

Feb 5th, 2016
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  1. Since when does having an objectively superior taste in music equate to pretension?
  2. Enjoy standing in a literal field surrounded by people who probably have herpes (90% of people do) jumping up and down in the rain to a band that only cares about asserting a hip image and scoring PTP. Meanwhile I'll be in my bathrobe at home after taking a long warm bath and dipping cookies into a glass of semi-skimmed milk while listening to an album you will go to your grave without either hearing about or possessing the capacity to appreciate, while the rain pattering against the window. While you trudge around in a dark bog in search of your damp and tiny tent as people with superior social skills and charisma giggle and chase each other to their shared sleeping bag, I will curl into a foetal psoition beneath my duvet, tucking it up to my chin and inhaling the subtle scent of a candle flickering nearby. While you wake up crying from the tinnitus inflicted by a band who don't comprehend the notion that loud noise isn't necessarily music, I will be dreaming of holding hands with my oneitis is a field of waist-length wheat, laughing and running to a small stream where we will bathe and picnic.
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