US
  2602. ' is already present.
  2603. ' is constrained to be unique. Value '
  2604. Cannot remove unique constraint '{0}'.Remove foreign key constraint '{1}' first.
  2605. Cannot remove unique constraint since it's the primary key of a table.
  2606. Column '{0}' is constrained to be unique. Value '{1}' is already present.
  2607. These columns don't currently have unique values.
  2608. Unique constraint already exists for these columns. Existing ConstraintName is
  2609. These columns don't point to this table.
  2610. Collection can't be null.
  2611. newPrimaryKey must belong to collection.
  2612. ConstraintCollection can't be null.
  2613. Column must belong to a table.
  2614. Object reference not set to an instance of an object.
  2615. Columns must be from the same table.
  2616. Must be at least one column.
  2617. There is a syntax error in this Expression
  2618. SqlTypeExceptionMessage
  2619. A sql exception has occured.
  2620. SqlTruncateExceptionMessage
  2621. This value is being truncated
  2622. Two strings to be compared have different collation
  2623. Value is not a System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlString
  2624. Value is not a System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlSingle
  2625. SqlNullValueExceptionMessage
  2626. Data is Null. This method or property cannot be called on Null values.
  2627. N
  2628. Value is not a System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlMoney
  2629. Value is not a System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlInt64
  2630. Value is not a System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlInt32
  2631. Value is not a System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlInt16
  2632. Value is not a System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlGuid
  2633. Value is not a System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlDouble
  2634. Value is not a System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlDecimal
  2635. Can't convert to SqlDecimal, Out of range
  2636. Invalid precision/scale combination.
  2637. Invalid presicion/scale combination.
  2638. Invalid scale
  2639. Value is not a System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlDateTime
  2640. Value is not a System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlByte
  2641. Value is not a System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlBoolean
  2642. The property is set to null.
  2643. SqlBinary(
  2644. Value is not a System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlBinary
  2645. The property contains Null.
  2646. This DataRow is not in this DataTable
  2647. Cannot change a value in a read-only column
  2648. Cannot insert a NULL value
  2649. This table has no primary key
  2650. have conflicting properties: DataType property mismatch.
  2651. and <source>.
  2652. <target>.
  2653. versus <source>.
  2654. Mismatch columns in the PrimaryKey : <target>.
  2655. <target>.PrimaryKey and <source>.PrimaryKey have different Length.
  2656. missing definition for column
  2657. Target table
  2658. Target DataSet missing definition for
  2659. does not belong to table
  2660. Column
  2661. cannot be merged, because keys have mismatch columns.
  2662. Relation
  2663. Target DataSet mising definition for
  2664. Target DataSet missing
  2665. sourceTable
  2666. sourceSet
  2667. targetSet
  2668. This Expression is invalid
  2669. Cannot access or create this relation
  2670. Cannot EndEdit within a RowChanging event
  2671. ) to exist in the parent table.
  2672. requires the child key values (
  2673. ForeignKeyConstraint
  2674. ForeignKeyConstraint {0} requires the child key values ({1}) to exist in the parent table.
  2675. This constraint cannot be enabled as not all values have corresponding parent values.
  2676. This constraint cannot be added since ForeignKey doesn't belong to table
  2677. Property not accessible because 'Object reference not set to an instance of an object'
  2678. ParentColumns can't be null
  2679. Property not accessible because 'ParentKey and ChildKey are identical.'.
  2680. Parent column is not type compatible with it's child column.
  2681. Parent column and child column must belong to tables that belong to the same DataSet.
  2682. Cannot create a constraint based on Expression column {0}.
  2683. Child columns must all belong to the same table.
  2684. Parent columns must all belong to the same table.
  2685. does not belong to a table.
  2686. All columns must belong to a table. ColumnName:
  2687. Parent columns and child columns must be the same length.
  2688. Neither ParentColumns or ChildColumns can't be zero length.
  2689. This expression cannot be evaluated
  2690. There is a database object with the same name
  2691. This DataRow has been deleted
  2692. Internal Error: inconsistent DataTable
  2693. ' matches atleast two namesin the collection object with different namespaces
  2694. The given name '
  2695. tableNamespace
  2696. 'tableNamespace' argument cannot be null.
  2697. Cannot remove table {0}, because it is referenced in ForeignKeyConstraint {1}. Remove the constraint first.
  2698. Cannot remove a table that has existing relations. Remove relations first.
  2699. does not belong to this DataSet.
  2700. Table
  2701. Table
  2702. A DataTable named '
  2703. DataTable already belongs to another DataSet
  2704. DataTable already belongs to this DataSet.
  2705. Cannot find table {0}
  2706. ColumnErrors
  2707. Records.Count
  2708. Rows.Count
  2709. DataTable.TypeName
  2710. .XmlDataType
  2711. .AutoIncrementCurrent
  2712. .SimpleType
  2713. .ColumnMapping
  2714. .DateTimeMode
  2715. .ExtendedProperties
  2716. .MaxLength
  2717. .ReadOnly
  2718. .AutoIncrementSeed
  2719. .AutoIncrementStep
  2720. .AutoIncrement
  2721. .AllowDBNull
  2722. .DefaultValue
  2723. .DataType
  2724. .Prefix
  2725. .Caption
  2726. .Namespace
  2727. .ColumnName
  2728. DataTable.RepeatableElement
  2729. DataTable.NestedInDataSet
  2730. DataTable.caseSensitiveAmbient
  2731. DataTable.RemotingFormat
  2732. DataTable.RemotingVersion
  2733. RowErrors
  2734. RowStates
  2735. Records
  2736. NullBits
  2737. Constraints
  2738. Expression
  2739. ColumnMapping
  2740. DateTimeMode
  2741. ExtendedProperties
  2742. MaxLength
  2743. AutoIncrementSeed
  2744. AutoIncrementStep
  2745. AutoIncrement
  2746. AllowDBNull
  2747. DataType
  2748. Caption
  2749. DataTable.Columns.Count
  2750. DataTable.MinimumCapacity
  2751. DataTable.ExtendedProperties
  2752. DataTable.LocaleLCID
  2753. DataTable.CaseSensitive
  2754. DataTable.Prefix
  2755. DataTable.Namespace
  2756. DataTable.TableName
  2757. U
  2758. DocumentElement
  2759. DataTable '{0}' does not match to any DataTable in source
  2760. DataTable does not support schema inference from XML
  2761. Input array is longer than the number of columns in this table.
  2762. DataTable_0.
  2763. DataTable.DataColumn_
  2764. tmpDataSet
  2765. Column '{0}' does not allow DBNull.Value.
  2766. PrimaryKey columns do not belong to this table.
  2767. Cannot change CaseSensitive or Locale property. This change would lead to at least one DataRelation or Constraint to have different Locale or CaseSensitive settings between its related tables.
  2768. ^((\[(?<ColName>.+)\])|(?<ColName>\S+))([ ]+(?<Order>ASC|DESC))?$
  2769. .Constraints
  2770. .RowStates
  2771. .Records
  2772. .NullBits
  2773. .Expression
  2774. .DataColumn_
  2775. DataTable_
  2776. DataSet.Tables_
  2777. DataSet.Tables.Count
  2778. DataSet.ExtendedProperties
  2779. DataSet.EnforceConstraints
  2780. DataSet.LocaleLCID
  2781. DataSet.CaseSensitive
  2782. DataSet.Prefix
  2783. DataSet.Namespace
  2784. DataSet.DataSetName
  2785. DataSet.RemotingFormat
  2786. DataSet.RemotingVersion
  2787. There may only be one simple content element
  2788. hasChanges
  2789. inserted
  2790. modified
  2791. rowOrder
  2792. msdata
  2793. urn:schemas-microsoft-com:xml-msdata
  2794. Cannot serialize the DataTable. DataTable name is not set.
  2795. XmlDiffGram
  2796. SchemaSerializationMode.DataSet
  2797. diffgram
  2798. before
  2799. diffgr
  2800. urn:schemas-microsoft-com:xml-diffgram-v1
  2801. rowStates
  2802. Prefix
  2803. ' is not valid, because it contains special characters.
  2804. Prefix '
  2805. Namespace
  2806. missingSchemaAction
  2807. dataSet
  2808. XmlSchema
  2809. NewDataSet
  2810. The given datarow is not in the current DataRowCollection.
  2811. is invalid.
  2812. The row insert position
  2813. value(s) for the key being indexed, but received 0 value(s).
  2814. Table doesn't have a primary key.
  2815. This row already belongs to this table.
  2816. This row already belongs to another table.
  2817. 'row' argument cannot be null.
  2818. There is no row at position
  2819. 'row' is the same as this object
  2820. row
  2821. GetParentRows requires a row whose Table is
  2822. Column '{0}' does not belong to table {1}.
  2823. , but the specified row's table is
  2824. GetChildRow requires a row whose Table is
  2825. Cannot call EndEdit inside an OnRowChanging event.
  2826. , and deleting this row will strand child rows.
  2827. Cannot delete this row because constraints are enforced on relation
  2828. , and changing this row will strand child rows.
  2829. Cannot change this row because constraints are enforced on relation
  2830. Cannot call BeginEdit inside an OnRowChanging event.
  2831. Cannot perform this operation on a row not in the table.
  2832. There is no {0} data to accces.
  2833. Version must be Original, Current, or Proposed.
  2834. Deleted row information cannot be accessed through the row.
  2835. This row has been removed from a table and does not have any data. BeginEdit() will allow creation of new data in this row.
  2836. ' does not allow nulls.
  2837. ' to be null. Please use DBNull instead.
  2838. Canot set column '
  2839. The column '{0}' does not belong to the table : {1}.
  2840. ' does not belong to the table :
  2841. The column '
  2842. Cannot add a relation to this table's ChildRelations where this table is not the Parent table.
  2843. Cannot add a relation to this table's ParentRelations where this table is not the Child table.
  2844. Cannot find relation {0}.
  2845. DataSet.Relations
  2846. There is no match for the name in the same case and there are multiple matches in different case.
  2847. A relation already exists for these child columns
  2848. ' already belongs to this DataSet.
  2849. A DataRelation named '
  2850. Relation
  2851. Parent Columns and Child Columns don't have matching column types
  2852. ParentColumns and ChildColumns should be the same length
  2853. childColumns
  2854. parentColumns
  2855. A Data exception has occurred
  2856. ' in the same case and there are multiple matches in different case.
  2857. There is no match for '
  2858. ' already belongs to this or another DataTable.
  2859. 'column' argument cannot be null.
  2860. column
  2861. ' already belongs to this DataTable.
  2862. A DataColumn named '
  2863. Cannot find column
  2864. Column9
  2865. Column8
  2866. Column7
  2867. Column6
  2868. Column5
  2869. Column4
  2870. Column3
  2871. Column2
  2872. Column1
  2873. Column0
  2874. Column
  2875. System.Data.SqlTypes
  2876. The column already belongs to a different table
  2877. +
  2878. Cannot change Unique property for the expression column.
  2879. Cannot set MaxLength property on '{0}' column which is mapped to SimpleContent.
  2880. Cannot set Expression property due to circular reference in the expression.
  2881. Cannot set Expression property on column {0}, because it is a part of a constraint.
  2882. Cannot create an expression on a column that has AutoIncrement or Unique.
  2883. Default Value of type '{0}' is not compatible with column type '{1}'
  2884. Can not set default value while AutoIncrement is true on this column.
  2885. Cannot change datatype when column is part of a relation
  2886. The column already has data stored.
  2887. ColumnName is required when it is part of a DataTable.
  2888. Can not set AutoIncrement while default value exists for this column.
  2889. Can not Auto Increment a computed column.
  2890. ' has null values in it.
  2891. Column '
  2892. Cannot change DateTimeMode from '{0}' to '{1}' once the table has data.
  2893. The {0} enumeration value, {1}, is invalid
  2894. The DateTimeMode can be set only on DataColumns of type DateTime.
  2895. {0}. Couldn't store <{1}> in Column named '{2}'. Expected type is {3}.
  2896. dataType
  2897. This operation violates a constraint
  2898. ' already in collection
  2899. Constraint matches contraint named '
  2900. Constraint already belongs to another collection.
  2901. Constraint already belongs to this collection.
  2902. Hmm .. Failed to Add to collection
  2903. Can not add null.
  2904. Constraint
  2905. Constraint name already exists.
  2906. ConstraintName cannot be set to null or empty after adding it to a ConstraintCollection.
  2907. Failed to enable constraints. One or more rows contain values violating non-null, unique, or foreign-key constraints.
  2908. '. The value violates the MaxLength limit of this column.
  2909. Cannot set column '
  2910. value(s).
  2911. value(s) for the key being indexed, but received
  2912. Expecting
  2913. The object passed in was not a DataTableMapping object.
  2914. There is no element in collection.
  2915. There is no such element in collection.
  2916. Object is not of type DataColumnMapping
  2917. reject
  2918. error
  2919. accept value
  2920. goto from state
  2921. rule (
  2922. uncover
  2923. reduce state
  2924. token
  2925. discard state
  2926. pop state
  2927. on error
  2928. left to recover
  2930. shift from state
  2931. reading
  2932. lex state
  2933. value
  2934. push state
  2935. invalid token: '
  2936. invalid string at {0}{1}<--
  2937. Invalid escape sequence: '\{0}'.
  2938. convert
  2939. trim
  2940. len
  2941. isnull
  2942. substring
  2943. iif
  2944. var
  2945. stdev
  2946. min
  2947. max
  2948. avg
  2949. sum
  2950. not like
  2951. like
  2952. not in
  2953. parent
  2954. '{0}' can be applied only to strings.
  2955. Function
  2956. InValueList : InValueList COMMA LiteralValue
  2957. InValueList : LiteralValue
  2958. InPredicateValue : PAROPEN InValueList PARCLOSE
  2959. InPredicate : ArithExpr NOT_IN InPredicateValue
  2960. InPredicate : ArithExpr IN InPredicateValue
  2961. LikePredicate : StringExpr NOT_LIKE StringExpr
  2962. LikePredicate : StringExpr LIKE StringExpr
  2963. IsPredicate : ArithExpr IS NOT NULL
  2964. IsPredicate : ArithExpr IS NULL
  2965. TypeSpecifier : Identifier
  2966. TypeSpecifier : StringLiteral
  2967. CalcFunction : CONVERT PAROPEN Expr COMMA TypeSpecifier PARCLOSE
  2968. CalcFunction : LEN PAROPEN Expr PARCLOSE
  2969. CalcFunction : ISNULL PAROPEN Expr COMMA Expr PARCLOSE
  2970. CalcFunction : IIF PAROPEN Expr COMMA Expr COMMA Expr PARCLOSE
  2971. StringFunction : StringExpr PLUS StringExpr
  2972. StringFunction : SUBSTRING PAROPEN StringExpr COMMA ArithExpr COMMA ArithExpr PARCLOSE
  2973. StringFunction : TRIM PAROPEN StringExpr PARCLOSE
  2974. StringExpr : StringFunction
  2975. StringExpr : StringLiteral
  2976. StringExpr : SingleColumnValue
  2977. StringExpr : PAROPEN StringExpr PARCLOSE
  2978. AggFunctionName : VAR
  2979. AggFunctionName : STDEV
  2980. AggFunctionName : MIN
  2981. AggFunctionName : MAX
  2982. AggFunctionName : AVG
  2983. AggFunctionName : SUM
  2984. AggFunctionName : COUNT
  2985. AggFunction : AggFunctionName PAROPEN MultiColumnValue PARCLOSE
  2986. Function : StringFunction
  2987. Function : AggFunction
  2988. Function : CalcFunction
  2989. RelationName : Identifier
  2990. ColumnName : ColumnName DOT Identifier
  2991. ColumnName : Identifier
  2992. ChildColumnValue : CHILD PAROPEN RelationName PARCLOSE DOT ColumnName
  2993. ChildColumnValue : CHILD DOT ColumnName
  2994. ParentColumnValue : PARENT PAROPEN RelationName PARCLOSE DOT ColumnName
  2995. ParentColumnValue : PARENT DOT ColumnName
  2996. LocalColumnValue : ColumnName
  2997. MultiColumnValue : ChildColumnValue
  2998. MultiColumnValue : LocalColumnValue
  2999. SingleColumnValue : ParentColumnValue
  3000. SingleColumnValue : LocalColumnValue
  3001. BoolLiteral : FALSE
  3002. BoolLiteral : TRUE
  3003. LiteralValue : BoolLiteral
  3004. LiteralValue : DateLiteral
  3005. LiteralValue : NumberLiteral
  3006. LiteralValue : StringLiteral
  3007. Value : SingleColumnValue
  3008. Value : LiteralValue
  3009. ArithExpr : Value
  3010. ArithExpr : Function
  3011. ArithExpr : MINUS ArithExpr
  3012. ArithExpr : ArithExpr MINUS ArithExpr
  3013. ArithExpr : ArithExpr PLUS ArithExpr
  3014. ArithExpr : ArithExpr MOD ArithExpr
  3015. ArithExpr : ArithExpr DIV ArithExpr
  3016. ArithExpr : ArithExpr MUL ArithExpr
  3017. ArithExpr : PAROPEN ArithExpr PARCLOSE
  3018. GE : GT EQ
  3019. NE : LT GT
  3020. LE : LT EQ
  3021. CompOp : GE
  3022. CompOp : LE
  3023. CompOp : GT
  3024. CompOp : LT
  3025. CompOp : NE
  3026. CompOp : EQ
  3027. CompPredicate : ArithExpr CompOp ArithExpr
  3028. Predicate : InPredicate
  3029. Predicate : LikePredicate
  3030. Predicate : IsPredicate
  3031. Predicate : CompPredicate
  3032. BoolExpr : Predicate
  3033. BoolExpr : NOT BoolExpr
  3034. BoolExpr : BoolExpr OR BoolExpr
  3035. BoolExpr : BoolExpr AND BoolExpr
  3036. BoolExpr : PAROPEN BoolExpr PARCLOSE
  3037. Expr : ArithExpr
  3038. Expr : BoolExpr
  3039. $accept : Expr
  3040. irrecoverable syntax error at end-of-file
  3041. irrecoverable syntax error
  3042. syntax error
  3043. [unknown]
  3044. [illegal]
  3045. Expression '{0}' is invalid.
  3047. UMINUS
  3048. FunctionName
  3049. Identifier
  3050. DateLiteral
  3051. NumberLiteral
  3052. StringLiteral
  3053. CONVERT
  3054. TRIM
  3055. LEN
  3056. ISNULL
  3058. IIF
  3059. VAR
  3060. STDEV
  3061. MIN
  3062. MAX
  3063. AVG
  3064. SUM
  3065. COUNT
  3066. NOT_LIKE
  3067. LIKE
  3068. NOT_IN
  3069. IN
  3070. IS
  3071. COMMA
  3072. DOT
  3073. MOD
  3074. DIV
  3075. MUL
  3076. MINUS
  3077. PLUS
  3078. GT
  3079. LT
  3080. EQ
  3081. CHILD
  3082. PARENT
  3083. FALSE
  3084. TRUE
  3085. NOT
  3086. OR
  3087. AND
  3088. PARCLOSE
  3089. PAROPEN
  3090. end-of-file
  3091. []]
  3092. [[]
  3093. Pattern '{0}' is invalid.
  3094. [[1]]
  3095. [%]
  3096. [[0]]
  3097. Type '{0}' cannot be converted to '{1}'.
  3098. Invalid type name '{0}'.
  3099. Cannot perform compare operation on {0} and {1}.
  3100. ColumnName
  3101. Cannot handle data type found in column '{0}'.
  3102. Cannot find column [{0}].
  3103. The table [{0}] is involved in more than one relation.You must explicitly mention a relation name.
  3104. Not a Boolean Expression
  3105. [VectorD3: X={0:f1}, Y={1:f1}, Z={2:f1}]
  3106. onFinally
  3107. onComplete
  3108. onError
  3109. Promise.Error threw an exception
  3110. Promise.Finally threw an exception
  3111. Promise.Then threw an exception
  3112. [Latitude: {0}, Longitude: {1}]
  3113. Invalid position
  3114. ServerApi
  3115. Send
  3116. ClearGoogleToken
  3117. RefreshGoogleToken
  3118. GetGoogleToken
  3119. Only one google token can be fetched at a time
  3120. ClearAuthToken
  3121. RefreshAuthToken
  3122. ResetAuthToken
  3123. SetServer
  3124. RPC error ({0}):
  3125. Future can only be set once
  3126. Future isn't ready
  3127. Ignored RPC response. rpcId not found:
  3128. Invalid RPC Id. The plugin may be malfunctioning.
  3129. Cannot call Send with no requests!
  3130. Unexpected partial results from RPC:
  3131. PluginApi
  3132. OnNativeEvent
  3133. OnUpdate
  3134. OnStop
  3135. OnStart
  3136. OnResume
  3137. OnPause
  3138. GetDeviceTimezone
  3139. GetDeviceCountryCode
  3140. SetUserAgent
  3141. SetExecutionMode
  3142. NianticPlugin
  3143. init
  3144. com.nianticlabs.nia.unity.UnityUtil
  3145. NianticLabsPlugin
  3146. loadLibrary
  3147. java.lang.System
  3148. Stopping Dispatcher
  3149. Event not found
  3150. Processing Event -
  3151. Starting Dispatcher
  3152. failed with
  3153. Plugin API
  3154. MapApi
  3155. S2CacheSetCellData
  3156. S2CacheUpdateVisibleCells
  3157. UpdateTiles
  3158. GetCurrentLocation
  3159. SubscribeLayer
  3160. GetWorldLocation
  3161. GetPosition
  3162. SetView
  3163. GetView
  3164. ClearCache
  3165. IapApi
  3166. PurchaseItem
  3167. Initialize
  3168. GetSkusAndBalances
  3169. RefreshSkusAndBalances
  3170. GetPurchaseResult
  3171. GetIapState
  3172. ProcessEvents
  3173. ^\s*\w+(?:\.\w+)+\s*$
  3174. STATUS
  3175. HTTP
  3176. input was null to ParseHTTPHeaderString
  3177. Unsupported encoding: '
  3178. charset
  3180. WWW is not ready downloading yet
  3181. WWW is not finished downloading yet
  3182. Invalid Vector4 index!
  3183. ({0:F1}, {1:F1}, {2:F1})
  3184. Invalid Vector3 index!
  3185. ({0:F1}, {1:F1})
  3186. Invalid Vector2 index!
  3187. Parent of RectTransform is being set with parent property. Consider using the SetParent method instead, with the worldPositionStays argument set to false. This will retain local orientation and scale rather than world orientation and scale, which can prevent common UI scaling issues.
  3188. not implemented
  3189. Font '{0}' is not dynamic, which is required to override its style
  3190. Font '{0}' is not dynamic, which is required to override its size
  3191. BestFit is only supported for dynamic fonts. Font '{0}' is not dynamic.
  3192. Font size and style overrides are only supported for dynamic fonts. Font '{0}' is not dynamic.
  3193. #insert
  3194. ^insert
  3195. #delete
  3196. ^v
  3197. ^c
  3198. ^x
  3199. ^backspace
  3200. ^delete
  3201. ^down
  3202. ^up
  3203. %backspace
  3204. &backspace
  3205. &delete
  3206. ^e
  3207. ^a
  3208. ^f
  3209. ^b
  3210. ^h
  3211. ^d
  3212. %v
  3213. %c
  3214. %x
  3215. %a
  3216. #%down
  3217. #%up
  3218. #%right
  3219. #%left
  3220. #&down
  3221. #&up
  3222. #&right
  3223. #&left
  3224. #^down
  3225. #^up
  3226. #^right
  3227. #^left
  3228. #end
  3229. #home
  3230. %down
  3231. %up
  3232. %right
  3233. %left
  3234. &down
  3235. &up
  3236. &right
  3237. &left
  3238. ^right
  3239. ^left
  3240. #backspace
  3241. #down
  3242. #up
  3243. #right
  3244. #left
  3245. Unimplemented:
  3246. MonoBehaviour
  3247. print
  3248. UnityEngine.Assertions
  3249. Assert
  3250. DebugLogHandler
  3251. Logger
  3252. UnityEngine
  3253. Debug
  3254. (at
  3255. in
  3256. in <filename unknown>:0
  3257. [0x
  3258. at
  3259. at <0x00000> <unknown method>
  3260. (wrapper delegate-invoke)
  3261. (wrapper managed-to-native)
  3262. (at
  3263. UnityEditor.EditorGUIUtility:RenderGameViewCameras
  3264. in (unmanaged)
  3265. Rethrow as
  3266. ExtractStringFromExceptionInternal called with an exceptoin that was not of type System.Exception
  3267. ExtractStringFromExceptionInternal called with null exception
  3268. UnityEngine.SetupCoroutine
  3269. Boo.Lang.
  3270. UnityScript.Lang.
  3271. System.
  3272. UnityEngine.
  3273. UnityEditor.
  3274. returnValueAddress
  3275. Return value address cannot be 0.
  3276. OnMouseEnter
  3277. OnMouseExit
  3278. OnMouseOver
  3279. OnMouseDrag
  3280. OnMouseUp
  3281. OnMouseUpAsButton
  3282. OnMouseDown
  3283. The scene is not loaded.
  3284. The scene is invalid.
  3285. {0} x {1} @ {2}Hz
  3286. Calling GetWorldCorners with an array that is null or has less than 4 elements.
  3287. Calling GetLocalCorners with an array that is null or has less than 4 elements.
  3288. RectOffset (l:{0} r:{1} t:{2} b:{3})
  3289. (x:{0:F2}, y:{1:F2}, width:{2:F2}, height:{3:F2})
  3290. Origin: {0}, Dir: {1}
  3291. ({0:F1}, {1:F1}, {2:F1}, {3:F1})
  3292. Invalid Quaternion index!
  3293. Could not store preference value
  3294. Cannot instantiate a ScriptableObject with a position and rotation
  3295. The Object you want to instantiate is null.
  3296. Not yet implemented
  3297. No NetworkView is assigned to this NetworkMessageInfo object. Note that this is expected in OnNetworkInstantiate().
