

Nov 25th, 2013
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  1. [9:17:46 PM] * Nitro /Ahhh/, beautiful Japan: home to furries, anime, and whatever the Japanese equivalent to a Trekkie is. Maybe still a Trekkie! Shawn didn't know, but if he had to guess, he'd say that severe national xenophobia could not deter the deep-rooted xenophilia that all humans felt for Spock.
  3. ...Semi-xenophilia? He wasn't /all/ Vulcan, but the ears were enough to give it away. The rest of him was.../probably/ pretty human. /Probably/. Who could tell what went on under those clothes?
  5. (A lot of fans tried to. The internet had much speculation to offer with respect to Vulcan genitalia. How much of it was /worthwile/...well. Shawn will leave that to you to decide, but it is /hilarious/ to read.)
  7. Trekkomania aside, this Japan that he'd been summoned to was indeed as unpredictably insane as he'd always known, no matter what the public tried to say. The Japanese weren't stoical people. They were /madmen/, building robots and kicking ass and catching flies with their lightning-fast reflexes. And /kung/ /fu/ /fighting/.
  9. ...but the kung fu fighting had been rather, ah, /lacking/, lately. Which, sure, he was glad at first -- even a kung fu /master/ like him had to get a little R&R sometimes -- but now...well. He'll be honest.
  11. Japan was getting /boring/.
  13. And thus he said farewell to the cliche Japanese-style house in which he'd been living, with its stock of old records and Star Trek episodes (the original series, of course) and roomfuls of 80's movies drawn up from his subconscious. Not because the physical copies were necessary to play them here, but because he liked having them!
  15. But what to /replace/ it with? Something fresh, of course -- something to grab the attention of all the Japanistas floating in this bubble. (Which needed a new name, because bubbles are kind of fragile and that's just /unnerving/.) Something exciting, entertaining -- somewhere he can throw a /party/ of...some variety.
  17. Wait. No. Not just any party. A /Halloween/ party.
  19. /Yes/. There would be pumpkins and pineapples coexisting in the same climate for the first time since 1987.
  21. Being that this was the afterlife, it wouldn't take him long. Construction must begin /immediately/. He'd bring this place to life tonight.
  23. B]
  24. [9:18:19 PM] * Vergilatrix commits the seppuku ))
  25. [9:18:22 PM] * Vergilatrix bye ))
  26. [9:18:30 PM] Nitro: In the not too distant future(? Who knows, with dream bubbles --), the bubble was, in fact, alive -- so to speak, of course.
  28. Near and far (though a little more so near than far), were its occupants to pause and pay attention for a moment, they would feel the air thrumming with a low, grooving bassline, accompanied by a distant...flash in the sky? Indeed, it was night in the bubble (at least, in Shawn's area, it was), the sky dark and cloudy except the immense yellow moon hanging low on the horizon, and a pulsating flicker of pale orange on black clouds somewhere in the distance, in time with the bass.
  30. What will you do? And, for that matter...who /are/ you?
  31. [9:18:41 PM] Nitro: [the Vulcan dick debates are real]
  32. [9:18:46 PM] Nitro: [I googled it to make sure]
  33. [9:18:47 PM] Nitro: [it was]
  34. [9:18:49 PM] Nitro: [a thing]
  35. [9:20:52 PM] * Not-Fit-For-The-Court-Of-Law Rocky G l o r i o u s]]
  36. [9:21:04 PM] * Not-Fit-For-The-Court-Of-Law Rocky The starter not the Vulcan dick debates]]
  37. [9:21:15 PM] ZZ: ((Both actually))
  38. [9:21:24 PM] * Nitro Those are also glorious in the weird sense of the term]
  39. [9:24:10 PM] * Not-Fit-For-The-Court-Of-Law Rocky Oh! Is there any turn order, orrr]]
  40. [9:24:30 PM] Nitro: [I'm not gonna enforce one unless people particularly want to.]
  41. [9:24:55 PM] Nitro: [So long as nobody's getting run over I don't think it'll be too bad of a problem umu]
  42. [9:31:56 PM] ZZ: When you are dead, and you have a lot of... TIME, on your hands... (See what I did there?) There is but one thing to do, and for this particular Dave Strider that thing would be to wander. He had been popping in and out of bubbles for as long as he can remember, having been dead for quite a good while now. It's actually... HARD to remember a time when he was dead and NOT exploring the void and the bubbles within...
  43. It was easy to see, from outside that something was up in this bubble, something possibly 2 spooky for him. He may want to run, to hide, to cry like a small child sitting on Faux-Santa's lap during the christmas season, but nay, he would go forth! Confront his fears, even though they were more like mild curiosities to him.
  44. Forward he ventured, traversing into the bubble easily, and just as easily stopping to take a moment. He needed to look over his surroundings after all, and damn, he liked what he saw! It would definitely appear to be the halloween party of his dead dreams, and though he was actually excited about it, a frown came to his lips. There was one question on his mind right now, the most super serious question ever. What was he going to be for Halloween?
  45. Wandering further into the party, still only dressed in god tier jammies, Dave decided to look for a theme, or at least spy on others' costumes so he could get an idea for his own. After all, if he picked something out and someone else came in the same costume? Well that would just be unacceptable. HIGHLY unacceptable.
  46. [9:32:07 PM] ZZ: (I did it.)
  47. [9:32:21 PM] ZZ: (:u You are welcome.)
  48. [9:32:40 PM] Nitro: [Beautiful c': ]
  49. [9:36:19 PM] * IBLiS Feel /nothing/, how about seeing the whole hot mess unfold with your very own eyes from a gorgeous bird's eye's view? Yeeeeeah, now /that/'/s/ the ticket. He should've thought of this sooner.
  51. If Shawn were a little more observant, which he probably /was/, he just might happen to notice the curious phenomena floating in the sky. That curious phenomena, of course, being the giant industrial nightmare of a battleship floating in the sky. Easy thing to miss, really.
  53. But it was neither the devastating cannons of destruction, the needlessly giant drills, nor the tattered bloodied flag splattered with /devastation/ that would catch your eye first if you happened to do the tasking chore of /looking/ /up/. No, no, what would /probably/ catch your eye first was the rather massive looking sea serpent head that just happened to welded to the bow of this nightmarish little ditty. With wicked eyes, a cruel crocodilian smile, and a near constant stream of /drool/ spilling from its maws, it would make even the Loch Ness weep for its great-great-great grandmother. To put it gently, that is.
  55. Ordinary day, all things considered.
  57. But the /real/ question, really, was if Shawn was good enough to spot the tiny red dot amdist that teenage boy's wet dream, resting rather /casually/ on the head of the growling terror. How /curious/. Almost made you feel like they were watching /you/ as much as you were watching /them/.
  59. Because they were.
  61. Surprise.
  62. [9:37:06 PM] * IBLiS He even brought binoculars!
  63. [9:37:09 PM] * Nitro Brother this is not necessary
  64. [9:37:11 PM] * Nitro sERIOUSLY
  66. [9:37:27 PM] * IBLiS Made him feel special.
  67. [9:38:46 PM] * IBLiS "welllllllll lookie what we've got here."
  68. [9:38:56 PM] * IBLiS "new neighbors! m'favorite!"
  69. [9:39:04 PM] * IBLiS "n' might i say he's got some /wicked/ st..."
  70. [9:39:05 PM] * IBLiS
  71. [9:39:08 PM] Nitro: [ok I'm gonna let Jasp post before I do anything else]
  72. [9:39:11 PM] * IBLiS "...god y'not even lookin'"
  73. [9:39:18 PM] * IBLiS "y'not lookin' are y'."
  74. [9:40:16 PM] * Nitro The only response is a pointed silence and maybe a glare. How could he be looking when he's as far away from the edge as physically possible at the moment?
  75. [9:40:46 PM] * IBLiS "christ, dude, s'not like we can /fall/. gravity ain't even real no more!"
  77. [9:41:54 PM] * IBLiS "least /tiny/'/s/ lookin'."
  78. [9:42:03 PM] * IBLiS /Pat/ /pat/. Good boy!
  79. [9:42:05 PM] * Nitro invited sir_screwloose
  80. [9:43:19 PM] Sir Screwloose: (Yey)
  81. [9:43:59 PM] Nitro: [I'll log up what we've done so far, Screw -- just a moment]
  82. [9:45:50 PM] Nitro: [ Alright, have at it. We've all done paragraphs so far but you don't have to at all. c: ]
  83. [9:50:07 PM] * Not-Fit-For-The-Court-Of-Law Rocky Y'know, Japan wasn't all that hot of a place, back in Rocky's day! Neither anime nor Trekkie in sight-- and while there was an abundance of furries in every direction, he doesn't quite comprehend how that's anything from the norm. /Everyone/'/s/ fluffy wuffy bundles of joy! ... On the outside! /Majorly/ on the outside, but fluffy wuffy bundles all the same.
  85. Perhaps he should have taken the chance to visit the place when he got the chance! He had every opportunity, y'know, and the lack of foresight to make the trip. But he could /never/ have left dear ol' Georgia! /Never/! Why, who would keep Nina on her toes with fresh loads of laundry each day? The state would fall apart at it's seams. /Tragedy/ and /dispair/ would strike.
  87. ... But, ah, he seems to have missed his chance to cross off a box on the bucket list. And all the crying in the world wouldn't wisk him away, either! (Believe him, he's tried.)
  89. So perhaps it'd be best to lower the bar, just a tad. Do the things he never could that were a bit more... in reach! Y'know, he never really /did/ have a proper Halloween when he was a kid? Growing up in a christian household kind of put all orthodontist meetings on permanent hold. 'It's a gateway holiday to the path of satan', or something like that. Forgive his paraphrasing-- it was a long time ago, y'know?
  91. ... A long, long time ago.
  93. ... Annnywho!
  95. He'd probably have dressed up for the occasion, but there were so many decisions, he could hardly choose just /one/. Perhaps he could just bear his far-too-wide grin at passing children, and it'd suffice? It worked on every other day of the year, so he couldn't see why it'd fail him today! Though there were a few more pressing matters in mind. No, not the festivities. Not the furless dude who seemed to have brought this stuff to light. Not even the unity of pumpkin and pineapple! It was moreso the great ol' death ship making it's usual routes. It wasn't a 'shriek and panic' type of pressing, though! No, no, shrieking and panicking were saved for other holidays. It was more along the lines of childlike awe and/or whimsy, because /hahah/, if they had those back when he was alive, he /wouldn/'/t/ /be/ /alive/.
  97. Inhaaale!
  99. "HOW'S THE WEATHER UP THERE?" Rocky inquiringly shouts. And what a shout it is! It's clear he didn't die from /smoking/, with a pair of lungs like those. Wavewave. Can you see him? Heeey! He identifies as the grayish blue speck in the distance. It's a monicker that has outlived the ages. But granted, the grayish blue speck in the distance that's actually lookin'! Looking, to boot!
