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- The following apply to any content made under the following usernames:
- ASmolBoy/AVerySmolBoy (or similar)
- Lil'Alien/LilAlien/LilAlienBoop/LilAlienBeepBoop (Old username)
- Agentalex9 (Even older username)
- TL;DR: You can use my content in a transformative way as long as there is obvious credit to my account(s) and it isn't just a copy/repost with barely any changes. If you'd like to share something of mine, please link to the original page instead of ripping and posting the content yourself!
- Types of posts/content/situations that **AREN'T** allowed:
- * Straight-up reposts, including ones that are barely any different from/exactly the same as the original. This includes reposting to sites like YouTube, Reddit, Twitter, Tumblr, TikTok, Facebook, Discord, Soundcloud, Bilibili (哔哩哔哩), Niconico (ニコニコ) etc.
- * "Extended"/10 hours videos
- * "Completions" (i.e. Putting another part of a song/video on the end or start of something of mine).
- * Fake Trailers (Like DR Chapter 3 or something)
- * "[Song name], but it changes into a different cover/remix/style/song every so often" videos containing something of mine.
- * Vaporwave/Nightcore style """remixes""" containing something of mine with barely any modification.
- * Posts that claim something of mine as someone else's (or as yours).
- * Mods or games that include something of mine (e.g. Undertale fan-game, Friday Night Funkin' mod etc.)
- * Discord/Twitch emotes that include something of mine.
- * Dual Mixes/Triple mixes/whatever.
- * Meme Compilations.
- Types of posts/content/situations that **ARE** allowed:
- * Let's plays of my mods/games.
- * Musical covers of something of mine, like remixes, piano, drum covers etc.
- * Reaction videos with something of mine in them.
- * Using something of mine as a profile picture.
- * Youtube Poops/Edits.
- * Using something of mine as background music/video, like in a video essay, speedpaint, stream BRB etc.
- * Reposts for archival purposes (only allowed on, not anywhere else)
- With the allowed content, appropriate and obvious credit must be included for all of them.
- For example:
- Music by ASmolBoy:
- [Link to video or channel]
- [Title of video/post]... (by @ASmolBoy)
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