  3298. x-unity-version
  3299. trailer
  3300. te
  3301. dnt
  3302. access-control-request-method
  3303. access-control-request-headers
  3304. http://localhost/
  3305. Cannot set a UnityWebRequest's method to an empty or null string
  3306. A Unity Runtime error occurred!
  3307. DefaultDimensionForChannel called for bad channel
  3308. uvIndex
  3309. GetUVChannel called for bad uvIndex
  3310. {0:F5} {1:F5} {2:F5} {3:F5}{4:F5} {5:F5} {6:F5} {7:F5}{8:F5} {9:F5} {10:F5} {11:F5}{12:F5} {13:F5} {14:F5} {15:F5}
  3311. Invalid matrix index!
  3312. _MainTex
  3313. _Color
  3314. {0}
  3315. Null
  3316. layerNames
  3317. You can only call GUI functions from inside OnGUI.
  3318. GUIStyle '{0}'
  3319. Unable to use a named GUIStyle without a current skin. Most likely you need to move your GUIStyle initialization code to OnGUI
  3320. Style.Draw may not be called with GUIContent that is null.
  3321. GUISkin is NULL
  3322. '
  3323. ' in skin '
  3324. Unable to find style '
  3325. scrollview
  3326. verticalscrollbardownbutton
  3327. verticalscrollbarupbutton
  3328. verticalscrollbarthumb
  3329. verticalscrollbar
  3330. horizontalscrollbarrightbutton
  3331. horizontalscrollbarleftbutton
  3332. horizontalscrollbarthumb
  3333. horizontalscrollbar
  3334. verticalsliderthumb
  3335. verticalslider
  3336. horizontalsliderthumb
  3337. horizontalslider
  3338. textarea
  3339. textfield
  3340. window
  3341. label
  3342. toggle
  3343. button
  3344. custom styles is null
  3345. GUILayout: Mismatched LayoutGroup.
  3346. LayoutType needs to be of type GUILayoutGroup
  3348. {
  3349. Margins:
  3350. Aborting
  3351. controls when doing
  3352. 's position in a group with only
  3353. Getting control
  3354. , H:
  3355. - W:
  3356. NULL
  3357. {1}-{0} (x:{2}-{3}, y:{4}-{5})
  3358. downbutton
  3359. upbutton
  3360. rightbutton
  3361. leftbutton
  3362. thumb
  3363. null texture passed to GUI.DrawTexture
  3364. scrollView
  3365. BeginGroup
  3366. Slider
  3367. ButtonGrid
  3368. Toggle
  3369. repeatButton
  3370. Box
  3371. uav
  3372. Null callback specified.
  3373. ).
  3374. is greater than the number of available inputs (
  3375. inputIndex
  3376. Index must be greater than 0
  3377. > method instead of new
  3378. must be instantiated using the Playable.Create<
  3379. AddInput Failed. Either the connected playable is incompatible or this AnimationPlayable type doesn't support adding inputs
  3380. function
  3381. Event.Use() should not be called for events of type {0}
  3382. Event: {0} "{1}"
  3383. Event: {0} Position: {1} Modifiers: {2}
  3384. KeyCode:
  3385. Modifiers:
  3386. Character:
  3387. Event:
  3388. Event:{0} Character:\0 Modifiers:{1} KeyCode:{2}
  3389. Unable to find key name that matches '{0}'
  3390. [esc]
  3391. f15
  3392. f14
  3393. f13
  3394. f12
  3395. f11
  3396. f10
  3397. f9
  3398. f8
  3399. f7
  3400. f6
  3401. f5
  3402. f4
  3403. f3
  3404. f2
  3405. f1
  3406. tab
  3407. delete
  3408. backspace
  3409. page down
  3410. pgdown
  3411. page up
  3412. pgup
  3413. end
  3414. home
  3415. insert
  3416. right
  3417. left
  3418. [enter]
  3419. [equals]
  3420. [=]
  3421. [+]
  3422. [-]
  3423. [/]
  3424. [.]
  3425. [9]
  3426. [8]
  3427. [7]
  3428. [6]
  3429. [5]
  3430. [4]
  3431. [3]
  3432. [2]
  3433. [1]
  3434. [0]
  3435. GarbageCollector disposing of ComputeBuffer. Please use ComputeBuffer.Release() or .Dispose() to manually release the buffer.
  3436. stride
  3437. Attempting to create a compute buffer with a negative stride
  3438. Attempting to create a zero length compute buffer
  3439. RGBA({0}, {1}, {2}, {3})
  3440. RGBA({0:F3}, {1:F3}, {2:F3}, {3:F3})
  3441. outCorners minimum size is 4
  3442. outCorners
  3443. Center: {0}, Extents: {1}
  3444. One shot audio
  3445. The input type cannot be null.
  3446. The input asset name cannot be empty.
  3447. The input asset name cannot be null.
  3448. AnimationEvent was not fired by Animator component, you shouldn't use AnimationEvent.animatorClipInfo
  3449. AnimationEvent was not fired by Animator component, you shouldn't use AnimationEvent.animatorStateInfo
  3450. AnimationEvent was not fired by Animation component, you shouldn't use AnimationEvent.animationState
  3451. (ILjava/lang/Class;)Ljava/lang/Object;
  3452. newProxyInstance
  3453. (Ljava/lang/Class;Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;Z)Ljava/lang/reflect/Field;
  3454. getFieldID
  3455. (Ljava/lang/Class;Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;Z)Ljava/lang/reflect/Method;
  3456. getMethodID
  3457. (Ljava/lang/Class;Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/reflect/Constructor;
  3458. getConstructorID
  3459. com/unity3d/player/ReflectionHelper
  3460. (Ljava/lang/Throwable;)Ljava/lang/String;
  3461. getStackTraceString
  3462. ()Ljava/lang/String;
  3463. android/util/Log
  3464. java/lang/Throwable
  3465. java/lang/Runnable
  3466. No such proxy method:
  3467. java/lang/Class
  3468. forName
  3469. Creating AndroidJavaObject from
  3470. ) =
  3471. ("
  3472. <null>
  3473. JNI: Init'd AndroidJavaObject with null ptr!
  3474. Creating AndroidJavaClass from
  3475. JNI: Init'd AndroidJavaClass with null ptr!
  3476. )V
  3477. equal
  3478. )
  3479. ' (obj =
  3480. JNI: Unknown signature for type '
  3481. JNI: System.Array in n dimensions is not allowed
  3482. Ljava/lang/Class;
  3483. Ljava/lang/Runnable;
  3484. L
  3485. Ljava/lang/String;
  3486. Ljava/lang/Object;
  3487. <init>
  3488. JNI; Unknown array type '
  3489. java/lang/Object
  3490. java/lang/String
  3491. isArray
  3492. toString
  3493. charValue
  3494. java.lang.Character
  3495. doubleValue
  3496. java.lang.Double
  3497. floatValue
  3498. java.lang.Float
  3499. longValue
  3500. java.lang.Long
  3501. shortValue
  3502. java.lang.Short
  3503. byteValue
  3504. java.lang.Byte
  3505. booleanValue
  3506. java.lang.Boolean
  3507. intValue
  3508. java.lang.Integer
  3509. get
  3510. java.lang.Class
  3511. java.lang.String
  3512. C
  3513. F
  3514. B
  3515. Z
  3516. IsPrimitive
  3517. getLength
  3518. getName
  3519. getComponentType
  3520. getClass
  3521. java/lang/reflect/Array
  3522. JNI; Unknown argument type '
  3523. of type
  3524. Unexpected node
  3525. absoluteUri
  3526. uri must be absolute.
  3527. This object type is not supported.
  3528. This XmlWriter does not accept {0} at this state {1}.
  3529. &#xA;
  3530. &#xD;
  3531. quot;
  3532. apos;
  3533. gt;
  3534. lt;
  3535. amp;
  3536. &#x
  3537. Input contains invalid character at {0} : &#x{1:X};
  3538. Namespace '{0}' is not declared.
  3539. localName must be a valid NCName.
  3540. Prefix 'xmlns' is reserved and cannot be overriden.
  3541. localName
  3542. Entity reference
  3543. Argument name must be a valid XML name.
  3544. Text
  3545. <![CDATA[
  3546. CDATA section must not contain ']]>'.
  3547. ]]>
  3548. CData
  3549. Whitespace
  3550. WriteWhitespace method accepts only whitespaces.
  3551. <?
  3552. ProcessingInstruction
  3553. Processing instruction cannot contain "?>" as its value.
  3554. A processing instruction name must be a valid XML name.
  3555. -->
  3556. <!--
  3557. Comment
  3558. An XML comment cannot end with "-".
  3559. An input string to WriteComment method must not end with '-'. Escape it with '&#2D;'.
  3560. text
  3561. Invalid value for xml:space.
  3562. Cannot redefine the namespace for prefix '{0}' used at current element
  3563. Non-empty prefix must be mapped to non-empty namespace URI.
  3564. End of attribute
  3565. d{0}p{1}
  3566. The 'xmlns' attribute is bound to the reserved namespace '{0}'
  3567. Attribute
  3568. />
  3569. There is no more open element.
  3570. EndElement
  3571. xmlns
  3572. xmlns:
  3573. A prefix cannot be equivalent to "xml" in case-insensitive match.
  3574. Namespace URI must not be null when prefix is not an empty string.
  3575. Namespace prefix is disabled in this XmlTextWriter.
  3576. Namespace is disabled in this XmlTextWriter.
  3577. StartTag
  3578. SYSTEM
  3579. PUBLIC
  3580. <!DOCTYPE
  3581. DocType
  3582. standalone=
  3583. encoding=
  3584. <?xml version=
  3585. WriteStartDocument cannot be called when ConformanceLevel is Fragment.
  3586. XmlDeclaration
  3587. The Namespace cannot be empty.
  3588. writer
  3589. General entity '{0}' has an invalid recursive reference to itself.
  3590. Reference to undeclared entity '{0}'.
  3591. invalid data.
  3592. %22
  3593. %3E
  3594. %3C
  3595. file:
  3596. ftp:
  3597. https:
  3598. http:
  3599. Either baseUri or relativeUri are required.
  3600. Expecting {0} tag from namespace {1}, got {2} and {3} instead
  3601. Unexpected end of the XML reader.
  3602. '{0}' is an invalid node type.
  3603. Invalid qualified name.
  3604. This node is read-only.
  3605. Unexpected end of element scope.
  3606. This operation is not allowed.
  3607. Should not happen.
  3608. Index out of range.
  3609. The current node is not an Entity Reference
  3610. The node to be removed is not a child of this node.
  3611. This {0} node is read only.
  3612. This {0} node cannot remove its child.
  3613. Cannot insert a node or any ancestor of that node as a child of itself.
  3614. multiple document element not allowed.
  3615. The reference node is not a child of this node.
  3616. Can't append a node created by another document.
  3617. The node is readonly.
  3618. Cannot insert specified type of node as a child of this node.
  3619. Cannot insert specified type of node {0} as a child of this node {1}.
  3620. Node cannot be appended to current node {0}.
  3621. This node does not have a value
  3622. Namespace URI "{0}" cannot be declared with any namespace.
  3623. Declaring prefix named "xmlns" is not allowed to any namespace.
  3624. Prefix "xml" can only be bound to the fixed namespace URI "{0}". "{1}" is invalid.
  3625. Cannot add to NodeMap.
  3626. ncoding
  3627. ?xml
  3628. invalid encoding specification.
  3629. {0} {3} Line {1}, position {2}.
  3630. res
  3631. Xml_UserException
  3632. Xml_DefaultException
  3633. entity reference cannot be set value.
  3634. This operation is not supported.
  3635. Specified attribute is already an attribute of another element.
  3636. Specified name is not a valid NCName:
  3637. #significant-whitespace
  3638. #whitespace
  3639. #document-fragment
  3640. #entity
  3641. #text
  3642. {0} Line number = {1}, Inline position = {2}.
  3643. Unexpected node type
  3644. Reference to undeclared entity was found.
  3645. bad position to read attribute.
  3646. Node is read-only.
  3647. Cannot import specified node type:
  3648. Illegal ImportNode call for NodeType.None
  3649. Illegal ImportNode call for NodeType.EndEntity
  3650. Illegal ImportNode call for NodeType.EndElement
  3651. DocumentType cannot be imported.
  3652. Document cannot be imported.
  3653. Null node cannot be imported.
  3654. standalone string is not correct.
  3655. version string is not correct.
  3656. Invalid whitespace characters.
  3657. The local name for elements or attributes cannot be null or an empty string.
  3658. The attribute local name cannot be empty.
  3659. #document
  3660. CreateAttribute
  3661. CreateElement
  3662. Invalid standalone specification.
  3663. Invalid 'standalone' specification.
  3664. Invalid 'encoding' specification.
  3665. Invalid XML declaration.
  3666. Invalid 'version' specification.
  3667. Missing 'version' specification.
  3668. version="{0}"{1}{2}
  3669. standalone="{0}"
  3670. encoding="{0}"
  3671. NO
  3672. YES
  3673. UTF-8
  3674. ' is not a valid XML NCName
  3675. ncname
  3676. ' is not a valid XML Name
  3677. Invalid format string for duration schema datatype.
  3678. yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ss.FFFFFFFK
  3679. R
  3680. {0:000}
  3681. {0:0000000}
  3682. -P10675199DT2H48M5.4775808S
  3683. PT0S
  3684. Invalid Guid input '{0}'
  3685. -INF
  3686. INF
  3687. is not a valid boolean value
  3688. _x005F_
  3689. _x{0:X4}_
  3690. _x003A_
  3691. zzz
  3692. ---ddZ
  3693. ---ddzzz
  3694. --MM-ddZ
  3695. --MM-ddzzz
  3696. yyyyZ
  3697. yyyyzzz
  3698. yyyy-MMZ
  3699. yyyy-MMzzz
  3700. yyyy-MM-ddZ
  3701. yyyy-MM-ddzzz
  3702. HH:mm:ss.FFFFFFFZ
  3703. HH:mm:ss.FFFFFFFzzz
  3704. HH:mm:ss.FFFFFFF
  3705. yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ss.FFFFFFF
  3706. yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ss
  3707. yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ss.FFFFFFFZ
  3708. yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ssZ
  3709. yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ss.FFFFFFFzzz
  3710. yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:sszzz
  3711. #comment
  3712. -'()+,./:=?;!*#@$_%
  3713. #cdata-section
  3714. This attribute is already set to another element.
  3715. this AttributeCollection is read only.
  3716. The specified attribute is not contained in the element.
  3717. Specified node is in a different document.
  3718. Specified node is null.
  3719. This attribute collection is read-only.
  3720. invalid construction for XmlAttributeCollection.
  3721. Attempt to modify a read-only node.
  3722. Cannot bind to the reserved namespace.
  3723. This node is readonly.
  3724. Invalid attribute local name.
  3725. Invalid attribute prefix.
  3727. Invalid attribute namespace for namespace declaration.
  3728. Cannot parse WSDL array type:
  3729. ArrayOf
  3730. ' not supported
  3731. Data type '
  3732. Of
  3733. ' to '
  3734. Cannot convert values of type '
  3735. base64
  3736. month
  3737. timePeriod
  3738. XmlElement
  3739. XmlNode
  3740. guid
  3741. [0-9a-fA-F]{8}-[0-9a-fA-F]{4}-[0-9a-fA-F]{4}-[0-9a-fA-F]{4}-[0-9a-fA-F]{12}
  3742. To be XML serializable, types which inherit from {0} must have an implementation of Add({1}) at all levels of their inheritance hierarchy. {2} does not implement Add({1}).
  3743. IEnumerable
  3744. Current
  3745. System.Collections.IEnumerable.GetEnumerator
  3746. GetEnumerator
  3747. ICollection
  3748. Add
  3749. because it inherits from ICollection
  3750. You must implement a default accessor on
  3751. The type {0} is not supported because it implements IDictionary.
  3752. is not a collection
  3753. Property ListItemType is not supported for custom types
  3754. where
  3755. yield
  3756. partial
  3757. void
  3758. sbyte
  3759. ushort
  3760. ulong
  3761. char
  3762. uint
  3763. bool
  3764. object
  3765. enum
  3766. static
  3767. else
  3768. stackalloc
  3769. lock
  3770. while
  3771. is
  3772. do
  3773. internal
  3774. delegate
  3775. volatile
  3776. sealed
  3777. interface
  3778. virtual
  3779. using
  3780. in
  3781. continue
  3782. implicit
  3783. const
  3784. unsafe
  3785. readonly
  3786. if
  3787. unchecked
  3788. goto
  3789. checked
  3790. protected
  3791. foreach
  3792. private
  3793. for
  3794. catch
  3795. typeof
  3796. params
  3797. case
  3798. try
  3799. override
  3800. out
  3801. finally
  3802. operator
  3803. this
  3804. extern
  3805. explicit
  3806. as
  3807. struct
  3808. new
  3809. event
  3810. Generic type definition cannot be used in serialization. Only specific generic types can be used.
  3811. Item
  3812. Should not happen :2: XmlSchemaXPath.Read, name=
  3813. is not a valid attribute for
  3814. xpath
  3815. Unexpected xpath token after NameTest.
  3816. Unexpected xpath token after Attribute NameTest.
  3817. ' is not declared.
  3818. Specified prefix '
  3819. Invalid path format for a field.
  3820. Selector cannot include attribute axes.
  3821. Empty xpath expression is specified
  3822. Should not happen :2: XmlSchemaWhiteSpaceFacet.Read, name=
  3823. is not a valid attribute for whiteSpace
  3824. Should not happen :1: XmlSchemaWhiteSpaceFacet.Read, name=
  3825. Duplicate attributes was found for '{0}'
  3826. Attribute group recursion was found:
  3827. Referenced attribute group
  3828. could not be resolved
  3829. Namespace Prefix '
  3830. is an invalid QName. Either name or namespace is not a NCName
  3831. only optional , prohibited or required are valid values for use
  3832. required
  3833. prohibited
  3834. optional
  3835. only lax , strict or skip are valid values for processContents
  3836. skip
  3837. strict
  3838. lax
  3839. only qualified or unqulified is a valid value
  3840. unqualified
  3841. qualified
  3842. is already specified in this attribute.
  3843. is not allowed in this attribute.
  3844. is/are not valid values for
  3845. substitution
  3846. . #all if present must be the only value
  3847. #all
  3848. arrayType
  3850. ##
  3851. Duplicate id attribute
  3852. is not a valid id attribute
  3853. Consider setting MONO_STRICT_MS_COMPLIANT to 'yes' to mimic MS implementation.
  3854. Named item {0} was already contained in the schema object table. {1}
  3855. Named item {0} was already contained in the schema object table.
  3857. Should not happen :2: XmlSchemaUnion.Read, name=
  3858. is not a valid attribute for unique
  3859. Should not happen :1: XmlSchemaUnique.Read, name=
  3860. Should not happen :2: XmlSchemaTotalDigitsFacet.Read, name=
  3861. is not a valid attribute for totalDigits
  3862. Should not happen :1: XmlSchemaTotalDigitsFacet.Read, name=
  3863. Should not happen :2: XmlSchemaSimpleTypeUnion.Read, name=
  3864. is not a valid attribute for union
  3865. ' is not a valid memberType
  3866. memberTypes
  3867. Should not happen :1: XmlSchemaSimpleTypeUnion.Read, name=
  3868. Atleast one simpletype or membertype must be present
  3869. Invalid membertype
  3870. baseTypes can't have objects other than a simpletype
  3871. Should not happen :2: XmlSchemaSimpleTypeRestriction.Read, name=
  3872. Should not happen :1: XmlSchemaSimpleTypeRestriction.Read, name=
  3873. ' is an invalid minLength facet specification
  3874. ' is an invalid minLength
  3875. The value '{0}' is not a valid restriction of the value '{1}' on the base minLength facet
  3876. ' is an invalid maxLength facet specification
  3877. minLength is greater than maxLength.
  3878. ' is an invalid maxLength
  3879. The value '{0}' is not a valid restriction of the value '{1}' on the base maxLength facet
  3880. The value '{0}' is not the same as the fixed value '{1}' on the base type
  3881. ' is an invalid length facet specification
  3882. ' is an invalid length
  3883. It is an error for both length and minLength or maxLength to be present.
  3884. The value '{0}' is not valid against the base type.
  3885. {0} is not the same as fixed parent {1} facet.
  3886. The value '{0}' is an invalid fractionDigits facet specification
  3887. The value '{0}' is not a valid restriction of the base fractionDigits facet '{1}'
  3888. The value '{0}' is an invalid fractionDigits value
  3889. The value '{0}' is an invalid totalDigits facet specification
  3890. The value '{0}' is not a valid restriction of the base totalDigits facet '{1}'
  3891. The value '{0}' is an invalid totalDigits value
  3892. Invalid regular expression pattern was specified.
  3893. [^\p{L}\p{N}_\.\-:]
  3894. [\p{L}\p{N}_\.\-:]
  3895. [^\p{L}_]
  3896. [\p{L}_]
  3897. ' facet.
  3898. This is a duplicate '
  3899. is not a valid facet for this type
  3900. Only XmlSchemaFacet objects are allowed for Facets property
  3901. one of basetype or simpletype must be present
  3902. both base and simpletype can't be set
  3903. Should not happen :2: XmlSchemaSimpleTypeList.Read, name=
  3904. is not a valid attribute for list
  3905. is not a valid value for itemType attribute
  3906. itemType
  3907. Should not happen :1: XmlSchemaSimpleTypeList.Read, name=
  3908. Referenced base list item schema type
  3909. Invalid schema type name was specified:
  3910. BaseTypeName must be a XmlQualifiedName
  3911. one of itemType or simpletype must be present
  3912. both itemType and simpletype can't be present
  3913. union
  3914. Should not happen :2: XmlSchemaSimpleType.Read, name=
  3915. is not a valid attribute for simpleType
  3916. some invalid values not a valid value for final
  3917. Invalid simple type derivation was found.
  3918. Specified derivation is prohibited by the base type.
  3919. Not allowed facet was found on this simple type which derives list type.
  3920. Derivation by restriction is prohibited by the base simple type.
  3921. Base schema type is not either atomic type or primitive type.
  3922. List type must not be derived from another list type.
  3923. Specified derivation is prohibited by the base simple type.
  3924. Circular type reference was found.
  3925. Content is required in a simpletype
  3926. The value of final attribute is not valid for simpleType
  3927. Final is prohibited in a local simpletype
  3928. Name is prohibited in a local simpletype
  3929. whiteSpace
  3930. totalDigits
  3931. Should not happen :2: XmlSchemaSimpleContentRestriction.Read, name=
  3932. is not valid in this place::SimpleContentRestriction
  3933. Should not happen :2: XmlSchemaSimpleContentExtension.Read, name=
  3934. is not a valid attribute for extension in this context
  3935. Invalid schema datatype name is specified.
  3936. Specified type is complex type which contains complex content.
  3937. is not valid in this place::SimpleConentExtension
  3938. BaseTypeName must be a QName
  3939. Should not happen :2: XmlSchemaSimpleContent.Read, name=
  3940. is not a valid attribute for simpleContent
  3941. simpleContent can't have any value other than restriction or extention
  3942. Content must be present in a simpleContent
  3943. nameTable
  3944. Should not happen :2: XmlSchemaSequence.Read, name=
  3945. is not a valid attribute for sequence
  3946. Should not happen :1: XmlSchemaSequence.Read, name=
  3947. In base -all- particle, mapping-skipped base element which is not emptiable was found.
  3948. Base element particle is mapped to the derived element particle in a sequence two or more times.
  3949. Invalid sequence particle derivation by restriction from all.
  3950. Invalid sequence paricle derivation.
  3951. Invalid schema object was specified in the particles of the sequence model group.
  3952. Should not happen :2: XmlSchemaRedefine.Read, name=
  3953. is not a valid attribute for redefine
  3954. Should not happen :1: XmlSchemaRedefine.Read, name=
  3955. The error occured on (
  3956. is invalid in this context.
  3957. Should not happen :2: XmlSchemaPatternFacet.Read, name=
  3958. is not a valid attribute for pattern
  3959. Should not happen :1: XmlSchemaPatternFacet.Read, name=
  3960. Invalid derivation occurence range was found.
  3961. minOccurs must be less than or equal to maxOccurs
  3962. MaxOccurs must be a non-negative integer
  3963. MinOccursString must be a non-negative number
  3964. INTERNAL ERROR: Parent object is not set properly : {0} ({1},{2})
  3965. Should not happen :2: XmlSchemaNotation.Read, name=
  3966. is not a valid attribute for notation
  3967. system
  3968. system must be present and of Type anyURI
  3969. public must be anyURI
  3970. public must be present
  3971. Should not happen :2: XmlSchemaMinLengthFacet.Read, name=
  3972. is not a valid attribute for minLength
  3973. Should not happen :1: XmlSchemaMinLengthFacet.Read, name=
  3974. minLength
  3975. Should not happen :2: XmlSchemaMinInclusiveFacet.Read, name=
  3976. is not a valid attribute for minInclusive
  3977. Should not happen :1: XmlSchemaMinInclusiveFacet.Read, name=
  3978. minInclusive
  3979. Should not happen :2: XmlSchemaMinExclusiveFacet.Read, name=
  3980. is not a valid attribute for minExclusive
  3981. Should not happen :1: XmlSchemaMinExclusiveFacet.Read, name=
  3982. minExclusive
  3983. Should not happen :2: XmlSchemaMaxLengthFacet.Read, name=
  3984. Should not happen :1: XmlSchemaMaxLengthFacet.Read, name=
  3985. maxLength
  3986. Should not happen :2: XmlSchemaMaxInclusiveFacet.Read, name=
  3987. is not a valid attribute for maxInclusive
  3988. Should not happen :1: XmlSchemaMaxInclusiveFacet.Read, name=
  3989. maxInclusive
  3990. Should not happen :2: XmlSchemaMaxExclusiveFacet.Read, name=
  3991. is not a valid attribute for maxExclusive
  3992. Should not happen :1: XmlSchemaMaxExclusiveFacet.Read, name=
  3993. maxExclusive
  3994. Should not happen :2: XmlSchemaLengthFacet.Read, name=
  3995. Should not happen :1: XmlSchemaLengthFacet.Read, name=
  3996. Should not happen :2: XmlSchemaKeyref.Read, name=
  3997. is not a valid attribute for keyref
  3998. is not a valid value for refer attribute
  3999. refer
  4000. Should not happen :1: XmlSchemaKeyref.Read, name=
  4001. Target identity constraint has different number of fields.
  4002. Target identity constraint was keyref.
  4003. Target key was not found.
  4004. Refer is not a valid XmlQualifiedName
  4005. refer must be present
  4006. selector must be defined before field declarations
  4007. field
  4008. Should not happen :2: XmlSchemaKey.Read, name=
  4009. is not a valid attribute for key
  4010. Should not happen :1: XmlSchemaKey.Read, name=
  4011. Should not happen :2: XmlSchemaInclude.Read, name=
  4012. is not a valid attribute for include
  4013. Should not happen :1: XmlSchemaInclude.Read, name=
  4014. Should not happen :2: XmlSchemaImport.Read, name=
  4015. is not a valid attribute for import
  4016. Should not happen :1: XmlSchemaImport.Read, name=
  4017. is invalid in the Fields Collection
  4018. Object of type
  4019. atleast one field value must be present
  4020. selector must be present
  4021. There is already same named identity constraint in this namespace. Existing item is at {0}({1},{2})
  4022. Should not happen :2: XmlSchemaGroupRef.Read, name=
  4023. Circular group reference was found.
  4024. Group reference to -all- particle must have schema component {maxOccurs}=1.
  4025. RefName must be a valid XmlQualifiedName
  4026. Invalid particle derivation by restriction was found. There is a base particle which does not have mapped derived particle and is not emptiable.
