
Trahir returns

Jun 1st, 2016
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  1. Gallibon the Destroyer
  2. o/
  3. Hi Gojiran
  4. Bye Krazar
  5. test
  6. 4:18
  7. Thegoldnguy
  8. *A Gojiran emerges from the outer waters of Monster Island*
  9. (G74) *Roars, announcing his presence*
  10. (Ang) *Waking up, Anguirus crawls out from his cave. Realizing it's just another Gojiran, he turns back into his cave.*
  11. * in to
  12. 4:22
  13. LSDKama
  14. (Gryphon) *Swimming around the island.*
  15. 4:23
  16. Thegoldnguy
  17. (g74) *Reaches the shore, merrily stomping about.*
  18. Welcome to WZRP Chat!!!! (mot) <(hai)
  19. 4:24
  20. Fr0stfur
  21. hi o/
  22. 4:24
  23. Thegoldnguy
  24. o hai!
  25. 4:24
  26. Gallibon the Destroyer
  27. o/
  28. 4:24
  29. LSDKama
  30. hi
  31. 4:25
  32. Thegoldnguy
  33. (Sgam) *Emerges from his cave, greeting Godzilla*
  34. 4:27
  35. LSDKama
  36. (Gryphon) *Changes to flying form, flies off, leaving the RP.*
  37. LV! (Chameleon) *Walks up the shore of the Island.*
  38. You are now away.
  39. LV! (Chameleon) *Looks around.*
  40. 4:30
  41. Thegoldnguy
  42. (Sgam) *Greets Chameleon*
  43. 4:33
  44. LSDKama
  45. LV! (Chameleon) *Waves.*
  46. 4:36
  47. Gallibon the Destroyer
  48. (Heisei Gamera) *flies overhead*
  49. (Heisei Gamera) *looking around*
  50. 4:38
  51. LSDKama
  52. LV! (Chameleon) *Pacing around the shore.*
  53. 4:39
  54. Gallibon the Destroyer
  55. (Heisei Gamera) *lands down*
  56. (Heisei Gamera) *walks around after sleeping and flying for a while*
  57. 4:39
  58. Thegoldnguy
  59. (Sgam) *Wanders about the island*
  60. 4:41
  61. Gallibon the Destroyer
  62. (Heisei Gamera) *looks around and spots LV! (Chameleon) *
  63. (Heisei Gamera) <(Huh?)
  64. 4:41
  65. LSDKama
  66. LV! (Chameleon) *Fails to notice HGam.*
  67. 4:42
  68. Gallibon the Destroyer
  69. (Heisei Gamera) *shrugs*
  70. 4:44
  71. LSDKama
  72. LV! (Chameleon) *Turns around, looking at HGam.*
  73. 4:46
  74. Gallibon the Destroyer
  75. (Heisei Gamera) *eyes dart around to face LV! (Chameleon) *
  76. 4:47
  77. LSDKama
  78. LV! (Chameleon) *Turns to the side. continues pacing.*
  79. brb
  80. 4:47
  81. Gallibon the Destroyer
  82. See ya.
  83. GarudaGoji has been slashed by Gigan!
  84. 4:51
  85. Gojiran103
  86. test
  87. Gojiran103 has been slashed by Gigan!
  88. Gojiran103 has entered chat through the RPverse portal!
  89. 4:54
  90. Gallibon the Destroyer
  91. test
  92. Gojiran103 has been slashed by Gigan!
  93. GarudaGoji has entered chat through the RPverse portal!
  94. 4:59
  95. Gallibon the Destroyer
  96. Hi
  97. DrGodzilla120 has entered chat through the RPverse portal!
  98. 5:00
  99. GarudaGoji
  100. Hi
  101. 5:00
  102. Thegoldnguy
  103. o hai Dr.
  104. 5:00
  105. ShodaiGoro
  106. o/
  107. 5:00
  108. GarudaGoji
  109. brb, bath
  110. 5:00
  111. Gallibon the Destroyer
  112. o/
  113. 5:01
  114. DrGodzilla120
  115. Did Gojiran just leave?
  116. 5:01
  117. ShodaiGoro
  118. Dr
  120. what the hell is this?
  121. 5:01
  122. Gallibon the Destroyer
  123. Yes.
  124. GarudaGoji has been slashed by Gigan!
  125. 5:01
  126. Thegoldnguy
  127. Shodai, Cr1tikal made a video about that channel.
  128. 5:02
  129. ShodaiGoro
  130. Cr1tikal sounds familiar
  131. Either way
  133. 5:02
  134. Gallibon the Destroyer
  135. That reminds me of this
  137. 5:02
  138. Thegoldnguy
  139. It's a good thing this channel is satire.
  140. 5:03
  141. DrGodzilla120
  142. Apparently, I've reached 57 hours of Smite.
  143. 5:05
  144. Gallibon the Destroyer
  145. Good for you.
  146. 5:07
  147. ShodaiGoro
  148. "Perhaps this is the Illuminati"
  149. oh my god
  150. 5:09
  151. Gallibon the Destroyer
  152. test
  153. 5:09
  154. Thegoldnguy
  155. Finger family finger family...
  156. 5:10
  157. Gallibon the Destroyer
  158. Hey Goldn
  159. 5:10
  160. LSDKama
  161. back
  162. 5:10
  163. Gallibon the Destroyer
  164. Since you play as Showa Gyaos now shouldn't this page be updated?
  165. 5:10
  166. ShodaiGoro
  168. 5:10
  169. Gallibon the Destroyer
  170. Gyaos
  171. 5:10
  172. ShodaiGoro
  174. 5:10
  175. Thegoldnguy
  176. I suppose so.
  177. 5:10
  178. ShodaiGoro
  179. go ahead
  181. 5:11
  182. Gallibon the Destroyer
  183. ....Goro why
  184. why
  185. 5:11
  186. Thegoldnguy
  187. What faction would Gyaps be?
  188. *Gyaos
  189. Not an Earth Defender.
  190. 5:12
  191. DrGodzilla120
  192. I found the best song ever made.
  194. 5:12
  195. ShodaiGoro
  196. Hey, Goldn
  198. The next Godzilla movie is looking GREAT
  199. 5:12
  200. Gallibon the Destroyer
  201. Mutants perhaps?
  202. 5:12
  203. ShodaiGoro
  204. ^
  205. GarudaGoji has entered chat through the RPverse portal!
  206. 5:12
  207. Gallibon the Destroyer
  208. Methinks he'd fit the bill.
  209. 5:13
  210. ShodaiGoro
  211. Hey, Dr
  212. I found footage of the new AC game
  214. It looks perfect
  215. 5:14
  216. Thegoldnguy
  217. Gyaos Done
  218. 5:14
  219. DrGodzilla120
  220. No, you didn't.
  221. You're just trying to link me to some other video.
  222. 5:14
  223. ShodaiGoro
  224. Hey, Goldn
  225. Is this one good?
  226. Because if not
  227. You might want to rework the categories
  228. 5:15
  229. LSDKama
  230. ^
  231. 5:15
  232. Thegoldnguy
  233. Oh boy, yeah I need to.
  234. 5:15
  235. Gallibon the Destroyer
  236. Mutants
  237. Whoops, I said that without adding context.
  238. 5:16
  239. Thegoldnguy
  240. Done.
  241. 5:16
  242. ShodaiGoro
  243. Hey, Goldn
  244. I'd make a joke, but I'm going to do half a joke
  245. You finish it
  246. You are no longer away.
  247. (Hina) *starts spinning around as a song plays, and that song is...
  248. 5:17
  249. Thegoldnguy
  250. "fucking kill me by Nine Inch Nails"
  251. 5:17
  252. ShodaiGoro
  253. XD
  254. it's never what i expect
  255. 5:17
  256. Thegoldnguy
  257. You see, Hina is actually into some pretty hardcore music.
  258. And she secretly suffers from crippling depression.
  259. 5:18
  260. ShodaiGoro
  261. (Hina) *starts headbanging as Raining Blood starts up
  262. 5:18
  263. Thegoldnguy
  264. Basically, she's actually Filthy Frank.
  265. 5:18
  266. ShodaiGoro
  267. (Hina) *covers Goldn's mouth as he says that, and in a perfect male voice...
  268. (Hina) <(IT'S TIME TO STOP.)
  269. 5:19
  270. Thegoldnguy
  271. I'm onto you, aren't I?
  272. Now the whole world knows, Franky Boy!
  273. 5:20
  274. ShodaiGoro
  275. (Hina) *dresses up one of her dolls as the Pink Guy
  276. 5:20
  277. LSDKama
  278. LV! (Chameleon) *Still pacing around the Island.*
  279. 5:21
  280. Thegoldnguy
  281. (g74) *Approaches Chameleon, questioning what it's doing.*
  282. 5:21
  283. LSDKama
  284. LV! (Chameleon) *Stops*
  285. 5:21
  286. Gallibon the Destroyer
  287. Back
  288. 5:21
  289. Thegoldnguy
  290. plays as Godzilla enters the scene
  291. 5:21
  292. LSDKama
  293. LV! (Chameleon) *Turns around to face MekaGoji.*
  294. 5:22
  295. Thegoldnguy
  296. (g74) *Looks at Chameleon, confused and wary.*
  297. 5:22
  298. LSDKama
  299. LV! (Chameleon) *Gives off a similar "presence" as the Marked Gyaos.*
  300. 5:23
  301. Thegoldnguy
  302. (g74) *Is slightly creeped out, but isn't scared. He takes a step forward.*
  303. 5:24
  304. Gallibon the Destroyer
  305. (Heisei Gamera) *is wandering on the island*
  306. 5:24
  307. GarudaGoji
  308. and then a step back?
  309. Y'know, that's two steps if you think about it
  310. 5:25
  311. LSDKama
  312. LV! (Chameleon) *Blankly just stands there.*
  313. 5:26
  314. Thegoldnguy
  315. (g74) *A dozen meters away now, he waves his hand in front of Chameleon.*
  316. 5:26
  317. LSDKama
  318. LV! (Chameleon) *Waves his hand back.*
  319. 5:27
  320. Thegoldnguy
  321. (g74) *Let's out a stream of atomic breath and fires it at the ground, checking to see if Chameleon is still functioning outside of hand waves,*
  322. 5:28
  323. LSDKama
  324. LV! (Chameleon) *Leaps back.*
  325. 5:28
  326. Thegoldnguy
  327. (g74) *Nods and turns around.*
  328. 5:29
  329. LSDKama
  330. LV! (Chameleon) *Resumes pacing.*
  331. LV! (Chameleon) *Runs into a large tree.*
  332. *A coconut falls on the Chameleon's head.*
  333. 5:32
  334. Gallibon the Destroyer
  335. Also Goldn
  336. IguanaGoji isn't spaced. :P
  337. 5:32
  338. LSDKama
  339. LV! (Chameleon) *Looks around, now moving fluidly.*
  340. LV! (Chameleon) *Moves its arms around.*
  341. LV! (Chameleon) *Claws through the tree.*
  342. LV! (Chameleon) *Leaps over the stump.*
  343. LV! (Chameleon) *Looks around.*
  344. 5:36
  345. Thegoldnguy
  346. fixed
  347. Krazar77 has entered chat through the RPverse portal!
  348. 5:37
  349. Gallibon the Destroyer
  350. o/
  351. 5:37
  352. GarudaGoji
  353. Hi
  354. 5:37
  355. Krazar77
  356. Sup
  357. 5:37
  358. LSDKama
  359. hi
  360. 5:37
  361. Krazar77
  362. im so bored sitting in this car.
  363. 5:38
  364. Gallibon the Destroyer
  365. How long have you been in there?
  366. 5:38
  367. Krazar77
  368. just sitting here reading KWC and listening to Skillet
  369. a few hours
  370. 2 to 3 tops
  371. 5:39
  372. Gallibon the Destroyer
  373. Ah.
  374. 5:39
  375. Krazar77
  376. maybe 1 to 2
  377. idk
  378. Bye guys, just came in to check up on you
  379. 5:41
  380. LSDKama
  381. LV! (Chameleon) *Turns to the tree, before firing a beam of Pyrotechnic energy at the tree.*
  382. bye
  383. 5:41
  384. Gallibon the Destroyer
  385. o/
  386. Krazar77 has been slashed by Gigan!
  387. 5:44
  388. LSDKama
  389. LV! (Chameleon) *Looks at his hands.*
  390. LV! (Chameleon) *Flicks his hand toward another tree.*
  391. *A "wave" of wind cuts through the tree.*
  392. 5:52
  393. Gallibon the Destroyer
  394. test
  395. ....
