
Heavy petting Zoo

Oct 21st, 2016
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  1. >"LORI, LORI!" Shouted Lana as she ran up the stairs to her sister's room
  2. >"What is it Lana?" Asked Lori as she put her makeup on "I'm kinda busy"
  3. >"I got a hundred on my math test!" Squealed Lana as she hopped excitedly
  4. >"You did?" asked Lori "That's Great, I guess you know what that means!"
  5. >Lana stood there, shaking in excitement
  6. >"This Sunday We're going to the zoo, Just you and me!" Yelled Lori as she picked Lana up and threw her into the air
  7. >Hearing this, Lana ran out of the room screeching with joy
  8. >Lori could hear her going all the way downstairs into the backyard
  9. >"What's with all the yelling?" Asked Lola "I can barely hear the pageant!"
  10. >"Oh, Lana's just excited" Replied Lori "She got a hundred on her test, so I'm taking her to the zoo this Sunday"
  11. >"WHAT!" Shouted Lola, stomping her feet "THAT'S NOT FAIR!"
  12. >"I'M TELLING DAD!"
  13. >Lola bolted from the room, not giving Lori a chance to explain
  14. >"Lola, Wait!" Yelled Lori as she chased the 6 year old throughout the house
  15. >"NO WAY!" Replied Lola as she darted through the living room "If Lana gets to go, I get to go!"
  16. >"Lola please!" Pleaded Lori "Lana worked so hard to get that hundred, I can't just go back o-"
  17. >"DAAAAAD!!!!" Screamed Lola, Interrupting Lori's pleading "Lori's Taking Lana to the Z-"
  18. >Lori jumped over the dining room table and tackled Lola, putting a hand over her mouth
  19. >"Stop squirming you little....Look If I promise to take you with us, will you not tell dad?"
  20. >"Of course I won't~ Replied Lola in a sickeningly sweet voice, her attitude a complete 180 from before "I won't tell anyone!"
  21. >"*Sigh* Good..." mumbled Lori "Lana's gonna be disappointed enough that I broke my promise without having the entire family there..."
  23. >Sunday was finally here, and it couldn't come soon enough for Lana
  24. >As Lori went downstairs for some morning coffee she could see Lana on the couch, dressed and shaking with excitement
  25. >"Ready for today?" Asked Lori as she poured herself a cup of joe
  26. >"I Can't wait!" Yelled Lana "Just You, and me, And All those animals!"
  27. >"Yeah about that...." grumbled Lori
  28. >"What?" Asked Lana "We're going, aren't we?"
  29. >"Yeah, We are" Replied Lori "But"
  30. >"But what?" asked Lana
  31. >"Good morning everyone!" Greeted Lola as she came down the stairs "So, Ready for the zoo?"
  32. >"Wait!" exclaimed Lana "She's coming too?"
  33. >"You bet I am!" Replied Lola, running to the front door "Chop Chop, I wanna see the Ponies!"
  34. >"Lori..." mumbled Lana "I thought you said it would be just you and me?"
  35. >"I know Lana" Replied Lori "But she threatened to tell dad, then everyone else would have come with us. I'm sorry, but this was the best I could do."
  36. >"It's okay" Sighed Lana "At-least we still get to go"
  37. >"Right!" Replied Lori "We can still have fun!"
  38. >"Yeah, I guess you're right." Said Lana "We can still see the gi-"
  40. >"PICK UP THE PACE, WILL YA!" Shouted Lola from the car "WE'RE BURNIN DAYLIGHT!"
  41. >"Let's get this over with..." Grumbled Lana as she walked out to the car, No longer looking forward to the trip
  43. >The drive to the zoo was pretty short, only being a mile or so away
  44. >But it seemed like an eternity to Lana, having to listen to her sister babble on about the Ponies and the flamingos and how pretty the peacocks are
  45. >As they pulled into the parking spot Lola ripped off her seatbelt and jumped out of the car
  46. >"Ready to go?" Asked Lori, feeling concerned for Lana
  47. >"Yeah" Grumbled Lana "I'll be out in a sec"
  48. >"alright" mumbled Lori "I'll go get our tickets"
  49. >As Lori went off to buy the tickets Lana climbed out of the car and made her way to the gate
  50. >"Stupid Lola" Grumbled Lana "Always has to have it her way...Can't let anyone else have fun"
  51. >finally getting their tickets, the three of them made their way into the zee, squeezing through crowds of people
  52. >"So" Started Lori, bending over in front of Lana "What do you wanna go see first?"
