

Sep 22nd, 2013
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text 89.36 KB | None | 0 0
  1. .
  2. |-- bin
  3. | |-- basehaptics.txt
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  270. | | |-- ifm_dragout_scale.cur
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  272. | | |-- ifm_inout.cur
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  276. | | |-- ifm_inout_sr.cur
  277. | | |-- ifm_inout_ss.cur
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  284. | | |-- ifm_ts_line.cur
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  368. | | |-- replay_turkish.txt
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  435. | | | |-- replaymessagedlg.res
  436. | | | |-- replayperformanceeditor
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  440. | | | | |-- savedlg.res
  441. | | | | |-- settings_timescale.res
  442. | | | | `-- tip.res
  443. | | | |-- replayreminder.res
  444. | | | |-- replayrenderoverlay.res
  445. | | | |-- scoreboard.res
  446. | | | |-- statgroup.res
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  456. | | |-- valve_bulgarian.txt
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  458. | | |-- valve_danish.txt
  459. | | |-- valve_dutch.txt
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  461. | | |-- valve_finnish.txt
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  465. | | |-- valve_hungarian.txt
  466. | | |-- valve_italian.txt
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  468. | | |-- valve_korean.txt
  469. | | |-- valve_koreana.txt
  470. | | |-- valve_norwegian.txt
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  472. | | |-- valve_portuguese.txt
  473. | | |-- valve_romanian.txt
  474. | | |-- valve_russian.txt
  475. | | |-- valve_schinese.txt
  476. | | |-- valve_spanish.txt
  477. | | |-- valve_swedish.txt
  478. | | |-- valve_tchinese.txt
  479. | | |-- valve_thai.txt
  480. | | |-- valve_turkish.txt
  481. | | |-- valvecdkeyentrydialog.res
  482. | | |-- videopanelscheme.res
  483. | | |-- vprofpanel.res
  484. | | |-- youtube_brazilian.txt
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  492. | | |-- youtube_german.txt
  493. | | |-- youtube_greek.txt
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  498. | | |-- youtube_koreana.txt
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  502. | | |-- youtube_romanian.txt
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  508. | | |-- youtube_thai.txt
  509. | | `-- youtube_turkish.txt
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  522. | | `-- testeffect.txt
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  529. | |-- game_sounds_physics.txt
  530. | |-- game_sounds_player.txt
  531. | |-- game_sounds_ui.txt
  532. | |-- game_sounds_vehicles.txt
  533. | |-- game_sounds_weapons.txt
  534. | |-- game_sounds_world.txt
  535. | |-- gamehaptics.txt
  536. | |-- gameuianimations.txt
  537. | |-- global_actors.txt
  538. | |-- hl2_scripts.dsp
  539. | |-- hud_textures.txt
  540. | |-- hudanimations.txt
  541. | |-- hudlayout.res
  542. | |-- kb_act.lst
  543. | |-- kb_def.lst
  544. | |-- kb_keys.lst
  545. | |-- level_sounds_breencast.txt
  546. | |-- level_sounds_canals.txt
  547. | |-- level_sounds_canals2.txt
  548. | |-- level_sounds_citadel.txt
  549. | |-- level_sounds_coast.txt
  550. | |-- level_sounds_e3_bugbait.txt
  551. | |-- level_sounds_e3_c17.txt
  552. | |-- level_sounds_e3_lab.txt
  553. | |-- level_sounds_e3_town.txt
  554. | |-- level_sounds_eli_lab.txt
  555. | |-- level_sounds_k_lab.txt
  556. | |-- level_sounds_k_lab2.txt
  557. | |-- level_sounds_music.txt
  558. | |-- level_sounds_novaprospekt.txt
  559. | |-- level_sounds_ravenholm.txt
  560. | |-- level_sounds_ravenholm2.txt
  561. | |-- level_sounds_streetwar.txt
  562. | |-- level_sounds_streetwar2.txt
  563. | |-- level_sounds_trainyard.txt
  564. | |-- liblist.gam
  565. | |-- mapautocompile.txt
  566. | |-- newbindings.txt
  567. | |-- npc_sounds_alyx.txt
  568. | |-- npc_sounds_antlion.txt
  569. | |-- npc_sounds_antlionguard.txt
  570. | |-- npc_sounds_attackheli.txt
  571. | |-- npc_sounds_barnacle.txt
  572. | |-- npc_sounds_barney.txt
  573. | |-- npc_sounds_birds.txt
  574. | |-- npc_sounds_blackheadcrab.txt
  575. | |-- npc_sounds_citizen.txt
  576. | |-- npc_sounds_combine_ball.txt
  577. | |-- npc_sounds_combine_mine.txt
  578. | |-- npc_sounds_combinecamera.txt
  579. | |-- npc_sounds_dog.txt
  580. | |-- npc_sounds_dropship.txt
  581. | |-- npc_sounds_eli.txt
  582. | |-- npc_sounds_env_headcrabcanister.txt
  583. | |-- npc_sounds_fastheadcrab.txt
  584. | |-- npc_sounds_fastzombie.txt
  585. | |-- npc_sounds_gman.txt
  586. | |-- npc_sounds_gunship.txt
  587. | |-- npc_sounds_headcrab.txt
  588. | |-- npc_sounds_ichthyosaur.txt
  589. | |-- npc_sounds_manhack.txt
  590. | |-- npc_sounds_metropolice.txt
  591. | |-- npc_sounds_poisonzombie.txt
  592. | |-- npc_sounds_rollermine.txt
  593. | |-- npc_sounds_scanner.txt
  594. | |-- npc_sounds_sniper.txt
  595. | |-- npc_sounds_soldier.txt
  596. | |-- npc_sounds_stalker.txt
  597. | |-- npc_sounds_strider.txt
  598. | |-- npc_sounds_turret.txt
  599. | |-- npc_sounds_vortigaunt.txt
  600. | |-- npc_sounds_zombie.txt
  601. | |-- plugin_animations.txt
  602. | |-- preload_xbox.xsc
  603. | |-- propdata.txt
  604. | |-- screens
  605. | | |-- slideshow_display_screen.res
  606. | | |-- teleport_countdown_screen.res
  607. | | `-- vgui_test_screen.res
  608. | |-- sentences.txt
  609. | |-- settings.scr
  610. | |-- soundmixers.txt
  611. | |-- soundscapes.txt
  612. | |-- soundscapes_canals.txt
  613. | |-- soundscapes_citadel.txt
  614. | |-- soundscapes_coast.txt
  615. | |-- soundscapes_elab.txt
  616. | |-- soundscapes_klab.txt
  617. | |-- soundscapes_manifest.txt
  618. | |-- soundscapes_prison.txt
  619. | |-- soundscapes_streetwar.txt
  620. | |-- soundscapes_town.txt
  621. | |-- soundscapes_trainyard.txt
  622. | |-- surfaceproperties.txt
  623. | |-- surfaceproperties_hl2.txt
  624. | |-- surfaceproperties_manifest.txt
  625. | |-- talker
  626. | | |-- interjections.txt
  627. | | |-- nags.txt
  628. | | |-- nags_canals.txt
  629. | | |-- nags_citadel.txt
  630. | | |-- nags_eli_lab.txt
  631. | | |-- nags_k_lab.txt
  632. | | |-- nags_prison.txt
  633. | | |-- nags_trainyard.txt
  634. | | |-- npc_alyx.txt
  635. | | |-- npc_barney.txt
  636. | | |-- npc_citizen.txt
  637. | | |-- npc_citizen_c17.txt
  638. | | |-- npc_citizen_canals.txt
  639. | | |-- npc_citizen_coast.txt
  640. | | |-- npc_citizen_commandermode.txt
  641. | | |-- npc_citizen_tenement.txt
  642. | | |-- npc_citizen_terminal.txt
  643. | | |-- npc_combine.txt
  644. | | |-- npc_grigori.txt
  645. | | |-- npc_vortigaunt.txt
  646. | | |-- response_eli_lab.txt
  647. | | |-- response_k_lab.txt
  648. | | |-- response_rules.txt
  649. | | `-- terminal_pa.txt
  650. | |-- titles.txt
  651. | |-- vehicles
  652. | | |-- airboat.txt
  653. | | |-- apc.txt
  654. | | |-- apc_npc.txt
  655. | | |-- cannon.txt
  656. | | |-- crane.txt
  657. | | |-- digger.txt
  658. | | |-- driveway.txt
  659. | | |-- fastdigger.txt
  660. | | |-- jeep_test.txt
  661. | | |-- jetski.txt
  662. | | |-- prisoner_pod.txt
  663. | | `-- reference_vehicle.txt
  664. | |-- vgui_screens.txt
  665. | |-- weapon_357.txt
  666. | |-- weapon_alyxgun.txt
  667. | |-- weapon_annabelle.txt
  668. | |-- weapon_ar2.txt
  669. | |-- weapon_bugbait.txt
  670. | |-- weapon_citizenpackage.txt
  671. | |-- weapon_citizensuitcase.txt
  672. | |-- weapon_crossbow.txt
  673. | |-- weapon_crowbar.txt
  674. | |-- weapon_cubemap.txt
  675. | |-- weapon_frag.txt
  676. | |-- weapon_manifest.txt
  677. | |-- weapon_physcannon.txt
  678. | |-- weapon_physgun.txt
  679. | |-- weapon_pistol.txt
  680. | |-- weapon_rpg.txt
  681. | |-- weapon_shotgun.txt
  682. | |-- weapon_smg1.txt
  683. | `-- weapon_stunstick.txt
  684. |-- platform
  685. | |-- admin
  686. | | |-- admin_brazilian.txt
  687. | | |-- admin_bulgarian.txt
  688. | | |-- admin_czech.txt
  689. | | |-- admin_danish.txt
  690. | | |-- admin_dutch.txt
  691. | | |-- admin_english.txt
  692. | | |-- admin_finnish.txt
  693. | | |-- admin_french.txt
  694. | | |-- admin_german.txt
  695. | | |-- admin_greek.txt
  696. | | |-- admin_hungarian.txt
  697. | | |-- admin_italian.txt
  698. | | |-- admin_japanese.txt
  699. | | |-- admin_korean.txt
  700. | | |-- admin_koreana.txt
  701. | | |-- admin_norwegian.txt
  702. | | |-- admin_polish.txt
  703. | | |-- admin_portuguese.txt
  704. | | |-- admin_romanian.txt
  705. | | |-- admin_russian.txt
  706. | | |-- admin_schinese.txt
  707. | | |-- admin_spanish.txt
  708. | | |-- admin_swedish.txt
  709. | | |-- admin_tchinese.txt
  710. | | |-- admin_thai.txt
  711. | | |-- admin_turkish.txt
  712. | | |-- banpanel.res
  713. | | |-- budgetpanel.res
  714. | | |-- chatpanel.res
  715. | | |-- configpanel.res