  396. 5:55
  397. DrGodzilla120
  398. Anyone know when Gojiran is getting back?
  399. 5:55
  400. Gallibon the Destroyer
  401. Iunno
  402. JadgVlady has entered chat through the RPverse portal!
  403. 6:03
  404. JadgVlady
  405. wooo
  406. 6:04
  407. Thegoldnguy
  408. back
  409. 6:04
  410. LSDKama
  411. hi
  412. 6:05
  413. JadgVlady
  414. hi
  415. 6:05
  416. Gallibon the Destroyer
  417. o/
  418. Aaaaand BBL, work
  419. o/
  420. 6:05
  421. GarudaGoji
  422. bye galli
  423. 6:05
  424. LSDKama
  425. bye
  426. Gallibon the Destroyer has been slashed by Gigan!
  427. 6:08
  428. LSDKama
  429. LV! (Chameleon) *Heading off of the island, walking in a very fluid way.*
  430. 6:10
  431. Thegoldnguy
  432. (Ang) *Watches in silence.*
  433. 6:12
  434. LSDKama
  435. LV! (Chameleon) *Feet lift up off the ground, before using his new wind powers to fly away.*
  436. 6:17
  437. Thegoldnguy
  438. i'll bbl
  439. 6:17
  440. GarudaGoji
  441. bye goldn
  442. 6:17
  443. LSDKama
  444. Bye
  445. Thegoldnguy has been slashed by Gigan!
  446. GarudaGoji has been slashed by Gigan!
  447. GarudaGoji has entered chat through the RPverse portal!
  448. StayPuftMarshmellowMan has entered chat through the RPverse portal!
  449. 6:36
  450. GarudaGoji
  451. Hi
  452. 6:36
  453. StayPuftMarshmellowMan
  454. Hi
  455. 6:36
  456. Flaredragon00
  457. you know how my immortal is forever remembered for how bad it is
  458. i guess you could say
  459. There's just so much that time cannot erase~
  460. 6:39
  461. LSDKama
  462. hi
  463. 6:42
  464. StayPuftMarshmellowMan
  466. Gojiran103 has entered chat through the RPverse portal!
  467. 6:51
  468. StayPuftMarshmellowMan
  469. Hiya
  470. 6:52
  471. LSDKama
  472. hi
  473. Thegoldnguy has entered chat through the RPverse portal!
  474. 6:52
  475. GarudaGoji
  476. Hi Hi
  477. 6:52
  478. Thegoldnguy
  479. o hai
  480. 6:52
  481. StayPuftMarshmellowMan
  482. wb Goldn
  483. 6:57
  484. LSDKama
  485. hi
  486. 6:59
  487. ShodaiGoro
  488. Hey, Goldn
  489. Are you ready
  490. 7:01
  491. Thegoldnguy
  492. For this Sunday night.
  493. 7:02
  494. ShodaiGoro
  495. goddamnit
  496. 7:02
  497. Thegoldnguy
  498. Or a derivitive of that with Touhou.
  499. 7:02
  500. ShodaiGoro
  501. I suck at this. T_T
  502. GarudaGoji has been slashed by Gigan!
  503. GarudaGoji has entered chat through the RPverse portal!
  504. 7:07
  505. ShodaiGoro
  506. I'd ask if this is another case of people thinking I suck
  507. But it's pretty clear what it actually is:
  508. I've done the joke so many times everyone sees it coming
  509. 7:08
  510. Thegoldnguy
  511. Anyways
  512. Do you ever use Godzilla anymore, man?
  513. 7:09
  514. ShodaiGoro
  515. Take him
  516. 7:09
  517. Thegoldnguy
  518. Whoa what?
  519. 7:09
  520. ShodaiGoro
  521. It was a bad idea for me trying to use something I don't have the dedication to use
  522. At least someone like you would use him
  523. 7:09
  524. Thegoldnguy
  525. Thanks man. I wasn't exactly asking, but I'll make sure to put him to use. Might even use him during the third MI war.
  526. 7:10
  527. ShodaiGoro
  528. Please do
  529. 7:11
  530. Thegoldnguy
  531. What was the emote for him again? (G91) ?
  532. 7:11
  533. ShodaiGoro
  534. The fact that I barely used him during the last one or the NE arc should tell you why
  535. ye
  536. 7:11
  537. Thegoldnguy
  538. Should I change his page to say that I use him?
  539. ...I guess it would be weird if I didn't.
  540. 7:12
  541. ShodaiGoro
  542. ye
  543. 7:14
  544. Thegoldnguy
  545. I'll keep the description intact. This isn't a complete wipe like Gyaos was.
  546. 7:15
  547. ShodaiGoro
  548. I wonder if FXM will ever get to do anything soon?
  549. He's probably feeling left out
  550. 7:16
  551. Thegoldnguy
  552. I wonder when the next big plot will start.
  553. He'll probably have some purpose then.
  554. 7:17
  555. ShodaiGoro
  556. Hopefully
  557. I'm personally feeling nobody wants him anymore
  558. And unfortunately, that feeling is passing onto HIM. Which it SHOULDN'T.
  559. It's getting to the point where there are several plots that pass by that he would have every reason to be in...
  560. 7:20
  561. Thegoldnguy
  562. Hmmm.
  563. 7:20
  564. ShodaiGoro
  565. ...and they leave him out without even asking.
  566. It's getting kinda sad
  567. 7:20
  568. Thegoldnguy
  569. Guys, how do you feel about this?
  570. If anyone is still active....
  571. 7:20
  572. ShodaiGoro
  573. Like, there was a continuation of Dr's Shriekrazor plot
  574. And while he got WXM and HK's dragonborn...
  575. ...No one even approached me
  576. I was brb, but he never asked me when I came back, or tried PMing me for later...
  577. I felt kinda sad
  578. 7:21
  579. Thegoldnguy
  580. I'm sorry to hear that, man.
  581. I personally don't know because I not usually on when FXM is being used.
  582. 7:22
  583. ShodaiGoro
  584. That's why I'm worried if anyone cares about him anymore
  585. Goldn, even if you were on, you wouldn't see him on anymore
  586. Most plots he could be in he is locked out of or is never even approached
  587. 7:23
  588. Thegoldnguy
  589. I believe it might have something to do with his status.
  590. 7:23
  591. ShodaiGoro
  592. Go on?
  593. 7:23
  594. Thegoldnguy
  595. Think about it like this:
  596. He is, by far, one of the "legacy characters". He has never been killed, and his involvement in plots usually results in victory for the side he fights for. I suppose people could get sick of that after a while.
  597. 7:24
  598. ShodaiGoro
  599. Actually
  600. He has died
  601. IIRC, TWICE.
  602. 7:24
  603. Thegoldnguy
  604. But he came back.
  605. 7:24
  606. ShodaiGoro
  607. And he got his ass handed to him all throughout the NE arc
  608. 7:24
  609. Thegoldnguy
  610. Twice.
  611. 7:25
  612. ShodaiGoro
  613. To the point that at this point, it would make sense if he started winning again
  614. 7:25
  615. Thegoldnguy
  616. That's all I've got, man. I don't have any other explanation, and it looks like I might be wrong.
  617. 7:25
  618. ShodaiGoro
  619. The last time he fought as far as I can remember, it had no impact because the opponent was teleported out
  620. 7:25
  621. LSDKama
  622. That Dragonborn got retconned, and FXM had made it clear beforehand he would've handled things differently than CTM.
  623. 7:25
  624. ShodaiGoro
  625. There was a time after that, but once again, no importance
  626. 7:26
  627. LSDKama
  628. So, it makes sense in-context for FXM not to be asked.
  629. 7:26
  630. ShodaiGoro
  631. Then how would his BROTHER be any different?
  632. 7:26
  633. LSDKama
  634. Because WXM never made any comments about that.
  635. 7:26
  636. Gojiran103
  637. back
  638. 7:26
  639. LSDKama
  640. Hi
  641. 7:26
  642. Gojiran103
  643. ...did I come at the wrong time?
  644. 7:27
  645. ShodaiGoro
  646. I'm just voicing concerns
  647. No fighting
  648. At least not yet
  649. 7:27
  650. Gojiran103
  651. Wait
  652. I'm scrolling up
  653. "...No one even approached me I was brb, but he never asked me when I came back, or tried PMing me for later... I felt kinda sad" Someone did approach you, and that was me, and I said the whole purpose of the RP was just a request RP that I requested to Dr, it wasn't really meant for anyone to jump in
  654. 7:28
  655. ShodaiGoro
  656. I guess
  657. 7:28
  658. Gojiran103
  659. Just something I want to clarify
  660. 7:28
  661. ShodaiGoro
  662. You still could have asked me
  663. 7:28
  664. Gojiran103
  665. Asked you for what
  666. 7:28
  667. ShodaiGoro
  668. If he could be in the plot?
  669. 7:29
  670. Gojiran103
  671. I mean... I still couldn't have asked, the mini-plot, like I said, was just meant to be the characters that were within it
  672. 7:29
  673. ShodaiGoro
  674. *sigh*
  675. Fine.
  676. 7:29
  677. Gojiran103
  678. What are you upset about, though?
  679. 7:29
  680. ShodaiGoro
  681. Still doesn't really clear up why nobody wants him anymore
  682. When's the last time he did anything?
  683. 7:29
  684. Gojiran103
  685. Well, I thought that was gone not too long ago
  686. The "nobody wants him" thing came back? Who acted as if they didn't want him back?
  687. 7:30
  688. ShodaiGoro
  689. It's hard to explain
  690. I'm just kinda upset I don't get to use him anymore
  691. And whenever I try to, he's either kicked out, or whatever he does is meaningless
  692. 7:31
  693. Gojiran103
  694. Well, Goro, you have to realize something. It's not just that what Goldn said that he's a legacy character, but he can't be in every single plot that may spark up importance Just take a look at WolfMask, he's not in every single plot, and I don't mind him not bein' there
  695. He has to take a break sometimes, y'know?
  696. 7:31
  697. LSDKama
  698. Gojiran, PM.
  699. 7:31
  700. ShodaiGoro
  701. Yes, but how long has it been since he has been in a plot and did something with any meaning?
  702. 7:31
  703. Gojiran103
  704. It hasn't been that long, though.
  705. At all
  706. 7:32
  707. ShodaiGoro
  708. Name an example
  709. 7:32
  710. Gojiran103
  711. Example?
  712. 7:32
  713. ShodaiGoro
  714. Ys
  715. *Yes
  716. 7:32
  717. Gojiran103
  718. ...Example that it's not been that long?
  719. 7:32
  720. ShodaiGoro
  721. Yes
  722. 7:32
  723. Gojiran103
  724. Neo Empire
  725. 7:32
  726. ShodaiGoro
  727. That was at least a month ago
  728. 7:32
  729. Gojiran103
  730. The Neo Empire lasted just two months ago, and that isn't really long
  731. Gallibon the Destroyer has entered chat through the RPverse portal!
  732. 7:33
  733. GarudaGoji
  734. Hi Galli
  735. 7:33
  736. Gallibon the Destroyer
  737. Hello.
  738. 7:33
  739. Thegoldnguy
  740. O hai
  741. 7:33
  742. DrGodzilla120
  743. o/
  744. 7:33
  745. Gallibon the Destroyer
  746. Wassup?
  747. 7:33
  748. Gojiran103
  749. Something that is long would be somewhere to five months or over
  750. o/
  751. And that isn't long
  752. 7:33
  753. Thegoldnguy
  754. *Monster Island shakes*
  755. 7:33
  756. ShodaiGoro
  757. Not what I meant
  758. I don't want a long plot
  759. 7:33
  760. DrGodzilla120
  761. Not to mention there haven't been many plots that followed since that plot.
  762. 7:33
  763. ShodaiGoro
  764. I just want a plot.
  766. 7:33
  767. DrGodzilla120
  768. He's referring to the time in between.
  769. 7:33
  770. Gallibon the Destroyer
  771. ...What's going on?
