
Usage of My Content

Mar 5th, 2025
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  1. The following apply to any content made under the following usernames:
  2. ASmolBoy/AVerySmolBoy (or similar)
  3. Lil'Alien/LilAlien/LilAlienBoop/LilAlienBeepBoop (Old username)
  4. Agentalex9 (Even older username)
  6. TL;DR: You can use my content in a transformative way as long as there is obvious credit to my account(s) and it isn't just a copy/repost with barely any changes. If you'd like to share something of mine, please link to the original page instead of ripping and posting the content yourself!
  8. Types of posts/content/situations that **AREN'T** allowed:
  9. * Straight-up reposts, including ones that are barely any different from/exactly the same as the original. This includes reposting to sites like YouTube, Reddit, Twitter, Tumblr, TikTok, Facebook, Discord, Soundcloud, Bilibili (哔哩哔哩), Niconico (ニコニコ) etc.
  10. * "Extended"/10 hours videos
  11. * "Completions" (i.e. Putting another part of a song/video on the end or start of something of mine).
  12. * Fake Trailers (Like DR Chapter 3 or something)
  13. * "[Song name], but it changes into a different cover/remix/style/song every so often" videos containing something of mine.
  14. * Vaporwave/Nightcore style """remixes""" containing something of mine with barely any modification.
  15. * Posts that claim something of mine as someone else's (or as yours).
  16. * Mods or games that include something of mine (e.g. Undertale fan-game, Friday Night Funkin' mod etc.)
  17. * Discord/Twitch emotes that include something of mine.
  18. * Dual Mixes/Triple mixes/whatever.
  19. * Meme Compilations.
  21. Types of posts/content/situations that **ARE** allowed:
  22. * Let's plays of my mods/games.
  23. * Musical covers of something of mine, like remixes, piano, drum covers etc.
  24. * Reaction videos with something of mine in them.
  25. * Using something of mine as a profile picture.
  26. * Youtube Poops/Edits.
  27. * Using something of mine as background music/video, like in a video essay, speedpaint, stream BRB etc.
  28. * Reposts for archival purposes (only allowed on, not anywhere else)
  30. With the allowed content, appropriate and obvious credit must be included for all of them.
  31. For example:
  33. Music by ASmolBoy:
  34. [Link to video or channel]
  36. [Title of video/post]... (by @ASmolBoy)
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