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Apr 23rd, 2019
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  1. oh good
  2. that's much better
  3. the thing with items is that each class of champion basically has a set of items meant for them
  4. so what you would buy on mages is almost never going to overlap with a fighter like jax or garen
  5. there is minor overlap between an ad carry like trist and fighters but not much
  6. because these classes value different stats
  7. mages value ability power, magic penetration, cooldown reduction, mana + mana regeneration
  8. because these are all stats that benefit their abilities, which is why they exist
  9. but mages have a lot of great options if they want to get specific utilities
  10. if you're fighting a physical damage dealer with a mage
  11. yasuo being one of them
  12. you can buy a zhonya's hourglass
  13. which is honestly one of the best items in the game
  14. it gives you ability power, armor, cooldown reduction
  15. and an active that puts you in stasis for 2.5 seconds
  16. when you see champions go golden thats what that is
  17. so although you can't fight when you are in stasis, it also means no one can touch you
  18. you can use it to buy time for your cooldowns to come up, or if they're diving you under your tower, you can't be touched but your tower still shoots them
  19. that's the defensive buy for mages, over bramble vest
  20. now normally
  21. you want to complete one item at a time
  22. but sometimes you only need one component right away
  23. for example, a lot of split-push champions are not naturally good at shoving minions waves
  24. so they buy Tiamat, which causes their auto attacks to deal splash damage
  25. so you shove way faster
  26. and they can sit on Tiamat without upgrading it for a while, because all they care about is the AoE
  27. and the extra stats from a completed Ravenous or Titanic Hydra (what Tiamat builds into) aren't as worthwhile
  28. in the case of mages
  29. for zhonyas
  30. it has 3 components
  31. Seeker's Armguard, which gives AP and Armor
  32. Fiendish Codex, which gives AP and CDR
  33. and Stopwatch, which gives the Stasis active, but can only be used once before fully building zhonyas
  34. most mages really need to complete a mana item ASAP, usually anything that builds from Lost Chapter
  35. but you can purchase an early Seeker's Armguard first to give you that defensive boost
  36. before going into your mana item
  37. it's not as strong as a full zhonyas ofc, but it makes you way harder to kill
  38. I should also note that as a general rule, the defensive boots (Ninja Tabi/Mercury Treads) are always fine alternatives even on damage-dealers
  39. Mages normally want Sorc Boots, ADCs normally want Berserker's Greaves, but Tabi/Mercs are always strong
  40. so for Annie specifically
  41. she is a burst mage
  42. she is meant to just delete squishy targets with one spell rotation
  43. that's why she goes Electrocute or Predator usually for runes
  44. Electrocute is the strongest burst damage rune, but Predator gives her easier target access (since she has no mobility to actually get on people without flashing)
  45. items that help her one-shot targets are ideal
  46. Luden's Echo is your mana/cdr item and it helps with waveclear + burst
  47. Morellonomicon gives you flat magic pen, which is strong against targets with low magic resist values
  48. Void Staff gives you percentage magic pen, which is strong against targets with higher mr values
  49. I don't know off the top of my head where the break-even point is between the two
  50. Rabadon's Deathcap gives you a shitton of AP and multiplies the AP you already have, so its always strong once you have some AP built up
  51. like a 3rd or 4th item
  52. Hextech Protobelt gives you burst and waveclear, but it's great on Annie because it gives you a mini-dash
  53. so you can catch people off guard
  54. uhhh
  55. Zhonyas ofc for defensive
  56. even if you're not worried about physical damage
  57. the active on it is so strong its just the best defensive item for mages
  58. but Banshee's Veil is the go-to for magic resist on mages
  59. or versus long range poke champions
  60. because it gives you a spell shield that blocks the next spell that would hit you
  61. every 40 seconds
  62. Spellbinder is also there, but it takes some getting used to using it
  63. :x I think that's everything that's good on Annie
  64. the most essential thing to learn with her is that her R is a decent-sized AoE right
  65. and so if you have your passive stun ready
  66. and the enemy team is close together
  67. you can flash on them and ult the lot of them
  68. and the stun applies to EVERYONE
  69. so that makes Annie useful even from behind, as long as you can make that play
  70. and if you're even or ahead, you also delete anyone who is squishy and chunk the rest of the team
  71. and that's why some people play support Annie
  72. you don't actually need to do damage for that to be useful
  73. it's just that other mages are more useful in the support role than annie is
  74. years ago support annie was strong because she had a longer auto-attack range than almost every AD Carry, so you could harass them in lane
  75. but they took that away
  76. support annie hasn't been good since
  77. Brand, Zyra, Vel'Koz, Morgana, Lux, even Xerath all play better as damage-heavy mage supports
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