  4027. Invalid particle derivation by restriction was found. Extraneous derived particle was found.
  4028. Invalid particle derivation by restriction was found. Invalid sub-particle derivation was found.
  4029. Invalid particle derivation by restriction was found. Cannot be mapped to base particle.
  4030. Invalid particle derivation by restriction was found. base particle does not contain particles.
  4031. Should not happen :2: XmlSchemaGroup.Read, name=
  4032. is not a valid attribute for group
  4033. Should not happen :1: XmlSchemaGroup.Read, name=
  4034. MinOccurs must not be present when the Particle is a child of Group
  4035. MaxOccurs must not be present when the Particle is a child of Group
  4036. Particle is required
  4037. Should not happen :2: XmlSchemaFractionDigitsFacet.Read, name=
  4038. is not a valid attribute for fractionDigits
  4039. is not a valid value for fixed attribute
  4040. Should not happen :1: XmlSchemaFractionDigitsFacet.Read, name=
  4041. fractionDigits
  4042. URI:
  4043. XML {0} Line {1}, Position {2}.
  4044. XmlSchema error:
  4045. sourceObj
  4046. sourceUri
  4047. linePosition
  4048. lineNumber
  4049. hasLineInfo
  4050. A schema error occured.
  4051. Should not happen :2: XmlSchemaEnumerationFacet.Read, name=
  4052. is not a valid attribute for enumeration
  4053. Should not happen :1: XmlSchemaEnumerationFacet.Read, name=
  4054. enumeration
  4055. keyref
  4056. unique
  4057. Should not happen :2: XmlSchemaElement.Read, name=
  4058. is not a valid attribute for element
  4059. is not a valid value for substitutionGroup attribute
  4060. substitutionGroup
  4061. is not a valid value for nillable
  4062. nillable
  4063. is an invalid value for form attribute
  4064. Should not happen :1: XmlSchemaElement.Read, name=
  4065. The Element's fixed value is invalid with its type definition.
  4066. The Element's default value is invalid with respect to its type definition.
  4067. Element content type must be simple type or mixed.
  4068. Different types are specified on the same named elements in the same sequence. Element name is
  4069. Ambiguous element label '{0}' which is contained by -any- particle with ##other value than '{1}' was detected:
  4070. Ambiguous element label which is contained by -any- particle was detected:
  4071. Ambiguous element label was detected:
  4072. Invalid element derivation by restriction of particle was found. Both primitive types differ.
  4073. Invalid derivation by restriction of particle was found. Derived element must contain all of the base element's block value.
  4074. Invalid element derivation by restriction of particle was found. Both fixed value must be the same.
  4075. Invalid element derivation by restriction of particle was found. Base element is not nillable and derived type is nillable.
  4076. Invalid derivation by restriction of particle was found. Both elements must have the same name.
  4077. Element type is ID, which does not allows default or fixed values.
  4078. Referenced element type
  4079. Invalid derivation was found. Substituted element prohibits this derivation method:
  4080. Substituted element blocks substitution.
  4081. Referenced element
  4082. Referenced element schema type
  4083. Invalid schema datatype was specified.
  4084. Some of the values for block are invalid in this context
  4085. simpleType or complexType must be absent
  4086. type must be absent
  4087. block must be absent
  4088. fixed must be null
  4089. default must be absent
  4090. nillable must be absent
  4091. key, keyref and unique must be absent
  4092. name must not be present when ref is present
  4093. RefName must be a XmlQualifiedName
  4094. final must be absent
  4095. substitutionGroup must be absent
  4096. SubstitutionGroup must be a valid XmlQualifiedName
  4097. SchemaTypeName must be an XmlQualifiedName
  4098. only simpletype or complextype is allowed
  4099. both schemaType and content can't be present
  4100. some values for final are invalid in this context
  4101. maxOccurs must be absent
  4102. minOccurs must be absent
  4103. form must be absent
  4104. ref must be absent
  4105. both default and fixed can't be present
  4106. is not a valid attribute for documentation
  4107. xml:lang
  4108. Should not happen :1: XmlSchemaDocumentation.Read, name=
  4109. gDay
  4110. gMonth
  4111. gYear
  4112. gMonthDay
  4113. gYearMonth
  4114. QName
  4115. hexBinary
  4116. dateTime
  4117. duration
  4118. anyURI
  4119. boolean
  4120. base64Binary
  4121. double
  4122. float
  4123. positiveInteger
  4124. unsignedByte
  4125. unsignedShort
  4126. unsignedInt
  4127. unsignedLong
  4128. nonNegativeInteger
  4129. negativeInteger
  4130. nonPositiveInteger
  4131. byte
  4132. short
  4133. int
  4134. long
  4135. integer
  4136. decimal
  4137. NOTATION
  4138. ENTITIES
  4139. ENTITY
  4140. IDREFS
  4141. IDREF
  4142. ID
  4143. NCName
  4144. NMTOKENS
  4145. NMTOKEN
  4146. language
  4147. token
  4148. normalizedString
  4149. anySimpleType
  4150. yearMonthDuration
  4151. dayTimeDuration
  4152. untypedAtomic
  4153. anyAtomicType
  4155. simpleContent
  4156. Should not happen :2: XmlSchemaComplexType.Read, name=
  4157. is not a valid attribute for complexType
  4158. is invalid value for mixed
  4159. some invalid values for final attribute were found
  4160. final
  4161. some invalid values for block attribute were found
  4162. block
  4163. is invalid value for abstract
  4164. abstract
  4165. Should not happen :1: XmlSchemaComplexType.Read, name=
  4166. Invalid content type derivation.
  4167. Invalid attribute derivation by restriction because of attribute wildcard.
  4168. Invalid attribute derivation by restriction because of its fixed value constraint:
  4169. Invalid attribute derivation by restriction because of its type:
  4170. Invalid attribute derivation by restriction was found for
  4171. Prohibited derivation by restriction by base schema type.
  4172. Base schema type is not a complex type.
  4173. To extend simple type, a complex type must have the same content type as the base type.
  4174. Extension is prohibited by the base type.
  4175. Invalid complex content extension was found.
  4176. Base complex type has different content type
  4177. Invalid complex type derivation by extension was found. Base complex type does not have an attribute wildcard.
  4178. Invalid complex type derivation by extension was found. Missing attribute was found:
  4179. Derivation by extension is prohibited.
  4180. Derived type's base schema type is anyType.
  4181. is prohibited by the base type.
  4182. Derivation type
  4183. Not allowed base type of a simple content restriction.
  4184. Base complex type of a simple content restriction must be text only.
  4185. If a simple content is not an extension, base schema type must be complex type. Base type is
  4186. Base schema complex type of a simple content must be simple content type. Base type is
  4187. was not complex type or not found in the corresponding schema.
  4188. Referenced base schema type
  4189. Referenced base schema type is XML Schema datatype.
  4190. If the base schema type is a simple type, then this type must be extension.
  4191. Specified derivation is specified as final by derived schema type.
  4192. Circular definition of schema types was found.
  4193. Referenced group
  4194. Two or more ID typed attribute declarations in a complex type are found.
  4195. Particle whose term is -all- and consists of complex type content particle must have maxOccurs = 1.
  4196. Redefinition base type was not found.
  4197. is not valid in this place::ComplexType
  4198. attributes, particles or anyattribute is not allowed if ContentModel is present
  4199. block must be absent in a local complex type
  4200. final must be absent in a local complex type
  4201. name must be absent in a local complex type
  4202. abstract must be false in a local complex type
  4203. Invalid final specification.
  4204. Invalid block specification.
  4205. name must be a NCName
  4206. name must be present in a top level complex type
  4207. anyType
  4208. Should not happen :2: XmlSchemaComplexContentRestriction.Read, name=
  4209. is not a valid attribute for restriction
  4210. Should not happen :1: XmlSchemaComplexContentRestriction.Read, name=
  4211. is not valid in this place::ComplexContentRestriction
  4212. Should not happen :2: XmlSchemaComplexContentExtension.Read, name=
  4213. is not a valid attribute for extension
  4214. is not a valid value for base attribute
  4215. Should not happen :1: XmlSchemaComplexContentExtension.Read, name=
  4216. Particle of a restriction is limited only to group, sequence, choice and all.
  4217. is not valid in this place::ComplexConetnetExtension
  4218. BaseTypeName is not a valid XmlQualifiedName
  4219. base must be present, as a QName
  4220. restriction
  4221. Should not happen :2: XmlSchemaComplexContent.Read, name=
  4222. is not a valid attribute for complexContent
  4223. is an invalid value for mixed
  4224. mixed
  4225. Should not happen :1: XmlSchemaComplexContent.Read, name=
  4226. complexContent
  4227. complexContent can't have any value other than restriction or extention
  4228. Content must be present in a complexContent
  4229. sequence
  4230. Should not happen :2: XmlSchemaChoice.Read, name=
  4231. is not a valid attribute for choice
  4232. Should not happen :1: XmlSchemaChoice.Read, name=
  4233. choice
  4234. Invalid choice derivation by restriction was found.
  4235. Invalid schema object was specified in the particles of the choice model group.
  4236. Empty choice is unsatisfiable if minOccurs not equals to 0
  4237. Should not happen :2: XmlSchemaAttributeGroupRef.Read, name=
  4238. Should not happen :1: XmlSchemaAttributeGroupRef.Read, name=
  4239. ref must be a valid qname
  4240. ref must be present
  4241. Should not happen :2: XmlSchemaAttributeGroup.Read, name=
  4242. is not a valid attribute for attributeGroup in this context
  4243. Should not happen :1: XmlSchemaAttributeGroup.Read, name=
  4244. invalid type of object in Attributes property
  4245. name attribute of a simpleType must be NCName
  4246. Name is required in top level simpletype
  4247. Should not happen :2: XmlSchemaAttribute.Read, name=
  4248. is not a valid attribute for attribute
  4249. is not a valid value for use attribute
  4250. use
  4251. is not a valid value for type attribute
  4252. is not a valid value for ref attribute
  4253. is not a valid value for form attribute
  4254. form
  4255. fixed
  4256. Should not happen :1: XmlSchemaAttribute.Read, name=
  4257. The Attribute's fixed value is invalid with its type definition.
  4258. The Attribute's default value is invalid with its type definition.
  4259. By the defection of the W3C XML Schema specification, it is impossible to supply QName default or fixed values.
  4260. Referenced attribute
  4261. was not found in the corresponding schema.
  4262. Referenced schema type
  4263. Invalid xml schema namespace datatype was specified.
  4264. An attribute can't have complexType Content
  4265. if default is present, use must be optional
  4266. default and fixed must not both be present in an Attribute
  4267. targetNamespace can't be
  4268. noNamespaceSchemaLocation
  4269. schemaLocation
  4270. nil
  4272. Error: Should Never Happen. refname must be present
  4273. is not a valid QName
  4274. attribute can't have both a type and <simpleType> content
  4275. attribute name must not be xmlns
  4276. attribute name must be NCName
  4277. Required attribute name must be present
  4278. type must be absent if ref is present
  4279. simpletype must be absent if ref is present
  4280. form must be absent if ref is present
  4281. name must be absent if ref is present
  4282. use must be absent in the top level <attribute>
  4283. form must be absent in the top level <attribute>
  4284. ref must be absent in the top level <attribute>
  4285. is not a valid attribute for appinfo
  4286. Should not happen :1: XmlSchemaAppInfo.Read, name=
  4287. Should not happen :2: XmlSchemaAnyAttribute.Read, name=
  4288. is not a valid attribute for anyAttribute
  4289. Should not happen :1: XmlSchemaAnyAttribute.Read, name=
  4290. anyAttribute
  4291. Should not happen :2: XmlSchemaAny.Read, name=
  4292. is not a valid attribute for any
  4293. is not a valid value for processContents
  4294. processContents
  4295. namespace
  4296. Should not happen :1: XmlSchemaAny.Read, name=
  4297. any
  4298. Ambiguous -any- particle was found.
  4299. Invalid particle derivation by restriction was found.
  4300. unbounded
  4301. documentation
  4302. appinfo
  4303. ,expected=
  4304. Should not happen :2: XmlSchemaAnnotation.Read, name=
  4305. is not a valid attribute for annotation
  4306. Should not happen :1: XmlSchemaAnnotation.Read, name=
  4307. Should not happen :2: XmlSchemaAll.Read, name=
  4308. is not a valid attribute for all
  4309. is an invalid value for minOccurs
  4310. minOccurs
  4311. is an invalid value for maxOccurs
  4312. maxOccurs
  4313. Should not happen :1: XmlSchemaAll.Read, name=
  4314. Invalid -all- particle derivation was found.
  4315. MaxOccurs of a particle inside -all- compositor must be either 0 or 1.
  4316. -all- group is limited to be content of a model group, or that of a complex type with maxOccurs to be 1.
  4317. XmlSchemaAll can only contain Items of type Element
  4318. The {max occurs} of all the elements of 'all' must be 0 or 1.
  4319. minOccurs must be 0 or 1
  4320. maxOccurs must be 1
  4321. notation
  4322. attribute
  4323. attributeGroup
  4324. complexType
  4325. simpleType
  4326. annotation
  4327. redefine
  4328. import
  4329. include
  4330. Should not happen :2: XmlSchema.Read, name=
  4331. UNREACHABLE CODE REACHED: Method: Schema.ReadContent,
  4332. attribute is not allowed in schema element
  4334. is not a valid value for elementFormDefault.
  4335. is not a valid value for attributeFormDefault.
  4336. targetNamespace
  4337. finalDefault
  4338. elementFormDefault
  4339. blockDefault
  4340. attributeFormDefault
  4341. The top level schema must have namespace
  4342. This should never happen. XmlSchema.Read 1
  4343. The root element must be schema
  4344. schema
  4345. Target namespace is required to include a schema which has its own target namespace
  4346. Attribute namespace and its importing schema's target namespace must be the same.
  4347. Target namespace must be different from that of included schema.
  4348. Redefinition is only allowed to simpleType, complexType, group and attributeGroup.
  4349. Could not resolve schema location URI:
  4350. Object of Type {0} is not valid in Includes Property of XmlSchema
  4351. Object of Type {0} is not valid in Item Property of Schema
  4352. is not a valid value for version attribute of schema
  4353. is not a valid value for targetNamespace attribute of schema
  4354. The targetNamespace attribute cannot have have empty string as its value.
  4355. substitution is not allowed in finalDefault attribute
  4356. union is not allowed in blockDefault attribute
  4357. list is not allowed in blockDefault attribute
  4358. The Index is out of range.
  4359. .
  4360. Specified external entity not found. Target URL is
  4361. Nested inclusion is not allowed:
  4362. The numeric entity value is too large
  4363. Text declaration cannot appear in this state.
  4364. Expected {0} but found {1} [{2}].
  4365. a nmtoken did not start with a legal character {0} ({1})
  4366. public or system declaration required for "NOTATION" declaration.
  4367. Whitespace is required between public id and system id.
  4368. Whitespace is required between NOTATION and name in DTD notation declaration.
  4369. AttList declaration must not contain two or more ID attributes.
  4370. Whitespace is required between name and content in non-empty DTD attlist declaration.
  4371. Whitespace is required between ATTLIST and name in DTD attlist declaration.
  4372. unexpected end of stream.
  4373. Parameter entity is not allowed in internal subset entity '{0}'
  4374. Whitespace is required after NDATA.
  4375. NDATA
  4376. Whitespace is required between name and content in DTD entity declaration.
  4377. Parameter entity reference is not allowed inside internal subset.
  4378. not found.
  4379. Parameter entity
  4380. Parameter entity '{0}' not found.
  4381. Parameter entity is not allowed in internal subset entity '
  4382. Invalid number for a character reference.
  4383. Invalid character was found in the entity declaration.
  4384. '{0}' is not a valid entity reference name.
  4385. Invalid reference markup.
  4386. Invalid character was used to define parameter entity.
  4387. unexpected end of stream in entity value definition.
  4388. quotation char was expected.
  4389. Whitespace is required after name in DTD parameter entity declaration.
  4390. Element content must be unique inside mixed content model.
  4391. ContentSpec is missing.
  4392. Inconsistent sequence markup in choice cp.
  4393. Inconsistent choice markup in sequence cp.
  4394. #PCDATA
  4395. NY
  4396. MPTY
  4397. Whitespace is required between name and content in DTD element declaration.
  4398. Whitespace is required between '<!ELEMENT' and name in DTD element declaration.
  4399. IGNORE section is not ended correctly.
  4400. Unexpected IGNORE section end.
  4401. Syntax Error after '<!' characters.
  4402. NORE
  4403. CLUDE
  4404. Syntax Error after '<!E' (ELEMENT or ENTITY must be found)
  4405. expected name character
  4406. Whitespace is required after '<!ENTITY' in DTD entity declaration.
  4407. Syntax Error inside doctypedecl markup : {0}({1})
  4408. ]>
  4409. Unbalanced end of INCLUDE/IGNORE section.
  4410. Syntax Error after '<' character:
  4411. Unexpected end of stream.
  4412. INCLUDE section is not ended correctly.
  4414. Unexpected end of xml.
  4415. Expected {0}, but found {1} [{2}]
  4416. '{0}' is expected
  4417. EOF
  4418. expected '{0}' ({1:X}) but found '{2}' ({3:X})
  4419. a name did not start with a legal character {0} ({1})
  4420. character '{0}' not allowed for PUBLIC ID
  4421. Whitespace is required after 'PUBLIC'.
  4422. Unexpected end of stream in ExternalID.
  4423. Whitespace is required after 'SYSTEM'.
  4424. Parameter Entity Reference cannot appear as a part of markupdecl (see XML spec 2.8).
  4425. unexpected token '>'
  4426. unexpected '<{0}'.
  4427. OTATION
  4428. TTLIST
  4429. unexpected token '<!E'.
  4430. TITY
  4431. EMENT
  4432. unexpected end of file at DTD.
  4433. SYSTEM
  4434. PUBLIC
  4435. Whitespace is required between PUBLIC id and SYSTEM id.
  4436. Document type cannot appear in this state.
  4437. Document Type Declaration (DTD) is prohibited in this XML.
  4438. CDATA section cannot appear in this state.
  4439. comments cannot contain '--'
  4440. Unexpected declaration markup was found.
  4441. CDATA[
  4442. --
  4443. ?>
  4444. Encoding declaration is mandatory in text declaration.
  4445. Invalid encoding declaration inside text declaration.
  4446. Invalid version number inside text declaration.
  4447. Invalid version declaration inside text declaration.
  4448. Processing instruction name must not be character sequence 'X' 'M' 'L' with case insensitivity.
  4449. xml
  4450. '"' or ''' is expected.
  4451. '=' is expected after {0}
  4452. '?' is expected.
  4453. Unexpected token: '{0}'
  4454. Only 'yes' or 'no' is allow for 'standalone'
  4455. standalone
  4456. 'encoding' must be a valid IANA encoding name.
  4457. 'version' is expected.
  4458. XML declaration cannot appear in this state.
  4459. Invalid processing instruction name was found.
  4460. Not allowed processing instruction name which starts with 'X', 'M', 'L' was found.
  4461. Attribute must not contain character '<' either directly or indirectly by way of entity references.
  4462. Reference to external entities is not allowed in the internal subset.
  4463. Reference to external entities is not allowed in the value of an attribute.
  4464. Referenced entity '{0}' does not exist.
  4465. Invalid character was found.
  4466. unexpected end of file in an attribute value
  4467. attribute values cannot contain '<'
  4468. an attribute value was not quoted
  4469. Unexpected token. Name is required here.
  4470. , checkCharacters =
  4471. Referenced character was not allowed in XML. Normalization is
  4472. invalid decimal digit: {0} (#x{1:X})
  4473. invalid hexadecimal digit: {0} (#x{1:X})
  4474. Inside text content, character sequence ']]>' is not allowed.
  4475. Not allowed character was found.
  4476. Text node cannot appear in this state.
  4477. closing element without matching opening element
  4478. End tag cannot appear in this state.
  4479. Invalid xml:space value: {0}
  4480. preserve
  4481. space
  4482. lang
  4483. base
  4484. '{0}' is undeclared namespace.
  4485. Attribute name and qualified name must be identical.
  4486. Empty namespace URI cannot be mapped to non-empty prefix.
  4487. xmlns
  4488. document has terminated, cannot open new element
  4489. Multiple document element was detected.
  4490. Reference to any unparsed entities is not allowed here.
  4491. Standalone document must not contain any references to an non-internally declared entity.
  4492. unexpected end of file. Current depth is
  4493. NodeType {0} is not allowed to create XmlTextReader.
  4494. XmlTextReader cannot resolve external entities.
  4495. buffer length is smaller than the sum of offset and length.
  4496. Length must be non-negative integer.
  4497. Offset must be non-negative integer.
  4498. Document element did not appear.
  4499. attribute index out of range.
  4500. i is smaller than AttributeCount
  4501. Invalid wildcard subset was found.
  4502. This wildcard does not allow the namespace:
  4503. ##other if present must be the only namespace attribute
  4504. ##any if present must be the only namespace attribute
  4505. ' was found.
  4506. Multiple specification of '
  4507. the namespace is not a valid anyURI
  4508. Multiple specification of ##local was found.
  4509. Multiple specification of ##targetNamespace was found.
  4510. Multiple specification of ##other was found.
  4511. Multiple specification of ##any was found.
  4512. ##local
  4513. ##targetNamespace
  4514. ##other
  4515. ##any
  4516. HH:mm:ss.fffffffZ
  4517. HH:mm:ss.ffffffZ
  4518. HH:mm:ss.fffffZ
  4519. HH:mm:ss.ffffZ
  4520. HH:mm:ss.fffZ
  4521. HH:mm:ss.ffZ
  4522. HH:mm:ss.fZ
  4523. HH:mm:ssZ
  4524. HH:mm:ss.fffffffzzz
  4525. HH:mm:ss.ffffffzzz
  4526. HH:mm:ss.fffffzzz
  4527. HH:mm:ss.ffffzzz
  4528. HH:mm:ss.fffzzz
  4529. HH:mm:ss.ffzzz
  4530. HH:mm:ss.fzzz
  4531. HH:mm:sszzz
  4532. HH:mm:ss.fffffff
  4533. HH:mm:ss.ffffff
  4534. HH:mm:ss.fffff
  4535. HH:mm:ss.ffff
  4536. HH:mm:ss.fff
  4537. HH:mm:ss.ff
  4538. HH:mm:ss.f
  4539. namespace manager
  4540. name table
  4541. Invalid name token.
  4542. ' is an invalid NMTOKEN.
  4543. ' is an invalid name.
  4544. Integer contains point number.
  4545. ' is an invalid NCName.
  4546. yyyy-MM
  4547. yyyy
  4548. --MM-dd
  4549. --MM--
  4550. ---dd
  4551. Invalid entitiy name.
  4552. anyuri:
  4553. Required entity was not found: {0}
  4554. Notation declaration for {0} was already added.
  4555. Entity declaration for {0} was already added.
  4556. Invalid reference character '&' is specified.
  4557. Entity reference name is missing.
  4558. Nested entity was found between {0} and {1}
  4559. Entity recursion was found.
  4560. The total amount of external entities exceeded the allowed number.
  4561. Element declaration for {0} was already added.
  4562. Attribute definition for {0} was already added at element {1}.
  4563. Multicast address is not set!
  4564. Invalid timestamp.
  4565. Unsupported data type.
  4566. Boolean
  4567. Color
  4568. Char
  4569. OscTimeTag
  4570. Byte[]
  4571. String
  4572. Double
  4573. Single
  4574. Int64
  4575. Int32
  4576. Address must start with /.
  4577. Nested bundle's timestamp must be >= than parent bundle's timestamp.
  4578. #bundle
  4579. cHJvdG8z
  4580. AaABAaICA0dQQqoCHkdvb2dsZS5Qcm90b2J1Zi5XZWxsS25vd25UeXBlc2IG
  4581. AiABKAVCUQoTY29tLmdvb2dsZS5wcm90b2J1ZkIOVGltZXN0YW1wUHJvdG9Q
  4583. Ch9nb29nbGUvcHJvdG9idWYvdGltZXN0YW1wLnByb3RvEg9nb29nbGUucHJv
  4584. Kind
  4585. ListValue
  4586. StructValue
  4587. BoolValue
  4588. NumberValue
  4589. NullValue
  4590. Fields
  4591. b3RvMw==
  4592. AQGiAgNHUEKqAh5Hb29nbGUuUHJvdG9idWYuV2VsbEtub3duVHlwZXNiBnBy
  4593. QUxVRRAAQk4KE2NvbS5nb29nbGUucHJvdG9idWZCC1N0cnVjdFByb3RvUAGg
  4594. Lmdvb2dsZS5wcm90b2J1Zi5WYWx1ZSobCglOdWxsVmFsdWUSDgoKTlVMTF9W
  4595. YWx1ZUgAQgYKBGtpbmQiMwoJTGlzdFZhbHVlEiYKBnZhbHVlcxgBIAMoCzIW
  4596. ABIwCgpsaXN0X3ZhbHVlGAYgASgLMhouZ29vZ2xlLnByb3RvYnVmLkxpc3RW
  4597. DHN0cnVjdF92YWx1ZRgFIAEoCzIXLmdvb2dsZS5wcm90b2J1Zi5TdHJ1Y3RI
  4598. c3RyaW5nX3ZhbHVlGAMgASgJSAASFAoKYm9vbF92YWx1ZRgEIAEoCEgAEi8K
  4599. dG9idWYuTnVsbFZhbHVlSAASFgoMbnVtYmVyX3ZhbHVlGAIgASgBSAASFgoM
  4600. OAEi6gEKBVZhbHVlEjAKCm51bGxfdmFsdWUYASABKA4yGi5nb29nbGUucHJv
  4601. IAEoCRIlCgV2YWx1ZRgCIAEoCzIWLmdvb2dsZS5wcm90b2J1Zi5WYWx1ZToC
  4602. dWYuU3RydWN0LkZpZWxkc0VudHJ5GkUKC0ZpZWxkc0VudHJ5EgsKA2tleRgB
  4603. dWYihAEKBlN0cnVjdBIzCgZmaWVsZHMYASADKAsyIy5nb29nbGUucHJvdG9i
  4604. Chxnb29nbGUvcHJvdG9idWYvc3RydWN0LnByb3RvEg9nb29nbGUucHJvdG9i
  4605. Paths
  4606. Z2xlLlByb3RvYnVmLldlbGxLbm93blR5cGVzYgZwcm90bzM=
  4607. Z2xlLnByb3RvYnVmQg5GaWVsZE1hc2tQcm90b1ABoAEBogIDR1BCqgIeR29v
  4608. b3RvYnVmIhoKCUZpZWxkTWFzaxINCgVwYXRocxgBIAMoCUJRChNjb20uZ29v
  4609. CiBnb29nbGUvcHJvdG9idWYvZmllbGRfbWFzay5wcm90bxIPZ29vZ2xlLnBy
  4610. Nanos
  4611. Seconds
  4612. dG8z
  4613. AaICA0dQQqoCHkdvb2dsZS5Qcm90b2J1Zi5XZWxsS25vd25UeXBlc2IGcHJv
  4614. ASgFQlAKE2NvbS5nb29nbGUucHJvdG9idWZCDUR1cmF0aW9uUHJvdG9QAaAB
  4615. b2J1ZiIqCghEdXJhdGlvbhIPCgdzZWNvbmRzGAEgASgDEg0KBW5hbm9zGAIg
  4616. Ch5nb29nbGUvcHJvdG9idWYvZHVyYXRpb24ucHJvdG8SD2dvb2dsZS5wcm90
  4617. TypeUrl
  4618. bGUuUHJvdG9idWYuV2VsbEtub3duVHlwZXNiBnByb3RvMw==
  4619. bS5nb29nbGUucHJvdG9idWZCCEFueVByb3RvUAGgAQGiAgNHUEKqAh5Hb29n
  4621. Chlnb29nbGUvcHJvdG9idWYvYW55LnByb3RvEg9nb29nbGUucHJvdG9idWYi
  4622. Not all required properties/methods available
  4623. SetValue is not implemented for repeated fields
  4624. arg
  4625. Method Clear{0} not found in {1}
  4626. Clear
  4627. Property {0}Case not found in {1}
  4628. Case
  4629. Cannot read from property
  4630. " is not a message type.