  772. 7:33
  773. Gojiran103
  774. Goro, you gotta wait a while
  775. 7:33
  776. ShodaiGoro
  777. Even a one-shot would be fine
  778. 7:33
  779. DrGodzilla120
  780. BRB
  781. 7:33
  782. Gallibon the Destroyer
  783. See ya.
  784. 7:34
  785. Gojiran103
  786. People have their ideas, so they're not gonna pop up everytime. Be patient.
  787. 7:34
  788. ShodaiGoro
  789. I've waited for months
  790. 7:34
  791. Gojiran103
  792. I know you probably hated the Neo Empire plot and all
  793. 7:34
  794. ShodaiGoro
  795. I did
  796. 7:34
  797. Gallibon the Destroyer
  798. Wait
  799. 7:34
  800. ShodaiGoro
  801. If we even are going to say it was recent, he god manhandled throughout the entire thing
  802. 7:34
  803. Gojiran103
  804. But you want a good plot instead of a plot that's at least decently good? At least FoxMask got to show up a time, where the last big plot before that was even longer
  805. 7:34
  806. Gallibon the Destroyer
  807. Goldn owns Godzilla now?
  808. 7:34
  809. LSDKama
  810. hi
  811. 7:34
  812. Gallibon the Destroyer
  813. ...Whoa
  814. 7:34
  815. Gojiran103
  816. Yeah @Gallibon
  817. 7:35
  818. ShodaiGoro
  819. The NE wasn't decent
  820. 7:35
  821. Gallibon the Destroyer
  822. That's kind of...surreal.
  823. 7:35
  824. ShodaiGoro
  825. Or at least
  826. I don't think it was
  827. 7:35
  828. Thegoldnguy
  829. Yepperoni.
  830. 7:35
  831. Gojiran103
  832. Many people think differently of how the NE was, I suppose
  833. 7:35
  834. Thegoldnguy
  835. It is quite strange.
  836. 7:35
  837. Gojiran103
  838. But I wouldn't say it was a bad plot, at all
  839. 7:35
  840. Gallibon the Destroyer
  841. Then again, I'm Biollante, Gipsy Danger and Frankenestein now.
  842. 7:35
  843. Gojiran103
  844. Because it wasn't a bad plot, it was just a rushy plot that required more time, plan, and thinking
  845. 7:35
  846. ShodaiGoro
  847. I would say it was, but that's all I'm saying about the matter
  848. 7:35
  849. Gojiran103
  850. *planning
  851. 7:35
  852. ShodaiGoro
  853. After all, it was controversial
  854. 7:36
  855. Gojiran103
  856. But you do understand, that FoxMask is not meant to be in every single plot, bad, decent, or good, right?
  857. 7:36
  858. ShodaiGoro
  859. Yes
  860. But once again
  861. 7:36
  862. Gojiran103
  863. Yeah?
  864. 7:36
  865. ShodaiGoro
  866. This is how I feel
  867. You can't try to prove my feelings wrong
  868. 7:36
  869. Gojiran103
  870. ...Who ever said I was?
  871. 7:36
  872. ShodaiGoro
  873. That's how it feels
  874. 7:36
  875. Gojiran103
  876. Why?
  877. 7:36
  878. ShodaiGoro
  879. I'm constantly treated like I'm just whining
  880. 7:37
  881. Gojiran103
  882. I'm really just trying to help you. No one is changing anyone's opinion of any matter
  883. 7:37
  884. ShodaiGoro
  885. Okay then
  886. I've had this bottled up for a while now though
  887. 7:37
  888. Gojiran103
  889. This in particular or another thing
  890. 7:38
  891. ShodaiGoro
  892. This.
  893. 7:38
  894. Gojiran103
  895. Oh
  896. Well...
  897. 7:39
  898. ShodaiGoro
  899. The last time I can remember he almost had an impact, it was rendered moot by the opponent being teleported away
  900. Whether he died or not didn't matter.
  901. 7:39
  902. Gojiran103
  903. I guess all I can say is that characters don't appear in every good plot. But I do understand that you want FoxMask to have more time to do stuff that relate to a plot and such, you just have to be patient and wait a little bit. It might take a while, but it's worth the wait
  904. 7:39
  905. ShodaiGoro
  906. Hell, if the opponent was wounded or simply defeated, I would have been fine with it
  907. 7:39
  908. Thegoldnguy
  909. Well said, Gojiran.
  910. 7:39
  911. Gojiran103
  912. Seriously. It IS worth the wait. NE probably wasn't, but a good plot sparks up somewhere or another
  913. 7:40
  914. ShodaiGoro
  915. One problem though
  916. 7:40
  917. Gojiran103
  918. ?
  919. 7:40
  920. ShodaiGoro
  921. It's been 1-2 months
  922. 7:40
  923. StayPuftMarshmellowMan
  924. Guys.
  925. 7:40
  926. ShodaiGoro
  927. I have been waiting
  928. 7:40
  929. Gojiran103
  930. Wait more.
  931. 7:40
  932. LSDKama
  933. ?
  934. 7:40
  935. ShodaiGoro
  936. The only thing that has been coming up was the Zunist plot
  937. 7:40
  938. Gojiran103
  939. Like how everyone else does.
  940. 7:40
  941. ShodaiGoro
  942. Why do I bring this up?
  943. Not because I hate it
  944. 7:40
  945. LSDKama
  946. There is no Zunist plot.
  947. 7:40
  948. StayPuftMarshmellowMan
  949. I don't mean to advertise but I'm gonna start uploading on Youtube now.
  950. 7:40
  951. ShodaiGoro
  952. But because there is no reason for any of my characters to get involved
  953. 7:40
  954. LSDKama
  955. I've tried starting one
  956. It gets hijacked or derailed pretty quickly.
  957. 7:41
  958. Gojiran103
  959. To NOT get involved?
  960. Flaredragon00 has been slashed by Gigan!
  961. 7:41
  962. ShodaiGoro
  963. As in
  964. Krazar77 has entered chat through the RPverse portal!
  965. 7:41
  966. Thegoldnguy
  967. Sounds like an advertisement to me. *Subs*
  968. 7:41
  969. ShodaiGoro
  970. There is no reason why he'd interract with them
  971. 7:41
  972. LSDKama
  973. hi
  974. 7:41
  975. Gallibon the Destroyer
  976. O/
  977. 7:41
  978. GarudaGoji
  979. Hi
  980. 7:41
  981. ShodaiGoro
  982. They're not bad enough to be worth killing
  983. 7:41
  984. Gojiran103
  985. Wait
  986. You mean
  987. 7:41
  988. ShodaiGoro
  989. But they're not good enough to ally
  990. 7:41
  991. StayPuftMarshmellowMan
  992. GOLDN
  993. 7:41
  994. Gojiran103
  995. There's no purpose for him to do stuff like that?
  996. 7:41
  997. StayPuftMarshmellowMan
  998. PAY ME
  999. 7:41
  1000. ShodaiGoro
  1001. Yes
  1002. 7:42
  1003. Gojiran103
  1004. Ah
  1005. Flaredragon00 has entered chat through the RPverse portal!
  1006. 7:42
  1007. Gallibon the Destroyer
  1008. Pay you what?
  1009. 7:42
  1010. Gojiran103
  1011. I see now
  1012. 7:42
  1013. LSDKama
  1014. They tried interacting with him
  1015. 7:42
  1016. StayPuftMarshmellowMan
  1017. *Points a gun*
  1018. 7:42
  1019. Gallibon the Destroyer
  1020. o/
  1021. 7:42
  1022. StayPuftMarshmellowMan
  1023. PAY UP
  1024. 7:42
  1025. LSDKama
  1026. He just ignored them.
  1027. 7:42
  1028. Thegoldnguy
  1029. *Hands Stay a penny*
  1030. 7:42
  1031. Krazar77
  1032. What's going on?
  1033. 7:42
  1034. ShodaiGoro
  1035. I guess I didn't see it then
  1036. Sorry.
  1037. 7:42
  1038. Gojiran103
  1039. Me and Goro are just having a talk
  1040. 7:42
  1041. Thegoldnguy
  1042. *The tremors on Monster Island die down.*
  1043. 7:42
  1044. StayPuftMarshmellowMan
  1045. That's more like it! Now I'm gonna go buy a manor and a fancy new car!!! :D
  1046. 7:42
  1047. Gojiran103
  1048. I guess Kama has a point; if you do see oppurtunities, take at them!
  1049. 7:42
  1050. LSDKama
  1051. The Zunists are Wild Cards: Not heroes or villains.
  1052. 7:42
  1053. Gojiran103
  1054. Missing more just makes the wait longer!
  1055. 7:43
  1056. Gallibon the Destroyer
  1057. When is DrG coming back?
  1058. 7:43
  1059. Thegoldnguy
  1060. *The source of the tremors shows his face: it's Godzilla. He's been asleep for several months.*
  1061. Flaredragon00 has been slashed by Gigan!
  1062. 7:43
  1063. Thegoldnguy
  1064. (G91) *Growls, grumpy*
  1065. 7:43
  1066. Gallibon the Destroyer
  1067. The king has returned.
  1068. 7:43
  1069. ShodaiGoro
  1070. Only problem is, once again, they're wild cards
  1071. 7:43
  1072. Krazar77
  1073. Goro
  1074. are you serious
  1075. 7:44
  1076. ShodaiGoro
  1077. He is strictly a hero. Maybe an anti-hero depending on your definition.
  1078. 7:44
  1079. Thegoldnguy
  1080. (sgam) *Looks up from his cave, detecting Godzilla's presence.*
  1081. 7:44
  1082. StayPuftMarshmellowMan
  1083. Goro
  1084. 7:44
  1085. Gojiran103
  1086. In general, all I'm saying is you just need to be patient, look out for more, and you'll get what you desire for yourself and FoxMask It'll be disatisfying, but like I said, it is very, very much worth the wait. We DO care about FoxMask, and we want him in our roleplays. No one is neglecting or negating of that idea, because he is an important character, he does matter.
  1087. 7:44
  1088. ShodaiGoro
  1089. My definition of a hero is someone who fights or acts to protect innocent people through means that are fair and right.
  1090. ...okay then
  1091. 7:44
  1092. StayPuftMarshmellowMan
  1093. FoxMask is a bit like Iron Man, he means well and saves us all plenty of times but sometimes can go too far
  1094. 7:45
  1095. Krazar77
  1096. ^
  1097. 7:45
  1098. Gojiran103
  1099. Yeah. That's just his character.
  1100. 7:45
  1101. Krazar77
  1102. look at zar
  1103. 7:45
  1104. Gojiran103
  1105. And there's nothing BAD about that.
  1106. That's just who he is!
  1107. 7:45
  1108. Krazar77
  1109. hes over shadowed by many
  1110. 7:45
  1111. StayPuftMarshmellowMan
  1112. Yep.
  1113. 7:45
  1114. Krazar77
  1115. espically foxmask
  1116. but I don't complain
  1117. 7:46
  1118. StayPuftMarshmellowMan
  1119. Also Gojiran.
  1120. 7:46
  1121. Gojiran103
  1122. Yeah?
  1123. 7:46
  1124. Krazar77
  1125. hes needed when he's needed
  1126. 7:46
  1127. ShodaiGoro
  1129. 7:46
  1130. Gojiran103
  1131. And yeah, no one complains, there's nothin' to worry about!
  1132. 7:46
  1133. ShodaiGoro
  1134. ...
  1135. 7:46
  1136. StayPuftMarshmellowMan
  1137. Remember when everyone was talking bout WZRP Avengers
  1138. 7:46
  1139. Gojiran103
  1140. Yeeees
  1141. 7:46
  1142. ShodaiGoro
  1144. 7:46
  1145. StayPuftMarshmellowMan
  1146. You said WolfMask would be like Cap.
  1147. 7:46
  1148. ShodaiGoro
  1149. Actually
  1150. 7:46
  1151. StayPuftMarshmellowMan
  1152. Are you hiding something from us?
  1153. 7:46
  1154. ShodaiGoro
  1155. I brought something like that up
  1156. 7:46
  1157. Gojiran103
  1158. Cap?
  1159. Captain America?
  1160. 7:47
  1161. ShodaiGoro
  1162. And FXM was also said to be the Cap
  1163. 7:47
  1164. Gojiran103
  1165. that was FXM
  1166. 7:47
  1167. StayPuftMarshmellowMan
  1168. GORO
  1170. 7:47
  1171. Gojiran103
  1172. WXM wouldn't be like ANYONE to that matter
  1173. 7:47
  1174. ShodaiGoro
  1175. This was before that godawful "HEIL HAIDRUH LOLOLOL" twist
  1176. 7:47
  1177. StayPuftMarshmellowMan
  1178. XD
  1179. 7:47
  1180. LSDKama
  1181. I gotta admit
  1182. 7:48
  1183. ShodaiGoro
  1184. Anyways
  1185. 7:48
  1186. Thegoldnguy
  1187. "Hail the Neo Empire."
  1188. 7:48
  1189. ShodaiGoro
  1191. 7:48
  1192. LSDKama
  1193. That was JUST before the twist.
  1194. 7:48
  1195. ShodaiGoro
  1197. 7:48
  1198. Gojiran103
  1199. He ain't as rarely cold and cruel as Iron Man is, and he isn't a hero who always goes by the... well I can't really say anything about Cap because they're both heroes, but he definitely isn't meant to be either of them.
