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May 3rd, 2017
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  1. 93.587> kmess(24754) MsnConnection::slotDataReceived: "MsnSwitchboardConnection" - <<< (C) ("MSG", "", "Pamela", "101")
  2. 93.587> kmess(24754) MsnConnection::slotDataReceived: "MsnSwitchboardConnection" - <<< (P) "MIME-Version: 1.0
  3. Content-Type: text/x-msmsgscontrol
  4. TypingUser:
  7. "
  8. 93.590> kmess(24754) MimeMessage::MimeMessage: Parsing the message.
  9. 93.591> kmess(24754) MsnSwitchboardConnection::parseMimeMessage: Received mime message of type ' "text/x-msmsgscontrol" '.
  10. 93.591> kmess(24754) ChatWindow::slotGotTypingMessage: Using chat: Chat(0xa559748)
  11. 93.591> kmess(24754) ChatWindow::slotGotTypingMessage: These contacts are typing: ("Pamela")
  12. 93.591> kmess(24754) ChatWindow::showStatusMessage: Showing status bar text "Pamela está escribiendo..." with duration 5
  13. 93.591> kmess(24754) ChatWindow::showStatusMessage: Setting status bar update timer to 5 sec.
  14. 94.748> kmess(24754) MsnConnection::slotDataReceived: "MsnSwitchboardConnection" - <<< (C) ("MSG", "", "Pamela", "214")
  15. 94.748> kmess(24754) MsnConnection::slotDataReceived: "MsnSwitchboardConnection" - <<< (P) "MIME-Version: 1.0
  16. Content-Type: text/x-mms-animemoticon
  18. /paja <msnobj Creator="" Type="2" SHA1D="wKQoIV7JcZzgvTfU3l/XE2EGgzE=" Size="1080" Location="0" Friendly="LwBwAGEAagBhAAAA"/> "
  19. 94.751> kmess(24754) MimeMessage::MimeMessage: Parsing the message.
  20. 94.751> kmess(24754) MsnSwitchboardConnection::parseMimeMessage: Received mime message of type ' "text/x-mms-animemoticon" '.
  21. 94.751> kmess(24754) MsnSwitchboardConnection::parseEmoticonMessage: Received custom emoticon list for "" .
  22. 94.751> kmess(24754) MsnSwitchboardConnection::parseEmoticonMessage: Adding emoticon code "/paja" .
  23. 94.752> kmess(24754) ContactBase::addEmoticonDefinition: adding ' "/paja" ' to pending replacements
  24. 94.752> kmess(24754) ChatMaster::startMsnObjectDownload: Contact MsnObject is already in cache.
  25. 94.754> kmess(24754) ContactBase::addEmoticonFile: linking ' "/paja" ' to received file.
  26. 94.755> kmess(24754) ContactBase::addEmoticonFile: Setting image for ' "/paja" to "/home/azag/.kde/share/apps/kmess/customemoticons/wKQoIV7JcZzgvTfU3l_XE2EGgzE=.png"
  27. 94.756> kmess(24754) Chat::isContactInChat: Is "" in chat Chat(0xa559748) ? 1-on-1 required? false Participants: ("") Has switchboard? true Last known contacts: ()
  28. 94.756> kmess(24754) Chat::isContactInChat: Returning true
  29. 94.757> kmess(24754) ChatMessageView::updateCustomEmoticon: Replacing emoticon ' "/paja" ' with ' "<img src='/home/azag/.kde/share/apps/kmess/customemoticons/wKQoIV7JcZzgvTfU3l_XE2EGgzE=.png' alt='/paja' width='83' height='100' valign='middle' class='customEmoticon' />" ' for ' "" '
  30. 95.117> kmess(24754) MsnConnection::slotDataReceived: "MsnSwitchboardConnection" - <<< (C) ("MSG", "", "Pamela", "131")
  31. 95.117> kmess(24754) MsnConnection::slotDataReceived: "MsnSwitchboardConnection" - <<< (P) "MIME-Version: 1.0
  32. Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8
  33. X-MMS-IM-Format: FN=Verdana%20Ref; EF=; CO=800000; CS=0; PF=22
  35. /paja"
  36. 95.120> kmess(24754) MimeMessage::MimeMessage: Parsing the message.
