
Saifex Tsuchi: Incediary Bolts (First Appearance)

Dec 11th, 2014
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  1. The battle grew more intense, and Saifex was beginning to suffer for it. He was losing his advantage, however, pressed himself onward to keep a lead. The strikes were exchanged from a far closer range now!
  2. The staff lashed out at Saifex seemed to induce more damage than expected, smacking him aside and even placing bruised upon his person so tough he was even forced to bleed beneath his armor.
  4. He clenched his palms tightly with a grimace tightly knit to his visage. The pain was beginning to build upon his person. The staff came down, caught -barely- into the grasp of his left hand, whilst his right wrapped around for Klarion's chest, planted to deliver a mild shove. It wasn't much, and actually failed to disarm the magi, albeit, not the reasoning in the hiatus in mid-battle.
  6. Saifex collapsed for the grounds at his feet, sweeping into a smooth transition that turned him a full 360* degrees; Suddenly, the location of his previously dropped crossbow was no longer a mystery, fixed upon Klarion's person. It all happened in the matter of an instant, fingers jabbed against the trigger before the cosmic-lightning magi could recover from the mild stun.
  8. A metallic bolt launched for the chestal region, piercing the metal of the armor Klarion wore to an insignificant degree, providing only an extra push to keep him from recovering up to his feet. There was no chance in him feeling the pain of an arrow piercing into his flesh, however, the wooden material of the arrow could pose a problem, considering what Saifex has demonstration prior.
  10. The crossbow was pulled aside into his left arm, leaving his right hand extended out for Klarion, snapping to focus his pyrokinetic power upon a single point once more. However, this time, rather than take the form of static, it lacked a physical shape nor molding, completely invisible to the commoner's eye. It was akin to superheating the interior of one's body, however the practice was taken upon the inanimate material of the arrow, allowing it to combust into flames, committing to a miniature explosion in comparison to the tree prior.
  12. The pop was equivelant to that of a fist to the chest, perhaps enough to force a few more instances of backpedalling from Klarion? Such, would leave decent distance between the two, enough for both of such to take up some sort of plotting.
  13. (Saifex Tsuchi)
  15. Klarion was throwing nearly all he could into this battle, yet he still lost. He was shot in the chest, it seemed as he held it. He wasn't bleeding, or so he thought. Suddenly, the arrow was burning..? Klarion was quite freaked out! He tried to find it, before he did!
  17. He grabbed the arrow, trying to pull it out. Oh jeez, that really must have hurt the man. He was still feeling used to this, after having dealt with the abuse from Tatsumi. Man, that Ookami girl really left marks.. He frowned, realizing he had fallen to the ground as he got up. His lightning magic sparked with anger, as Klarion's mana roared.
  19. "Ugh, I gotta win one!" He thought to himself angrily.
  20. (Klarion Tibeka-Godric)
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