Guest User


a guest
Sep 17th, 2017
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  1. MySQL:
  2. host:
  3. port: 3306
  4. database: 80
  5. username: 80
  6. password: 3a42983b09
  7. bungee:
  8. hubNames:
  9. - LobbyUHC
  10. autoRestart:
  11. enable: false
  12. task: 300
  13. config:
  14. maxPlayers: 150
  15. practiceCMD: false
  16. tasks:
  17. lobbyCount: 30
  18. releaseCount: 30
  19. pveCount: 1200
  20. chunkLoading: 200
  21. borderStart: 1500
  22. whitelist:
  23. - lolstreeghz
  24. - RqzerChroma_
  25. - lolblqck
  26. hooks:
  27. NametagEdit: false
  28. PermissionEx: false
  29. WorldBorder:
  30. isRestarted: false
  31. Locations:
  32. spawn: LobbyUHC,-27,115,28,-90.29171,0.08594227
  33. state:
  34. loading: '&a&lVenzy&f&lUHC &7» &7Siguenos en twitter &b@VenzyUHC &8[&4News&8]
  35. &7¡Reseteo de los bans!'
  36. lobby: '&a&lVenzy&f&lUHC &7» &7Siguenos en twitter &b@VenzyUHC &8[&4News&8]
  37. &7¡Reseteo de los bans!'
  38. starting: '&a&lVenzy&f&lUHC &7» &7Siguenos en twitter &b@VenzyUHC &8[&4News&8]
  39. &7¡Reseteo de los bans!'
  40. pve: '&a&lVenzy&f&lUHC &7» &7Siguenos en twitter &b@VenzyUHC &8[&4News&8]
  41. &7¡Reseteo de los bans!'
  42. pvp: '&a&lVenzy&f&lUHC &7» &7Siguenos en twitter &b@VenzyUHC &8[&4News&8]
  43. &7¡Reseteo de los bans!'
  44. finish: '&a&lVenzy&f&lUHC &7» &7Siguenos en twitter &b@VenzyUHC &8[&4News&8]
  45. &7¡Reseteo de los bans!'
  46. prefix: '&8[&aVenzyUHC&8]'
  47. noPermissions: '&cNo tienes permisos para usar este comando!'
  48. onJoin: '&7<player> has join the game! &e(&a<players>&7/&a<max>&e)&7.'
  49. onLeave: '&7<player> has left the game! &e(&a<players>&7/&a<max>&e)&7.'
  50. onDeath: '&e<player> &cdead.'
  51. onDeathByPlayer: '&e<player> &cwas slain by &e<killer>'
  52. onHit: '&7<player> is now at &c<health><heart>'
  53. reachBorder: '&7[&aVenzyUHC&7] &cLlegaste al límite del borde...'
  54. winner: |-
  55. &a==============================================
  56. &b
  57. &e¡Felicidades equipo &b<player> &epor ganar el UHC!
  58. &6
  59. &a===============================================
  60. winner-team: |-
  61. &a==============================================
  62. &b
  63. &e¡Felicidades equipo &b<teamName> &epor ganar el UHC!
  64. &c
  65. &eMiembros del Equipo:&b <membersTeam>
  66. &6
  67. &a===============================================
  68. border:
  69. countdown: '&6[Border] &eEl borde se reducirá en &c<timer> <timerFormat>'
  70. onMove: '&6[Border] &eEl borde fue reducido a &c<border>x<border>'
  71. ifPlayerInNether: |-
  72. &a
  73. &cEstas fuera del mundo normal, cuando el borde se reduzca
  74. &cSeras teletransportado al mundo y expulsado de el Nether
  75. &c¡Equipate con todo lo que necesites tan rápido como puedas!