  4631. No such field number
  4632. google/protobuf/type.proto
  4633. google/protobuf/struct.proto
  4634. google/protobuf/source_context.proto
  4635. google/protobuf/field_mask.proto
  4636. google/protobuf/timestamp.proto
  4637. google/protobuf/empty.proto
  4638. google/protobuf/duration.proto
  4639. google/protobuf/api.proto
  4640. google/protobuf/any.proto
  4641. google/protobuf/wrappers.proto
  4642. google.protobuf
  4643. SetValue is not implemented for map fields
  4644. FileDescriptor for {0}
  4645. Invalid embedded descriptor for "{0}".
  4646. Failed to parse protocol buffer descriptor for generated code.
  4647. but was:
  4648. Dependencies passed to FileDescriptor.BuildFrom() don't match those listed in the FileDescriptorProto. Expected:
  4649. Dependencies passed to FileDescriptor.BuildFrom() don't match those listed in the FileDescriptorProto.
  4650. Invalid public dependency:
  4651. Invalid public dependency index.
  4652. Property {0} not found in {1}
  4653. MessageSet format is not supported.
  4654. Field with message or enum type missing type_name.
  4655. Field with primitive type has type_name.
  4656. "{0}" is not an enum type.
  4657. Messages can't have default values.
  4658. "{0}" is not a message type.
  4659. "{0}" is not a type.
  4660. FieldDescriptors can only be compared to other FieldDescriptors for fields of the same message type.
  4661. Invalid type specified
  4662. FieldDescriptorProto.oneof_index is out of range for type {0}
  4663. Field numbers must be positive integers.
  4664. Enums must contain at least one value.
  4665. LeadingDetachedComments
  4666. TrailingComments
  4667. LeadingComments
  4668. Span
  4669. Path
  4670. IsExtension
  4671. NamePart_
  4672. AggregateValue
  4673. StringValue
  4674. DoubleValue
  4675. NegativeIntValue
  4676. PositiveIntValue
  4677. IdentifierValue
  4678. AllowAlias
  4679. Weak
  4680. Lazy
  4681. Jstype
  4682. Packed
  4683. Ctype
  4684. MapEntry
  4685. NoStandardDescriptorAccessor
  4686. MessageSetWireFormat
  4687. UninterpretedOption
  4688. JavananoUseDeprecatedPackage
  4689. CsharpNamespace
  4690. ObjcClassPrefix
  4691. CcEnableArenas
  4692. Deprecated
  4693. PyGenericServices
  4694. JavaGenericServices
  4695. CcGenericServices
  4696. GoPackage
  4697. OptimizeFor
  4698. JavaStringCheckUtf8
  4699. JavaGenerateEqualsAndHash
  4700. JavaMultipleFiles
  4701. JavaOuterClassname
  4702. JavaPackage
  4703. ServerStreaming
  4704. ClientStreaming
  4705. OutputType
  4706. InputType
  4707. Method
  4708. JsonName
  4709. OneofIndex
  4710. DefaultValue
  4711. Extendee
  4712. Label
  4713. Number
  4714. End
  4715. Start
  4716. ReservedName
  4717. ReservedRange
  4718. OneofDecl
  4719. ExtensionRange
  4720. NestedType
  4721. Syntax
  4722. SourceCodeInfo
  4723. Options
  4724. Extension
  4725. Service
  4726. EnumType
  4727. MessageType
  4728. WeakDependency
  4729. PublicDependency
  4730. Dependency
  4731. Package
  4732. File
  4733. b2J1Zi5SZWZsZWN0aW9u
  4734. aXB0b3JQcm90b3NIAVoKZGVzY3JpcHRvcqICA0dQQqoCGkdvb2dsZS5Qcm90
  4735. X2NvbW1lbnRzGAYgAygJQlgKE2NvbS5nb29nbGUucHJvdG9idWZCEERlc2Ny
  4736. ChF0cmFpbGluZ19jb21tZW50cxgEIAEoCRIhChlsZWFkaW5nX2RldGFjaGVk
  4737. EAoEc3BhbhgCIAMoBUICEAESGAoQbGVhZGluZ19jb21tZW50cxgDIAEoCRIZ
  4738. SW5mby5Mb2NhdGlvbhqGAQoITG9jYXRpb24SEAoEcGF0aBgBIAMoBUICEAES
  4739. Cghsb2NhdGlvbhgBIAMoCzIoLmdvb2dsZS5wcm90b2J1Zi5Tb3VyY2VDb2Rl
  4740. KAkSFAoMaXNfZXh0ZW5zaW9uGAIgAigIItUBCg5Tb3VyY2VDb2RlSW5mbxI6
  4742. bGVfdmFsdWUYBiABKAESFAoMc3RyaW5nX3ZhbHVlGAcgASgMEhcKD2FnZ3Jl
  4743. bHVlGAQgASgEEhoKEm5lZ2F0aXZlX2ludF92YWx1ZRgFIAEoAxIUCgxkb3Vi
  4744. EhgKEGlkZW50aWZpZXJfdmFsdWUYAyABKAkSGgoScG9zaXRpdmVfaW50X3Zh
  4745. Lmdvb2dsZS5wcm90b2J1Zi5VbmludGVycHJldGVkT3B0aW9uLk5hbWVQYXJ0
  4746. gICAgAIingIKE1VuaW50ZXJwcmV0ZWRPcHRpb24SOwoEbmFtZRgCIAMoCzIt
  4747. CzIkLmdvb2dsZS5wcm90b2J1Zi5VbmludGVycHJldGVkT3B0aW9uKgkI6AcQ
  4749. cHRpb24qCQjoBxCAgICAAiJ6Cg1NZXRob2RPcHRpb25zEhkKCmRlcHJlY2F0
  4750. cHRpb24Y5wcgAygLMiQuZ29vZ2xlLnByb3RvYnVmLlVuaW50ZXJwcmV0ZWRP
  4751. GQoKZGVwcmVjYXRlZBghIAEoCDoFZmFsc2USQwoUdW5pbnRlcnByZXRlZF9v
  4752. dGVycHJldGVkT3B0aW9uKgkI6AcQgICAgAIiewoOU2VydmljZU9wdGlvbnMS
  4753. ZXJwcmV0ZWRfb3B0aW9uGOcHIAMoCzIkLmdvb2dsZS5wcm90b2J1Zi5Vbmlu
  4755. YnVmLlVuaW50ZXJwcmV0ZWRPcHRpb24qCQjoBxCAgICAAiJ9ChBFbnVtVmFs
  4756. QwoUdW5pbnRlcnByZXRlZF9vcHRpb24Y5wcgAygLMiQuZ29vZ2xlLnByb3Rv
  4761. GOcHIAMoCzIkLmdvb2dsZS5wcm90b2J1Zi5VbmludGVycHJldGVkT3B0aW9u
  4762. EhMKBHdlYWsYCiABKAg6BWZhbHNlEkMKFHVuaW50ZXJwcmV0ZWRfb3B0aW9u
  4764. bGUucHJvdG9idWYuRmllbGRPcHRpb25zLkpTVHlwZToJSlNfTk9STUFMEhMK
  4765. U1RSSU5HEg4KBnBhY2tlZBgCIAEoCBI/CgZqc3R5cGUYBiABKA4yJC5nb29n
  4766. GAEgASgOMiMuZ29vZ2xlLnByb3RvYnVmLkZpZWxkT3B0aW9ucy5DVHlwZToG
  4767. ZWRPcHRpb24qCQjoBxCAgICAAiKYAwoMRmllbGRPcHRpb25zEjoKBWN0eXBl
  4768. ZF9vcHRpb24Y5wcgAygLMiQuZ29vZ2xlLnByb3RvYnVmLlVuaW50ZXJwcmV0
  4769. ASgIOgVmYWxzZRIRCgltYXBfZW50cnkYByABKAgSQwoUdW5pbnRlcnByZXRl
  4770. cmlwdG9yX2FjY2Vzc29yGAIgASgIOgVmYWxzZRIZCgpkZXByZWNhdGVkGAMg
  4771. X3dpcmVfZm9ybWF0GAEgASgIOgVmYWxzZRIuCh9ub19zdGFuZGFyZF9kZXNj
  4772. KgkI6AcQgICAgAIi5gEKDk1lc3NhZ2VPcHRpb25zEiYKF21lc3NhZ2Vfc2V0
  4774. ZS5wcm90b2J1Zi5VbmludGVycHJldGVkT3B0aW9uIjoKDE9wdGltaXplTW9k
  4775. GCYgASgIEkMKFHVuaW50ZXJwcmV0ZWRfb3B0aW9uGOcHIAMoCzIkLmdvb2ds
  4776. cGFjZRglIAEoCRInCh9qYXZhbmFub191c2VfZGVwcmVjYXRlZF9wYWNrYWdl
  4777. c2USGQoRb2JqY19jbGFzc19wcmVmaXgYJCABKAkSGAoQY3NoYXJwX25hbWVz
  4778. ZBgXIAEoCDoFZmFsc2USHwoQY2NfZW5hYmxlX2FyZW5hcxgfIAEoCDoFZmFs
  4779. cHlfZ2VuZXJpY19zZXJ2aWNlcxgSIAEoCDoFZmFsc2USGQoKZGVwcmVjYXRl
  4780. bHNlEiQKFWphdmFfZ2VuZXJpY19zZXJ2aWNlcxgRIAEoCDoFZmFsc2USIgoT
  4781. YWNrYWdlGAsgASgJEiIKE2NjX2dlbmVyaWNfc2VydmljZXMYECABKAg6BWZh
  4782. dG9idWYuRmlsZU9wdGlvbnMuT3B0aW1pemVNb2RlOgVTUEVFRBISCgpnb19w
  4783. ASgIOgVmYWxzZRJGCgxvcHRpbWl6ZV9mb3IYCSABKA4yKS5nb29nbGUucHJv
  4784. YXNoGBQgASgIOgVmYWxzZRIlChZqYXZhX3N0cmluZ19jaGVja191dGY4GBsg
  4786. dmFfb3V0ZXJfY2xhc3NuYW1lGAggASgJEiIKE2phdmFfbXVsdGlwbGVfZmls
  4787. ZSKqBQoLRmlsZU9wdGlvbnMSFAoMamF2YV9wYWNrYWdlGAEgASgJEhwKFGph
  4789. bGUucHJvdG9idWYuTWV0aG9kT3B0aW9ucxIfChBjbGllbnRfc3RyZWFtaW5n
  4790. EhMKC291dHB1dF90eXBlGAMgASgJEi8KB29wdGlvbnMYBCABKAsyHi5nb29n
  4791. cmlwdG9yUHJvdG8SDAoEbmFtZRgBIAEoCRISCgppbnB1dF90eXBlGAIgASgJ
  4792. Z29vZ2xlLnByb3RvYnVmLlNlcnZpY2VPcHRpb25zIsEBChVNZXRob2REZXNj
  4793. YnVmLk1ldGhvZERlc2NyaXB0b3JQcm90bxIwCgdvcHRpb25zGAMgASgLMh8u
  4794. EgwKBG5hbWUYASABKAkSNgoGbWV0aG9kGAIgAygLMiYuZ29vZ2xlLnByb3Rv
  4795. Zi5FbnVtVmFsdWVPcHRpb25zIpABChZTZXJ2aWNlRGVzY3JpcHRvclByb3Rv
  4796. dW1iZXIYAiABKAUSMgoHb3B0aW9ucxgDIAEoCzIhLmdvb2dsZS5wcm90b2J1
  4797. ChhFbnVtVmFsdWVEZXNjcmlwdG9yUHJvdG8SDAoEbmFtZRgBIAEoCRIOCgZu
  4798. b3B0aW9ucxgDIAEoCzIcLmdvb2dsZS5wcm90b2J1Zi5FbnVtT3B0aW9ucyJs
  4799. Lmdvb2dsZS5wcm90b2J1Zi5FbnVtVmFsdWVEZXNjcmlwdG9yUHJvdG8SLQoH
  4800. ZXNjcmlwdG9yUHJvdG8SDAoEbmFtZRgBIAEoCRI4CgV2YWx1ZRgCIAMoCzIp
  4801. FE9uZW9mRGVzY3JpcHRvclByb3RvEgwKBG5hbWUYASABKAkijAEKE0VudW1E
  4810. cm90b2J1Zi5GaWVsZE9wdGlvbnMitgIKBFR5cGUSDwoLVFlQRV9ET1VCTEUQ
  4811. Cglqc29uX25hbWUYCiABKAkSLgoHb3B0aW9ucxgIIAEoCzIdLmdvb2dsZS5w
  4814. cGUYBSABKA4yKi5nb29nbGUucHJvdG9idWYuRmllbGREZXNjcmlwdG9yUHJv
  4815. Z2xlLnByb3RvYnVmLkZpZWxkRGVzY3JpcHRvclByb3RvLkxhYmVsEjgKBHR5
  4819. ZWRfbmFtZRgKIAMoCRosCg5FeHRlbnNpb25SYW5nZRINCgVzdGFydBgBIAEo
  4820. dG9idWYuRGVzY3JpcHRvclByb3RvLlJlc2VydmVkUmFuZ2USFQoNcmVzZXJ2
  4821. ZU9wdGlvbnMSRgoOcmVzZXJ2ZWRfcmFuZ2UYCSADKAsyLi5nb29nbGUucHJv
  4822. b3RvEjAKB29wdGlvbnMYByABKAsyHy5nb29nbGUucHJvdG9idWYuTWVzc2Fn
  4823. ZWNsGAggAygLMiUuZ29vZ2xlLnByb3RvYnVmLk9uZW9mRGVzY3JpcHRvclBy
  4824. YnVmLkRlc2NyaXB0b3JQcm90by5FeHRlbnNpb25SYW5nZRI5CgpvbmVvZl9k
  4825. UHJvdG8SSAoPZXh0ZW5zaW9uX3JhbmdlGAUgAygLMi8uZ29vZ2xlLnByb3Rv
  4826. bV90eXBlGAQgAygLMiQuZ29vZ2xlLnByb3RvYnVmLkVudW1EZXNjcmlwdG9y
  4827. IAMoCzIgLmdvb2dsZS5wcm90b2J1Zi5EZXNjcmlwdG9yUHJvdG8SNwoJZW51
  4828. cm90b2J1Zi5GaWVsZERlc2NyaXB0b3JQcm90bxI1CgtuZXN0ZWRfdHlwZRgD
  4829. RGVzY3JpcHRvclByb3RvEjgKCWV4dGVuc2lvbhgGIAMoCzIlLmdvb2dsZS5w
  4830. GAEgASgJEjQKBWZpZWxkGAIgAygLMiUuZ29vZ2xlLnByb3RvYnVmLkZpZWxk
  4831. bxIOCgZzeW50YXgYDCABKAki8AQKD0Rlc2NyaXB0b3JQcm90bxIMCgRuYW1l
  4832. ZGVfaW5mbxgJIAEoCzIfLmdvb2dsZS5wcm90b2J1Zi5Tb3VyY2VDb2RlSW5m
  4833. KAsyHC5nb29nbGUucHJvdG9idWYuRmlsZU9wdGlvbnMSOQoQc291cmNlX2Nv
  4834. LnByb3RvYnVmLkZpZWxkRGVzY3JpcHRvclByb3RvEi0KB29wdGlvbnMYCCAB
  4835. Y2VEZXNjcmlwdG9yUHJvdG8SOAoJZXh0ZW5zaW9uGAcgAygLMiUuZ29vZ2xl
  4836. cm90bxI4CgdzZXJ2aWNlGAYgAygLMicuZ29vZ2xlLnByb3RvYnVmLlNlcnZp
  4837. X3R5cGUYBSADKAsyJC5nb29nbGUucHJvdG9idWYuRW51bURlc2NyaXB0b3JQ
  4838. AygLMiAuZ29vZ2xlLnByb3RvYnVmLkRlc2NyaXB0b3JQcm90bxI3CgllbnVt
  4841. c2NyaXB0b3JQcm90bxIMCgRuYW1lGAEgASgJEg8KB3BhY2thZ2UYAiABKAkS
  4842. b29nbGUucHJvdG9idWYuRmlsZURlc2NyaXB0b3JQcm90byLbAwoTRmlsZURl
  4843. b3RvYnVmIkcKEUZpbGVEZXNjcmlwdG9yU2V0EjIKBGZpbGUYASADKAsyJC5n
  4844. CiBnb29nbGUvcHJvdG9idWYvZGVzY3JpcHRvci5wcm90bxIPZ29vZ2xlLnBy
  4845. ^[_A-Za-z][_A-Za-z0-9]*$
  4846. " is not defined.
  4847. " by field "
  4848. has already been used in "
  4849. Field number
  4850. " is not a valid identifier.
  4851. Missing name.
  4852. " is already defined in file "
  4853. " is already defined in "
  4854. " is already defined.
  4855. ".
  4856. " is already defined (as something other than a package) in file "
  4857. typeRegistry
  4858. 0123456789abcdef
  4859. \u
  4860. String contains high surrogate not preceded by low surrogate
  4861. String contains low surrogate not followed by high surrogate
  4862. Unhandled dictionary key type:
  4863. Dictionary has entry with null key
  4864. ]
  4865. [
  4866. Unexpected case in struct field:
  4867. Value message must contain a value for the oneof.
  4868. Struct fields cannot have an empty key or a null value.
  4869. Invalid type url: {0}
  4871. @value
  4872. @type
  4873. Type registry has no descriptor for type name '{0}'
  4874. yyyy'-'MM'-'dd'T'HH:mm:ss
  4875. Unable to format value of type
  4876. false
  4877. Invalid field type
  4878. }
  4879. {
  4880. message
  4881. \u009f
  4882. \u009e
  4883. \u009d
  4884. \u009c
  4885. \u009b
  4886. \u009a
  4887. \u0099
  4888. \u0098
  4889. \u0097
  4890. \u0096
  4891. \u0095
  4892. \u0094
  4893. \u0093
  4894. \u0092
  4895. \u0091
  4896. \u0090
  4897. \u008f
  4898. \u008e
  4899. \u008d
  4900. \u008c
  4901. \u008b
  4902. \u008a
  4903. \u0089
  4904. \u0088
  4905. \u0087
  4906. \u0086
  4907. \u0085
  4908. \u0084
  4909. \u0083
  4910. \u0082
  4911. \u0081
  4912. \u0080
  4913. \u007f
  4914. \u003e
  4915. \u003c
  4916. \"
  4917. \u001f
  4918. \u001e
  4919. \u001d
  4920. \u001c
  4921. \u001b
  4922. \u001a
  4923. \u0019
  4924. \u0018
  4925. \u0017
  4926. \u0016
  4927. \u0015
  4928. \u0014
  4929. \u0013
  4930. \u0012
  4931. \u0011
  4932. \u0010
  4933. \u000f
  4934. \u000e
  4935. \r
  4936. \f
  4937. \u000b
  4938. \n
  4939. \t
  4940. \b
  4941. \u0007
  4942. \u0006
  4943. \u0005
  4944. \u0004
  4945. \u0003
  4946. \u0002
  4947. \u0001
  4948. \u0000
  4949. Protocol message was too large. May be malicious. Use CodedInputStream.SetSizeLimit() to increase the size limit.
  4950. Protocol message had too many levels of nesting. May be malicious. Use CodedInputStream.SetRecursionLimit() to increase the depth limit.
  4951. Protocol message contained an invalid tag (zero).
  4952. CodedInputStream encountered a malformed varint.
  4953. CodedInputStream encountered an embedded string or message which claimed to have negative size.
  4954. While parsing a protocol message, the input ended unexpectedly in the middle of a field. This could mean either than the input has been truncated or that an embedded message misreported its own length.
  4955. Completed reading a message while more data was available in the stream.
  4956. CodedOutputStream was writing to a flat byte array and ran out of space.
  4957. Stream.Read returned a negative count
  4958. RefillBuffer() called when buffer wasn't empty.
  4959. SkipLastField cannot be called at the end of a stream
  4960. System.Security.Cryptography.AesManaged, System.Core, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089
  4961. Parameter out of scope
  4962. Unhandled binding type '{0}'
  4963. Unhandled expression type: '{0}'
  4964. Invoke(
  4965. [] {
  4966. new
  4967. {
  4968. new {0}(
  4969. =>
  4970. = {
  4971. {0} =
  4972. .{0}
  4973. <param>
  4974. IIF(
  4975. value(
  4976. null
  4977. Is {0})
  4978. {0}
  4979. |
  4980. Or
  4981. And
  4982. >>
  4983. ||
  4984. !=
  4985. <=
  4986. <<
  4987. >=
  4988. ^
  4989. ??
  4990. &&
  4991. As {0})
  4992. {0}(
  4993. Emit method is not implemented in expression type {0}
  4994. Type can't be void
  4995. The number of arguments doesn't match the number of parameters
  4996. Can not used open generic methods
  4997. body type {0} can not be assigned to {1}
  4998. Can not assign a {0} to a {1}
  4999. Different number of arguments in delegate {0}
  5000. delegate must contain an Invoke method
  5001. expression
  5002. op_Implicit
  5003. op_Explicit
  5004. Type is not assignable to the declaring type of the method
  5005. instance
  5006. left-side argument type does not match expression type
  5007. Must have only one parameters
  5008. Method must be static
  5009. Specified method must return a value
  5010. op_False
  5011. op_True
  5012. IsolateExpression
  5013. Parent
  5014. Locals
  5015. CreateHoistedLocals
  5016. CreateDelegate
  5017. Globals
  5018. GetValueOrDefault
  5019. get_Value
  5020. get_HasValue
  5021. lambda_method
  5022. No support for constants of type {0} yet
  5023. Value
  5024. Internal error: BinaryExpression contains non-Binary nodetype {0}
  5025. Pow
  5026. elementSelector
  5027. keySelector
  5028. second
  5029. first
  5030. predicate
  5031. selector
  5032. Cannot convert to destination type.
  5033. Cannot convert from value.
  5034. sourceType
  5035. ldap
  5036. The argument Uri's scheme does not match
  5037. ^(([^@]+)@)?(.*?)(:([0-9]+))?$
  5038. ^(([^:/?#]+):)?(//([^/?#]*))?([^?#]*)(\?([^#]*))?(#(.*))?
  5039. Invalid URI format
  5040. This operation is not supported for a relative URI.
  5041. stringToUnescape
  5042. Invalid URI: The hostname could not be parsed. (
  5043. Invalid URI: Invalid port number
  5044. Absolute URI when we expected a relative one
  5045. Invalid URI: The Authority/Host could not be parsed.
  5046. URI scheme must start with a letter and must consist of one of alphabet, digits, '+', '-' or '.' character.
  5047. URI scheme must start with a letter.
  5048. Absolute URI is too short
  5049. %3F
  5050. %25
  5051. /..
  5052. /../
  5053. ./
  5054. baseUri
  5055. net.tcp
  5056. net.pipe
  5057. Invalid URI: The format of the URI could not be determined:
  5058. Invalid UriKind value '{0}'.
  5059. Invalid URI: The format of the URI could not be determined because the parameter 'uriString' represents an absolute URI.
  5060. Invalid URI: The format of the URI could not be determined.
  5061. AbsoluteUri
  5062. " -
  5063. parsing "
  5064. name
  5065. number
  5066. Reference to undefined group
  5067. Unrecognized control character.
  5068. Insufficient hex digits
  5069. Parsing "{0}" - Illegal \ at end of pattern.
  5070. Malformed \k<...> named backreference.
  5071. Unknown property '
  5072. Incomplete \p{X} character escape.
  5073. Illegal {x, y} with x > y.
  5074. Illegal {x, y} - maximum of 2147483647.
  5075. Unterminated [] set.
  5076. ] range in reverse order.
  5077. character range cannot have category \
  5078. Bad grouping construct.
  5079. Unterminated (?#...) comment.
  5080. Bad conditional.
  5081. Bad balancing group name.
  5082. Bad group name.
  5083. Bad options
  5084. Not enough )'s.
  5085. Too many )'s.
  5086. Bad quantifier.
  5087. Too many | in (?()|).
  5088. invalid state
  5089. Unexpected end of pattern.
  5090. Shouldn't happen
  5091. overlapping?
