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  1. #-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-# About Plugin/Author #-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#
  2. #
  3. # Plugin Name: DeathMessages
  4. # Author: Jose Manuel Gassin Perez-Traverso
  5. # Bukkit Profile:
  6. # Description: Change the Default Bukkit Death Messages as you wish, including colors, victim name, killer name and weapon/material/name... also other General messages as Join/Kick/Leave.
  7. #
  8. #-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-# About Plugin/Author #-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#
  10. #-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-# Plugin Version #-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#
  11. #
  12. # Don't change this!: Incorrect config versions will be renamed to "old_config.yml" and a correct config.yml version will be created into the plugin folder.
  13. Version: '3.1.1'
  14. #
  15. #-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-# Plugin Version #-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#
  17. #-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-# Useful Links #-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#
  18. #
  19. ### Plugin Main Page:
  20. # ->
  21. #
  22. ### ChangeLog:
  23. # ->
  24. #
  26. # ->
  27. #
  28. ### More Info about DEFAULT SERVER Death Messages:
  29. #
  30. ### Parse errors?
  31. # Remember to write with a correct YML indentation/rules:
  32. # Also i recommend advanced editors like Notepad++ or Brackets, i don't get a $ with this is just a recommendation.
  33. #
  34. #-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-# Useful Links #-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#
  36. #-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-# Commands & Permissions #-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#
  37. #
  38. # /dm | deathmessages.user | Shows a list of commands.
  39. # /dm all | deathmessages.user | Toggles on/off both, Death and General Messages for the player.
  40. # /dm dm | deathmessages.user | Toggles on/off Death Messages for the player.
  41. # /dm gm | deathmessages.user | Toggles on/off General Messages for the player.
  42. # /dm reload | deathmessages.admin | Reloads this file.
  43. # ... | deathmessages.silent.join | Allows to silent join (no join message).
  44. # ... | deathmessages.silent.quit | Allows to silent quit (no quit message).
  45. #
  46. ### Note: you can use both /dm or /deathmessages for commands.
  47. #
  48. #-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-# Commands & Permissions #-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#
  50. #-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-# Help & Hints #-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#
  51. #
  52. ### Non-English characters:
  53. # The bukkit yaml parser doesn't allow non-english characters, due to this, i've coded a way to add any UNICODE characters:
  54. # Example: %u2623 -> biohazard sign -> (
  55. #
  56. ### Empty messages:
  57. # You can disable any message by leaving it empty just with '', useful when you don't want some death causes to throw a message, or want join messages but not quit messages(for example).
  58. #
  59. #-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-# Help & Hints #-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#
  61. #-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-# Debugging #-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#
  62. #
  63. ### Enabling this option will BROADCAST extra data about the Death Process, which will be useful to find plugins conflicting with Minecraft standard events.
  64. # You'll be able to check: Victim Name, World Name, Last Damage Cause Type, Last Damage Cause (Reason), and Damager.
  65. Debug: false
  66. #
  67. #-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-# Debugging #-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#
  71. #======================================[ PvP Messages ]======================================#
  72. ### What to do with PvP Death Messages?
  73. # 1 = Don't Show any of Them.
  74. # 2 = Show them as Usual.
  75. # 3 = ONLY show PvP Death Messages.
  76. PvP_Death_Messages_Handling: 2
  79. #======================================[ World Settings ]======================================#
  80. ### Notes:
  81. # IMPORTANT: World names are CASE SENSITIVE!
  82. # Total World Silence: You can add the same world to Muted and Deaf worlds, meaning that the world will NOT send or receive any message(Death/Join/Quit/Kick).
  84. ### World Aliases:
  85. # This allows to change world name in messages ("%world" variable) to a custom name instead of the "folder" world name.
  86. World_Aliases:
  87. world: 'Survival'
  88. world_nether: 'NetherWorld'
  89. world_the_end: 'The Moon'
  90. your_awesome_world: 'Cookie Land'
  92. ### Muted Worlds: disables ALL(Death/Join/Quit/Kick) outgoing messages from worlds in this list.