  100. [9:50:43 PM] * Not-Fit-For-The-Court-Of-Law Rocky At least /some/ of these new neighbors in question have some ~common courtesy~ to acknowledge the flying death ship.
  101. [9:51:06 PM] * Not-Fit-For-The-Court-Of-Law Rocky fuMBLES THROUGH]]
  102. [9:51:09 PM] * Not-Fit-For-The-Court-Of-Law Rocky WORDS YES HI]]
  103. [9:52:41 PM] Sir Screwloose: (Will join shortly, need shower first)
  104. [9:53:32 PM] * Nitro "Tiny is /still/ a terrible name, and /Lord/ /Benedikt/ /Seelenfruend/ agrees."
  105. [9:53:37 PM] * Nitro Isn't that right, Benny?
  107. [9:53:59 PM] Nitro: [Sounds good, Screw! See you soon.]
  108. [9:54:59 PM] Nitro: [also frick Jasp]
  109. [9:55:04 PM] Nitro: [Rocky baby]
  110. [9:56:39 PM] Nitro: [ok just a sec I have]
  111. [9:56:42 PM] Nitro: [things]
  112. [9:56:54 PM] * Nitro As one grew closer, they'd find the bass growing louder, accompanied by a rhythmic drumbeat and something asynchronous, higher pitched, syncopated. There was a recognizable tune now, some distant, mumbling words... What /was/ that?
  113. [9:57:03 PM] * Nitro > BUBBLE PLAYLIST:
  114. [9:58:01 PM] * Not-Fit-For-The-Court-Of-Law Rocky Thank uwu I will try and keep things more concise!]]
  115. [9:58:57 PM] Nitro: [You don't have to uwu Either way's great!]
  116. [10:00:18 PM] * Nitro A crooked little house that could not be larger than a closet sat on a dubiously trustworthy set of winding steps, as if simply suspended there in the air, situated along a...
  117. [10:00:31 PM] * Nitro A beachfront?
  118. [10:00:33 PM] * Nitro ...?
  119. [10:00:36 PM] * Nitro ????
  120. [10:00:59 PM] Nitro: You can even see some palm trees in the back, bearing...pineapples? Do pineapples even grow on trees? Seriousl-- oh, and there's /pumpkin/ patches back there too, growing.../jack-o'-lanterns/, glowing, grinning faces and all. And now that you're looking, the /pineapples/ /have/ /faces/ /too/ --
  122. ("♫ You better stay away from him... He'll rip your /lungs/ out, Jim! ♫")
  124. ...Oh yeah. And a vampire pimp thing with a pumpkin head and a tophat is reenacting that one scene from The Nightmare Before Christmas where Jack Skellington lights himself on fire, dances casually, and then dives in the fountain. Doesn't seem to be burning in agony, either! Just dancing! With...a rose in his mouth. The pumpkin's mouth, anyway. How it was staying was anyone guess. He wasn't even doing the /tango/...
  125. [10:01:09 PM] * Nitro
  126. [10:01:36 PM] * Nitro The pumpkin tilted back ever so slightly to howl with the song to the veritably /jaundiced/ moon overhead. "♫ A-/hoooooooooo/, werewolves of London; a-/hoooooooooooo/! ♫"
  128. ...Who /is/ this douchebag?
  129. [10:02:29 PM] * Not-Fit-For-The-Court-Of-Law Rocky Someone he can relate to on a spiritual level, from the look of things!
  130. [10:02:41 PM] * Not-Fit-For-The-Court-Of-Law Rocky /Literally/, at that!
  131. [10:03:28 PM] * Nitro (Shawn did, at that point, seem to notice Space Battleship Benedikt. He raised a hand, glancing over the features that seemed to be products of his own imagination at, say, fourteen -- perhaps a little less whimsical than his would've been, not enough pinwheels or pineapples or /superheroes/ -- and waved.)
  132. [10:03:31 PM] * Nitro (Hi!)
  133. [10:09:20 PM] ZZ: Walking closer to the house Dave could find himself in extreme appreciation for the secenery. Yes, it was all such perfection, such an array of beauty mixed with- Wait... That song, he KNEW that song... Hm, but... There could be better. He needed to find the turn tables and quick, get some actual bass droppage up in this place. Still only dressed in his god tier get up, and blatantly ignoring the space ship above, the blond began the hunt for whatever it was that was producing music. He'd wait for the song to end sure but... He had something a bit... Spooky and scary in mind.
  134. [10:11:13 PM] * IBLiS ".../lord/ /benedikt/ /seelenfruend/?" The boy balked, taking a moment to put down his binoculars and shoot a /look/ at his mirror image. His /dumb/ mirror image, waaaaay in the back. What a party pooper. Excuse him while he shakes his head and sighs. /Ugh/. Doofus. "/jesus/, where d'y'come up with these things? don't tell me that's fr'm one of y'dusty ol' tomes."
  136. God, knowing him, /probably/. He could never suffer through those doorstoppers himself. For all he knew there could be names like Lord Farquad of the Farkinson in there. Soooooooo dumb.
  138. Whatever, that's not, like, even in the top /five/ /thousand/ of important things going on right now. He's got a /mystery/ to solve, if you excuse him. Geeze. "/seriously/, tiny's so much better. s'simple. straight to th'point. /not/ /retarded/."
  140. At that point the two blobs-- the two blobs that were /quite/ /clearly/ a catman with a /stylish/ sense of taste and what looked like M.J mixing up his Smooth Criminal schtick with his Thriller schtick to him-- perked up and waved at him. Well, /golly/ /gee/, wouldn't he be just an awful neighbor if he didn't wave back? He drops the binoculars, the pair poofing away in a puff of illogic, and waves his arms as madly as he can.
  142. Could they see it? Probably not. But it was the thought that counts!
  143. [10:12:43 PM] * PurpleKoopa It's hard to believe in this terrifying tropical paradise, with all of its pumpkins and pineapples and whatnot, but there is still at least one thing in bubble that's distinctly Japanese.
  145. And that's its cheesed-off resident.
  147. Damara Megido opens the door to her once secluded hive, the exterior of which seems to have turned into a beach shack. Talk about an extreme home makeover! She rubs her temples, feeling a migraine between the battleship and seventies rock, and shouts to no one in particular, "静かにしています。私は自慰行為をしようとしています。<BE QUIET. I AM TRYING TO MASTURBATE.>"
  148. [10:13:15 PM] * Nitro "Whatever it was" seemed to be...nothing in particular. Or maybe it was in the house? Either way, the music may as well have radiated from the glow flickering in synch with the bass, or the pumpkins and pineapples grinning eerily from the beach spreading at the foot of the house's steps. Sorry, Dave. No luck!
  149. [10:13:20 PM] Nitro: [pEEKS]
  150. [10:13:45 PM] Not-Fit-For-The-Court-Of-Law Rocky: [[cRIES]]
  151. [10:15:25 PM] ZZ: (I love you peekles.)
  152. [10:15:48 PM] * Nitro Fortunately, Vergil cannot hear that over the battleship and seventies rock. Thank you, Benedikt. Thank you. He knew you were a soul-friend from the moment you were created.
  153. [10:16:09 PM] * ZZ Damnit. How am I supposed to listen to songs about spooky scary skeletons when I cannot send forth my sick beats?
  154. [10:17:16 PM] * Nitro Shawn, however, somehow /does/ manage to hear, and looked away from the distant battleship before the potentially imperceptible red speck started flailing its arms emphatically. (Vergil had no such luck and raised an unimpressed eyebrow at his brother.)
  155. [10:19:57 PM] * IBLiS "well, /whatever/, looks like they're cookin' up one helluva of a halloweenie party t'me!" He said to /no/ /one/ /in/ /particular/ as he waved his arms like a deserted madman trapped on a island, which was a, uh, /interesting/ contrast.
  157. But come on, he had to be right. Jack'o'lanturns? A spooky house shrouded in mist? /Michael /Jackson/? Had to be. The beach thing was a little off beat, sure, and the pineapple thing was... ok, definitely kinda weird, but he could dig it. Sort of. A little bit. /Eh/.
  159. ...But heeeey, spooky beach party! He'd been wanting to do that since he was, what, seven? It was a dream come true. With the perfect soundtrack to boot! He could overlook the pineapple thing. Especially for /this/.
  160. [10:20:04 PM] * IBLiS There was just /one/ thing...
  161. [10:20:07 PM] * Nitro He /couldn't/ understand the Japanese, unfortunately, which left him to tilt his pumpkin head and say, "Nice costume! I think you went a little overboard on the traditional look, though. Didn't you notice? The Japanese look is /so/ some unfixed unit of dreambubble time ago. This is pure smooth thriller at Skeleton Jack's vacation home."
  162. [10:20:18 PM] * Nitro The pumpkin's mouth moves with the words, by the way.
  163. [10:20:20 PM] * Nitro Yeah.
  164. [10:22:02 PM] * IBLiS And for /that/ one tiny thing, he finally turns around, resting his elbows in between Tinydect's wicked horns with a smile even more wicked than either could ever hope to be. It was part of his charm.
  166. "c'moooooooooon, it could b'/fuuuuuuun/."
  167. [10:23:31 PM] * IBLiS "they even got a cute lil' geisha girl!"
  168. [10:23:58 PM] * Nitro wHY WOULD HE BE INTERESTED IN THAT --
  169. [10:24:23 PM] * IBLiS ;3
  170. [10:25:08 PM] ZZ: He just sorta... Looks over to the guy who seems to be acting host of the party. Hmmm, okay, that was a pretty killer costume, he'd have to step up his game when he decided to change...
  171. [10:25:48 PM] * IBLiS "n'sides, y'kno' it ain't right t'jus ignore our brand new neighbors!"
  172. [10:25:53 PM] * IBLiS He's /really/ pushing it for this.
  173. [10:26:09 PM] * IBLiS You didn't think he couldn't do the puppy eyes schtick.
  174. [10:26:11 PM] * IBLiS You really didn't.
  175. [10:26:43 PM] ZZ: Popping a squat right there on the sand Dave began to think. Costume, costume costume... HMMMM...
  176. [10:32:21 PM] PurpleKoopa: Damara stares blankly at the talking pumpkin pimp (pimpkin?), blinking a few times in sheer disbelief. She loathed the fact she shared this dream bubble with an utter imbecile. At least his idiocy was... amusing, she supposed.
  178. "COSTUME." That she understands. "OK. I GET COSPLAY NOW." And then she heads back into her witch's shack. Strange girl!
  179. [10:33:30 PM] * IBLiS More like /perfect/ /girl/.
  180. [10:33:34 PM] * IBLiS 'Eeeeey? 'Eeeeey?
