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Apr 28th, 2017
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  1. command /blooddiamond [<number>]:
  2. permission: blooddiamond.modify
  3. usage: &c/blooddiamond [<coeur de dégats &4(EN COEURS PAS HP !)&c>]
  4. trigger:
  5. if arg 1 is set:
  6. set {damagebd} to arg 1
  7. send "&6[Blooddiamond] Les dégats ont été mis à %arg 1% coeurs"
  8. stop
  9. else if arg 1 is not set:
  10. if {blooddiamond} is not set:
  11. set {blooddiamond} to true
  12. send "&6[Blooddiamond] &aScénario activé !"
  13. stop
  14. else:
  15. clear {blooddiamond}
  16. send "&6[Blooddiamond] &aScénario désactivé !"
  17. on mine of diamond ore:
  18. if {blooddiamond} is set:
  19. damage player by {damagebd} heart
  20. send "&6[Blooddiamond] Vous avez pris &c%{damagebd}% &6 coeurs de dégats car vous avez miner du diamant !"
  21. on load:
  22. if {damagebd} is not set:
  23. set {damagebd} to 0.5
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