  716. | | |-- createmultiplayergameserverpage.res
  717. | | |-- dialogaddban.res
  718. | | |-- dialogaddserver.res
  719. | | |-- dialogadminserver.res
  720. | | |-- dialogcvarchange.res
  721. | | |-- dialoggamepanelinfo.res
  722. | | |-- dialogkickplayer.res
  723. | | |-- dialogserverpassword.res
  724. | | |-- game_ready.wav
  725. | | |-- gamepanelinfo.res
  726. | | |-- graphpanel.res
  727. | | |-- helpfile.vdf
  728. | | |-- helpfile_adminmod.vdf
  729. | | |-- helpfile_cstrike.vdf
  730. | | |-- hlds_logo.tga
  731. | | |-- mainserverconfig.vdf
  732. | | |-- mapcycleeditdialog.res
  733. | | |-- motdpanel.res
  734. | | |-- passwordpanel.res
  735. | | |-- playerpanel.res
  736. | | |-- rawlogpanel.res
  737. | | |-- rulespanel.res
  738. | | |-- server_brazilian.txt
  739. | | |-- server_bulgarian.txt
  740. | | |-- server_czech.txt
  741. | | |-- server_danish.txt
  742. | | |-- server_dutch.txt
  743. | | |-- server_english.txt
  744. | | |-- server_finnish.txt
  745. | | |-- server_french.txt
  746. | | |-- server_german.txt
  747. | | |-- server_greek.txt
  748. | | |-- server_hungarian.txt
  749. | | |-- server_italian.txt
  750. | | |-- server_japanese.txt
  751. | | |-- server_korean.txt
  752. | | |-- server_koreana.txt
  753. | | |-- server_norwegian.txt
  754. | | |-- server_polish.txt
  755. | | |-- server_portuguese.txt
  756. | | |-- server_romanian.txt
  757. | | |-- server_russian.txt
  758. | | |-- server_schinese.txt
  759. | | |-- server_spanish.txt
  760. | | |-- server_swedish.txt
  761. | | |-- server_tchinese.txt
  762. | | |-- server_thai.txt
  763. | | |-- server_turkish.txt
  764. | | |-- serverconfigpanel.res
  765. | | |-- serverconfigpanel_cstrike.res
  766. | | |-- serverconfigpanel_dod.res
  767. | | |-- serverconfigpanel_valve.res
  768. | | |-- vareditdialog_combobox.res
  769. | | `-- vareditdialog_string.res
  770. | |-- cfg
  771. | | `-- headtrack
  772. | | |-- headtrack.cfg
  773. | | `-- hmd
  774. | | |-- backpack_oculus_3p1_lens_c.json
  775. | | |-- oculus_mark3p1.json
  776. | | |-- oculus_rift.json
  777. | | |-- oculus_rift_dk1_prototype.json
  778. | | |-- oculus_rift_dk1_sla1.json
  779. | | |-- oculus_rift_dk1_sla1_lens_b.json
  780. | | `-- oculus_rift_dk1_sla1_lens_c.json
  781. | |-- platform_misc_000.vpk
  782. | |-- platform_misc_dir.vpk
  783. | |-- resource
  784. | | |-- addpresetdialog.res
  785. | | |-- assetbuilder.res
  786. | | |-- assetbuildercompilepage.res
  787. | | |-- assetbuilderframe.res
  788. | | |-- assetbuilderinputpage.res
  789. | | |-- assetbuilderoutputpage.res
  790. | | |-- assetbuilderoutputpreviewpage.res
  791. | | |-- assetpicker.res
  792. | | |-- assetpickerframe.res
  793. | | |-- colorpicker.res
  794. | | |-- colorpickerframe.res
  795. | | |-- createtokendialog.res
  796. | | |-- dmeanimationlistpanel.res
  797. | | |-- dmecombinationsystemeditor_rawcontrolpickerframe.res
  798. | | |-- dmecombinationsystemeditorframe.res
  799. | | |-- dmecombinationsystemeditorpanel.res
  800. | | |-- dmecombinationsystemeditorpanel_controlspage.res
  801. | | |-- dmecombinationsystemeditorpanel_dominationpage.res
  802. | | |-- dmedageditpanel.res
  803. | | |-- dmedageditpanel_animationpage.res
  804. | | |-- dmedageditpanel_animationseteditorpage.res
  805. | | |-- dmedageditpanel_combinationpage.res
  806. | | |-- dmedageditpanel_vertexanimationpage.res
  807. | | |-- dmelogeditframe.res
  808. | | |-- dmepicker.res
  809. | | |-- dmepickerframe.res
  810. | | |-- dmepresetgroupeditorframe.res
  811. | | |-- dmepresetgroupeditorpanel.res
  812. | | |-- dmesourcedccfilepanel.res
  813. | | |-- dmesourceskinpanel.res
  814. | | |-- edittokendialog.res
  815. | | |-- icon_blank.tga
  816. | | |-- icon_file.tga
  817. | | |-- icon_folder.tga
  818. | | |-- icon_folder_selected.tga
  819. | | |-- icon_folderup.tga
  820. | | |-- icon_hlicon1.tga
  821. | | |-- icon_hlicon2.tga
  822. | | |-- icon_password.tga
  823. | | |-- icon_replay.tga
  824. | | |-- icon_steam.tga
  825. | | |-- icon_steam_disabled.tga
  826. | | |-- localizationdialog.res
  827. | | |-- mayaplugins.res
  828. | | |-- mdlpicker.res
  829. | | |-- mdlpickerfilter.res
  830. | | |-- mdlpickerframe.res
  831. | | |-- mdlpickerinfo.res
  832. | | |-- mdlpickerrender.res
  833. | | |-- mdlpickerscreencaps.res
  834. | | |-- mdlsequencepicker.res
  835. | | |-- openedfilelist.res
  836. | | |-- particlesystempreviewpanel.res
  837. | | |-- particlesystempreviewpanel_renderpage.res
  838. | | |-- perforcefilelist.res
  839. | | |-- perforcefilelistdescription.res
  840. | | |-- picker.res
  841. | | |-- pickerframe.res
  842. | | |-- platform_brazilian.txt
  843. | | |-- platform_bulgarian.txt
  844. | | |-- platform_czech.txt
  845. | | |-- platform_danish.txt
  846. | | |-- platform_dutch.txt
  847. | | |-- platform_english.txt
  848. | | |-- platform_finnish.txt
  849. | | |-- platform_french.txt
  850. | | |-- platform_german.txt
  851. | | |-- platform_greek.txt
  852. | | |-- platform_hungarian.txt
  853. | | |-- platform_italian.txt
  854. | | |-- platform_japanese.txt
  855. | | |-- platform_korean.txt
  856. | | |-- platform_koreana.txt
  857. | | |-- platform_norwegian.txt
  858. | | |-- platform_polish.txt
  859. | | |-- platform_portuguese.txt
  860. | | |-- platform_romanian.txt
  861. | | |-- platform_russian.txt
  862. | | |-- platform_schinese.txt
  863. | | |-- platform_spanish.txt
  864. | | |-- platform_swedish.txt
  865. | | |-- platform_tchinese.txt
  866. | | |-- platform_thai.txt
  867. | | |-- platform_turkish.txt
  868. | | |-- sequencepicker.res
  869. | | |-- sequencepickerframe.res
  870. | | |-- soundpicker.res
  871. | | |-- soundpickerframe.res
  872. | | |-- soundpickergamesoundpage.res
  873. | | |-- soundpickerwavpage.res
  874. | | |-- soundrecordpanel.res
  875. | | |-- sourcescheme.res
  876. | | |-- sourceschemebase.res
  877. | | |-- trackerscheme.res
  878. | | |-- trackgroupvisibilitypanel.res
  879. | | |-- valve_logo.tga
  880. | | |-- vgui_brazilian.txt
  881. | | |-- vgui_bulgarian.txt
  882. | | |-- vgui_czech.txt
  883. | | |-- vgui_danish.txt
  884. | | |-- vgui_dutch.txt
  885. | | |-- vgui_english.txt
  886. | | |-- vgui_finnish.txt
  887. | | |-- vgui_french.txt
  888. | | |-- vgui_german.txt
  889. | | |-- vgui_greek.txt
  890. | | |-- vgui_hungarian.txt
  891. | | |-- vgui_italian.txt
  892. | | |-- vgui_japanese.txt
  893. | | |-- vgui_korean.txt
  894. | | |-- vgui_koreana.txt
  895. | | |-- vgui_norwegian.txt
  896. | | |-- vgui_polish.txt
  897. | | |-- vgui_portuguese.txt
  898. | | |-- vgui_romanian.txt
  899. | | |-- vgui_russian.txt
  900. | | |-- vgui_schinese.txt
  901. | | |-- vgui_spanish.txt
  902. | | |-- vgui_swedish.txt
  903. | | |-- vgui_tchinese.txt
  904. | | |-- vgui_thai.txt
  905. | | |-- vgui_turkish.txt
  906. | | |-- vmtpicker.res
  907. | | |-- vmtpickerframe.res
  908. | | |-- vp4dialog.res
  909. | | |-- vtfpicker.res
  910. | | |-- vtfpickerframe.res
  911. | | `-- warning.wav
  912. | |-- servers
  913. | | |-- serverbrowser_brazilian.txt
  914. | | |-- serverbrowser_bulgarian.txt
  915. | | |-- serverbrowser_czech.txt
  916. | | |-- serverbrowser_danish.txt
  917. | | |-- serverbrowser_dutch.txt
  918. | | |-- serverbrowser_english.txt
  919. | | |-- serverbrowser_finnish.txt
  920. | | |-- serverbrowser_french.txt
  921. | | |-- serverbrowser_german.txt
  922. | | |-- serverbrowser_greek.txt
  923. | | |-- serverbrowser_hungarian.txt
  924. | | |-- serverbrowser_italian.txt
  925. | | |-- serverbrowser_japanese.txt
  926. | | |-- serverbrowser_korean.txt
  927. | | |-- serverbrowser_koreana.txt
  928. | | |-- serverbrowser_norwegian.txt
  929. | | |-- serverbrowser_polish.txt
  930. | | |-- serverbrowser_portuguese.txt
  931. | | |-- serverbrowser_romanian.txt
  932. | | |-- serverbrowser_russian.txt
  933. | | |-- serverbrowser_schinese.txt
  934. | | |-- serverbrowser_spanish.txt
  935. | | |-- serverbrowser_swedish.txt
  936. | | |-- serverbrowser_tchinese.txt
  937. | | |-- serverbrowser_thai.txt
  938. | | `-- serverbrowser_turkish.txt
  939. | `-- vgui
  940. | |-- hud
  941. | | |-- 800corner.tga
  942. | | |-- 800corner1.tga
  943. | | |-- 800corner2.tga
  944. | | |-- 800corner3.tga
  945. | | `-- 800corner4.tga
  946. | `-- resource
  947. | |-- icon_newfolder.tga
  948. | |-- icon_steam.tga
  949. | `-- icon_steam_disabled.tga
  950. |-- srcds_linux
  951. |-- srcds_run
  952. |-- steam_appid.txt
  953. |-- tf
  954. | |-- addons
  955. | | |-- metamod
  956. | | | |-- README.txt
  957. | | | |-- bin
  958. | | | | |--
  959. | | | | |--
  960. | | | | |--
  961. | | | | |--
  962. | | | | |--
  963. | | | | |--
  964. | | | | |--
  965. | | | | |--
  966. | | | | |--
  967. | | | | |--
  968. | | | | |--
  969. | | | | `--
  970. | | | |-- metaplugins.ini
  971. | | | `-- sourcemod.vdf