  181. [10:40:38 PM] * Nitro Vergil, for his part, was busy being situated between a pair of turrets, one of which appeared to fire nuclear missiles and the other...silly string, maybe? Whatever. All that he cared about in choosing the station was that it was a stable little safehold far from any place he could risk dropping off. And he could still see his brother. It was as good of a position as he could ever hope to get, some ridiculous distance off the ground on a hovering steampunk deathtrap. Tactile as his brother was, the contraption even hummed ever so softly beneath him, an immense mechanical beast far quieter than any machine with its size and function would realistically be. It was a precisely (subconsciously, no doubt) chosen feature, loud enough to make the difference but not enough to be /infuriating/. Even to them!
  183. As it was, that humming only served as a constant, unnerving reminder that he was currently a passenger on aforementioned flying death trap.
  185. He could only partially see whatever was going on down below from here -- apparently a party! A Halloween party, no less. And that meant people. People were something his brother was /always/ enthused to encounter. Himself? Not so much.
  187. Vergil wanted to say no. He really did. But between the puppy eyes and that /humming/ --
  189. He scowled, rolling his eyes pointedly to make the point clear. He did /not/, in fact, want to do this. He didn't care for people and he certainly didn't care for having a party with them. And with it being a Halloween party...well, it couldn't turn out better than last year's /Christmas/ party.
  191. "...Take us in for a landing, then." You're /lucky/, you know, Dante.
  192. [10:40:57 PM] * Nitro Anything to get back on the ground. B[
  193. [10:43:48 PM] * Nitro Language barrier or not, that disdainful expression didn't need words. Shawn shrugged it off -- quite physically, even! -- as the girl disappeared, apparently to retrieve a cosplay. This could only end as spectacularly as the time he did karaoke with George Takei.
  194. [10:45:27 PM] Sir Screwloose: 9okay im here)
  195. [10:56:59 PM] ZZ: Oh wait, yes, YES. This was perfect. Getting to his feet Dave crept up into the house, brushing sand off his cape and pants as he stepped up the stairs. Once inside he quickly changed into his black aces suit. Perfection. Stepping back outside he made his way down the stairs, and though it would appear as if he was wearing just a simple suit, if one looked pased the lenses of his shades and into his dead white eyes they would see true evil. The evil, of a... Health inspector.
  196. [10:57:21 PM] * ZZ even got myself a badge and clip board motherfucker
  197. [10:57:32 PM] * ZZ going to be making notes on all your illegal shit
  198. [10:58:29 PM] * Nitro sHIT IT'S THE FEDS
  199. [10:58:36 PM] * Nitro IT WASN'T HIS FAULT
  200. [10:58:41 PM] * Nitro GUS DARED HIM TO OK
  201. [10:59:03 PM] * ZZ thats right BE scared
  202. [10:59:23 PM] * Nitro And scariest costume of the night goes to,,,,,,,,,,,
  203. [11:00:23 PM] * Nitro The inside of the house that Dave glimpsed was much larger on the inside than the outside! But.
  204. [11:00:28 PM] * Nitro That's not really a surprise, is it.
  205. [11:00:44 PM] * ZZ not really
  206. [11:05:18 PM] * IBLiS "as y'wish, /cap/'/n/" He rolled his eyes, a movement his brother couldn't see but probably felt deep in his very /bones/, as he lifted himself off Tiny and trotted off to the CONTROL ROOM. The control room that was completely outside, that is. Totally open to the elements, of course. And intruders.
  208. Like that would ever worry him, though. Even if the panel wasn't only for show, only /he/ could control this ship, for one very simple reason. Minor, really.
  210. Who else would know how to steer a ship with an organ?
  211. [11:06:36 PM] * Jaspers C O B R A
  212. [11:07:41 PM] * Jaspers Does Dante also have a floor buffer bike]]
  213. [11:10:39 PM] * IBLiS First, a little warm up.
  214. [11:10:45 PM] * IBLiS KRH-/KRHK/.
  215. [11:11:18 PM] * IBLiS Even /Shawn/ could probably have heard those knuckles cracking.
  216. [11:14:48 PM] * Nitro Nah, too busy with the NEXT TRACK.
  217. [11:24:11 PM] * Nitro Shawn, for his part, has shrugged off the geisha cosplayer thing and gone back to doing his weird fire dance ritual. The suit wasn't even getting burned by the fire. What a badass. He does notice Dave approaching, and turns in his general direction as the track finally changes!
  219. "Hello there, Agent, how may I help you today?"
  221. ...Is that a cat he spies? He waves!
  222. [11:24:20 PM] * Nitro At the feline or the agent, the world may never know.
  223. [11:24:33 PM] Nitro: [I thought I'd sent this for some reason but no]
  224. [11:24:47 PM] Nitro: [here it sat in the text box, awaiting completion]
  225. [11:26:21 PM] ZZ: "sup man im the health inspector here to get my inspecting on and write down dubious things on this clipboard"
  226. [11:27:27 PM] ZZ: "also to see if your fun levels have piqued but with decorations like this i cant see how that isnt possible"
  227. [11:30:19 PM] Sir Screwloose: ((i have no idea who to play))
  228. [11:30:49 PM] PurpleKoopa: Damara finally reemerges from the beach house, hair down low and clad as a /different/ frigid time-wielding magical girl. (For those of you not well-versed in the animes, that's Homura Akemi.) Considering the more scandalous cosplays at her disposal, this is probably one of her safer choices. And besides, she's a rather sentimental character to her. Trolldoka Magica is ten times more heartbreaking than our watered down pansy-ass /human/ Japanese version.
  230. Prop shield in one hand and definitely-not-a-prop assault rifle in another, she wanders over to the fiery pumpkin man and the health inspector. "I AM READY FOR ORGY."
  231. [11:32:40 PM] * IBLiS And now...
  232. [11:32:59 PM] ZZ: Looking to Damara the blond raises a brow. "hmmm interesting..." Writes something down on his clipboard. "orgy you say? i am assuming such things will be kept away from the kitchen unless you want to get marks taken off for being... unsanitary"
  233. [11:33:36 PM] * IBLiS,d.dmg The /pitch/.
  234. [11:33:44 PM] * IBLiS Sometimes it's better to stick with the classics, you know?
  235. [11:33:54 PM] * IBLiS (...Was he always a cowboy?)
  236. [11:35:51 PM] * IBLiS ((The Man with No Name, for people who weren't /total/ /squares/.))
  237. [11:36:00 PM] * IBLiS ((He even had the poncho and everything!))
  238. [11:36:08 PM] * IBLiS ((Had to do it /right/.))
  239. [11:37:01 PM] * Nitro ((Yes, by the way. Yes, he /was/ always a cowboy.))
  240. [11:37:17 PM] PurpleKoopa: Damara shakes her head. "はを欠場。清潔さは問題ではありません。<YOU MISS THE POINT OF AN ORGY. CLEANLINESS IS NOT A CONCERN.>"
  241. [11:37:17 PM] * IBLiS (( B] ))
  242. [11:46:40 PM] * Nitro Shawn wasn't familiar with human Madoka Magica /or/ alien Madoka Magica! He did, however, approve of the clearly more accurate representation of Japan. Down with the stuffy traditional cliche! Show them Japan's true colors, alien cosplayer girl!
  244. The orgy comment somehow didn't surprise him. Japan, man. And he wasn't sure what she'd said in reply to the health inspector slash secret service agent (he called 'em like he saw 'em), but he suspected she was dismissing it! "Sorry, but any and all orgies will have to be kept a respectable distance from the food." He tapped his cane on the (still burning) frills on his chest. "I've got health and safety standards to uphold, and a duty to my delicious human delicacies."
  245. [11:48:05 PM] * Jaspers The cat in question returns the wave with one of his own! Exaggerated and enthusiastic and a million other E words, at that. Maybe it was just the ~dream bubble ambience~ that got to him, but there was something about the flaming vegetable-headed fellow that caught his attention and refused to let go.
  247. ... Oh, yeah! It was probably-- definitely-- the flaming part!
  249. If all Halloweens were like this, he'd have run away to the /circus/. ... A lot sooner than he actually did. And with reason! A reason that came only once a year, but a reason all the same! "You know--" Rocky remarked idly while he moseyed on over, pace nothing but careless. "-- If I were aware beforehand that this was the type of party you /could/ light yourself ablaze at, I'd have made a proper entrance sooner! You really don't know how many parties /frown/ upon the whole self-arson deal these days. We're in troubled times!"
  250. [11:48:22 PM] * Jaspers The orgy comment somehow didn't surprise him. The future, man.
  251. [11:50:16 PM] PurpleKoopa: No sooner than the words come out of Shawn's mouth does Damara's gaze shift to his delicious human delicacies. "YOU MEAN IN PANTS?"
  252. [11:51:04 PM] * IBLiS And so, the raging sea dragon ship of death and destruction slowly descended into the sea in a cascading spray of foam, hacksawing roars, and the dramatic wailing of a tattered organ that had seen so many better days.
  253. [11:51:26 PM] ZZ: Oh... Well that was... A talking cat. Though, he shouldn't really be surprised, after his life, really? He technically had met a talking cat before and sure it was a pink floating tentacled princess cat sprite but eeeeh same difference right? I mean, this guy and Jasps were practically the SAME PERSON.
  254. [11:51:34 PM] * IBLiS Whoever's helming that thing either has a knack for the melodramatics or is the gothiest teenager that ever teenagered.
  255. [11:51:49 PM] * IBLiS Probably both!
  256. Tuesday, October 29, 2013
  257. [12:02:53 AM] * Nitro Vergil wondered vaguely where his brother came up with these things. He supposed the end of one's personal sense of reality, watching it shatter and be replaced with otherworldly horrors -- things that surpassed even the broad imagination that the demonic realm offered -- broke away all limitations of the human (or part-human, as it were) imagination.
  259. So they could dream up monster gunships. This wasn't even the most creative he could be. Just an odd conglomerate of memories and legends crammed together in a hyperspeed hardboiled sci-fi blender. (No offense, Benedikt.)
  261. ...He's really gotten quite good at playing the organ, complex of an instrument as it is. The pipes seemed embedded in the beast-machine, the humming picking up with every note and chord, every precise, /practiced/ twist of fingers. Incapable as Dante seemed to be of properly wielding a sword...
  263. The roaring impact with the ocean rather ruined the effect, though, when he was strategically self-placed in perhaps the least acoustic part of the shipthing. Maybe he'd just. Play later, then. For fun. And when Vergil could properly listen.
  264. [12:02:58 AM] * Nitro For critiquing purposes.
  265. [12:03:00 AM] * Nitro Yeah.
  266. [12:03:16 AM] Nitro: [I never cease to be amazed at how much I can type without /accomplishing/ anything]
  267. [12:04:45 AM] PurpleKoopa: Damara doesn't have anything salacious to say to the walking talking meowbeast (yet -- the pussy jokes practically write themselves). She just lights a cigarette, being spurred by that "ablaze" comment, and watches silently as the battleship comes down for a rough landing. There's something cathartic about all the cacophony. Maybe she should set it on fire later.
  268. [12:05:36 AM] * IBLiS Lord Tinydikt Seelenfruend will /slay/ you.
  269. [12:05:39 AM] * IBLiS With /lasers/.
