
03.30 xarnata suicide

Apr 12th, 2018
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  1. [07:08:35]
  2. {LOAD GAME}
  4. [07:09:26] LOOC - Xoconan: (So copy-paste your post in and I'll get started)
  5. [07:16:16] Just before dawn, Lotlhuitl returned home.
  7. The Nagual, adorned in little else but jewellery, was downstairs. Her blue-black hair still dripping water. She was preparing gris-gris: small little charms, or trinkets, each representing a small boon from the spirits (or at least the hope of one!). It was something she hadn't done in some time.
  9. Everything was different now. Lotlhuitl had once upon a time commonly made them to praise the entire Tocathian. These days? While she professed respect for the Tocathian as a whole, it seemed.. strange to devote energy towards these spirits who remained silent towards her.
  11. A silence which was only highlighted by the reality that a Great Spirit, Dmex, walked amongst them.
  13. The Great Spirit's requirements were sometimes unclear. But in this case, exacting. Dmex desired that those who served her would be pure, and so, Lotlhuitl had taken that desire to its logical conclusion. The Nagual had just ritually purified herself in a nearby waterfall.
  15. Light streamed in from outside. It was just past dawn, and the windows downstairs faced east. Leaning against the table, Lotl cast a glance towards the stairs. It was hard to tell if her beloved was still fast asleep, considering his preference for floating about rather than walking -- she wouldn't necessarily hear him walking around upstairs.
  17. Normally, she would have called out to him well before now -- she normally made him light the fires! But considering recent events, she did wonder if it wasn't best to let him rest a little. She had caused him such stress.
  19. And so Lotlhuitl lit the fires herself, a spark of electricity from a delicate finger providing the initial spark. And then it was a loooong exhaled breath which brought the fires to life. Soon, the house would smell of pleasant things. Baking bread. Cooking meat. Soon.
  21. A kettle began to boil.
  23. "Xoco?" Lotlhuitl finally asked, voice not too loud.
  25. She did not look towards the staircase. Her attention was on finishing the last charm, threading the last carved piece of bone.
  27. Droplets of water rolled across her willowy flesh. Dripped from her damp hair. Began to evaporate.
  29. Would she have to wake him up?
  30. (Lotlhuitl)
  31. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  33. [07:18:49] Groggy, stressed. Two states of mind that both fit him well. Even sleep hadn't managed to dispel that, unable to simply find a good rhythm. Too many things happening at once for him to be happy with it.
  35. The smell of cooking filled his nose, bread and meat. Enough to stir him from whatever slumber he was in, the young man shifting in his bed with a yawn and groans, stretching his muscles out. His head shook, brown, shaggy hair everywhere.
  37. Almost on cue, he heard Lotl call his name, and groaned externally again. Not that it displeased him - simply that he hadn't been quite ready to climb out of bed. "Coming..." He muttered, shambling down the stairs.
  39. Unarmored, unarmed, he descended the stairs loudly. Dressed only in a pair of loose breeches, he looked no less intimidating a warrior for it. Tall, muscular, with scars littering his tanned skin, front and back. Old burns, both from flames and occultic energies, slashes, even places where the tan flesh looked to have been drowned.
  41. And even with that tan, it was all too clear that he was a Valmasian-born first. "Dear?" He called out groggily, glancing around for her.
  43. "You're less dressed than normal..." A hand came to rub sleep from his eyes.
  44. (Xoconan)
  45. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  47. [07:29:55] Finished.
  49. Lotlhuitl exhaled, feeling her mana sink into the runes. Her energy, she could feel it sink into the small gris-gris charm. It glowed. Not intensely, mind. She was not a master runescribe. But for a second, there was just enough of a glow visible that there was no doubt that whatever she had been trying to do? It had worked.
  51. Lotlhuitl let the star-motif charm fall through her fingers onto the table just below. And she turned, facing her lover. She might have frowned. He did not look rested. But no, just a blink. And a moment, where she stared at him from beneath dark eyelashes. A moment where her gaze dipped down his body.
  53. A smirk. Those full lips parted. She spoke! "Am I?" Lotlhuitl asked, tail curling behind her as she looked towards him. Coy. A moment.
  55. And then her expression shifted into decidedly neutral, a sudden stiffness overcoming her. "Something wrong?" She asked, leaving the kitchen table, breaching the distance between them in a few long strides.
  57. "You did not seem to sleep well last night."
