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Oct 20th, 2019
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  1. SPAWN-SET: '&aYou have successfully set the spawn.'
  2. EDITOR-SET: '&aYou have successfully set the editor.'
  3. KIT-ALREADY-EXISTS: '&cThat kit already exists.'
  4. KIT-DOESNT-EXIST: '&cThat kit doesn''t exist.'
  5. KIT-CREATED: '&eYou have created the kit &a%kit%&e.'
  6. KIT-DELETED: '&eYou have deleted the kit &a%kit%&e.'
  7. LOADED-KIT: '&eYou have loaded the kit &a%kit%&e.'
  8. KIT-NOT-SET: '&cYou don''t have an inventory set for that kit.'
  9. HAND-CANT-BE-AIR: '&cYour hand may not be air.'
  10. KIT-DISPLAY-SET: '&eYou have updated the display of kit &a%kit%&e.'
  11. KIT-INVENTORY-SET: '&eYou have set the inventory for the kit &a%kit%&e.'
  12. KIT-EDITCHEST-UPDATED: '&eYou have updated the edit chest of kit &a%kit% &eto &a%value%&e.'
  13. KIT-TYPE-DOESNT-EXIST: '&cThat kit type doesn''t exist.'
  14. KIT-TYPE-UPDATED: '&eYou have updated the type of kit &a%kit%&e to &a%type%&e.'
  15. KIT-TICKS-UPDATED: '&eYou have updated the type of kit &a%kit%&e to &a%ticks%&e.'
  16. KIT-EDITINV-UPDATED: '&eYou have set the edit inventory for the kit &a%kit%&e.'
  17. KIT-RANKED-UPDATED: '&eYou have updated ranked of kit &a%kit% &eto &a%value%&e.'
  18. KIT-UNRANKED-UPDATED: '&eYou have updated unranked of kit &a%kit% &eto &a%value%&e.'
  19. KIT-EDITABLE-UPDATED: '&eYou have updated editable of kit &a%kit% &eto &a%value%&e.'
  20. KIT-ISNT-RANKED: '&cThat kit isn''t ranked.'
  21. JOINED-UNRANKED-QUEUE: '&fYou are now queued for &aUnranked %kit%&f.'
  22. JOINED-RANKED-QUEUE: '&fYou are now queued for &aRanked %kit%&f.'
  23. UNRANKED-MATCH-FOUND: '&e&lMatch found! &eOpponent: &b%player%'
  24. RANKED-MATCH-FOUND: '&e&lMatch found! &eOpponent: &b%player% (%elo% Elo)'
  25. MATCH-STARTING: '&e%time%...'
  26. MATCH-STARTED: '&aMatch started.'
  27. LEFT-QUEUE: '&cYou have left the queue for %queueType% %kit%.'
  28. ARENA-ALREADY-EXISTS: '&cThat arena already exists.'
  29. ARENA-CREATED: '&eYou have created the arena &a%arena%&e.'
  30. ARENA-DOESNT-EXIST: '&cThat arena doesn''t exist.'
  31. ARENA-DELETED: '&eYou have deleted the arena &a%arena%&e.'
  32. ARENA-FIRST-SET: '&eYou set the first location for arena &a%arena%&e.'
  33. ARENA-SECOND-SET: '&eYou set the second location for arena &a%arena%&e.'
  34. ARENA-TYPE-UPDATED: '&eYou have updated the type of arena &a%arena%&e to &a%type%&e.'
  35. INVALID-STATE: '&cYou cannot do this in your current state.'
  36. TELEPORTING-TO-SPAWN: '&eTeleporting you to spawn...'
  37. PLAYER-DEATH-KILLED: '&c%player% &7was killed by &a%killer%&7.'
  38. PLAYER-DEATH-DIED: '&c%player% &7died.'
  39. PLAYER-DEATH-DISCONNECTED: '&c%player% &7disconnected.'
  40. PLAYER-DEATH-LEFT: '&c%player% &7left.'
