

Dec 11th, 2017
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  1. 12-12 00:44:50.001 5346 5358 I ActivityManager: Start proc for service
  2. 12-12 00:44:50.045 7261 7261 I zygote64: The ClassLoaderContext is a special shared library.
  3. 12-12 00:44:50.080 5346 5541 I ActivityManager: Killing (adj 906): empty #17
  4. 12-12 00:44:50.081 5346 5367 W zygote64: kill(-6461, 9) failed: No such process
  5. 12-12 00:44:50.123 5346 5367 I chatty : uid=1000(system) ActivityManager identical 1 line
  6. 12-12 00:44:50.163 5346 5367 W zygote64: kill(-6461, 9) failed: No such process
  7. 12-12 00:44:50.163 5346 5367 I zygote64: Successfully killed process cgroup uid 10016 pid 6461 in 82ms
  8. 12-12 00:44:50.873 5346 5358 D WificondControl: Scan result ready event
  9. 12-12 00:44:52.426 6035 6173 W MediaScanner: Error opening directory '/storage/D9ED-0808/.android_secure/', skipping: Permission denied.
  10. 12-12 00:44:52.519 5302 7063 D audio_route: Apply path: speaker
  11. 12-12 00:44:52.523 5346 6754 I ActivityManager: START u0 { cmp=org.lineageos.lineageparts/.PartsActivity (has extras)} from uid 1000
  12. 12-12 00:44:52.658 7150 7150 D PartsActivity: Launched with: Intent { cmp=org.lineageos.lineageparts/.PartsActivity (has extras) } action: component: org.lineageos.lineageparts.PartsActivity part: button_settings fragment: null
  13. 12-12 00:44:52.659 7150 7150 D AndroidRuntime: Shutting down VM
  14. 12-12 00:44:52.660 7150 7150 E AndroidRuntime: FATAL EXCEPTION: main
  15. 12-12 00:44:52.660 7150 7150 E AndroidRuntime: Process: org.lineageos.lineageparts, PID: 7150
  16. 12-12 00:44:52.660 7150 7150 E AndroidRuntime: java.lang.RuntimeException: Unable to start activity ComponentInfo{org.lineageos.lineageparts/org.lineageos.lineageparts.PartsActivity}:$InstantiationException: Unable to instantiate fragment org.lineageos.lineageparts.input.ButtonSettings: make sure class name exists, is public, and has an empty constructor that is public
  17. 12-12 00:44:52.660 7150 7150 E AndroidRuntime: at
  18. 12-12 00:44:52.660 7150 7150 E AndroidRuntime: at
  19. 12-12 00:44:52.660 7150 7150 E AndroidRuntime: at Source:0)
  20. 12-12 00:44:52.660 7150 7150 E AndroidRuntime: at$H.handleMessage(
  21. 12-12 00:44:52.660 7150 7150 E AndroidRuntime: at android.os.Handler.dispatchMessage(
  22. 12-12 00:44:52.660 7150 7150 E AndroidRuntime: at android.os.Looper.loop(
  23. 12-12 00:44:52.660 7150 7150 E AndroidRuntime: at
  24. 12-12 00:44:52.660 7150 7150 E AndroidRuntime: at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Native Method)
  25. 12-12 00:44:52.660 7150 7150 E AndroidRuntime: at$
  26. 12-12 00:44:52.660 7150 7150 E AndroidRuntime: at
  27. 12-12 00:44:52.660 7150 7150 E AndroidRuntime: Caused by:$InstantiationException: Unable to instantiate fragment org.lineageos.lineageparts.input.ButtonSettings: make sure class name exists, is public, and has an empty constructor that is public
  28. 12-12 00:44:52.660 7150 7150 E AndroidRuntime: at
  29. 12-12 00:44:52.660 7150 7150 E AndroidRuntime: at
  30. 12-12 00:44:52.660 7150 7150 E AndroidRuntime: at org.lineageos.lineageparts.PartsActivity.switchToFragment(
  31. 12-12 00:44:52.660 7150 7150 E AndroidRuntime: at org.lineageos.lineageparts.PartsActivity.onCreate(
  32. 12-12 00:44:52.660 7150 7150 E AndroidRuntime: at
  33. 12-12 00:44:52.660 7150 7150 E AndroidRuntime: at
  34. 12-12 00:44:52.660 7150 7150 E AndroidRuntime: at
  35. 12-12 00:44:52.660 7150 7150 E AndroidRuntime: at
  36. 12-12 00:44:52.660 7150 7150 E AndroidRuntime: ... 9 more
  37. 12-12 00:44:52.660 7150 7150 E AndroidRuntime: Caused by: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: Didn't find class "org.lineageos.lineageparts.input.ButtonSettings" on path: DexPathList[[zip file "/system/priv-app/LineageParts/LineageParts.apk"],nativeLibraryDirectories=[/system/priv-app/LineageParts/lib/arm64, /system/lib64, /system/vendor/lib64, /system/lib64, /system/vendor/lib64]]
  38. 12-12 00:44:52.660 7150 7150 E AndroidRuntime: at dalvik.system.BaseDexClassLoader.findClass(
  39. 12-12 00:44:52.660 7150 7150 E AndroidRuntime: at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(
  40. 12-12 00:44:52.660 7150 7150 E AndroidRuntime: at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(
  41. 12-12 00:44:52.660 7150 7150 E AndroidRuntime: at
  42. 12-12 00:44:52.660 7150 7150 E AndroidRuntime: ... 16 more
  43. 12-12 00:44:52.665 5346 6754 W ActivityManager: Force finishing activity org.lineageos.lineageparts/.PartsActivity
  44. 12-12 00:44:52.669 5346 6754 W ActivityManager: Force finishing activity
  45. 12-12 00:44:52.685 5302 7063 W StreamHAL: Error from HAL stream in function get_presentation_position: Operation not permitted
  46. 12-12 00:44:52.687 5346 5366 I ActivityManager: Showing crash dialog for package org.lineageos.lineageparts u0
  47. 12-12 00:44:52.685 5302 7063 W StreamHAL: Error from HAL stream in function get_presentation_position: Operation not permitted
  48. 12-12 00:44:52.732 5346 7290 D OpenGLRenderer: HWUI GL Pipeline
  49. 12-12 00:44:52.783 2959 2959 W /system/bin/hwservicemanager: getTransport: Cannot find entry android.hardware.configstore@1.0::ISurfaceFlingerConfigs/default in either framework or device manifest.