  5092. replacement
  5093. startat
  5094. input
  5095. 'Current' called after 'MoveNext()' returned false
  5096. MatchCollection in invalid state
  5097. 'Current' called before 'MoveNext()'
  5098. too many matches
  5099. can only truncate the stack
  5100. ])
  5101. ', [
  5102. ('
  5103. Is
  5104. how
  5105. Scan method must be implemented in derived classes
  5106. subjectKeyIdentifier
  5107. Store {0} doesn't exists.
  5108. Root
  5109. Invalid store name (null or empty).
  5110. storeLocation
  5111. Encipher Only
  5112. Off-line CRL Signing, CRL Signing
  5113. index >= array.Length
  5114. Expected a X509Extension instance.
  5115. Unknown Key Usage (
  5116. Server Authentication (
  5117. Invalid ASN.1 Tag
  5118. encodedData
  5119. RevocationMode
  5122. Invalid revocation mode.
  5123. X02
  5125. Invalid find type '{0}'.
  5126. X509DateTime
  5127. Invalid OID value '{0}'.
  5128. X509KeyUsageFlags
  5129. Invalid find value type '{0}', expected '{1}'.
  5130. findValue
  5131. certificate
  5132. index >= Count
  5133. negative index
  5134. {0} Parameters:
  5135. {0} Length: {1}{0} Key Blob:
  5136. [Public Key]{0} Algorithm:
  5137. [Signature Algorithm]{0} {1}({2}){0}{0}
  5138. [Thumbprint]{0} {1}{0}{0}
  5139. [Serial Number]{0} {1}{0}{0}
  5140. [Version]{0} V{1}{0}{0}
  5141. System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.X509Certificate2
  5142. nameType
  5143. Unable to decode public key.
  5144. Unknown Key Usage ({0})
  5145. Wrong type.
  5146. Badly encoded extension.
  5147. pathLengthConstraint
  5148. encodedDistinguishedName
  5149. Missing RSA public exponent.
  5150. Missing RSA modulus.
  5151. Missing RSA modulus and exponent.
  5152. Error decoding the ASN.1 structure.
  5153. Invalid DSA parameters.
  5154. Missing DSA parameters.
  5155. Missing DSA Y integer.
  5156. Cannot decode public key from unknown OID '{0}'.
  5157. 1.2.840.10040.4.1
  5158. sha1
  5159. md5
  5160. Netscape Cert Type
  5161. Subject Alternative Name
  5162. Subject Key Identifier
  5163. Enhanced Key Usage
  5164. Key Usage
  5165. Basic Constraints
  5166. 3des
  5167. Signing Time
  5168. Message Digest
  5169. Content Type
  5170. PKCS 7 Data
  5171. 1.2.840.113549.1.9.5
  5172. 1.2.840.113549.1.9.4
  5173. 1.2.840.113549.1.9.3
  5174. 1.2.840.113549.1.1.1
  5175. ({0})
  5176. Signature CA
  5177. Unknown cert type
  5178. Unknown ({0})=
  5179. Information Not Available
  5180. asnEncodedData
  5181. requestUriString
  5182. This method must be implemented in derived classes
  5183. System.Net.
  5184. FtpRequestCreator
  5185. FileWebRequestCreator
  5186. HttpRequestCreator
  5187. loopback
  5188. localhost
  5189. _UseDefaultCredentials
  5190. _BypassList
  5191. _BypassOnLocal
  5192. _ProxyAddress
  5193. invalid header value
  5194. invalid header name
  5195. restricted header
  5196. Invalid character in header
  5197. empty string
  5198. headerValue
  5199. invalid header value:
  5200. headerName
  5201. invalid header name:
  5202. This header must be modified with the appropiate property.
  5203. no colon found
  5204. header
  5205. set-cookie2
  5206. set-cookie
  5207. www-authenticate
  5208. warning
  5209. via
  5210. vary
  5211. upgrade
  5212. public
  5213. proxy-authenticate
  5214. if-none-match
  5215. if-match
  5216. content-language
  5217. content-encoding
  5218. cache-control
  5219. authorization
  5220. allow
  5221. accept-ranges
  5222. accept-language
  5223. accept-encoding
  5224. accept-charset
  5225. proxy-connection
  5226. user-agent
  5227. transfer-encoding
  5228. referer
  5229. range
  5230. if-modified-since
  5231. expect
  5232. date
  5233. content-type
  5234. content-length
  5235. connection
  5236. accept
  5237. v
  5238. k
  5239. Request was cancelled.
  5240. Cannot close the stream until all bytes are written
  5241. 0
  5242. Specified Content-Length is less than the number of bytes to write
  5243. Error writing request:
  5244. Write timed out.
  5245. The number of bytes to be written is greater than the specified ContentLength.
  5246. {0:X}
  5247. this stream does not allow writing
  5248. Error writing request
  5249. this stream does not allow reading
  5250. The operation has timed out.
  5251. User aborted
  5252. Trust failure
  5253. Write:
  5254. chunked Read2
  5255. chunked Read1
  5256. Read error
  5257. chunked EndRead
  5258. Invalid chunked data.
  5259. chunked BeginRead
  5260. HTTP/1.1
  5261. InitRead
  5262. ReadDone6
  5263. ReadDone5
  5264. ReadDone4
  5265. ReadDone3
  5266. ReadDone2
  5267. ReadDone1
  5268. ReadHeaders2
  5269. ReadHeaders
  5270. The remote server returned a {0} status code.
  5272. Proxy-Authorization:
  5273. Host:
  5274. 1.0
  5275. 1.1
  5276. HTTP/
  5277. CONNECT
  5278. TrustFailure
  5279. ServerCertificate
  5280. SelectedClientCertificate
  5281. Unexpected error while trying to call method_GetSecurityPolicyBlocking :
  5282. Webrequest was denied
  5283. Cannot find method DownloadPolicy
  5284. DownloadPolicy
  5285. Cant find GetSecurityPolicyFromNonMainThread
  5286. GetSecurityPolicyForDotNetWebRequest
  5287. /crossdomain.xml
  5288. CheckingSecurityForUrl:
  5289. Throwing this exception:
  5290. asyncResult is a null reference
  5291. multicastAddr
  5292. localEP
  5293. Family must be InterNetwork or InterNetworkV6
  5294. remoteEP
  5295. Cant find
  5296. Cant find type UnityCrossDomainHelper
  5297. UnityEngine.UnityCrossDomainHelper, CrossDomainPolicyParser, Version=, Culture=neutral
  5298. Unexpected error while trying to CheckEndPoint() :
  5299. CheckSocketEndPoint
  5300. Invalid value specified.
  5301. A 'IPv6MulticastOption' value must be specified.
  5302. A 'MulticastOption' value must be specified.
  5303. A 'LingerOption' value must be specified.
  5304. optionValue
  5305. Throwing the following security exception:
  5306. SendTo request refused by Unity webplayer security model
  5307. Unable to connect, as no valid crossdomain policy was found
  5308. Operation timed out
  5309. Operation timed out.
  5310. 'mode' parameter is not valid.
  5311. Throwing the following securityexception:
  5312. Listening on TCP sockets is not allowed in the webplayer
  5313. can only be called once per asynchronous operation
  5314. EndSend
  5315. EndReceiveFrom
  5316. EndReceive
  5317. EndConnect
  5318. result
  5319. Too many sockets are bound, maximum count in the webplayer is
  5320. local_end
  5321. offset + size exceeds the buffer length
  5322. offset, size
  5323. size must be >= 0
  5324. offset must be >= 0
  5325. This method is valid only for sockets in the InterNetwork and InterNetworkV6 families
  5326. host
  5327. This method is only valid for addresses in the InterNetwork or InterNetworkV6 families
  5328. addresses
  5329. family
  5330. Write failure
  5331. Read failure
  5332. EndWrite failure
  5333. EndRead failure
  5334. async result is null
  5335. BeginWrite failure
  5336. BeginReceive failure
  5337. offset+size exceeds the size of buffer
  5338. offset exceeds the size of buffer
  5339. Operation not allowed on a non-blocking socket.
  5340. Not connected
  5341. socket
  5342. Socket is not of type Stream
  5343. socket is null
  5344. mcint
  5345. ifindex
  5346. }
  5347. :{
  5348. size is too small
  5349. ERROR processing certificate: {0}
  5350. Please, report this problem to the Mono team
  5351. ERROR building certificate chain: {0}
  5352. /System/Library/Frameworks/Security.framework/Security
  5353. maximum number of service points reached
  5354. Proxy scheme not supported.
  5355. This operation is invalid until it is successfully authenticated
  5356. This SslStream is already authenticated
  5357. This stream does not support seek operations
  5358. huh?
  5359. \s*search\s+(?<domain>.*)
  5360. \s*nameserver\s+(?<address>.*)
  5361. The collection is read-only.
  5362. Darwin
  5363. up
  5364. dormant
  5365. testing
  5366. lowerlayerdown
  5367. down
  5368. notpresent
  5369. wireless
  5370. Got a bad hardware address length for an AF_PACKET {0} {1}
  5371. getifaddrs() failed
  5372. flags
  5373. operstate
  5374. /sys/class/net/
  5375. {0:X4}
  5376. {0:X4}:
  5377. {0:x}
  5378. ffff:
  5379. Not a valid IPv6 address
  5380. prefixLength
  5381. addr
  5382. instead, please use the same type.
  5383. AddressFamily but SocketAddress contains
  5384. The IPEndPoint was created using
  5385. socketAddress
  5386. Invalid port
  5387. The attempted operation is not supported for the type of object referenced
  5388. ipString
  5389. ::1
  5391. An invalid IP address was specified.
  5392. VERSION
  5393. SECURE
  5394. PATH
  5395. EXPIRES
  5396. MAX-AGE
  5397. HTTPONLY
  5398. DOMAIN
  5399. DISCARD
  5401. COMMENT
  5402. Set-Cookie2
  5403. Set-Cookie
  5404. statusCode
  5405. cookieCollection
  5406. statusDescription
  5407. contentType
  5408. Content-Encoding
  5409. ddd, dd'-'MMM'-'yy HH':'mm':'ss 'GMT'
  5410. ddd, dd'-'MMM'-'yyyy HH':'mm':'ss 'GMT'
  5411. r
  5412. Max. redirections exceeded.
  5413. The remote server returned an error: ({0}) {1}.
  5414. This request requires buffering of data for authentication or redirection to be sucessful.
  5415. WWW-Authenticate
  5416. Proxy-Authenticate
  5417. PUT
  5418. POST
  5419. NTLM
  5420. Error getting response stream ({0}): {1}
  5421. {0} {1} HTTP/{2}.{3}
  5422. {0}://{1}:{2}{3}
  5423. {0}://{1}{2}
  5424. Error: {0} ({1})
  5425. Error:
  5426. Authorization
  5427. Proxy-Authorization
  5428. Accept-Encoding
  5429. deflate
  5430. gzip, deflate
  5431. gzip
  5432. Cookie
  5433. Host
  5434. close
  5435. keep-alive
  5436. Connection
  5437. Proxy-Connection
  5438. 100-continue
  5439. Expect
  5440. chunked
  5441. Invalid URL ({0}) for {1}
  5442. No Location header found for
  5443. Invalid status code:
  5444. Proxy support not available.
  5445. Location
  5446. Ambiguous redirect.
  5447. request started
  5448. Aborted.
  5449. Method is null.
  5450. SendChunked should be true.
  5451. Content-Length not set
  5452. Cannot send data when method is:
  5453. The request was canceled.
  5454. User-Agent
  5455. Transfer-Encoding
  5456. not a valid method
  5457. Content-Length must be >= 0
  5458. TRACE
  5459. DELETE
  5460. MKCOL
  5461. redirects
  5462. sendChunked
  5463. pipelined
  5464. initialMethod
  5465. mediaType
  5466. maxAutoRedirect
  5467. keepAlive
  5468. connectionGroup
  5469. allowBuffering
  5470. allowAutoRedirect
  5471. actualUri
  5472. requestUri
  5473. SSL authentication error:
  5474. Cannot change final state
  5475. TLS
  5476. AUTH
  5477. Invalid response from server
  5478. Write failed
  5480. PASS
  5481. USER
  5482. PROT
  5483. PBSZ
  5484. @anonymous
  5485. anonymous
  5486. Server commited a protocol violation.
  5487. REST
  5488. PORT
  5489. Couldn't open listening socket on client
  5490. PASV
  5491. Server returned an error:
  5492. Cannot open passive data connection
  5493. Error getting current directory: PWD ->
  5494. Error getting current directory:
  5495. utf8
  5496. OPTS
  5497. Unable to connect to remote server
  5498. There is a request currently in progress
  5499. RNTO
  5500. yyyyMMddHHmmss
  5501. Bad format for server response in
  5502. RNFR
  5503. QUIT
  5504. Support for command {0} not implemented yet
  5505. CWD
  5506. ftp://dummy-host
  5507. TYPE
  5508. The remote server name could not be resolved:
  5509. Cannot resolve server name
  5510. Request timed out
  5511. Request aborted
  5512. Transfer timed out.
  5513. AsyncResult is from another request!
  5514. AsyncResult cannot be null!
  5515. Cannot re-call BeginGetRequestStream/BeginGetResponse while a previous call is still in progress
  5516. Aborted by request
  5517. ABOR
  5518. I
  5519. Method not supported
  5520. Method string cannot be null
  5521. STOU
  5522. STOR
  5523. SIZE
  5524. RMD
  5525. RENAME
  5526. PWD
  5527. NLST
  5528. MKD
  5529. MDTM
  5530. LIST
  5531. DELE
  5532. APPE
  5533. RETR
  5534. Invalid asyncResult.
  5535. Read timed out.
  5536. Invalid asyncResult
  5537. offset+size
  5538. Server commited a protocol violation
  5539. webHeaders
  5540. responseUri
  5541. application/octet-stream
  5542. Content-Length
  5543. The request timed out
  5544. Cannot re-call start of asynchronous method while a previous call is still in progress.
  5545. This operation cannot be performed after the request has been submitted.
  5546. Cannot send a content-body with this verb-type.
  5547. CONNECT
  5548. HEAD
  5549. Timeout can be only set to 'System.Threading.Timeout.Infinite' or a value >= 0.
  5550. Cannot set null or blank methods on request.
  5551. Content-Type
  5552. The Content-Length value must be greater than or equal to zero.
  5553. preauthenticate
  5554. fileAccess
  5555. contentLength
  5556. connectionGroupName
  5557. proxy
  5558. headers
  5559. GET
  5560. hostName
  5561. address
  5562. Addresses (IPv4) and ::0 (IPv6) are unspecified addresses. You cannot use them as target address.
  5563. ::0
  5564. hostNameOrAddress
  5567. opaque="{0}",
  5568. cnonce="{0}",
  5569. nc={0:X8},
  5570. qop="{0}",
  5571. response="{0}",
  5572. algorithm="{0}",
  5573. uri="{0}",
  5574. nonce="{0}",
  5575. realm="{0}",
  5576. Digest username="{0}",
  5577. {0}:{1}:{2}:
  5578. {0}:{1}:
  5579. auth-int
  5580. {0}:{1}
  5581. md5-sess
  5582. {0}:{1}:{2}
  5583. digest
  5584. qop
  5585. algorithm
  5586. nonce
  5587. opaque
  5588. realm
  5589. Digest
  5590. digest
  5591. Invalid cookie: value
  5592. Invalid cookie: name
  5593. cookie
  5594. ; $Port=
  5595. ; $Domain=
  5596. ; $Path=/
  5597. ; $Path=
  5598. ;
  5599. $Version=
  5600. ' part of the cookie is invalid. Invalid value:
  5601. ' part of the cookie is invalid. Port must be enclosed by double quotes.
  5602. The 'Port'='
  5603. Name contains invalid characters
  5604. ()<>@,;:\"/[]?={}
  5605. Error reading trailer.
  5606. Error reading trailer (too long).
  5608. Expecting \n
  5609. Expecting \r
  5610. Cannot parse chunk size.
  5611. Missing \n
  5612. chunk size too long.
  5613. 2 CR found
  5614. Basic
  5615. Basic
  5616. basic
  5617. challenge
  5618. credentials
  5619. request
  5620. async_result
  5621. Buffer too small. count/offset wrong.
  5622. Flush
  5623. IO error
  5624. Invalid argument(s)
  5625. Internal error (no progress possible)
  5626. Not enough memory
  5627. Corrupted data
  5628. Internal error
  5629. Unknown error
  5630. src_offset
  5631. WriteInternal
  5632. Dest or count is negative.
  5633. Stream does not support reading.
  5634. Destination array is null.
  5635. ReadInternal
  5636. Dispose
  5637. Failed to initialize zlib. You probably have an old zlib installed. Version or later is required.
  5638. compressedStream
  5639. NativeErrorCode
  5640. '{0}' is unable to convert '{1}' to '{2}'.
  5641. {0} cannot convert from {1}.
  5642. (null)
  5643. System.Drawing.Design.ToolboxItem, System.Drawing, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b03f5f7f11d50a3a
  5644. is not valid for a TimeSpan.
  5645. (none)
  5646. is not a valid GUID.
  5647. The value '{0}' is not a valid value for the enum '{1}'
  5648. ToObject
  5649. Designer
  5650. Form
  5651. Component
  5652. Parameter must be readable
  5653. Field members do not take any arguments
  5654. Parameter must be static
  5655. arguments
  5656. Invalid number of arguments for this method
  5657. InstanceDescriptor only describes static (VB.Net: shared) members
  5658. Invalid number of arguments for this constructor
  5659. yyyy-MM-dd
  5660. is not a valid DateTime value.
  5661. Culture {0} cannot be converted to a CultureInfo or is not available in this environment.
  5662. (Default)
  5663. {0} [{1}]
  5664. (Collection)
  5665. String {0} is not a valid Char: it has to be less than or equal to one char long.
  5666. Misc
  5667. is not a valid value for
  5668. 0X
  5669. 0x
  5670. Default
  5671. Array
  5672. destinationType
  5673. Not enough room from arrayIndex to end of array for this KeysCollection
  5674. values is null
  5675. keys is null
  5676. The comparer is null
  5677. Count
  5678. ReadOnly
  5679. HashProvider
  5680. Enumerator is positioned before the collection's first element or after the last element.
  5681. The ListDictionary's contents changed after this enumerator was instantiated.
  5682. Duplicate key in add.
  5683. Not enough room in the array
  5684. index is too large
  5685. Array cannot be null.
  5686. Attempted lookup for a null key.
  5687. certificates
  5688. storeName
  5689. Trust
  5690. certs
  5691. *.crl
  5692. *.cer
  5693. extension
  5694. serialNumber
  5695. x509
  5696. [Non-matching signature algorithms in CRL]
  5697. Input data cannot be coded as a valid CRL.
  5698. crl
  5699. Unknown Asymmetric Algorithm
  5700. aa
  5701. Unsupported hash algorithm:
  5702. 1.2.840.113549.1.1.13
  5703. 1.2.840.113549.1.1.12
  5704. 1.2.840.113549.1.1.11
  5705. 1.2.840.10040.4.3
  5707. 1.2.840.113549.1.1.5
  5708. 1.2.840.113549.1.1.4
  5709. 1.2.840.113549.1.1.3
  5710. 1.2.840.113549.1.1.2
  5711. Invalid SubjectAltName extension
  5712. Object Signing CA
  5713. SMIME CA
  5714. SSL CA
  5715. Object Signing
  5716. SMIME
  5717. SSL Server Authentication
  5718. SSL Client Authentication
  5719. Invalid NetscapeCertType extension
  5720. Decipher Only
  5721. Encipher Only
  5722. CRL Signing
  5723. Certificate Signing
  5724. Key Agreement
  5725. Data Encipherment
  5726. Key Encipherment
  5727. Non-Repudiation
  5728. ,
  5729. Digital Signature
  5730. Invalid KeyUsage extension
  5731. IP Address=
  5732. URL=
  5733. Directory Address:
  5734. DNS Name=
  5735. RFC822 Name=
  5736. ({0}){1}
  5737. unknown
  5738. OCSP Signing
  5739. Time Stamping
  5740. Email Protection
  5741. Code Signing
  5742. Client Authentication
  5743. Server Authentication
  5749. Invalid ExtendedKeyUsage extension
  5750. Path Length Constraint=
  5751. End Entity
  5752. CA
  5753. Subject Type=
  5754. Invalid BasicConstraints extension
  5755. KeyID=
  5756. Invalid AuthorityKeyIdentifier extension
  5757. Write operations are not allowed by this stream
  5758. Read operations are not allowed by this stream
  5759. 8 bytes maximum
  5760. IV block
  5761. server write key
  5762. client write key
  5763. key expansion
  5764. master secret
  5765. The Stream is closed.
  5766. Couldn't complete EndWrite
  5767. asyncResult is null or was not obtained by calling BeginWrite.
  5768. Couldn't complete EndRead
  5769. asyncResult is null or was not obtained by calling BeginRead.
  5770. IO exception during Write.
  5771. IO exception during read.
  5772. count is less than the length of buffer minus the value of the offset parameter.
  5773. count is less than 0.
  5774. offset is greater than the length of buffer.
  5775. offset is less than 0.
  5776. buffer is a null reference.
  5777. stream is not both readable and writable.
  5778. stream is null.
  5779. The server stopped the handshake.
  5780. targetHost is null or an empty string.
  5781. CCC
  5782. BB
  5783. A
  5784. Specfied key is not an RSA key
  5785. The rgbHash parameter is a null reference.
  5786. The hash algorithm is a null reference.
  5787. The key is a null reference
  5789. RSA_EXPORT_WITH_RC4_40_MD5
  5790. RSA_WITH_RC4_128_MD5
  5791. Insuficient Security
  5792. TLS_
  5793. SSL_
  5794. Bad record MAC
  5795. Invalid protocol version on message received
  5796. Received 0 bytes from stream. It must be closed.
  5797. buffer underrun
  5798. Either the provided async result is null or was not created by this RecordProtocol.
  5799. Unknown record received from server.
  5800. The session is finished and it's no longer valid.
  5801. Data was not signed with the server certificate.
  5802. Invalid cipher suite received from server
  5803. server finished
  5804. Invalid ServerFinished message received.
  5805. CN\s*=\s*([^,]*)
  5807. Invalid certificate received from server.
  5808. Invalid certificate received from server. Error code:
  5809. 0x{0:x}
  5810. 2.16.840.1.113730.1.1
  5811. 2.16.840.1.113730.4.1
  5813. client finished
  5814. Client certificate Private Key unavailable.
  5815. Incorrect protocol version received from server
  5816. Cache session information were disposed.
  5818. Unknown server handshake message received ({0})
  5819. Unknown client handshake message type:
  5828. SSL_RSA_WITH_RC4_128_MD5
  5829. SSL_RSA_WITH_RC4_128_SHA
  5840. TLS_RSA_WITH_RC4_128_MD5
  5841. TLS_RSA_WITH_RC4_128_SHA
  5845. Unsupported security protocol type
  5846. Unsupported security protocol type.
  5847. None
  5848. The authentication or decryption has failed.
  5849. MD5SHA1
  5850. MD4
  5851. Cannot change key during hash operation.
  5852. TrackedObject
  5853. TrackResurrection
  5854. Argument to Version.CompareTo must be a Version.
  5855. revision
  5856. build
  5857. minor
  5858. major
  5859. There must be 2, 3 or 4 components in the version string.
  5860. UnitySerializationHolder does not support this type.
  5861. UnityType
  5862. Access to the requested resource is not authorized.
  5863. This isn't a 64bits machine.
  5864. Value is not a System.UInt64.
  5865. Negative number
  5866. Value is not a System.UInt32.
  5867. Value is not a System.UInt16.
  5868. TypeLoadResourceID
  5869. TypeLoadMessageArg
  5870. Could not load type '{0}'.
  5871. Could not load type '{0}' from assembly '{1}'.
  5872. TypeLoadAssemblyName
  5873. TypeLoadClassName
  5874. A type load exception has occurred.
  5875. This operation is not supported for this type.
  5876. Assembly qualifed type name is required
  5877. typeName
  5878. The type or method has {0} generic parameter(s) but {1} generic argument(s) where provided. A generic argument must be provided for each generic parameter.
  5879. not a generic type definition
  5880. Derived classes must provide an implementation.
  5881. can only be called in generic type
  5882. types
  5883. Interface not found
  5884. 'this' type cannot be an interface itself
  5885. Argument must be an interface.
  5886. interfaceType
  5887. filter
  5888. Error loading '
  5889. TypeName
  5890. daylightTimes
  5891. Invalid format for TimeSpan.Parse.
  5892. Invalid time data.
  5893. D7
  5894. D2
  5895. This TimeSpan value is MinValue and cannot be negated.
  5896. Outside range [MinValue,MaxValue]
  5897. Value cannot be NaN.
  5898. This TimeSpan value is MinValue so you cannot get the duration.
  5899. Argument has to be a TimeSpan.
  5900. Resulting timespan is too big.
  5901. The timespan is too big or too small.
  5902. waitHandle
  5903. null element found
  5904. null handle
  5905. Too many handles
  5906. waitHandles
  5907. Timer-Scheduler
  5908. period
  5909. dueTime
  5910. Period too large
  5911. Due time too large
  5912. callback
  5913. Thread State Error
  5914. Timeout is too big. Maximum is Int32.MaxValue
  5915. timeout < -1
  5916. timeout
  5917. callBack
  5918. Thread interrupted
  5919. Thread was being aborted
  5920. Thread creation failed.
  5921. Negative timeout
  5922. Null ThreadStart
  5923. Synchronization Error
  5924. Mutex is not owned
  5925. timeout out of range
  5926. millisecondsTimeout
  5927. Object is not synchronized
  5928. Insufficient Space
  5929. Unicode (UTF-8)
  5930. utf-8
  5931. Arg_InvalidUTF7
  5932. ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789+/
  5933. Unicode (UTF-7)
  5934. utf-7
  5935. UTF-32
  5936. utf-32
  5937. UTF-32 (Big-Endian)
  5938. utf-32BE
  5939. Unicode
  5940. utf-16
  5941. Unicode (Big-Endian)
  5942. unicodeFFFE
  5943. capacity was less than the current size.