  972. | | |-- metamod.vdf
  973. | | `-- sourcemod
  974. | | |-- GPLv2.txt
  975. | | |-- GPLv3.txt
  976. | | |-- LICENSE.txt
  977. | | |-- bin
  978. | | | |--
  979. | | | |--
  980. | | | |--
  981. | | | |--
  982. | | | |--
  983. | | | |--
  984. | | | |--
  985. | | | |--
  986. | | | |--
  987. | | | |--
  988. | | | |--
  989. | | | |--
  990. | | | `--
  991. | | |-- configs
  992. | | | |-- admin_groups.cfg
  993. | | | |-- admin_levels.cfg
  994. | | | |-- admin_overrides.cfg
  995. | | | |-- adminmenu_cfgs.txt
  996. | | | |-- adminmenu_custom.txt -> /home/avi9526/Files/TF2/TF2-DS-Config/addons/sourcemod/configs/adminmenu_custom.txt
  997. | | | |-- adminmenu_grouping.txt
  998. | | | |-- adminmenu_maplist.ini
  999. | | | |-- adminmenu_sorting.txt
  1000. | | | |-- admins.cfg
  1001. | | | |-- admins_simple.ini
  1002. | | | |-- advertisements.txt
  1003. | | | |-- core.cfg
  1004. | | | |-- databases.cfg
  1005. | | | |-- geoip
  1006. | | | | `-- GeoIP.dat
  1007. | | | |-- happy_phrases.ini
  1008. | | | |-- helpmenu.cfg
  1009. | | | |-- languages.cfg
  1010. | | | |-- maplists.cfg
  1011. | | | |-- plugin_settings.cfg
  1012. | | | |-- rtd_effects.cfg
  1013. | | | |-- sql-init-scripts
  1014. | | | | |-- mysql
  1015. | | | | | |-- clientprefs-mysql.sql
  1016. | | | | | |-- create_admins.sql
  1017. | | | | | `-- update_admins_r1409.sql
  1018. | | | | `-- sqlite
  1019. | | | | |-- admins-sqlite.sq3
  1020. | | | | |-- clientprefs-sqlite.sq3
  1021. | | | | |-- clientprefs-sqlite.sql
  1022. | | | | |-- create_admins.sql
  1023. | | | | `-- update_admins-r1409.sql
  1024. | | | |-- tf2items.givecustom.txt -> /home/avi9526/Files/TF2/TF2-DS-Config/addons/sourcemod/configs/tf2items.givecustom.txt
  1025. | | | |-- tf2items.weapons.example.txt
  1026. | | | `-- tf2items.weapons.txt
  1027. | | |-- data
  1028. | | | |-- sqlite
  1029. | | | | `-- clientprefs-sqlite.sq3
  1030. | | | `-- tf2itemsinfo.txt
  1031. | | |-- extensions
  1032. | | | |--
  1033. | | | |--
  1034. | | | |--
  1035. | | | |--
  1036. | | | |--
  1037. | | | |--
  1038. | | | |--
  1039. | | | |--
  1040. | | | |--
  1041. | | | |--
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  1043. | | | |--
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  1046. | | | |--
  1047. | | | |--
  1048. | | | |--
  1049. | | | |--
  1050. | | | |--
  1051. | | | |--
  1052. | | | |--
  1053. | | | |--
  1054. | | | |--
  1055. | | | |--
  1056. | | | |--
  1057. | | | |--
  1058. | | | |--
  1059. | | | |--
  1060. | | | |--
  1061. | | | |--
  1062. | | | |--
  1063. | | | |--
  1064. | | | |-- tf2items.autoload
  1065. | | | |-- tf2items.ext.2.ep2v.dll
  1066. | | | |-- tf2items.ext.2.ep2v.dylib
  1067. | | | |--
  1068. | | | |--
  1069. | | | |--
  1070. | | | `--
  1071. | | |-- gamedata
  1072. | | | |--
  1073. | | | | |-- blacklist.plugins.txt
  1074. | | | | |--
  1075. | | | | |-- engine.bgt.txt
  1076. | | | | |-- engine.csgo.txt
  1077. | | | | |-- engine.css.txt
  1078. | | | | |-- engine.darkm.txt
  1079. | | | | |-- engine.dota.txt
  1080. | | | | |-- engine.ep1.txt
  1081. | | | | |-- engine.ep2.txt
  1082. | | | | |-- engine.ep2valve.txt
  1083. | | | | |-- engine.eye.txt
  1084. | | | | |-- engine.l4d.txt
  1085. | | | | |-- engine.l4d2.txt
  1086. | | | | |-- engine.swarm.txt
  1087. | | | | `--
  1088. | | | |-- homingrocket.gamedata.txt
  1089. | | | |--
  1090. | | | | |--
  1091. | | | | |-- engine.csgo.txt
  1092. | | | | |-- engine.darkm.txt
  1093. | | | | |-- engine.dota.txt
  1094. | | | | |-- engine.ep2v.txt
  1095. | | | | |-- engine.l4d.txt
  1096. | | | | |-- game.ag2.txt
  1097. | | | | |-- game.alienswarm.txt
  1098. | | | | |-- game.aoc.txt
  1099. | | | | |-- game.cspromod.txt
  1100. | | | | |-- game.cstrike.txt
  1101. | | | | |-- game.dinodday.txt
  1102. | | | | |-- game.empires.txt
  1103. | | | | |-- game.ff.txt
  1104. | | | | |-- game.fof.txt
  1105. | | | | |-- game.garrysmod.txt
  1106. | | | | |-- game.gesource.txt
  1107. | | | | |-- game.hidden.txt
  1108. | | | | |-- game.hl2ctf.txt
  1109. | | | | |-- game.insurgency.txt
  1110. | | | | |-- game.l4d2.txt
  1111. | | | | |-- game.neotokyo.txt
  1112. | | | | |-- game.nmrih.txt
  1113. | | | | |-- game.nucleardawn.txt
  1114. | | | | |-- game.pvkii.txt
  1115. | | | | |-- game.sgtls.txt
  1116. | | | | |-- game.sourceforts.txt
  1117. | | | | |-- game.synergy.txt
  1118. | | | | |--
  1119. | | | | |-- game.zpanic.txt
  1120. | | | | `--
  1121. | | | |--
  1122. | | | | |--
  1123. | | | | |-- engine.bgt.txt
  1124. | | | | |-- engine.csgo.txt
  1125. | | | | |-- engine.css.txt
  1126. | | | | |-- engine.darkm.txt
  1127. | | | | |-- engine.dota.txt
  1128. | | | | |-- engine.ep1.txt
  1129. | | | | |-- engine.ep2.txt
  1130. | | | | |-- engine.ep2valve.txt
  1131. | | | | |-- engine.eye.txt
  1132. | | | | |-- engine.l4d.txt
  1133. | | | | |-- engine.l4d2.txt
  1134. | | | | |-- engine.swarm.txt
  1135. | | | | |-- game.ag2.txt
  1136. | | | | |-- game.alienswarm.txt
  1137. | | | | |-- game.aoc.txt
  1138. | | | | |-- game.bg2.txt
  1139. | | | | |-- game.cspromod.txt
  1140. | | | | |-- game.cstrike.txt
  1141. | | | | |-- game.dinodday.txt
  1142. | | | | |-- game.dod.txt
  1143. | | | | |-- game.dystopia.txt
  1144. | | | | |-- game.empires.txt
  1145. | | | | |-- game.esmod.txt
  1146. | | | | |-- game.fas.txt
  1147. | | | | |-- game.ff.txt
  1148. | | | | |-- game.fof.txt
  1149. | | | | |-- game.garrysmod.txt
  1150. | | | | |-- game.gesource.txt
  1151. | | | | |-- game.hidden.txt
  1152. | | | | |-- game.hl2ctf.txt
  1153. | | | | |-- game.hl2mp.txt
  1154. | | | | |-- game.insurgency.txt
  1155. | | | | |-- game.ios.txt
  1156. | | | | |-- game.left4dead2.txt
  1157. | | | | |-- game.neotokyo.txt
  1158. | | | | |-- game.nmrih.txt
  1159. | | | | |-- game.nucleardawn.txt
  1160. | | | | |-- game.obsidian.txt
  1161. | | | | |-- game.pvkii.txt
  1162. | | | | |-- game.rnlbeta.txt
  1163. | | | | |-- game.ship.txt
  1164. | | | | |-- game.sourceforts.txt
  1165. | | | | |-- game.synergy.txt
  1166. | | | | |--
  1167. | | | | |--
  1168. | | | | |-- game.zpanic.txt
  1169. | | | | `--
  1170. | | | |--
  1171. | | | | |-- game.csgo.txt
  1172. | | | | |-- game.css.txt
  1173. | | | | `--
  1174. | | | |--
  1175. | | | |-- tf2.items.txt
  1176. | | | `-- tf2items.randomizer.txt
  1177. | | |-- logs
  1178. | | | |-- L20130822.log.bz2
  1179. | | | |-- L20130823.log.bz2
  1180. | | | |-- L20130824.log.bz2
  1181. | | | |-- L20130825.log.bz2
  1182. | | | |-- L20130826.log.bz2
  1183. | | | |-- L20130827.log.bz2
  1184. | | | |-- L20130828.log.bz2
  1185. | | | |-- L20130829.log.bz2
  1186. | | | |-- L20130830.log.bz2
  1187. | | | |-- L20130831.log.bz2
  1188. | | | |-- L20130901.log.bz2
  1189. | | | |-- L20130902.log.bz2
  1190. | | | |-- L20130903.log.bz2
  1191. | | | |-- L20130904.log.bz2
  1192. | | | |-- L20130905.log.bz2
  1193. | | | |-- L20130906.log.bz2
  1194. | | | |-- L20130907.log.bz2
  1195. | | | |-- L20130908.log.bz2
  1196. | | | |-- L20130909.log.bz2
  1197. | | | |-- L20130910.log.bz2
  1198. | | | |-- L20130911.log.bz2
  1199. | | | |-- L20130912.log.bz2
  1200. | | | |-- L20130913.log.bz2
  1201. | | | |-- L20130914.log.bz2
  1202. | | | |-- L20130915.log.bz2
  1203. | | | |-- L20130916.log.bz2
  1204. | | | |-- L20130917.log.bz2
  1205. | | | |-- L20130918.log.bz2
  1206. | | | |-- L20130919.log.bz2
  1207. | | | |-- L20130920.log
  1208. | | | |-- L20130921.log
  1209. | | | |-- L20130922.log
  1210. | | | |-- admin_STEAM_0-0-35098805.log
  1211. | | | |-- admin_STEAM_0-0-35098805.log.bz2
  1212. | | | |-- admin_STEAM_0-0-43434359.log
  1213. | | | |-- admin_STEAM_0-0-43434359.log.bz2
  1214. | | | |-- admin_STEAM_0-0-44224255.log
  1215. | | | |-- admin_STEAM_0-0-44224255.log.bz2
  1216. | | | |-- admin_STEAM_0-1-55530898.log
  1217. | | | |-- admin_STEAM_0-1-55530898.log.bz2
  1218. | | | |-- errors_20130822.log.bz2
  1219. | | | |-- errors_20130825.log.bz2
  1220. | | | |-- errors_20130826.log.bz2
  1221. | | | |-- errors_20130827.log.bz2
  1222. | | | |-- errors_20130828.log.bz2
  1223. | | | |-- errors_20130829.log.bz2
  1224. | | | |-- errors_20130830.log.bz2
  1225. | | | |-- errors_20130831.log.bz2
  1226. | | | |-- errors_20130901.log.bz2
  1227. | | | |-- errors_20130902.log.bz2
  1228. | | | |-- errors_20130903.log.bz2
  1229. | | | |-- errors_20130904.log.bz2
  1230. | | | |-- errors_20130905.log.bz2
  1231. | | | |-- errors_20130906.log.bz2
  1232. | | | |-- errors_20130907.log.bz2
  1233. | | | |-- errors_20130908.log.bz2
  1234. | | | |-- errors_20130909.log.bz2
  1235. | | | |-- errors_20130910.log.bz2
  1236. | | | |-- errors_20130911.log.bz2
  1237. | | | |-- errors_20130912.log.bz2
  1238. | | | |-- errors_20130913.log.bz2
  1239. | | | |-- errors_20130914.log.bz2
  1240. | | | |-- errors_20130915.log.bz2
