
Fuses his Fire and Lightning elementals

Apr 26th, 2017
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  1. “I’ll do that,” I said, shifting in midair as Levant prepared herself in response to my mental command, looking at Vulturnus and Suryasta again. They didn’t move or react in the slightest and they didn’t have to.
  3. I took a deep breath.
  5. Fire and Lightning in Harmony, I thought to myself, feeling them against my Aura. I could hear two songs, like the one I felt from Crocea Mors so long ago, but it was impossible to sing both with one voice, no matter how hard I tried. But that didn’t mean I couldn’t make a new song, did it? After all, the basic types of Dust could be combined—why not the Elementals they represented? It was a simple idea I’d had for a long time but had never been able to make work.
  7. Until Harmony had shown the way and opened up the possibilities of ‘intermediate’ elementals—that is, Elements with two parts. If I thought of it like Dust, then there were many different ways to combine the four basic elements by putting together two, three, or all four types; presumably my power would allow something similar, eventually. I’d experimented with the possibilities of using two Elements and it had opened up a range of possibilities, some more useful than others. Of the ones I’d gotten practice with, though…I think I liked this one the best.
  9. I fired as I exhaled and now that I was looking for it, I felt my dad’s reaction, a sudden shift in the air—but this wasn’t fire or lightning anymore. I didn’t even have a name for it yet, though mostly because I hadn’t been able to decide on a good one for the effect yet. But when it hit my father’s throne, it made things move, exciting them on a very, very small level as their energy was raised higher and higher. I saw my father rise, perhaps sensing it on some level, but—
  11. The throne exploded, flinging my father away. I was after him the moment I’d seen him move, flying through the air with Levant and Suryasta’s aid even as my father stopped his fall abruptly, staggering against empty space. I didn’t give a chance to recover, knowing I couldn’t afford to, but instead rammed into him with all the force I could muster, hurling us both towards the ground. I grabbed at him with my four arms, trying to get a firm hold, but he grabbed my face in a massive hand and turned at the last moment, driving my face into the broken pavement. I didn’t stop, though, tails rising to circle his throat as my soul-self rose from my body, trying to push him away even as it attacked.
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