  41. MATCH-END: |-
  42. &bPost-match inventories: &a%winnerNames%, &c%loserNames%
  43. ELO-CHANGES: '&eElo changes: &a%winner% +%eloDifference% (%newWinnerElo%) &c%loser%
  44. -%eloDifference% (%newLoserElo%)'
  45. INVENTORY-HOVER: Click here to view %player%'s inventory.
  46. MAY-PEARL-AGAIN: '&aYou may pearl again!'
  47. MUST-WAIT-TO-PEARL: '&cYou must wait %time%s to do that again!'
  48. INVENTORY-NOT-FOUND: '&cThere was no inventory found for that player.'
  49. SAVED-CUSTOM-KIT: '&eSaved custom kit &a%kit% #%number%&e.'
  50. DELETED-CUSTOM-KIT: '&eDeleted custom kit &a%kit% #%number%&e.'
  51. EQUIPPED-CUSTOM-KIT: '&eEquipped custom kit &r%name%&e.'
  52. EQUIPPED-DEFAULT-KIT: '&eEquipped default kit for %kit%.'
  53. LOADED-CUSTOM-KIT: '&eLoaded custom kit for %kit% &a#%number%.'
  54. SET-CUSTOM-NAME: '&eType your kit name in chat (color codes are applicable)'
  55. CUSTOM-NAME-SET: '&eCustom name for %kit% &a#%number% to &r%name%&e.'
  56. PARTY-HELP: "&7&m--------------------------------------\n&b&lParty Commands\n&7&m--------------------------------------\n\
  57. &b/party create &7&7- &f&fCreate a party\n&b/party invite <player> &7&7- &f&fInvite\
  58. \ a player to your party\n&b/party join <player> &7&7- &f&fJoin a player's party\n\
  59. &b/party leave &7&7- &f&fLeave your party\n&b/party kick <player> &7&7- &f&fKick\
  60. \ a player from your party\n&b/party open &7&7- &f&fOpen your party\n&b/party promote\
  61. \ <player> &7&7- &f&fTransfer leadership of party\n&b/party disband &7&7- &f&fDisband\
  62. \ party\n&b/party info &7&7- &f&fView party details\n \n&fUse '&3@&f' &fto type\
  63. \ in party chat\n&7&m--------------------------------------"
  64. MUST-BE-IN-LOBBY: '&cYou must be in the lobby to do this.'
  65. CREATED-PARTY: '&eYou have created a party!'
  66. NOT-IN-PARTY: '&cYou are not in a party.'
  67. MUST-BE-PARTY-LEADER: '&cYou must be the party leader to do this.'
  68. PARTY-DISBANDED: '&cYour party has been disbanded.'
  69. COULD-NOT-FIND-PLAYER: '&cCould not find player with the name %player%.'
  70. EXISTING-PARTY-INVITE: '&cYou already have an existing party invite out to that player.'
  71. PARTY-INVITE-SENT: '&a%player% &ehas been invited to the party.'
  72. PARTY-INVITE: '&a%player% &ehas invited you to their party (&a%amount%&e) &a[Accept]'
  73. PARTY-INVITE-HOVER: Click here to join %player%'s party.
  74. PLAYER-NOT-IN-PARTY: '&c%player% is not in a party.'
  75. PLAYERS-PARTY-NOT-IN-LOBBY: '&c%player%''s party is not in the lobby.'
  76. PARTY-INVITE-NOT-FOUND: '&cYou do not have an invite from that party.'
  77. PLAYER-JOINED-PARTY: '&a%player% &ehas joined the party.'
  78. LEADER-CANT-LEAVE: '&cYou are the party leader. To leave the party, you must promote
  79. someone else or disband the party.'