  60. (Lotlhuitl)
  61. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  63. [07:36:44] His eyes caught her newest creation, appraising it. He briefly wondered who it was for, perhaps herself even. He hadn't ever removed the one she'd given him, the bracelet still firmly around his wrist.
  65. "Just a little bit..." He yawned again, stretching out his arms. "Although I do like seeing you like this- A little over a year ago, you would've probably tried to kill me for this sight." He gave a tired grin, reaching out to stroke her hair as the distance was closed.
  67. "Ah... Too many things going on. Demons, the Atl, about a dozen people I want or need to kill on my mind. It's chaotic." His hands came to rub at his face again. "Makes it hard to sleep, when you're stuck with all these raging thoughts in your head. Harder still when you're not at my side."
  69. His hand retracted, running through his own hair.
  70. (Xoconan)
  71. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  73. [07:46:08] Lotlhuitl's ears had pricked up as he reached for her. Her head tilted, the woman leaning into his movement, his space, as he made to stroke her hair. As he stroked her hair. She exhaled, half closing her eyes as she felt his hands run through her wet hair. A rivulet of water ran down her body, across her collarbone, from the action. From her hair.
  75. "Xoco," she cooed. It was now her turn to run her hands over his form. She embraced him. Still damp, if not outright wet.
  77. Lotlhuitl attempted to gently grasp his hand. Attempted to lead him over to the table. Attempted get him to sit. She intended on fixing him breakfast. "Coffee?" she asked. What an image of domestic bliss.
  79. Assuming he'd taken a seat as she had non-verbally been urging him to do so, she'd lean over. Bent at the waist, hands gently rubbing his shoulders. Her lips almost brushing against his ear, before abandoning all pretence and a gentle nip was applied.
  81. "Talk to me," she breathed. "I can't promise that it will help, but, I want to help, my love. Your enemies are my enemies."
  82. (Lotlhuitl)
  83. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  85. [07:57:13] He gave a sigh, letting her guide him into a chair. A slight steam rose as she pressed against him, body unnaturally hot to the touch. His magic had felt frayed lately, uncontrolled. Winds blew when he didn't direct them, the air compressed, lightning crackled. Even now, his body was heated. Not enough to be painful to another Magi like Lotl, but certainly noticeable.
  87. Xoconan nodded, sitting down, a metal grinding against wood sound as his Mythril spine pressed into the wooden back of the chair. He jolted, feeling her lips against his ear, her teeth. An amused glance went backwards. "Hey... Pretty sure that's my job..." He said, though not in an discouraging way.
  89. "Noa gets himself lust potioned, I've got people to track down on your behalf, like the man in white that insulted you so much." A hand reached behind him, to try and find Lotlhuitls neck. "... I won't lie, you're a small source of it. I hate seeing you and my family, Karma and Maiya, not get along so much. I don't want my love to be unwelcome there."
  91. His eyes closed, a light sigh leaving his lips.
  93. "I do have something in mind though. Maiya promised to teach me about Sacrifice. I simply need a warrior. I wanted to use this as a chance to... Bridge the gap. I think you and Maiya are more alike in mind than you realize. I'm going to bring her the man, and I'd like you to come too, to witness his Sacrifice."
  94. (Xoconan)
  95. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  97. [08:13:26] Lotlhuitl placed breakfast in front of Xoconan. Her love. She'd noticed something was up. Noticed the flares in temperature. Noticed the compressing air. She wasn't afraid of Xoconan. Oh, no. Not at all. She implicitly trusted him. But that wasn't to say that it wasn't beginning to startle her.
  99. Her fingertips pressed into his shoulders. Seeking knots, tension. Gently manipulating his flesh. It was complicated by his Mythrill spine somewhat, but it seemed that the Nagual was intrigued to investigate new ways of manipulating his flesh.
  101. Lotlhuitl had grinned at first. His job? Hmm. With a light chuckle, she traced the outside of his ear with her tongue, before once more gently nipping it. Fingers still applying pressure to his back.
  103. And then she stopped. Noa had been lust potioned? "Is.. is he--" She was going to ask if he was okay, but then his hand was at her neck. Grabbing her? Stroking herneck? "Nng." Lotlhuitl protested. Though, admittedly, she could have moved away. She'd seen it coming. She let him grab her.