  50. 12-12 00:44:52.792 5346 7290 I zygote64: android::hardware::configstore::V1_0::ISurfaceFlingerConfigs::hasWideColorDisplay retrieved: 0
  51. 12-12 00:44:52.792 5346 7290 I OpenGLRenderer: Initialized EGL, version 1.4
  52. 12-12 00:44:52.793 5346 7290 D OpenGLRenderer: Swap behavior 1
  53. 12-12 00:44:52.808 5346 7290 D mali_winsys: EGLint new_window_surface(egl_winsys_display*, void*, EGLSurface, EGLConfig, egl_winsys_surface**, egl_color_buffer_format*, EGLBoolean) returns 0x3000, [1590x733]-format:1
  54. 12-12 00:44:52.815 6175 6753 I CheckinCompat: No service .update.SystemUpdateService to disable
  55. 12-12 00:44:52.816 6175 6753 I CheckinCompat: No service .checkin.EventLogService to disable
  56. 12-12 00:44:52.821 6175 6753 I CheckinCompat: No service .checkin.EventLogService$Receiver to disable
  57. 12-12 00:44:52.821 6175 6753 I CheckinCompat: Done disabling old GoogleServicesFramework version
  58. 12-12 00:44:52.981 5346 5366 W Looper : Dispatch took 210ms on android.ui, h=Handler (android.view.Choreographer$FrameHandler) {c58ca13} cb=android.view.Choreographer$FrameDisplayEventReceiver@d120450 msg=0
  59. 12-12 00:44:53.167 5346 5365 W ActivityManager: Activity pause timeout for ActivityRecord{70a2b4a u0 org.lineageos.lineageparts/.PartsActivity t7 f}
  60. 12-12 00:44:53.228 5346 5541 I ActivityManager: Killing (adj 906): empty #17
  61. 12-12 00:44:53.229 5346 5367 W zygote64: kill(-6506, 9) failed: No such process
  62. 12-12 00:44:53.252 6827 7097 W TileUtils: Found for intent Intent { } missing metadata
  63. 12-12 00:44:53.275 5346 5367 W zygote64: kill(-6506, 9) failed: No such process
  64. 12-12 00:44:53.285 6827 6827 I zygote64: Deoptimizing void$LayoutManager.measureChildWithMargins(android.view.View, int, int) due to JIT inline cache
  65. 12-12 00:44:53.286 6827 7101 D mali_winsys: EGLint new_window_surface(egl_winsys_display*, void*, EGLSurface, EGLConfig, egl_winsys_surface**, egl_color_buffer_format*, EGLBoolean) returns 0x3000, [1440x2560]-format:1
  66. 12-12 00:44:53.290 6827 7095 D BatteryInfo: time to make batteryStatsHelper: 3ms
  67. 12-12 00:44:53.293 5346 5368 I WifiService: requestActivityInfo uid=1000
  68. 12-12 00:44:53.293 5346 5368 I WifiService: reportActivityInfo uid=1000
  69. 12-12 00:44:53.293 5346 5368 I WifiService: getSupportedFeatures uid=1000
  70. 12-12 00:44:53.296 3044 3044 E WifiHAL : Failed to register debug response; result = -95
  71. 12-12 00:44:53.297 5346 5458 E WifiVendorHal: getSupportedFeatureSet(l.891) failed {.code = ERROR_UNKNOWN, .description = errno: -95 (Unknown error -95)}
  72. 12-12 00:44:53.298 3044 3044 E WifiHAL : Failed to register debug response; result = -95
  73. 12-12 00:44:53.307 6827 7097 D Settings: No enabled state changed, skipping updateCategory call
  74. 12-12 00:44:53.326 5346 5367 W zygote64: kill(-6506, 9) failed: No such process
  75. 12-12 00:44:53.326 5346 5367 W zygote64: kill(6506, 9) failed: No such process
  76. 12-12 00:44:53.336 5346 5368 E BatteryExternalStatsWorker: no controller energy info supplied for bluetooth
  77. 12-12 00:44:53.351 5346 5368 E BatteryExternalStatsWorker: modem info is invalid: ModemActivityInfo{ mTimestamp=0 mSleepTimeMs=0 mIdleTimeMs=0 mTxTimeMs[]=[0, 0, 0, 0, 0] mRxTimeMs=0 mEnergyUsed=0}
  78. 12-12 00:44:53.364 5346 5367 W zygote64: kill(-6506, 9) failed: No such process
  79. 12-12 00:44:53.364 5346 5367 I zygote64: Successfully killed process cgroup uid 10019 pid 6506 in 135ms
  80. 12-12 00:44:53.378 6827 7102 D SuggestionParser: Day 0 for
  81. 12-12 00:44:53.421 6827 7095 D BatteryInfo: time for getStats: 130ms
  82. 12-12 00:44:53.423 6827 7100 D BatteryInfo: time for regular BatteryInfo: 2ms
  83. 12-12 00:44:53.424 6827 7100 D BatteryInfo: time for getBatteryInfo: 1ms
  84. 12-12 00:44:53.442 3047 3083 E BufferQueueProducer: [] disconnect: not connected (req=1)
  85. 12-12 00:44:53.443 6827 7101 W libEGL : EGLNativeWindowType 0x78ec952010 disconnect failed
  86. 12-12 00:44:53.454 6827 6827 D BatteryInfo: time for callback: 0ms
  87. 12-12 00:44:53.751 5346 5356 I zygote64: Background concurrent copying GC freed 12545(1060KB) AllocSpace objects, 10(504KB) LOS objects, 42% free, 8MB/15MB, paused 1.570ms total 110.961ms
  88. 12-12 00:44:53.854 3047 3199 E BufferQueueProducer: [InputMethod#0] disconnect: not connected (req=1)
  89. 12-12 00:44:53.854 5503 7149 W libEGL : EGLNativeWindowType 0x790150a010 disconnect failed
  90. 12-12 00:44:53.913 6827 6827 I zygote64: Deoptimizing$ViewHolder$Recycler.tryGetViewHolderForPositionByDeadline(int, boolean, long) due to JIT inline cache
  91. 12-12 00:44:53.929 6035 6173 W MediaScanner: Error opening directory '/oem/media/', skipping: No such file or directory.