  5944. size
  5945. The old value cannot be zero length.
  5946. The old value cannot be null.
  5947. Should be less than or equal to MaxCapacity
  5948. Capacity must be larger than length
  5949. m_currentThread
  5950. m_MaxCapacity
  5951. m_StringValue
  5952. StartIndex and length must refer to a location within the string.
  5953. Capacity exceeds maximum capacity.
  5954. maxCapacity is less than one.
  5955. maxCapacity
  5956. capacity must be greater than zero.
  5957. Length cannot be less than zero.
  5958. StartIndex cannot be less than zero.
  5959. iso-8859-1
  5960. byteCount is less that the number of bytes produced
  5961. Encoding name '{0}' not supported
  5962. System.Text.ENC
  5963. CodePage {0} not supported
  5964. System.Text.CP
  5965. GetEncoding
  5966. Valid values are between 0 and 65535, inclusive.
  5967. codepage
  5968. PrimaryManager
  5969. I18N.Common.Manager
  5970. I18N, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=0738eb9f132ed756
  5971. This Encoding is readonly.
  5972. latin1
  5973. iso_8859_1
  5974. UTF_32BE
  5975. ucs_4
  5976. UTF_32LE
  5977. utf_32
  5978. utf_16be
  5979. unicodefffe
  5980. iso_10646_ucs2
  5981. unicode
  5982. ucs_2
  5983. UTF_16LE
  5984. utf_16
  5985. x_unicode_2_0_utf_8
  5986. x_unicode_1_1_utf_8
  5987. unicode_2_0_utf_8
  5988. unicode_1_1_utf_8
  5989. utf_8
  5990. x_unicode_2_0_utf_7
  5991. x_unicode_1_1_utf_7
  5992. unicode_2_0_utf_7
  5993. unicode_1_1_utf_7
  5994. csunicode11utf7
  5995. utf_7
  5996. iso_646.irv:1991
  5997. iso646_us
  5998. iso_ir_6
  5999. ibm367
  6000. csascii
  6001. cp367
  6002. ansi_x3.4_1986
  6003. ansi_x3.4_1968
  6004. us
  6005. us_ascii
  6006. ascii
  6007. Reentrant Fallback method invocation occured. It might be because either this FallbackBuffer is incorrectly shared by multiple threads, invoked inside Encoding recursively, or Reset invocation is forgotten.
  6008. bytesUnknown
  6009. fallback
  6010. bytecount is less than the number of bytes required
  6011. ArgRange_NonNegative
  6012. byteCount
  6013. ArgRange_StringRange
  6014. ArgRange_StringIndex
  6015. Arg_InsufficientSpace
  6016. byteIndex
  6017. charCount
  6018. charIndex
  6019. bytes
  6020. ArgRange_Array
  6021. US-ASCII
  6022. us-ascii
  6023. A system exception has occurred.
  6024. Value, startIndex and length do not refer to a valid string.
  6025. Value does not refer to a valid string.
  6026. newLength as to be <= length
  6027. newLength
  6028. idx
  6029. startIndex + count > value.length
  6030. Cannot be negative and must be less than or equal to length of string.
  6031. Input string was not in a correct format.
  6032. Index (zero based) must be greater than or equal to zero and less than the size of the argument list.
  6033. args
  6034. oldValue is the empty string.
  6035. oldValue
  6036. totalWidth
  6037. startIndex - count + 1 < 0
  6038. < 0 || > this.Length
  6039. < 0 || >= this.Length
  6040. Cannot be negative, and should be less than length of string.
  6041. Cannot be negative, and should point to location in string.
  6042. Cannot be negative, and should not exceed length of string.
  6043. startIndex + count > this.length
  6044. Cannot be negative and must be< 0
  6045. startIndex > this.length
  6046. Count cannot be negative, and startIndex + count must be less than length of the string.
  6047. comparisonType
  6048. Invalid value '{0}' for StringComparison
  6049. startIndex + length > this.length
  6050. Cannot exceed length of string.
  6051. Illegal enum value:
  6052. Count cannot be less than zero.
  6053. Must be greater than the length of the string.
  6054. destinationIndex + count > destination.Length
  6055. sourceIndex + count > Length
  6056. Cannot be negative.
  6057. Cannot be negative
  6058. destination
  6060. Value is not a System.Single.
  6061. Unknown metadata format.
  6062. Invalid metadata format.
  6063. User
  6064. security.config
  6065. Machine
  6066. enterprisesec.config
  6067. Enterprise
  6068. mono
  6069. Policy doesn't grant the right to execute the assembly.
  6070. Policy doesn't grant the minimal permissions required to execute the assembly.
  6071. PermitOnly: {0}{1}
  6072. Deny: {0}{1}
  6073. Assert: {0}{1}
  6074. Assembly: {0}{1}
  6075. AppDomain: {0}{1}
  6076. Frame: {0}{1}
  6077. {0} {1}
  6078. {0}Evidences:
  6079. {0}Failed Permission: {1}
  6080. {0}Demanded: {1}
  6081. {0}Refused: {1}
  6082. {0}Granted: {1}
  6083. {0}State: {1}
  6084. {0}Method: {1} {2}.{3}
  6085. {0}Type: {1}
  6086. PermissionState
  6087. A security error has been detected.
  6088. Invalid XML attribute value
  6089. Invalid XML attribute name
  6090. />
  6091. ="
  6092. &amp;
  6093. &apos;
  6094. &quot;
  6095. &gt;
  6096. &lt;
  6097. child
  6098. Duplicate attribute :
  6099. Invalid XML string
  6100. tag
  6101. m_isAuthenticated
  6102. m_acctType
  6103. m_type
  6104. Token doesn't match a user.
  6105. Token-Name mismatch.
  6106. m_name
  6107. m_userToken
  6108. Zone -
  6109. NoZone isn't valid for membership condition
  6110. invalid zone
  6111. System.Security.Policy.Zone
  6112. 0.0
  6113. version = {0}
  6114. name = {0}
  6115. StrongName -
  6116. Attributes
  6117. Invalid tag.
  6118. et
  6119. System.ServiceProcess
  6120. System.Messaging
  6121. System.Drawing
  6122. System.DirectoryServices
  6123. System.Data
  6124. System
  6125. Trusted_Zone
  6126. Restricted_Zone
  6127. Internet_Zone
  6128. LocalIntranet_Zone
  6129. My_Computer_Zone
  6130. All_Code
  6131. .backup
  6132. Can't save AppDomain PolicyLevel
  6133. SecurityClass
  6134. NamedPermissionSets
  6135. Missing Root CodeGroup
  6136. Invalid XML - must be StrongNameMembershipCondition
  6137. StrongNameMembershipCondition
  6138. Invalid XML
  6139. FullTrustAssemblies
  6140. SecurityClasses
  6141. missing <policy> tag
  6142. policy
  6143. missing <security> tag
  6144. security
  6145. missing <mscorlib> tag
  6146. mscorlib
  6147. missing <configuration> root element
  6148. configuration
  6149. .default
  6150. Cannot run because of policy.
  6151. Denied
  6152. Optional
  6153. Request
  6154. System.Security.Policy.PermissionRequestEvidence
  6155. Invalid tag {0}, expected {1}.
  6156. No assembly data.
  6157. evidence
  6158. Level
  6159. System.Data.SqlClient.SqlClientPermission, System.Data, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089
  6160. System.Data.OleDb.OleDbPermission, System.Data, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089
  6161. System.ServiceProcess.ServiceControllerPermission, System.ServiceProcess, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b03f5f7f11d50a3a
  6162. System.Messaging.MessageQueuePermission, System.Messaging, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b03f5f7f11d50a3a
  6163. System.DirectoryServices.DirectoryServicesPermission, System.DirectoryServices, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b03f5f7f11d50a3a
  6164. System.Diagnostics.PerformanceCounterPermission, System, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089
  6165. System.Net.WebPermission, System, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089
  6166. System.Net.SocketPermission, System, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089
  6167. System.Diagnostics.EventLogPermission, System, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089
  6168. System.Drawing.Printing.PrintingPermission, System.Drawing, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b03f5f7f11d50a3a
  6169. Everything
  6170. Nothing
  6171. Execution
  6172. SkipVerification
  6173. Internet
  6174. SafePrinting
  6175. System.Net.DnsPermission, System, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089
  6177. LocalIntranet
  6178. FullTrust
  6180. UnionCodeGroup
  6181. NetCodeGroup
  6182. FirstMatchCodeGroup
  6183. FileCodeGroup
  6184. System.Security.Policy.
  6185. IMembershipCondition
  6186. CodeGroup
  6187. PermissionSet
  6188. PermissionSetName
  6189. group
  6190. membershipCondition
  6191. $origin
  6192. ExtraInfo
  6193. Persist
  6194. TrustedToRun
  6195. PolicyStatement
  6196. DefaultGrant
  6197. FullName
  6198. ApplicationTrust
  6199. All code
  6200. SecurityZone
  6201. Zone
  6202. Clipboard
  6203. Window
  6204. UIPermissionWindow
  6205. UIPermissionClipboard
  6206. publicKey
  6207. StrongName
  6208. AssemblyVersion
  6209. PublicKeyBlob
  6210. SecurityPermissionFlag
  6211. Create
  6212. AllFlags
  6213. NoFlags
  6214. TypeInformation
  6215. ReflectionEmit
  6216. MemberAccess
  6217. ReflectionPermissionFlag
  6218. Invalid flags {0}
  6219. Flags
  6220. securityElement
  6221. UserQuota
  6222. Allowed
  6223. IsolatedStorageContainment
  6224. Absolute path information is required.
  6225. Invalid filename characters in path: '{0}'
  6226. Invalid path characters in path: '{0}'
  6227. PathDiscovery
  6228. Append
  6229. Save
  6230. Open
  6231. Access
  6232. FileDialogPermissionAccess
  6233. ;
  6234. Invalid flag '{0}' in this context.
  6235. Unknown flag '{0}'.
  6236. pathList
  6237. Read
  6238. esd
  6239. Can't create an instance of permission class {0}.
  6240. se
  6241. Description
  6242. invalid name
  6243. Unable to decode certificate.
  6244. [Thumbprint]{0} {1}{0}
  6245. [Not After]{0} {1}{0}{0}
  6246. [Not Before]{0} {1}{0}{0}
  6247. [Issuer]{0} {1}{0}{0}
  6248. [Subject]{0} {1}{0}{0}
  6249. Certificate instance is empty.
  6250. RawData
  6251. cert
  6252. This is a known weak key.
  6253. Invalid input length
  6254. TransformFinalBlock
  6255. TransformBlock
  6256. Padding mode not available
  6257. Cipher mode not available
  6258. Key size not supported by algorithm
  6259. IV length is different than block size
  6260. IV
  6261. block size not supported by algorithm
  6262. No key pair available.
  6263. Missing hash algorithm.
  6264. No public key available.
  6265. System.Security.Cryptography.RSAPKCS1SignatureFormatter
  6266. System.Security.Cryptography.RSAPKCS1SignatureDeformatter
  6267. No RSA key specified
  6268. rgbData
  6269. cannot export private key
  6270. Incomplete private key - missing CRT.
  6271. Missing some CRT parameters for the private key.
  6272. Missing D parameter for the private key.
  6273. Couldn't decode XML
  6274. Modulus
  6275. Exponent
  6276. InverseQ
  6277. DQ
  6278. DP
  6279. Couldn't access random source.
  6280. Key is too small ({0} bytes), it should be {1}, {2} or {3} bytes long.
  6281. IV length is invalid ({0} bytes), it should be {1} bytes long.
  6282. key is null
  6283. Key is too small ({0} bytes), it should be between {1} and {2} bytes long.
  6284. Key can't be changed at this state.
  6285. legacyHMACMode
  6286. HMAC
  6287. inputOffset + inputCount
  6288. outputOffset + inputCount
  6289. No hash value computed.
  6290. offset + count
  6291. HashAlgorithm
  6292. FromBase64Transform
  6293. inputCount < 0
  6294. inputCount
  6295. Invalid character in a Base-64 string.
  6296. System.Security.Cryptography.DSASignatureFormatter
  6297. System.Security.Cryptography.DSASignatureDeformatter
  6298. missing key
  6299. DSA requires SHA1
  6300. strName
  6301. Cannot export private key
  6302. </DSAKeyValue>
  6303. </X>
  6304. <X>
  6305. </PgenCounter>
  6306. AA==
  6307. <PgenCounter>
  6308. </Seed>
  6309. <Seed>
  6310. </J>
  6311. <J>
  6312. </Y>
  6313. <Y>
  6314. </G>
  6315. <G>
  6316. <DSAKeyValue>
  6317. PgenCounter
  6318. Seed
  6319. X
  6320. Y
  6321. J
  6322. Q
  6323. P
  6324. xmlString
  6325. This is a known weak, or semi-weak, key.
  6326. Semi Weak Key
  6327. Weak Key
  6328. Key
  6329. Wrong Key Length
  6330. Null Key
  6331. SetLength
  6332. Seek
  6333. CryptoStream was disposed.
  6334. This method cannot be called twice.
  6335. inner stream was diposed
  6336. not in Write mode
  6337. buffer overflow
  6338. (offset+count)
  6339. negative
  6340. not in Read mode
  6341. Position
  6342. Length
  6343. Can't write on stream
  6344. Can't read on stream
  6345. Unexpected error occured during a cryptographic operation.
  6346. Error occured during a cryptographic operation.
  6347. Part of OID doesn't fit in Int32
  6348. OID > 127 bytes
  6349. Invalid OID
  6350. OID must have at least two parts
  6351. 1.2.840.113549.3.2
  6352. 1.2.840.113549.3.7
  6354. 1.2.840.113549.
  6355. TripleDESKeyWrap
  6356. 2.16.840.
  6357. 2.16.840.
  6358. 2.16.840.
  6359. 1.2.840.113549.2.5
  6360. System.Security.Cryptography.SHA1Managed
  6361. System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.X509Chain, System, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089
  6362. X509Chain
  6363. System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.X509EnhancedKeyUsageExtension, System, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089
  6365. System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.X509BasicConstraintsExtension, System, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089
  6367. System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.X509KeyUsageExtension, System, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089
  6369. System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.X509SubjectKeyIdentifierExtension, System, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089
  6371. System.Security.Cryptography.Xml.KeyInfoRetrievalMethod, System.Security, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b03f5f7f11d50a3a
  6372. RetrievalMethod
  6373. System.Security.Cryptography.Xml.RSAKeyValue, System.Security, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b03f5f7f11d50a3a
  6374. KeyValue/RSAKeyValue
  6375. System.Security.Cryptography.Xml.DSAKeyValue, System.Security, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b03f5f7f11d50a3a
  6376. KeyValue/DSAKeyValue
  6377. System.Security.Cryptography.Xml.KeyInfoName, System.Security, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b03f5f7f11d50a3a
  6378. KeyName
  6379. System.Security.Cryptography.Xml.KeyInfoX509Data, System.Security, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b03f5f7f11d50a3a
  6380. X509Data
  6387. System.Security.Cryptography.Xml.XmlDecryptionTransform, System.Security, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b03f5f7f11d50a3a
  6389. System.Security.Cryptography.Xml.XmlDsigExcC14NWithCommentsTransform, System.Security, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b03f5f7f11d50a3a
  6391. System.Security.Cryptography.Xml.XmlDsigExcC14NTransform, System.Security, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b03f5f7f11d50a3a
  6393. System.Security.Cryptography.Xml.XmlDsigEnvelopedSignatureTransform, System.Security, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b03f5f7f11d50a3a
  6395. System.Security.Cryptography.Xml.XmlDsigXsltTransform, System.Security, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b03f5f7f11d50a3a
  6397. System.Security.Cryptography.Xml.XmlDsigXPathTransform, System.Security, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b03f5f7f11d50a3a
  6399. System.Security.Cryptography.Xml.XmlDsigBase64Transform, System.Security, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b03f5f7f11d50a3a
  6401. System.Security.Cryptography.Xml.XmlDsigC14NWithCommentsTransform, System.Security, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b03f5f7f11d50a3a
  6403. System.Security.Cryptography.Xml.XmlDsigC14NTransform, System.Security, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b03f5f7f11d50a3a
  6406. System.Security.Cryptography.RSAPKCS1SHA1SignatureDescription
  6408. System.Security.Cryptography.DSASignatureDescription
  6410. System.Security.Cryptography.HMACSHA512
  6411. HMACSHA512
  6412. System.Security.Cryptography.HMACSHA384
  6413. HMACSHA384
  6414. System.Security.Cryptography.HMACSHA256
  6415. HMACSHA256
  6416. System.Security.Cryptography.HMACRIPEMD160
  6417. HMACRIPEMD160
  6418. System.Security.Cryptography.HMACMD5
  6419. HMACMD5
  6420. System.Security.Cryptography.HMAC
  6421. System.Security.Cryptography.RIPEMD160
  6422. RIPEMD-160
  6423. System.Security.Cryptography.RIPEMD160Managed
  6424. RIPEMD160
  6425. System.Security.Cryptography.MACTripleDES
  6426. MACTripleDES
  6427. HMACSHA1
  6428. System.Security.Cryptography.HMACSHA1
  6429. System.Security.Cryptography.KeyedHashAlgorithm
  6430. System.Security.Cryptography.RandomNumberGenerator
  6431. System.Security.Cryptography.RNGCryptoServiceProvider
  6432. RandomNumberGenerator
  6433. System.Security.Cryptography.SymmetricAlgorithm
  6434. System.Security.Cryptography.Rijndael
  6435. System.Security.Cryptography.RijndaelManaged
  6436. Rijndael
  6437. System.Security.Cryptography.RC2
  6438. System.Security.Cryptography.RC2CryptoServiceProvider
  6439. System.Security.Cryptography.TripleDES
  6440. Triple DES
  6441. System.Security.Cryptography.TripleDESCryptoServiceProvider
  6442. 3DES
  6443. System.Security.Cryptography.DES
  6444. System.Security.Cryptography.DESCryptoServiceProvider
  6445. System.Security.Cryptography.DSA
  6446. System.Security.Cryptography.DSACryptoServiceProvider
  6447. DSA
  6448. System.Security.Cryptography.AsymmetricAlgorithm
  6449. System.Security.Cryptography.RSA
  6450. System.Security.Cryptography.RSACryptoServiceProvider
  6451. RSA
  6452. System.Security.Cryptography.SHA512
  6453. SHA-512
  6454. System.Security.Cryptography.SHA512Managed
  6455. SHA512
  6456. System.Security.Cryptography.SHA384
  6457. SHA-384
  6458. System.Security.Cryptography.SHA384Managed
  6459. SHA384
  6460. System.Security.Cryptography.SHA256
  6461. SHA-256
  6462. System.Security.Cryptography.SHA256Managed
  6463. SHA256
  6464. System.Security.Cryptography.MD5
  6465. System.Security.Cryptography.MD5CryptoServiceProvider
  6466. System.Security.Cryptography.HashAlgorithm
  6467. System.Security.Cryptography.SHA1
  6468. System.Security.Cryptography.SHA1CryptoServiceProvider
  6469. SHA
  6470. </
  6471. >
  6472. <
  6473. Key size not supported by algorithm.
  6474. Invalid permission type '{0}', expected type '{1}'.
  6475. Unrestricted
  6476. Unknown version '{0}', expected versions between ['{1}','{2}'].
  6477. Couldn't parse version from '{0}'.
  6478. Invalid tag {0}
  6479. state
  6480. Invalid enum {0}
  6481. class
  6482. IPermission
  6483. Value is not a System.SByte.
  6484. TypeObj
  6485. MethodObj
  6486. Object fields may not be properly initialized
  6487. Insufficient state.
  6488. FieldObj
  6489. type is null.
  6490. could be found.
  6491. No element named
  6492. name is null.
  6493. Value has been serialized already.
  6494. type is null
  6495. name is null
  6496. converter
  6497. Null argument
  6498. An error occurred during (de)serialization
  6499. Type '{0}' has more than one method with the following attribute: '{1}'.
  6500. The implementation of the IObjectReference interface returns too many nested references to other objects that implement IObjectReference.
  6501. No surrogate selector was found for type
  6502. was not found.
  6503. The constructor to deserialize an object of type
  6504. Cannot perform fixup
  6505. The obj parameter is null.
  6506. has already been registered
  6507. An object with Id
  6508. member
  6509. memberName
  6510. The objectToBeFixed parameter is less than or equal to zero
  6511. objectToBeFixed
  6512. The objectRequired parameter is less than or equal to zero
  6513. objectRequired
  6514. The arrayToBeFixed parameter is less than or equal to zero
  6515. arrayToBeFixed
  6516. The objectID parameter is less than or equal to zero
  6517. objectID
  6518. has not been registered
  6519. The object with Id
  6520. could not be resolved
  6521. The object with ID
  6522. There are some fixups that refer to objects that have not been registered
  6523. Uninitialized Strings cannot be created.
  6524. Type {0} in assembly {1} is not marked as serializable.
  6525. members [{0}] is not a field.
  6526. members[{0}]
  6527. members
  6528. Unknow type tag
  6529. []
  6530. Could not find type '{0}'.
  6531. System.RuntimeType[]
  6532. System.RuntimeType
  6533. Couldn't find type '
  6534. " not found in class
  6535. Field "
  6536. Serializable objects must be marked with the Serializable attribute
  6537. Invalid binary format
  6538. Unexpected binary element:
  6539. Invalid format. Expected BinaryElement.MethodResponse, found
  6540. Invalid format
  6541. Invalid format. Expected BinaryElement.MethodCall, found
  6542. from
  6543. Unhandled typecode in enum
  6544. Unsupported primitive type:
  6545. Ticks
  6546. ToBinary
  6547. ToString
  6548. InvariantCulture
  6549. Write
  6550. Assembly
  6551. GetAssemblyId
  6552. WriteValue
  6553. WriteObjectData
  6554. WriteTypeData
  6555. WriteAssembly
  6556. WriteAssemblies
  6557. GetTypeFromHandle
  6558. __TypeMetadata
  6559. __MetadataTypesModule
  6560. __MetadataTypes
  6561. serializationStream supports seeking, but its length is 0
  6562. serializationStream
  6563. is not marked as Serializable.
  6564. Type
  6565. no
  6567. value is null.
  6568. was included in a fixup, but it has not been registered
  6569. An object with ID
  6570. %3D
  6571. %20
  6572. %2C
  6576. Uri already in use:
  6577. Cannot create channel sink to connect to the remote object. An appropriate channel has probably not been registered.
  6578. Cannot create channel sink to connect to URL {0}. An appropriate channel has probably not been registered.
  6579. Cannot get the real proxy from an object that is not a transparent proxy.
  6580. .rem
  6581. _
  6582. x
  6583. It is not possible marshal a proxy of a remote object.
  6584. FieldGetter
  6585. FieldSetter
  6586. RemoteActivationService.rem
  6587. Invalid custom error mode:
  6588. remoteonly
  6589. off
  6590. on
  6591. mode attribute is required
  6592. Provider template '
  6593. Channel template '
  6594. ' which is already redirected.
  6595. Attempt to redirect activation of type '
  6596. GetHashCode
  6597. GetType
  6598. stub is not used in Mono
  6599. object must be MarshalByRef
  6600. objrefFlags
  6601. envoyInfo
  6602. channelInfo
  6603. typeInfo
  6604. uri
  6605. return
  6606. Response
  6607. Do not use RemotingSurrogateSelector when deserializating
  6608. fIsMarshalled
  6609. The enumerator is positioned before the first element of the collection or after the last element
  6610. __Return
  6611. __OutArgs
  6612. ]]
  6613. The remoting infrastructure does not support open generic methods.
  6614. not found in
  6615. Method
  6616. ' to server type '
  6617. Cannot cast from client type '
  6618. . No receiver for uri
  6619. Requested service not found
  6620. __GenericArguments
  6621. __RemotingData
  6622. key was invalid
  6623. __CallContext
  6624. __Args
  6625. __MethodSignature
  6626. __TypeName
  6627. __MethodName
  6628. __Uri
  6629. __ActivationTypeName
  6630. __ContextProperties
  6631. __ActivationType
  6632. __CallSiteActivationAttributes
  6633. __Activator
  6634. SponsorshipTimeout property can only be set when the lease is in initial state; state is
  6635. RenewOnCallTime property can only be set when the lease is in initial state; state is
  6636. InitialLeaseTime property can only be set when the lease is in initial state; state is
  6637. flag
  6638. Synchronization
  6639. was not found
  6640. A property with the name
  6641. Another property by this name already exists
  6642. ctx
  6643. ctorMsg
  6644. A context property did not approve the candidate context for activating the object
  6645. ContextID:
  6646. Context is Frozen
  6647. Can not add properties to default context
  6648. IContextProperty
  6649. Either obj or ctx must be null
  6650. attribute is required
  6651. Either type or assembly attributes must be specified
  6652. Type and assembly attributes cannot be specified together
  6653. assembly
  6654. xml
  6655. clr
  6656. wellknown object mode '
  6657. Singleton
  6658. SingleCall
  6659. objectUri
  6660. url attribute is required in client element when it contains activated entries
  6661. root
  6662. id attribute is required
  6663. id
  6664. delayLoadAsClientChannel
  6665. ref
  6666. Invalid time unit:
  6667. MS
  6668. M
  6669. H
  6670. Invalid time value:
  6671. S
  6672. Invalid time value
  6673. Invalid attribute:
  6674. leaseManagerPollTime
  6675. renewOnCallTime
  6676. sponsorshipTimeout
  6677. leaseTime
  6678. ' is not valid in system.remoting.configuration section
  6679. Element '
  6680. url
  6681. channelSinkProviders/clientProviders
  6682. channelSinkProviders/serverProviders
  6683. channels/channel/clientProviders
  6684. application/channels/channel/clientProviders
  6685. channels/channel/serverProviders
  6686. application/channels/channel/serverProviders
  6687. system.runtime.remoting
  6688. customErrors
  6689. channelSinkProviders
  6690. debug
  6691. preLoad
  6692. interopXmlElement
  6693. interopXmlType
  6694. soapInterop
  6695. activated
  6696. wellknown
  6697. service
  6698. client
  6699. formatter
  6700. provider
  6701. clientProviders
  6702. serverProviders
  6703. channel
  6704. channels
  6705. lifetime
  6706. application
  6707. Error in element
  6708. /configuration/system.runtime.remoting
  6709. not allowed in this context
  6710. Element
  6711. ProcessMessageInDomain
  6712. Can't create a named channel via crossappdomain
  6713. MONOCAD
  6714. ' could not be created:
  6715. An instance of provider '
  6716. true
  6717. does not have a valid constructor
  6718. is not a valid channel type
  6719. ' not found
  6720. Type '
  6721. already registered
  6722. Channel
  6723. Channel {0} is not securable while ensureSecurity is specified as true
  6724. chnl
  6725. Novell.Zenworks.Zmd.Public.UnixChannel
  6726. Novell.Zenworks.Zmd.Public.UnixServerChannel
  6727. __CrossContext
  6728. Activation attribute does not implement the IContextAttribute interface
  6729. Type not found:
  6730. Unsupported MarshalAsAttribute found
  6731. Type is not a delegate
  6732. GCHandle value belongs to a different domain
  6733. GCHandle value cannot be zero
  6734. Handle is not pinned.
  6735. Object contains non-primitive or non-blittable data.
  6736. Handle is not allocated
  6737. External exception
  6738. {0} (0x{1:x}): {2} {3}{4}{5}
  6739. ResourceSet is closed.
  6740. Enumeration has not started. Call MoveNext.
  6741. ResourceReader is closed.
  6742. Deserialized object is wrong type
  6743. Stream is not a valid .resources file! It was possibly truncated.
  6744. Malformed .resources file (padding values incorrect)
  6745. PAD
  6746. This .resources file requires unsupported set class version:
  6747. This .resources file requires set class
  6748. System.Resources.RuntimeResourceSet
  6749. This .resources file requires reader class
  6750. System.Resources.ResourceReader
  6751. Stream is not a valid .resources file, magic=0x{0:x}
  6752. Stream was not readable.
  6753. culture is null
  6754. delegatingType must be non-null
  6755. Number of parameter does not match expected count.
  6756. Exception has been thrown by the target of an invocation.
  6757. Unable to invoke an invalid target.
  6758. invalid keypair
  6759. _keyPairArray
  6760. _keyPairExported
  6761. _keyPairContainer
  6762. _publicKey
  6763. keyPairContainer
  6764. keyPairFile
  6765. keyPairArray
  6766. Exceptions
  6767. Types
  6768. The classes in the module cannot be loaded.
  6769. ptr
  6770. Pointer deserializatioon not supported.
  6771. Must specify one or more parameters.
  6772. Can't produce MetadataToken for member of type
  6773. all
  6774. Set Method not found for '
  6775. Get Method not found for '
  6776. GetterAdapterFrame
  6777. StaticGetterAdapterFrame
  6778. The method has {0} generic parameter(s) but {1} generic argument(s) were provided.
  6779. methodInstantiation
  6780. ...