  105. And then guilt. "I, I tried to fix things with Karma," she breathed, sounding more than a little defensive.
  107. Her tail twitched and she wrapped her arms around him, perhaps making it sliiiightly more difficult for him to eat breakfast. She didn't need to think about it. "Very well, Xoconan. I can tell this is important to you, so I will do my best. Really."
  109. Once more she would attempt to nuzzle against Xoconan's neck. To kiss him. To nip at his ear -- the other one this time. "Hm, do you have a warrior in mind, suitable for Sacrifie?"
  110. (Lotlhuitl)
  111. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  113. [08:21:07] None of his wild magic seemed anywhere close to affecting Lotlhuitl. Stray and errant, but controlled enough to stay nowhere near his love. He leaned into her fingers as best he could, shifting the chair around so that his back was completely exposed to her.
  115. Infact, he seemed to be leaning into every one of her motions, smiling lightly. "He's fine, just... I left him alone, to recover." He answered her unfinished question, hand continuing to stroke her neck, seeking out sensitive places, like the vein running through it.
  117. "I'm sure you did, love. Don't worry about it." He reassured her, leaning back into her embrace, completely ignoring the breakfast for the moment. "I would really appreciate it."
  119. As she nuzzled at his neck, he tilted his head, very clearly exposing himself, a clear mark of trust considering the promise she'd made before.
  121. "The one that wanted to sleep with you. I'm going to seehow much of a warrior he is... If he's worth something as one, then... He'd be perfect."
  122. (Xoconan)
  123. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  125. [08:33:04] In Lotlhuitl's view she had made a genuine attempt at pursuing some sort of non-hostile relationship with Karma. And the Chieftain had all but thrown it back in her face. She really did not like the man. Disdained him. But, even so. She was prepared to try and make amends, if it would make Xoconan happy.
  127. "Mmm," she said. Both in response to his words - that she shouldn't worry, that he would appreciate her accompanying him when he learned the art of Sacrifice from Maiya - and from the gentle touch of his fingers. "Mmm," she repeated, more in regards to his touch. His touch which had her squirming. Her pulse racing just beneath his fingertips. Lotlhuitl exhaled, really pressing into his back. Finding tender spots with the aim of releasing... tension.
  129. The Nagual placed kisses at his neck. Her teeth very lightly brushing against his skin as she awaited an answer to who theintended sacrifice was.
  131. And what an answer Xoconan gave her.
  133. Lotlhuitl's breath audibly caught in her throat. Before the Nagual exhaled. Slowly, shakily, "Oh..."
  135. If his fingers still were brushing against her pulse, he would likely feel it begin to race in response. Xoconan wouldn't see, but her gaze had shifted to look towards him. Pupils suddenly growing as large as dinner plates.
  137. "I hope he is. It would be a good use of his death. A fitting ending for a likely otherwise worthless life."
  138. (Lotlhuitl)
  139. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  141. [08:33:55] LOOC - Lotlhuitl: (race even faster in response*)
  142. [08:51:50] His eyes went to his breakfast, but with her clinging like this, it made actually eating it a challenge. He sighed for a moment, continuing to stroke her neck idly, feeling her own kisses against his, her embrace against his back. It wasn't hard to find knots, enough that a casual back rub wouldn't fix it.
  144. "I take it you like that idea..." He said, feeling her pulse racing, hearing the gasp. He turned in his chair as much as he could, head swiveling to face her, to look Lotlhuitl in the eyes.
  146. "I thought you might." He was about to speak, to ask her to sit with him, before pausing.
  148. A playful smile took his face instead. "I think this is the first time you've actually been the one holding me. Kinda funny considering how much you hated it at first when I held you."
  149. (Xoconan)
  150. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  152. [09:00:22] Lotlhuitl's intensely emerald green gaze was many things. Feline. Predatory. Longing. She returned Xoconan's gaze, making eye contact. Lips parted. All breathy and flushed. Her fingers had mostly stopped in their manipulations, instead, a certain tension had come over her and she was just... pressing. Pressing down on his back.
  154. "Mmm," she said, nodding. She liked the idea. Her tail swished, brushing against Xoconan as she leant in. Pressed her forehead against his. Shifted, forgetting that her love hadn't eaten the food she'd prepared for him just yet. Intending on sitting in his lap.
  156. The slightest amount of motion in her leg, a slight raise to her knee, indicated such intentions. But she paused. The first time she'd been the one holding him? Her blush deepened.