  92. 12-12 00:44:54.369 5346 6754 I ActivityManager: Killing 7150:org.lineageos.lineageparts/1000 (adj 0): crash
  93. 12-12 00:44:54.370 5346 5367 W zygote64: kill(-7150, 9) failed: No such process
  94. 12-12 00:44:54.370 6827 6827 I ActivityThread: Removing dead content provider:android.content.ContentProviderProxy@1d8defa
  95. 12-12 00:44:54.381 3047 3199 E BufferQueueProducer: [Application Error: org.lineageos.lineageparts#0] disconnect: not connected (req=1)
  96. 12-12 00:44:54.381 5346 7290 W libEGL : EGLNativeWindowType 0x78fe93b010 disconnect failed
  97. 12-12 00:44:54.413 5346 5367 W zygote64: kill(-7150, 9) failed: No such process
  98. 12-12 00:44:54.447 6827 6827 D DashboardSummary: Listening for condition changes
  99. 12-12 00:44:54.447 6827 6827 D DashboardSummary: onConditionsChanged
  100. 12-12 00:44:54.448 6827 6827 D DashboardAdapter: adapter setConditions called
  101. 12-12 00:44:54.449 6827 6827 D DashboardSummary: conditions refreshed
  102. 12-12 00:44:54.449 6827 6827 D APM_Condition: APM condition refreshed
  103. 12-12 00:44:54.449 6827 6827 D APM_Condition: setActive was called with false
  104. 12-12 00:44:54.450 5346 5541 I WifiService: getWifiApEnabledState uid=1000
  105. 12-12 00:44:54.453 5346 5367 W zygote64: kill(-7150, 9) failed: No such process
  106. 12-12 00:44:54.453 5346 5367 I zygote64: Successfully killed process cgroup uid 1000 pid 7150 in 83ms
  107. 12-12 00:44:54.579 5346 5422 W AppOps : Finishing op nesting under-run: uid 1000 pkg android code 24 time=0 duration=0 nesting=0
  108. 12-12 00:44:56.265 5346 5372 D AutofillManagerService: Close system dialogs
  109. 12-12 00:44:56.392 5518 5804 D mali_winsys: EGLint new_window_surface(egl_winsys_display*, void*, EGLSurface, EGLConfig, egl_winsys_surface**, egl_color_buffer_format*, EGLBoolean) returns 0x3000, [1440x2560]-format:1
  110. 12-12 00:44:56.446 6827 6827 D DashboardSummary: Stopped listening for condition changes
  111. 12-12 00:44:56.464 5346 5356 I zygote64: Background concurrent copying GC freed 7163(546KB) AllocSpace objects, 4(208KB) LOS objects, 42% free, 8MB/15MB, paused 314us total 107.998ms
  112. 12-12 00:44:56.465 5346 5353 F libc : Fatal signal 11 (SIGSEGV), code 1, fault addr 0x7800000010 in tid 5353 (ReferenceQueueD), pid 5346 (system_server)
  113. 12-12 00:44:56.589 7313 7313 I crash_dump64: obtaining output fd from tombstoned, type: kDebuggerdTombstone
  114. 12-12 00:44:56.590 3073 3073 I /system/bin/tombstoned: received crash request for pid 5346
  115. 12-12 00:44:56.592 7313 7313 I crash_dump64: performing dump of process 5346 (target tid = 5353)
  116. 12-12 00:44:56.593 7313 7313 F DEBUG : *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** ***
  117. 12-12 00:44:56.593 7313 7313 F DEBUG : Build fingerprint: 'samsung/lineage_herolte/herolte:8.1.0/OPM1.171019.011/47775b563e:userdebug/test-keys'
  118. 12-12 00:44:56.593 7313 7313 F DEBUG : Revision: '0'
  119. 12-12 00:44:56.593 7313 7313 F DEBUG : ABI: 'arm64'
  120. 12-12 00:44:56.593 7313 7313 F DEBUG : pid: 5346, tid: 5353, name: ReferenceQueueD >>> system_server <<<
  121. 12-12 00:44:56.593 7313 7313 F DEBUG : signal 11 (SIGSEGV), code 1 (SEGV_MAPERR), fault addr 0x7800000010
  122. 12-12 00:44:56.593 7313 7313 F DEBUG : x0 0000007919383788 x1 0000007800000119 x2 000000791925e800 x3 0000000000000000
  123. 12-12 00:44:56.593 7313 7313 F DEBUG : x4 0000000000000004 x5 0000007902bfbe44 x6 0000000000000001 x7 00000079192f5ac0
  124. 12-12 00:44:56.593 7313 7313 F DEBUG : x8 00000077ffffff98 x9 fffffffffffffff3 x10 0000000000000000 x11 0000000000000000
  125. 12-12 00:44:56.593 7313 7313 F DEBUG : x12 0000000000000000 x13 00000078f908d0c0 x14 0000000000000000 x15 0000000000000007
  126. 12-12 00:44:56.593 7313 7313 F DEBUG : x16 000000799d01cca8 x17 000000799cfb9e64 x18 0000000000000008 x19 000000791925e800
  127. 12-12 00:44:56.593 7313 7313 F DEBUG : x20 0000007800000119 x21 0000007919383788 x22 0000000000000000 x23 000000799d0278b8
  128. 12-12 00:44:56.593 7313 7313 F DEBUG : x24 000000799d027934 x25 0000000013487250 x26 00000079192c58a0 x27 0000000000000001
  129. 12-12 00:44:56.594 7313 7313 F DEBUG : x28 0000007902bfc588 x29 0000007902bfbd80 x30 000000799cfe610c
  130. 12-12 00:44:56.594 7313 7313 F DEBUG : sp 0000007902bfbd50 pc 000000799cfe5bc4 pstate 0000000080000000
  131. 12-12 00:44:56.603 7313 7313 F DEBUG :
  132. 12-12 00:44:56.603 7313 7313 F DEBUG : backtrace:
  133. 12-12 00:44:56.603 7313 7313 F DEBUG : #00 pc 0000000000093bc4 /system/lib64/ (ifree+88)
  134. 12-12 00:44:56.603 7313 7313 F DEBUG : #01 pc 0000000000094108 /system/lib64/ (je_free+120)
  135. 12-12 00:44:56.603 7313 7313 F DEBUG : #02 pc 000000000007d3b0 /system/lib64/ (ucnv_close_58+128)
  136. 12-12 00:44:56.604 7313 7313 F DEBUG : #03 pc 00000000002e8de0 /system/framework/arm64/boot-core-libart.oat (offset 0xd5000)
  137. 12-12 00:44:58.656 6357 6401 D InitAlarmsService: Clearing and rescheduling alarms.