  76. &b
  77. tpToWorld: |-
  78. &a
  79. &cEl borde se ha reducido y usted ha sido teletransportado
  80. &cAhora estás en el mundo normal, muy cuidadoso con los demás
  81. &cjugadores, y &a¡Buena Suerte!&c
  82. &b
  83. combatLogger:
  84. timer: 120
  85. block-cmds:
  86. - bp
  87. - backpack
  88. - extrainventory
  89. - extrainv
  90. - fly
  91. - god
  92. - gamemode
  93. - gm
  94. - vanish
  95. - v
  96. - tp
  97. - tpa
  98. - tphere
  99. useCmd: '&cYou can not use this command because you are in combat!'
  100. practice:
  101. isDisable: '&7[&6PRACTICE&7]: &cYou can not join to practice because is disable!.'
  102. join: '&7[&6PRACTICE&7]: &aYou joined to &fPractice&a.'
  103. freezer:
  104. playerFreezer:
  105. - '&7&m-----------------------------'
  106. - '&fYou has been frozen.'
  107. - ' '
  108. - '&fJoin now to TS3 for ScreenShare'
  109. - ' '
  110. - '&fTeamspeak: &'
  111. - '&7&m-----------------------------'
  112. playerUnfreezer:
  113. - '&7&m-----------------------------'
  114. - '&fYou has been un-frozen.'
  115. - ' '
  116. - '&fNow you can play!'
  117. - '&7&m-----------------------------'
  118. notify-player-disconnect: '&7[&aFresh&fStaff&7]: &f<player> &7has left the game
  119. frozen &c(SS Evading)&7.'
  120. notify-hack-admit: '&7[&aFresh&fStaff&7]: &f<player> &7admitted the use of hacks
  121. &c(AutoBanned)&7.'
  122. notity-freezer: '&7[&aFresh&fStaff&7]: &f<player> &7has been freezer by &e<staff>'
  123. disable-options: ' '
  124. blacklist-cmds:
  125. - backpack
  126. - bp
  127. - extrainv
  128. - extrainventory
  129. useCmd: '&cYou can not use this command because you are frozen!'
  130. teamspeak-notify-mod:
  131. - '&c<player> will enter to &3&lTEAMSPEAK&c.'
  132. - '&fPlease, be aware of your income and continue with the SS'
  133. - '&eThe player has benn warned to use his nickname in the TS'
  134. - '&eto be able to identify him without any problem.'
  135. skype-notify-mod:
  136. - '&c<player> is requesting SS via &b&lSKYPE&c.'
  137. - '&cbecause the player does not have Teamspeak program installed.'
  138. - '&fPlease, specify your skype using the command &e/ssmsg <player> <skype>&f.'
  139. - '&fso that the player can add you so that you can perform the SS.'
  140. menu:
  141. enable: false
  142. title: '&cYou are FROZEN!'
  143. admit:
  144. display: '&a&lI ADMIT'
  145. lore:
  146. - '&cClicking on this option'
  147. - '&cwill be automatically banned'
  148. - '&cfor a time &f12 days'
  149. - '&cfor use of hacks'
  150. confirm-admit:
  151. display: '&2&lCONFIRM'
  152. lore:
  153. - '&cTo avoid mistakes you'
  154. - '&care given opportunity'
  155. - '&cto confirm your decision'
  156. - ' '
  157. - '&eAre you sure of the option'
  158. - '&eyou have selected?'
  159. - '&fIf you do not sure, wait'
  160. - '&f10 seconds.'
  161. - ' '
  162. - '&cConfirm on this option'
  163. - '&cwill be automatically banned'
  164. - '&cfor a time &f12 days'
  165. - '&cfor use of hacks'
  166. freezer:
  167. display: '&e&lFROZEN'
  168. lore:
  169. - '&cPlease select one'
  170. - '&cof our choices.'
  171. - '&c'
  172. - '&cIf you accept an SS come in'
  173. - '&cto our Teamspeak 3'
  174. - '&cIP: &'
  175. - '&f'
  176. - '&aClick to notify MOD'
  177. - '&ayou will enter the TS3'
  178. - '&fPlease put it on TS3'
  179. - '&fYourself Minecraft NICK'
  180. - '&fto identify you.'