  1200. 7:48
  1201. Krazar77
  1202. Wat a twist
  1203. 7:48
  1204. StayPuftMarshmellowMan
  1205. Cap's a nazi, Thor's a woman and...
  1207. :(
  1208. I MISS YOU BUB
  1209. Also Goro
  1210. It most likely exists because of the new movie.
  1211. 7:51
  1212. Krazar77
  1213. If zar was an avenger who would he be
  1214. 7:51
  1215. ShodaiGoro
  1216. brb
  1217. 7:51
  1218. Krazar77
  1219. vision
  1220. 7:51
  1221. Gojiran103
  1222. Oh yeah
  1223. 7:51
  1224. Krazar77
  1225. maybe
  1226. 7:52
  1227. Gojiran103
  1228. come ooooooon publish
  1229. 7:52
  1230. Krazar77
  1231. for real who would zar be. I'm guessing vision
  1232. 7:52
  1233. Gojiran103
  1234. WolfMask okay i finally got to the forms
  1235. 7:53
  1236. Krazar77
  1237. Bye guys
  1238. 7:53
  1239. Gallibon the Destroyer
  1240. o/
  1241. 7:53
  1242. Thegoldnguy
  1243. o/
  1244. 7:53
  1245. GarudaGoji
  1246. bye krazar
  1247. 7:54
  1248. Gojiran103
  1249. o/
  1250. 7:54
  1251. StayPuftMarshmellowMan
  1252. bye
  1253. Krazar77 has been slashed by Gigan!
  1254. 7:57
  1255. Thegoldnguy
  1256. (g91) *Scans the island, wondering what has happened in the time it was sleeping.*
  1257. 7:58
  1258. DrGodzilla120
  1259. I'm back.
  1260. 7:58
  1261. Gallibon the Destroyer
  1262. Wb
  1263. And DrG
  1264. PM
  1265. 7:58
  1266. Thegoldnguy
  1267. (g74) *Appears from behind a hill, greeting Godzilla with a wave.*
  1268. (G91) *Eyes the fellow Gojiran, still a little sleepy.*
  1269. (g74) *Approaches Godzilla, offering a handshake.*
  1270. (G91) *Stares at the hand, confused.*
  1271. (G74) *Shakes his head, taking Godzilla's hand and showing him how to shake hands.*
  1272. (G91) *Still confused, he shakes MekaGoji's hand with his own.*
  1273. (g74) *Pats Godzilla on the shoulder and strolls away.*
  1274. 8:03
  1275. LSDKama
  1276. Dr, PM.
  1277. 8:03
  1278. Thegoldnguy
  1279. (g91) *Shaking his head, he starts stomping around the island.*
  1280. 8:10
  1281. Gojiran103
  1282. I have a question for you all
  1283. 8:10
  1284. LSDKama
  1285. ?
  1286. 8:11
  1287. GarudaGoji
  1288. ?
  1289. 8:11
  1290. Gallibon the Destroyer
  1291. ?
  1292. 8:12
  1293. Gojiran103
  1294. Ramen, or dumplings?
  1295. 8:12
  1296. Gallibon the Destroyer
  1297. ...Ramen.
  1298. 8:12
  1299. GarudaGoji
  1300. Hm...
  1301. 8:12
  1302. LSDKama
  1303. Ramen
  1304. 8:13
  1305. DrGodzilla120
  1306. BRB
  1307. 8:14
  1308. GarudaGoji
  1309. Ramen
  1310. 8:14
  1311. Thegoldnguy
  1312. test
  1313. Dumplings.
  1314. 8:15
  1315. Gojiran103
  1316. ...Wow.
  1317. There's a lot of ramen people than dumpling people.
  1318. I choose dumplings.
  1319. 8:16
  1320. Thegoldnguy
  1321. Godzilla or Gamera?
  1322. 8:16
  1323. Gojiran103
  1324. Godzilla ftw
  1325. 8:16
  1326. Gallibon the Destroyer
  1327. Godzilla
  1328. 8:17
  1329. LSDKama
  1330. Gamera
  1331. 8:17
  1332. GarudaGoji
  1333. I'm tied between the two...
  1334. 8:17
  1335. Gojiran103
  1336. i'll bbl
  1337. o/
  1338. 8:17
  1339. Thegoldnguy
  1340. I love both equally.
  1341. o/
  1342. 8:17
  1343. GarudaGoji
  1344. bye gojiran
  1345. 8:17
  1346. LSDKama
  1347. bye
  1348. 8:18
  1349. Gojiran103
  1350. I actually love both equally too. So neutral.
  1351. 8:18
  1352. Gallibon the Destroyer
  1353. o/
  1354. 8:18
  1355. Thegoldnguy
  1356. (G91) *Turning around, he comes face to face with Gamera.*
  1357. Gojiran103 has been slashed by Gigan!
  1358. 8:18
  1359. GarudaGoji
  1360. Yeaah... I guess neutral is best for me.
  1361. 8:18
  1362. Thegoldnguy
  1363. (sgam) *Stares up at Godzilla*
  1364. *The two look at each other for a while.*
  1365. *The two nod and go on about their days.*
  1366. 8:21
  1367. JadgVlady
  1368. moo
  1369. 8:22
  1370. Gallibon the Destroyer
  1371. bawk....
  1372. 8:26
  1373. Thegoldnguy
  1374. ...
  1375. 8:26
  1376. GarudaGoji
  1377. boobie bomb!
  1378. 8:26
  1379. Thegoldnguy
  1380. anime tiddies
  1381. 8:26
  1382. Gallibon the Destroyer
  1383. gamoni
  1384. 8:27
  1385. ShodaiGoro
  1386. (FXM) *lying in bed, nothing to do
  1387. 8:27
  1388. Thegoldnguy
  1389. (g91) *Stomps over to Anguirus' cave, calling for him.*
  1390. (Ang) *Roars something rude.*
  1391. 8:28
  1392. JadgVlady
  1393. (ngig) <(santo dios.)
  1394. 8:28
  1395. Thegoldnguy
  1396. (g91) *Is a little startled by his friend's rudeness.*
  1397. 8:28
  1398. Fr0stfur
  1399. i feel like- oh Gojiran left
  1400. rip
  1401. 8:29
  1402. Thegoldnguy
  1403. (Ang) *Grumbles something then goes back to sleep.*
  1404. (G91) *Shaking his head, he turns around and heads for the shore of the island.*
  1405. Krazar77 has entered chat through the RPverse portal!
  1406. 8:29
  1407. StayPuftMarshmellowMan
  1408. *FoxMask hears a whisper*
  1409. 8:30
  1410. LSDKama
  1411. (Omnia) *Pacing around on top of Nine Sun Towers in Midtown.*
  1412. hi
  1413. 8:30
  1414. Gallibon the Destroyer
  1415. o/
  1416. 8:30
  1417. GarudaGoji
  1418. Hi
  1419. 8:30
  1420. StayPuftMarshmellowMan
  1421. (??) Fear the Fearful Force.
  1422. 8:30
  1423. Krazar77
  1424. Sup
  1425. 8:30
  1426. StayPuftMarshmellowMan
  1427. WB Krazar
  1428. 8:30
  1429. Krazar77
  1430. tanks
  1431. 8:30
  1432. ShodaiGoro
  1433. (FXM) *zzzzzzz
  1434. 8:30
  1435. LSDKama
  1436. (Omnia) *Stops, before facepalming.*
  1437. 8:31
  1438. Krazar77
  1439. Everyone ready for Friday
  1440. 8:31
  1441. JadgVlady
  1442. oi
  1443. no
  1444. 8:31
  1445. Thegoldnguy
  1446. I am. I actually have monsters ready for it.
  1447. 8:31
  1448. Fr0stfur
  1449. IT'S
  1450. 8:31
  1451. LSDKama
  1452. (Omnia) *Continues pacing.*
  1453. 8:31
  1454. Fr0stfur
  1455. FR-*shot*
  1456. 8:31
  1457. JadgVlady
  1458. i think i am
  1459. 8:31
  1460. Krazar77
  1461. and Saturday and Sunday and monday
  1462. 8:31
  1463. JadgVlady
  1464. (ngig) <(somebody do something please)
  1465. 8:31
  1466. Fr0stfur
  1467. we gotta get down on Friday
  1468. vlady pls
  1469. 8:32
  1470. Thegoldnguy
  1471. (G91) *Roars into the sky, firing a beam of energy to firmly establish the fact that he is back.*
  1472. 8:32
  1473. LSDKama
  1474. (Omnia) *Continues pacing.*
  1475. 8:32
  1476. Krazar77
  1477. I'm hoping this thing lasts for a week or so.
  1478. 8:32
  1479. Fr0stfur
  1480. * Fr0stfur looks for link*
  1481. 8:32
  1482. ShodaiGoro
  1483. >sunday
  1484. (JOHN CENA)
  1485. 8:32
  1486. Gallibon the Destroyer
  1487. I can't wait for Friday!
  1488. 8:32
  1489. ShodaiGoro
  1490. miw3 is wwe superslam in disguise confirmed
  1491. 8:32
  1492. Fr0stfur
  1493. Neo gigan
  1494. 8:32
  1495. Thegoldnguy
  1496. What time are we starting?
  1497. 8:32
  1498. Krazar77
  1499. Chow bow cow.
  1500. 8:33
  1501. JadgVlady
  1502. can we do something
  1503. 8:33
  1504. Krazar77
  1505. Friday afternoon
  1506. 8:33
  1507. StayPuftMarshmellowMan
  1508. *FoxMask begins to see a group of shadows*
  1509. 8:33
  1510. ShodaiGoro
  1511. (FXM) *stoic about it
  1512. 8:33
  1513. Fr0stfur
  1514. oh noez
  1515. 8:34
  1516. Gallibon the Destroyer
  1517. ?
  1518. 8:34
  1519. Fr0stfur
  1520. It's Ow The Edgehogs
  1521. 8:34
  1522. StayPuftMarshmellowMan
  1524. 8:34
  1525. Krazar77
  1526. Well
  1527. chow cows
  1528. 8:34
  1529. LSDKama
  1530. Bye?
  1531. 8:35
  1532. Gallibon the Destroyer
  1533. o/
  1534. 8:35
  1535. Thegoldnguy
  1536. o/
  1537. 8:35
  1538. LSDKama
  1539. ...Did he just call us cows?
  1540. 8:35
  1541. ShodaiGoro
  1542. o/
  1543. 8:35
  1544. Thegoldnguy
  1545. We are all cows in the meat grinder that is society.
  1546. 8:35
  1547. StayPuftMarshmellowMan
  1548. Bye
  1549. 8:35
  1550. Thegoldnguy
  1551. ...
  1552. 8:35
  1553. ShodaiGoro
  1554. Hey, Goldn
  1555. 8:35
  1556. StayPuftMarshmellowMan
  1557. Wait Goro
  1558. Krazar77 has been slashed by Gigan!
  1559. 8:36
  1560. ShodaiGoro
  1561. I have just one question for you
  1562. Are you ready?
  1563. 8:36
  1564. StayPuftMarshmellowMan
  1565. scrap that stupid plotpoint
  1566. 8:36
  1567. Thegoldnguy
  1568. Am I ready for this Friday night?
  1569. 8:36
  1570. ShodaiGoro
  1572. also k
  1573. 8:36
  1574. DrGodzilla120
  1575. Are you ready...
  1576. For Freddy?
  1577. 8:36
  1578. LSDKama
  1579. john maden
  1580. 8:36
  1581. GarudaGoji
  1582. aeiou
  1583. 8:36
  1584. ShodaiGoro
  1585. (aeiou)
  1586. 8:36
  1587. GarudaGoji
  1588. earth confirmed for flat
  1589. sun also confirmed for flat
  1590. 8:36
  1591. ShodaiGoro
  1593. 8:36
  1594. DrGodzilla120
  1595. Dick confrirmed for big
  1596. 8:36
  1597. GarudaGoji
  1599. 8:36
  1600. ShodaiGoro
  1601. (Remirya) <(Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu~!)
  1602. 8:36
  1603. DrGodzilla120
  1604. confirmed*
  1605. 8:37
  1606. ShodaiGoro
  1607. Trahir confirmed for stu
  1608. confirmed
  1609. 8:37
  1610. Gallibon the Destroyer
  1611. Hi DrG.
  1612. 8:37
  1613. StayPuftMarshmellowMan
  1614. ...
  1615. 8:37
  1616. GarudaGoji
  1617. I didn't even noticed the typo. xD
  1618. Flaredragon00 has entered chat through the RPverse portal!
  1619. 8:37
  1620. Gallibon the Destroyer
  1621. o/
  1622. 8:37
  1623. DrGodzilla120
  1624. Wow.
  1625. 8:37
  1626. ShodaiGoro
  1627. well
  1628. 8:37
  1629. DrGodzilla120
  1630. BRB.
  1631. 8:37
  1632. Thegoldnguy
  1633. O hai Flare.
  1634. 8:37
  1635. ShodaiGoro
  1636. it's true
  1637. 8:37
  1638. LSDKama
  1639. hi
  1640. 8:37
  1641. ShodaiGoro
  1642. you intended it
  1643. 8:37
  1644. DrGodzilla120
  1645. Not really. Not anymore.
  1646. 8:37
  1647. JadgVlady
  1648. hi fler
  1649. 8:38
  1650. ShodaiGoro
  1651. Well, yeah
  1652. He's better now
  1653. 8:38
  1654. Flaredragon00
  1655. *crashes 65 million years ago, killing millions of dinosaurs* ripperino
  1656. 8:38
  1657. StayPuftMarshmellowMan
  1658. Flare
  1659. That's fucking OP.
  1660. 8:38
  1661. GarudaGoji
  1662. what killed the dinosaurs?