  93. Muted_Worlds:
  94. Enable: false
  95. World_List:
  96. - any_world_name
  97. - hell
  99. ### Deaf Worlds: disables ALL(Death/Join/Quit/Kick) incoming messages to worlds in this list.
  100. Deaf_Worlds:
  101. Enable: false
  102. World_List:
  103. - bed_land
  104. - puzzle_games
  106. ### Linking worlds allows worlds to share death/general messages, worlds out of this list will ONLY see it's own messages.
  108. # Example: as you can see in this list, the worlds "world", "world_nether" and "world_the_end" are linked, so Death and General messages will be shared, if we have another world called "new_world", will only be able to see it's own Death and General Messages.
  109. Linked_Worlds:
  110. Enable: false
  111. World_List:
  112. - world
  113. - world_nether
  114. - world_the_end
  117. #======================================[ General Messages ]======================================#
  118. ### General Messages variables:
  119. # %player = player name involved in the event.
  120. # %dplayer = player display name.
  121. # %world = world name in which the player joins/from which player quits/is kicked.
  123. ### Enable/Disable custom General Messages:
  124. General_Messages:
  125. Enable: true
  126. First_Join: '&5>>> &6The Player &b%player &6has joined the Server for FIRST TIME! &5<<<'
  127. Recurrent_Join: '&5>>> &aThe Player &b%player &ahas joined the Server! &5<<<'
  128. Quit: '&5>>> &cThe Player &b%player &chas left the Server! &5<<<'
  129. Kick: '&5>>> &cThe Player &b%player &chas been Kicked! &5<<<'
  132. #======================================[ Death Messages ]======================================#
  133. ### Death Messages variables(tags):
  134. # %player = victim player name.
  135. # %dplayer = victim player display name.
  136. # %killer = assassin name (only for player kills, PvP).
  137. # %dkiller = assassin display name (only for player kills, PvP).
  138. # %weapon_material = material name of the weapon wielded by the killer (only for player kills, PvP).
  139. # %weapon_name = custom display name of the weapon, if there's no name it'll show the material name (only for player kills, PvP).
  140. # %world = world name in which the player died, can be used in any message.
  141. # %mob_type = shows entity type name identified by the server, NOT SUPPORTED FOR RANGED ATTACKS YET! Example: blazes, skeletons etc
  143. ### Don't forget to use bukkit colors if you want ===>
  144. # And other Bukkit Formats ===> &n = Underlined || &o = Italic || &m = Strike-through || &l = Bold || &k = Magic || &r = Reset Format
  146. ### Some Examples:
  147. # Example for Creeper Message = '&2%player &Elikes to hug &CCreepers&E, he is a pill of dust now...'
  148. # Example for PvP Message = '&2%player &Ewas slain by &Ckiller&E, wielding his mighty &C%weapon_material'
  150. ### Finally, you can add/modify/remove all the random messages you wish, when a death occurs, a random message from the list will be chosen.
  151. # By default (as you can see below) each death cause has 1-3 random messages, but you can add from 0 to infinite (0 means no message).
  153. Death_Messages:
  154. Mobs:
  155. Blaze:
  156. - '&9%player &Fjust got roasted, with a side of &CBlaze&F!'
  157. - '&FDont eat the fireballs, &9%player!'
  158. Cave_Spider:
  159. - '&FCreepy crawlies! &9%player &Fis all tied up in the &CCave Spiders &Fweb.'
  160. - '&9%player &Fwas bitten by a &CCave Spider&F! I think it was poisonous...'
  161. Creeper:
  162. - '&9%player &Fsays, "Hit me!" &CCreeper &Fsays, "Kaboom".'
  163. - '&9%player &Fdecided to share the love... with a &CCreeper&F.'