  53. >Lana thought for a moment as she looked over the zoo map
  54. >"Can we go see the prairie dogs?" Asked Lana, pointing to the prairie dog enclosure on the map
  55. >"Prairie dogs?" Said Lola with a disgusted look on her face "You mean those disgusting rats that play in the dirt?"
  56. >"They're not gross!" Shouted Lana, not wanting to put up with Lola's complaints "They're way cute!"
  57. >"Well I wanna go see the flamingos!" yelled Lola "Flamingos are way better than nasty ol' dirt rats"
  58. >"C'mon Lola" said Lori, a look of annoyance growing on her face "This is supposed to be Lana's day, we can go see the flamingos later"
  59. >"NO!" Screamed Lola as she stomped her feet, causing some people to look over in concern "I Wanna go see the Flamingos!"
  60. >"Lola, enough" Said Lori, her face going from annoyed to angry "Keep this up and I'm taking you home"
  61. >"YOU DO AND I'M TELLING DAD!" Replied Lola at the top of her Lungs
  62. >"Ma'am, is there a problem here?" Asked a Familiar Looking security guard
  63. >"*Sigh* No, there's no problem" Replied Lori "We'll be more qui- BOBBY?"
  64. >"Hey babe" Said bobby, taking off his security hat "What's going on?"
  66. >"Ugh, you would not believe the day I've been having" Grumbled Lori
  67. >"First, I tried to bring Lana here, just her and me, as a reward for getting a perfect score on her test. Then Lola threatens to tell dad if I don't bring her along, Now I gotta bring Lola home because she won't stop shouting, but I don't want to ruin this for Lana and-"
  68. >"Babe, babe ,babe" interrupted bobby, trying to calm Lori down "it's ok."
  69. >"If you want, I can watch Lana while you bring Lola back home" suggested Bobby
  70. >"You would do that for me?" Asked Lori, her red face finally fading back to white
  71. >"It's no problem" Replied Bobby "I'll even take her to see some stuff that's not even open to the public yet"
  72. >Hearing this, Lana perked up a bit, Thinking she might actually have some fun today
  73. >"What?!" Shouted Lola, hearing that Lana was going to get a private tour "What about me!?"
  74. >"YOU are going Home" Replied Lori, picking Lola up and carrying her to the car "And WE're going to have a little talk with dad!"
  75. >"So, Where do you wanna go first" Asked Bobby as Lola's screams faded into the distance
  76. >"Can we go see the prairie dogs?" Asked Lana
  77. >"Prairie dogs huh?" replied bobby "The enclosure's pretty crowded this time of year"
  78. >"oh..." mumbled Lana, her head drooping slightly
  79. >"Buuuut" Started bobby "I think I know a better way to see them"
  80. >Carrying Lola on his shoulders, bobby carried her to a security gate
  81. >"What's in here?" Asked Lana as they went into the large building
  82. >"This is where they keep the new arrivals" Replied bobby as he walked past the labeled rooms
  83. >"Let's see here" he mumbled "marmots, monkeys, octopus, otter, parrot, aaah, here we are. Prairie dogs"
  84. >As bobby opened the door, their ears were assaulted by a dozens of tiny squeaks and squeals
  85. >"Whoa!" exclaimed Lana, her eyes growing wide and excited "They're so fuzzy!"
  86. >"Heh, yeah" chuckled bobby "Wanna play with them?"
  88. >"Can I really play with them?" Asked Lana, her previous excitement returning
  89. >"Sure you can" Replied bobby as he brought her to the pen "I come here on my breaks to play with them all the time"
  90. >Bobby put Lana into the prairie dog pen and took a step back to watch the show
  91. >Lana was instantly set upon by dozens of Prairie dogs, sniffing her clothes, nibbling her shoes, climbing on her head. It was like heaven for her
  92. >They continued playing for the better part of an hour before the fuzzy little army started to get sluggish
  93. >"Uh bobby" Called Lana "Are they okay?"
  94. >Bobby came over and looked into the pen
  95. >"Yeah, they're fine" Replied Bobby, rubbing a tiny one's belly "They're just tired from playing"
  96. >as bobby Lifted Lana out of the pen, he had an idea of where to go next
  97. >"Ya know" he mumbled "we just got a new giraffe recently. Wanna go see him?"
