
The Pallas Govenor

Jun 21st, 2019
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  1. The govenor of the planet Pallas was shocked to be disturbed in his daily routine of generally lounging around and doing nothing by the hurried footsteps of one of his aides, the doors to his inner sanctum were thrown open with a thud that generated a small squeak of fear from the govenor akin to that of a mouse. 'Warships govenor there are warships in orbit' screamed the aide to him in panic. The govenor who up until this point was just standing and staring in fear dropped his wine glass to the floor with a deafening shattering of glass he crumpled back into his chair.
  2. 'Oh no, is it the warlord again, we had an agreement! I let him raid our mines uncontested and he never again destroys anything here!'.
  3. 'It's worse my lord ' said his aide, 'the ships carry the shield of the imperial ruler himself'.
  4. 'but but we are just a small mining world...' the govenor stumbled through his words wondering why now the Imperial Palace would pay any attention to him out here in the far depths of the galaxy.
  5. Out of the window the sound of a landing craft echoed through the hall. The govenor straightened up and decided to meet these visitors head on, maybe this way he could save his job, knowing full well that allowing another warlord to freely help himself to the resources was nothing but treason.
  6. 'We are here general, apparently they will be coming out to meet us and ask we stay on board for our own benefit as the outside air is stale and arid.' said the communications officer.
  7. 'Did they really, well then let's make sure we do nothing of the sort' said General Daneel. Daneel was a veteran of the imperial navy, having overseen major wars all over the universe it was now his job to sort out this latest niggle to the imperial rulers sensitivities, the idea of one of his mining planets being a free shop to another empire annoyed even the most patient of rulers.
  8. Daneel strode down the landing crafts ramp towards the waiting airfield crew with his bodyguards detail and sslecond in command following in his wake. His anger to be here was visible in his shoulders as he surveyed the scene.
  9. 'Arrange transport we will be going to the govenor immediately' he bellowed at the meek landing crew that were visibly distraught at this turn of events.
  10. 'But sire the govenor said you were to wait!' one of them said bravely.
  11. 'Look carefully at my eyes and decide if I am the type of person who is used to waiting' said the general as quietly as he could.
  12. One look at that battle scarred visage made the ground crew scramble towards the hangar doors, 'This way sire, its nothing but a standard ground crawler but it's all we have' said the same brave crew member.
  13. 'It will do, and you personally will drive me directly to the govenor now if you will' said the general, his tone now much softer as he realised these people were not the ones who deserved his wrath.
  14. The govenor after hearing that the general had refused his request was making his way to his residence has started to panic, he was desperately trying to hide any and all of the treasures he had been given by the warlords men every time they came.
  15. Unluckily for him he wasn't fast enough as just as he had an arm full of gold and silver the door was thrown open by the imperial bodyguards and the general himself strode through the door.
  16. Silently the general made his way towards the govenor, looking this way and that he assessed the scene with his usual critical logical mind and realised immediately that this man was being bought, bought by another Lord but his own, benefitting personally while his men worked twice as hard to try and fill the imperial quotas and supply these others. The general immediately disliked the govenor as he always did with those that did not pay proper respect the their ruler.
  17. 'General, you you didn't need to come to me my lord, i would have come to you' stammered the govenor in pure fear.
  18. 'Yes, I'm sure that would have been much easier for you, but it seems to me you have had it far too easily for far too long dear govenor.' Daneel said calmly but with an unmistakable steel edge to his voice.
  19. 'exactly how long did you think it would be before we noticed hmmm, no don't even answer that. Further lack of respect will definitely make me kill you' He warned.
  20. 'I want no excuses from you, you are relieved'
  21. The govenor dropped to his knees spilling gold and silver all around the generals feet.
  22. 'no my lord please, forgive me my lord, I was scared, they were going to kill is all, I had no choice!' he squeaked.
  23. 'There are always choices' sneered Daneel, 'You fight or you die' turning away fromvthe govenor who by the this time was weeping with his head on the floor, 'take him away' he said to his bodyguards.
  24. After the govenor was gone Daneel summoned the governors aides together who were all more than willing to tell him everything that had happened.
  25. He informed them that he was leaving a military contingent behind to have a quite word with these warlords men the next time they visited, the aides were told not to warn the warlord or his men that there would be imperial ships on the planet.
  26. As he boarded his landing craft he gave his final orders to those he was leaving behind and thought how glad he was to once again be planning for combat, 10 years of peace were wearing thin with this old warhorse and his step seemed to gain a skip as he turned away.
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