

Nov 23rd, 2018
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  1. 憲兵:
  2. Item_Information:
  3. Item_Name: "&e憲兵"
  4. Item_Type: 76
  5. Item_Lore: "&d&l敵に当てるとハスクを召喚する"
  6. Sounds_Acquired: BAT_TAKEOFF-1-1-0
  7. Inventory_Control: Group_main
  8. Shooting:
  9. Right_Click_To_Shoot: true
  10. Cancel_Left_Click_Block_Damage: true
  11. Cancel_Right_Click_Interactions: true
  12. Delay_Between_Shots: 4
  13. Recoil_Amount: 0
  14. Projectile_Amount: 1
  15. Projectile_Type: snowball
  16. Projectile_Speed: 40
  17. Projectile_Damage: 1
  18. Bullet_Spread: 0
  19. Sounds_Shoot: IRONGOLEM_HIT-1-2-0,SKELETON_HURT-1-2-0,ZOMBIE_WOOD-1-2-0
  20. Custom_Death_Message:
  21. Normal: "&3<shooter>&7--&7[&d憲兵召喚&7]-->&4<victim>"
  22. Sneak:
  23. Enable: true
  24. No_Recoil: true
  25. Bullet_Spread: 2
  26. Reload:
  27. Enable: true
  28. Reload_Amount: 15
  29. Reload_Bullets_Individually: false
  30. Reload_Duration: 60
  31. Sounds_Out_Of_Ammo: ITEM_BREAK-1-1-0
  32. Sounds_Reloading: FIRE_IGNITE-1-1-4,DOOR_OPEN-1-2-6,FIRE_IGNITE-1-1-36,HURT_FLESH-1-0-37,DOOR_CLOSE-1-2-38
  33. Firearm_Action:
  34. Type: slide
  35. Close_Duration: 10
  36. Close_Shoot_Delay: 12
  37. Sound_Close: PISTON_RETRACT-1-2-0,PISTON_RETRACT-1-2-3
  38. Spawn_Entity_On_Hit:
  39. Enable: true
  40. Chance: 100
  41. Mob_Name: Zombie
  42. EntityType_Baby_Explode_Amount: zombie-true-false-1
  43. Make_Entities_Target_Victim: true
  44. Timed_Death: 100
  45. Entity_Disable_Drops: true
  46. Message_Shooter: HIT!
  47. Message_Victim:
  48. Abilities:
  49. Reset_Hit_Cooldown: true
  50. Hit_Events:
  51. Enable: true
  52. Sounds_Shooter: SHOOT_ARROW-1-2-0
  53. Extras:
  54. One_Time_Use: false
  55. スイカランチャー:
  56. Item_Information:
  57. Item_Name: "&eスイカランチャー"
  58. Item_Type: 103
  59. Item_Lore: "&d着弾地点に爆発性スイカをまき散らす|強いがリロード速度は長い(7秒)"
  60. Sounds_Acquired: BAT_TAKEOFF-1-1-0
  61. Inventory_Control: Group_main
  62. Shooting:
  63. Right_Click_To_Shoot: true
  64. Cancel_Left_Click_Block_Damage: true
  65. Cancel_Right_Click_Interactions: true
  66. Delay_Between_Shots: 1
  67. Recoil_Amount: 0
  68. Projectile_Amount: 1
  69. Projectile_Type: egg
  70. Projectile_Speed: 13
  71. Projectile_Damage: 2
  72. Bullet_Spread: 0.5
  73. Sounds_Shoot: IRONGOLEM_HIT-1-2-0,SKELETON_HURT-1-2-0,ZOMBIE_WOOD-1-2-0
  74. Custom_Death_Message:
  75. Normal: "&3<shooter>&7--&7[&3スイカランチャー&6Eve&7]-→&4<victim>"
  76. Explosions:
  77. Enable: true
  78. Explosion_Radius: 3
  79. Explosion_Delay: 20
  80. On_Impact_With_Anything: true
  81. Knockback: 0
  82. Explosion_No_Grief: true
  83. Cluster_Bombs:
  84. Enable: true
  85. Bomblet_Type: 360
  86. Delay_Before_Split: 10