  270. [12:06:20 AM] * IBLiS More lasers than you can even imagine.
  271. [12:07:14 AM] * PurpleKoopa IT IS WELL-NAMED. LIKE SHIP. LIKE SAILOR.
  272. [12:07:24 AM] * ZZ Is there going to be a test involving said lasers?
  273. [12:07:37 AM] * IBLiS ur lucky he's not a mind reader >B[
  274. [12:10:43 AM] * PurpleKoopa IF YOU READ MY MIND. YOU GO BLIND.
  275. [12:11:56 AM] * PurpleKoopa YOU NOT READY FOR SUCH SECRETS.
  276. [12:12:16 AM] * IBLiS /try/ /him/
  277. [12:12:22 AM] * IBLiS (...oh god no no no he--)
  278. [12:12:27 AM] * IBLiS (hE WASN'T /READY/--)
  279. [12:21:25 AM] * Nitro Shawn, speaking of accomplishing things, was receiving Damara's attention with a smile -- but he didn't offer a reply before his attention shifted to beaming in the direction of the approaching catfellow. He can deal with /you/ later, ma'am. Mi/aou/.
  281. "Yes, we welcome all forms of arsonry that don't involve the permanent destruction of property, people, or oneself. Though we encourage self-extinguishing as well." All this was spoken quite sagely as he looked calmly in the direction of the descending mass of mindbending steampunk nuclear eldritch abomination. "For example!"
  283. The pumpkin turned to face the feline again, and then proceeded to backflip into the ocean, which...apparently just dropped off into the deep rather than having a proper beach. Or did it? Who knows. /Dream/ /bubbles/. Regardless, the splash couldn't compare to the descent of the monstrous Japanese mech thing.
  285. And then a figure began to rise from the water, newly pumpkinless and apparently dry. In place of flaming pumpkin dude stood a dashing vampire(??) dude, distinctly non-flaming, and holding under his arm a jack-o'-lantern adorned with Michael Jackson's hair.
  287. (He just couldn't pull it off himself, okay?)
  289. "Pineapple, anyone?" The cane was gone too, replaced with a jack-o'-...pineapple. Weird. He even glanced at the ship and held up the fruit, calling up to its presumed passengers. "HAIL, YOU UP THERE. Strange...dude with the pipe organ mech transformer! How do you feel about pineapple?" And then he turned back to look inquiringly to the first group -- mostly the cat, since that was whom he'd rudely interrupted conversation with in order to perform the stunt. Sorry, catfriend.
  290. [12:25:14 AM] ZZ: "pineapples huh? gonna be honest man i prefer me some regular apples but i can dig said apples of the pine variety"
  291. [12:25:33 AM] * IBLiS Speaking of giant Japanese mech thing!
  292. [12:25:36 AM] * IBLiS SPLOOSH.
  293. [12:26:42 AM] * IBLiS It was a miracle the entire beach wasn't drenched.
  294. [12:26:51 AM] * IBLiS A /dreamy/ miracle.
  295. [12:30:18 AM] PurpleKoopa: Damara watches eagerly as Shawn jumps into the deep, but bites her lip as he reappears. "くそ。 は溺死にとても近かった。<DAMMIT. HE WAS SO CLOSE TO DROWNING.>"
  296. [12:33:05 AM] * IBLiS It was an even bigger miracle that its passengers weren't drenched, either. Just a little damp, honestly. The dramatics wouldn't be /nearly/ as fun if it ruined his costume, now would it? He spent exactly /five/ /seconds/ thinking this one up. This shit was priceless.
  298. His little concert and hydrotechnic show finished, he stepped away from the control organ with a huff and a /smirk/, before turning back to his brother.
  300. Ohhhh, his /brother/. He was never good at parties. Or holidays. Really anything that involved /people/ for more than ten minutes at a time.
  302. ...But this would be good practice, right? Right! Right, of course. And Halloween /was/ their favorite holiday.
  304. (Well, /his/ favorite holiday. He didn't think his brother /had/ a favorite holiday, honestly.)
  306. "alright, alright, y' big /baby/, we ain't in th'big scary /air/ anymore." He rolled his eyes, guiding-- or at least /trying/ to-- his brother out of his hidey hole in the turrets. "c'mon, they ain't gonna bite."
  307. [12:33:13 AM] * IBLiS "...y'are gonna dress up, right?"
  308. [12:33:18 AM] * IBLiS
  309. [12:34:03 AM] * IBLiS "awwwww c'/mon/, y'gotta dress up! not dressin' up on halloween s'like not havin' a tree on christmas! or not eatin' a bald eagle on 4th o'july!"
  310. [12:36:39 AM] * PurpleKoopa (Damara would celebrate that last one if she knew what either of those things were. Uncle Sam would break down in tears.)
  311. [12:37:54 AM] * IBLiS To their /waiting/ /audience/, of course, he waved. "'EEEEEEEEEEEEY, WHITULA, HOW Y'DOIN'?"
  313. [12:39:26 AM] * IBLiS Whatever momentum he had so /carefully/ constructed by their entrance was shot down by what could only be described as 'New England on 'Roid Rage.'
  314. [12:39:43 AM] ZZ: Well, that guy was... Loud. Hmmm, better make a note of that, and a bunch of other things. Good thing he just bought this pen, and stocked up his clipboard with paper... Another good thing that nobody else could see that all he was really doing was drawing a spooky Sweet Bro and Hella Jeff comic.
  315. [12:44:34 AM] * Nitro "Most people have /plastic/ in their living room in place of anything actually resembling a tree, and I believe eating a bald eagle would qualify as /illegal/." Vergil rolled his eyes, ignoring the urging (though not shrugging it away, either) and vacating his sanctum in his own time. Which was basically the same time Dante had allotted him to do so, but it was still /on/ /his/ /own/ /terms/, and that was what counted.
  317. Halloween was not, in fact, Vergil's favorite holiday. Fortunately, it hadn't been a thing since his arrival in their cozy corner of a dream bubble. (Though he'd heard mention of some trick-or-treating that had occurred shortly before his arrival, mostly from Jaspers. He wondered if that made this an anniversary, of sorts -- and then banished the thought because there were a few things too closely related to it that he'd really rather ignore.)
  319. "Besides that, I'm already quite dressed up enough." He adjusted his rather Edwardian-styled overcoat, flourishing and blue with gold accents, all solid lines and elegance. Can't imagine where it came from. "A gentleman must always look his best, and if that must be passed off as a mere costume, then so be it."
  320. [1:02:41 AM] PurpleKoopa: Damara grits her teeth, doing her best to ignore obnoxious New Englander. All this yelling is giving her a headache. /Another/ one. To take her mind off things, she quietly walks behind Dave, trying to look over his shoulder.
  321. [1:04:12 AM] ZZ: Without even needing to look and see someone was behind him, Dave held his clip board to his chest so as to hide its contents. "wow rude much i mean really these are private legal documents here involving investigatory shit and what nots"
  322. [1:04:43 AM] * Nitro Shawn, for his part, observed the pair for a moment before formulating a reply. "They're both delicious /and/ decorative!" Then, putting on his best mash of a Gus voice and a Transylvanian accent: "/Come/ /on/, son! Get in on the party!"
  324. ...Hhhhm.
  326. ...ah, well, no use lingering on it. He had a party to host!
  328. "In fact, welcome, all of you, to this celebration of the foul and damned," he continued in a voice modeled after Vincent Price a la the Thriller monologue. "As well as /damnably/ delectible fruits, such as this one. But /that/ is beside the point, pointiness of the fruit aside!" He tossed the pineapple in Dave's general direction (for inspection, and for fear of the magical girl throwing it at his head), as though to emphasize how much it wasn't the point. "We are /here/ to represent the spookiest of the terrors of the underworld! From the modest health inspector to the --" /Pause/, eyes settling on Damara. "...I'm not sure /what/ you are, but I like it." He flashed a grin and then carried on. "Both /astounding/ representations if I /may/, /sirs/. And /ma'am/."
  330. All this was spoken, of course, with all the flourish and unnecessary gesticulation of an overenthusiastic actor. A true performer, really, wielding the cane like a subtle baton. And then -- /then/, he rounded on the mechanized hellbeast, cane angled at the pair taking their sweet time leaving their mode of transport. "And /you/! What have you to offer us, unholy /fiends/ of the /night/?"
  331. [1:05:01 AM] * Nitro (Vergil rolled his eyes. Was this guy /serious/?)
  332. [1:05:20 AM] * Nitro (Of course he wasn't, in the same way Dante never was.)
  333. [1:05:26 AM] * Nitro (/Siiigh/.)
  334. [1:06:44 AM] * IBLiS (Two of them.)
  335. [1:06:51 AM] * IBLiS (/Two/ /of/ /them/.)
  336. [1:08:04 AM] Nitro: [it took me a second to figure out what that was referring to, pff]
  337. [1:10:02 AM] PurpleKoopa: Damara pays idle attention to Shawn's spooktactular welcome, using the distraction of the speech and the pineapple toss to try prying the clipboard away from Dave (and to cop a feel of those man pecs).
  338. [1:10:30 AM] * IBLiS ".../what/?"
  339. [1:11:37 AM] * IBLiS He would be listening to the deliciously /spooky/ monologue this crackjob cooked up, really! Sounded pretty good! Vincent Price himself would be so proud. Unfortunately, there were... more /important/ matters at hand.
  340. [1:13:31 AM] ZZ: Noticing the pineapple flying his way, and having no intention of catching the pointy frut Dave whips out one of his old shitty swords, masterfully slicing the pineapple into chunks that he allows to land on his clipboard, pulling it away from Damara's reach to do so.
  341. [1:14:46 AM] * IBLiS "y'can't go as /y/'/self/!" he wheeled to /balk/ at his brother, voice lowered to a harsh, reverent whisper. You thought he had made a /deep/ trangession. Because he /did/. He absolutely did. "on halloween? god, what's wrong with y'? that's worse than goin' as a /sheet/ with a bunch of holes poked out, or a /tuxedo/ /shirt/, or--"
  342. [1:14:49 AM] * IBLiS "/or/--"
  343. [1:14:51 AM] * IBLiS "or me!"
  344. [1:15:30 AM] * PurpleKoopa (halloween is the scariest time of the year)
  345. [1:15:40 AM] * IBLiS (Actually, now that he thought about it...)
  346. [1:15:50 AM] * IBLiS (No, /no/, that was /so/ not important right now.)
  347. [1:15:59 AM] * IBLiS ((Maybe later.))
  348. [1:18:04 AM] * IBLiS "we're gonna look like a buncha fuckin'--"
  349. [1:18:22 AM] * IBLiS /Uh/--
  350. [1:18:27 AM] * IBLiS "uh."
  351. [1:18:45 AM] * IBLiS Oh, he was talking. To them. About /their/ costumes.
  352. [1:18:55 AM] * IBLiS Aw, /shit/, it really was just his luck.