  98. >"Aren't those really big?" Asked Lana, getting a bit nervous "And dangerous?"
  99. >"Not this one" Replied bobby reassuringly "This is a really young one, and he's grown up around humans, so he's really friendly"
  100. >the two walked down the hall to the incredibly tall door that lead to the giraffe's room
  101. >"Wow" Commented Lana, looking up at the door "I thought you said this guy was small"
  102. >"He is" Replied bobby as he opened the door "but he'll grow up sooner or later"
  103. >Laying in front of Lana was rather small (by comparison) giraffe, taking a nap on a bed of hay
  104. >"is it safe to touch it?" Asked Lana, concerned about the large beast not 5 feet away "Does he bite?"
  105. >"Him? He's a softy." Replied Bobby with a chuckle "A real sweetheart"
  106. >as Lana slowly made her way towards the sleeping beast, Bobby's radio went off
  107. >"*bzzt* Calling all security personnel, we have a code 48 over" said the voice, waking up the giraffe
  108. >"what's a code 48?" Asked Lana as she pet the now awakened giraffe
  109. >"48, let's see..." thought bobby, as he looked through his pocket zoo security guide
  110. >"Ah, Here we go" He announced "Code 48 is....child in the gorilla pit."
  111. >"That sounds bad" commented Lana
  112. >"Yeah, I gotta go take care of this." Replied bobby "Here, take my pass. it'll get you into the animal rooms"
  113. >as bobby made his way to the door he turned back to Lana
  114. >"Oh, and don't go into the rooms marked with a P on them" he Instructed "Those are predators. Really dangerous"
  116. >Having been left alone with the giraffe, Lana decided to play with it a bit before exploring the other rooms
  117. >As she stroked the fur on its stomach it stood up rather suddenly, causing her to fall backwards onto the hay
  118. >"Hey" She called as she dusted the bedding off her overalls "Where do you think You're going?"
  119. >the giraffe just stood there stretching it's legs, paying the young girl no mind
  120. >"Not paying attention huh?" She commented, walking behind the beast "well, maybe you'll notice THIS!"
  121. >With a hop for momentum, Lana began climbing the giraffe's tail, causing the giraffe to whip its tail about
  122. >"Whoa!" Exclaimed Lana as she swung about, trying to maintain her grip "I need something else to hold so I don't get thrown off!"
  123. >Lana began looking around, trying to find something else to hold onto as she held on for dear life
  124. >As the giraffe settled down once more, Lana noticed something that looked Like a second tail
  125. >"This thing has TWO tails?" thought Lana as she grabbed for it "I guess that'll work"
  126. >Lana quickly grabbed the second tail and let go of the first, causing the Giraffe to bleat loudly
  127. >"What's the matter?" Asked Lana as she slid down the slippery hardening protrusion "Why is your tail getting hard ?"
  128. >as Lana attempted to Regain altitude the Giraffe began Bleating Louder and Louder
  129. >all at once it tensed up, spraying a thick white liquid onto the floor and bedding
  130. >"The heck is that?" Asked Lana as she let go and went to investigate "Did you pee dude?"
  131. >Wondering what was going on, Lana stuck her finger into the pearly liquid and gave it a sniff
  132. >"Doesn't smell like pee..." Observed Lana "Doesn't look like it either"
  133. >Looking back at the Giraffe, she noticed it was relaxing on its bedding again, looking rather satisfied
  134. >Lana wiped the liquid onto her pants and went back to petting the giraffe on the nose
  135. >"You alright there bu-!"
  136. >Lana's concerns were interrupted by the Giraffe Licking her all over, coating her face and arms in saliva
  137. >"C'mon, Knock it off!" Giggled Lana "That tickles"
  139. >The giraffe continued its assault, snaking it's long prehensile tongue deeper into her Overalls
  140. >"Hey!" exclaimed Lana, feeling the tongue against her underwear "What are you doing down there?"
  141. >in her confusion ,she stopped trying to pull the tongue out of her clothes for just a moment, giving the beast all the time it needed to worm it's way into her panties, causing her to gasp from the odd feeling
  142. >"Wait, STOP!" She screamed, feeling the long slippery tongue push its way into her womanhood "Mom said I shouldn't let anyone touch there!"