  87. Number_Of_Splits: 3
  88. Number_Of_Bomblets: 3
  89. Speed_Of_Bomblets: 7
  90. Delay_Before_Detonation: 0
  91. Detonation_Delay_Variation: 10
  92. Particle_Release: SMOKE
  93. Sounds_Release: ENTITY_HORSE_EAT
  94. Shrapnel:
  95. Enable: true
  96. Block_Type: 103
  97. Amount: 2
  98. Speed: 2
  99. Place_Blocks: false
  100. Sneak:
  101. Enable: true
  102. No_Recoil: true
  103. Bullet_Spread: 0.5
  104. Reload:
  105. Enable: true
  106. Reload_Amount: 1
  107. Reload_Bullets_Individually: false
  108. Reload_Duration: 140
  109. Sounds_Out_Of_Ammo: ITEM_BREAK-1-1-0
  110. Sounds_Reloading: FIRE_IGNITE-1-1-4,DOOR_OPEN-1-2-6,FIRE_IGNITE-1-1-36,HURT_FLESH-1-0-37,DOOR_CLOSE-1-2-38
  111. Firearm_Action:
  112. Type: slide
  113. Close_Duration: 10
  114. Close_Shoot_Delay: 12
  115. Sound_Close: PISTON_RETRACT-1-2-0,PISTON_RETRACT-1-2-3
  116. Scope:
  117. Enable: true
  118. Zoom_Amount: 3
  119. Zoom_Bullet_Spread: 0
  120. Sounds_Toggle_Zoom: ENDERDRAGON_WINGS-1-2-0
  121. Abilities:
  122. Reset_Hit_Cooldown: true
  123. Hit_Events:
  124. Enable: true
  125. Sounds_Shooter: SHOOT_ARROW-1-2-0
  126. Extras:
  127. One_Time_Use: false
  128. ダイナマイト:
  129. Item_Information:
  130. Item_Name: "&eAK-47"
  131. Item_Type: 46
  132. Item_Lore: "&0火薬投げ投げだぁー!"
  133. Sounds_Acquired: BAT_TAKEOFF-1-1-0
  134. Shooting:
  135. Right_Click_To_Shoot: true
  136. Cancel_Left_Click_Block_Damage: true
  137. Cancel_Right_Click_Interactions: true
  138. Delay_Between_Shots: 4
  139. Recoil_Amount: 1
  140. Projectile_Amount: 1
  141. Projectile_Type: grenade
  142. Projectile_Subtype:
  143. Projectile_Speed: 40
  144. Projectile_Damage: 4
  145. Bullet_Spread: 2
  146. Sounds_Shoot: SHOOT_ARROW-2-0-0
  147. Explosions:
  148. Enable: true
  149. Explosion_Radius: 5
  150. Explosion_Delay: 40
  151. Knockback:
  152. Explosion_No_Grief: true
  153. Sneak:
  154. Enable: true
  155. No_Recoil: true
  156. Bullet_Spread: 2
  157. Burstfire:
  158. Enable: true
  159. Shots_Per_Burst: 2
  160. Delay_Between_Shots_In_Burst: 3
  161. Reload:
  162. Enable: true
  163. Reload_Amount: 5
  164. Reload_Bullets_Individually: false
  165. Reload_Duration: 5
  166. Sounds_Out_Of_Ammo: ITEM_BREAK-1-1-0
  167. Sounds_Reloading: FIRE_IGNITE-1-1-4,DOOR_OPEN-1-2-6,FIRE_IGNITE-1-1-36,HURT_FLESH-1-0-37,DOOR_CLOSE-1-2-38
  168. Scope:
  169. Enable: true
  170. Zoom_Amount: 5
  171. Zoom_Bullet_Spread: 0
  172. Sounds_Toggle_Zoom: ENDERDRAGON_WINGS-1-2-0
  173. Abilities:
  174. Reset_Hit_Cooldown: true
  175. Hit_Events:
  176. Enable: true
  177. Sounds_Shooter: SHOOT_ARROW-1-2-0
  178. Extras:
  179. One_Time_Use: false
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