  353. [1:24:35 AM] PurpleKoopa: A bit of pineapple lands on Damara's face. She wipes it off, having failed her Pickpocketing roll. "BE GRATEFUL YOU NOT RUIN COSPLAY."
  354. [1:26:25 AM] ZZ: "huh?" He looks back. "oh... hey its your fault for popping my personal space bubble there"
  355. [1:36:11 AM] PurpleKoopa: Damara smiles a joyless smile -- or perverted joy, if anything. "FIRST I POP BUBBLE. THEN I POP CHERRY."
  356. [1:36:58 AM] Nitro: [PK how is your Damara so fantastic]
  357. [1:37:36 AM] ZZ: "... how about we dont do that ever..."
  358. [1:37:41 AM] ZZ: "like never ever"
  359. [1:37:44 AM] ZZ: "ever"
  360. [1:38:48 AM] PurpleKoopa: "OK. I BOOK IT NEXT TUESDAY."
  361. [1:38:58 AM] PurpleKoopa: "BRING MONEY. AND CONDOMS."
  362. [1:39:58 AM] * Nitro "You can use my mansion!"
  363. [1:40:08 AM] ZZ: ... Why. Why this?
  364. [1:40:13 AM] * Nitro Luxury, you know. /Snrk/.
  365. [1:40:30 AM] ZZ: "how about i just pay you to not touch me ever"
  366. [1:42:13 AM] ZZ: "okay well maybe ever is a bit of an over statement aight let me rephrase i will pay you to not touch me all nonconsensual like even though you know you shouldnt be doing that anyway so fuck me giving you money i aint gonna do that you can just not touch me"
  367. [1:43:17 AM] ZZ: "i mean sure if we somehow get into crazy interspecies romances i guess you could touch me because id probably be more comfortable with it at that pont... i mean it wouldnt be the first time i dated a troll"
  368. [1:44:00 AM] ZZ: "anyway" He looks to Shawn. "where can i put this? its getting my clipboard all gross" He shows off the neatly sliced pineapple that has been sitting on his clipboard this entire time.
  369. [1:50:16 AM] * Nitro Shawn glanced back, cane still angled at the twins, and smiled, his other hand shifting around in his coat and pulling out a...a serving tray. Dream bubbles!
  371. "Slice it up fresh for out guests!" No one can say he's not a considerate host.
  372. [1:51:42 AM] ZZ: "already done man" He moves the pineapple onto the serving tray. "theeeere all ready to eat"
  373. [1:56:08 AM] ZZ: Unfortunately though, his clipboard is ruined. Tragedy.
  374. [2:00:31 AM] * Nitro Can't go as /himself/. Nonsense. He was going as a representative of the Victorian era, or even a vampire, if one so cared to imagine. But of course, not good enough, for Dante. Not good enough to put up with it even though he /despised/ what it made the concept of Halloween into. No, he would be nothing short of an /embarrassment/ if he didn't participate to his brother's standard.
  376. He was almost /glad/ the performer down below cut in on his brother's reproval. No turning back now, and one less argument for them to have!
  377. [2:00:43 AM] * Nitro ...
  378. [2:00:47 AM] PurpleKoopa: Damara only pays a trifling amount of attention to Dave's rambling. All she picked up is he's not entirely cool with being touched. Which, of course, is the green light to keep creeping him out more. But later. For now, she just lights another cigarette and stays aloof. "機会。あなたのお尻を押し込ん持っている必要があります。<A WASTED OPPORTUNITY. YOU SHOULD HAVE SHOVED THE PINEAPPLE UP YOUR ASS.>"
  379. [2:02:46 AM] ZZ: Just going to... Reimagine his clipboard back into tippy top shape! TADA!
  380. [2:04:05 AM] ZZ: Now back to writing down some sick beats, since his Spooky Bro Hella Jeff comic was ruined. He's gotta look like he's doing SOMETHIGN after all.
  381. [2:05:34 AM] * Nitro Dante's uncomfortable little pause, short as it was, was enough to spur him to speak, incredulous. "Please don't tell me you're really that unreasonably concerned by this."
  382. [2:09:28 AM] PurpleKoopa: ((i am not sure if iblis is asleep or not))
  383. [2:09:37 AM] IBLiS: ((not asleep!))
  384. [2:09:40 AM] IBLiS: ((just thinking))
  385. [2:09:47 AM] IBLiS: ((though it's true that i'm tired and also it's))
  386. [2:09:50 AM] IBLiS: ((2 am))
  387. [2:10:06 AM] Nitro: [it is indeed]
  388. [2:10:41 AM] Nitro: [you need to sleep, bro? or soonish at least?]
  389. [2:10:50 AM] IBLiS: (i don't /need/ to but)
  390. [2:10:57 AM] IBLiS: (it's probably best if i do <8y)
  391. [2:11:15 AM] Nitro: [/hah/, ssssame]
  392. [2:11:27 AM] Nitro: [though I'm also enjoying this a lot]
  393. [2:11:43 AM] ZZ: (Same.)
  394. [2:13:33 AM] IBLiS: (do you guys mind putting this on pause for now?)
  395. [2:13:42 AM] IBLiS: (i think we /all/ need some sleep)
  396. [2:13:46 AM] IBLiS: (except for pk)
  397. [2:13:47 AM] IBLiS: (nerd)
  398. [2:14:00 AM] ZZ: (I'm gonna stay up a bit more too. :u)
  399. [2:14:25 AM] * PurpleKoopa puts a hand on Dave's butt. (okay now you can pause it)
  400. [2:14:33 AM] Nitro: [I don't mind because I enjoy sleep and it's way too cold for me to properly write]
  401. [2:14:36 AM] * PurpleKoopa (canon not canon)
  402. [2:14:48 AM] Nitro: [2cold2function :c]
  403. [2:14:59 AM] IBLiS: (what a perfect cliffhanger)
  404. [2:15:09 AM] IBLiS: (will damara keep a hand on that fresh piece of ass)
  405. [2:15:56 AM] ZZ: (FFFF)
  406. [2:17:37 AM] PurpleKoopa: (i can guarantee this butt-touching will last at least a full twelve hours)
  407. [2:18:09 AM] PurpleKoopa: (keep your eyes on your stopwatches, ladies, this shit's going straight to webster's)
  408. [2:18:17 AM] ZZ: (-Sob.-)
  409. [2:18:30 AM] PurpleKoopa: (or the guinness book w/e)
  410. [2:19:14 AM] PurpleKoopa: (maybe i am redefining the meaning of "butt-touch" then)
  411. [2:22:04 AM] ZZ: (You just might be.)
  412. [1:40:09 AM] PurpleKoopa: Damara loses interest in Dave's butt: a butt, if real time counted for RP time, that she would have been holding for nearly a month. Thankfully, this isn't actually the case, though she should wash her hands anyway. They've been places. Dark places.
  414. Now that she dropped out of the World's Longest Butt Touch Contest, she gets back to thinking of other things. Namely, her unwelcome company. This was supposed to be /her/ bubble until Mr. Spencer fucked it up with his spooky beach bonanza. She'd be surprised if any of them could even recognize her cosplay! If she couldn't scare them off with her bad attitude, then she'll see what she can do to make this party tolerable.
  416. She approaches Shawn and tugs at his coat, assuming it's close enough. "SO. THIS 'PARTY.' WE WILL SMOKE WEED?"
  417. [1:41:15 AM] Nitro: [I believe you meant to say you're actually the best, PK]
  418. [1:42:03 AM] IBLiS: (holding that butt for a whole month)
  419. [1:42:07 AM] IBLiS: (that must be a world record)
  420. [1:42:37 AM] PurpleKoopa: (tina belcher has so much to learn)
  421. [2:30:16 AM] (non): Little does she know that with those words she would summon
  422. [2:30:23 AM] (non): THE GHOST OF ROACHES PAST
  423. [2:31:22 AM] (non): And by that I mean a man who has gotten so tangled in his 'sheet with eye holes' style ghost costume that only his red afro puff peeks out.
  424. [2:33:07 AM] (non): He whacks into a wall, several party goers, then a table before seemingly giving up and sort of slumping to the ground near Damara.
  425. [2:33:42 AM] (non): He resembles a very large, sad blunt.
  426. [2:34:22 AM] Nitro: [Oh whoa hello I am at my computer again finally]
  427. [2:34:40 AM] Nitro: [And here I thought it was late to start an RP am I a goofball or what]
  428. [2:36:29 AM] PurpleKoopa: She still has a thing or two to ask about weed, but for now, Damara looks down at what is either an afro ghost or a giant blunt. Maybe it's both. "私の祈りは、応答されます。お客様に暗黒卿に感謝。<MY PRAYERS ARE ANSWERED. THANK YOU DARK LORD.>"
  429. [2:41:20 AM] PurpleKoopa: Damara can't pick up the whole manblunt, so she just lifts up the legs of Ghostface Killah and offers them to Shawn.
  430. [3:01:24 AM] * Nitro Shawn, for his part, was interrupted in his endeavor to serve spooky pineapple to all his guests by the, uh. The Japanese girl who literally embodied all that was Japan. Also an alien! Cool.
  432. He raises the hand that isn't holding a pineapple on a serving tray and indicates the area to his left, seemingly habitually. (...Ah. Oops.) "I'm sorry but my /friend/ here is a recovering drug addict and it would be a shame for him to lapse back into the /hardcore/ stuff because of a simple slip." He sighs sadly and shakes his head. "Gateway drugs, you kn--"
  434. And then a big white ghastly beast stumbles between him and the cat thing he had been indicating, right into him! (A flying afro dressed as a sheet? A ghost dressed as a ghost, how insensitive -- but that's all he has the chance to think.)
  438. Shawn sees the pineapple's short existence flash before his eyes. Miniscule as it was, it will be forever a memory in his heart.
  440. He stares at the legs being offered to him for a moment, silent and grieved as though mourning the pineapple, before recovering and gripping the newly empty tray in front of him like a shield. "I'm sorry, but I don't think that blunt is.../smokeable/ -- and, you know, I've just gotta say this, but delicious as pineapple flavor is, it just does not go well with weed!" He says that as if he has tried it. He...probably has.
  441. [2:07:16 AM] (non): The giant blunt giggles as its legs are picked up, then informs the poor ignorant pineapple-having motherfucker that he is wrong as /hell/.
  442. [2:07:45 AM] (non): Anything can go good with weed if you do that shit /right/.
  443. [2:07:56 AM] (non): And by right, he means smoke all of it.
  444. [2:08:11 AM] (non): And /then/ eat the pineapple.
  445. [2:09:15 AM] (non): The sheet slips enough that one of the holes is back in position around a singular bloodshot eye that blearily regards the two people about to smoke him.
  446. [2:09:39 AM] (non): He doesn't seem to mind all that much.
  447. [2:12:03 AM] * Nitro Shawn contemplates this for a moment, wondering if this exchange was telepathic or simply stylized. Yes, he thinks to himself. /Yes/. That would be true happy hour.