  164. Ender_Dragon:
  165. - '&FWell, &9%player&F... when your cousins out fighting &CDragons&F, learn to love guard duty.'
  166. - '&9%player &Ftried to ride the &CEnder Dragon&f.'
  167. Enderman:
  168. - '&FDont look now, but... oh. &9%player &Flooked...'
  169. - '&9%player &Fdidnt see it coming. Does anyone ever see it coming?'
  170. Endermite:
  171. - '&9%player &Fforgot how to fight the &CEndermite&F.''
  172. Ghast:
  173. - '&CGhasts &Fare not known to be friendly, &9%player&F.'
  174. - '&FUsually, when a &CGhast &Fshoots a fireball, you should run. Right, &9%player?'
  175. Giant:
  176. - '&FA &CGiant &Fjust stepped on &9%player.'
  177. Guardian:
  178. - '&9%player &Fis going to need a bigger boat.'
  179. Iron_Golem:
  180. - '&9%player&F, dont mess with the &CIron Golem&F.'
  181. - '&CIron Golems &Fare just doing their jobs, &9%player&F.'
  182. Magma_Cube:
  183. - '&FI didnt even think &CMagma Cubes &Fwere strong enough to kill people, &9%player&F.
  184. Silverfish:
  185. - '&FTheyre in the walls, &9%player&F! Theyre in the walls!'
  186. Skeleton:
  187. Bow:
  188. - '&FThat &CSkeleton &Fhas some mad aim, &9%player&F.'
  189. - '&FAnakin, the shields are still up! And they wouldve saved &9%player&F, if he had one.'
  190. Melee:
  191. - '&9%player &Fgot into a fist fight with a &CSkeleton&F?'
  192. - '&FCome on, &9%player&F! That &CSkeleton &Fdidnt even have a bow!'
  193. Slime:
  194. - '&9%player is in a sticky mess.'
  195. - '&CSlimes &Fget everywhere, &9%player&F. Thatll be fun to clean up.'
  196. # Snow Golems can't really kill players because snowballs deals 0 damage, anyway that can be modified with plugins so i added this one.
  197. Snow_Golem:
  198. - '&COlaf &Fis not so friendly after all, &9%player&F.'
  199. Spider:
  200. - '&FCreeply crawlies! &9%player &Fis all tied up in the &CSpiders &Fweb.'
  201. - '&CSpiderman&F, &CSpiderman&F, bites your butt because he can. Look out, &9%player&F! Here comes the &CSpiderman&F.'
  202. # Available for Guardians and other mobs with Thorns Enchantment on their armor.
  203. Thorns:
  204. - '&9%player &Fgot caught in those &CThorns&F...'
  205. Witch:
  206. - '&9%player could not burn the &CWitch &Fin time.'
  207. - '&FA &CWitchs &Fcurse is everlasting, &9%player.'
  208. Wolf:
  209. - '&CBad dog&F! &9%player &Fwill need to see a doctor for that one.'
  210. - '&9%player &Fwas just mauled to death by a &Cwolf&F.'
  211. Zombie:
  212. - '&9%player has joined the &CZombies&F.'
  213. - '&CZombies &Fhave devoured &9%player's &Fbrain.'
  214. - '&FIt's like &9%player &Fhas never seen the Walking Dead, or something.'
  215. Wither:
  216. Skull:
  217. - '&9%player &Fsaw the face of death. It was a &CWithers Skull&F.'
  218. - '&9%player &Fhas been blown into a thousand pieces.'
  219. Effect:
  220. - '&9%player &Fhas &Cwithered &Faway.'
  221. Wither_Skeleton:
  222. - '&9%player &Fhas met his fate with the &CWither Skeleton&F.'
  223. - '&2%player &Fwas crushed by a &CWither Skeleton&F.'
  224. Zombie_Pigman:
  225. - '&9%player &Fdisturbed the peace in the Nether.'
  226. - '&FYes, &9%player&F, even &Cpigs &Ffight back, when they are armed with swords.'