  1241. | | | |-- errors_20130916.log.bz2
  1242. | | | |-- errors_20130917.log.bz2
  1243. | | | |-- errors_20130918.log.bz2
  1244. | | | |-- errors_20130919.log.bz2
  1245. | | | |-- errors_20130920.log
  1246. | | | |-- errors_20130921.log
  1247. | | | `-- errors_20130922.log
  1248. | | |-- plugins
  1249. | | | |-- SapperImmunity.smx
  1250. | | | |-- ThirdPerson.smx
  1251. | | | |-- admin-flatfile.smx
  1252. | | | |-- admin_logging.smx
  1253. | | | |-- adminhelp.smx
  1254. | | | |-- adminmenu.smx
  1255. | | | |-- advertisements.smx
  1256. | | | |-- antiflood.smx
  1257. | | | |-- autoready.smx
  1258. | | | |-- basebans.smx
  1259. | | | |-- basechat.smx
  1260. | | | |-- basecomm.smx
  1261. | | | |-- basecommands.smx
  1262. | | | |-- basetriggers.smx
  1263. | | | |-- basevotes.smx
  1264. | | | |-- betherobot.smx
  1265. | | | |-- buildinghpregain.smx
  1266. | | | |-- cashregen.smx
  1267. | | | |-- clientprefs.smx
  1268. | | | |-- disabled
  1269. | | | | |-- admin-sql-prefetch.smx
  1270. | | | | |-- admin-sql-threaded.smx
  1271. | | | | |-- betherobotsentrybuster.smx
  1272. | | | | |-- broken
  1273. | | | | |-- cashregen.smx
  1274. | | | | |-- mapchooser.smx
  1275. | | | | |-- nominations.smx
  1276. | | | | |-- randomcycle.smx
  1277. | | | | |-- reservedslots.smx
  1278. | | | | |-- rockthevote.smx
  1279. | | | | `-- sql-admin-manager.smx
  1280. | | | |-- explosivearrows.smx
  1281. | | | |-- funcommands.smx
  1282. | | | |-- funcommandsX.smx
  1283. | | | |-- funvotes.smx
  1284. | | | |-- helpmenu.smx
  1285. | | | |-- hlstatsx.smx
  1286. | | | |-- homing-rocket2.smx
  1287. | | | |-- lightcolors.smx
  1288. | | | |-- mvm_mobileupgrades.smx
  1289. | | | |-- mvm_visiblemaxplayers.smx
  1290. | | | |-- nextmap.smx
  1291. | | | |-- playercommands.smx
  1292. | | | |-- playeroutline.smx
  1293. | | | |-- reservedslots.smx
  1294. | | | |-- rtd.smx
  1295. | | | |-- setclass.smx
  1296. | | | |-- sounds.smx
  1297. | | | |-- spraytrace.smx
  1298. | | | |-- tenmannvsmachine.smx
  1299. | | | |-- tf2items_giveweapon.smx
  1300. | | | |-- tf2items_manager.smx
  1301. | | | `-- tf2itemsinfo.smx
  1302. | | |-- scripting
  1303. | | | |-- AntiNameHack.sp
  1304. | | | |-- SapperImmunity.sp
  1305. | | | |-- admin-flatfile
  1306. | | | | |-- admin-flatfile.sp
  1307. | | | | |-- admin-groups.sp
  1308. | | | | |-- admin-overrides.sp
  1309. | | | | |-- admin-simple.sp
  1310. | | | | `-- admin-users.sp
  1311. | | | |-- admin-sql-prefetch.sp
  1312. | | | |-- admin-sql-threaded.sp
  1313. | | | |-- admin_logging.sp
  1314. | | | |-- adminhelp.sp
  1315. | | | |-- adminmenu
  1316. | | | | `-- dynamicmenu.sp
  1317. | | | |-- adminmenu.sp
  1318. | | | |-- advertisements.sp
  1319. | | | |-- antiflood.sp
  1320. | | | |-- autoready.sp -> /home/avi9526/Files/TF2/AutoReady/autoready.sp
  1321. | | | |-- basebans
  1322. | | | | `-- ban.sp
  1323. | | | |-- basebans.sp
  1324. | | | |-- basechat.sp
  1325. | | | |-- basecomm
  1326. | | | | |-- forwards.sp
  1327. | | | | |-- gag.sp
  1328. | | | | `-- natives.sp
  1329. | | | |-- basecomm.sp
  1330. | | | |-- basecommands
  1331. | | | | |-- cancelvote.sp
  1332. | | | | |-- execcfg.sp
  1333. | | | | |-- kick.sp
  1334. | | | | |-- map.sp
  1335. | | | | |-- reloadadmins.sp
  1336. | | | | `-- who.sp
  1337. | | | |-- basecommands.sp
  1338. | | | |-- basetriggers.sp
  1339. | | | |-- basevotes
  1340. | | | | |-- voteban.sp
  1341. | | | | |-- votekick.sp
  1342. | | | | `-- votemap.sp
  1343. | | | |-- basevotes.sp
  1344. | | | |-- buildingcolors.sp
  1345. | | | |-- buildinghpregain.sp
  1346. | | | |-- cashregen.sp
  1347. | | | |-- clientprefs.sp
  1348. | | | |--
  1349. | | | |-- compiled
  1350. | | | |-- custom.list
  1351. | | | |-- explosivearrows.sp
  1352. | | | |-- funcommands
  1353. | | | | |-- beacon.sp
  1354. | | | | |-- blind.sp
  1355. | | | | |-- drug.sp
  1356. | | | | |-- fire.sp
  1357. | | | | |-- gravity.sp
  1358. | | | | |-- ice.sp
  1359. | | | | |-- noclip.sp
  1360. | | | | `-- timebomb.sp
  1361. | | | |-- funcommands.sp
  1362. | | | |-- funcommandsX
  1363. | | | | |-- explode.sp
  1364. | | | | |-- fakesay.sp
  1365. | | | | |-- ff.sp
  1366. | | | | |-- happy.sp
  1367. | | | | |-- overlay.sp
  1368. | | | | |-- rgba
  1369. | | | | | |-- colorize.sp
  1370. | | | | | |-- disco.sp
  1371. | | | | | `-- invisible.sp
  1372. | | | | |-- rgba.sp
  1373. | | | | |-- sayactions.sp
  1374. | | | | `-- teleport.sp
  1375. | | | |-- funcommandsX.sp
  1376. | | | |-- funvotes
  1377. | | | | |-- votealltalk.sp
  1378. | | | | |-- voteburn.sp
  1379. | | | | |-- voteff.sp
  1380. | | | | |-- votegravity.sp
  1381. | | | | `-- voteslay.sp
  1382. | | | |-- funvotes.sp
  1383. | | | |-- helpmenu.sp
  1384. | | | |-- homing-rocket2.sp
  1385. | | | |-- include
  1386. | | | | |--
  1387. | | | | |--
  1388. | | | | |--
  1389. | | | | |--
  1390. | | | | |--
  1391. | | | | |--
  1392. | | | | |--
  1393. | | | | |--
  1394. | | | | |--
  1395. | | | | |--
  1396. | | | | |--
  1397. | | | | |--
  1398. | | | | |--
  1399. | | | | |--
  1400. | | | | |--
  1401. | | | | |--
  1402. | | | | |--
  1403. | | | | |--
  1404. | | | | |--
  1405. | | | | |--
  1406. | | | | |--
  1407. | | | | |--
  1408. | | | | |--
  1409. | | | | |--
  1410. | | | | |--
  1411. | | | | |--
  1412. | | | | |--
  1413. | | | | |--
  1414. | | | | |--
  1415. | | | | |--
  1416. | | | | |--
  1417. | | | | |--
  1418. | | | | |--
  1419. | | | | |--
  1420. | | | | |--
  1421. | | | | |--
  1422. | | | | |--
  1423. | | | | |--
  1424. | | | | |--
  1425. | | | | |--
  1426. | | | | |--
  1427. | | | | |--
  1428. | | | | |--
  1429. | | | | |--
  1430. | | | | |--
  1431. | | | | |--
  1432. | | | | |--
  1433. | | | | |--
  1434. | | | | |--
  1435. | | | | |--
  1436. | | | | |--
  1437. | | | | |--
  1438. | | | | |--
  1439. | | | | |--
  1440. | | | | |--
  1441. | | | | |--
  1442. | | | | |--
  1443. | | | | |--
  1444. | | | | |--
  1445. | | | | |--
  1446. | | | | |--
  1447. | | | | |--
  1448. | | | | |--
  1449. | | | | |--
  1450. | | | | |--
  1451. | | | | |--
  1452. | | | | |--
  1453. | | | | |--
  1454. | | | | |--
  1455. | | | | |-- version.tpl
  1456. | | | | `--
  1457. | | | |-- includes
  1458. | | | |-- lightcolors.sp
  1459. | | | |-- mapchooser.sp
  1460. | | | |-- mvm_mobileupgrades.sp
  1461. | | | |-- mvm_visiblemaxplayers.sp
  1462. | | | |-- nextmap.sp
  1463. | | | |-- nominations.sp
  1464. | | | |-- playercommands
  1465. | | | | |-- rename.sp
  1466. | | | | |-- slap.sp
  1467. | | | | `-- slay.sp
  1468. | | | |-- playercommands.sp
  1469. | | | |-- playeroutline.sp
  1470. | | | |-- randomcycle.sp
  1471. | | | |-- reservedslots.sp
  1472. | | | |-- rockthevote.sp
  1473. | | | |-- rtd.sp
  1474. | | | |-- setclass.sp
  1475. | | | |-- sounds.sp
  1476. | | | |-- spcomp
  1477. | | | |-- spraytrace.sp
  1478. | | | |-- sql-admin-manager.sp
  1479. | | | |-- tenmannvsmachine.sp
  1480. | | | |-- testsuite
  1481. | | | | |-- benchmark.sp
  1482. | | | | |-- bug4059.sp
  1483. | | | | |-- callfunctest.sp
  1484. | | | | |-- capstest.sp
  1485. | | | | |-- clientprefstest.sp
  1486. | | | | |-- cstrike-test.sp
  1487. | | | | |-- entpropelements.sp
  1488. | | | | |-- fakenative1.sp
  1489. | | | | |-- fakenative2.sp
  1490. | | | | |-- filetest.sp
  1491. | | | | |-- fwdtest1.sp
  1492. | | | | |-- fwdtest2.sp
  1493. | | | | |-- gamerules-props.sp
  1494. | | | | |-- goto_test.sp
  1495. | | | | |-- outputtest.sp
  1496. | | | | |-- ptstest.sp
  1497. | | | | |-- sorttest.sp
  1498. | | | | |-- sqltest.sp
  1499. | | | | |-- sqltest.sql
  1500. | | | | |-- stacktest.sp
  1501. | | | | |-- structtest.sp
  1502. | | | | `-- tf2-test.sp
  1503. | | | |-- tf2items_giveweapon.sp
  1504. | | | |-- tf2items_manager.sp
  1505. | | | `-- tf2itemsinfo.sp
  1506. | | `-- translations
  1507. | | |-- adminhelp.phrases.txt
  1508. | | |-- adminmenu.phrases.txt
  1509. | | |-- antiflood.phrases.txt
  1510. | | |-- basebans.phrases.txt
  1511. | | |-- basecomm.phrases.txt
  1512. | | |-- basetriggers.phrases.txt
  1513. | | |-- basevotes.phrases.txt
  1514. | | |-- clientprefs.phrases.txt
  1515. | | |-- common.phrases.txt
  1516. | | |-- core.phrases.txt
  1517. | | |-- funcommands.phrases.txt
  1518. | | |-- funcommandsX.phrases.txt
  1519. | | |-- funvotes.phrases.txt
  1520. | | |-- lightcolors.phrases.txt
  1521. | | |-- mapchooser.phrases.txt
  1522. | | |-- nextmap.phrases.txt
  1523. | | |-- nominations.phrases.txt
  1524. | | |-- playercommands.phrases.txt
  1525. | | |-- plugin.basecommands.txt
  1526. | | |-- reservedslots.phrases.txt
  1527. | | |-- rockthevote.phrases.txt
  1528. | | |-- rtd.phrases.txt
  1529. | | |-- ru
  1530. | | | `-- funcommandsX.phrases.txt
  1531. | | |-- sounds.phrases.txt
  1532. | | |-- spraytrace.phrases.txt