  181. skype:
  182. display: '&c&lI DO NOT HAVE TS3'
  183. lore:
  184. - '&cClick this option if'
  185. - '&cdo not count with Teamspeak'
  186. - '&cand you want to be made SS'
  187. - '&con &b&lSKYPE&c.'
  188. wait-skype:
  189. display: '&cWait...'
  190. lore:
  191. - '&7Please wait for'
  192. - '&7the moderator to'
  193. - '&7pass your skype.'
  194. mod-skype:
  195. display: '&b<skype>'
  196. lore:
  197. - '&fPlease add to'
  198. - '&fskype moderator for'
  199. - '&fto be made the SS'
  200. - '&7'
  201. - '&cYou have 3 minutes to'
  202. - '&cadd it, otherwise'
  203. - '&cyou will be banned.'
  204. blocked-cmds:
  205. - fly
  206. - nick
  207. - d
  208. useCmdBlockInGame: '&cYou can not use this command because is blocked!'
  209. killCount:
  210. uhcNoStart: '&cUHC has not started, you can not use this command!'
  211. notOnline: '&cPlayer not is online!'
  212. noKills: '&cThat player does not have any kill'
  213. killCount:
  214. - '&e<player> &fhas &a<killCount> &fkills.'
  215. - '&bList: &a<listKillCount>'
  216. health:
  217. notOnline: '&cPlayer not is online!'
  218. playerHealth: '&fYour health at now &c<health><heart>'
  219. otherHealth: '&f<name> health at now &c<health><heart>'
  220. chat:
  221. enable: '&a&lEl chat fue activado, ya podes enviar mensajes!'
  222. disable: '&c&lEl chat fue desactivado, ya no podes enviar mensajes!'
  223. isDisable:
  224. - ' '
  225. - '&cNo puedes usar el chat porque esta desactivado.'
  226. - '&cPerdón, Intenta mas tarde'
  227. - ' '
  228. antiSpam:
  229. - ' '
  230. - '&cSTOP SPAM! Espera 5 segundos para enviar el próximo mensaje.'
  231. - ' '
  232. formats:
  233. host: '&e[UHC-Host] &f<player> &7» &f<message>'
  234. mod: '&b[UHC-Mod] &f<player> &7» &f<message>'
  235. spectator: '&b[Spectator] &7:|: &f<player> &7» &f<message>'
  236. solo: '&9<player> &7» &f<message>'
  237. team: '&7[&a<teamName>&7] &9<player> &7» &f<message>'
  238. onLogin:
  239. loading: |-
  240. &f
  241. &7El mundo se esta creando por favor espera.
  242. &f
  243. noWhitelist: '&eNo estas en la whitelist, adquiere rango en &'
  244. fullGame: |-
  245. &f
  246. &7El server esta full, adquiere rango
  247. &7Para entrar al servidor cuando esta full!
  248. &eTienda: & .
  249. &f
  250. inGame: |-
  251. &f
  252. &7Perdón, el uhc ya comenzó, adquiere rango
  253. &7Para entrar al juego!
  254. &eTienda: & .
  255. &f
  256. teleportStart: |-
  257. &7
  258. &bTeletransportando jugadores, porfavor espera unos minutos,
  259. &bChat desactivado durante el proceso...
  260. &c
  261. &c&l&nNo reloguees.
  262. &7
  263. teleportFinish: |-
  264. &7
  265. &a¡La teletransportación se hizo correctamente!
  266. &aResponderemos las dudas del &c&l/Helpop &r&adespués del scatter.
  267. &a¡Gracias por esperar!
