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a guest
Jan 24th, 2018
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  1. Imports System.IO, System.Net, System.Text, System.Text.RegularExpressions
  2. Public Class _3bdullah
  3. Dim usernameList$() = File.ReadAllLines("list.txt")
  4. Dim password = pass.Text
  5. Dim example = mail.Text
  6. Dim num = 0
  7. Dim id As String
  9. Private Sub _3bdullah_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load
  10. bar.Maximum = usernameList.Length
  11. Me.News()
  12. End Sub
  13. Function News()
  14. Try
  15. Dim req As HttpWebRequest = CType(WebRequest.Create(""), HttpWebRequest)
  16. Dim res As HttpWebResponse = CType(req.GetResponse, HttpWebResponse)
  17. Dim reader As New StreamReader(res.GetResponseStream)
  18. Dim xd$ = Regex.Match(reader.ReadToEnd, "mid=(.*?);").Groups(1).Value
  19. id = xd
  20. Catch ex As Exception
  22. End Try
  23. End Function
  24. Function usercheck(ByVal username$)
  25. Dim obj As Object
  26. Try
  27. Dim data$ = "email=Alien+" + username + "$9&username=" + username + "&first_name=3bdullah checker v1"
  28. Dim bytes As Byte() = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(data)
  29. Dim check As HttpWebRequest = CType(WebRequest.Create(""), HttpWebRequest)
  30. With check
  31. .Method = "POST"
  32. .Host = ""
  33. .UserAgent = "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 5.1; rv:27.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/27.0"
  34. .Referer = ""
  35. .KeepAlive = True
  36. .Proxy = Nothing
  37. .ContentLength = bytes.Length
  38. .Headers.Add("X-CSRFToken", "5CU2eiApp0HHhQs01GQXCyvoKwOWRiW1")
  39. .Headers.Add("X-Instagram-AJAX", "1")
  40. .Headers.Add("X-Requested-With", "XMLHttpRequest")
  41. .Headers.Add("Cookie", "csrftoken=5CU2eiApp0HHhQs01GQXCyvoKwOWRiW1; mid=WmKGrQAEAAEVZOQNAAMHnDl0rCiV; rur=ATN; ig_vw=800; ig_pr=1; ig_vh=461")
  42. End With
  43. Dim str As Stream = check.GetRequestStream
  44. str.Write(bytes, 0, bytes.Length)
  45. str.Close()
  46. Dim res As HttpWebResponse = CType(check.GetResponse, HttpWebResponse)
  47. Dim reader As New StreamReader(res.GetResponseStream)
  48. obj = reader.ReadToEnd.Contains("true")
  49. Catch ex As Exception
  50. obj = ex.Message.Contains("true")
  51. End Try
  52. Return obj
  53. End Function
  54. Function register(ByVal username$)
  55. Dim obj As Object
  56. Dim data$ = "email=" + example + "&password=3" + password + "&username=" + username + "&first_name=3bdullah checker $"
  57. Dim bytes As Byte() = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(data)
  58. Dim check As HttpWebRequest = CType(WebRequest.Create(""), HttpWebRequest)
  59. With check
  60. .Method = "POST"
  61. .Host = ""
  62. .UserAgent = "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 5.1; rv:27.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/27.0"
  63. .Referer = ""
  64. .KeepAlive = True
  65. .Proxy = Nothing
  66. .ContentLength = bytes.Length
  67. .Headers.Add("X-CSRFToken", "5CU2eiApp0HHhQs01GQXCyvoKwOWRiW1")
  68. .Headers.Add("X-Instagram-AJAX", "1")
  69. .Headers.Add("X-Requested-With", "XMLHttpRequest")
  70. .Headers.Add("Cookie", "csrftoken=5CU2eiApp0HHhQs01GQXCyvoKwOWRiW1; mid=" + id + "; rur=ATN; ig_vw=800; ig_pr=1; ig_vh=461")
  71. End With
  72. Dim str As Stream = check.GetRequestStream
  73. str.Write(bytes, 0, bytes.Length)
  74. str.Close()
  75. Dim res As HttpWebResponse = CType(check.GetResponse, HttpWebResponse)
  76. Dim reader As New StreamReader(res.GetResponseStream)
  77. obj = reader.ReadToEnd.Contains("true")
  78. Return obj
  79. End Function
  80. Function abdullah()
  81. Do
  82. If num = usernameList.Length Then
  83. bar.Value = 0
  84. num = 0
  85. Else
  86. Do While num < usernameList.Length
  87. Dim username = usernameList(num)
  88. If usercheck(username) Then
  89. ok.AppendText(username + vbCrLf)
  90. If register(username) Then
  91. MessageBox.Show("Hi >> @ " + username, "New Username$", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information)
  92. End If
  93. Else
  94. taken.AppendText(username + vbCrLf)
  95. End If
  96. num += 1
  97. bar.Value += 1
  98. Loop
  99. End If
  100. Loop
  101. End Function
  103. Private Sub button_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles button.Click
  104. Dim go As New Threading.Thread(AddressOf abdullah)
  105. go.IsBackground = True
  106. go.Start()
  107. End Sub
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