  1533. | | `-- sqladmins.phrases.txt
  1534. | |-- bin
  1535. | | `--
  1536. | |-- cfg
  1537. | | |-- 360controller-linux.cfg
  1538. | | |-- 360controller.cfg
  1539. | | |-- banned_ip.cfg
  1540. | | |-- banned_user.cfg
  1541. | | |-- chapter1.cfg
  1542. | | |-- chapter2.cfg
  1543. | | |-- chapter3.cfg
  1544. | | |-- config_default.cfg
  1545. | | |-- headtrack_tf.cfg
  1546. | | |-- mapcycle.txt
  1547. | | |-- mapcycle_default.txt
  1548. | | |-- mapcycle_halloween.txt
  1549. | | |-- mapcycle_lakeside_event_247.txt
  1550. | | |-- mapcycle_quickplay_arena.txt
  1551. | | |-- mapcycle_quickplay_attackdefense.txt
  1552. | | |-- mapcycle_quickplay_cp.txt
  1553. | | |-- mapcycle_quickplay_ctf_sd.txt
  1554. | | |-- mapcycle_quickplay_koth.txt
  1555. | | |-- mapcycle_quickplay_payload.txt
  1556. | | |-- mapcycle_quickplay_payloadrace.txt
  1557. | | |-- motd
  1558. | | |-- motd.txt
  1559. | | |-- motd_default.txt
  1560. | | |-- motd_text.txt
  1561. | | |-- motd_text_default.txt
  1562. | | |-- mtp.cfg
  1563. | | |-- pure_server_full.txt
  1564. | | |-- pure_server_minimal.txt
  1565. | | |-- pure_server_whitelist_example.txt
  1566. | | |-- replay.cfg
  1567. | | |-- replay_example.cfg
  1568. | | |-- server.cfg
  1569. | | |-- sfm_defaultanimationgroups.txt
  1570. | | |-- sourcemod
  1571. | | | |-- explosivearrows.cfg
  1572. | | | |-- funcommands.cfg
  1573. | | | |-- funcommandsX.cfg
  1574. | | | |-- homing-rocket2.cfg
  1575. | | | |-- mapchooser.cfg
  1576. | | | |-- mobileupgrades.cfg
  1577. | | | |-- plugin.buildinghpregain.cfg
  1578. | | | |-- plugin.cashregen.cfg
  1579. | | | |-- plugin.playeroutline.cfg
  1580. | | | |-- plugin.spraytrace.cfg
  1581. | | | |-- sm_warmode_off.cfg
  1582. | | | |-- sm_warmode_on.cfg
  1583. | | | `-- sourcemod.cfg
  1584. | | |-- trusted_keys_base.txt
  1585. | | |-- trusted_keys_example.txt
  1586. | | |-- undo360controller.cfg
  1587. | | `-- unencrypted
  1588. | |-- custom
  1589. | | `-- readme.txt
  1590. | |-- download
  1591. | | |-- readme.txt
  1592. | | `-- user_custom
  1593. | | |-- 00
  1594. | | | `-- 00b4cda6.dat
  1595. | | |-- 01
  1596. | | | `-- 01c90d33.dat
  1597. | | |-- 02
  1598. | | | |-- 020a3c44.dat
  1599. | | | |-- 020b6b7f.dat
  1600. | | | |-- 021ae73c.dat
  1601. | | | `-- 027bc016.dat
  1602. | | |-- 03
  1603. | | | |-- 031075a1.dat
  1604. | | | `-- 0352ed52.dat
  1605. | | |-- 04
  1606. | | | |-- 0441d434.dat
  1607. | | | |-- 04632a42.dat
  1608. | | | `-- 047dc47f.dat
  1609. | | |-- 05
  1610. | | | |-- 053cb006.dat
  1611. | | | `-- 0587cdd3.dat
  1612. | | |-- 06
  1613. | | | `-- 06cef967.dat
  1614. | | |-- 07
  1615. | | | |-- 0709470e.dat
  1616. | | | |-- 074da7ab.dat
  1617. | | | |-- 07d159ca.dat
  1618. | | | `-- 07e02a37.dat
  1619. | | |-- 08
  1620. | | | |-- 0804901f.dat
  1621. | | | |-- 082a1e12.dat
  1622. | | | |-- 083ed06b.dat
  1623. | | | `-- 08e22524.dat
  1624. | | |-- 09
  1625. | | | |-- 091fe5dd.dat
  1626. | | | |-- 095540fc.dat
  1627. | | | `-- 0976d1fb.dat
  1628. | | |-- 0a
  1629. | | | |-- 0a899264.dat
  1630. | | | `-- 0ad90f59.dat
  1631. | | |-- 0b
  1632. | | | `-- 0b7bad93.dat
  1633. | | |-- 0c
  1634. | | | `-- 0caf0bed.dat
  1635. | | |-- 0d
  1636. | | | `-- 0d14e780.dat
  1637. | | |-- 0e
  1638. | | | |-- 0e095c27.dat
  1639. | | | `-- 0ec83012.dat
  1640. | | |-- 0f
  1641. | | | `-- 0f96e146.dat
  1642. | | |-- 10
  1643. | | | |-- 1010c18d.dat
  1644. | | | `-- 103ee900.dat
  1645. | | |-- 11
  1646. | | | `-- 1161579c.dat
  1647. | | |-- 12
  1648. | | | `-- 12729616.dat
  1649. | | |-- 13
  1650. | | | |-- 134830b9.dat
  1651. | | | |-- 137bb2be.dat
  1652. | | | |-- 138122d5.dat
  1653. | | | `-- 13ae2856.dat
  1654. | | |-- 14
  1655. | | | `-- 1458bb77.dat
  1656. | | |-- 15
  1657. | | | |-- 1538de3f.dat
  1658. | | | |-- 15779bea.dat
  1659. | | | |-- 15836a08.dat
  1660. | | | |-- 15b7576d.dat
  1661. | | | |-- 15c000f7.dat
  1662. | | | `-- 15e4e4a6.dat
  1663. | | |-- 16
  1664. | | | |-- 1679aeb1.dat
  1665. | | | `-- 16f46859.dat
  1666. | | |-- 17
  1667. | | | |-- 1730857b.dat
  1668. | | | |-- 176580b6.dat
  1669. | | | `-- 17db6907.dat
  1670. | | |-- 18
  1671. | | | `-- 18ac3791.dat
  1672. | | |-- 19
  1673. | | | `-- 1986e756.dat
  1674. | | |-- 1a
  1675. | | | |-- 1a53e047.dat
  1676. | | | |-- 1a7d8420.dat
  1677. | | | `-- 1aeacbe1.dat
  1678. | | |-- 1b
  1679. | | | |-- 1ba80d26.dat
  1680. | | | `-- 1ba98942.dat
  1681. | | |-- 1c
  1682. | | | |-- 1c52be43.dat
  1683. | | | `-- 1cb0e0d9.dat
  1684. | | |-- 1d
  1685. | | | `-- 1d646c3f.dat
  1686. | | |-- 1e
  1687. | | | |-- 1e3c7f80.dat
  1688. | | | |-- 1e96a10f.dat
  1689. | | | |-- 1ea884e6.dat
  1690. | | | `-- 1eed0cd6.dat
  1691. | | |-- 1f
  1692. | | | |-- 1f4533f2.dat
  1693. | | | `-- 1f7c8c61.dat
  1694. | | |-- 20
  1695. | | | |-- 20511744.dat
  1696. | | | `-- 20fc2972.dat
  1697. | | |-- 21
  1698. | | | |-- 210af87c.dat
  1699. | | | |-- 2137357f.dat
  1700. | | | |-- 21393b8b.dat
  1701. | | | `-- 21c9ffac.dat
  1702. | | |-- 22
  1703. | | | |-- 22436e49.dat
  1704. | | | |-- 224b58e2.dat
  1705. | | | |-- 22b149ec.dat
  1706. | | | `-- 22cce22b.dat
  1707. | | |-- 23
  1708. | | | |-- 2303f0b6.dat
  1709. | | | `-- 23783788.dat
  1710. | | |-- 24
  1711. | | | |-- 24242571.dat
  1712. | | | `-- 24642e72.dat
  1713. | | |-- 25
  1714. | | | `-- 25a1ee27.dat
  1715. | | |-- 26
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  1717. | | | `-- 26a5af0a.dat
  1718. | | |-- 27
  1719. | | | `-- 27d6f813.dat
  1720. | | |-- 28
  1721. | | | |-- 283946a4.dat
  1722. | | | |-- 28d69d8a.dat
  1723. | | | `-- 28f3d0c8.dat
  1724. | | |-- 29
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  1726. | | | `-- 29cc3b1e.dat
  1727. | | |-- 2a
  1728. | | | |-- 2a0a2b0c.dat
  1729. | | | |-- 2a35e6cd.dat
  1730. | | | |-- 2a525906.dat
  1731. | | | |-- 2a8e874f.dat
  1732. | | | `-- 2ac7822b.dat
  1733. | | |-- 2b
  1734. | | | |-- 2b3ce237.dat
  1735. | | | |-- 2b5598bf.dat
  1736. | | | `-- 2bdfc40b.dat
  1737. | | |-- 2c
  1738. | | | `-- 2cca74c8.dat
  1739. | | |-- 2d
  1740. | | | |-- 2d441516.dat
  1741. | | | `-- 2db45560.dat
  1742. | | |-- 2e
  1743. | | | `-- 2e1f5fc3.dat
  1744. | | |-- 2f
  1745. | | | |-- 2f37d014.dat
  1746. | | | |-- 2f3e997b.dat
  1747. | | | `-- 2fffac5c.dat
  1748. | | |-- 30
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  1750. | | | `-- 3067c067.dat
  1751. | | |-- 31
  1752. | | | |-- 313ec98d.dat
  1753. | | | `-- 31d45ace.dat
  1754. | | |-- 32
  1755. | | | `-- 32d4781e.dat
  1756. | | |-- 33
  1757. | | | |-- 331562f0.dat
  1758. | | | |-- 3332fd73.dat
  1759. | | | |-- 33845e0d.dat
  1760. | | | `-- 33e5ef68.dat
  1761. | | |-- 34
  1762. | | | `-- 3492fb42.dat
  1763. | | |-- 35
  1764. | | | `-- 35d231de.dat
  1765. | | |-- 36
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  1767. | | | |-- 36e808b5.dat
  1768. | | | `-- 36ee4b5b.dat
  1769. | | |-- 37
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  1771. | | | |-- 37af0c99.dat
  1772. | | | `-- 37c80161.dat
  1773. | | |-- 38
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  1775. | | |-- 39
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  1777. | | | `-- 39bb46e1.dat
  1778. | | |-- 3a
  1779. | | | |-- 3a070302.dat
  1780. | | | `-- 3adaf44d.dat
  1781. | | |-- 3b
  1782. | | | |-- 3b091ad5.dat
  1783. | | | |-- 3b2d332c.dat
  1784. | | | |-- 3b5dd378.dat
  1785. | | | |-- 3baa7b8f.dat
  1786. | | | |-- 3bbcb449.dat
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  1788. | | | `-- 3bd99d41.dat
  1789. | | |-- 3c
  1790. | | | `-- 3caac17a.dat
  1791. | | |-- 3e
  1792. | | | |-- 3e051b1c.dat
  1793. | | | |-- 3ea878e9.dat
  1794. | | | `-- 3efacbb1.dat
  1795. | | |-- 3f
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  1800. | | | |-- 408ac690.dat
  1801. | | | |-- 4095e78b.dat
  1802. | | | `-- 40cb88ad.dat
  1803. | | |-- 41
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  1805. | | | `-- 4119e51d.dat
  1806. | | |-- 42
  1807. | | | |-- 421861b2.dat
  1808. | | | |-- 42379ee5.dat
  1809. | | | `-- 42f2ad47.dat
  1810. | | |-- 43
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  1812. | | | `-- 43a40f35.dat
  1813. | | |-- 44
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  1815. | | | |-- 44591c4c.dat
  1816. | | | `-- 44db0718.dat
  1817. | | |-- 46
  1818. | | | `-- 466a8024.dat
  1819. | | |-- 47
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  1821. | | | |-- 47e9ff61.dat
  1822. | | | `-- 47ed7f9b.dat
  1823. | | |-- 48
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  1825. | | | |-- 483dd00a.dat
  1826. | | | |-- 48567d2d.dat
  1827. | | | `-- 488d7eb7.dat
  1828. | | |-- 49
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  1830. | | |-- 4b
  1831. | | | |-- 4b66b715.dat
  1832. | | | `-- 4b91de62.dat
  1833. | | |-- 4c
  1834. | | | |-- 4c4e2893.dat
