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Dec 29th, 2020
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  1. #comment
  2. /> DO I HAVE TO DEBLOAT WINDOWS 10?/;boards:g
  3. /https:\/\/;boards:g
  5. />Do I have to debloat stuff?/;boards:g
  6. />What terminal should I use with LTSC?/;boards:g
  7. />What's a good bash/zsh/fish shell to use?/;boards:g
  8. /Startisback\+\+\(the centered dock\)/;boards:g
  9. /LTSC releases only come by every three years, nased on one version./;boards:g
  10. /Windows 10 LTSC 2019 is based. Works fine for me on games, running the latest drivers for gpu, and sound./;boards:g
  11. />what is that imageviewer without borders?/;boards:g
  12. /View images, colors, crop, go with no border, etc.. in ImageGlass./;boards:g
  13. /Simplewall for your connection filtering in Windows./;boards:gfor all of your games./;boards:g
  14. / has context menu using c#. It is configurable so you can other mpv options and usercripts./;boards:g
  15. /Open-Shell is a fork of the abandoned Classic Shell. Replace your Windows 10 startmenu with a better one./;boards:g
  16. /Open-shell is a start menu replacement and shell enhancer./;boards:g
  17. /Change that Windows 10 start menu to a more classic feel and extend the explorer shell with Open-Shell./;boards:g
  18. /Powertoys is a set of programs that aim to enhance your Windows 10 experience./;boards:g
  19. /Launch programs, tile windows, rename multiple files, resize images, and view markdowns from the file explorer with Microsoft PowerToys./;boards:g
  20. /Simplewall is a third-party firewall tool tthat filters Windows telemetry and whitelist approved processes\./;boards:g
  21. /Check hashes with this free and open-source shell extension called OpenHashTab\./;boards:g
  22. /OpenHashTab is a shell extension/;boards:g
  23. /Windows 10 Setup Script" is a set of tweaks for OS fine-tuning and automating the routine tasks/;boards:g
  24. /I am not a poorfag or a foss larper like you\. I actually pay for quality software\./;boards:g
  25. /Postbox is a thunderbird fork that its actually maintained\./;boards:g
  26. /Microsoft actually copied it from Ubuntu/i;boards:g
  27. /WinRAR is a powerful archive manager./i;boards:g
  28. /bandizip/i;boards:g
  29. /play.{0,3}nite.*emulator/i;boards:g
  30. /https:\/\/pastebin\.com\/dX9um76P/i;boards:g
  31. /ESD -> ISO Converter/i;boards:g
  32. /(baby|rubber)\s*duck/i;boards:g
  33. /7-4EVA/i;boards:g
  34. /farag2/i;boards:g
  35. /Windows-10-Sophia-Script/i;boards:g
  36. /### Edge(chromium)/i;boards:g
  38. #image md5
  39. #fwt spammer image md5
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