  268. &7
  269. countdown:
  270. lobbyCount: '&eEl UHC Esta comenzando en &b<timer> <timerFormat>'
  271. releaseCount: '&eEl UHC Comienza en &b<timer> <timerFormat>'
  272. pveCount: '&eEl PVP Se activa en &b<timer> <timerFormat>'
  273. timerFormat:
  274. second: segundo
  275. seconds: segundos
  276. minute: minutos
  277. minutes: minutos
  278. broadcast:
  279. pvpEnable: '&8[&aVenzyUHC&8] &eEl &6PvP &ese ha activado'
  280. finalHealth: '&8[&aVenzyUHC&8] &aRecibiste tu &cultimo heal&a, nos daremos mas &cheal
  281. &apor &cbugs/glitch.'
  282. rules:
  283. useCmd:
  284. - ' '
  285. - '&7Usage command: &f/rules <page>&7.'
  286. - ' '
  287. - '&cTo read UHC rules, use the &c/rules <page>&f.'
  288. - '&cRead all the rules to avoid doubts or penalties during the game.'
  289. - ' '
  290. unknownPage: '&cEsa p�gina no existe.'
  291. page1:
  292. - ' '
  293. - '&7&m------&7<!> &bPage 1 &7<!> &bRules &7<!>&7&m------'
  294. - '&c&lIMPORTANT UHCFreshcraft Rules'
  295. - '&cPlease read the rules for'
  296. - '&cAvoid penalties during play.'
  297. - ' '
  298. - '&bConfig:'
  299. - '&7- &fApple Rate in &e<appleRate>%&f.'
  300. - ' '
  301. - '&bRules:'
  302. - '&7- &fDo not use hacks, XRay or GhostClient''s.'
  303. - '&7- &fDo not insult or be toxic.'
  304. - '&7- &fDo not do Strip Mining from layer 32 down.'
  305. - '&7- &fDo not undermine entities &a(Only sounds)&f.'
  306. - '&7- &fSpec-Help is prohibited.'
  307. - ' '
  308. - '&bUse &f/rules 2 &bto see the second page.'
  309. - ' '
  310. page2:
  311. - ' '
  312. - '&7&m------&7<!> &bPage 2 &7<!> &bRules &7<!>&7&m------'
  313. - ' '
  314. - '&bRules:'
  315. - '&7- &fIt is forbidden to do team/truce in FFA mode'
  316. - '&7- &fStalking is prohibited.'
  317. - '&7- &fThe iPvP in PVE phase is prohibited.'
  318. - '&7- &fIts is forbidden Accusing of hack to other players by the chat (/report)'
  319. - '&7- &fIt is not allowed to be in a cave or underground from 100x100'
  320. - '&7- &fSky base not allowed within 100x100'
  321. - ' '
  322. - '&bInformation:'
  323. - '&7- &fWe do not revive or cure because of block failures or lag.'
  324. - '&7- &fIf you have video that killed a hacker, request respawn.'
  325. - ' '
  326. - '&bUse &f/rules 3 &bto see the third page.'
  327. - ' '
  328. page3:
  329. - ' '
  330. - '&7&m------&7<!> &bPage 3 &7<!> &bRules &7<!>&7&m------'
  331. - ' '
  332. - '&bTeam:'
  333. - '&7- &fIf Friendly Fire is activated, team betrayal is allowed.'
  334. - '&7- &fIf the game is team mode, the cross-team is allowed if you are alone.'
  335. - ' '
  336. - '&bTeam Commands:'
  337. - '&7- &fTo send coordinates to your computer, use the &e/sendcoords &fcommand.'
  338. - '&8Aliases command: &f/sc'
  339. - ' '
  340. - '&7- &fTo talk to your team, use the &e/teamchat &fcommand.'
  341. - '&8Aliases command: &f/tc <message>'
  342. - ' '
  343. - '&aThank you for reading all the rules and information pages'
  344. - '&aIf you have any doubts, ask for the chat if it is not muted'
  345. - '&aIf so, you can also ask for the &f/helpop &acommand.'