  138. 12-12 00:45:00.594 3073 3073 E /system/bin/tombstoned: Tombstone written to: /data/tombstones/tombstone_03
  139. 12-12 00:45:00.779 6357 6401 E AndroidRuntime: FATAL EXCEPTION: IntentService[InitAlarmsService]
  140. 12-12 00:45:00.779 6357 6401 E AndroidRuntime: Process:, PID: 6357
  141. 12-12 00:45:00.779 6357 6401 E AndroidRuntime: DeadSystemException: The system died; earlier logs will point to the root cause
  142. 12-12 00:45:00.779 5635 5635 D AndroidRuntime: Shutting down VM
  143. 12-12 00:45:00.779 5635 5635 E AndroidRuntime: FATAL EXCEPTION: main
  144. 12-12 00:45:00.779 5635 5635 E AndroidRuntime: Process:, PID: 5635
  145. 12-12 00:45:00.779 5635 5635 E AndroidRuntime: DeadSystemException: The system died; earlier logs will point to the root cause
  146. 12-12 00:45:00.781 6175 6746 W Sensors : sensorservice died [0x79193aa780]
  147. 12-12 00:45:00.782 5302 5698 W AudioFlinger: power manager service died !!!
  148. 12-12 00:45:00.782 6827 6841 W Sensors : sensorservice died [0x790e080e00]
  149. 12-12 00:45:00.782 5302 5698 W AudioFlinger: power manager service died !!!
  150. 12-12 00:45:00.783 3047 3047 D SurfaceFlinger: Set power mode=2, type=0 flinger=0x7429e5e000
  151. 12-12 00:45:00.784 3047 3047 D SurfaceFlinger: Screen type=0 is already mode=2
  152. 12-12 00:45:00.784 2958 2958 I ServiceManager: service 'lineageaudio' died
  153. 12-12 00:45:00.784 2958 2958 I ServiceManager: service 'profile' died
  154. 12-12 00:45:00.785 2958 2958 I ServiceManager: service 'lineagetelephonymanager' died
  155. 12-12 00:45:00.785 2958 2958 I ServiceManager: service 'lineagehardware' died
  156. 12-12 00:45:00.785 2958 2958 I ServiceManager: service 'lineageperformance' died
  157. 12-12 00:45:00.785 2958 2958 I ServiceManager: service 'lineageweather' died
  158. 12-12 00:45:00.785 2958 2958 I ServiceManager: service 'lineagelivedisplay' died
  159. 12-12 00:45:00.785 2958 2958 I ServiceManager: service 'ethernet' died
  160. 12-12 00:45:00.785 2958 2958 I ServiceManager: service 'lineagestatusbar' died
  161. 12-12 00:45:00.785 2958 2958 I ServiceManager: service 'autofill' died
  162. 12-12 00:45:00.785 2958 2958 I ServiceManager: service 'connectivity' died
  163. 12-12 00:45:00.785 5635 5635 I Process : Sending signal. PID: 5635 SIG: 9
  164. 12-12 00:45:00.785 2958 2958 I ServiceManager: service 'servicediscovery' died
  165. 12-12 00:45:00.785 2958 2958 I ServiceManager: service 'updatelock' died
  166. 12-12 00:45:00.786 2958 2958 I ServiceManager: service 'notification' died
  167. 12-12 00:45:00.786 2958 2958 I ServiceManager: service 'devicestoragemonitor' died
  168. 12-12 00:45:00.786 2958 2958 I ServiceManager: service 'location' died
  169. 12-12 00:45:00.786 2958 2958 I ServiceManager: service 'country_detector' died
  170. 12-12 00:45:00.786 2958 2958 I ServiceManager: service 'search' died
  171. 12-12 00:45:00.786 2958 2958 I ServiceManager: service 'wallpaper' died
  172. 12-12 00:45:00.786 2958 2958 I ServiceManager: service 'audio' died
  173. 12-12 00:45:00.786 2958 2958 I ServiceManager: service 'DockObserver' died
  174. 12-12 00:45:00.786 2958 2958 I ServiceManager: service 'usb' died
  175. 12-12 00:45:00.786 2958 2958 I ServiceManager: service 'serial' died
  176. 12-12 00:45:00.786 2958 2958 I ServiceManager: service 'hardware_properties' died
  177. 12-12 00:45:00.786 2958 2958 I ServiceManager: service 'jobscheduler' died
  178. 12-12 00:45:00.787 2958 2958 I ServiceManager: service 'soundtrigger' died
  179. 12-12 00:45:00.787 2958 2958 I ServiceManager: service 'trust' died
  180. 12-12 00:45:00.787 2958 2958 I ServiceManager: service 'backup' died
  181. 12-12 00:45:00.787 2958 2958 I ServiceManager: service 'appwidget' died
  182. 12-12 00:45:00.787 2958 2958 I ServiceManager: service 'telecom' died
  183. 12-12 00:45:00.787 2958 2958 I ServiceManager: service 'vibrator' died
  184. 12-12 00:45:00.787 2958 2958 I ServiceManager: service 'consumer_ir' died
  185. 12-12 00:45:00.787 2958 2958 I ServiceManager: service 'alarm' died
  186. 12-12 00:45:00.787 2958 2958 I ServiceManager: service 'window' died
  187. 12-12 00:45:00.787 2958 2958 I ServiceManager: service 'input' died
  188. 12-12 00:45:00.787 2958 2958 I ServiceManager: service 'vrmanager' died
  189. 12-12 00:45:00.787 2958 2958 I ServiceManager: service 'imms' died
  190. 12-12 00:45:00.788 2958 2958 I ServiceManager: service 'procstats' died
  191. 12-12 00:45:00.788 2958 2958 I ServiceManager: service 'activity' died
  192. 12-12 00:45:00.788 2958 2958 I ServiceManager: service 'user' died
  193. 12-12 00:45:00.788 2958 2958 I ServiceManager: service 'otadexopt' died
  194. 12-12 00:45:00.788 2958 2958 I ServiceManager: service 'package_native' died
  195. 12-12 00:45:00.788 2958 2958 I ServiceManager: service 'package' died
  196. 12-12 00:45:00.788 2958 2958 I ServiceManager: service 'processinfo' died
  197. 12-12 00:45:00.788 2958 2958 I ServiceManager: service 'pinner' died
  198. 12-12 00:45:00.788 2958 2958 I ServiceManager: service 'input_method' died
  199. 12-12 00:45:00.788 2958 2958 I ServiceManager: service 'accessibility' died