  143. >Ignoring her words of protest, the giraffe lapped and Licked her insides, pushing as far as it could into her
  144. >"Mmnf, Please, No more!" Grunted Lana, not sure how to feel as her insides were being violated so thoroughly
  145. >"This is weird" She thought "It feels all tingly, but it doesn't hurt nearly as much as when Leni did it"
  146. >"Stop, Please" she pleaded, feeling the same building sensation she felt that one time with Leni "Not this again!"
  147. >The giraffe picked up the pace as it felt her squeezing around him, eliciting a loud satisfied groan
  148. >Pulling it's tongue out, the giraffe let Lana's limp body fall into the hay, allowing her a little rest
  149. >"That.....that was weird" Groaned Lana, not sure what just happened "weird, but nice."
  150. >Weakly picking herself up, Lana stumbled her way to the door, too dizzy and distracted to even close it behind her
  151. >as she ambled through the hallway she noticed a bunch of doors with the letter P on them
  152. >"huh, lotta predators in this zoo" She commented, trying to find a door Not labeled with a P
  153. >At the end of the hallway she finally found a safe room
  154. >"What's in here?" thought Lana, trying to read the odd word on the door "belu, Beloo, Bloogah....The heck is a bloogah?"
  155. >Her curiosity getting the best of her, she decided to take a look inside
  157. >Lana entered the Large room, only to find what looked like a Giant swimming pool in the center
  158. >"The heck is this" She mumbled to herself as she walked around the tank "where's the bloogah?"
  159. >Lana ran around the pool several times, trying to find this elusive "bloogah"
  160. >"Hellooo!" She called as she splashed the water about with her hands "Anyone in there?"
  161. >As she continued splashing she started to notice a white blob swimming along the bottom of the tank
  162. >"Hey!" She shouted, trying to get the submerged creatures attention "Are you the blooga?"
  163. >Her continued calls and splashes had finally gotten the creatures attention
  164. >The white blob seemed to grow larger and Larger as it came closer to the surface, causing her to move back in a panic
  165. >"What the heck is that thing?" She shouted as the large white beast surfaced at the edge of the tank
  166. >Lana moved a bit closer to it, causing it to click and squeal happily
  167. >"You're a weird Looking thing" she chuckled as she pat it on the head "kinda cute though"
  168. >Enjoying the attention, the whale turned over on its back, hoping Lana would rub its belly
  169. >"You want belly rubs huh?" asked Lana trying to reach it's stomach "You're just like a big swimming dog"
  170. >Try as Lana may, she couldn't reach it's stomach from where she was standing
  171. >"Hang on a sec" She pleaded as the whale squealed impatiently "Just gotta get my clothes off so they don't get wet"
  172. >Lana disrobed completely and hopped into the tank, swimming towards the whale
  173. >"Much better" she commented as she climbed onto its stomach "Lori would've killed me if I got my clothes soaked"
  174. >Lana started stroking the beast's belly, using her arms, legs and chest to rub all over it completely
  175. >"How's that feel?" She asked, eliciting a few clicks from the whale "You like that, Don't you?"
  176. >As she rubbed up and down the whale, she noticed something raising up behind her
  177. >"what the, You have one too!?" She yelled, noticing the whale's erect manhood
  178. >With a quick twist and a slide, Lana was turned around facing the whale's member
  180. >"This thing's taller than Me!" She commented as she touched it with her hand, causing the whale to jump a bit
  181. >"Hey now, Take it easy!" She pleaded, as the whale thrashed about "I'm not gonna hurt you!"
  182. >The whale continued thrashing a bit before calming down, allowing Lana to catch her breath
  183. >"See, This isn't so bad. is it?" she asked as she rubbed the whale's manhood from top to bottom with her wet hands
  184. >her continued rubbing caused some more of that odd liquid from before to drool out
  185. >"More of that stuff?" mumbled Lana as it slid down the shaft, covering her hands and arms in white
  186. >" the Giraffe got softer after he shot that stuff out" Thought Lana "Maybe he needs more attention"
  187. >Lana continued to stroke and rub the Whale for several more minutes, until her arms finally got tired
  188. >"There's gotta be a better way to do this" She thought, Giving her sore arms a rest
  189. >"I guess I could use my tongue Like the giraffe did before"
  190. >Lana thought about it for a moment, figuring it wouldn't be any different than when she helped clean the cat
  191. >"Alright" She mumbled as she stood up, coming face to face with the tip "Try not to move too much"
  192. >Sticking out her tongue, Lana gave the whale a good long Lick, causing her to get some of that white stuff in her mouth
  193. >"Bleh!" She shouted, spitting the liquid out into the water "Salty!"