  1835. | | | |-- 4c90da22.dat
  1836. | | | `-- 4cd2cf14.dat
  1837. | | |-- 4d
  1838. | | | |-- 4d664888.dat
  1839. | | | `-- 4d97ad12.dat
  1840. | | |-- 4e
  1841. | | | |-- 4e2a5467.dat
  1842. | | | |-- 4e502be8.dat
  1843. | | | |-- 4e61676d.dat
  1844. | | | |-- 4e8edba9.dat
  1845. | | | `-- 4ec76a18.dat
  1846. | | |-- 4f
  1847. | | | `-- 4f2004d0.dat
  1848. | | |-- 50
  1849. | | | |-- 503fc1aa.dat
  1850. | | | |-- 507ea763.dat
  1851. | | | `-- 5096a7bf.dat
  1852. | | |-- 51
  1853. | | | `-- 51dea70b.dat
  1854. | | |-- 52
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  1856. | | |-- 53
  1857. | | | |-- 53101059.dat
  1858. | | | `-- 53ed3b8b.dat
  1859. | | |-- 54
  1860. | | | `-- 546ca40d.dat
  1861. | | |-- 55
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  1863. | | | |-- 553006ce.dat
  1864. | | | |-- 5575ac0d.dat
  1865. | | | `-- 55958e44.dat
  1866. | | |-- 56
  1867. | | | |-- 5626a28f.dat
  1868. | | | `-- 562829e3.dat
  1869. | | |-- 57
  1870. | | | |-- 571ecd92.dat
  1871. | | | |-- 57258537.dat
  1872. | | | |-- 5769a592.dat
  1873. | | | |-- 57da1df7.dat
  1874. | | | `-- 57f74329.dat
  1875. | | |-- 58
  1876. | | | |-- 584dcec1.dat
  1877. | | | `-- 58833c91.dat
  1878. | | |-- 59
  1879. | | | |-- 599da79e.dat
  1880. | | | `-- 59de1ada.dat
  1881. | | |-- 5a
  1882. | | | |-- 5a864c4a.dat
  1883. | | | `-- 5aa894de.dat
  1884. | | |-- 5b
  1885. | | | `-- 5bbfb2ba.dat
  1886. | | |-- 5c
  1887. | | | |-- 5c6f6f16.dat
  1888. | | | |-- 5cf9459a.dat
  1889. | | | `-- 5cfb4a46.dat
  1890. | | |-- 5d
  1891. | | | |-- 5d094b27.dat
  1892. | | | |-- 5d4f1737.dat
  1893. | | | `-- 5d57b686.dat
  1894. | | |-- 5e
  1895. | | | |-- 5e14b688.dat
  1896. | | | `-- 5e94728a.dat
  1897. | | |-- 5f
  1898. | | | |-- 5f60f2e7.dat
  1899. | | | `-- 5fc9e29c.dat
  1900. | | |-- 60
  1901. | | | |-- 60944756.dat
  1902. | | | |-- 60d63d2e.dat
  1903. | | | `-- 60f772b8.dat
  1904. | | |-- 61
  1905. | | | |-- 6140c232.dat
  1906. | | | `-- 614e8637.dat
  1907. | | |-- 62
  1908. | | | |-- 621496ec.dat
  1909. | | | |-- 6263e514.dat
  1910. | | | |-- 62884379.dat
  1911. | | | `-- 62fd26fa.dat
  1912. | | |-- 63
  1913. | | | |-- 63558e90.dat
  1914. | | | `-- 63c7041d.dat
  1915. | | |-- 65
  1916. | | | |-- 65113b06.dat
  1917. | | | |-- 65bcec48.dat
  1918. | | | `-- 65f08c3b.dat
  1919. | | |-- 66
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  1921. | | | |-- 667fa8f7.dat
  1922. | | | |-- 66821615.dat
  1923. | | | `-- 66c6625e.dat
  1924. | | |-- 67
  1925. | | | |-- 670f2c8e.dat
  1926. | | | |-- 6744dd97.dat
  1927. | | | |-- 676a6ba9.dat
  1928. | | | `-- 67e2ec57.dat
  1929. | | |-- 69
  1930. | | | `-- 696da5cb.dat
  1931. | | |-- 6a
  1932. | | | |-- 6a98df30.dat
  1933. | | | `-- 6ac01c15.dat
  1934. | | |-- 6b
  1935. | | | |-- 6bd49d5d.dat
  1936. | | | |-- 6be45611.dat
  1937. | | | `-- 6bfef7fa.dat
  1938. | | |-- 6c
  1939. | | | `-- 6c62a50f.dat
  1940. | | |-- 6d
  1941. | | | |-- 6d0ac7cd.dat
  1942. | | | |-- 6d391ef1.dat
  1943. | | | `-- 6da86a5c.dat
  1944. | | |-- 6e
  1945. | | | |-- 6e450a1b.dat
  1946. | | | |-- 6e4eca9a.dat
  1947. | | | |-- 6eb361ad.dat
  1948. | | | `-- 6ed7082a.dat
  1949. | | |-- 6f
  1950. | | | |-- 6f00c92e.dat
  1951. | | | |-- 6f1564a1.dat
  1952. | | | |-- 6f35bfd1.dat
  1953. | | | |-- 6fe857ec.dat
  1954. | | | `-- 6ff36d08.dat
  1955. | | |-- 70
  1956. | | | `-- 70e8b121.dat
  1957. | | |-- 71
  1958. | | | `-- 71a19a74.dat
  1959. | | |-- 73
  1960. | | | |-- 7355409e.dat
  1961. | | | |-- 7359fbc1.dat
  1962. | | | |-- 73d3776e.dat
  1963. | | | `-- 73f692cd.dat
  1964. | | |-- 74
  1965. | | | |-- 74bb5694.dat
  1966. | | | `-- 74dde4cb.dat
  1967. | | |-- 75
  1968. | | | |-- 7501aecd.dat
  1969. | | | |-- 7547c279.dat
  1970. | | | `-- 75bb10ed.dat
  1971. | | |-- 76
  1972. | | | |-- 76135c48.dat
  1973. | | | |-- 7656ba46.dat
  1974. | | | |-- 7675a284.dat
  1975. | | | `-- 76e4cccc.dat
  1976. | | |-- 77
  1977. | | | `-- 77b99b04.dat
  1978. | | |-- 78
  1979. | | | |-- 782911d5.dat
  1980. | | | `-- 788be953.dat
  1981. | | |-- 79
  1982. | | | `-- 79153e41.dat
  1983. | | |-- 7a
  1984. | | | `-- 7a5d5600.dat
  1985. | | |-- 7b
  1986. | | | |-- 7b4f4e40.dat
  1987. | | | `-- 7bff89a3.dat
  1988. | | |-- 7c
  1989. | | | |-- 7c36db57.dat
  1990. | | | `-- 7caaad7b.dat
  1991. | | |-- 7d
  1992. | | | |-- 7d2a8a9a.dat
  1993. | | | `-- 7d3dfd05.dat
  1994. | | |-- 7e
  1995. | | | `-- 7ed12f0d.dat
  1996. | | |-- 7f
  1997. | | | |-- 7f51e15e.dat
  1998. | | | |-- 7f59f5d3.dat
  1999. | | | |-- 7f805081.dat
  2000. | | | `-- 7faedfb8.dat
  2001. | | |-- 80
  2002. | | | |-- 803af1a5.dat
  2003. | | | |-- 80a14ac7.dat
  2004. | | | |-- 80c2baa7.dat
  2005. | | | `-- 80fc84bc.dat
  2006. | | |-- 81
  2007. | | | |-- 814ad9f2.dat
  2008. | | | `-- 818b9810.dat
  2009. | | |-- 82
  2010. | | | |-- 8270bd2f.dat
  2011. | | | |-- 82cbf15b.dat
  2012. | | | `-- 82ccc5f9.dat
  2013. | | |-- 83
  2014. | | | |-- 8314850b.dat
  2015. | | | |-- 8357850e.dat
  2016. | | | |-- 8359e3be.dat
  2017. | | | |-- 8397e6a7.dat
  2018. | | | |-- 83f10156.dat
  2019. | | | `-- 83fc2c16.dat
  2020. | | |-- 84
  2021. | | | |-- 8411c477.dat
  2022. | | | `-- 84172b2d.dat
  2023. | | |-- 85
  2024. | | | |-- 8564cb8e.dat
  2025. | | | |-- 8591a60c.dat
  2026. | | | |-- 859ba275.dat
  2027. | | | `-- 85e09626.dat
  2028. | | |-- 86
  2029. | | | |-- 862bd64a.dat
  2030. | | | |-- 86537922.dat
  2031. | | | |-- 86aeb514.dat
  2032. | | | `-- 86f7211f.dat
  2033. | | |-- 87
  2034. | | | |-- 8730cc20.dat
  2035. | | | |-- 8732004f.dat
  2036. | | | `-- 876aea7b.dat
  2037. | | |-- 88
  2038. | | | |-- 882ab71a.dat
  2039. | | | |-- 8854a9ca.dat
  2040. | | | `-- 88f84e35.dat
  2041. | | |-- 89
  2042. | | | |-- 892f8b17.dat
  2043. | | | `-- 89350d20.dat
  2044. | | |-- 8a
  2045. | | | `-- 8a2ba7a7.dat
  2046. | | |-- 8b
  2047. | | | `-- 8bc8d248.dat
  2048. | | |-- 8c
  2049. | | | |-- 8c05e072.dat
  2050. | | | |-- 8c1c76e7.dat
  2051. | | | |-- 8c6320ed.dat
  2052. | | | |-- 8c6ea396.dat
  2053. | | | |-- 8c89d439.dat
  2054. | | | |-- 8cbcaee7.dat
  2055. | | | |-- 8cec127c.dat
  2056. | | | `-- 8cf5f55b.dat
  2057. | | |-- 8d
  2058. | | | |-- 8d0df922.dat
  2059. | | | |-- 8d5bc5c1.dat
  2060. | | | `-- 8d6a3099.dat
  2061. | | |-- 8e
  2062. | | | |-- 8e565c2f.dat
  2063. | | | |-- 8eb33496.dat
  2064. | | | `-- 8ebd563a.dat
  2065. | | |-- 8f
  2066. | | | |-- 8f703ee0.dat
  2067. | | | `-- 8f812665.dat
  2068. | | |-- 90
  2069. | | | |-- 9031be91.dat
  2070. | | | |-- 909d66f8.dat
  2071. | | | `-- 90bd10c5.dat
  2072. | | |-- 91
  2073. | | | |-- 91b2d17f.dat
  2074. | | | `-- 91dca944.dat
  2075. | | |-- 92
  2076. | | | |-- 92a57194.dat
  2077. | | | `-- 92e53867.dat
  2078. | | |-- 93
  2079. | | | |-- 930072d5.dat
  2080. | | | |-- 9396c960.dat
  2081. | | | |-- 93aa8557.dat
  2082. | | | `-- 93f6432a.dat
  2083. | | |-- 95
  2084. | | | |-- 95824ab7.dat
  2085. | | | `-- 95c0ef1d.dat
  2086. | | |-- 96
  2087. | | | `-- 96183b8e.dat
  2088. | | |-- 97
  2089. | | | `-- 97579eb8.dat
  2090. | | |-- 98
  2091. | | | |-- 98177641.dat
  2092. | | | |-- 985d59d2.dat
  2093. | | | |-- 9873694d.dat
  2094. | | | `-- 98ee905b.dat
  2095. | | |-- 99
  2096. | | | |-- 99aead12.dat
  2097. | | | `-- 99f06dad.dat
  2098. | | |-- 9a
  2099. | | | |-- 9a5e7fe9.dat
  2100. | | | |-- 9a7e25e8.dat
  2101. | | | |-- 9ab8ed07.dat
  2102. | | | `-- 9ae7c86e.dat
  2103. | | |-- 9b
  2104. | | | `-- 9b5231b6.dat
  2105. | | |-- 9e
  2106. | | | `-- 9e9eb8a0.dat
  2107. | | |-- 9f
  2108. | | | |-- 9f5bf2a6.dat
  2109. | | | |-- 9fa2f030.dat
  2110. | | | `-- 9fb34642.dat
  2111. | | |-- a1
  2112. | | | `-- a179fd2e.dat
  2113. | | |-- a2
  2114. | | | |-- a20e1bc7.dat
  2115. | | | |-- a21787d4.dat
  2116. | | | |-- a237531a.dat
  2117. | | | |-- a282d2de.dat
  2118. | | | |-- a2c017cb.dat
  2119. | | | `-- a2c121da.dat
  2120. | | |-- a3
  2121. | | | |-- a3b49968.dat
  2122. | | | `-- a3d93386.dat
  2123. | | |-- a5
  2124. | | | |-- a5c73772.dat
  2125. | | | |-- a5cc7e01.dat
  2126. | | | |-- a5dd597c.dat
  2127. | | | `-- a5f00e4a.dat
  2128. | | |-- a6
  2129. | | | |-- a69b34c2.dat
  2130. | | | |-- a6c8fefa.dat
  2131. | | | `-- a6d231c8.dat
  2132. | | |-- a9
  2133. | | | |-- a95d4015.dat
  2134. | | | |-- a9654704.dat
  2135. | | | `-- a9797d4c.dat
  2136. | | |-- aa
  2137. | | | |-- aa5adf80.dat
  2138. | | | `-- aa8a8542.dat
  2139. | | |-- ab
  2140. | | | |-- ab3d40d0.dat
  2141. | | | |-- ab3fd373.dat
  2142. | | | |-- abbcf18e.dat
  2143. | | | `-- abe2fa4f.dat
  2144. | | |-- ac
  2145. | | | `-- ac02e1c0.dat
  2146. | | |-- ad
  2147. | | | `-- ad5be628.dat
  2148. | | |-- af
  2149. | | | |-- af1be095.dat
  2150. | | | `-- afa35d15.dat
  2151. | | |-- b1
  2152. | | | |-- b16831ce.dat
  2153. | | | |-- b1b95ffc.dat
  2154. | | | `-- b1c9b24a.dat