  1663. 8:38
  1664. JadgVlady
  1665. no
  1666. 8:38
  1667. GarudaGoji
  1668. flaredragon00
  1669. 8:38
  1670. JadgVlady
  1671. (john cena) killed 'em
  1672. 8:38
  1673. Thegoldnguy
  1674. We need to have a thirty minute arguement over why that was OP and unfair u stoopid meenie :( ((((
  1675. You are now away.
  1676. 8:39
  1677. StayPuftMarshmellowMan
  1678. I thought you were gonna make a Batman and Robin reference then :(
  1679. 8:39
  1680. JadgVlady
  1681. but goldn that's perfectly balanced ))))
  1682. 8:39
  1683. Gallibon the Destroyer
  1684. Hey guys
  1685. 8:39
  1686. Thegoldnguy
  1687. &gt;:)
  1688. 8:39
  1689. GarudaGoji
  1690. nah, that'll be too cold for me to do so.
  1691. 8:39
  1692. StayPuftMarshmellowMan
  1693. EH
  1694. 8:39
  1695. Gallibon the Destroyer
  1696. Since Lord Vehk is no longer around I'm also calling dibs on Goliath.
  1697. 8:39
  1698. LSDKama
  1699. Yeah?
  1700. oh
  1701. I claimed Dogora.
  1702. 8:40
  1703. StayPuftMarshmellowMan
  1704. I claim Doggo.
  1705. Who uses Doggo
  1706. 8:40
  1707. GarudaGoji
  1708. DOGora
  1709. You are no longer away.
  1710. 8:40
  1711. LSDKama
  1712. And Pulsgari
  1713. ..,God I hate typing that
  1714. Pulgasari.
  1715. 8:41
  1716. Fr0stfur
  1717. i thought it was Pulgarasi?
  1718. 8:41
  1719. LSDKama
  1720. Now I have south and north korean kaiju.
  1721. 8:41
  1722. ShodaiGoro
  1723. I use (Greater Dog)
  1724. 8:41
  1725. LSDKama
  1726. *A south
  1727. 8:41
  1728. Fr0stfur
  1729. Paparazzi?
  1730. 8:41
  1731. ShodaiGoro
  1732. But not Doggo
  1733. 8:41
  1734. Fr0stfur
  1735. Pastanazi?
  1736. 8:41
  1737. LSDKama
  1738. (Doggo)
  1739. ...nvm
  1740. 8:41
  1741. Thegoldnguy
  1742. lol Pastanazi
  1743. 8:41
  1744. StayPuftMarshmellowMan
  1746. 8:43
  1747. JadgVlady
  1748. doggo ded?
  1749. doggo can't be kill
  1750. 8:43
  1751. Fr0stfur
  1752. Pasta nazi
  1753. 8:44
  1754. StayPuftMarshmellowMan
  1755. vlady
  1756. 8:44
  1757. LSDKama
  1758. I also claim the Kraken
  1759. 8:44
  1760. Fr0stfur
  1761. Blitzketchup
  1762. 8:44
  1763. StayPuftMarshmellowMan
  1764. neo foxy is dead
  1765. 8:44
  1766. Fr0stfur
  1767. wtf
  1768. 8:44
  1769. ShodaiGoro
  1771. 8:44
  1772. Fr0stfur
  1773. when was there ever a Neo Foxy
  1774. 8:44
  1775. ShodaiGoro
  1776. Who knew Cena was such a Deadpan Snarker?
  1777. 8:45
  1778. StayPuftMarshmellowMan
  1779. since now
  1780. sssssh fr0st
  1781. 8:45
  1782. Fr0stfur
  1783. I've Cena deadpan snarker before
  1784. 8:45
  1785. StayPuftMarshmellowMan
  1787. 8:47
  1788. ShodaiGoro
  1789. "You know what, SCREW YOU!"
  1790. (John Cena) <(I don't have ten bucks!)
  1791. 8:48
  1792. JadgVlady
  1793. moooo
  1794. 8:48
  1795. ShodaiGoro
  1796. The freaking Wendy's joke
  1797. You are now away.
  1798. 8:51
  1799. Gallibon the Destroyer
  1800. test
  1801. 8:52
  1802. JadgVlady
  1803. comrade
  1804. 8:53
  1805. Thegoldnguy
  1806. test
  1807. Come on comrade he's a man not a god come on comrades.
  1808. 8:53
  1809. StayPuftMarshmellowMan
  1810. Best gallery ever
  1811. 8:53
  1812. Thegoldnguy
  1814. 8:54
  1815. JadgVlady
  1816. remember comrades we're tenk treads are kill, we are artillery stronk )))) cannon is kill, we are stronk pillbox )))) armor is kill, we're heroes ))))
  1817. 8:54
  1818. Thegoldnguy
  1820. 8:54
  1821. GarudaGoji
  1822. 3
  1823. 8:55
  1824. Thegoldnguy
  1826. 8:55
  1827. StayPuftMarshmellowMan
  1828. GODZILLA HAS REACHED ZONE 19113135563
  1830. IT'S BATTRA
  1831. You are no longer away.
  1832. 8:56
  1833. Thegoldnguy
  1835. 8:56
  1836. StayPuftMarshmellowMan
  1838. Goldn, when you're defending
  1840. IT'S BATTRA
  1843. Thegoldnguy has been slashed by Gigan!
  1844. Thegoldnguy has entered chat through the RPverse portal!
  1845. 8:57
  1846. Thegoldnguy
  1847. OH NO! ANOTHER KAIJU?!!!
  1848. 8:58
  1849. StayPuftMarshmellowMan
  1850. Goro, Flare, Kama
  1852. 8:58
  1853. ShodaiGoro
  1854. i know
  1855. I linked it once
  1856. 8:58
  1857. Thegoldnguy
  1858. test
  1859. 8:59
  1860. StayPuftMarshmellowMan
  1861. OH
  1862. OH
  1863. OH
  1864. 8:59
  1865. Gallibon the Destroyer
  1866. OH
  1867. 8:59
  1868. ShodaiGoro
  1869. I commented on it, too
  1870. 8:59
  1871. StayPuftMarshmellowMan
  1872. OH
  1873. 9:00
  1874. Gallibon the Destroyer
  1875. So...
  1876. 9:00
  1877. Thegoldnguy
  1878. The generator is... *gasp*
  1879. GAINING power!!!!
  1880. 9:00
  1881. ShodaiGoro
  1882. Is it wrong I kinda consider FXM like the John Cena of RP?
  1883. Not like in a protagonist sense
  1884. 9:00
  1885. StayPuftMarshmellowMan
  1886. Yes
  1887. 9:01
  1888. DrGodzilla120
  1889. Yeah.
  1890. 9:01
  1891. ShodaiGoro
  1892. But that all-loving friend to all children sort of sense
  1893. 9:01
  1894. Gallibon the Destroyer
  1895. Wb DrG
  1896. 9:01
  1897. ShodaiGoro
  1898. He's like a stoic John Cena, or Kenshiro
  1899. 9:01
  1900. StayPuftMarshmellowMan
  1901. Or Gamera
  1902. 9:01
  1903. DrGodzilla120
  1904. Umm... When has he been shown to be a friend to all children?
  1905. 9:01
  1906. Gallibon the Destroyer
  1907. ^
  1908. 9:01
  1909. ShodaiGoro
  1910. With Chen, Flandre, Koishi...
  1911. Especially notable when you consider the middle was locked in a basement for 495 years, and the latter is constantly forgotten
  1912. 9:02
  1913. DrGodzilla120
  1914. Those are three people.
  1915. 9:02
  1916. Thegoldnguy
  1917. (sgam) *Feels as if people are talking about him somewhere.*
  1918. 9:02
  1919. ShodaiGoro
  1920. There's not a lot of children though
  1921. Like, named ones
  1922. 9:03
  1923. GarudaGoji
  1924. I think i found the best "hail hydra" edit imo.
  1925. 9:03
  1926. ShodaiGoro
  1927. ?
  1928. 9:03
  1929. GarudaGoji
  1931. 9:03
  1932. ShodaiGoro
  1933. yy
  1934. 9:03
  1935. LSDKama
  1936. Oh god
  1937. 9:03
  1938. StayPuftMarshmellowMan
  1939. lol
  1940. 9:03
  1941. LSDKama
  1942. What if that's their actual
  1943. -plan?
  1944. 9:04
  1945. StayPuftMarshmellowMan
  1946. Wouldn't be too surprising.
  1947. Because who even cares at this point.
  1948. 9:04
  1949. DrGodzilla120
  1951. 9:05
  1952. ShodaiGoro
  1953. Sadly, I don't get to show he's a FtAC
  1954. Not often
  1955. Hey, Garuda
  1957. 2hu edit
  1959. oh god
  1960. a tourettes guy reference
  1961. 9:06
  1962. Gallibon the Destroyer
  1963. So. Many. Edits.
  1964. 9:06
  1965. StayPuftMarshmellowMan
  1966. Dr
  1968. 9:06
  1969. DrGodzilla120
  1970. XD
  1971. Also, Stay. PM.
  1972. 9:07
  1973. ShodaiGoro
  1975. HerokraShadowgem has entered chat through the RPverse portal!
  1976. 9:10
  1977. Gallibon the Destroyer
  1978. o/
  1979. 9:10
  1980. Thegoldnguy
  1981. o hai Herokra.
  1982. 9:10
  1983. JadgVlady
  1984. hi hero
  1985. 9:10
  1986. ShodaiGoro
  1987. o/
  1988. 9:10
  1989. StayPuftMarshmellowMan
  1990. Hiya.
  1991. 9:11
  1992. HerokraShadowgem
  1993. Today was a fun day of Overwatch
  1994. I got a few new skins
  1995. For Hanzo, and Lucio
  1996. Bought the Watermelon skin for D. VA
  1997. 9:12
  1998. StayPuftMarshmellowMan
  1999. I got a Reaper skin that looks like Doctor Doom.
  2000. Kinda.
  2001. 9:12
  2002. JadgVlady
  2003. i don't got overwatch ;3;
  2004. 9:12
  2005. StayPuftMarshmellowMan
  2006. ;)
  2007. I managed to get player of the game as Reaper, Tracer and Soldier 76.
  2008. 9:13
  2009. JadgVlady
  2010. 2 expensive 4 me
  2011. 9:13
  2012. DrGodzilla120
  2013. Hanzo vs Hanzo.
  2014. Who wins?
  2015. 9:13
  2016. StayPuftMarshmellowMan
  2017. Tough one.
  2018. 9:13
  2019. JadgVlady
  2020. the one that shoots first
  2021. 9:13
  2022. StayPuftMarshmellowMan
  2023. Probably Hanzo.
  2024. 9:13
  2025. HerokraShadowgem
  2026. Nobody, because fucking Hanzo
  2027. 9:13
  2028. ShodaiGoro
  2029. (FXM) *still in his home, doing nothing
  2030. (FXM) *sighs
  2031. 9:13
  2032. HerokraShadowgem
  2033. Hanzo number 3 is gonna kill them both
  2034. 9:13
  2035. Thegoldnguy
  2036. *FXM gets a call.*
  2037. 9:14
  2038. StayPuftMarshmellowMan
  2039. FOXMASK
  2040. 9:14
  2041. ShodaiGoro
  2042. (FXM) *answers
  2043. (FXM) <(Hello?)
  2044. 9:14
  2045. DrGodzilla120
  2046. You know who I'm talking about, right?
  2047. 9:14
  2048. HerokraShadowgem
  2049. (Timmy) <(HOI!)
  2050. 9:14
  2051. Thegoldnguy
  2052. (Rilah) <(Yo, Foxy. What's up?)
  2053. 9:14
  2054. StayPuftMarshmellowMan
  2055. Scorpion.
  2056. 9:14
  2057. DrGodzilla120
  2058. Yep.
  2059. 9:14
  2060. StayPuftMarshmellowMan
  2061. Herokra.
  2062. 9:14
  2063. ShodaiGoro
  2064. (FXM) <(Hi. I've done absolutely nothing this past month.)
  2065. 9:14
  2066. DrGodzilla120
  2067. Hanzo Shimada vs Hanzo Hasashi.
  2068. 9:14
  2069. ShodaiGoro
  2070. (FXM) <(It HURTS.)
  2071. 9:14
  2072. Thegoldnguy
  2073. (Rilah) <(...inteeerestiiiiing...)
  2074. 9:14
  2075. DrGodzilla120
  2076. "With every death comes honor. With honor, redemption."
  2077. 9:14
  2078. Thegoldnguy
  2079. (Rilah) <(Uh....)
  2080. 9:14
  2081. DrGodzilla120
  2082. "GET OVER HERE!"