  200. 12-12 00:45:00.788 2958 2958 I ServiceManager: service 'mount' died
  201. 12-12 00:45:00.788 2958 2958 I ServiceManager: service 'storagestats' died
  202. 12-12 00:45:00.789 2958 2958 I ServiceManager: service 'uimode' died
  203. 12-12 00:45:00.789 2958 2958 I ServiceManager: service 'lock_settings' died
  204. 12-12 00:45:00.789 2958 2958 I ServiceManager: service 'deviceidle' died
  205. 12-12 00:45:00.789 2958 2958 I ServiceManager: service 'device_policy' died
  206. 12-12 00:45:00.789 2958 2958 I ServiceManager: service 'statusbar' died
  207. 12-12 00:45:00.789 2958 2958 I ServiceManager: service 'clipboard' died
  208. 12-12 00:45:00.789 2958 2958 I ServiceManager: service 'network_management' died
  209. 12-12 00:45:00.789 2958 2958 I ServiceManager: service 'textservices' died
  210. 12-12 00:45:00.789 2958 2958 I ServiceManager: service 'network_score' died
  211. 12-12 00:45:00.789 2958 2958 I ServiceManager: service 'netstats' died
  212. 12-12 00:45:00.789 2958 2958 I ServiceManager: service 'netpolicy' died
  213. 12-12 00:45:00.789 2958 2958 I ServiceManager: service 'wifi' died
  214. 12-12 00:45:00.790 2958 2958 I ServiceManager: service 'wifiscanner' died
  215. 12-12 00:45:00.790 2958 2958 I ServiceManager: service 'rttmanager' died
  216. 12-12 00:45:00.790 2958 2958 I ServiceManager: service 'wifip2p' died
  217. 12-12 00:45:00.790 2958 2958 I ServiceManager: service 'batterystats' died
  218. 12-12 00:45:00.790 2958 2958 I ServiceManager: service 'appops' died
  219. 12-12 00:45:00.790 2958 2958 I ServiceManager: service 'power' died
  220. 12-12 00:45:00.790 2958 2958 I ServiceManager: service 'recovery' died
  221. 12-12 00:45:00.790 2958 2958 I ServiceManager: service 'display' died
  222. 12-12 00:45:00.790 2958 2958 I ServiceManager: service 'meminfo' died
  223. 12-12 00:45:00.790 2958 2958 I ServiceManager: service 'gfxinfo' died
  224. 12-12 00:45:00.790 2958 2958 I ServiceManager: service 'voiceinteraction' died
  225. 12-12 00:45:00.790 2958 2958 I ServiceManager: service 'dbinfo' died
  226. 12-12 00:45:00.791 2958 2958 I ServiceManager: service 'cpuinfo' died
  227. 12-12 00:45:00.791 2958 2958 I ServiceManager: service 'diskstats' died
  228. 12-12 00:45:00.791 2958 2958 I ServiceManager: service 'network_time_update_service' died
  229. 12-12 00:45:00.791 2958 2958 I ServiceManager: service 'commontime_management' died
  230. 12-12 00:45:00.791 2958 2958 I ServiceManager: service 'dreams' died
  231. 12-12 00:45:00.791 2958 2958 I ServiceManager: service 'graphicsstats' died
  232. 12-12 00:45:00.791 2958 2958 I ServiceManager: service 'print' died
  233. 12-12 00:45:00.791 2958 2958 I ServiceManager: service 'companiondevice' died
  234. 12-12 00:45:00.791 2958 2958 I ServiceManager: service 'restrictions' died
  235. 12-12 00:45:00.791 5518 5813 W Sensors : sensorservice died [0x79192a7a60]
  236. 12-12 00:45:00.791 2958 2958 I ServiceManager: service 'media_session' died
  237. 12-12 00:45:00.791 2958 2958 I ServiceManager: service 'media_resource_monitor' died
  238. 12-12 00:45:00.792 2958 2958 I ServiceManager: service 'media_router' died
  239. 12-12 00:45:00.792 2958 2958 I ServiceManager: service 'fingerprint' died
  240. 12-12 00:45:00.792 2958 2958 I ServiceManager: service 'shortcut' died
  241. 12-12 00:45:00.792 6056 6072 W Sensors : sensorservice died [0x790e081800]
  242. 12-12 00:45:00.792 2958 2958 I ServiceManager: service 'launcherapps' died
  243. 12-12 00:45:00.792 2958 2958 I ServiceManager: service 'media_projection' died
  244. 12-12 00:45:00.792 2958 2958 I ServiceManager: service 'permission' died
  245. 12-12 00:45:00.792 2958 2958 I ServiceManager: service '' died
  246. 12-12 00:45:00.792 2958 2958 I ServiceManager: service 'overlay' died
  247. 12-12 00:45:00.792 2958 2958 I ServiceManager: service 'dropbox' died
  248. 12-12 00:45:00.792 2958 2958 I ServiceManager: service 'battery' died
  249. 12-12 00:45:00.792 2958 2958 I ServiceManager: service 'usagestats' died
  250. 12-12 00:45:00.819 6357 6401 I Process : Sending signal. PID: 6357 SIG: 9
  251. 12-12 00:45:00.821 3046 3046 I lowmemorykiller: ActivityManager disconnected
  252. 12-12 00:45:00.821 3046 3046 I lowmemorykiller: Closing Activity Manager data connection
  253. 12-12 00:45:00.822 2958 2958 I ServiceManager: service 'webviewupdate' died
  254. 12-12 00:45:00.822 2958 2958 I ServiceManager: service 'sec_key_att_app_id_provider' died
  255. 12-12 00:45:00.822 2958 2958 I ServiceManager: service 'scheduling_policy' died
  256. 12-12 00:45:00.822 2958 2958 I ServiceManager: service 'telephony.registry' died
  257. 12-12 00:45:00.822 2958 2958 I ServiceManager: service 'account' died
  258. 12-12 00:45:00.822 2958 2958 I ServiceManager: service 'content' died
  259. 12-12 00:45:00.822 2958 2958 I ServiceManager: service 'settings' died
  260. 12-12 00:45:00.822 2958 2958 I ServiceManager: service 'sensorservice' died
  261. 12-12 00:45:00.822 2958 2958 I ServiceManager: service 'device_identifiers' died
  262. 12-12 00:45:00.825 2958 2958 I ServiceManager: service 'bluetooth_manager' died
  263. 12-12 00:45:00.825 2958 2958 I ServiceManager: service 'connmetrics' died