  6781. Late bound operations cannot be performed on types or methods for which ContainsGenericParameters is true.
  6782. Inflating non FieldBuilder objects is not supported:
  6783. Inflating non ConstructorBuilder objects is not supported:
  6784. Inflating non MethodBuilder objects is not supported:
  6785. [*]
  6786. Late bound operations cannot be performed on fields with types for which Type.ContainsGenericParameters is true.
  6787. val
  6788. cannot be converted to target type:
  6789. Object type
  6790. Cannot set a constant field
  6791. Field {0} defined on type {1} is not a field on the target object which is of type {2}.
  6792. Non-static field requires a target
  6793. , ...
  6794. Void
  6795. Cannot create an instance of {0} because it is an abstract class
  6796. because Type.ContainsGenericParameters is true.
  6797. Cannot create an instance of
  6798. failed to convert parameters
  6799. parameters do not match signature
  6800. void
  6801. signature
  6802. Type
  6803. string
  6804. MethodBase
  6805. MemberInfo
  6806. Field
  6807. Token 0x{0:x} is not a valid {1} token in the scope of module {2}
  6808. Token 0x{0:x} is not valid in the scope of module {1}
  6809. metadataToken
  6810. Type name can't be empty
  6811. Method is not a builder method
  6812. Cannot resolve method because it's declared in a generic class.
  6813. Unhandled MemberType {0}
  6814. Could not find event '{0}' in type '{1}'
  6815. Could not find property '{0}' in type '{1}'
  6816. Could not find field '{0}' in type '{1}'
  6817. Could not find method '{0}' in type '{1}'
  6818. Could not find constructor '{0}' in type '{1}'
  6819. GenericArguments
  6820. MemberType
  6821. Signature
  6822. Name
  6823. AssemblyName
  6824. {0} ({1})
  6825. {0} ({1}) (pinned)
  6826. Filter Criteria is not valid.
  6827. This non-CLS method is not implemented.
  6828. This method should not be called
  6829. The field handle and the type handle are incompatible.
  6830. The handle is invalid.
  6831. {0}, FilterOffset={1}
  6832. {0}, CatchType={1}
  6833. Flags={0}, TryOffset={1}, TryLength={2}, HandlerOffset={3}, HandlerLength={4}
  6834. AddEventFrame
  6835. StaticAddEventAdapterFrame
  6836. Cannot remove a handler to an event that doesn't have a visible remove method
  6837. Cannot add a handler to a non static event with a null target
  6838. Cannot add a handler to an event that doesn't have a visible add method
  6839. field not found
  6840. method {0} not found in type {1}
  6841. method declaring type is not the generic type definition of type
  6842. method declaring type is not a generic type definition
  6843. type is not a generic type
  6844. type is not TypeBuilder but
  6845. constructor not found
  6846. Type is not generic
  6847. Illegal name
  6848. Empty name is not legal
  6849. Unable to change after type has been created.
  6850. This method is not implemented for incomplete types.
  6851. Type is concrete but has abstract method
  6852. ' because it is an enum with methods.
  6853. ' because the parent type is sealed.
  6854. ' from assembly '
  6855. Could not load type '
  6856. method body must belong to this type
  6857. methodInfoDeclaration
  6858. methodInfoBody
  6859. Interface method must be abstract and virtual.
  6860. Parent does not have a default constructor. The default constructor must be explicitly defined.
  6861. Enumeration type is not defined.
  6862. Interface must be declared abstract.
  6863. fullname
  6864. type_
  6865. <Module>
  6866. {0} {1}
  6867. readonly.
  6868. refanytype
  6869. sizeof
  6870. rethrow
  6871. initblk
  6872. cpblk
  6873. constrained.
  6874. initobj
  6875. tail.
  6876. volatile.
  6877. unaligned.
  6878. endfilter
  6879. localloc
  6880. stloc
  6881. ldloca
  6882. ldloc
  6883. starg
  6884. ldarga
  6885. ldarg
  6886. ldvirtftn
  6887. ldftn
  6888. clt.un
  6889. clt
  6890. cgt.un
  6891. cgt
  6892. ceq
  6893. arglist
  6894. prefixref
  6895. prefix1
  6896. prefix2
  6897. prefix3
  6898. prefix4
  6899. prefix5
  6900. prefix6
  6901. prefix7
  6902. conv.u
  6903. stind.i
  6904. leave.s
  6905. leave
  6906. endfinally
  6907. sub.ovf.un
  6908. sub.ovf
  6909. mul.ovf.un
  6910. mul.ovf
  6911. add.ovf.un
  6912. add.ovf
  6913. conv.ovf.u
  6914. conv.ovf.i
  6915. conv.i
  6916. conv.u1
  6917. conv.u2
  6918. ldtoken
  6919. mkrefany
  6920. ckfinite
  6921. refanyval
  6922. conv.ovf.u8
  6923. conv.ovf.i8
  6924. conv.ovf.u4
  6925. conv.ovf.i4
  6926. conv.ovf.u2
  6927. conv.ovf.i2
  6928. conv.ovf.u1
  6929. conv.ovf.i1
  6930. unbox.any
  6931. stelem
  6932. ldelem
  6933. stelem.ref
  6934. stelem.r8
  6935. stelem.r4
  6936. stelem.i8
  6937. stelem.i4
  6938. stelem.i2
  6939. stelem.i1
  6940. stelem.i
  6941. ldelem.ref
  6942. ldelem.r8
  6943. ldelem.r4
  6944. ldelem.i
  6945. ldelem.i8
  6946. ldelem.u4
  6947. ldelem.i4
  6948. ldelem.u2
  6949. ldelem.i2
  6950. ldelem.u1
  6951. ldelem.i1
  6952. ldelema
  6953. ldlen
  6954. newarr
  6955. box
  6956. conv.ovf.u.un
  6957. conv.ovf.i.un
  6958. conv.ovf.u8.un
  6959. conv.ovf.u4.un
  6960. conv.ovf.u2.un
  6961. conv.ovf.u1.un
  6962. conv.ovf.i8.un
  6963. conv.ovf.i4.un
  6964. conv.ovf.i2.un
  6965. conv.ovf.i1.un
  6966. stobj
  6967. stsfld
  6968. ldsflda
  6969. ldsfld
  6970. stfld
  6971. ldflda
  6972. ldfld
  6973. throw
  6974. unbox
  6975. conv.r.un
  6976. isinst
  6977. castclass
  6978. newobj
  6979. ldstr
  6980. ldobj
  6981. cpobj
  6982. callvirt
  6983. conv.u8
  6984. conv.u4
  6985. conv.r8
  6986. conv.r4
  6987. conv.i8
  6988. conv.i4
  6989. conv.i2
  6990. conv.i1
  6991. not
  6992. neg
  6993. shr.un
  6994. shr
  6995. shl
  6996. xor
  6997. or
  6998. and
  6999. rem.un
  7000. rem
  7001. div.un
  7002. div
  7003. mul
  7004. sub
  7005. add
  7006. stind.r8
  7007. stind.r4
  7008. stind.i8
  7009. stind.i4
  7010. stind.i2
  7011. stind.i1
  7012. stind.ref
  7013. ldind.ref
  7014. ldind.r8
  7015. ldind.r4
  7016. ldind.i
  7017. ldind.i8
  7018. ldind.u4
  7019. ldind.i4
  7020. ldind.u2
  7021. ldind.i2
  7022. ldind.u1
  7023. ldind.i1
  7024. switch
  7025. blt.un
  7026. ble.un
  7027. bgt.un
  7028. bge.un
  7029. bne.un
  7030. blt
  7031. ble
  7032. bgt
  7033. bge
  7034. beq
  7035. brtrue
  7036. brfalse
  7037. br
  7038. blt.un.s
  7039. ble.un.s
  7040. bgt.un.s
  7041. bge.un.s
  7042. bne.un.s
  7043. blt.s
  7044. ble.s
  7045. bgt.s
  7046. bge.s
  7047. beq.s
  7048. brtrue.s
  7049. brfalse.s
  7050. br.s
  7051. ret
  7052. calli
  7053. call
  7054. jmp
  7055. pop
  7056. dup
  7057. ldc.r8
  7058. ldc.r4
  7059. ldc.i8
  7060. ldc.i4
  7061. ldc.i4.s
  7062. ldc.i4.8
  7063. ldc.i4.7
  7064. ldc.i4.6
  7065. ldc.i4.5
  7066. ldc.i4.4
  7067. ldc.i4.3
  7068. ldc.i4.2
  7069. ldc.i4.1
  7070. ldc.i4.0
  7071. ldc.i4.m1
  7072. ldnull
  7073. stloc.s
  7074. ldloca.s
  7075. ldloc.s
  7076. starg.s
  7077. ldarga.s
  7078. ldarg.s
  7079. stloc.3
  7080. stloc.2
  7081. stloc.1
  7082. stloc.0
  7083. ldloc.3
  7084. ldloc.2
  7085. ldloc.1
  7086. ldloc.0
  7087. ldarg.3
  7088. ldarg.2
  7089. ldarg.1
  7090. ldarg.0
  7091. break
  7092. nop
  7093. className
  7094. Duplicate type name within an assembly.
  7095. The type that implements the default symbol writer interface cannot be found
  7096. Mono.CompilerServices.SymbolWriter.SymbolWriterImpl
  7097. The assembly for default symbol writer cannot be loaded
  7098. Mono.CompilerServices.SymbolWriter
  7099. Invalid argument array length
  7100. typeArguments
  7101. ::
  7102. MethodBuilder [
  7103. Method '{0}.{1}' does not have a method body.
  7104. Method '{0}' override '{1}' but it is not virtual
  7105. Label not marked
  7106. The label was already defined
  7107. The label is not valid
  7108. Method is not VarArgs method and optional types were passed
  7109. Only Call and CallVirt are allowed
  7110. methodInfo
  7111. Ldtoken, Ldftn and Ldvirtftn OpCodes cannot target DynamicMethods.
  7112. meth
  7113. Trying to emit a local from a different ILGenerator.
  7114. local
  7115. User defined subclasses of System.Type are not yet supported.
  7116. localType
  7117. Anonymously Hosted DynamicMethods Assembly
  7118. Method cannot be invoked.
  7119. Method body should not exist.
  7120. delegateType
  7121. is null
  7122. Parameter
  7123. returnType
  7124. Return type can't be a byref type
  7125. m
  7126. The type is not yet created.
  7127. ' does not have a method body.
  7128. Method '
  7129. ']
  7130. ConstructorBuilder ['
  7131. parameterTypes
  7132. Elements of the parameterTypes array cannot be null
  7133. Cannot create a pointer type of a byref type
  7134. Cannot create a byref type of an already byref type
  7135. Cannot create an array type of a byref type
  7136. &
  7137. Duplicate name '
  7138. Duplicate file name '
  7139. '
  7140. Could not find file '
  7141. ' must not include a path.
  7142. fileName '
  7143. Empty file name is not legal.
  7144. Empty name is not legal.
  7145. The invoked member is not supported in a dynamic module.
  7146. Default Dynamic Module
  7147. A module-only assembly can only contain one module.
  7148. Assembly was already saved.
  7149. Persistable modules are not supported in a dynamic assembly created with AssemblyBuilderAccess.Run
  7150. ' must have file extension.
  7151. Module file name '
  7152. Argument value {0} is not valid.
  7153. typeof (
  7154. =
  7155. The Binary format of the custom attribute is invalid.
  7156. )]
  7157. .cctor
  7158. .ctor
  7159. No properties provided
  7160. match
  7161. _HashForControl
  7162. _HashAlgorithmForControl
  7163. definition
  7164. reference
  7165. The public key is not valid.
  7166. , Retargetable=Yes
  7167. , PublicKeyToken=
  7168. , PublicKeyToken=null
  7169. neutral
  7170. , Version=
  7171. _CultureInfo
  7172. _Flags
  7173. _VersionCompatibility
  7174. _StrongNameKeyPair
  7175. _HashAlgorithm
  7176. _PublicKeyToken
  7177. _PublicKey
  7178. _Version
  7179. _CodeBase
  7180. _Name
  7181. The assembly name is invalid.
  7182. assemblyName cannot have zero length.
  7183. assemblyName
  7184. resourceName
  7185. Name can't be empty
  7186. It is illegal to invoke a method on a Type loaded via ReflectionOnly methods.
  7187. Path can't be empty
  7188. Name can't be the empty string
  7189. assemblyFile
  7190. .dll
  7191. .resources
  7192. Name cannot be empty
  7193. String cannot have zero length.
  7194. Empty name is not valid
  7195. Name cannot be null.
  7196. Ambiguous matching in method resolution
  7197. Two arrays must have the same number of dimensions.
  7198. Min value is greater than max value.
  7199. Max value is less than min value.
  7200. This platform is not supported.
  7201. Number overflow.
  7202. Out of memory.
  7203. <unknown>
  7204. OSX
  7205. XBox
  7206. Unix
  7207. Microsoft Windows CE
  7208. Microsoft Windows 98
  7209. Microsoft Win32S
  7210. Microsoft Windows NT
  7211. _servicePack
  7212. _version
  7213. _platform
  7214. version
  7215. ObjectName
  7216. The object was used after being disposed.
  7217. ' is invalid
  7218. The specified format '
  7219. A null value was found where an object instance was required.
  7220. nullableType
  7221. Operation is not supported.
  7222. The requested feature is not implemented.
  7223. This operation cannot be performed with the specified delagates.
  7224. Cannot find variable
  7225. Only the field value can be specified to set a field value.
  7226. providedArgs
  7227. Used Missing.Value for argument without default value
  7228. Cannot find method
  7229. has some invalid parameter.
  7230. The best match for method
  7231. Constructor on type '
  7232. Must specify binding flags describing the invoke operation required.
  7233. namedParameters cannot be more than named arguments in number
  7234. Cannot specify Set on a property and Invoke on a method.
  7235. Cannot specify Set on a field and Invoke on a method.
  7236. Cannot specify both Get and Set on a property.
  7237. Cannot specify both Get and Set on a field.
  7238. bindingFlags
  7239. fromNoninstanciated
  7240. Duplicate AttributeUsageAttribute cannot be specified on an attribute type.
  7241. '{0}' has more than one attribute of type '{1}
  7242. Invalid handle
  7243. Method not found: '{0}.{1}'.
  7244. Cannot find the requested method.
  7245. Member {0}.{1} not found.
  7246. MMSignature
  7247. MMMemberName
  7248. MMClassName
  7249. Cannot find the requested class member.
  7250. Field '{0}.{1}' not found.
  7251. Cannot find requested field.
  7252. Attempt to access a private/protected method failed.
  7253. Cannot access a class member.
  7254. Value is too small or too big.
  7255. Value is too small.
  7256. No remoting information was found for the object.
  7257. The length cannot be greater than the capacity.
  7258. pointer
  7259. The current position is at the end of the capacity of the stream
  7260. The buffer parameter is a null reference
  7261. Stream does not support writing.
  7262. Unable to expand length of this stream beyond its capacity.
  7263. Invalid SeekOrigin option
  7264. An attempt was made to seek before the beginning of the stream
  7265. The length of the buffer array minus the offset parameter is less than the count parameter
  7266. The position is larger than Int32.MaxValue.
  7267. The stream is closed
  7268. index + count > dest_buffer.Length
  7269. dest_buffer
  7270. writer is null
  7271. reader is null
  7272. Cannot write to a closed StringWriter
  7273. sb
  7274. Cannot read from a closed StringReader
  7275. StringReader
  7276. StreamWriter
  7277. Can not write to stream
  7278. index + count > buffer.Length
  7279. Cannot read from a closed StreamReader
  7280. StreamReader
  7281. Cannot read stream
  7282. stream
  7283. The minimum size of the buffer must be positive
  7284. path contains invalid characters
  7285. Empty path not allowed
  7286. EndWrite already called.
  7287. EndRead already called.
  7288. Timeouts are not supported on this stream.
  7289. Pathname is longer than the maximum length
  7290. The specified path is not of a legal form.
  7291. UNC paths should be of the form \\server\share.
  7292. The specified path is not of a legal form (empty).
  7293. Argument string consists of whitespace characters only.
  7294. Invalid path
  7295. path2
  7296. path1
  7297. Win32 IO returned {0}. Path: {1}
  7298. Source and destination are not on the same device
  7299. Path {0} is a directory
  7300. Encryption failed
  7301. Directory {0} is not empty
  7302. Disk full. Path {0}
  7303. Lock violation on path {0}
  7304. Sharing violation on path {0}
  7305. Write fault on path {0}
  7306. Invalid parameter
  7307. Path is too long. Path: {0}
  7308. Could not create file "{0}". File already exists.
  7309. Could not find the drive '{0}'. The drive might not be ready or might not be mapped.
  7310. Invalid handle to path "{0}"
  7311. Access to the path "{0}" is denied.
  7312. Could not find a part of the path "{0}"
  7313. Too many open files
  7314. Could not find file "{0}"
  7315. Cannot create a file that already exist.
  7316. Access to the path is denied.
  7317. Cannot write to this stream.
  7318. Cannot write to this MemoryStream
  7319. Expanding this MemoryStream is not supported
  7320. loc
  7321. Attempted to seek before start of MemoryStream.
  7322. Offset out of range.
  7323. The size of the buffer is less than offset + count.
  7324. offset+count
  7325. offset or count less than zero.
  7326. Position must be non-negative and less than 2^31 - 1 - origin
  7327. Position cannot be negative
  7328. New capacity cannot be negative or less than the current capacity
  7329. Cannot expand this MemoryStream
  7330. MemoryStream
  7331. The size of the buffer is less than index + count.
  7332. index+count
  7333. index or count is less than 0.
  7334. An Isolated storage operation failed.
  7335. Illegal characters in path.
  7336. OriginalPath
  7337. FullPath
  7338. value is less than 0
  7339. The stream does not support writing
  7340. Can't seek back over pre-existing data in append mode
  7341. Attempted to Seek before the beginning of the stream
  7342. Invalid SeekOrigin
  7343. origin
  7344. array too small. numBytes/offset wrong.
  7345. This stream does not support writing
  7346. Invalid IAsyncResult
  7347. asyncResult
  7348. Buffer too small. numBytes/offset wrong.
  7349. Must be >= 0
  7350. numBytes
  7351. This stream does not support reading
  7352. Reading would overrun buffer
  7353. destination offset is beyond array size
  7354. offset
  7355. Stream does not support writing
  7356. Stream does not support reading
  7357. Attempt to set the position to a negative value
  7358. The stream does not support seeking
  7359. Stream has been closed
  7360. Could not find file "{0}".
  7361. Combining FileMode: {0} with FileAccess: {1} is invalid.
  7362. Append access can be requested only in write-only mode.
  7363. Access to the path '{0}' is denied.
  7364. Name has invalid chars
  7365. Enum value for FileShare was out of legal range.
  7366. Enum value for FileAccess was out of legal range.
  7367. Enum value was out of legal range.
  7368. bufferSize
  7369. Invalid handle.
  7370. access
  7371. Invalid.
  7372. handle
  7373. [Unknown]
  7374. ---> {0}
  7375. File name: '{0}'
  7376. Could not load file or assembly '{0}' or one of its dependencies. The system cannot find the file specified.
  7377. FileNotFound_FusionLog
  7378. FileNotFound_FileName
  7379. Unable to find the specified file.
  7380. ----> {0}
  7381. : {0}
  7382. : {0}
  7383. FileLoad_FusionLog
  7384. FileLoad_FileName
  7385. I/O Error
  7386. fileName
  7387. Could not find a part of the path "{0}".
  7388. {0}" or "{1}
  7389. Destination directory not found: {0}
  7390. {0} already exists
  7391. {0} is a directory
  7392. {0} does not exist
  7393. The file name is not valid.
  7394. An empty file name is not valid.
  7395. destFileName
  7396. sourceFileName
  7397. Failed to read past end of stream.
  7398. Directory not found
  7399. Path is invalid
  7400. searchPattern
  7401. Pattern is invalid
  7402. ' not found.
  7403. Directory '
  7404. Pattern contains invalid characters
  7405. Path contains invalid characters
  7406. The Path does not have a valid format
  7407. *
  7408. Only ':' In path
  7409. because a file with the same name already exists.
  7410. Cannot create
  7411. Only blank characters in path
  7412. Path contains invalid chars
  7413. Path is empty
  7414. path
  7415. chars
  7416. buffer
  7417. Cannot write to a closed BinaryWriter
  7418. BinaryWriter
  7419. Stream does not support writing or already closed.
  7420. encoding
  7421. output
  7422. Invalid binary file (string len < 0)
  7423. Too many bytes in what should have been a 7 bit encoded Int32.
  7424. buffer is too small
  7425. count is less than 0
  7426. index is less than 0
  7427. buffer is null
  7428. Stream is invalid
  7429. Cannot read from a closed BinaryReader.
  7430. BinaryReader
  7431. The stream doesn't support reading.
  7432. Input or Encoding is a null reference.
  7433. Operation is not valid due to the current state of the object
  7434. Cannot cast from source type to destination type.
  7435. s.Length =
  7436. Input string was not in the correct format: Did not parse entire string. pos =
  7437. Input string was not in the correct format: No room for close parens.
  7438. Input string was not in the correct format: no space between number and currency symbol.
  7439. Input string was not in the correct format: nDigits == 0.
  7440. Input string was not in the correct format: Has Positive Sign.
  7441. Input string was not in the correct format: Has Negative Sign.
  7442. Input string was not in the correct format: s.Length==0.
  7443. Value is not a System.Int64
  7444. Input string was not in the correct format
  7445. Not a valid number style
  7446. With AllowHexSpecifier only AllowLeadingWhite and AllowTrailingWhite are permitted.
  7447. Value is not a System.Int32
  7448. Value too large or too small.
  7449. Value is too large
  7450. Value is not a System.Int16
  7451. Array index is out of range.
  7452. Invalid format for Guid.Guid(string).
  7453. Argument to Guid.ToString(string format) should be "b", "B", "d", "D", "n", "N", "p" or "P"
  7454. n
  7455. p
  7456. b
  7457. Argument of System.Guid.CompareTo should be a Guid.
  7458. Array should be exactly {0} bytes long.
  7459. Value cannot be null.
  7460. str
  7461. TextInfo -
  7462. SortKey -
  7463. sortkey2
  7464. sortkey1
  7465. The value specified for the property is less than 0 or greater than 15
  7466. The value specified for the property is a null reference
  7467. The current instance is read-only and a set operation was attempted
  7468. The value specified for the property is less than 0 or greater than 99
  7469. 9
  7470. 8
  7471. 7
  7472. 6
  7473. 5
  7474. 4
  7475. 3
  7476. 2
  7477. +
  7478. Infinity
  7479. -Infinity
  7480. NaN
  7481. $
  7482. #
  7483. A.D.
  7484. AD
  7485. h:mm tt
  7486. H:mm
  7487. hh:mm tt
  7488. yyyy'-'MM'-'dd'T'HH':'mm':'ss.fffffffK
  7489. era
  7490. Sa
  7491. Fr
  7492. Th
  7493. We
  7494. Tu
  7495. Mo
  7496. Su
  7497. December
  7498. November
  7499. October
  7500. September
  7501. August
  7502. July
  7503. June
  7504. April
  7505. March
  7506. February
  7507. January
  7508. Dec
  7509. Nov
  7510. Oct
  7511. Sep
  7512. Aug
  7513. Jul
  7514. Jun
  7515. May
  7516. Apr
  7517. Mar
  7518. Feb
  7519. Jan
  7520. Saturday
  7521. Friday
  7522. Thursday
  7523. Wednesday
  7524. Tuesday
  7525. Monday
  7526. Sunday
  7527. Sat
  7528. Fri
  7529. Thu
  7530. Wed
  7531. Tue
  7532. Mon
  7533. Sun
  7534. An array with exactly 7 elements is needed
  7535. An array with exactly 13 elements is needed
  7536. yyyy'-'MM'-'dd HH':'mm':'ss'Z'
  7537. yyyy'-'MM'-'dd'T'HH':'mm':'ss
  7538. ddd, dd MMM yyyy HH':'mm':'ss 'GMT'
  7539. dddd, dd MMMM yyyy HH:mm:ss
  7540. yyyy MMMM
  7541. MMMM dd
  7542. HH:mm:ss
  7543. HH:mm
  7544. dddd, dd MMMM yyyy
  7545. MM/dd/yyyy
  7546. PM
  7547. AM
  7548. en_US_POSIX
  7549. iv
  7550. IVL
  7551. Invariant Language (Invariant Country)
  7552. zh-cht
  7553. zh-chs
  7554. zh-hant
  7555. zh-hans
  7556. DateTimeFormat
  7557. NumberFormat
  7558. " is a neutral culture. It can not be used in formatting and parsing and therefore cannot be set as the thread's current culture.
