
Little Green man, Ala in disguise, and Zombie Viking

Aug 17th, 2015
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  1. 18:13 Padraig-O-Sullivan It was a normal day in Neon. The sun was out, the birds were chirping, there wasn't a cloud in the sky. The happy Security Guard put up a little sign next to the bank. "5 Days without a Robbery" as it stuck to the surface of the wall, The Security Guard grinned. Until...
  2. 18:13 Padraig-O-Sullivan The Doors suddenly burst open. Up to five goblins ran out, each one carrying a bow or a sword. Floating above those Goblins on a golden throne, was a Green, maniacally looking short man, with stumpy legs...
  3. 18:13 Padraig-O-Sullivan "Oh, it's a wee joy to me when ah bust open their doors like a cork off a bottle." The small leprechaun laughed out. "Makes me feel, like Ah'm 12 feet tall."
  4. 18:16 Isidora looked back over her shoulder. She didn't look a demon, not right now. She had disguised herself. Pale blonde hair, tanned skin, and a big wrapped scarf. For once she was trying to blend in, going to the bank. Get something done... Well, apparently not!
  5. 18:17 Eric-The-Everliving was walking down the sidewalk, dragging two things, one a large rusted sword he took from the museum, it was technically his in life, so not really stealing, other was a dead cow he got from gods know where. He sat down on the steps completely ignoring the little men behind him [well, littler] he stabbed the sword into the ground and placed the cow on...
  6. 18:20 Eric-The-Everliving ...His Lap, removing the chainmail covering his face, revealing the corpse underneath, and began to dig in. Why was he eating the cow? He had a craving.
  7. 18:22 Isidora pulled the act of being a civilian... not very well. As others may have fled or screamed, she stood in place and looked out towards the sudden intruders.
  8. 18:23 Eric-The-Everliving turned slowly to Dora, then to behind him."grra? meeh" he continues eating
  9. 18:23 Padraig-O-Sullivan screamed at the other Goblins, "Where is it, where's mah bloody gold!? Bring it here, now!" a few seconds after, four goblins crawled out, barely supporting the large tray of gold bars they were supposed to carry out. As soon as the tray is next to Padraig, he absorbs one of the gold bars...
  10. 18:24 Isidora "...The fuck is this..." Initial reaction was to, well, leave and let the poor mortals just be robbed, hardly meant a thing to her. But on the other hand.... Goddamn it fine you win conscience.
  11. 18:24 Eric-The-Everliving raised his head up. "Grald?"
  12. 18:25 Isidora stood up and started to walk her way towards the strange goblins and their leader. "You! Get the hell out of here! I don't know which hole you crawled out of but go back to it, some people have things they have to do!"
  13. 18:25 Padraig-O-Sullivan ...and with doing so, his very fist lights up in a green aura. He turns his fist into a palm, aiming it at the Chandelier, The Green Energy zapped it, making it swerve right to left. And for some reason, it fell, and as soon as it fell, it exploded. All is heard is the rubble shaking and the cackling laugh of Padraig.
  14. 18:28 Padraig-O-Sullivan "Oh?" He leaned forward and stared Isidora straight in the face. "Then why don't you do something about it, lass? What're you gonna do, call the police?" He starts laughing, slapping his stomach with not being able to help the cackling. "Are ya gonna put me in jail?"
  15. 18:29 Isidora didn't want to reveal herself as a demon. That itself would cause some problems... Wait. There we go. Pretend to be some kind of Meta! "You chose the wrong day to pull this shit, you know. You chose MY bank."
  16. 18:30 Isidora whipped her hand forward, with it a streak of lightning cracked out towards the Leprechaun
  17. 18:32 Padraig-O-Sullivan was struck from the lightning, flying out of his golden throne, bouncing and skidding on the ground like a ball. He gets up, he groans, rubbing his head. "Oh, so you can play with lightning, huh?" As soon as he can, he shoots the same green energy he shot at the chandelier, at Isidora. "How about you play with this, lass?!"
  18. 18:34 Isidora was going to put everything she had into... not showing off, if she could help it. Sprinting at a normal human speed she tried to jump and duck out of the way of energy, rolling across the ground as she cursed under her breath.
  19. 18:38 Padraig-O-Sullivan The energy misses, hitting the ground. Nothing happens for a while, except for the fact that an anvil out of nowhere slams onto it with such force that creates a hole in the ground. The resulting destruction causes a large chip to hit Eric straight into the face.
  20. 18:38 Eric-The-Everliving "..."
  21. 18:39 *** Dragomir joined #covenger_rp
  22. 18:39 Isidora "...The fuck was that?" Isi ended up asking aloud as the anvil falls. She knew of many magics, this was new to her.