  158. "Y-yeah, well. You're a brat, so.." Her default excuse. It sounded a little weak, even to her ears. Her gaze flicked to the table, to the bread and meat. And, unless Xoconan was particularly fast - wait, he was. Unless he was fast AND he desired to not have her sitting in his lap, he would find his future wife straddling him.. and then her attempting to push a hunk of meat-juice soaked bread into his mouth.
  160. "There. That should stop you from teasing me."
  161. (Lotlhuitl)
  162. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  164. [09:19:08] He watched her with clear interest, enjoying her reactions. "If he's worthless as a sacrifice, then we'll just kill him without one." He smiled, pressing his forehead back against hers, giving her a peck on the lips.
  166. He seemed amused at her reaction, enjoying how off-balance he'd thrown her. Enough that he didn't actually notice her preparing to move, dashing into his lap. Caught off guard, he nearly fell backwards as he was straddled by the Nagual, only a stuff wave of gravity keeping him in his chair.
  168. "I-Mm!" He opened his mouth to speak, and found it suddenly filled with a hunk of his breakfast, glancing to her. And yet, he didn't try to fight back, not with magic anyway.
  170. He couldn't get leverage to push at her without hurting her, and he did enjoy having his scantily clad lover in his lap. Instead, he chewed, trying to get the food down to speak.
  172. "L-little warning next time..."
  173. (Xoconan)
  174. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  176. [09:25:58] Lotlhuitl laughed. If she'd set the chair tumbling backwards, they probably would have been fine. She had some minor control over the air. She probably could have buffered their fall somewhat. But the chair merely lurched. The two remaining sitting atop it, with Lotlhuitl remaining facing Xoconan. Grinning and squirming in his lap. Jewellery shifting with her willowy form.
  178. He chewed, and she turned. She reached for more bread, meat. Lotl seemed intent to feed him, it seemed. No cutlery, just her fingers. Food being pressed to his lips even as he protested.
  180. "I'll try to remember, Xoco." Coy again.
  181. (Lotlhuitl)
  182. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  184. [09:37:04] He would've sighed, if he had a chance to, before Lotlhuitl fed more bread to him. Not that Xoconan put up resistance to it, simply eating, chewing. He briefly wondered if she'd make him drink too, a smirk on his laps at that thought.
  186. Since he didn't seem to need his hands, they found their way to her hips, securing her position in his lap at least. Now, even if they did tumble down, she wouldn't even get to leave his grasp. Or him, hers? He wasn't sure about the dynamic now.
  188. When he finally had a chance to speak again, he turned his head away to keep her from stuffing more breakfast in it. "You're having too much fun up there..."
  189. (Xoconan)
  190. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  192. [09:48:09] Lotlhuitl licked her fingers. Slooowly. Watching Xoconan eat in silence. A smile still at her lips. Her long, blue-black hair hung in front of her. Long enough to brush against Xoconan's body. A bit messy, as she hadn't brushed it since bathing. Almost dry. Framed her delicate face.
  194. Her lips parted, fingers tracing against Xoconan's chest as his hands found her hips. No care or concern given to the fact that she'd just licked them. Her smooth thighs gripped him. Strength in her willowy limbs.
  196. It was as equally likely that she would have got up and fetched him a drink, as she would have summoned a burst of water to attempt to hit him in the face. Her tail was twitching, amusement decorating her features. She would've kept feeding him, pressing bread against his lips. But he turned his face away!
  198. It was then she laughed. Bemused. She was having fun? Lotlhuitl flashed him a smile (complete with lightly pointed teeth) and then, not having anything to say to that, popped the bread in her mouth.
  200. "Mmm," she said, chewing as she wrapped her arms around him properly. Still straddling his lap. Her body was pressed up against his, her neck exposed to him.
  203. (Lotlhuitl)
  204. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  206. [09:57:32] Finally free of the bread for a moment, he had a chance to actually breath, to swallow it down. It seemed she agreed, with how she laughed, something Xoconan couldn't help but join in on. "What am I gonna do with you?" He asked, shaking his head.
  208. And as she chewed, he shifted her, pulling her tighter against him, as his lips found her neck, found that sensitive spot that had made her gasp out, nipping at it.
  210. He pulled back, again laughing. "I feel like I have to make up for it now..." His feet found the ground, and with a grin, he suddenly kicked them backwards, falling back with her in his arms, hoping to catch her off guard.