  346. - ' '
  347. scenarios:
  348. descriptions:
  349. Timber:
  350. - ' '
  351. Cutclean:
  352. - ' '
  353. Diamondless:
  354. - ' '
  355. Goldless:
  356. - ' '
  357. BloodDiamond:
  358. - ' '
  359. BloodGold:
  360. - ' '
  361. Bowless:
  362. - ' '
  363. Vanillaplus:
  364. - ' '
  365. Horseless:
  366. - ' '
  367. Timebomb:
  368. - ' '
  369. Nether:
  370. - ' '
  371. NoFall:
  372. - ' '
  373. Fireless:
  374. - ' '
  375. GoldenHead:
  376. - ' '
  377. NoClean:
  378. - ' '
  379. Doubleores:
  380. - ' '
  381. Absorptionless:
  382. - ' '
  383. Rodless:
  384. - ' '
  385. Finalheal:
  386. - ' '
  387. LuckyKill:
  388. - ' '
  389. BackPack:
  390. - ' '
  391. Extrainv:
  392. - ' '
  393. LuckyLeaves:
  394. - ' '
  395. NoEnchants:
  396. - ' '
  397. BestPVE:
  398. - ' '
  399. Strenghtless:
  400. - ' '
  401. TripleOres:
  402. - ' '
  403. Soup:
  404. - ' '
  405. Barebones:
  406. - ' '
  407. Webcage:
  408. - ' '
  409. giveAll:
  410. uhcNoStart: '&cUHC has not started, you can not use this command!'
  411. onGive: '&8[&aVenzyUHC&8] &7» &aAll players have received &e<quantity> &ffrom &e<item>&f.'
  412. bestPve:
  413. noEnable: '&cScenario &eBestPVE &cis disable!'
  414. uhcNoStart: '&cUHC has not started, you can not use this command!'
  415. playerOffline: '&cThe player is not online.'
  416. addedAllPlayers: '&eAll players were added to the list correctly.'
  417. addedPlayer: '&eYou added to &f<player> &eTo the BestPVE list.'
  418. message:
  419. - '&eBestPVE: &fYou have been increased &a+1 &fin your maximum life.'
  420. - '&eBestPVE: &fNow your maximum life is in: &e<maxHealth>'
  421. onDamaged:
  422. - '�eBestPVE: �fYou have hurt yourself!'
  423. - '�eBestPVE: �fThe maximum life will no longer increase!'
  424. - '�eBestPVE: �fYour maximum life was in �c<maxHealth>'
  425. extraInventory:
  426. noEnable: '&cScenario &eExtraInventory &cis disable!'
  427. uhcNoStart: '&cUHC has not started, you can not use this command!"'
  428. isSpectator: '&cYou can not use this command by being a viewer.'
  429. openInventory: '&eOpening extra inventory.'
  430. nether:
  431. noEnable: '&cScenario &eNether &cis disable!'
  432. borderSize: '&cYou can only go to nether before the border is 500x500!'
  433. teams:
  434. onInvite:
  435. onPlayerDeny: '&cHas rechazado la invitación del Team!'
  436. playerDeny: '&c<player> Negó la invitación del Team!'
  437. inviteReceive:
  438. - ' '
  439. - '&aRecibiste una invitación al Team: &e<teamName>'
  440. - '&aMiembros del Team: &b<teamMembers>'
  441. - ' '
  442. - '&ePara aceptar usa &a/team accept &epara rechazar usa &c /team deny & f.'
  443. - ' '
  444. sendInvite: '&e<teamOwner> &ainvito a &e<player> &aal Team'
  445. playerWithTeam: '&cEl jugador ya esta en un Team!'
  446. playerWithInvite: '&cEl jugador ya recibió la invitación al Team!'
  447. onInviteTimer: '&cTu solicitud para Team de &e(<teamOwner>) &ccaduco!'
  448. inviteTimer: '&cLa invitación del equipo a &e<player> &cha caducado!'