  23. 18:41 Padraig-O-Sullivan "The power of luck, lass. I can make you very unhappy if I wanted to. Hell, I could make you dead if I wanted to, it's all down to luck!" He starts laughing again. As soon as he can, he charges his green energy again and starts shooting it at Isidora like a madman.
  24. 18:41 Eric-The-Everliving stand up, cow dropping to the ground. "grraaAAAAAH!" Eric grabs his sword pulling from the ground looking for who did that. The girl? No, something is off with her. The little green man? Oh yes.
  25. 18:43 Isidora ducks her head underneath her scarf as the green energy fires off here and there. She's quick, but in keeping the disguise and self restraining her powers she couldn't dodge all of it
  26. 18:44 Eric-The-Everliving swiped the sword down infront of Padraig, the sword width being half his size. Its a big sword
  27. 18:45 Padraig-O-Sullivan The last few energy blasts that didn't hit Isidora caused a chain of things to happen. A part of the ground suddenly lit on fire, the wall collapsed, the roof started rooting, but the blast that did hit Isidora caused a Bull out of nowhere to run in and attempt to trample her.
  28. 18:47 Padraig-O-Sullivan But, of course, only good things come a few, and as soon as Padraig had the upper hand, he was suddenly met with the gigantic sword that Eric swiped at him. "Wha-OH S-" The sword's force caused him to hurdle through the bank walls, creating a cartoon-like silhouette hole in it. He got up, peeping through said hole.
  29. 18:48 Isidora was bucked right off into another wall by the bull, cursing the whole way and going through a wall in a similar cartoon silhouette. It would have probably killed a normal human but, well, Isi was not that. Bringing her hands together she made a long spear of lightning, charging back out through the hole and chucking it at the minions that were robbing
  30. 18:50 Eric-The-Everliving roared again, "Little elf will die!" He charges blindly to the holl Pad made
  31. 18:50 Eric-The-Everliving hole*
  32. 18:51 *** Dragomir is now known as PrivateEyes
  33. 18:51 Padraig-O-Sullivan points at the giant zombie viking and young looking girl who just flew through a wall. "ATTACK!" As soon as he said that, The Goblins flew in the hundreds, each of them jumping on Eric and slowing him down. The other Goblins were already busy with Isidora, but it was still them doing what they were told to do.
  34. 18:53 Padraig-O-Sullivan "...Now, If ah absorb this here gold altogether, these little shits won't be able to stop me..." He attempted to sneak over to the tray filled to the brim with gold bars, while the others were distracted.
  35. 18:54 Isidora bit onto her lip before she placed her hands down onto the floor. Across the ground sparks of electricity spread out to zap the goblins all around Eric, able to keep it from hitting the guy so he could (hopefully) stop him from getting to the gold
  36. 18:55 Eric-The-Everliving stopped in his track, at first only swiping at the goblins, but soon starting to grab and devour their heads in one bite, or arms, or legs, however position the got to his mouth. He stopped after Dora's electric trick. Running after Pad, with his size and the whole zombie thing, he was still a bit slow
  37. 18:59 Padraig-O-Sullivan was hit by the electricity, making him fall down to the ground. For some reason, He can't cope with being hit with lightning. "God, DAMN IT! GOBLINS! AH NEED HELP!" Goblins shot through the roof, shooting down arrows at both Isidora and Eric. Albeit, their arm is a bit sloppy.
  38. 19:02 Eric-The-Everliving Eric continued walking towards Pad. "Arrows? AHAHAH!" Erics back was covered in them from years ago, and these little ones weren't going to stop him, even when they hit him
  39. 19:02 Eric-The-Everliving Plus he was covered in armor, so. yeah
  40. 19:05 Isidora was busy taking cover from the arrows, swiping them away and firing off sparks of lightning in return. An arrow or two could graze her shoulder, but she kept herself largely safe... and out of sight of the leprechaun
  41. 19:05 Padraig-O-Sullivan Just a few more metres, and he'd be there. He suddenly started hovering, but very slowly. "C-come on, I need it, I need it, I need it..." He started growling and looking back at Eric, who was gaining pace on him.
  42. 19:10 Eric-The-Everliving "GRAHAHAH"
  43. 19:11 Isidora snaked around in the shadows bit by bit while the lightning she had left kept the goblins at bay. By the time that poor Pad could reach the gold, well, she was standing in front of it.
  44. 19:12 Padraig-O-Sullivan "Ha...Haha..Hahaha. It's funny, like, it's a joke, laugh with me. Come on, this was just a big setup. That gold? It's fake. The anvil?" He was obviously lying. "T-that was just a prop! In fact, this is... a movie! Yes! A movie!" He looked up at Isidora visibly shaking. "It's a joke, a movie! I swear!"