  264. 12-12 00:45:00.825 2958 2958 I ServiceManager: service 'netd_listener' died
  265. 12-12 00:45:00.825 2958 2958 I ServiceManager: service 'contexthub' died
  266. 12-12 00:45:00.839 6175 7191 E AndroidRuntime: FATAL EXCEPTION: IntentService[MediaMonitorIntentService]
  267. 12-12 00:45:00.839 6175 7191 E AndroidRuntime: Process:, PID: 6175
  268. 12-12 00:45:00.839 6175 7191 E AndroidRuntime: DeadSystemException: The system died; earlier logs will point to the root cause
  269. 12-12 00:45:00.842 6175 7191 E BaseUncaughtHandler: Hit an exception while processing the UncaughtExceptionHandler. Original exception:
  270. 12-12 00:45:00.842 6175 7191 E BaseUncaughtHandler: DeadSystemException: The system died; earlier logs will point to the root cause
  271. 12-12 00:45:00.846 6175 7191 E BaseUncaughtHandler: Hit an exception while processing the UncaughtExceptionHandler. Original exception:
  272. 12-12 00:45:00.846 6175 7191 E BaseUncaughtHandler: DeadSystemException: The system died; earlier logs will point to the root cause
  273. 12-12 00:45:00.846 2959 2959 E hw-IPCThreadState: attemptIncStrongHandle(21): Not supported
  274. 12-12 00:45:00.846 2959 2959 E hw-IPCThreadState: attemptIncStrongHandle(16): Not supported
  275. 12-12 00:45:00.846 2959 2959 E hw-IPCThreadState: attemptIncStrongHandle(16): Not supported
  276. 12-12 00:45:00.847 6175 7191 I Process : Sending signal. PID: 6175 SIG: 9
  277. 12-12 00:45:00.915 2958 2958 I ServiceManager: service 'sip' died
  278. 12-12 00:45:00.915 2958 2958 I ServiceManager: service 'isub' died
  279. 12-12 00:45:00.915 2958 2958 I ServiceManager: service 'simphonebook' died
  280. 12-12 00:45:00.915 2958 2958 I ServiceManager: service 'iphonesubinfo' died
  281. 12-12 00:45:00.915 2958 2958 I ServiceManager: service 'isms' died
  282. 12-12 00:45:00.915 2958 2958 I ServiceManager: service 'phone' died
  283. 12-12 00:45:00.915 2958 2958 I ServiceManager: service 'carrier_config' died
  284. 12-12 00:45:01.165 7325 7335 D vndksupport: Loading /vendor/lib64/egl/ from current namespace instead of sphal namespace.
  285. 12-12 00:45:01.173 7325 7335 D libEGL : loaded /vendor/lib64/egl/
  286. 12-12 00:45:01.204 2959 2959 W /system/bin/hwservicemanager: getTransport: Cannot find entry android.hardware.configstore@1.0::ISurfaceFlingerConfigs/default in either framework or device manifest.
  287. 12-12 00:45:01.206 7325 7335 I /system/bin/bootanimation: android::hardware::configstore::V1_0::ISurfaceFlingerConfigs::hasWideColorDisplay retrieved: 0
  288. 12-12 00:45:01.208 7325 7335 D mali_winsys: EGLint new_window_surface(egl_winsys_display*, void*, EGLSurface, EGLConfig, egl_winsys_surface**, egl_color_buffer_format*, EGLBoolean) returns 0x3000, [1440x2560]-format:2
  289. 12-12 00:45:01.215 7325 7335 D BootAnimation: BootAnimationShownTiming start time: 111012ms
  290. 12-12 00:45:01.227 2959 2959 W /system/bin/hwservicemanager: getTransport: Cannot find entry in either framework or device manifest.
  291. 12-12 00:45:01.228 7325 7335 D vndksupport: Loading /vendor/lib64/hw/ from current namespace instead of sphal namespace.
  292. 12-12 00:45:02.093 6757 6757 D AndroidRuntime: Shutting down VM
  293. 12-12 00:45:02.093 6757 6757 E AndroidRuntime: FATAL EXCEPTION: main
  294. 12-12 00:45:02.093 6757 6757 E AndroidRuntime: Process:, PID: 6757
  295. 12-12 00:45:02.093 6757 6757 E AndroidRuntime: DeadSystemException: The system died; earlier logs will point to the root cause
  296. 12-12 00:45:02.100 6757 6757 E BaseUncaughtHandler: Hit an exception while processing the UncaughtExceptionHandler. Original exception:
  297. 12-12 00:45:02.100 6757 6757 E BaseUncaughtHandler: DeadSystemException: The system died; earlier logs will point to the root cause
  298. 12-12 00:45:02.104 6757 6757 E BaseUncaughtHandler: Hit an exception while processing the UncaughtExceptionHandler. Original exception:
  299. 12-12 00:45:02.104 6757 6757 E BaseUncaughtHandler: DeadSystemException: The system died; earlier logs will point to the root cause
  300. 12-12 00:45:02.108 6757 6757 I Process : Sending signal. PID: 6757 SIG: 9
  301. 12-12 00:45:02.845 3049 3049 I adbd : Framework disconnect
  302. 12-12 00:45:03.016 5301 5301 I Zygote : Process 5346 exited due to signal (11)
  303. 12-12 00:45:03.016 5301 5301 E Zygote : Exit zygote because system server (5346) has terminated
  304. 12-12 00:45:03.110 2958 2958 I ServiceManager: service 'media.sound_trigger_hw' died
  305. 12-12 00:45:03.110 2958 2958 I ServiceManager: service 'media.audio_flinger' died
  306. 12-12 00:45:03.110 2958 2958 I ServiceManager: service 'media.audio_policy' died
  307. 12-12 00:45:03.198 2958 2958 I ServiceManager: service '' died
  308. 12-12 00:45:03.208 2958 2958 I ServiceManager: service 'media.player' died
  309. 12-12 00:45:03.208 2958 2958 I ServiceManager: service 'media.resource_manager' died
  310. 12-12 00:45:03.214 2958 2958 I ServiceManager: service 'nfc' died
  311. 12-12 00:45:03.406 2958 2958 I ServiceManager: service 'netd' died
  312. 12-12 00:45:03.414 2958 2958 I ServiceManager: service 'wificond' died
  313. 12-12 00:45:03.507 7356 7356 I wificond: wificond is starting up...