  80. PLAYER-LEFT-PARTY: '&a%player% &ehas left the party.'
  81. LEFT-PARTY: '&cYou have left the party.'
  82. PLAYER-NOT-IN-LOBBY: '&c%player% is not in the lobby.'
  83. PLAYER-NOT-IN-YOUR-PARTY: '&c%player% is not in your party.'
  84. PARTY-FULL: '&cThat party is full.'
  85. PARTY-OPENED: '&eThe party has been &aopened&e.'
  86. PARTY-CLOSED: '&eThe party has been &cclosed&e.'
  87. PLAYER-PROMOTED: '&a%player% &ehas been promoted to party leader.'
  88. CANT-PROMOTE-YOURSELF: '&aYou can''t promote yourself!'
  89. PARTY-INFO: |-
  90. &7&m--------------------------------------
  91. &fLeader: &3%leader%
  92. &fMembers &7(&3%amount%&7): &b%members%
  93. &fStatus: &3%status%
  94. &7&m--------------------------------------
  95. PROVIDE-A-MESSAGE: '&cPlease provide a message.'
  96. PARTY-FFA-STARTING: '&eParty ffa starting...'
  97. FEATURE-DISABLED: '&cThis feature is currently disabled.'
  98. MUST-NEED-TWO-MEMBERS: '&cYou need at least 2 players in your party to do this.'
  99. TIME-SET-DAY: '&aTime set to day.'
  100. TIME-SET-SUNSET: '&aTime set to sunset.'
  101. TIME-SET-NIGHT: '&aTime set to night.'
  102. DUEL-REQUEST-EXISTS: '&cYou already have an existing duel request to that player.'
  103. CANT-DUEL-YOURSELF: '&cYou can''t duel yourself!'
  104. PARTY-DOESNT-EXIST: '&cThat party no longer exists.'
  105. PARTY-NOT-IN-LOBBY: '&cThat party is not in the lobby.'
  106. SENT-PARTY-DUEL: '&eSent a duel request to &a%player%''s Party &ewith the kit &a%kit%&e.'
  107. PARTY-DUEL-REQUEST: '&a%player%''s Party &e(&a%amount%&e) has sent you a duel request
  108. with the kit &a%kit% [Accept]'