  45. 19:13 Eric-The-Everliving made it, he was right behind the little guy
  46. 19:13 Isidora "What was it you said I was going to do earlier?"
  47. 19:15 Padraig-O-Sullivan "W-...Wh-what? That you were going to be very unlucky? Going to be dead? Oh yeah, I'm into very hardcore humor. This is practically a snuff film now, you killed my... my... animatronics. That's it, those goblins were animated robots."
  48. 19:17 Eric-The-Everliving "Rrubats?" He scratched his chinwith an arm from one of the goblins
  49. 19:19 Padraig-O-Sullivan "Yes! See that arm? It's not an actual goblins, hell, I'm... I'm not even a Leprechaun! See my magic?" He lights up his hand with green energy. "CGI, Computer Graphics, nothing will actually happen to you if you touch it." He holds out his hand at Eric, seemingly requesting a handshake. "C'mon, we're buddies, right?"
  50. 19:20 Eric-The-Everliving grabs his hand, crushing it. but at the same time the magic took hold
  51. 19:22 Padraig-O-Sullivan "A-AHHOW-HAahahahaha. Hah. See? B-buddies." He grinned, showing the griddy, disgusting details of his teeth. He started to laugh, the Magic engulfed Eric and suddenly faded. Padraig hovered back a bit, to avoid the giant oil truck that eventually falls on Eric.
  52. 19:23 Isidora looked down, then in a single hand swept up the leprechaun by the back of his shirt while he tried to drift away. "You make another move, like that, I'm going to fry you."
  53. 19:24 Eric-The-Everliving "Grrah?" the truck hit Eric, and like any action movie, caused a explosion, fire ball and all, thankfully Dora and Pad weren't harmed, somehow.
  54. 19:29 Eric-The-Everliving "RRRAAAAAAAAGH" Thunder boomed after Eric's roar, rain poured down, not much but enough to put the fire out on Eric. He looked straight at Pad, gripping his sword he charged at him and Dora
  55. 19:30 Padraig-O-Sullivan "Might h'anna move, lass, he's charging at us." Padraig starts grinning at Isidora.
  56. 19:31 Isidora held up Padraig in one hand, in the other she pushed out a wall of air to slam out and push the zombie back. "Gettin' real sick of this!"
  57. 19:32 Eric-The-Everliving ran right into the wall stopping him. He growled at Pad and a bit at Dora but stood his ground
  58. 19:34 Isidora "I don't know what EITHER of you are but I'm already DONE with it." Weighing her options she went with the best thing she could come up with. Bonking the leprechaun on the head just enough to knock the poor bloke out and give him a concussion
  59. 19:43 Eric-The-Everliving looks over to the gold, going to it to pick some up cause, well, gold.
  60. 19:44 Isidora "No. No. No. You stop that too." She pointed a finger sparkling with lightning at Eric. She was standoffish today.
  61. 19:45 Eric-The-Everliving stares at Dora, shes not human thats for sure. But who does she think she is commanding him?
  62. 19:47 Isidora "Nobody is stealing shit. Get your zombie ass out of here."
  63. 19:48 Eric-The-Everliving points to Pad. Then brings his hand to his mouth, pretending it was holding something. then makes a chomping motion
  64. 19:49 Isidora "No."
  65. 19:49 Eric-The-Everliving "Yeshh"
  66. 19:50 Isidora "No. Leave or you are going in to the authorities with him."
  67. 19:50 Eric-The-Everliving "..."
  68. 19:50 Isidora "I'll fuck you up"
  69. 19:50 Eric-The-Everliving "Feeh" He walks back down to the rotting cow, resuming eating it
  70. 19:51 Eric-The-Everliving rips off a leg, offering it to Dora
  71. 19:52 Isidora probably would have taken it if she wasn't disguised. Instead she huffs and slings the small man over her shoulder while going to contact whoever the hell you get to contain these types.
  72. 19:52 Padraig-O-Sullivan suddenly wakes from his unconscious state. "W-wha-who-whe-why? Where am ah?" He looks up at Isidora, and then down at the zombie who is eating that rotting cow corpse. "Aw, shit."
  73. 19:53 Isidora "You really should have stayed unconscious."
  74. 19:53 Padraig-O-Sullivan "Is that so?"
  75. 19:54 Isidora "The next time you try something I won't be so merciful."
  76. 19:54 Isidora "Don't you fucking do it."
  77. 19:54 Isidora grit her teeth at him. He could likely see that she sure as hell didn't have human teeth.
  78. 19:54 Padraig-O-Sullivan "Do what, lass?" He grins. "I have nothing in my sleeves. Nothing in my shoes, nothing in my socks. I'm as a broken man as I am charming."