  314. 12-12 00:45:03.513 2959 2959 E hw-IPCThreadState: attemptIncStrongHandle(20): Not supported
  315. 12-12 00:45:03.513 2959 2959 I chatty : uid=1000(system) hwservicemanage identical 4 lines
  316. 12-12 00:45:03.513 2959 2959 E hw-IPCThreadState: attemptIncStrongHandle(20): Not supported
  317. 12-12 00:45:03.516 7355 7355 I Netd : Netd 1.0 starting
  318. 12-12 00:45:03.516 7355 7355 D TetherController: Setting IP forward enable = 0
  319. 12-12 00:45:03.585 7355 7355 I Netd : Creating child chains: 51.2ms
  320. 12-12 00:45:03.585 7355 7355 I Netd : Setting up OEM hooks: 0.1ms
  321. 12-12 00:45:03.601 7355 7355 I Netd : Setting up FirewallController hooks: 16.4ms
  322. 12-12 00:45:03.616 7355 7355 I Netd : Setting up NatController hooks: 14.5ms
  323. 12-12 00:45:03.632 7355 7355 I Netd : Setting up BandwidthController hooks: 16.3ms
  324. 12-12 00:45:03.632 7355 7355 I Netd : Setting up IdletimerController hooks: 0.1ms
  325. 12-12 00:45:03.642 7355 7355 I Netd : Disabling bandwidth control: 10.4ms
  326. 12-12 00:45:03.644 7355 7355 E Netd : cannot find interface dummy0
  327. 12-12 00:45:03.645 7355 7355 I Netd : Initializing RouteController: 2.2ms
  328. 12-12 00:45:03.648 7355 7355 D MDnsDS : MDnsSdListener::Hander starting up
  329. 12-12 00:45:03.648 7355 7365 D MDnsDS : MDnsSdListener starting to monitor
  330. 12-12 00:45:03.648 7355 7365 D MDnsDS : Going to poll with pollCount 1
  331. 12-12 00:45:03.649 7355 7355 I Netd : Registering NetdNativeService: 1.0ms
  332. 12-12 00:45:03.649 7355 7355 I Netd : Starting CommandListener: 0.3ms
  333. 12-12 00:45:03.652 7355 7355 I Netd : Registering NetdHwService: 2.3ms
  334. 12-12 00:45:03.652 7355 7355 I Netd : Netd started in 136ms
  335. 12-12 00:45:03.709 7353 7353 I FastMixerState: sMaxFastTracks = 8
  336. 12-12 00:45:03.712 7353 7353 I audioserver: ServiceManager: 0xec0184c0
  337. 12-12 00:45:03.712 7353 7353 W BatteryNotifier: batterystats service unavailable!
  338. 12-12 00:45:03.712 7351 7351 I cameraserver: ServiceManager: 0xf4e98520
  339. 12-12 00:45:03.713 7351 7351 I CameraService: CameraService started (pid=7351)
  340. 12-12 00:45:03.713 7351 7351 I CameraService: CameraService process starting
  341. 12-12 00:45:03.713 7351 7351 W BatteryNotifier: batterystats service unavailable!
  342. 12-12 00:45:03.713 7351 7351 W BatteryNotifier: batterystats service unavailable!
  343. 12-12 00:45:03.714 2959 2959 W /system/bin/hwservicemanager: getTransport: Cannot find entry in either framework or device manifest.
  344. 12-12 00:45:03.716 7353 7353 D vndksupport: Loading /vendor/lib/hw/ from current namespace instead of sphal namespace.
  345. 12-12 00:45:03.716 2959 2959 W /system/bin/hwservicemanager: getTransport: Cannot find entry in either framework or device manifest.
  346. 12-12 00:45:03.717 7351 7351 D vndksupport: Loading /vendor/lib/hw/ from current namespace instead of sphal namespace.
  347. 12-12 00:45:03.719 2959 2959 W /system/bin/hwservicemanager: getTransport: Cannot find entry in either framework or device manifest.
  348. 12-12 00:45:03.723 7353 7353 D vndksupport: Loading /vendor/lib/hw/ from current namespace instead of sphal namespace.
  349. 12-12 00:45:03.723 7351 7351 V CameraWrapper: camera_get_number_of_cameras
  350. 12-12 00:45:03.723 7351 7351 V CameraWrapper: check_vendor_module
  351. 12-12 00:45:03.727 7354 7354 I mediaserver: ServiceManager: 0xe59185c0
  352. 12-12 00:45:03.731 7354 7354 W BatteryNotifier: batterystats service unavailable!
  353. 12-12 00:45:03.732 7353 7353 I AudioFlinger: Using default 3000 mSec as standby time.