  2155. | | |-- b2
  2156. | | | |-- b24a2436.dat
  2157. | | | |-- b27504e5.dat
  2158. | | | |-- b2971baf.dat
  2159. | | | |-- b2e7e815.dat
  2160. | | | |-- b2f2445c.dat
  2161. | | | `-- b2f513da.dat
  2162. | | |-- b3
  2163. | | | `-- b3c5d2a4.dat
  2164. | | |-- b4
  2165. | | | |-- b42296eb.dat
  2166. | | | |-- b46bef8e.dat
  2167. | | | |-- b4d0222a.dat
  2168. | | | `-- b4e238e5.dat
  2169. | | |-- b5
  2170. | | | |-- b522aab7.dat
  2171. | | | `-- b542a113.dat
  2172. | | |-- b6
  2173. | | | `-- b6be3721.dat
  2174. | | |-- b7
  2175. | | | |-- b7177c21.dat
  2176. | | | |-- b7206108.dat
  2177. | | | `-- b77cd552.dat
  2178. | | |-- b8
  2179. | | | |-- b86554bd.dat
  2180. | | | |-- b89e6828.dat
  2181. | | | `-- b8a76155.dat
  2182. | | |-- b9
  2183. | | | |-- b9246fa6.dat
  2184. | | | |-- b988cb65.dat
  2185. | | | `-- b9e4f21b.dat
  2186. | | |-- bb
  2187. | | | |-- bbdf1d3b.dat
  2188. | | | `-- bbff92b5.dat
  2189. | | |-- bd
  2190. | | | |-- bd0164ad.dat
  2191. | | | |-- bd3514f3.dat
  2192. | | | |-- bd4a5c76.dat
  2193. | | | |-- bd788140.dat
  2194. | | | |-- bdbb644d.dat
  2195. | | | |-- bde8f336.dat
  2196. | | | `-- bdf1fc6e.dat
  2197. | | |-- be
  2198. | | | |-- be6726ac.dat
  2199. | | | `-- befc6f94.dat
  2200. | | |-- bf
  2201. | | | |-- bf349b0f.dat
  2202. | | | |-- bf3fcc4b.dat
  2203. | | | |-- bf6706e7.dat
  2204. | | | `-- bffd0520.dat
  2205. | | |-- c0
  2206. | | | |-- c04820c7.dat
  2207. | | | |-- c090ea3f.dat
  2208. | | | `-- c0d80353.dat
  2209. | | |-- c1
  2210. | | | |-- c12cc55b.dat
  2211. | | | `-- c186f88d.dat
  2212. | | |-- c2
  2213. | | | |-- c25480ac.dat
  2214. | | | |-- c2e72027.dat
  2215. | | | `-- c2f74032.dat
  2216. | | |-- c3
  2217. | | | `-- c3c0ff19.dat
  2218. | | |-- c4
  2219. | | | |-- c45cb4e9.dat
  2220. | | | `-- c4d3829d.dat
  2221. | | |-- c5
  2222. | | | `-- c5b77cba.dat
  2223. | | |-- c6
  2224. | | | |-- c60fb47c.dat
  2225. | | | |-- c6556a62.dat
  2226. | | | `-- c6715165.dat
  2227. | | |-- c8
  2228. | | | `-- c8fdb543.dat
  2229. | | |-- c9
  2230. | | | |-- c937253b.dat
  2231. | | | |-- c9a60d8d.dat
  2232. | | | |-- c9c64d24.dat
  2233. | | | `-- c9c78564.dat
  2234. | | |-- ca
  2235. | | | `-- cab40e8a.dat
  2236. | | |-- cb
  2237. | | | |-- cb49ee4b.dat
  2238. | | | |-- cbb06e80.dat
  2239. | | | `-- cbd4c9f7.dat
  2240. | | |-- cc
  2241. | | | |-- cc18b452.dat
  2242. | | | `-- cc8dd33d.dat
  2243. | | |-- cd
  2244. | | | |-- cd0ed975.dat
  2245. | | | |-- cd8417eb.dat
  2246. | | | `-- cdd23a43.dat
  2247. | | |-- ce
  2248. | | | |-- ce300e9a.dat
  2249. | | | |-- ce684b47.dat
  2250. | | | |-- ce8bf576.dat
  2251. | | | `-- ce8ff112.dat
  2252. | | |-- cf
  2253. | | | `-- cf474c9f.dat
  2254. | | |-- d0
  2255. | | | |-- d05a51d9.dat
  2256. | | | `-- d088d81d.dat
  2257. | | |-- d1
  2258. | | | |-- d1554d5f.dat
  2259. | | | |-- d1b92e3f.dat
  2260. | | | `-- d1dfc60c.dat
  2261. | | |-- d2
  2262. | | | |-- d2756967.dat
  2263. | | | `-- d2be93d8.dat
  2264. | | |-- d3
  2265. | | | |-- d32c9aa6.dat
  2266. | | | `-- d38585ff.dat
  2267. | | |-- d4
  2268. | | | |-- d48b924a.dat
  2269. | | | `-- d4972a7b.dat
  2270. | | |-- d5
  2271. | | | `-- d5294fc9.dat
  2272. | | |-- d6
  2273. | | | `-- d68d3a2e.dat
  2274. | | |-- d7
  2275. | | | `-- d71d484d.dat
  2276. | | |-- d8
  2277. | | | |-- d8157e55.dat
  2278. | | | |-- d83c61bf.dat
  2279. | | | |-- d89f94f5.dat
  2280. | | | |-- d8c233e0.dat
  2281. | | | `-- d8ea695e.dat
  2282. | | |-- da
  2283. | | | `-- da0a7fbd.dat
  2284. | | |-- db
  2285. | | | |-- db6c8d49.dat
  2286. | | | |-- dba00030.dat
  2287. | | | |-- dbb826b0.dat
  2288. | | | `-- dbc04883.dat
  2289. | | |-- dc
  2290. | | | |-- dc28fc15.dat
  2291. | | | |-- dc89d64d.dat
  2292. | | | |-- dc94be0e.dat
  2293. | | | |-- dc974ad6.dat
  2294. | | | |-- dcaffe49.dat
  2295. | | | `-- dcb4848a.dat
  2296. | | |-- dd
  2297. | | | `-- dde1962c.dat
  2298. | | |-- de
  2299. | | | |-- de6c237b.dat
  2300. | | | `-- dedbe487.dat
  2301. | | |-- df
  2302. | | | |-- df00a374.dat
  2303. | | | |-- df1ea362.dat
  2304. | | | `-- dfdb7b44.dat
  2305. | | |-- e0
  2306. | | | `-- e0c1ee2d.dat
  2307. | | |-- e1
  2308. | | | |-- e13bb7fe.dat
  2309. | | | |-- e142bfac.dat
  2310. | | | `-- e1e53ed6.dat
  2311. | | |-- e2
  2312. | | | |-- e25da04b.dat
  2313. | | | |-- e2661660.dat
  2314. | | | |-- e29f2c41.dat
  2315. | | | `-- e2df9f9f.dat
  2316. | | |-- e3
  2317. | | | |-- e338bd80.dat
  2318. | | | |-- e3d863b8.dat
  2319. | | | `-- e3ee29a8.dat
  2320. | | |-- e4
  2321. | | | |-- e4963aec.dat
  2322. | | | |-- e49a2561.dat
  2323. | | | `-- e4d28858.dat
  2324. | | |-- e5
  2325. | | | |-- e574fd30.dat
  2326. | | | `-- e5c13f85.dat
  2327. | | |-- e6
  2328. | | | |-- e60eec47.dat
  2329. | | | `-- e6bc3cb9.dat
  2330. | | |-- e7
  2331. | | | |-- e7732c88.dat
  2332. | | | |-- e79df43c.dat
  2333. | | | `-- e7a6d2a0.dat
  2334. | | |-- e8
  2335. | | | `-- e80dc2b4.dat
  2336. | | |-- e9
  2337. | | | |-- e9290230.dat
  2338. | | | `-- e93c92be.dat
  2339. | | |-- ea
  2340. | | | |-- ea0c93f9.dat
  2341. | | | |-- ea4d6cd0.dat
  2342. | | | `-- ea68087f.dat
  2343. | | |-- eb
  2344. | | | `-- eb669aa0.dat
  2345. | | |-- ec
  2346. | | | `-- ec1eee61.dat
  2347. | | |-- ed
  2348. | | | `-- ed233319.dat
  2349. | | |-- ee
  2350. | | | |-- ee2022ef.dat
  2351. | | | `-- ee91abf1.dat
  2352. | | |-- ef
  2353. | | | `-- efed72da.dat
  2354. | | |-- f0
  2355. | | | |-- f035613e.dat
  2356. | | | `-- f0c1cc10.dat
  2357. | | |-- f1
  2358. | | | `-- f1b3f3fe.dat
  2359. | | |-- f2
  2360. | | | |-- f24d2c5a.dat
  2361. | | | `-- f2b7697c.dat
  2362. | | |-- f3
  2363. | | | |-- f340af9e.dat
  2364. | | | |-- f3be6c2c.dat
  2365. | | | `-- f3d85d0b.dat
  2366. | | |-- f4
  2367. | | | |-- f42c74f2.dat
  2368. | | | `-- f47820eb.dat
  2369. | | |-- f5
  2370. | | | |-- f5378c8a.dat
  2371. | | | `-- f58a1aa4.dat
  2372. | | |-- f6
  2373. | | | |-- f6142fdf.dat
  2374. | | | |-- f62cddab.dat
  2375. | | | |-- f64b920c.dat
  2376. | | | |-- f67e415f.dat
  2377. | | | `-- f6b5ad5f.dat
  2378. | | |-- f7
  2379. | | | |-- f752db82.dat
  2380. | | | `-- f7dd657a.dat
  2381. | | |-- f8
  2382. | | | |-- f8022cf0.dat
  2383. | | | |-- f840d3fe.dat
  2384. | | | `-- f889a9c7.dat
  2385. | | |-- f9
  2386. | | | `-- f9102686.dat
  2387. | | |-- fa
  2388. | | | |-- fa03e1b9.dat
  2389. | | | |-- fa2b0876.dat
  2390. | | | |-- fabd21e5.dat
  2391. | | | `-- fad75373.dat
  2392. | | |-- fb
  2393. | | | |-- fb3f5db2.dat
  2394. | | | `-- fb9879e0.dat
  2395. | | |-- fd
  2396. | | | |-- fd7db55f.dat
  2397. | | | `-- fdba1b54.dat
  2398. | | |-- fe
  2399. | | | |-- fe23a40c.dat
  2400. | | | |-- fe2e6f36.dat
  2401. | | | `-- fee050d6.dat
  2402. | | `-- ff
  2403. | | `-- ff572f58.dat
  2404. | |-- downloadlists
  2405. | | |-- arena_badlands.lst
  2406. | | |-- ctf_2fort.lst
  2407. | | |-- mvm_bigrock.lst
  2408. | | |-- mvm_coaltown.lst
  2409. | | |-- mvm_coaltown_event.lst
  2410. | | |-- mvm_decoy.lst
  2411. | | |-- mvm_ghost_town.lst
  2412. | | |-- mvm_isolation_b4.lst
  2413. | | |-- mvm_manndarin_final.lst
  2414. | | |-- mvm_mannworks.lst
  2415. | | |-- mvm_oilrig_rc3.lst
  2416. | | |-- mvm_skullcove_rc1.lst
  2417. | | `-- mvm_ventus_b5.lst
  2418. | |-- gameinfo.txt
  2419. | |-- item_whitelist_example.txt
  2420. | |-- logs
  2421. | | |-- l0826000.log.bz2
  2422. | | |-- l0826001.log.bz2
  2423. | | |-- l0827000.log.bz2
  2424. | | |-- l0827001.log.bz2
  2425. | | |-- l0827002.log.bz2
  2426. | | |-- l0828000.log.bz2
  2427. | | |-- l0828001.log.bz2
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  2435. | | |-- l0829002.log.bz2
  2436. | | |-- l0829003.log.bz2
  2437. | | |-- l0829004.log.bz2
  2438. | | |-- l0830000.log.bz2
  2439. | | |-- l0831000.log.bz2
  2440. | | |-- l0831001.log.bz2
  2441. | | |-- l0831002.log.bz2
  2442. | | |-- l0831003.log.bz2
  2443. | | |-- l0901000.log.bz2
  2444. | | |-- l0901001.log.bz2
  2445. | | |-- l0902000.log.bz2
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  2450. | | |-- l0903000.log.bz2
  2451. | | |-- l0903001.log.bz2
  2452. | | |-- l0903002.log.bz2
  2453. | | |-- l0904000.log.bz2
  2454. | | |-- l0904001.log.bz2
  2455. | | |-- l0904002.log.bz2
  2456. | | |-- l0904003.log.bz2
  2457. | | |-- l0904004.log.bz2
  2458. | | |-- l0904005.log.bz2
  2459. | | |-- l0904006.log.bz2
  2460. | | |-- l0905000.log.bz2
  2461. | | |-- l0905001.log.bz2
  2462. | | |-- l0905002.log.bz2
  2463. | | |-- l0906000.log.bz2
  2464. | | |-- l0906001.log.bz2
  2465. | | |-- l0907000.log.bz2
  2466. | | |-- l0907001.log.bz2
  2467. | | |-- l0907002.log.bz2
  2468. | | |-- l0907003.log.bz2
  2469. | | |-- l0908000.log.bz2
  2470. | | |-- l0908001.log.bz2
  2471. | | |-- l0908002.log.bz2
  2472. | | |-- l0909000.log.bz2
  2473. | | |-- l0910000.log.bz2
  2474. | | |-- l0910001.log.bz2