  2083. 9:14
  2084. Thegoldnguy
  2085. (Rilah) *She goes silent.*
  2086. 9:15
  2087. StayPuftMarshmellowMan
  2088. Well.
  2089. 9:15
  2090. Thegoldnguy
  2091. (Rilah) <(Y-you gonna be okay, bud?)
  2092. 9:15
  2093. ShodaiGoro
  2094. (FXM) <(Yeah, I guess.)
  2095. 9:15
  2096. StayPuftMarshmellowMan
  2097. Roadhog's more of a Scorpion character.
  2098. 9:15
  2099. JadgVlady
  2100. "A man versus man fight is won by the one that has one more bullet in its magazine"
  2101. 9:15
  2102. ShodaiGoro
  2103. (FXM) <(I normally am humble, but...)
  2104. 9:15
  2105. LSDKama
  2106. (Omnia) *Dancing on the Nine Sun tower in Midtown.*
  2107. 9:15
  2108. Thegoldnguy
  2109. (Rilah) <(Doncha have kids or sumtin? What happened?)
  2110. 9:15
  2111. ShodaiGoro
  2112. (FXM) <(...I'm missing people asking for my help.)
  2113. 9:15
  2114. Thegoldnguy
  2115. (Rilah) <(...)
  2116. (Rilah) <(....ooooooooh! I get it! You're bored!)
  2117. 9:16
  2118. ShodaiGoro
  2119. (FXM) <(Very.)
  2120. 9:16
  2121. Thegoldnguy
  2122. (Rilah) <(You haven't done anything in a while! I totally get it dude!)
  2123. 9:16
  2124. HerokraShadowgem
  2126. 9:16
  2127. DrGodzilla120
  2128. No shit.
  2129. 9:16
  2130. Thegoldnguy
  2131. (Rilah) <(I haven't really done anything eitha, but I'm still fine.)
  2132. 9:16
  2133. ShodaiGoro
  2134. (FXM) <(This is why I was original a Sue Hunter. I always had something to do.)
  2135. 9:17
  2136. Gallibon the Destroyer
  2137. Kama, PM
  2138. 9:17
  2139. ShodaiGoro
  2140. (FXM) <(Ever since that stupid war, nothing has been going on.)
  2141. 9:17
  2142. LSDKama
  2143. (Omnia) *Still dancing.*
  2144. 9:17
  2145. StayPuftMarshmellowMan
  2146. *FoxMask's phone begins ringing again*
  2147. 9:17
  2148. Thegoldnguy
  2149. (Rilah) <(Y'sure 'bout that? There are always giant monsters fucking shit up.)
  2150. 9:18
  2151. Gallibon the Destroyer
  2152. *Something walks alone in some wooded area*
  2153. 9:18
  2154. ShodaiGoro
  2155. (FXM) <(There's a girl who a while back destroyed Reimu's shrine because she had nothing better to do. What happens to me? Do I do that? I hope not.)
  2156. 9:18
  2157. LSDKama
  2158. (Omnia) *Gets a text.*
  2160. 9:18
  2161. Gallibon the Destroyer
  2162. *Trees begin to shake and tremble*
  2163. 9:18
  2164. Thegoldnguy
  2165. (Rilah) <(...'scuse me? Rei's shrine was destroyed?!)
  2166. 9:18
  2167. ShodaiGoro
  2168. (FXM) <(A while back.)
  2169. 9:18
  2170. Thegoldnguy
  2171. (Rilah) <(Oh, before me?)
  2172. 9:18
  2173. LSDKama
  2174. (Omnia) <{Oh, look, he got lost.}
  2175. 9:18
  2176. ShodaiGoro
  2177. (FXM) <(Something about "Scarlet Weather".)
  2178. 9:18
  2179. Gallibon the Destroyer
  2180. (Raban) *pops his head out of the trees looking around*
  2181. 9:19
  2182. Thegoldnguy
  2183. (Rilah) <(Ah, alright. I see.)
  2184. 9:19
  2185. ShodaiGoro
  2186. (FXM) <(Don't worry, the girl has since redeemed herself.)
  2187. 9:19
  2188. JadgVlady
  2189. gtg
  2190. 9:19
  2191. DrGodzilla120
  2192. *meanwhile, a witch in a skimpy outfit is putting on a big black sock*
  2193. o/
  2194. 9:19
  2195. Thegoldnguy
  2196. o/
  2197. 9:19
  2198. Gallibon the Destroyer
  2199. * plays around Raban*
  2200. o/
  2201. 9:19
  2202. LSDKama
  2203. bye
  2204. 9:19
  2205. StayPuftMarshmellowMan
  2206. o/
  2207. 9:19
  2208. Thegoldnguy
  2209. (Rilah) <(Anyways...)
  2210. 9:19
  2211. ShodaiGoro
  2212. (FXM) <(It's amazing how so few people need to die in here.)
  2213. 9:19
  2214. Thegoldnguy
  2215. (Rilah) *She goes silent.*
  2216. 9:19
  2217. Gallibon the Destroyer
  2218. (Raban) *looks at his hands* <(Day Three of this....when will it end?)
  2219. 9:19
  2220. ShodaiGoro
  2221. (FXM) <(I wish I didn't have to kill anyone back in normal Earth.)
  2222. 9:19
  2223. Thegoldnguy
  2224. (Rilah) <(...)
  2225. 9:20
  2226. StayPuftMarshmellowMan
  2227. *The phone line gains a new caller*
  2228. 9:20
  2229. ShodaiGoro
  2230. (FXM) <(Unfortunately, no matter what the recent pacifism trend wants me to think...)
  2231. 9:20
  2232. Gallibon the Destroyer
  2233. (Raban) *looks at small water puddle below him*
  2234. 9:20
  2235. ShodaiGoro
  2236. (FXM) <(Some people can't change.)
  2237. 9:20
  2238. Gallibon the Destroyer
  2239. (Raban) *sees himself*
  2240. JadgVlady has been slashed by Gigan!
  2241. 9:20
  2242. Thegoldnguy
  2243. (Rilah) <(I... don't think I follow.)
  2244. 9:20
  2245. StayPuftMarshmellowMan
  2246. *The two hear someone laughing*
  2247. 9:20
  2248. Gallibon the Destroyer
  2249. (Raban) *thrashes at the water, not pleased at his new look*
  2250. 9:20
  2251. ShodaiGoro
  2252. (FXM) <(Huh?)
  2253. 9:20
  2254. Thegoldnguy
  2255. (Rilah) <(Who's that?)
  2256. 9:21
  2257. HerokraShadowgem
  2258. (Shadey) *is walking through a town somewhere*
  2259. 9:21
  2260. Gallibon the Destroyer
  2261. (Raban) *sulks*
  2262. (Raban) *slowly walks away*
  2263. 9:21
  2264. ShodaiGoro
  2265. (FXM) <(*sighs* Let me guess. JAHWN SHEENUUUUUUH!!! DUN DUNNA DUNNNN! Give me a break.)
  2266. 9:21
  2267. Thegoldnguy
  2268. (Rilah) <(...who?)
  2269. 9:21
  2270. LSDKama
  2271. (AZJira) *Walking near Raban.*
  2272. 9:21
  2273. ShodaiGoro
  2274. (FXM) <(Long story.)
  2275. 9:22
  2276. Gallibon the Destroyer
  2277. (Raban) *doesn't hear AZJira at first*
  2278. 9:22
  2279. LSDKama
  2280. (AZJira) *Wearing his newly repaired and upgraded body armor.*
  2281. 9:22
  2282. Thegoldnguy
  2283. (Rilah) <(Not really into this main culture stuff, anyways, the hell is that other person on the line?)
  2284. 9:22
  2285. ShodaiGoro
  2286. (FXM) <(Some annoying tryhard, probably.)
  2287. 9:22
  2288. StayPuftMarshmellowMan
  2290. 9:23
  2291. LSDKama
  2292. (AZJira) * is quietly playing around him.*
  2293. 9:23
  2294. Thegoldnguy
  2295. (Rilah) <(...)
  2296. (Rilah) <(Nice voice, huh?)
  2297. 9:23
  2298. ShodaiGoro
  2299. (FXM) <(Great. I know who it is.)
  2300. 9:23
  2301. HerokraShadowgem
  2302. (Damn it, why do all the good Roleplays have to be too good for me to join)
  2303. 9:24
  2304. StayPuftMarshmellowMan
  2305. Herokra.
  2306. 9:24
  2307. Gallibon the Destroyer
  2308. (Raban) *turns his head around to find AZJira*
  2309. 9:24
  2310. GarudaGoji
  2311. (shrug)
  2312. 9:24
  2313. ShodaiGoro
  2314. (FXM) <(Did I ever tell you about that time Obsidian saved a sinner from being destroyed and let him go?)
  2315. 9:24
  2316. Thegoldnguy
  2317. (Rilah) <(Sinner?)
  2318. 9:24
  2319. StayPuftMarshmellowMan
  2320. This is truly the greatest RP ever XD
  2321. 9:24
  2322. ShodaiGoro
  2323. (FXM) *there is a significant amount of venom in those last three words
  2324. 9:24
  2325. LSDKama
  2326. (AZJira) *Has stored away his HF Shocksword and HF Chainsword.*
  2327. 9:24
  2328. Gallibon the Destroyer
  2329. (Raban) *stumbles a few feet back*
  2330. 9:24
  2331. HerokraShadowgem
  2332. (It would be too weird for Shadey or CM to of been stalking them, so they would of heard the phone call)
  2333. 9:24
  2334. ShodaiGoro
  2335. (FXM) <(He destroyed a city because he was bored.)
  2336. 9:24
  2337. HerokraShadowgem
  2339. 9:24
  2340. Gallibon the Destroyer
  2341. (Raban) *is somewhat scared of AZJira*
  2342. 9:25
  2343. Thegoldnguy
  2344. (Rilah) <(Jeez, that's... awful dude.)
  2345. 9:25
  2346. ShodaiGoro
  2347. (FXM) <(Because he was bored. It boggles the mind.)
  2348. 9:25
  2349. HerokraShadowgem
  2350. *Another caller joins the line*
  2351. 9:25
  2352. StayPuftMarshmellowMan
  2353. *The phone rings again*
  2354. 9:25
  2355. HerokraShadowgem
  2356. (???) <(Uhhh? Can you hear me?)
  2357. 9:25
  2358. StayPuftMarshmellowMan
  2359. Hothead: HOTHEAD WAS NOT BORED
  2360. 9:25
  2361. ShodaiGoro
  2362. (FXM) <(And that stupid jackass let him live.)
  2363. 9:25
  2364. GarudaGoji
  2365. Man, so many calls.
  2366. 9:25
  2367. Thegoldnguy
  2368. (Rilah) <(Oh great, someone else. Yes, we ca-(
  2369. 9:25
  2370. ShodaiGoro
  2371. (FXM) <(I was one Shadow Kick away from sending him to the abyss.)
  2372. (FXM) <(Hi?)
  2373. 9:25
  2374. HerokraShadowgem
  2375. (???) <(I dont mean to sound like im stalking you, oh fuck.....i sound like im stalking you, dont i?)
  2376. HerokraShadowgem
  2377. (???) <(I dont mean to sound like im stalking you, oh fuck.....i sound like im stalking you, dont i?)
  2378. 9:26
  2379. StayPuftMarshmellowMan
  2381. 9:26
  2382. ShodaiGoro
  2383. (FXM) <(Yes.)
  2384. 9:26
  2385. LSDKama
  2386. (AZJira) *Stops.*
  2387. 9:26
  2388. Thegoldnguy
  2389. (Rilah) <(No, not at all. Speak up, girly.)
  2390. 9:26
  2391. DrGodzilla120
  2392. *on top of a skyscraper in Chicago, a lone figure watches the streets below*
  2393. 9:26
  2394. Gallibon the Destroyer
  2395. (Raban) <(.....)
  2396. 9:26
  2397. Thegoldnguy
  2398. (Rilah) <(Kinda interrupting, but probably not stalkin')
  2399. 9:26
  2400. DrGodzilla120
  2401. *he taps a few buttons on a gauntlet, and lets out a deep breath*
  2402. 9:26
  2403. HerokraShadowgem
  2404. (???) <(Will you please stop interupting me, Jeeze, its me, CM, i overheard the Conversation when Hothead joined in)
  2405. *She was talking to Hothead*
  2406. 9:27
  2407. StayPuftMarshmellowMan
  2408. Hothead: HAHA! HELLO BOOB LADY
  2409. 9:27
  2410. Thegoldnguy
  2411. (Rilah) <(Hey! Crowned! did you overhear us?)
  2412. 9:27
  2413. DrGodzilla120
  2414. *closing his eyes, he begins to try to locate something with his aura sense*
  2415. 9:27
  2416. Thegoldnguy
  2417. (Rilah) <(Maybe you are stalkin' me...)
