
Apr18TuShu interview post

Apr 18th, 2013
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  1. <small>[Somewhat uncharacteristically, Lois is actually using the console in the Earth Sector suite which nominally belongs to her for this video. In fact, it looks like it’s being made into a work space. She’s smiling with satisfaction.]</small>
  3. Lois Lane, with the Daily Planet back home. As for here?
  5. Clark has talked about our plans for a news source run by and for us foreigners. You might wonder what more we could do, since this network is a communal blog—journal, for those of you from other time periods. While some of us might be intelligence agents or professional researchers or detectives <small>[<i><s>you know who you are</s></i>]</small>, most of us don’t have the time and energy to go through every conversation for answers, announcements, or news. Hopefully our station can be a kind of go-to hub for highlights.
  7. More seriously, sometimes stories can be pretty scary to break. If you don’t want to be the one to be in the crosshairs but think something needs to get out, come to us. We’ll try our best to keep you safe as well as breaking the news. <small>[And they’re qualified, too.]</small>
  9. Finally, there are multiple and growing foreigner organizations. Every new idea generates a storm of questions which get repeated. Clark and I hope this will be a good way to consolidate them. To give you an idea, an old friend agreed to drop by.
  11. <small>[She stands a little to scoot over and make room and—surprise! Red cape, blue suit, S-shield. <i>Shocking</i>--unless you know even a little bit about her. It is the opposite of shocking.
  13. *Do you want him to have a line or two here as starter?*]</small>
  15. <small>[She smiles back at him before returning to the camera.]</small> For over ten years now Superman has kept my home town of Metropolis and our Earth—sometimes our universe--safe from threats great and small. Not long ago he spoke on the Network about starting a support network for young metahumans—people with powers—who are uncertain of their powers and place in life. He’s taking time out to talk about that and respond to some of the concerns people aired during the first discussion.
  17. So, since not everyone knows you as well as <small>[<i><s>I</s></i>] those of us from our Earth do, why don’t you introduce yourself for our more recent and far-flung viewers?
  19. ---
  21. <small>[ooc: the full interview is in the first thread, and plotwise takes place before any other threads; a summary of questions/answers for people to react to is <a href=>here</a>.]
  23. ---
  25. <small>[Live interview is a lot different than doing one for print: they get to talk more freely in private, even if she kept an audio record to work from. Still, she’s covered press conferences he’s spoken at; this is a slice of home.]</small>
  27. Thanks for taking the time, Superman.
  29. This is just the start. We hope to go fully live next month. We’re taking both volunteers and suggestions for a name right now. Line’s open for questions, both for me about our plans and for Superman, as long as he’s able to spare the time.
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