  449. verbose-startup: true
  450. default:
  451. generate:
  452. - block: IRON_ORE
  453. enabled: true
  454. size: 8
  455. rounds: 3
  456. min-height: 0
  457. max-height: 64
  458. - block: GOLD_ORE
  459. enabled: true
  460. size: 7
  461. rounds: 2
  462. min-height: 0
  463. max-height: 32
  464. - block: DIAMOND_ORE
  465. enabled: true
  466. size: 5
  467. rounds: 2
  468. min-height: 0
  469. max-height: 13
  470. probability: 0.8
  471. - block: EMERALD_ORE
  472. enabled: true
  473. size: 2
  474. rounds: 1
  475. min-height: 5
  476. max-height: 12
  477. probability: 0.5
  478. biomes:
  481. - PLAINS
  482. clear:
  483. - block: EMERALD_ORE
  484. enabled: false
  485. min-height: 0
  486. max-height: 32
  487. scoreboard:
  488. animatedTitle: false
  489. titleFrames:
  490. - '&bUHCFreshcraft'
  491. - '&bU&fH&bCFreshcraft'
  492. - '&bUH&fC&bFreshcraft'
  493. - '&bUHC&fF&breshcraft'
  494. - '&bUHCF&fr&beshcraft'
  495. - '&bUHCFr&fe&bshcraft'
  496. - '&bUHCFre&fs&bhcraft'
  497. - '&bUHCFres&fh&bcraft'
  498. - '&bUHCFresh&fc&braft'
  499. - '&bUHCFreshc&fr&baft'
  500. - '&bUHCFreshcr&fa&bft'
  501. - '&bUHCFreshcra&ff&bt'
  502. - '&bUHCFreshcraf&ft'
  503. - '&fUHCFreshcraft'
  504. title: '&eVenzyNetwork'
  505. waiting:
  506. - '&f&m-------------------'
  507. - '&ePlayers Online:&f <players>&7/&f<max>'
  508. - '&a'
  509. - '&e> Host:'
  510. - '&f<hostName>'
  511. - '&e'
  512. - '&eType:&f <type>'
  513. - '&f&m-------------------'
  514. - '&c@VenzyNetwork'
  515. teleport:
  516. - '&f&m-------------------'
  517. - '&aTeletransportando jugadores.'
  518. - '&a'
  519. - '&a<teleport>&7/&a<total>.'
  520. - '&b'
  521. - '&c&nNo reloguees.'
  522. - '&f&m-------------------'
  523. - '&c@VenzyNetwork'
  524. pregame:
  525. - '&f&m-------------------'
  526. - '&e¡Empezando el Juego!'
  527. - '&eEn &c<count> &esegundos'
  528. - '&c'
  529. - '&c&nNo reloguees.'
  530. - '&f&m-------------------'
  531. - '&c@VenzyNetwork'
  532. ingame-solo:
  533. - '&f&m-------------------'
  534. - '&eGame Time:&f <gameTimer>'
  535. - '&eBorder:&f <border> &c(&f<untilShrink>&c)'
  536. - '&a'
  537. - '&eYour Kills:&f <kills>'
  538. - '&a'
  539. - '&eRemaining:&f <players>'
  540. - '&eWatching:&f <spectators>'
  541. - '&f&m-------------------'
  542. - '&c@VenzyNetwork'
  543. ingame-team:
  544. - '&f&m-------------------'
  545. - '&eGame Time:&f <gameTimer>'
  546. - '&eBorder:&f <border> &c(&f<untilShrink>&c)'
  547. - '&a'
  548. - '&eYour Kills:&f <kills>'
  549. - '&eTeam Kills:&f <teamKills>'
  550. - '&a'
  551. - '&eRemaining:&f <players>'
  552. - '&eWatching:&f <spectators>'
  553. - '&f&m-------------------'
  554. - '&c@VenzyNetwork'
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