  79. 19:56 Isidora at this point is carrying the man by his feet, leaving the bank with a scowl on her face. "And you're a bad liar with magic abilities I can smell them."
  80. 19:59 Padraig-O-Sullivan goes to make a motion to itch his back. "Do you want to know something about Leprechauns, deary? We have, very unstable diets." He starts laughing like a five year old to himself. "Lot of water-mud here, lot of ladybugs there..." He groans, clenching his two hands together and all is heard is a small *poot* which is followed by more maniac-like laughter.
  81. 20:01 Isidora then did the mature thing when presented with a laughing farting leprechaun. Let go of Padraig and kick him squarely in the stomach as he fell. Then kicked him some fucking more.
  82. 20:01 Isidora was being good today but she still had a temper.
  83. 20:02 Eric-The-Everliving "graahg?" he looks over to the pissed off Dora
  84. 20:03 Eric-The-Everliving gets up, walking over to watch Dora kick, a leg in his hand he eats
  85. 20:04 Padraig-O-Sullivan "UGH-OH-STOP-NO-WAIT, hang on, HANG ON YOU DISGUSTING WITCH!" He caught her leg, and shot all the unlucky magic he could onto her. "HAH! HAHAHAHAAHAHAHAH! Guess what, I just shot all my magic onto your body! ALL OF IT! Do you know what that means?!"
  87. 20:09 Padraig-O-Sullivan "HAH! Do it while you can, you klutz looking wrench, Your life is about to become a LIVING HELL! This is the equivalent of 7 years of bad luck, in a second..." As soon as he says so, the only thing that happens to Isidora is that her appearance is changed from her disguise human form, to her normal looking Ala self.
  88. 20:10 Eric-The-Everliving "Graah? Icsh Gient?...Short Gient"
  89. 20:10 Isidora blinked as her disguise was dropped. Now she was blue. And looking down at the leprechaun.
  90. 20:10 Isidora "...Yes, and?"
  91. 20:12 Padraig-O-Sullivan knew what he was looking at. "Y-y-you're, you're an Ala? Serbian, Ala?" The Leprechaun crawled backwards, still staring at her.
  92. 20:13 Eric-The-Everliving "Ala?"
  93. 20:16 Eric-The-Everliving was confused. he brought his sword out [after finishing the leg]
  94. 20:17 Eric-The-Everliving "Kill Tiny Elf"
  95. 20:17 Isidora "...Well good job. You blew my cover. And I think that you already know what I do with people who piss me the FUCK OFF"
  96. 20:18 Isidora began rolling up her sleeves as she approached the leprechaun, baring her sharp teeth
  97. 20:19 Padraig-O-Sullivan had the time to get up and float as fast as he could for the gold. "OHSHITOHSHITOHSHITOSHIT" Is all that could be heard from him, he knew that whatever fortune he had, it'd be misfortune if he didn't get to that gold.
  98. 20:21 Isidora swung out her hand, now unafraid of showing off her abilities, the appendage stretching to grab the leprechaun by the legs and pull him back. "What did I say? Tell me what I said, because I think I said "Next time you try something I won't be so merciful". Didn't I?"
  99. 20:24 Padraig-O-Sullivan sweats a bit, stuck on words, the only sound he can make is a small squeal.
  100. 20:24 Eric-The-Everliving continued to watch. it was getting entertaining
  101. 20:29 Isidora hefted up the short man and furrowed her brow at him. Then she opened her mouth far past anything reasonable, jaw unhinging and the sight of the swirling atomic vortex at the bottom of her throat clear in Padraig's eyes. At least it'd be a quick death.
  102. 20:31 Padraig-O-Sullivan starts screaming for help, mercy, the guidance of god, just generally anything that can be said when facing death right in the face.
  103. 20:31 Eric-The-Everliving went to the gold while Dora was distracted
  104. 20:32 Isidora chomped down on him in one bite. Instantly he would be broken down rather than suffer, eaten by the angered ala.
  105. 20:33 Isidora rumbled. Leprechauns would revive elsewhere, he'd be back. Goddamn it. In the meantime...
  106. 20:33 Isidora "Don't fucking touch that gold or you are going in next"
  107. 20:35 Eric-The-Everliving stood up, staring at Dora. [Deja vu] "..." He grabbed the golden throne Pad was on, it wasn't from the bank. Then goes back to the cow, which was nearly bone at this point
  108. 20:36 Isidora sighed. The throne would be fine. Whatever. Adjusting back on her scarf she assumed back into her human form and did the proper thing. Got the fuck out of there before the police would show.
  109. Eric-The-Everliving finished the cow, picked up his sword. and left. Not without picking up a bit of gold on his way however. No Ala to stop him now
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