  449.'d have to be a lot of pot, though.
  450. [9:25:49 PM] * Jaspers Recovering drug addict? /Him/? Now, he knows his appearance may be a tad... /belying/ and all, what with the glassy, distant look in his eyes and the excitable disposition, but he'd have thought the good folk here would know better, than to judge a book by it's cover! /Harumph/!
  452. Though, he doesn't seem to particularly /mind/-- in fact, it's quite the opposite! The sentiment alone draws a chuckle, albeit one that's swiftly cut off by the pinapple tragedy and the spectral phenomenon with an /excellent/ hair stylist (Or lack there of) and /man/ what was he /missing/--
  454. Perhaps it was more his fault for not taking a bit of an active role, in the festivities. You've only got one time a year, whatever a /year/ constitutes around these parts, to do so at all! He had a bit of a tendency to get... tch. Tied up in his own train of thought? Distracted? /Distracted/-- though in such a colorful cast of characters, how on earth /could/ he?
  456. There's something to be said when Rocky hasn't said anything, cut off by one turn of events after the next, but he /does/ finally manage to slip into the midst of things; y'know, when people start genuinely contemplating lighting this poor, sweet, gentle, /beloved/ giant cigar up. Hands raised all defensive-like! "Whoooa, now while I /may/ disagree through and through that nothing is outside of smokable bounds--" (Though, he's less so thinking about drugs and more about everything as a whole,,,,) "-- There's something that strikes me as... hm, what's the word? Ill-mannered? Dispiriting? /Vaguely/ /dispiriting/ about setting our ghost with the most-- (Uh, if that's what he was after, I mean--) aflame in any sense!"
  457. [9:26:46 PM] * Jaspers Though if they take his words with more than a grain of salt and /go/ /through/ /with/ /it/, he could probably provide a match. Or two. He's got some kerosene /somewhere/, if need for it arises! Y'know, as a gentleman.
  458. [9:28:40 PM] Nitro: [Rocky baby]
  459. [9:30:27 PM] Nitro: [I'm not sure if Peeks or Non are looking/around so I'll post with Vergil real quick to give them a chance to get here.]
  460. [9:31:28 PM] PurpleKoopa: (i'm here, but go ahead)
  461. [9:48:50 PM] * Nitro Amidst the colorful cast of characters and their, ah, /creative/ shenanigans, were any of these odd bedfellows to take notice (Shawn certainly had), at least one of the partygoers (yeah, /right/) had vacated the premesis post-haste sometime during the month-long bid for the Longest Hand-to-Posterior Contact record. Unfortunately for our hopeful contestant, that record goes to an Egyptian Pharaoh who had the misfortune of being mummified in a rather awkward position. Being that it is the dream bubbles, you might eventually be able to ask him how he feels about that! This, however, is neither here nor there.
  463. Vergil would do a lot of things for his brother. A /lot/. He would die for him, cook for him, tolerate his infuriating attitude in order to "persuade" him that homework was in fact necessary to complete (he'd thank him later), and were he to be honest, he had lived through many a year purely for Dante's sake. When the moon was right, which apparently meant massive and yellow and eerie (though it could change in an instant if someone cared enough to do so), he would even attend a Halloween party with him. A /Halloween/ /party/. Yes, he'd do many things for his brother...but this? This was simply asking too much.
  465. The air reeked of pineapple, weed, and bumbling imbeciles and the unconsensual derriere groping was the straw that shattered the camel's spinal column and permanently paralized it. Back on the dragon ship factory to breathe that glorious smogridden air. (Not really smogridden. Their noses were too sensitive for that. It was the principle of the matter.)
  467. There wouldn't be much to describe in his immediate retreat: it was silent, simple, and effective, purely practical in its sheer /lack/ of glamor and melodrama. Were Vergil more wise to internet terminology, he would perhaps be aware that the action he just performed was possibly the most literal physical manifestation of "nope" used improperly as a verb. If "nope" were a verb, this was it. That was noping. Not even moping this time. Sorry, dear brother, but he cannot express his "no" more clearly.
  468. [9:49:01 PM] Nitro: [not so quickly maybe]
  469. [9:49:45 PM] Nitro: [that was all basically for CG to respond to I don't know why I wrote so much]
  470. [9:49:56 PM] Nitro: [and possibly Damara to enjoy later on]
  471. [9:49:59 PM] Nitro: [because Damara]
  472. [9:50:13 PM] Nitro: [ok just a sec I will do the Shawn]
  473. [10:05:35 PM] * Nitro ...This, Shawn thought to himself, listening to Rocky's protest -- /this/ cat was a cat after his own heart. Sort of like Little Boy Cat! In fact, maybe he /was/ Little Boy Cat. Some alternate version of him. (Except Little Boy Cat was not so very boy after all, but. Details! And who knew, maybe s/he just liked those clothes better.) Or maybe he was created from all Shawn's fondest memories. Fuzzy animals were certainly /very/ high on the Fondest Memories list. But he was getting side-tracked from the point of things!
  475. "/Yes/," he declared like a political leader, with the same crowd-rallying authoritative enthusiasm, "listen to this man! ...Cat." He wasn't sure what to say there, really, but he'd take that and run with it. He clapped a hand around the aforementioned cat's shoulders and the tray was gone and he held his hand in front of the feline's chest, presenting him like a proud father. He was pretty sure this was what it would look like, anyway. "This very manly, very dashing young cat with his whole death ahead of him, because he has finally quit the thing that was once controlling him, controlling his life! And that's why he'd know. He'd know better than any of us what is and is not smokeable!"
  477. Good enough delivery, he figured. As if to drive home the point, he turned to the cat and patted him, right on the chest. "I'm proud of you, LBC." One must wonder, where did /that/ nickname come from? "We're /all/ proud of you. You, too, can be above the influence, and still land on your feet."
  478. [10:09:48 PM] Jaspers: [["He's pretty sure this was what it would look like"]]
  479. [10:09:52 PM] Jaspers: [[Ow no]]
  480. [10:10:09 PM] Nitro: [ o u o ]
  481. [10:20:00 PM] PurpleKoopa: ((okay, gimme a few minutes while i eat dinner))
  482. [10:20:11 PM] Nitro: [No problem!]
  483. [11:08:34 PM] IBLiS:
  484. Uhhhh. /Shit/. Now what? Christ on a Christmas cake, you dumbass, don't just /stand/ there. Freakin' sniveling wannabe boy band shit putting the screws on /him/ like some slack jawed yokel why he oughta-- he /oughta/--
  486. ...Wait. No. He's got this. He's /got/ this. Seriously, no big deal. Just gotta-- just gotta play it cool and walk it off. So what if his brother wasn't in a costume? He could be... uh, /something/. Like a vampire. Sure, yeah, a /vampire/. A big dumb frou frou vampire, complete with his own goddamn /cravat/. All he needed was a cane and he'd practically be Dracula himself. Yeah, that would do. /Perfect/. All he had to do was open his mouth and by the time he'd be done, they wouldn't even /remember/ that little hiccup.
  488. Hehehehe, /man/, Redgrave you smooth operator you. How /do/ you do it? /Amazing/.
  490. Now, in a perfect afterlife Dante Redgrave would /never/ get egg on his face. He'd be slicker than Sam Spade, smoother than James Bond, and wittier than all the wise cracking smartasses in the world. Alas, this wasn't a perfect afterlife, no matter how hard he tried to make it be. And that is why, /somehow/, in the span of the few nanoseconds-- though it suspiciously felt a a /lot/ like a whole /month/ if you asked him-- it took to formulate his brilliant plan and open his mouth, everything fell apart. Cannabis cannibals rampant on the streets, rabid butt touching as far as the eye could see, and innocent pineapples caught in the crossfire. Terrible, just terrible.
  492. Though he didn't /quite/ notice all that. Admittedly it was pretty /hard/ to ignore a party falling apart at the seams-- a tragedy, if you ask him-- but it wasn't quite on the forefront of his mind. He was too preoccupied by the fact that his right side suddenly felt so very... /empty/.
  494. "v--?"
  496. His head snapped around to watch his brother leave, or, rather, to catch a glimpse of his /foot/ leave. A second slower and he wouldn't have seen anything at all. His brother really knew how to beat feet when he wanted to. Most people didn't even notice he was gone.
  498. /Most/ people.
  500. "aw, verge!" he cried out, running after his brother with hardly any thought at all. Not even a single glance. What was he supposed to do without his precious /wingman/, after all? No, no, it couldn't be a party without his bro. It just. It just wouldn't feel right. "c'mon, don't b'like that!"
  502. And so they /both/ disappeared into their not-so-smogridden preteen industrial nightmare. Dare ye enter, brave RPer? Dare ye?
  503. [11:08:46 PM] * IBLiS ...Ehhhh, probably not.
  504. [11:08:54 PM] * IBLiS Don't feel too bad, gentle RPer.
  505. [11:09:47 PM] * IBLiS Between a magic talking blunt and a giant metal battleship, 'tis no easy choice.
  506. [11:09:51 PM] IBLiS: (FIVE MILLION YEARS)
  507. [11:10:02 PM] Nitro: [Worth it]
  508. [11:10:48 PM] IBLiS: (i did it mostly for 'canabis cannibals')
  509. [11:10:55 PM] IBLiS: (i don't regret anything)
  510. [11:13:19 PM] PurpleKoopa: ((hang on, what was dante wearing again))
  511. [11:13:32 PM] IBLiS: ((he's the man with no name))
  512. [11:15:19 PM] IBLiS: ((*costume pending))
  513. [11:17:27 PM] Nitro: [reminder that the monsterbeast's name is actually Lord Benedikt Seelenfruend]
  514. [11:17:45 PM] IBLiS: (benedict soulfriend)
  515. [11:18:15 PM] Stegosaurus gal: (kinda want to belatedly jump in with rabbit because I never took the opportunity in october but--)
  516. [11:18:31 PM] IBLiS: (do it!)
  517. [11:18:40 PM] IBLiS: (you won't be interrupting anything)
  518. [11:20:01 PM] Nitro: [Go for it! The point of this is to be the kind of thing people can hop into easily uwu]
  519. [11:20:07 PM] Nitro: [If they want to, that is.]
  520. [11:20:16 PM] Nitro: [and also fun]
  521. [11:20:20 PM] Nitro: [fun is also the point]
  522. [11:20:47 PM] Stegosaurus gal: (pffff I should catch up first tho)
  523. [11:21:52 PM] Nitro: [ Posts prior to today are over here uwu]
  524. [11:23:01 PM] Nitro: [Basically, Shawn Spencer, Rocky from Lackadaisy, Damara, and possibly still Gamzee are chilling on a beach by a giant pumpkin patch and Dante's warship turret turtle dragon industrial factory is chilling in the water with the twins on it.]
  525. [11:25:28 PM] PurpleKoopa: Damara would roll her eyes at these shawn-nyan-igans if they weren't entirely white. Her partygoing compatriots being a bunch of wet blankets didn't help matters either.
