
FEF6re: Captain Richard Astleich (NPC)

Mar 31st, 2019 (edited)
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  1. Name: Captain Richard Astleich
  2. Class: Myrmidon
  3. Character Specific Skill: Fortune
  4. Affinity: Ice
  5. Personal Fault: Bad Taste: When fighting versus Females, -10 Hit and Evasion.
  6. Personal Skill: Fortitude: When under 50%HP, +2 DEF.
  7. Personal Skill: Heart of Fire: When in 3 tile radius of 3 enemies, +10 Crt.
  8. //Personal Skill: Shadow on the Wall: When adjacent to an impassable Terrain, +15 Evasion.
  10. Preferred stats: STR, SKL
  12. Weapon profs: Slsh (C), Swords (D)
  14. Level: 16 (0/100)
  15. Total Level: 16
  17. Progression spent: 330%
  19. HP: 20 (80%)
  20. STR: 5+2 (70%)
  21. MAG: 1 (0%)
  22. SKL: 6 (60%)
  23. LCK: 3 (20%)
  24. DEF: 2 (20%)
  25. RES: 0+2 (20%)
  26. SPD: 7 (60%)
  28. CON: 6 (-)
  29. AID: 5 {-)
  30. MOV: 5 (-)
  32. Level Ups:
  33. Character creation: +2 STR, +2 RES, +5% DEF
  34. First class lvl2: +HP, +STR, +SPD
  35. First class lvl3: +HP, +SKL, +LCK, +SPD
  36. First class lvl4: +STR, +SKL, +DEF, +SPD
  37. First class lvl5: +HP, +STR, +SKL, +SPD
  38. First class lvl6: +HP, +SKL, +RES
  39. First class lvl7: +STR, +SKL, +LCK, +SPD
  40. First class lvl8: +HP, +STR
  41. First class lvl9: +HP, +STR, +LCK
  42. First class lvl10: +STR, +DEF
  43. First class lvl11: +HP, +STR, +SKL, +LCK, +SPD
  44. First class lvl12: +HP, +STR, +SKL, +DEF, +SPD
  45. First class lvl13: +HP, +STR, +SKL
  46. First class lvl14: +STR, +SKL, +RES, +SPD
  47. First class lvl15: +SKL, RES
  48. First class lvl16: +HP, +STR, +SKL
  50. Current stats:
  52. HP: 30 (80%)
  53. STR: 18 (70%)
  54. MAG: 1 (0%)
  55. SKL: 17 (60%)
  56. LCK: 7 (20%)
  57. DEF: 4 (25%)
  58. RES: 5 (20%)
  59. SPD: 15 (60%)
  61. CON: 6 (-)
  62. AID: 5 {-)
  63. MOV: 5 (-)
  65. [code]Inventory:
  66. Name Type () RNG MT WT CR Hit QL
  67. Reichsaber Slsh (D) 1 8 8 10 80 12/40 [E]
  68. Iron Sword Slsh (E) 1 5 4 0 85 39/40
  69. Tonic (3/5)
  70. Speedwing: +3 SPD on use
  71. Jinxed Ring: +10 Crt, -10DG for wearer
  72. [/code]
  74. Battle Stats (Reichsaber):
  75. AT: 27
  76. Hit: 117
  77. AS: 15 (8-{6+2} = 0!) = 15
  78. Eva: 37
  79. Crt: 18+10
  80. DG: 7-10
  82. Battle Stats (Iron Sword):
  83. AT: 24
  84. Hit: 122
  85. AS: 15
  86. Eva: 37
  87. Crt: 8+10
  88. DG: 7-10
  90. Bio:
  92. The eldest of three sons of a wealthy merchant and a young daughter of one of less-important Senatorial families from the Reich. Richard joined the Army quite late (aged 18) and five years later graduated from the officers' academy while being three years senior to the eldest of his classmates.
  94. Once posted in logistical branch of the Admiralty at Fleiten, his meticulous paperwork and skills at investigating (and solving) various issues quickly garnered him some reputation and renown, and from mere lieutenant he made it through five ranks, all the way to Captain, in just two years.
  96. About the same time, Richard's skills attracted the interest of the Department of Investigations of the Reich Senate, and the Department soon requested his transfer to their ranks from regular Army. Weeks later he received his first assignment from the Department: to take a group of three Army volunteers to Overseasland as bodyguards and assistants, and with them, investigate the truth behind some reports coming from Governor-General's aides.
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