  109. PARTY-DUEL-HOVER: Click here to accept %player%'s party duel request.
  110. SENT-DUEL: '&eSent a duel request to &a%player% &ewith the kit &a%kit%&e.'
  111. DUEL-REQUEST: '&a%player% &ehas sent you a duel request with the kit &a%kit% [Accept]'
  112. DUEL-HOVER: Click here to accept %player%'s duel request.
  113. PLAYER-DISABLED-DUELS: '&c%player% has duel requests disabled.'
  114. MUST-CREATE-PARTY-TO-DUEL: '&cYou must create a party to duel %player%''s party.'
  115. INVALID-PAGE-NUMBER: '&cInvalid page number.'
  116. LEADERBOARDS-PAGE-DOESNT-EXIST: '&cThat page doesn''t exist.'
  117. LEADERBOARDS-HEADER: '&a%kit% &eleaderboards page &a%page%'
  118. LEADERBOARDS-PLAYER: '&a#%place%&e. &a%player% &e(&a%elo%&e)'
  119. DUEL-REQUEST-NOT-FOUND: '&cThat duel request was not found.'
  120. CANT-DROP-FIRST-ITEM: '&cYou can''t drop the item in your first slot.'
  121. DIAMOND-KIT-SET: '&eYou have set the kit for HCF &aDiamond&e.'
  122. ARCHER-KIT-SET: '&eYou have set the kit for HCF &aArcher&e.'
  123. BARD-KIT-SET: '&eYou have set the kit for HCF &aBard&e.'
  124. ROGUE-KIT-SET: '&eYou have set the kit for HCF &aRogue&e.'
  125. MUST-WAIT-TO-BARD-BUFF: '&cYou can only buff every 6 seconds. You must wait %time%s.'
  126. NEED-MORE-ENERGY: '&cYou need %energy% energy to do this.'
  127. ACTIVATED-BARD-BUFF: '&a[&eBard&a] &eYou have activated the buff &a%buff%&e.'
  128. MUST-WAIT-TO-ARCHER-BUFF: '&cYou can only buff every 60 seconds. You must wait %time%s.'
  129. ACTIVATED-ARCHER-BUFF: '&a[&eArcher&a] &eYou have activated the buff &a%buff%&e.'
  130. MUST-WAIT-TO-ROGUE-BUFF: '&cYou can only buff every 60 seconds. You must wait %time%s.'
  131. ACTIVATED-ROGUE-BUFF: '&a[&eRogue&a] &eYou have activated the buff &a%buff%&e.'
  132. ARCHER-TAGGED: '&a[&eRogue&a] &eYou have been archer tagged for &a15 &eseconds!'
  133. PLAYER-ARCHER-TAGGED: '&a[&eArcher&a] &eYou have archer tagged &a%player% &efor &a15
  134. &eseconds!'