  228. Players_(PvP):
  229. Weapon:
  230. - '&C%killer &Fjust wrecked &9%player&F.'
  231. - '&FPro-tip! Don't mess with &C%killer&F.'
  232. - '&9%player &Fpicked a fight with &C%killer&F. Guess who won?'
  233. Fist:
  234. - '&9%player &Fwas literally beaten to death by &C%killer&F.'
  235. - '&FRight jab! Right jab! Right jab! All &C%killer &Fcan do is right jab! And &9%player &Fis dead regardless.'
  236. Bow:
  237. - '&C%killer &Fshot &9%player &Fdead in the eye. Maybe.'
  238. Thorns_Enchantment:
  239. - '&9%player &Fwas killed while trying to hurt &C%killer&F.'
  241. Other:
  242. Anvil:
  243. - '&9%player &Fwas squashed by a falling anvil.'
  244. - '&9%player &Ftried to kiss a falling anvil.'
  245. Cactus:
  246. - '&9%player &Fpoked the cactus!'
  247. - '&9%player &Ehugged a cactus!'
  248. # Dispenser only has 1 message for deaths but i added another one if player dies by a small fireball ;)
  249. Dispenser:
  250. Arrow:
  251. - '&9%player &Fwas shot by an arrow.'
  252. - '&FA dispenser filled &9%player &Fwith iron!'
  253. Fireball:
  254. - '&FA &CDispenser &Fhas fried &9%player&F.'
  255. Drowning:
  256. - '&9%player &Fhas forgotten that he is not a fish.'
  257. - '&9%player &Fforgot to buy gills!'
  258. Fall:
  259. 5_or_less_blocks_of_altitude:
  260. - '&9%player &Fjumped off of a cliff.'
  261. 6_or_more_blocks_of_altitude:
  262. - '&9%player &Fmade a leap of faith. His faith was misplaced.'
  263. Fire:
  264. # This message appears if the player died while in the source of the fire
  265. Block:
  266. - '&9%player &Fwent up in flames.'
  267. # This message appears if the player died while on fire, but not in the source
  268. Effect:
  269. - '&9%player &Fburned to death'
  270. Lava:
  271. - '&9%player &Fwent for a swim in the lava.'
  272. # Death by direct damage from a lightning, you can also die from fire (Fire Effect) if the lightning also ignites the player.
  273. Lightning:
  274. - '&9%player &Fwas struck by the power of Thor.'
  275. - '&9%player &Fpissed off the gods.'
  276. Melting:
  277. - '&9%player &Ffroze to death.'
  278. # In Minecraft you can't die from normal Poison, you just get to half heart, anyway it a Poison Potion hits you when u're with low health and kills you or by other plugins this could happen.
  279. Poison:
  280. - '&9%player &Fate contaminated food.'
  281. # Only happens when the potion is shot from a dispenser, by drinking it, or with the effect command
  282. Potion_of_Harming:
  283. - '&9%player &Fwas killed by magic'
  284. Starvation:
  285. - '&9%player &Fforgot to eat every once in a while.'
  286. Suffocation:
  287. - '&9%player &Fstopped breathing.'
  288. # Suicide message is only possible when player uses /suicide or /kill <himself>
  289. Suicide:
  290. - '&9%player &Fkilled himself.'
  291. TNT:
  292. - '&9%player &Fbit into &CTNT&F.'
  293. Void:
  294. - '&9%player &Ffell into the void.'
  296. # Other causes: death by other commands and/or no real damager, other weird plugin reasons etc
  297. Unknown:
  298. - '&9%player &Fspontaneously combusted.'
  302. ### Disabled for 1.8, wait for more updates!
  303. # Weird causes like killed by EnderPearl, Eggs and Snowballs.
  304. # Snowmans can't kill players because Snowballs have no damage, anyway some servers change this mechanic for fun so i added it too.
  305. Others:
  306. - '&9%player &Fwas pummeled.'
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