  2418. 9:27
  2419. ShodaiGoro
  2420. (FXM) <(...I'm thinking about finding him and finishing the job the moment he- wait, he's still on.)
  2421. 9:27
  2422. HerokraShadowgem
  2423. (CM) <(Uhh.....Scientist Powers?)
  2424. 9:27
  2425. StayPuftMarshmellowMan
  2426. Hothead: ME TELL BOOB LADY
  2427. 9:27
  2428. Gallibon the Destroyer
  2429. (Raban) *looks at (AZJira)*
  2430. 9:27
  2431. DrGodzilla120
  2432. *a figure is on the streets*
  2433. 9:27
  2434. HerokraShadowgem
  2435. (CM) <(Oh gosh, hes calling me Boob Lady)
  2436. 9:27
  2437. LSDKama
  2438. (Omnia) *Tilts his head.*
  2439. 9:28
  2440. Thegoldnguy
  2441. (Rilah) <(Well, he's not wrong.)
  2442. 9:28
  2443. ShodaiGoro
  2444. (FXM) <(Hey, Hothead. Do you like loud noise?)
  2445. 9:28
  2446. DrGodzilla120
  2447. (Figure Guy) I didn't like that guy, so I killed him.
  2448. 9:28
  2449. HerokraShadowgem
  2450. (CM) <(Well i know hes not wrong, my fucking breasts are internet memes)
  2451. 9:28
  2452. StayPuftMarshmellowMan
  2453. Hothead: Uh...
  2454. 9:28
  2455. Thegoldnguy
  2456. *She can be heard sighing on the other end.*
  2457. 9:28
  2458. ShodaiGoro
  2459. (FXM) <(Good, good. Because-) *suddenly blasts but only on Hothead's call
  2460. 9:28
  2461. DrGodzilla120
  2462. (Figure Guy) I also soloed that villain who could destroy the planet.
  2463. (Figure Guy) Come to think of it, I've never had any trouble with anything.
  2464. 9:29
  2465. StayPuftMarshmellowMan
  2466. Hothead: Ha. Hothead doesn't even have ear things but FoxMan is funny!
  2467. 9:29
  2468. DrGodzilla120
  2469. (Figure Guy) Which makes me sense... Someone hostile toward me is around here.
  2470. 9:30
  2471. HerokraShadowgem
  2472. (CM) <(Wait if you dont have ear things....then how da fuck did you hear us earlier?)
  2473. 9:30
  2474. Gallibon the Destroyer
  2475. (Raban) *to AZJira* <(Um hello. Please don't harm me.)
  2476. 9:30
  2477. StayPuftMarshmellowMan
  2478. Hothead: Cause...
  2479. 9:30
  2480. LSDKama
  2481. (AZJira) *Shakes his head.*
  2482. 9:30
  2483. DrGodzilla120
  2484. *the figure guy flies up toward the skyscraper*
  2485. 9:30
  2486. StayPuftMarshmellowMan
  2487. Hothead: *As his ears are bleeding, he's trying to explain*
  2488. 9:30
  2489. DrGodzilla120
  2490. (??) *lets out another breath*
  2491. (??) Any moment now...
  2492. 9:30
  2493. HerokraShadowgem
  2494. (CM) <(Id hate to break it to you, roasty, you have fucking ears)
  2495. 9:30
  2496. ShodaiGoro
  2497. (FXM) <(He can't hear us now.)
  2498. 9:31
  2499. HerokraShadowgem
  2500. (CM) *Plays Ear Rape suprise music into Hothead's Line*
  2501. 9:31
  2502. Thegoldnguy
  2503. (Rilah) <(So, anyways, Fox. Y'wanna... hang out some time? Not askin' in a datey sort of way, but more in a "you need to go outside more often" kind of way. Y'know?)
  2504. 9:31
  2505. StayPuftMarshmellowMan
  2506. Hothead: UH... BOOB LADY? GIRLY? ARE YOU THERE?
  2507. 9:31
  2508. DrGodzilla120
  2509. *as the figure guy is right about to near, a black blade shaped like an S slashes across his chest, before returning to the owner*
  2510. *however, no visible damage is shown*
  2511. 9:31
  2512. LSDKama
  2513. (Omnia) <{And yet he wonders why... No, somebody's watching.}
  2514. 9:31
  2515. DrGodzilla120
  2516. (Figure Guy) You can't harm me, you idiot.
  2517. 9:31
  2518. HerokraShadowgem
  2519. (CM) <(Well, while Roasty cant hear us, i want to announce a little something, im making Fully Functional fucking battle armor)
  2520. (CM) <(Ive been playing too many games)
  2521. 9:32
  2522. DrGodzilla120
  2523. *the figure guy punches the other figure, sending him flying off the building*
  2524. 9:32
  2525. StayPuftMarshmellowMan
  2526. Hothead: FOXMAN
  2527. 9:32
  2528. DrGodzilla120
  2529. (??) *catches himself halfway with two wings*
  2530. 9:32
  2531. LSDKama
  2532. (Omnia) *Wearing his usual attire, looks at the viewers.*
  2533. 9:32
  2534. HerokraShadowgem
  2535. (CM) <(Can i cut his line yet?)
  2536. 9:32
  2537. Thegoldnguy
  2538. (Rilah) <(...Fox? Foxy?)
  2539. 9:32
  2540. StayPuftMarshmellowMan
  2542. 9:32
  2543. DrGodzilla120
  2544. (??) *forms another S-like blade, and attaches a device to both weapons*
  2545. 9:32
  2546. ShodaiGoro
  2547. (FXM) <(You can't see me... nor hear me for that matter.)
  2548. 9:32
  2549. LSDKama
  2550. (Omnia) <{Yes, I know you're watching me now.}
  2551. 9:32
  2552. Gallibon the Destroyer
  2553. (Raban) *walks towards AZJira* <(Tell me, what's it like to be you?)
  2554. 9:32
  2555. Thegoldnguy
  2556. (Rilah) <(Fox? Did you hear my proposition?)
  2557. 9:33
  2558. StayPuftMarshmellowMan
  2559. Hothead: *Hothead loudly roars as he throws the phone into a wall*
  2560. 9:33
  2561. DrGodzilla120
  2562. (??) *throws them forward, as they cut around the figure guy's waist, drawing blood, though the wounds aren't very deep*
  2563. 9:33
  2564. HerokraShadowgem
  2565. (CM) <(Well, Red Hulk got mad, didnt he?)
  2566. 9:33
  2567. DrGodzilla120
  2568. (Figure Guy) ...You fucking hacker!
  2569. 9:33
  2570. ShodaiGoro
  2571. (FXM) <(Oh, uh, sure.)
  2572. 9:33
  2573. LSDKama
  2574. (AZJira) <{Be an organism made of Prokaryotes?}
  2575. 9:33
  2576. DrGodzilla120
  2577. (Figure Guy) How dare you! I'M supposed to be the strongest!
  2578. 9:33
  2579. StayPuftMarshmellowMan
  2580. *Hothead then goes outside as he begins searching for a city to smash*
  2581. 9:33
  2582. DrGodzilla120
  2583. (??) ...
  2584. 9:33
  2585. Thegoldnguy
  2586. (Rilah) <(Good! I'm living at *she lists her address* in NYC. Got it?)
  2587. 9:33
  2588. Gallibon the Destroyer
  2589. (Raban) <(...Nevermind.)
  2590. 9:33
  2591. LSDKama
  2592. (AZJira) <{Be a demon slayer?}
  2593. (AZJira) <{Or be a Kaiju?}
  2594. 9:34
  2595. Thegoldnguy
  2596. (Rilah) <(...oh shit, they heard the address, didn't they?)
  2597. 9:34
  2598. DrGodzilla120
  2599. (Figure Guy) Now, prepare to DIE!
  2600. 9:34
  2601. HerokraShadowgem
  2602. (CM) <(.....Where the fuck did i learn these puns? Anyway, i want to meet up with you two when i can, i dont mean to break the fourth wall, but we kinda are like the top 3 iconic characters on the planet)
  2603. 9:34
  2604. Gallibon the Destroyer
  2605. (Raban) <(Yeah.)
  2606. (Raban) <(Being a kaiju I mean.)
  2607. 9:34
  2608. HerokraShadowgem
  2609. (CM) <(Ok, let me correct that, we are well known though)
  2610. 9:34
  2611. Flaredragon00
  2612. (Hellraiser) *drinking some tea in Hell, suddenly drops it, hearing a crashing noise*
  2613. 9:34
  2614. LSDKama
  2615. (Omnia) *Throws a rock at CM*
  2616. 9:34
  2617. Flaredragon00
  2618. (Hellraiser) *turns to a metaphysical object shaped like a wall that no one can actually see*
  2619. 9:34
  2620. LSDKama
  2621. *...Somehow*
  2622. 9:34
  2623. Flaredragon00
  2624. (Hellraiser) <( God...fucking...DAMMIT!!!)
  2625. 9:35
  2626. HerokraShadowgem
  2627. (CM) *....throws the rock back*
  2628. 9:35
  2629. StayPuftMarshmellowMan
  2630. Hothead: NYC? HOTHEAD.... IS MAD!!!
  2631. 9:35
  2632. HerokraShadowgem
  2633. (CM) *... somehow *
  2634. 9:35
  2635. Flaredragon00
  2636. *the rock suddenly sprouts legs and walks away*
  2637. 9:35
  2638. LSDKama
  2639. (Omnia) *Catches the rock.*
  2640. 9:35
  2641. Flaredragon00
  2642. * .... somehow. *
  2643. 9:35
  2644. LSDKama
  2645. (Omnia) *Drops it.*
  2646. 9:35
  2647. HerokraShadowgem
  2648. *it has a note on it*
  2649. 9:35
  2650. LSDKama
  2651. *It already had a note of it.*
  2652. 9:35
  2653. StayPuftMarshmellowMan
  2654. *As intense music begins playing, Hothead begins furiously stomping around*
  2655. 9:36
  2656. LSDKama
  2658. 9:36
  2659. ShodaiGoro
  2660. (FXM) <(If he shows up, I'm killing him. And Obsidian with him if he decides to try to bail him out again.)
  2661. 9:36
  2662. Thegoldnguy
  2663. (Rilah) *She can be heard sighing*
  2664. 9:36
  2665. HerokraShadowgem
  2666. "Dont throw rocks through extradimensional space, Its bad for the universes health, ; ) "
  2667. 9:36
  2668. Gallibon the Destroyer
  2669. DrG, PM
  2670. 9:36
  2671. DrGodzilla120
  2672. *the figure guy punches the figure through several more buildings*
  2673. 9:36
  2674. LSDKama
  2676. 9:36
  2677. DrGodzilla120
  2678. (??) Aren't you supposed to be a hero?
  2679. 9:36
  2680. HerokraShadowgem
  2681. [And its bad for the universe for rocks to be thrown through space-time]
  2682. 9:36
  2683. DrGodzilla120
  2684. (Figure Guy) Doesn't matter. Several of their lives are worth taking out you.
  2685. 9:37
  2686. Thegoldnguy
  2687. (Rilah) <(So... tomorrow?)
  2688. 9:37
  2689. DrGodzilla120
  2690. (??) You don't even know who I am.
  2691. 9:37
  2692. HerokraShadowgem
  2693. [Are you done yet?]
  2694. 9:37
  2695. StayPuftMarshmellowMan
  2696. *He then walks onto a beach, as he kicks a child's sandcastle over as heads for NYC*
  2697. 9:37
  2698. ShodaiGoro
  2699. (FXM) <(Yes.)
  2700. 9:37
  2701. DrGodzilla120
  2702. (Figure Guy) You're a person who opposes me.
  2703. 9:37
  2704. HerokraShadowgem
  2705. (CM) <(Ah fuck, Hotheads attacking New York)
  2706. 9:37
  2707. Thegoldnguy
  2708. (Rilah) <(Alright. See ya then.) *She hangs up*
  2709. 9:37
  2710. HerokraShadowgem
  2711. (CM) <(I will be back later....)
  2712. (CM) *hangs up(
  2713. 9:37
  2714. Flaredragon00
  2715. *the rock spits raspberries at both of the rock throwers* (Rock) <( CURSE UPON YE FAMILIES!) *rolls away*
  2716. 9:37
  2717. LSDKama
  2718. *Limbo exists outside of Space-Time.*
  2719. 9:37
  2720. Flaredragon00
  2721. *blows raspberries
  2722. 9:38
  2723. ShodaiGoro
  2724. (FXM) <(Please end hi- she hung up.)
  2725. 9:38
  2726. LSDKama
  2727. *Well, somewhere between it and nonexistence.*
  2728. 9:38
  2729. StayPuftMarshmellowMan
  2730. *In NYC*
  2731. 9:38
  2732. DrGodzilla120
  2733. (??) *begins to charge an ability*
  2734. 9:38
  2735. HerokraShadowgem
  2736. (CM) *Becomes (Cmut) and flys to New York*
  2737. 9:38
  2738. ShodaiGoro
  2739. (FXM) <(Seriously. If I hear Obsidian bails him out again, I'm going to kill him.)