  7559. Culture "
  7560. This instance is read only
  7561. is not supported.
  7562. Culture name
  7563. Culture ID {0} (0x{0:X4}) is not a supported culture.
  7564. Positive number required.
  7565. CompareInfo -
  7566. suffix
  7567. prefix
  7568. source
  7569. Now allowed CompareOptions.
  7570. Length2 is greater than the number of characters from offset2 to the end of string2
  7571. Length1 is greater than the number of characters from offset1 to the end of string1
  7572. Offset2 is greater than or equal to the length of string2
  7573. Offset1 is greater than or equal to the length of string1
  7574. Offsets and lengths must not be less than zero
  7575. options
  7577. Internal: M_EraNames not initialized!
  7578. This Calendar is read-only.
  7579. Invalid format.
  7580. Attempt to access a private/protected field failed.
  7581. Internal error occurred.
  7582. (
  7583. [
  7584. --- End of inner exception stack trace ---
  7585. --->
  7586. :
  7587. ExceptionMethod
  7588. in {0}:{1}
  7589. [0x{0:x5}]
  7590. <0x{0:x5}>
  7591. <0x{0:x5}> {1}
  7592. {0}
  7593. {0} {1}
  7594. Exception of type '{0}' was thrown.
  7595. Data
  7596. InnerException
  7597. Source
  7598. HResult
  7599. RemoteStackIndex
  7600. RemoteStackTraceString
  7601. StackTraceString
  7602. HelpURL
  7603. Message
  7604. ClassName
  7605. Invalid SpecialFolder
  7606. /usr/share
  7607. Pictures
  7609. Music
  7611. Desktop
  7613. .config
  7615. share
  7616. .local
  7618. $HOME/
  7619. user-dirs.dirs
  7620. Format String can be only "G","g","X","x","F","f","D" or "d".
  7621. Enum underlying type and the object must be the same type or object. Type passed in was {0}; the enum underlying type was {1}.
  7622. Invalid type code for enumeration.
  7623. x16
  7624. X16
  7625. x8
  7626. X8
  7627. x4
  7628. X4
  7629. x2
  7630. Object must be the same type as the enum. The type passed in was {0}; the enum type was {1}.
  7631. The requested value '{0}' was not found.
  7632. The requested value was not found.
  7633. An empty string is not considered a valid value.
  7634. typeCode is not a valid type code for an Enum
  7635. The value parameter is not the correct type.It must be type String or the same type as the underlying typeof the Enum.
  7636. enumType is not an Enum type.
  7637. enumType
  7638. Cannot load class because of missing entry method.
  7639. Unknown char
  7640. Unknown char:
  7641. How did this happen?
  7642. AllowHexSpecifier
  7643. Double doesn't support parsing with '{0}'.
  7644. Value is not a System.Double
  7645. DLL not found.
  7646. Division by zero
  7647. {0}
  7648. ByRef
  7649. (
  7650. {0}.{1}
  7651. {0}
  7652. in {0}:line {1}
  7653. at
  7654. {0} {1}
  7655. skipFrames
  7656. e
  7657. :{0}:{1}
  7658. in file:line:column
  7659. offset
  7660. <unknown offset>
  7661. at
  7662. <unknown method>
  7663. <filename unknown>
  7664. Unexpected proxy type.
  7665. Delegate
  7666. Incompatible Delegate Types.
  7667. target
  7668. '.
  7669. Couldn't bind to method '
  7670. type is not subclass of MulticastDelegate.
  7671. method arguments are incompatible
  7672. method argument length mismatch
  7673. method return type is incompatible
  7674. Invoke
  7675. type is not a subclass of Multicastdelegate
  7676. method
  7677. 79228162514264337593543950335
  7678. Error in System.Decimal.Parse
  7679. Decimal.TryParse does not accept AllowHexSpecifier
  7680. Closing Parentheses not found
  7681. No digits found
  7682. Invalid exponent
  7683. Invalid character at position {0}
  7684. Value is not a System.Decimal
  7685. [0,28]
  7686. decimals
  7687. mode
  7688. ' is not valid for this usage of the type MidpointRounding.
  7689. The value '
  7690. )
  7691. Overflow on subtracting decimal numbers (
  7692. Overflow on adding decimal number
  7693. Value {0} is greater than Decimal.MaxValue or less than Decimal.MinValue
  7694. scale must be between 0 and 28
  7695. \ at end of date time string
  7696. %% in date string
  7697. % at end of date time string
  7698. 00
  7699. Invalid Format String
  7700. Un-ended quote
  7701. zzz
  7702. OffsetMinutes
  7703. DateTime
  7704. The UtcDateTime property is earlier than MinValue or later than MaxValue.
  7705. offset is less than -14 hours or greater than 14 hours.
  7706. offset is not specified in whole minutes.
  7707. dateTime.Kind equals Local and offset does not equal the offset of the system's local time zone.
  7708. dateTime.Kind equals Utc and offset does not equal zero.
  7709. The UTC date and time that results from applying the offset is earlier than MinValue or later than MaxValue.
  7710. format is not one of the format specifier characters defined for DateTimeFormatInfo
  7711. G
  7712. t
  7713. d
  7714. T
  7715. D
  7716. file time is not valid
  7717. Invalid format string
  7718. The DateTimeStyles values AssumeLocal and AssumeUniversal cannot be used together.
  7719. style
  7720. The DateTimeStyles value RoundtripKind cannot be used with the values AssumeLocal, Asersal or AdjustToUniversal.
  7721. Format specifier was invalid.
  7722. formats
  7723. format
  7724. GMT
  7725. Order of month, year and date defined by {0} is not supported
  7726. Order of date, year and month defined by {0} is not supported
  7727. Order of year, month and date is not defined by {0}
  7728. Order of month and date is not defined by {0}
  7729. String was not recognized as a valid DateTime.
  7730. kind
  7731. Invalid DateTimeKind value.
  7732. Invalid format character.
  7733. dDgGfFmMrRstTuUyY
  7734. Value is not a System.DateTime
  7735. MMM/yy
  7736. d/MMMM
  7737. yyyy/MMMM
  7738. d/MMM
  7739. MMMM/d
  7740. d/MMM/yy
  7741. MMMM/d/yy
  7742. MMM/d/yy
  7743. d/yy/MMM
  7744. yy/MMM/d
  7745. d/MMMM/yy
  7746. MMM/yy/d
  7747. yy/d/MMM
  7748. yy/MMMM/d
  7749. d/yyyy/MMM
  7750. MMMM/yyyy/d
  7751. d/MMM/yyyy
  7752. MMMM/d/yyyy
  7753. yyyy/d/MMM
  7754. yyyy/MMMM/d
  7755. yy/d/M
  7756. MMM/yyyy/d
  7757. d/yyyy/MMMM
  7758. MMM/d/yyyy
  7759. d/MMMM/yyyy
  7760. yyyy/MMM/d
  7761. yyyy/d/MMMM
  7762. yyyy'年'M'月'd'日
  7763. M/yyyy/dT
  7764. yyyy/M/dT
  7765. H'時'm'分's'秒'
  7766. H tt
  7767. H:m
  7768. H:mzzz
  7769. H:m:s
  7770. H:m:szzz
  7771. H:m:s tt zzz
  7772. H:m:s.fffffff
  7773. H:m:s.fffffffzzz
  7774. Parameters describe an unrepresentable DateTime.
  7775. ticks
  7776. Value {0} is outside the valid range [{1},{2}].
  7777. Can't get timezone data for
  7778. is not in a range between 1 and 9999.
  7779. year
  7780. Can't get timezone name.
  7781. to
  7782. Value is not a convertible object:
  7783. Cannot cast to DBNull, it's not IConvertible
  7784. Cannot cast to destination type.
  7785. Null object can not be converted to a value type.
  7786. Additional unparsable characters are at the end of the string.
  7787. Could not find any parsable digits.
  7788. String cannot contain a minus sign if the base is not 10.
  7789. The string was being parsed as an unsigned number and could not have a negative sign.
  7790. -
  7791. fromBase is not valid.
  7792. conversionType
  7793. Value is less than UInt64.MinValue
  7794. Value is greater than UInt64.MaxValue or less than UInt64.MinValue
  7795. Value is greater than UInt32.MaxValue
  7796. Value is less than UInt32.MinValue
  7797. Value is greater than UInt32.MaxValue or less than UInt32.MinValue
  7798. Value is greater than UInt16.MaxValue
  7799. Value is less than UInt16.MinValue
  7800. Value is greater than UInt16.MaxValue or less than UInt16.MinValue
  7801. Value is greater than SByte.MaxValue or less than SByte.Minalue
  7802. Value is greater than SByte.MaxValue or less than SByte.MinValue
  7803. Value is greater than SByte.MaxValue
  7804. Value is greater than Int64.MaxValue
  7805. Value is greater than Int64.MaxValue or less than Int64.MinValue
  7806. Value is greater than Int32.MaxValue
  7807. Value is greater than Int32.MaxValue or less than Int32.MinValue
  7808. Value was either too large or too small for an Int16.
  7809. Value is greater than Int16.MaxValue or less than Int16.MinValue
  7810. Value is greater than Int16.MaxValue
  7811. Value is greater than Char.MaxValue
  7812. Value is less than Char.MinValue
  7813. This conversion is not supported.
  7814. Value is greater than Char.MaxValue or less than Char.MinValue
  7815. Value is less than Byte.MinValue
  7816. Value is equal to Single.NaN, Single.PositiveInfinity, or Single.NegativeInfinity
  7817. Value is greater than Byte.MaxValue or less than Byte.Minalue
  7818. Value is equal to Double.NaN, Double.PositiveInfinity, or Double.NegativeInfinity
  7819. Value is greater than Byte.MaxValue or less than Byte.MinValue
  7820. Value is greater than Byte.MaxValue
  7821. offset < 0 || length < 0
  7822. offsetOut + cOutArr.Length > outArray.Length
  7823. offsetIn + length > array.Length
  7824. offsetIn, length, offsetOut < 0
  7825. outArray
  7826. offset + length > array.Length
  7827. offset < 0
  7828. inArray
  7829. initialCapacity
  7830. This operation is not supported on GetValueList return
  7831. IList::RemoveAt not supported
  7832. IList::Remove not supported
  7833. IList::Insert not supported
  7834. IList::Clear not supported
  7835. IList::Add not supported
  7836. attempt to modify a key
  7837. is not a supported mode.
  7838. SortedList.Enumerator: snapshot out of sync.
  7839. i
  7840. arr
  7841. ]
  7842. ) at [
  7843. SortedList::internal error (
  7844. Key '{0}' already exists in list.
  7845. index out of range
  7846. Not enough space in array from arrayIndex to end of array
  7847. arrayIndex is greater than or equal to array.Length
  7848. array is multi-dimensional
  7849. capacity too small
  7850. Key not found and SortedList is fixed size.
  7851. SortedList is Read Only.
  7852. Queue growth factor must be between 1.0 and 10.0, inclusive
  7853. growFactor
  7854. Needs a non-negative number
  7855. col
  7856. ParentTable
  7857. not enough space
  7858. should never happen
  7859. Hashtable.Enumerator: snapshot out of sync.
  7860. Key duplication when adding:
  7861. table
  7862. Keys and values of uneven size
  7863. equalityComparer
  7864. Values
  7865. Keys
  7866. HashSize
  7867. HashCodeProvider
  7868. Comparer
  7869. KeyComparer
  7870. Version
  7871. LoadFactor
  7872. Not enough room from arrayIndex to end of array for this Hashtable
  7873. arrayIndex is equal to or greater than array.Length
  7874. array is multidimensional
  7875. arrayIndex
  7876. null key
  7877. key
  7878. dictionary
  7879. Size is too big
  7880. load factor
  7881. loadFactor
  7882. negative capacity
  7883. The given key was not present in the dictionary.
  7884. CompareInfo
  7885. Neither 'a' nor 'b' implements IComparable.
  7886. CollectionBase.OnValidate: Invalid parameter value passed to method: null
  7887. The element cannot be found.
  7888. obj
  7889. Enum Ended
  7890. Enum not started
  7891. Unsupported type
  7892. index is greater than array.Length
  7893. Array rank must be 1
  7894. bits
  7895. Enumerator ended
  7896. Enumerator not started
  7897. List has changed.
  7898. Can't modify a readonly list.
  7899. Can't add or remove from a fixed-size list.
  7900. list
  7901. Must have only 1 dimensions.
  7902. Less than 0 or more than list count.
  7903. Index must be >= 0 and <= Count.
  7904. Start index and count do not specify a valid range.
  7905. Can't be less than 0.
  7906. Does not specify valid index.
  7907. Must be more than count.
  7908. Capacity
  7909. Index is less than 0 or more than or equal to the list count.
  7910. The initial capacity can't be smaller than zero.
  7911. capacity
  7912. c
  7913. The position is not valid.
  7914. culture
  7915. s contains more than one character.
  7916. The value of index is less than zero, or greater than or equal to the length of s.
  7917. s
  7918. Value is not a System.Char
  7919. Value too large.
  7920. Value is not a System.Byte.
  7921. Offset and length were out of bounds for the array or count is greater than the number of elements from index to the end of the source collection.
  7922. count
  7923. dstOffset
  7924. Non-negative number required.
  7925. srcOffset
  7926. dst
  7927. src
  7928. Object must be an array of primitives.
  7929. Value is not equivalent to either TrueString or FalseString.
  7930. Object is not a Boolean.
  7931. targetType
  7932. True
  7933. False
  7934. startIndex + length > value.Length
  7935. Value must be positive.
  7936. byteArray
  7937. Destination array is not long enough to copy all the items in the collection. Check array index and length.
  7938. Index was out of range. Must be non-negative and less than the size of the collection.
  7939. startIndex
  7940. Element is not a constructor, method, property, event, type or field.
  7941. Type is not derived from System.Attribute.
  7942. attributeType
  7943. element
  7944. Source array type cannot be assigned to destination array type.
  7945. Enumeration has already ended
  7946. Enumeration has not started.
  7947. Destination array was not long enough. Check destIndex and length, and the array's lower bounds.
  7948. The comparer threw an exception.
  7949. keys
  7950. Must be in the Int32 range.
  7951. (Types: source={0}; target={1})
  7952. Destination array was not long enough. Check destIndex and length, and the array's lower bounds
  7953. destinationIndex
  7954. sourceIndex
  7955. destinationArray
  7956. sourceArray
  7957. index + length > size
  7958. index < lower bound
  7959. length < 0
  7960. Comparer threw an exception.
  7961. value does not support IComparable
  7962. index and length do not specify a valid range in array.
  7963. Value has to be >= 0.
  7964. length
  7965. index is less than the lower bound of array.
  7966. comparer is null and value does not support IComparable.
  7967. value does not support IComparable.
  7968. array
  7969. indices
  7970. Each value has to be >= 0 and <= Int32.MaxValue.
  7971. values
  7972. Length + bound must not exceed Int32.MaxValue.
  7973. Each value has to be >= 0.
  7974. Arrays must be of same size.
  7975. Arrays must contain >= 1 elements.
  7976. lowerBounds
  7977. Array type can not be an open generic type
  7978. Array type can not be void
  7979. Type must be a type provided by the runtime.
  7980. lengths
  7981. elementType
  7982. Index has to be >= lower bound and <= upper bound of the array.
  7983. index3
  7984. index2
  7985. index1
  7986. Value must be >= 0 and <= Int32.MaxValue.
  7987. Index has to be between upper and lower bound of the array.
  7988. Array was not a one-dimensional array.
  7989. Collection is read-only
  7990. Only single dimension arrays are supported.
  7991. Overflow or underflow in the arithmetic operation.
  7992. ActualValue
  7993. Argument is out of range.
  7994. Argument cannot be null.
  7995. Parameter name:
  7996. ParamName
  7997. Value does not fall within the expected range.
  7998. ArgIterator does not support Equals.
  7999. , Culture=neutral
  8000. , Culture=
  8001. applicationIdentityFullName
  8002. An application exception has occurred.
  8003. The Name of AssemblyName cannot start with whitespace, or contain '/', '\' or ':'.
  8004. The Name of AssemblyName cannot be null or a zero-length string.
  8005. rawAssembly
  8006. assemblyString cannot have zero length
  8007. assemblyString
  8008. file://
  8009. assemblyRef.Name cannot be empty.
  8010. assemblyRef
  8011. name
  8012. Cannot create an abstract class '{0}'.
  8013. CreateInstance cannot be used to create this type ({0}).
  8014. .ctor() of
  8015. Default constructor not found.
  8016. Type '{0}' doesn't derive from MarshalByRefObject.
  8017. No constructor found for {0}::.ctor({1})
  8018. (unknown)
  8019. type
  8020. is an open generic type
  8021. info
  8022. Attempted to read or write protected memory. This is often an indication that other memory has been corrupted.
  8023. {0}. At ({1},{2})
  8024. '--' is not allowed inside comment markup.
  8025. xml:space
  8026. Invalid attribute value markup.
  8027. General non-predefined entity reference is not supported in this parser.
  8028. gt
  8029. lt
  8030. apos
  8031. quot
  8032. amp
  8033. End tag mismatch: expected {0} but found {1}
  8034. This parser does not support document type.
  8035. Invalid declaration markup.
  8036. DOCTYPE
  8037. Invalid declaration markup
  8038. CDATA
  8039. Insufficient close tag: {0}
  8040. Valid XML name is expected.
  8041. XML name start character is expected.
  8042. Expected '{0}' but got {1}
  8043. Whitespace is expected.
  8044. ,
  8045. Unexpected end of stream. Element stack content is {0}
  8046. Invalid extensions format
  8049. Invalid X.509 extension.
  8050. -----END {0}-----
  8051. -----BEGIN {0}-----
  8052. raw
  8053. Missing key algorithm parameters.
  8054. Input data cannot be coded as a valid certificate.
  8056. "
  8058. =
  8059. OID.
  8060. I=
  8061. G=
  8062. SN=
  8063. T=
  8064. dnQualifier=
  8065. E=
  8066. UID=
  8067. DC=
  8068. STREET=
  8069. S=
  8070. L=
  8071. CN=
  8072. OU=
  8073. O=
  8074. C=
  8075. ,
  8076. invalid attribute value id
  8077. 1.2.840.113549.1.9.21
  8078. 1.2.840.113549.1.9.20
  8079. invalid attribute id
  8080. invalid PKCS12 attributes id
  8081. invalid safeBag attributes id
  8082. unknown safeBag oid
  8083. unsupport certificate type
  8084. 1.2.840.113549.
  8085. 1.2.840.113549.
  8086. 1.2.840.113549.
  8087. 1.2.840.113549.
  8088. 1.2.840.113549.
  8089. 1.2.840.113549.
  8090. invalid safeBag id
  8091. invalid safeBag
  8092. Unknown private key format
  8093. unknown oid
  8094. TripleDES
  8095. RC4
  8096. RC2
  8097. MD5
  8098. DES
  8099. MD2
  8100. 1.2.840.113549.
  8101. 1.2.840.113549.
  8102. 1.2.840.113549.
  8103. 1.2.840.113549.
  8104. 1.2.840.113549.
  8105. 1.2.840.113549.
  8106. 1.2.840.113549.1.5.11
  8107. 1.2.840.113549.1.5.10
  8108. 1.2.840.113549.1.5.6
  8109. 1.2.840.113549.1.5.4
  8110. 1.2.840.113549.1.5.3
  8111. 1.2.840.113549.1.5.1
  8112. 1.2.840.113549.
  8113. unknown authenticatedSafe
  8114. public key encrypted
  8115. 1.2.840.113549.1.7.3
  8116. 1.2.840.113549.1.7.6
  8117. Invalid MAC - file may have been tampered!
  8118. invalid MAC iteration
  8119. missing MAC salt
  8120. unsupported HMAC
  8122. invalid MAC
  8123. invalid authenticated safe
  8124. 1.2.840.113549.1.7.1
  8125. invalid PFX version
  8126. invalid data
  8127. Invalid path.
  8128. ..
  8129. Invalid URI: The hostname could not be parsed
  8130. Invalid URI: invalid port number
  8131. @
  8132. ////
  8133. ///
  8134. URI scheme must consist of one of alphabet, digits, '+', '-' or '.' character.
  8135. URI scheme must start with alphabet character.
  8136. URI scheme was not recognized, nor input string is not recognized as an absolute file path.
  8137. uriString
  8138. //
  8139. Relative file path is not allowed.
  8140. /
  8141. \
  8142. %23
  8143. ;/?:@&=+$,
  8144. <>%"{}|\^`
  8145. ?
  8146. index
  8147. pattern
  8148. %
  8149. character
  8150. digit
  8151. \\
  8152. :
  8153. nntp
  8154. news
  8155. mailto
  8156. https
  8157. http
  8158. gopher
  8159. ftp
  8160. file
  8161. ://
  8162. 0123456789ABCDEF
  8163. SHA1
  8164. data isn't a correctly encoded RSA public key
  8165. data
  8166. missing EncryptedContentInfo.EncryptedContent
  8167. missing EncryptedContentInfo.ContentEncryptionAlgorithmIdentifier
  8168. missing EncryptedContentInfo.ContentType
  8169. missing EncryptedContentInfo
  8170. Invalid version
  8171. Invalid EncryptedData
  8172. Invalid content
  8173. Invalid contentType
  8174. Invalid ASN1
  8175. invalid block length
  8176. Error found at position {0}.
  8177. Invalid length {0}.
  8178. Bad {0} padding.
  8179. Invalid input block size.
  8180. outputOffset
  8181. outputBuffer
  8182. Object is disposed
  8183. Overflow
  8184. inputCount
  8185. < 0
  8186. inputOffset
  8187. inputBuffer
  8188. CTS isn't supported by the framework
  8189. OFB isn't supported by the framework
  8190. Unkown CipherMode
  8191. IV is too small ({0} bytes), it should be {1} bytes long.
  8192. </RSAKeyValue>
  8193. </D>
  8194. <D>
  8195. </InverseQ>
  8196. <InverseQ>
  8197. </DQ>
  8198. <DQ>
  8199. </DP>
  8200. <DP>
  8201. </Q>
  8202. <Q>
  8203. </P>
  8204. <P>
  8205. </Exponent>
  8206. <Exponent>
  8207. </Modulus>
  8208. <Modulus>
  8209. <RSAKeyValue>
  8210. Private/public key mismatch
  8211. Missing Modulus
  8212. Missing Exponent
  8213. Missing private key
  8214. public key
  8215. Missing private key to decrypt value.
  8216. private key
  8217. not enough key parameters
  8218. missing version
  8219. invalid private key format
  8220. missing algorithm OID
  8221. invalid version
  8222. invalid PrivateKeyInfo
  8223. invalid EncryptedData
  8224. invalid iterationCount
  8225. invalid salt
  8226. invalid parameters
  8227. invalid algorithm
  8228. invalid encryptionAlgorithm
  8229. invalid EncryptedPrivateKeyInfo
  8230. bad hash length for
  8231. message too long
  8232. >{1} {0}{1} </KeyValue>{1}</KeyPair>{1}
  8233. Id="{0}"
  8234. Name="{0}" />{1} </Properties>{1} <KeyValue
  8235. Type="{0}" />{1} <Container
  8236. Name="{0}"
  8237. <KeyPair>{0} <Properties>{0} <Provider
  8238. KeyValue
  8239. KeyPair
  8240. default
  8241. Improperly protected machine's key pairs in '{0}'.
  8242. Could not create machine key store '{0}'.
  8243. Improperly protected user's key pairs in '{0}'.
  8244. Could not create user key store '{0}'.
  8245. keypairs
  8246. .mono
  8247. [{0}][{1}][{2}].xml
  8248. parameters
  8249. couldn't compute signature verification
  8250. invalid signature length
  8251. rgbSignature
  8252. no private key available for signature
  8253. invalid hash length
  8254. rgbHash
  8255. Missing both public (Y) and private (X) keys.
  8256. Missing mandatory DSA parameters (P, Q or G).
  8257. no private key to export
  8258. Keypair was disposed
  8259. Length must be a multiple of 2
  8260. invalid hex char
  8261. rsa
  8262. Unknown blob format.
  8263. Invalid blob.
  8264. Invalid blob header
  8265. blob is too small.
  8266. blob
  8267. yyyyMMddHHmmsszzz
  8268. {0}{1}{2}{3}{4}:{5}{6}
  8269. yyyyMMddHHmmssZ
  8270. 20
  8271. 19
  8272. yyMMddHHmmZ
  8273. time
  8274. .
  8275. Only integer can be converted
  8276. asn1
  8277. oid
  8278. {0}
  8279. Value:
  8280. Length: {0} {1}
  8281. X2
  8282. Tag: {0} {1}
  8283. Undefined length encoding.
  8284. confidence
  8285. The Rabin-Miller test can not be executed in a way such that its results are provable
  8286. x out of range
  8287. No inverse!
  8288. bi2 out of range
  8289. bi1 out of range
  8290. Operation would return a negative value
  8291. value
  8292. 1
  8293. 0
  8294. radix
  8295. There is no such thing as radix one notation
  8296. characterSet
  8297. charSet length less than radix
  8299. bitNum out of range
  8300. CompareInfo Internal Error: Should not happen. '{0}' {2} {3} '{1}' {4} {5}
  8301. CompareInfo Internal Error: Should not happen. {0} {1} {2} {3} {4} {5}
  8302. MONO internal error. Failed to get TailContraction. start = {0} end = {1} string = '{2}'
  8303. yes
  8305. collation.cjkKOlv2.bin
  8306. collation.{0}.bin
  8307. cjkKO
  8308. cjkJA
  8309. cjkCHT
  8310. cjkCHS
  8311. ko
  8312. ja
  8313. zh-CHT
  8314. zh-CHS
  8315. Mono INTERNAL ERROR (Should not happen): Collation tailoring table is broken for culture {0} ({1}) at 0x{2:X}
  8316. collation.tailoring.bin
  8317. collation.core.bin
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