
253 Misc 7

Oct 11th, 2024
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  1. A34: They're… everywhere. They're filling the hallways. They're making… some sort of sound.
  2. (a deep, hollow moaning can be heard over the log, increasing in intensity)
  3. (from this point forward, several distortions can be heard on the log)
  4. G01: …-treat. Re-…
  5. A34: They're moving clo-…
  6. G01: Fa-… ba… Fall back!
  7. A34: Da-…-t.
  8. (distortions continue in background)
  9. G01: Say again A34. I couldn't hear you over the static.
  10. A34: One of them touched me.
  11. G01: We'll regroup near the reception desk, A34. You're officially being removed from the mission.
  12. A34: Yes, sir. Proceeding to recep-
  13. Unknown: [unintelligible]
  14. G01: Say again? I didn't hear you.
  15. Unknown: [unintelligible]
  16. G01: A34? A34, RESPOND!
  17. G01: Team! Role call with hand sign.
  18. A12: A12 in fighting form.
  19. A29: A29 in fighting form.
  20. A48: A48 in fighting form.
  21. A57: A57 in fighting form.
  22. G01: G01 in fighting form.
  23. (pause)
  24. G01: All right. A34 is MIA. We'll proceed to the reception desk
  26. [...]
  28. A57: To our six! They're coming!
  29. G01: Defensive positions! Can we make it to the door?
  30. A57: Several contacts are in the way. They do not appear to be approaching us, displaying the swaying behavior.
  31. G01: We'll retreat that way. A12? What's wrong, A12?
  32. A12: (quietly) They've done something to their faces.
  33. G01: What are you talking… Oh Jesus. A48, get a picture of that.
  34. A48: That's one way to use a scalpel. Wait a minute, is that a necklace made of teeth?
  35. A29: The fuck, the fuck, the fuck.
  36. (sounds of weapons fire)
  37. G01: CEASE FIRE! Perchand, CEASE FIRE! ERIC! Note: Eric Perchand is A12.
  38. (distortions on log increase)
  39. A12: I'm sorry. I'm so sorry.
  40. G01: [Unintelligible]
  41. A34: [Unintelligible]
  42. A57: [Unintelligible]
  44. ***
  45. Incident I.J77.82
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