  527. ..."Partygoing compatriots." Heh. Like she'd even associate herself with them in the first place.
  529. She drops the human blunt's legs on the ground and stares at the human trash. "WEED NOT HARDCORE? YOU MUST BE VIRGIN. I PITY YOU." A kick of her leg sends Mickey D rolling toward Shawn's feet. She's fed up with this ham-o-lantern. "THIS YOUR PROBLEM NOW. DEAL WITH IT."
  531. Out of these two hams, she hasn't spent nearly as much time with the talking cat. He's not much of a neko, but he's enough of one to pique her interest. Shawn taking a liking to him so quick doesn't do him any favors, though. She looks over his snappy wardrobe like she were regarding it on a mannequin. "YOU HAVE MATCH, YES? PLEASE. SET HIM ON FIRE." She makes a lazy gesture that could be directed to either of the two humans. For all she cares, it could (and should) be both of them.
  533. If only for a moment, Damara thinks she sees someone in a blue overcoat with gold accents. Is that a Fullmetal Alchemist cosplayer? Maybe she's in better company than she thought. Perhaps she WILL dare to enter that industrial nightmare, smarmy DM. She won't D.A.R.E. to resist drugs and violence, but to D.A.R.E. to meet a fellow cosplayer? Hell yeah, sign her up. She ditches these two party poopers, but not without sending them her regards (read: the double deuce. tumut), and struts off to mount Lord Benedikt Seelenfruend.
  535. No, not in THAT way. Not yet, anyway.
  536. [11:25:29 PM] Stegosaurus gal: (and verge wants nothing to do with it)
  537. [11:26:04 PM] Nitro: [Shawn-nyan-igans PK I'm]
  538. [11:26:06 PM] Stegosaurus gal: (and there probably isn't a robot with a vampire hat about to pop out of the captain's quarters for no good reason)
  539. [11:26:31 PM] Nitro: [Yeah, Vergil ollied up there when butt touching happened.]
  540. [11:26:35 PM] Nitro: [It wasn't even his butt and yet]
  541. [11:28:07 PM] Nitro: [Fullmetal Alchemist cosplayer]
  542. [11:28:28 PM] PurpleKoopa: (i've been waiting to make that reference for a whole month)
  543. [11:28:41 PM] Nitro: [You are an excellent being]
  544. [11:28:47 PM] Stegosaurus gal: (yes)
  545. [11:33:03 PM] * IBLiS LORD BENEDICKT SEELENFRUEND, a.k.a TINY, stares down at the strange and strangely /smelling/ alien creature with smoking eyes that destroy and dismiss all in its path. Hiss hiss. Hiss hiss. Sizzle. That kind of thing. It looks like the only way up onto the deck is up and over the head... unless Damara felt brave enough to swim into the torrid sea and climb up sheer steel. Christ, she might break a nail! Or /ruin/ /her/ /cosplay/!
  546. [11:33:06 PM] * IBLiS Dangerous times, indeed.
  547. [11:33:20 PM] * IBLiS Do you dare approach THE BEAST?
  548. [11:33:27 PM] * IBLiS LORD SOULFRIEND?
  549. [11:33:39 PM] * Nitro (Benny!)
  550. [11:33:49 PM] * IBLiS ('Eeeeey, it's Bennnnnny!)
  551. [11:40:27 PM] * Nitro On Lord Seelenfruend's back, meanwhile, Vergil did in fact stop in his tracks, perhaps surprisingly. He considered storming into the inner tunnels, the near-literal bowels of their living(???) vessel, but he somehow didn't feel quite enough motivation to do so. Not enough forthright disgust. In fact, he felt rather detached from it all. The butt-touch was fact. It was. That much was inescapable. Butt-touch had occurred.
  553. Perhaps he was merely too dazed to feel his horror yet. Numbed. Yes, numbed was an accurate description. As such, he pivoted to face his brother with a remarkable control. "Don't be like what?" he asked, unmoved. "A rational individual?"
  555. Benny was hissrevving at something. Almost without thinking, he reached out to rest a hand lightly on the side of one of the immense turrets mounted on the beastthing, like he could feel it. With Dante's imagination, maybe he could!
  557. Pat pat. Good soulfriend. Best industrypunk serpentine lizardine draconian abomination.
  558. [11:45:40 PM] * IBLiS (rrrrrrrrrr rrrrrrrrr)
  559. [11:46:00 PM] * IBLiS (IF MOTORCYCLES COULD LOVE)
  560. [11:46:53 PM] * Nitro Shawn's head followed the body to where it stopped at his feet. He pursed his lips at it. That. That went well.
  562. ...The afro's not on fire and that's all he was asking for.
  563. [11:47:01 PM] Nitro: [Whoops sorry Jasp u can do thing]
  564. [11:47:13 PM] Nitro: [I just wanted to toss that in real quick <8y]
  565. [11:47:34 PM] * Nitro What are you talking about Benny is perfectly affectionate
  566. [11:47:36 PM] * Nitro In his
  567. [11:47:40 PM] * Nitro Own unique way
  568. [11:47:54 PM] * Nitro /Anti-industrialist/
  569. [11:47:55 PM] * IBLiS RRRRRRRRR
  570. Wednesday, November 27, 2013
  571. [12:00:43 AM] Jaspers: [11/26/2013 11:48:45 PM] Nitro: [Whoops sorry Jasp u can do thing]
  573. <<<
  574. [12:01:00 AM] Jaspers: [[Oh-- I was waiting for the others to post since I didn't want to interrupt, but okay! uwu]]
  575. [12:01:51 AM] Nitro: [No problem! I just wanted to give you a chance to react to Shawn doing things and then Damara doing things before really doing so with Shawn. uwu]
  576. [12:02:24 AM] Sir Screwloose: Iblis!
  577. [12:02:37 AM] Sir Screwloose: Yay you're here
  578. [12:02:47 AM] Sir Screwloose: I want to show off a pokemon thing
  579. [12:03:02 AM] Sir Screwloose: I won a battle against an actual person!
  580. [12:03:12 AM] Nitro: [pffff, try the main room, Screw uwu]
  581. [12:03:21 AM] Sir Screwloose: Goddamnit
  582. [12:03:29 AM] Sir Screwloose: Pjone skype is unhelpful
  583. [12:03:37 AM] Nitro: [No worries. Skype rooms are funky to navigate on mobile devices.]
  584. [12:04:50 AM] Sir Screwloose: Oblos, you in here?
  585. [12:06:11 AM] * IBLiS "wh--?" Dante balked, then /frowned/, screeching to a halt on a dime. Any slower and they would've collided into one hot mess. "oh, /c/'/mon/, y'know what i mean." Honestly, he was glad that Verge stopped /at/ /all/. Last time something like this happened, he stormed straight to his room and slammed the door shut. And. Wouldn't come at all. That. That wasn't a fun time. No, not at all. He just.
  587. ...He just didn't want things to go south, okay? That wasn't cool. Wasn't cool /at/ /all/.
  589. (Admittedly, he couldn't really blame him when they were ass deep in /dickworld/. Trees, birds, rocks, /everything/. It was all so. /Tainted/.)
  590. [12:06:42 AM] * IBLiS (...Haha. Ass deep. Tainted. Ahhhh, that was good.)
  591. [12:07:01 AM] * Nitro (nO IT WAS AWFUL --)
  592. [12:07:22 AM] * IBLiS (...Oh, right. /Realktalk/.)
  593. [12:07:25 AM] Sir Screwloose: GODDA MNIT THIS IS STILLT HE WRONG ROOM)
  594. [12:07:32 AM] * IBLiS "what's th'point of doin' all this without /y/'?" He said, getting surprisingly /real/ up in here, going so far to put his hands on Verge's shoulders like a bad after school special friend. Shit couldn't get more real if it tried."s'like. peanut butter n' jelly without th'jelly! or th'bread! s'jus' /peanut/ /butter/. y'know?" He was really on the ball with the metaphors tonight. Some A-grade stuff here. Man, he wasn't even sure what he was saying there. But it, uh, sounded pretty good! Hopefully good enough to convince his brother to do... something. Not storm off. Yeah, that'd be nice. Real nice.
  595. [12:10:33 AM] * Jaspers Chest puffed out, arms folded behind his back, ears perked and pointy enough to poke an eye out-- there isn't a single trait Rocky hasn't taken, exaggerated or otherwise, that makes him out to be the trophy cat of the decade. Thank you, thank you! He /can/ be a good role model when someone getting lit aflame is up for debate. A moral code most dubious, and a fickle one to boot-- but... at least he's got one! If he ever went to school, he'd get straight A's for effort.
  597. "I am both /honored/ and /elated/ to have such obscure acronyms bestowed upon me!" While all those pokes and jabs at his feline nature flew right between his ears, what he /could/ grasp struck every right chord! A. A somethingoranother after /his/ own heart just as well, and a motivational speech of such caliber was all he needed to be convinced. He'd /say/ as much, with all the conviction and sincerity of a traveling solicitor, but, ah... what kind of cat would he be, to brush off the kind and colorfully-worded lass? "Unfortunately for you, good madam, I prefer my good company to be neither well done /nor/ medium rare! I lack the burning desire to desire burning, you could say. And it'd be atrocious-- positively /despicable/--" He raises his arm in some vague, incredulous gesture. "-- To even /consider/ starting such flagrant bon fires without a /single/ thing to roast!"
  598. [12:12:17 AM] Jaspers: "The gall, the /audacity/ I'd have to hold is more than my poor, fragile heart could bear!" He'd drop dead a second time at the mere suggestion. Neither marshmallow nor weenie in sight-- it's a /disgrace/.
  599. [12:12:27 AM] Jaspers: [[Fumbles w/ Rocky doot doot]]
  600. [12:12:41 AM] * IBLiS ...Oh, Tiny was revving up like a real mean machine down there. One of the partygoers must've gotten too close. Eh. He wouldn't worry about it too much. Tiny could handle any unwanted guests. That's what hard boiled no-nonsense dragon bouncers were for, after all. The very best in the biz. Besides, he had... bigger things to worry about. /Brotherly/ things.
  601. [12:12:51 AM] Nitro: [Travelling solicitor]
  602. [12:13:09 AM] Nitro: [No your Rocky is beautiful and incredible and this RP will be beautiful and incredible]
  603. [12:13:47 AM] IBLiS: (like peanut butter and jelly without the jelly or bread)
  604. [12:13:55 AM] * Nitro ...Oh.
  605. [12:13:57 AM] * Nitro Oh?
  606. [12:14:02 AM] * Nitro Oh.
  607. [12:14:15 AM] * Nitro Well, this was surreal.
  608. [12:41:45 AM] * Nitro He had expected Dante to go after him, of course -- counted on it, even. His brother would get frustrated because he's no fun, why's he gotta be like this, and he knew somewhere in the back of his head that reacting like that was starting a rapid countdown to some unfathomably foolish argument -- he /knew/. Because that was what always happened. Always, always, /always/.