  354. 12-12 00:45:03.734 7353 7353 W APM::ConfigParsingUtils: loadOutput() invalid supported devices
  355. 12-12 00:45:03.734 7353 7353 W APM::ConfigParsingUtils: loadInput() invalid supported devices
  356. 12-12 00:45:03.734 7353 7353 W APM::ConfigParsingUtils: loadInput() invalid supported devices
  357. 12-12 00:45:03.734 7353 7353 I APM::ConfigParsingUtils: loadAudioPolicyConfig() loaded /system/etc/audio_policy.conf
  358. 12-12 00:45:03.762 7352 7352 D AndroidRuntime: >>>>>> START uid 0 <<<<<<
  359. 12-12 00:45:03.767 7352 7352 I zygote64: option[0]=-Xzygote
  360. 12-12 00:45:03.767 7352 7352 I zygote64: option[1]=-Xusetombstonedtraces
  361. 12-12 00:45:03.767 7352 7352 I zygote64: option[2]=exit
  362. 12-12 00:45:03.767 7352 7352 I zygote64: option[3]=vfprintf
  363. 12-12 00:45:03.767 7352 7352 I zygote64: option[4]=sensitiveThread
  364. 12-12 00:45:03.767 7352 7352 I zygote64: option[5]=-verbose:gc
  365. 12-12 00:45:03.767 7352 7352 I zygote64: option[6]=-Xms8m
  366. 12-12 00:45:03.767 7352 7352 I zygote64: option[7]=-Xmx512m
  367. 12-12 00:45:03.767 7352 7352 I zygote64: option[8]=-XX:HeapGrowthLimit=256m
  368. 12-12 00:45:03.767 7352 7352 I zygote64: option[9]=-XX:HeapMinFree=2m
  369. 12-12 00:45:03.767 7352 7352 I zygote64: option[10]=-XX:HeapMaxFree=8m
  370. 12-12 00:45:03.767 7352 7352 I zygote64: option[11]=-XX:HeapTargetUtilization=0.75
  371. 12-12 00:45:03.767 7352 7352 I zygote64: option[12]=-Xusejit:true
  372. 12-12 00:45:03.767 7352 7352 I zygote64: option[13]=-Xjitsaveprofilinginfo
  373. 12-12 00:45:03.767 7352 7352 I zygote64: option[14]=-agentlib:jdwp=transport=dt_android_adb,suspend=n,server=y
  374. 12-12 00:45:03.767 7352 7352 I zygote64: option[15]=-Xlockprofthreshold:500
  375. 12-12 00:45:03.767 7352 7352 I zygote64: option[16]=-Ximage-compiler-option
  376. 12-12 00:45:03.767 7352 7352 I zygote64: option[17]=--runtime-arg
  377. 12-12 00:45:03.767 7352 7352 I zygote64: option[18]=-Ximage-compiler-option
  378. 12-12 00:45:03.767 7352 7352 I zygote64: option[19]=-Xms64m
  379. 12-12 00:45:03.767 7352 7352 I zygote64: option[20]=-Ximage-compiler-option
  380. 12-12 00:45:03.767 7352 7352 I zygote64: option[21]=--runtime-arg
  381. 12-12 00:45:03.767 7352 7352 I zygote64: option[22]=-Ximage-compiler-option
  382. 12-12 00:45:03.767 7352 7352 I zygote64: option[23]=-Xmx64m
  383. 12-12 00:45:03.767 7352 7352 I zygote64: option[24]=-Ximage-compiler-option
  384. 12-12 00:45:03.767 7352 7352 I zygote64: option[25]=--image-classes=/system/etc/preloaded-classes
  385. 12-12 00:45:03.767 7352 7352 I zygote64: option[26]=-Ximage-compiler-option
  386. 12-12 00:45:03.767 7352 7352 I zygote64: option[27]=--compiled-classes=/system/etc/compiled-classes
  387. 12-12 00:45:03.767 7352 7352 I zygote64: option[28]=-Ximage-compiler-option
  388. 12-12 00:45:03.767 7352 7352 I zygote64: option[29]=--dirty-image-objects=/system/etc/dirty-image-objects
  389. 12-12 00:45:03.767 7352 7352 I zygote64: option[30]=-Xcompiler-option
  390. 12-12 00:45:03.768 7352 7352 I zygote64: option[31]=--runtime-arg
  391. 12-12 00:45:03.768 7352 7352 I zygote64: option[32]=-Xcompiler-option
  392. 12-12 00:45:03.768 7352 7352 I zygote64: option[33]=-Xms64m
  393. 12-12 00:45:03.768 7352 7352 I zygote64: option[34]=-Xcompiler-option
  394. 12-12 00:45:03.768 7352 7352 I zygote64: option[35]=--runtime-arg
  395. 12-12 00:45:03.768 7352 7352 I zygote64: option[36]=-Xcompiler-option
  396. 12-12 00:45:03.768 7352 7352 I zygote64: option[37]=-Xmx512m
  397. 12-12 00:45:03.768 7352 7352 I zygote64: option[38]=-Ximage-compiler-option
  398. 12-12 00:45:03.768 7352 7352 I zygote64: option[39]=--instruction-set-variant=generic
  399. 12-12 00:45:03.768 7352 7352 I zygote64: option[40]=-Xcompiler-option
  400. 12-12 00:45:03.768 7352 7352 I zygote64: option[41]=--instruction-set-variant=generic
  401. 12-12 00:45:03.768 7352 7352 I zygote64: option[42]=-Ximage-compiler-option
  402. 12-12 00:45:03.768 7352 7352 I zygote64: option[43]=--instruction-set-features=default
  403. 12-12 00:45:03.768 7352 7352 I zygote64: option[44]=-Xcompiler-option
  404. 12-12 00:45:03.768 7352 7352 I zygote64: option[45]=--instruction-set-features=default
  405. 12-12 00:45:03.768 7352 7352 I zygote64: option[46]=-Duser.locale=en-US
  406. 12-12 00:45:03.768 7352 7352 I zygote64: option[47]=--cpu-abilist=arm64-v8a
  407. 12-12 00:45:03.768 7352 7352 I zygote64: option[48]=-Xfingerprint:samsung/lineage_herolte/herolte:8.1.0/OPM1.171019.011/47775b563e:userdebug/test-keys
  408. 12-12 00:45:03.878 7352 7352 D Zygote : begin preload
  409. 12-12 00:45:03.878 7352 7352 I Zygote : Installing ICU cache reference pinning...
  410. 12-12 00:45:03.878 7352 7352 I Zygote : Preloading ICU data...
  411. 12-12 00:45:03.883 7352 7352 D Zygote64Timing: BeginIcuCachePinning took to complete: 5ms
  412. 12-12 00:45:03.883 7352 7352 I Zygote : Preloading classes...
  413. 12-12 00:45:03.916 7351 7351 I CamProvider@2.4-impl: Loaded "Hero Camera Wrapper" camera module
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