
Dry Bowser's Hearthome Licked

Apr 23rd, 2017
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  1. Dry Bowser was racing through Sinnoh on his Bone Rattler bike as he stopped by in Hearthome City, seeing the tall buildings making up the skyline as he smirked. He had already been through the entire frosty region of Sinnoh, but Hearthome was big enough to coast along the sidewalks, with it leading into Route 209 and the swamp to the south.
  3. "This place may seem more down to earth, but it still manages to touch the sky," Dry Bowser said to himself as he rode off on his bike, only to bump into Arceus, who was strolling around the populated city.
  5. "Oh, I didn't expect to see you here." Arceus chuckled as he turned his head to Dry Bowser, facing the skeletal reptile. "So what business do you have here?"
  7. Dry Bowser: (scoffs) The only business I have in this city is to just race through it, what else is there?
  9. Arceus shrugged, with Dry Bowser continuing to press on as he circled around the Pokemon Contest Hall, bumping into a Lickilicky who turned around and licked him up, spitting him out and reducing the reptilian skeleton into a pile of bones covered in saliva.
  11. "Great... just what I needed... a bath..." Dry Bowser muttered angrily as the Lickilicky laughed and waddled away with its tongue sticking out.
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