  135. NO-LONGER-ARCHER-MARKED: '&a[&eArcher&a] &eYou are no longer archer tagged!'
  136. MUST-WAIT-TO-BACKSTAB: '&cYou must wait to %time%s to backstab again.'
  137. MAY-BACKSTAB-AGAIN: '&a[&eRogue&a] &eYou may use backstab again!'
  138. BACKSTABBED: '&a[&eRogue&a] &eYou were backstabbed by &a%player%&e.'
  139. BACKSTABBED-PLAYER: '&a[&eRogue&a] &eYou backstabbed &a%player%&e.'
  140. EVENT-PLAYER-ELIMINATED: '&c%player% &7has been eliminated.'
  141. EVENT-HELP: |-
  142. &7&m--------------------------------------
  143. &b&lEvent Commands
  144. &7&m--------------------------------------
  145. &b/event start <name> &7&7- &f&fStart an event
  146. &b/event join <name> &7&7- &f&fJoin an event
  147. &b/event leave &7&7- &f&fLeave an event
  148. &b/event spectate <name> &7&7- &f&fSpectate an event
  149. &7&m--------------------------------------
  150. NO-EVENT-STARTED: '&cThere is no event by that name started.'
  151. EVENT-ALREADY-STARTED: '&cThat event has already started.'
  152. EVENT-DELAY: You must wait for the event cooldown to end before starting another one.
  153. EVENT-DOESNT-EXIST: '&cThat event doesn''t exist.'
  154. EVENT-STARTING: '&a%player% &eis hosting a &a%event% &eevent! &a[Join]'
  155. EVENT-HOVER: Click to join the %event% event.
  156. PLAYER-JOINED-EVENT: '&a%player% &ehas joined the event!'
  157. NOT-IN-EVENT: '&cYou are not in an event.'
  158. PLAYER-LEFT-EVENT: '&a%player% &ehas left the event!'
  159. LEFT-EVENT: '&cYou have left the event.'
  160. EVENT-WINNER: '&a[&eEvent&a] &a%player% &ehas won the &a%event% &eevent!'
  161. EVENT-LOBBY-SET: '&eThe lobby for event &a%event% &ehas been set.'
  162. EVENT-FIRST-SET: '&eThe first spawn for event &a%event% &ehas been set.'
  163. EVENT-SECOND-SET: '&eThe second spawn for event &a%event% &ehas been set.'
  164. SUMO-EVENT-MATCHUP: '&f[&2Sumo&f] &eNow fighting: &a%player1% &evs. &a%player2%'
  165. SUMO-EVENT-MATCH-STARTING: '&e%time%...'
  166. SUMO-EVENT-MATCH-STARTED: '&aMatch started!'
  167. SUMO-ROUND-STARTING: '&f[&2Sumo&f] &eNext round starting in &a%time%...'
  168. SCOREBOARD-ENABLED: '&f[&2Scoreboard&f] &aEnabled'
  169. SCOREBOARD-DISABLED: '&f[&2Scoreboard&f] &cDisabled'
  170. SILENT-ENABLED: '&f[&2Silent&f] &aEnabled'
  171. SILENT-DISABLED: '&f[&2Silent&f] &cDisabled'
  172. BUILDER-ENABLED: '&f[&2Builder&f] &aEnabled'
  173. BUILDER-DISABLED: '&f[&2Builder&f] &cDisabled'
  174. DUEL-REQUEST-ENABLED: '&f[&2Duel Requests&f] &aEnabled'
  175. DUEL-REQUEST-DISABLED: '&f[&2Duel Requests&f] &cDisabled'
  176. EVENT-CANCELLED: '&f[&2Event&f] &eThe &a%event% &ehas been cancelled.'
  177. EVENT-FULL: '&cThat event is full.'
  179. &7&m--------------------------------------
  180. &a&lTournament Commands
  181. &7&m--------------------------------------
  182. &a/tournament join &7&7- &f&fJoin a tournament
  183. &a/tournament leave &7&7- &f&fLeave a tournament
  184. &a/tournament status &7&7- &f&fView all tournament matches
  185. &7&m--------------------------------------
  186. TOURNAMENT-ALREADY-STARTED: '&cThere is already a tournament started.'
  187. TOURNAMENT-STARTING: '&eThere is a &a%kit% &etournament starting! &a[Join]'
  188. TOURNAMENT-HOVER: Click to join the %kit% tournament.
  189. NO-TOURNAMENT-STARTED: '&cThere is no tournament started.'
  190. PLAYER-JOINED-TOURNAMENT: '&a%player% &ehas joined the tournament &a(%players%/%max%)'
  191. PLAYER-LEFT-TOURNAMENT: '&a%player% &ehas left the tournament &a(%players%/%max%)'
  192. PLAYER-ELIMINATED-TOURNAMENT: '&a%player% &ehas been eliminated!'
  193. TOURNAMENT-FULL: '&cThe tournament is full.'
  194. NOT-IN-TOURNAMENT: '&cYou are not in a tournament.'
  195. LEFT-TOURNAMENT: '&cYou have left the tournament.'
  196. TOURNAMENT-WINNER: '&a[&eTournament&a] &a%player% &ehas won the &a%kit% &etournament!'
  197. TOURNAMENT-CANCELLED: '&a[&eTournament&a] &eThe &a%kit% &etournament has been cancelled.'
  198. TOURNAMENT-SITOUT: '&cWe could not find you a match. You will automatically be advanced
  199. to the next round.'
  200. TOURNAMENT-NEXT-ROUND: '&f[&2Tournament&f] &eRound &a%round% &ewill start in &a30
  201. &eseconds.'
  202. PLAYER-NOT-IN-MATCH: '&c%player% is not in a match.'
  203. PLAYER-NOW-SPECTATING: '&7* &a%player% &eis now spectating.'
  204. PLAYER-NO-LONGER-SPECTATING: '&7* &a%player% &eis no longer spectating.'
  205. NO-LONGER-SPECTATING: '&cYou are no longer spectating.'
  206. TOURNAMENT-STATUS-HEADER: '&8&m-----------------------------------'
  207. TOURNAMENT-STATUS-MATCH: '&a%player1% vs. %player2%'
  208. TOURNAMENT-STATUS-FOOTER: '&8&m-----------------------------------'
  209. TOURNAMENT-NO-FIGHTS: '&cThere are no fights happening.'
  210. NOT-HCF-ARENA: '&cThat is not an HCF arena.'
  211. PLAYER-HEALTH: '&a%player%''s &ehealth is &c%health% ❤'
  212. NEVER-PLAYED-BEFORE: '&c%player% has never played before.'
  213. INVALID-AMOUNT: '&cInvalid amount.'
  214. INVALID-ELO: '&cThe elo amount you have entered is either too little or too big.'
  215. SET-ELO: '&eYou have set &a%player%''s &eelo for kit &a%kit% &eto &a%elo%&e.'
  216. MUST-BE-IN-SURVIVAL: '&cYou must be in survival to do this.'
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