  194. >Disgusted by the taste, she decided to try another route
  195. >"Maybe I can stick it in here" She thought, Looking down at her crotch "Like the giraffe did with his tongue"
  196. >Lana pulled on the Whale's member trying to position it under her womanhood
  197. >Thinking it was against what she Thought was her vagina, she pushed backwards, causing it to slip elsewhere
  198. >"Ow, Wait!" She shouted, feeling the slippery tube slide into the wrong hole "That's my butt!"
  199. >The sudden Tightness made the whale to tense up, causing it's member to rise upwards, taking Lana with it
  200. >"Stop!" Cried Lana, feeling herself slide down further onto the whale's meat "You're going too deep!"
  202. >Lana struggled to get off the whale, trying her best to get her feet under her so she could push off
  203. >"Almost got it" She grumbled, her feet barely touching the whale's stomach
  204. >As she started the push from the whale with the tips of her toes, The beast suddenly shook, causing her to fall down and further penetrate herself
  205. >"Stop doing that!" She shouted, Her face going red "Let me go already!"
  206. >As she continued struggling, she could hear the sound of footsteps coming from the door
  207. >"Bobby?" She called, Hoping this would finally end "Is that you?"
  208. >Twisting her back and neck as much as she could, Lana looked back only to find that the Giraffe from before had followed her in
  209. >"Ugh, You again?" She grumbled, feeling disappointed "I don't suppose You've come to help me, Have you?"
  210. >The giraffe slowly made its way over to Lana and stood over her, it's manhood erect and dangling an inch from her face
  211. >"Yeah, that's what I figured" mumbled Lana, trying not to get hit in the face by the Giraffe's member
  212. >"If you think I'm playing with that thing again, you can forget it"
  213. >Getting impatient, the giraffe began to Wag it in her face, poking and coating her cheeks in pre
  214. >"Dude, Stop it!" She demanded, trying to push it away
  215. >the giraffe continued poking
  216. >"I SAID STO-"
  217. >With her mouth open wide enough the giraffe forced it's manhood down her throat, causing her to Gag and Choke on the exotic meat
  218. >"Please stop!" Thought Lana, unable to speak as the giraffe pumped into her throat "I don't wanna do this anymore!"
  219. >The giraffe kept thrusting into Lana's throat, pushing her further down onto the Whale's meat, Constantly pumping it in and out of her
  220. >"Oh god, what's it doing now?" thought Lana as a warm liquid poured down her throat
  221. >"Gross, Not more of that salty stuff!"
  222. >The giraffe came down into her throat, pushing harder and harder with each frantic thrust
  223. >As Lana was forced to swallow each drop of the Giraffe's sperm she could hear the Beluga start to squeal
  225. >The whale began to thrash and squeal as it shot Load after Load of cum deep into Lana's ass
  226. >"ugh, it feels so warm" Cried Lana, finally getting the Giraffe's meat out of her mouth
  227. >With few final spurts the whale was finished and content, it's manhood had finally softened and shrunk enough for Lana to finally get off
  228. >"I've gotta get out of here" Grumbled Lana as she grabbed her clothes and Ran for the door, closing and locking it behind her
  229. >With her clothes on Lana made her way out of the building, only to be met by bobby
  230. >"Hey Lana" Greeted bobby "Have fun with the animals?"
  231. >"Uh, yeah" Replied Lana, not sure what to tell him "I had a great time."
  232. >"What happened with the gorilla?" She asked, trying to change the subject "Were you able to save the kid?"
  233. >"Yeah, we saved him" Replied Bobby, standing triumphantly "but some stuff happened with the gorilla that I'd rather not mention"
  234. >Lana grabbed her stomach, still feeling the hot loads moving around insider her
  235. >"You okay?" Asked bobby, kneeling down in-front of her "Do you need to use the bathroom"
  236. >"Yeah" Grumbled Lana, trying to hold it all in "Do you know where it is?"
  237. >"Sure do" Said bobby as he carried Lana off "it's right over here"
  238. >"By the way" Started bobby, taking a sniff "Why do you smell all salty like that?"
  239. >"I'm just a bit sweaty" Replied Lana "I've been playing with the animals a lot"
  240. >"Guess they must have really taken a liking to you" Commented bobby as they finally reached the bathroom
  241. >"Yeah" Mumbled Lana as she opened the bathroom door "I guess you could say that"
  243. END
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