  2740. brb
  2741. 9:38
  2742. DrGodzilla120
  2743. (Figure Guy) Oh, your attack will NOT trump mine!
  2744. (Figure Guy) *Charges his own attack*
  2745. 9:38
  2746. StayPuftMarshmellowMan
  2747. *Intense music begins playing*
  2748. 9:38
  2749. Thegoldnguy
  2750. (Rilah) *Steps outside, cracking her neck.*
  2751. 9:38
  2752. HerokraShadowgem
  2753. (Cmut) *Lands atop one of the towers in new york*
  2754. 9:38
  2755. DrGodzilla120
  2756. *after a while of charging, the Figure Guy releases his, a gigantic blast of darkness, light, fire, electricity, among other things*
  2757. 9:38
  2758. HerokraShadowgem
  2759. (Cmut) <(HEY ROASTY, Wanna call me boob Lady agian?)
  2760. 9:38
  2761. Gallibon the Destroyer
  2762. DrG, PM
  2763. 9:38
  2764. Thegoldnguy
  2765. (Rilah) *She shouts out* <(Yo! CM!)
  2766. Tengen Toppa Lazengann has entered chat through the RPverse portal!
  2767. 9:39
  2768. Flaredragon00
  2769. (??) *a shadowy figure appears near the scene of the fight*
  2770. 9:39
  2771. DrGodzilla120
  2772. *there is a massive explosion*
  2773. 9:39
  2774. HerokraShadowgem
  2775. (Cmut) <(Oy, Rilah!)
  2776. 9:39
  2777. DrGodzilla120
  2778. *when it clears, the Figure Guy lays, knocked out cold*
  2779. 9:39
  2780. Flaredragon00
  2781. (??) <( Gonna make it raaaaaain!) [SHOWER, MAXIMUM DRIVE!]
  2782. 9:39
  2783. Thegoldnguy
  2784. brb
  2785. 9:39
  2786. GarudaGoji
  2787. Hi
  2788. 9:39
  2789. Flaredragon00
  2790. *a heavy rainstorm takes over NYC*
  2791. 9:39
  2792. LSDKama
  2793. (AZJira) <{Well, I'm a Human-Prokaryote-Jiran hybrid.}
  2794. 9:39
  2795. StayPuftMarshmellowMan
  2796. Hothead: HAHA FEEL THE WRATH OF HOT- OH! *He walks to hotdog stand*
  2797. 9:39
  2798. DrGodzilla120
  2799. (??) *picks him up, generating a portal and throwing him in*
  2800. 9:39
  2801. Tengen Toppa Lazengann
  2802. o/
  2803. 9:39
  2804. Gallibon the Destroyer
  2805. o/
  2806. 9:39
  2807. LSDKama
  2808. hi
  2809. 9:39
  2810. Tengen Toppa Lazengann
  2811. ..... sooooo tired.
  2812. 9:39
  2813. HerokraShadowgem
  2814. Dont be suprised if i give CM a Accent, Ive....SERIOUSLY been playing too many games
  2815. 9:39
  2816. StayPuftMarshmellowMan
  2817. Hothead: Uh... One...
  2818. 9:40
  2819. GarudaGoji
  2820. 'ello matey!
  2821. 9:40
  2822. DrGodzilla120
  2823. (??) Headquarters, my assignment is complete.
  2824. 9:40
  2825. StayPuftMarshmellowMan
  2826. *He takes one and leaves NYC*
  2827. 9:40
  2828. DrGodzilla120
  2829. (??) Who is it reporting in?
  2830. 9:40
  2831. StayPuftMarshmellowMan
  2832. THE END
  2833. 9:40
  2834. DrGodzilla120
  2835. (??) It's Trahir.
  2836. 9:40
  2837. StayPuftMarshmellowMan
  2839. 9:40
  2840. LSDKama
  2841. (Omnia) *Stops.*
  2842. 9:40
  2843. Flaredragon00
  2844. (??) <( .... Well, fuck you too!)
  2845. 9:40
  2846. Thegoldnguy
  2847. back
  2848. 9:40
  2849. StayPuftMarshmellowMan
  2850. :D
  2851. 9:40
  2852. LSDKama
  2853. (Omnia) *If he had blood it'd run cold.+
  2854. 9:40
  2855. Gallibon the Destroyer
  2856. Wb
  2857. 9:40
  2858. Tengen Toppa Lazengann
  2859. I got to work around 7 AM, and left around 9:20 PM.
  2860. 9:40
  2861. HerokraShadowgem
  2862. (Cmut) <(.....Oy Citizens! Im going to human form then, on that note, mate)
  2863. 9:40
  2864. Flaredragon00
  2865. (??) <( ...Well. Might as well just make the storm worse. Woohooo!)
  2866. 9:41
  2867. Thegoldnguy
  2868. (Rilah) <(...) *She lets out a sigh of relief.*
  2869. 9:41
  2870. HerokraShadowgem
  2871. *Becomes CM*
  2872. 9:41
  2873. LSDKama
  2874. (Omnia) *If he had a heart it'd stop.*
  2875. 9:41
  2876. Gallibon the Destroyer
  2877. (Raban) *hears something*
  2878. 9:41
  2879. Thegoldnguy
  2880. test
  2881. 9:41
  2882. StayPuftMarshmellowMan
  2883. So guys.
  2884. 9:41
  2885. LSDKama
  2886. (Omnia) *Jaw drops off.*
  2887. 9:41
  2888. Gallibon the Destroyer
  2889. *It sounds like footsteps*
  2890. 9:41
  2891. StayPuftMarshmellowMan
  2892. No one cares... That Trahir's back?
  2893. 9:41
  2894. Flaredragon00
  2896. 9:41
  2897. Gallibon the Destroyer
  2898. I'm listening
  2899. 9:41
  2900. Tengen Toppa Lazengann
  2901. trahir's back?
  2902. 9:41
  2903. Flaredragon00
  2904. well none of my characters know so
  2905. 9:41
  2906. HerokraShadowgem
  2907. Did you not notice that Trahir was a good guy now?
  2908. 9:41
  2909. DrGodzilla120
  2910. He just appeared in RP.
  2911. 9:41
  2912. StayPuftMarshmellowMan
  2913. DrGodzilla120 (??) Who is it reporting in? 3:40 StayPuftMarshmellowMan THE END 3:40 DrGodzilla120 (??) It's Trahir.
  2914. 9:41
  2915. Gallibon the Destroyer
  2916. I saw.
  2917. 9:41
  2918. HerokraShadowgem
  2919. WELL SHIT
  2920. 9:41
  2921. Thegoldnguy
  2922. (Rilah) *Happily waves to CM one more time and walks back into her apartment.*
  2923. 9:41
  2924. GarudaGoji
  2925. kay
  2926. 9:42
  2927. DrGodzilla120
  2928. Well... He's sort of a good guy?
  2929. 9:42
  2930. Flaredragon00
  2931. *a gigantic rainstorm suddenly envelops NYC*
  2932. 9:42
  2933. Tengen Toppa Lazengann
  2934. sorry. it's been a long day, so I'm pretty zoned.
  2935. 9:42
  2936. Flaredragon00
  2937. (??) <( Hoo, hoo, hooooo~!)
  2938. 9:42
  2939. LSDKama
  2940. (Omnia) *Picks up his jaw, reattaches it.*
  2941. 9:42
  2942. HerokraShadowgem
  2943. (CM) *Stops by Rilah's Apartment*
  2944. 9:42
  2945. GarudaGoji
  2946. Ah, make sure to take a rest, tengen.
  2947. 9:42
  2948. Tengen Toppa Lazengann
  2949. I'm good.
  2950. 9:42
  2951. StayPuftMarshmellowMan
  2952. HEROKRA
  2953. 9:42
  2954. Gallibon the Destroyer
  2955. (Raban) *sees soemthing that scares him*
  2956. 9:42
  2957. StayPuftMarshmellowMan
  2958. GOLDN
  2959. 9:42
  2960. GarudaGoji
  2961. Alright.
  2962. 9:42
  2963. Gallibon the Destroyer
  2964. (Raban) *runs off*
  2965. 9:42
  2966. DrGodzilla120
  2967. (Trahir) *taps his gauntlet some more*
  2968. 9:42
  2969. Tengen Toppa Lazengann
  2970. I have to do the same thing tomorrow, and the next day.
  2971. 9:42
  2972. StayPuftMarshmellowMan
  2974. 9:42
  2975. LSDKama
  2976. (Omnia) *Restarts his non-existent heart.*
  2977. 9:42
  2978. Gallibon the Destroyer
  2979. (Gamoni) *appears walking through*
  2980. 9:43
  2981. DrGodzilla120
  2982. (Trahir) A second one.
  2983. 9:43
  2984. Thegoldnguy
  2985. I GTG guis bai
  2986. 9:43
  2987. DrGodzilla120
  2988. o/
  2989. 9:43
  2990. Flaredragon00
  2991. (??) <( It's raaaining, it's pouuuring~)
  2992. 9:43
  2993. LSDKama
  2994. (AZJira) *Turns around*
  2995. Bye
  2996. 9:43
  2997. Thegoldnguy
  2998. g'night
  2999. 9:43
  3000. GarudaGoji
  3001. Damn... Well, hope you have good luck there Tengen.
  3002. 9:43
  3003. Gallibon the Destroyer
  3004. o/
  3005. 9:43
  3006. Tengen Toppa Lazengann
  3007. o/
  3008. 9:43
  3009. GarudaGoji
  3010. Bye goldn
  3011. 9:43
  3012. DrGodzilla120
  3013. (Trahir) *narrows his eyes a little*
  3014. (Trahir) The irony.
  3015. 9:43
  3016. Gallibon the Destroyer
  3017. (Gamoni) *has her whip in one hand*
  3018. 9:43
  3019. Tengen Toppa Lazengann
  3020. it's only for this week, since I missed two days of work.
  3021. 9:43
  3022. DrGodzilla120
  3023. (Trahir) Mother Nature is cruel after all.
  3024. 9:43
  3025. StayPuftMarshmellowMan
  3026. Bye
  3027. 9:43
  3028. DrGodzilla120
  3029. (Trahir) *opens a portal and walks inside*
  3030. 9:43
  3031. Gallibon the Destroyer
  3032. (Gamoni) *growls*
  3033. 9:43
  3034. LSDKama
  3035. (Omnia) <{...Trahir's back.}
  3036. 9:43
  3037. Tengen Toppa Lazengann
  3038. So, I'm running 13 hours shifts at my job.
  3039. 9:43
  3040. Flaredragon00
  3041. (??) <( Time keeps on slippin, slippin, slipping....into the waaaater~)
  3042. 9:44
  3043. LSDKama
  3044. (Omnia) *Runs around in a circle.*
  3045. (Omnia) <{nononononononononononononononononononono.}
  3046. 9:44
  3047. Gallibon the Destroyer
  3048. (Gamoni) *eyes dart back and forth*
  3049. Thegoldnguy has been slashed by Gigan!
  3050. 9:44
  3051. Flaredragon00
  3052. (??) <( ...Wait, how ca-nevermind.)
  3053. gtg
  3054. 9:45
  3055. DrGodzilla120
  3056. o/
  3057. 9:45
  3058. Gallibon the Destroyer
  3059. (Gamoni) *looks at AZJira* <(You there.)
  3060. o/
  3061. 9:45
  3062. GarudaGoji
  3063. bye flare
  3064. Flaredragon00 has been slashed by Gigan!
  3065. 9:45
  3066. LSDKama
  3067. bye
  3068. (AZJira) *Tilts his head.*
  3069. (Omnia) <{whyohwhyohwhy.}
  3070. 9:45
  3071. Tengen Toppa Lazengann
  3072. Has anyone seen Gojiran today?
  3073. 9:46
  3074. HerokraShadowgem
  3075. (CM) *Notices that Rilah went to bed, and leaves, noticing that NYC is under attack*
  3076. 9:46
  3077. GarudaGoji
  3078. Nyeeeeeeeep
  3079. 9:46
  3080. LSDKama
  3081. Yes
  3082. 9:46
  3083. Gallibon the Destroyer
  3084. (Gamoni) <(What's going on here?)
  3085. Yeah
  3086. 9:46
  3087. HerokraShadowgem
  3088. (CM) <(FUCK, i JUST fucking turned HUMAN)
  3089. 9:46
  3090. LSDKama
  3091. (Omnia) *Returns to Limbo.*
  3092. 9:46
  3093. DrGodzilla120
  3094. Gojiran was here.
  3095. 9:46
  3096. LSDKama
  3097. (AZJira) <{...You mean?}
  3098. 9:46
  3099. DrGodzilla120
  3100. He said he would BBL.
  3101. I'm waiting for him as well.
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