  610. It was -- it was the reason they -- /he/ had --
  612. A pair of hands rested on his shoulders. He didn't flinch, didn't shrug -- didn't do much at all. It wasn't that he wasn't used to the contact, not from /Dante/ -- Dante, who was perhaps the most tactile person he'd ever known. It wasn't even surprising. But somehow it still took him off-guard.
  614. Right. This. Thiiiiis was. What they were doing now.
  616. The numbness was more vague shock now, and he shifted his weight just a bit, disquieted, shoulders hunched forward a little. Not proud, anymore.
  618. The tension, defensiveness, that had built under his quiet facade was -- gone. Wiped away, almost, the wind yanked abruptly from their sails -- but...not quite. More like /dismantled/, all structure pulled apart. The mast was pulled down, slowly, methodically, and then there were only still, calm waters.
  620. He didn't realize his head had tilted down, eyeing Dante's costume (but not really absorbing what was in his line of sight at all), for a moment -- but when he did, he didn't bother to correct it.
  621. [12:41:48 AM] * Nitro ...
  622. [12:41:57 AM] * Nitro (/Hh/.)
  623. [12:42:14 AM] * Nitro It's maybe the tiniest sigh you have ever heard. Barely heard, even. So tiny.
  624. [12:48:44 AM] * Nitro ...This meant a lot to Dante, he knew. A lot. They had an eternity to enjoy and it was high time he had the chance to do so.
  626. And so.
  627. [12:51:09 AM] * Nitro "...Like a jawbreaker with only one layer." He wrapped one hand over his brother's elbow -- still a little quiet, shoulders and head angled just a tad too far toward the ground, but...the message was clear enough.
  628. [12:51:12 AM] * Nitro ...Oh, what --
  629. [12:51:19 AM] * Nitro Wow. He even made /eye/ /contact/.
  630. [12:51:22 AM] * Nitro /Wow/.
  631. [12:51:48 AM] * IBLiS wHO ARE YOU--
  632. [12:52:31 AM] Nitro: [mfw that took way too long]
  633. [12:52:43 AM] Nitro: [apologizes to everyone else y8>]
  634. [12:53:02 AM] Rabbutt: (shh it's okay because it's great)
  635. [12:53:11 AM] Rabbutt: (like a jaw breaker with more than one layer)
  636. [1:10:10 AM] * Nitro On the ground level, Shawn seemed to have recovered from his moment of thoughtfully regarding the body. (He wouldn't turn his back on it, of course. Rookie mistake.) He was instead regarding his newfound feline soul mate (soul friend, if you will!), eyebrows having a nice chat with his hair line while he paid rapt attention to the cat dude's words.
  638. Really, how had they not met sooner? Only wonderful things could come of this. LBC was on /fire/ -- ironically but metaphorically -- like a reformation preacher, firmly telling the world his unshakeable convictions. His conviction that such a bonfire should only be lit under the circumstances of producing a wonderful snack food. Shawn agreed with this sentiment wholeheartedly, of course. And not just because of that convincing delivery. He'd had a rather traumatizing experience as a child. The /one/ /time/ he and his dad made a sincere attempt at the boyscout thing...
  640. ("Okay, listen, Shawn. This is what I'm always telling you about being prepared." "Because if I'm not prepared we don't get to roast hot dogs?" "No, because you --" /Sigh/. "If you're not prepared, but you still have to do something, then you've gotta improvise. Do you know what happens when you improvise, Shawn?" "I make Gus wet his pants by trying to use firecrackers to start a fire?" "Close. You'll never do as good of a job improvising. It's shoddy detective work, kid.")
  641. [1:10:12 AM] * Nitro ...
  642. [1:10:41 AM] * Nitro .../Ehhh/...
  643. [1:15:30 AM] * Nitro "/Amen/!" Don't dwell on it. The hand that had been on Rocky's chest yanked upward abruptly, borne toward the weird glowy-ass fadey cloud beacon thing, and also his face borne likewise cloudward. He looked back at Rocky emotively. "However, we are /in/ /luck/, LBC! Within that, yes /that/ --" he pointed vigorously in the direction of that tiny-ass crookedy house that had somehow escaped particular notice "-- are the wondrous snack foods we crave."
  644. [1:15:32 AM] * Nitro ...
  645. [1:15:40 AM] * Nitro /Awkward/ /pause/.
  646. [1:16:59 AM] * Nitro Shawn peered back down at the body, expression suddenly lacking the enthusiasm. "I, uh. I don't think we should light him on fire, though. Or -- or me, I'd probably make everything being roasted taste sort of funny and that just...that just wouldn't really go /over/ well."
  647. [1:17:10 AM] Nitro: [ok I think I'm finally done]
  648. [1:17:15 AM] Nitro: [profuse apologies]
  649. [1:17:43 AM] Nitro: [also the parenthesis dialogue was a flashback-type thing]
  650. [1:17:44 AM] * Rabbutt Whilst Benny Behemoth was roaring away, drowning out any other sounds that could drift across the sand and eventually rolling into the pumpkapple patch where it caught the attention of the metal man investigating the lanterns at his feet. Pointed ears perked and, for a moment, blue and green lights looked towards the rumblings cautiously.
  652. One, two, three... five, six? He couldn't quite tell how many figures stood in the sand off and away, but he wouldn't let the opportunity pass. Not when he could get a good scare on them.
  654. He didn't know of the brotherly things going on, just that he was collecting pumpkins and pineapples and pushing them around the biggest jackolanturn he found, and sometimes his humming turned into singing that turned into cackling that might have been a bit too loud.
  655. [1:17:52 AM] * Rabbutt and then I post my thing)
  656. [1:18:35 AM] Nitro: [Rabbit turns the jackolantern into a house]
  657. [1:18:53 AM] Rabbutt: (fire breathing house)
  658. [1:19:04 AM] Nitro: [flawless]
  659. [1:19:44 AM] Rabbutt: (yus B) )
  660. [1:20:16 AM] * Nitro (Meanwhile, up at the brofeels)
  661. [1:20:42 AM] * Nitro (...What /was/ that weird cackly sound)
  662. [1:20:49 AM] * Nitro (Benny when did you learn to make tHAT noise)
  663. [1:21:13 AM] * Nitro (.../Shrug/)
  664. [1:21:17 AM] * Rabbutt (Benny wishes he could laugh like that)
  665. [1:21:30 AM] * Nitro (Benny wishes he were a real boy)
  666. [1:21:49 AM] * Rabbutt (So does the Spine)
  667. [1:21:53 AM] * Nitro (Dante behold what you've done)
  668. [1:22:13 AM] * Nitro (Behold this existentially despairing beast you've created)
  669. [1:22:37 AM] * Rabbutt (He and the Spine become lamenting buddies)
  670. [1:23:10 AM] * Nitro ("VRRRRRRRRRRRRRRK")
  671. [1:23:20 AM] * Nitro ("Yeah, that's rough, buddy. 8(")
  672. [1:24:29 AM] * IBLiS go away zuko
  673. [1:24:57 AM] Nitro: [hahahaha]
  674. [1:24:59 AM] Nitro: [best scene]
  675. [1:25:22 AM] Nitro: [what really happens when awkward life story sharing happens]
  676. [1:26:35 AM] Rabbutt: (yes)
  677. [2:23:43 AM] IBLiS: ...Oh, /woah/.
  679. No matter how many times they went through this song and dance, Dante was always so amazed at how his brother just kind of... /deflated/. Like a little boy who got caught red handed with the cookie jar. Or a dog hiding under the table when the folks came home to a shit stained house. /Whatever/ it was like, though, it wasn't like his brother at all. Not /his/ brother, always stuck up on that high horse of his, nose upturned to the rest of the world.
  681. It was... kind of unnerving to see him like this, honestly. Just didn't feel right. Where was all the glaring? The ground out comebacks? The /pouting/? This was-- it was--
  683. ...But no, no, it-- it was okay. They weren't arguing, right? Right! And-- and that was /good/. It was okay if his brother felt a little bad about it. Better to feel a little bad now than to feel a helluva lot worse later. Yeah-- that was-- /that/ was-- /yeah/. He. Had enough of that.
  685. Besides, wasn't like it was nothing he couldn't fix. What were brothers for, after all, if not for cheering up their dumb gothy siblings? In /fact/...
  687. "yeah!" he chirped, despite the fact that his metaphor was clearly /way/ better. It was a sacrifice he was more than willing to take. "'xactly like that!" With a smooth turn he circled to his brother's side, locking his arm around his elbow. No escape now. They were gonna real talk this out. Like /adults/ Or at least grown ups.
  689. "'sides, we don't gotta stay f'very long. jus' long 'nuff t'see if our new neighbors are /whackjobs/ or somethin' like that." /Well/, that... /might/ have been a stretch. Or, well, maybe not anymore. He guessed it was okay if they only stayed for a little while. For Vergil's sake, if for no else. It was one of those-- uh-- those things. It's right on the tip of his tongue. It's-- uh-- ah--
  691. ...Ah, /forget/ /it/.
  693. ("...n' jus' between y' n' me,") he mumbled, leaning in close as if anyone else was /really/ listening in. Hey, you never know. ("i don't think that party's got much of a pulse left anyway.")
  694. [2:23:46 AM] * IBLiS ...
  695. [2:23:53 AM] * IBLiS ("...did y'hear that?")
  696. [2:25:03 AM] * IBLiS Man, what /was/ that? Sounded like some kind of... metal... thing.
  697. [2:26:44 AM] * IBLiS Must've been Tiny. Geeze, dude, you keep that up and he'll have to imagine up a /mechanic/ too.
  698. [3:19:58 AM] PurpleKoopa: Damara sizes up the ginormous battleship. Ruining her cosplay wasn't an option (as easy as it would be to fix it with dream bubble memories), but flying onboard would be no sweat for a witch of her caliber. Before she can cast the appropriate majjyix, however, the mangy flea-bitten animal and the talking cat open their mouths again. /Urgh/. She couldn't put her tongue on /why/ they irked her. Maybe it was their fast talking. Maybe it was their jocular attitudes. Whatever the reason, it distracted her long enough to lose interest in the doomship. Vergil's butt is safe for now.
  700. These two, on the other hand, are about to get their asses /smited/. She turns back to the two jokers, frowning at them. "I CAN THINK OF MANY THING TO ROAST. STARTING WITH YOU. THEN WEED." She pulls out a cosplay-appropriate lighter ( ) and takes a step forward. She doesn't... /really/ intend to burn them a̶l̶i̶v̶e̶ dead, does she? "I SMOKE YOUR ASH THROUGH BONG. BRING MUCH JOY." ...Does she?!
  702. Thankfully for Shawn and Rocky, she flips her lighter shut and looks around for the source of the cackling. "...WAIT. WHAT IS SOUND." In the distance, she thinks she can make out some unfamiliar lights. How curious.
  703. [8:57:52 AM] * Nitro Vergil's butt is very grateful.
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