  37. 95.120> kmess(24754) MsnSwitchboardConnection::parseMimeMessage: Received mime message of type ' "text/plain" '.
  38. 95.120> kmess(24754) MsnSwitchboardConnection::parseChatMessage: Got message by "" : "/paja"
  39. 95.120> kmess(24754) Chat::receivedMessage: Displaying message, internal type= 0
  40. 95.120> kmess(24754) Chat::receivedMessage: First message = false .
  41. 95.120> kmess(24754) ChatMessageView::showMessage: appending new message.
  42. 95.128> kmess(24754) ChatWindow::slotGotTypingMessage: Using chat: Chat(0xa559748)
  43. 95.128> kmess(24754) ChatWindow::slotGotTypingMessage: These contacts are typing: ()
  44. 95.128> kmess(24754) ChatWindow::slotGotTypingMessage: No contacts are typing anymore, cleaning up the status bar.
  45. 95.128> kmess(24754) ChatWindow::showStatusMessage: Showing status bar text "" with duration 5
  46. 95.131> kmess(24754) ChatNotification::notify: Window is active, skipping.
  47. 95.140> WARNING: QPainter::begin: Widget painting can only begin as a result of a paintEvent
  48. 95.140> WARNING: QPainter::translate: Painter not active
  49. 95.140> WARNING: QPainter::setClipRect: Painter not active
  50. 95.140> WARNING: QPainter::setPen: Painter not active
  51. 95.140> WARNING: QPainter::worldTransform: Painter not active
  52. 95.141> WARNING: QPainter::setPen: Painter not active
  53. 95.141> WARNING: QPainter::setBrush: Painter not active
  54. 95.141> WARNING: QPainter::drawRects: Painter not active
  55. 95.515> kmess(24754) NowListeningClient::slotUpdate: Updating Now Playing status
  56. ERROR: Couldn't attach to DCOP server!
  57. 96.441> kmess(24754) P2PApplicationBase::slotCleanup: timer of endApplicationLater() fired, finally destroying object.
  58. 96.441> kmess(24754) Application::endApplication: Requesting removal
  59. 96.441> kmess(24754) ApplicationList::slotTerminateApplication: Removing application.
  60. 96.441> kmess(24754) P2PApplication::~P2PApplication: session= 2474244
  61. 96.441> kmess(24754) P2PApplicationBase::~P2PApplicationBase: closing= true timer= false state= 17 unackedCount= 0 .
  62. 96.441> kmess(24754) Application::~Application: DESTROYED. [handle= "" ]
  63. 97.712> kmess(24754) ChatView::slotAddNewEmoticon: Showing Add Emoticon dialog - shortcut= "" picture= "paja//home/azag/.kde/share/apps/kmess/customemoticons/wKQoIV7JcZzgvTfU3l_XE2EGgzE=.png"
  64. 97.757> WARNING: QFSFileEngine::open: No file name specified
  65. 97.759> kmess(24754) AddEmoticonDialog::interfaceChanged: Resetting preview.
  66. 97.759> WARNING: QFSFileEngine::open: No file name specified
  67. 97.801> kmess(24754) AddEmoticonDialog::interfaceChanged: Resetting preview.
  68. 98.591> kmess(24754) ChatWindow::slotGotTypingMessage: Using chat: Chat(0xa559748)
  69. 98.592> kmess(24754) ChatWindow::slotGotTypingMessage: These contacts are typing: ()
  70. 98.592> kmess(24754) ChatWindow::slotGotTypingMessage: No contacts are typing anymore, cleaning up the status bar.
  71. 98.592> kmess(24754) ChatWindow::showStatusMessage: Showing status bar text "" with duration 5
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