  2475. | | |-- l0910002.log.bz2
  2476. | | |-- l0911000.log.bz2
  2477. | | |-- l0911001.log.bz2
  2478. | | |-- l0911002.log.bz2
  2479. | | |-- l0911003.log.bz2
  2480. | | |-- l0911004.log.bz2
  2481. | | |-- l0912000.log.bz2
  2482. | | |-- l0912001.log.bz2
  2483. | | |-- l0912002.log.bz2
  2484. | | |-- l0912003.log.bz2
  2485. | | |-- l0913000.log.bz2
  2486. | | |-- l0913001.log.bz2
  2487. | | |-- l0913002.log.bz2
  2488. | | |-- l0913003.log.bz2
  2489. | | |-- l0914000.log.bz2
  2490. | | |-- l0914001.log.bz2
  2491. | | |-- l0914002.log.bz2
  2492. | | |-- l0915000.log.bz2
  2493. | | |-- l0916000.log.bz2
  2494. | | |-- l0916001.log.bz2
  2495. | | |-- l0916002.log.bz2
  2496. | | |-- l0917000.log.bz2
  2497. | | |-- l0917001.log.bz2
  2498. | | |-- l0917002.log.bz2
  2499. | | |-- l0917003.log.bz2
  2500. | | |-- l0918000.log.bz2
  2501. | | |-- l0918001.log.bz2
  2502. | | |-- l0919000.log.bz2
  2503. | | |-- l0919001.log.bz2
  2504. | | |-- l0919002.log.bz2
  2505. | | |-- l0920000.log
  2506. | | |-- l0920001.log
  2507. | | |-- l0920002.log
  2508. | | |-- l0920003.log
  2509. | | |-- l0920004.log
  2510. | | |-- l0920005.log
  2511. | | |-- l0921000.log
  2512. | | |-- l0922000.log
  2513. | | |-- l0922001.log
  2514. | | |-- l0922002.log
  2515. | | |-- l0922003.log
  2516. | | |-- l0922004.log
  2517. | | `-- l0922005.log
  2518. | |-- mapcycle.txt -> ./cfg/mapcycle.txt
  2519. | |-- maps
  2520. | | |-- arena_badlands.bsp
  2521. | | |-- arena_granary.bsp
  2522. | | |-- arena_lumberyard.bsp
  2523. | | |-- arena_nucleus.bsp
  2524. | | |-- arena_offblast_final.bsp
  2525. | | |-- arena_ravine.bsp
  2526. | | |-- arena_sawmill.bsp
  2527. | | |-- arena_watchtower.bsp
  2528. | | |-- arena_well.bsp
  2529. | | |-- background01.bsp
  2530. | | |-- cp_5gorge.bsp
  2531. | | |-- cp_badlands.bsp
  2532. | | |-- cp_cloak.bsp
  2533. | | |-- cp_coldfront.bsp
  2534. | | |-- cp_degrootkeep.bsp
  2535. | | |-- cp_dustbowl.bsp
  2536. | | |-- cp_egypt_final.bsp
  2537. | | |-- cp_fastlane.bsp
  2538. | | |-- cp_foundry.bsp
  2539. | | |-- cp_freight_final1.bsp
  2540. | | |-- cp_gorge.bsp
  2541. | | |-- cp_granary.bsp
  2542. | | |-- cp_gravelpit.bsp
  2543. | | |-- cp_gullywash_final1.bsp
  2544. | | |-- cp_junction_final.bsp
  2545. | | |-- cp_manor_event.bsp
  2546. | | |-- cp_mountainlab.bsp
  2547. | | |-- cp_process_final.bsp
  2548. | | |-- cp_standin_final.bsp
  2549. | | |-- cp_steel.bsp
  2550. | | |-- cp_well.bsp
  2551. | | |-- cp_yukon_final.bsp
  2552. | | |-- ctf_2fort.bsp
  2553. | | |-- ctf_doublecross.bsp
  2554. | | |-- ctf_sawmill.bsp
  2555. | | |-- ctf_turbine.bsp
  2556. | | |-- ctf_well.bsp
  2557. | | |-- graphs
  2558. | | | |-- mvm_bigrock.ain
  2559. | | | |-- mvm_coaltown.ain
  2560. | | | `-- mvm_decoy.ain
  2561. | | |-- itemtest.bsp
  2562. | | |-- koth_badlands.bsp
  2563. | | |-- koth_harvest_event.bsp
  2564. | | |-- koth_harvest_final.bsp
  2565. | | |-- koth_king.bsp
  2566. | | |-- koth_lakeside_event.bsp
  2567. | | |-- koth_lakeside_final.bsp
  2568. | | |-- koth_nucleus.bsp
  2569. | | |-- koth_sawmill.bsp
  2570. | | |-- koth_viaduct.bsp
  2571. | | |-- koth_viaduct_event.bsp
  2572. | | |-- mvm_bigrock.bsp
  2573. | | |-- mvm_coaltown.bsp
  2574. | | |-- mvm_decoy.bsp
  2575. | | |-- mvm_ghost_town.bsp
  2576. | | |-- mvm_isolation_b4.bsp
  2577. | | |-- mvm_manndarin_final.bsp
  2578. | | |-- mvm_manndarin_final.nav
  2579. | | |-- mvm_manndarin_final.res
  2580. | | |-- mvm_manndarin_final.txt
  2581. | | |-- mvm_mannworks.bsp
  2582. | | |-- mvm_oilrig_rc3.bsp
  2583. | | |-- mvm_oilrig_rc3.nav
  2584. | | |-- mvm_skullcove_rc1.bsp
  2585. | | |-- mvm_skullcove_rc1.nav
  2586. | | |-- mvm_ventus_b5.bsp
  2587. | | |-- pl_badwater.bsp
  2588. | | |-- pl_barnblitz.bsp
  2589. | | |-- pl_frontier_final.bsp
  2590. | | |-- pl_goldrush.bsp
  2591. | | |-- pl_hoodoo_final.bsp
  2592. | | |-- pl_thundermountain.bsp
  2593. | | |-- pl_upward.bsp
  2594. | | |-- plr_hightower.bsp
  2595. | | |-- plr_nightfall_final.bsp
  2596. | | |-- plr_pipeline.bsp
  2597. | | |-- sd_doomsday.bsp
  2598. | | |-- tc_hydro.bsp
  2599. | | |-- tr_dustbowl.bsp
  2600. | | `-- tr_target.bsp
  2601. | |-- materials
  2602. | | |-- models
  2603. | | | `-- player
  2604. | | | `-- items
  2605. | | | `-- templates
  2606. | | | `-- standard.vmt
  2607. | | |-- sprites
  2608. | | | |-- blueglow1.vmt
  2609. | | | |-- blueglow1.vtf
  2610. | | | |-- redglow1.vmt
  2611. | | | `-- redglow1.vtf
  2612. | | `-- vgui
  2613. | | `-- maps
  2614. | | |-- menu_photos_mvm_manndarin_final.vmt
  2615. | | |-- menu_photos_mvm_manndarin_final.vtf
  2616. | | |-- menu_thumb_mvm_manndarin_final.vmt
  2617. | | `-- menu_thumb_mvm_manndarin_final.vtf
  2618. | |-- media
  2619. | |-- modelsounds.cache
  2620. | |-- replay
  2621. | |-- resource
  2622. | | |-- closecaption_brazilian.dat
  2623. | | |-- closecaption_brazilian.txt
  2624. | | |-- closecaption_czech.dat
  2625. | | |-- closecaption_czech.txt
  2626. | | |-- closecaption_danish.dat
  2627. | | |-- closecaption_danish.txt
  2628. | | |-- closecaption_dutch.dat
  2629. | | |-- closecaption_dutch.txt
  2630. | | |-- closecaption_english.dat
  2631. | | |-- closecaption_english.txt
  2632. | | |-- closecaption_finnish.dat
  2633. | | |-- closecaption_finnish.txt
  2634. | | |-- closecaption_french.dat
  2635. | | |-- closecaption_french.txt
  2636. | | |-- closecaption_german.dat
  2637. | | |-- closecaption_german.txt
  2638. | | |-- closecaption_greek.dat
  2639. | | |-- closecaption_greek.txt
  2640. | | |-- closecaption_hungarian.dat
  2641. | | |-- closecaption_hungarian.txt
  2642. | | |-- closecaption_italian.dat
  2643. | | |-- closecaption_italian.txt
  2644. | | |-- closecaption_japanese.dat
  2645. | | |-- closecaption_japanese.txt
  2646. | | |-- closecaption_korean.dat
  2647. | | |-- closecaption_korean.txt
  2648. | | |-- closecaption_koreana.dat
  2649. | | |-- closecaption_koreana.txt
  2650. | | |-- closecaption_norwegian.dat
  2651. | | |-- closecaption_norwegian.txt
  2652. | | |-- closecaption_polish.dat
  2653. | | |-- closecaption_polish.txt
  2654. | | |-- closecaption_portuguese.dat
  2655. | | |-- closecaption_portuguese.txt
  2656. | | |-- closecaption_romanian.dat
  2657. | | |-- closecaption_romanian.txt
  2658. | | |-- closecaption_russian.dat
  2659. | | |-- closecaption_russian.txt
  2660. | | |-- closecaption_schinese.dat
  2661. | | |-- closecaption_schinese.txt
  2662. | | |-- closecaption_spanish.dat
  2663. | | |-- closecaption_spanish.txt
  2664. | | |-- closecaption_swedish.dat
  2665. | | |-- closecaption_swedish.txt
  2666. | | |-- closecaption_tchinese.dat
  2667. | | |-- closecaption_tchinese.txt
  2668. | | |-- closecaption_turkish.dat
  2669. | | |-- closecaption_turkish.txt
  2670. | | |-- game-icon.bmp
  2671. | | |-- game.icns
  2672. | | |-- game.ico
  2673. | | |-- game_1bpp.ico
  2674. | | |-- tf.ttf
  2675. | | |-- tf2.ttf
  2676. | | |-- tf2build.ttf
  2677. | | |-- tf2professor.ttf
  2678. | | |-- tf2secondary.ttf
  2679. | | |-- tf_brazilian.txt
  2680. | | |-- tf_czech.txt
  2681. | | |-- tf_danish.txt
  2682. | | |-- tf_dutch.txt
  2683. | | |-- tf_english.txt
  2684. | | |-- tf_finnish.txt
  2685. | | |-- tf_french.txt
  2686. | | |-- tf_german.txt
  2687. | | |-- tf_greek.txt
  2688. | | |-- tf_hungarian.txt
  2689. | | |-- tf_italian.txt
  2690. | | |-- tf_japanese.txt
  2691. | | |-- tf_korean.txt
  2692. | | |-- tf_koreana.txt
  2693. | | |-- tf_norwegian.txt
  2694. | | |-- tf_polish.txt
  2695. | | |-- tf_portuguese.txt
  2696. | | |-- tf_romanian.txt
  2697. | | |-- tf_russian.txt
  2698. | | |-- tf_schinese.txt
  2699. | | |-- tf_spanish.txt
  2700. | | |-- tf_swedish.txt
  2701. | | |-- tf_tchinese.txt
  2702. | | |-- tf_turkish.txt
  2703. | | |-- tfd.ttf
  2704. | | `-- tflogo.ttf
  2705. | |-- scripts
  2706. | | |-- items
  2707. | | | `-- items_game.txt
  2708. | | |-- itemtest_manifest.txt
  2709. | | |-- itemtest_qc_template.txt
  2710. | | `-- population
  2711. | | |-- mvm_manndarin_final.pop
  2712. | | |-- mvm_oilrig_rc3.pop
  2713. | | |-- mvm_oilrig_rc3_advanced.pop
  2714. | | `-- robot_oilrig.pop
  2715. | |-- stats.txt
  2716. | |-- steam.inf
  2717. | |-- test1.txt
  2718. | |-- test2.txt
  2719. | |-- tf2_misc_000.vpk
  2720. | |-- tf2_misc_001.vpk
  2721. | |-- tf2_misc_002.vpk
  2722. | |-- tf2_misc_003.vpk
  2723. | |-- tf2_misc_004.vpk
  2724. | |-- tf2_misc_005.vpk
  2725. | |-- tf2_misc_006.vpk
  2726. | |-- tf2_misc_007.vpk
  2727. | |-- tf2_misc_008.vpk
  2728. | |-- tf2_misc_009.vpk
  2729. | |-- tf2_misc_dir.vpk
  2730. | |-- tf2_sound_misc_dir.vpk
  2731. | |-- tf2_sound_vo_english_dir.vpk
  2732. | `-- tf2_textures_dir.vpk
  2733. |--
  2734. |-- thirdpartylegalnotices.txt
  2735. `-- tree
  2737. 328 directories, 2410 files
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