  211. (Xoconan)
  212. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  214. [10:09:29] * You have been awarded 1 Roleplay Points! *
  215. [10:12:03] Om nom nom. Lotlhuitl chuckled, her mouth full, seemingly in response to Xoconan's rhetorical question.
  217. The Nagual squirmed against Xoconan as she snuggled up to him. Sharing his breakfast. Her tail lightly brushed against him. Fluffy and soft. She swallowed just as his lips brushed against her neck. Xoconan, holding Lotlhuitl against him, surely couldn't have failed to feel her tense against him. Surely couldn't have failed to hear her breath catching once more, building to an actual whimper as he bit her. She twitched.
  219. And then he pulled back. Laughed. Lotlhuitl found her breathing heavy. Her pulse rapid. Her smile and laughter and cheer pushed aside. Not wiped away, she was still happy. But now her expression was entirely longing. She had been contemplating leaning in to kiss him. Her legs gripped him tighter. Handful of bread abandoned to the plate on the table behind her.
  221. And that was when Xoconan kicked backwards.
  223. Lotlhuitl let out a surprised yelp, falling with him, distinctly caught off guard. She flung an arm out, curling it around Xoconan, and a blast of air suddenly cushioned their fall.
  225. But fall, they did.
  227. She was still ontop of him. "Nnn, Xoco!" Lotlhuitl protested. More disgruntled sounds rolled from her lips as she was filled with a sudden burst of adrenilline. She was wrestling with him. "I'll get you for that!" She promised, scrambling off him, but still she attempted to pin her beloved warrior to the ground before she would attempt to blow a raspberry against his bare neck, chest, stomach.
  228. (Lotlhuitl)
  229. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  231. [17:26:24]
  232. {LOAD GAME}
  234. [17:27:15] * You have been awarded 1 Roleplay Points! *
  235. [17:28:06] Citlalli says, "PLEASE DONT LOOK AT ME I HAVE NO PANTS"
  236. [17:28:06] LOOC - Cocinar: (Dafaq?)
  237. [17:28:57] JaDrako shakes his head...
  238. (JaDrako Kumo)
  239. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  241. [17:28:57] Lotlhuitl averted her gaze...?
  242. (Lotlhuitl)
  243. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  245. [17:32:22] LOOC - Cocinar: (Hey, Lothuitl, you there?)
  246. [17:32:22] LOOC - Lotlhuitl: (ya)
  247. [17:34:04] LOOC - Cocinar: (Oki ^^)
  248. [17:34:04] Cocinar would wake from his day dreaming, and walk up to Lotlhuitl. He smiled, and stretched his hand out to shake hers.
  249. (Cocinar)
  250. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  252. [17:34:56] Cocinar says, "Hey there! I'm Cocinar, I believe we went off to the wrong foot last time."
  253. [17:44:19] Lotlhuitl had been standing by Noa when Cocinar approached her. The Nagual had been distinctly making an effort not to stare at the younger man. But all the same, it was obvious where her attention was. Sideways glances given to Noa. Attempts made to watch him out of the corner of her eyes.
  255. The Nagual with the blue-black hair hadn't even greeted him. Just.. loitered in his presence. Hovered nearby. Protectively. Xoconan had mentioned what had happened. Not in great detail, mind. She wasn't sure what to say to the sun priest.
  257. And so it was that Cocinar was able to approach her without drawing her attention. Until he spoke. The Nagual turned her gaze to him. Staring for a good moment. Green eyes half-lidded, she looked at him from beneath dark eyelashes.
  259. "Mmm," she said in response. Tail twitching. Arms folded in front of her chest. "What do you want, my help?" Terse and curt, she cut straight to the chase. "I don't want Kaschei's help, so I'm not sure what you have to offer me."
  261. She did her best to turn her attention back to Noa.
  262. (Lotlhuitl)
  263. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  265. [17:45:10] Cocinar blinked for a moment, he had just wanted a conversation and maybe share some jerky. But if this is what was one her mind...
  266. (Cocinar)
  267. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  269. [17:46:01] LOOC - Cocinar: (Waiting for the dot)
  270. [17:48:35] ... Pause.
  272. What had transpired the following nights had seemed to have already taken their toll on Noa. His stance far more tense now as fingers visibly found themselves twitching at even the slightest word and motion in his direction. Out of the corner of his eye eventually his gaze found itself settled upon this Nagual who at the very least had earned what little trust could be gained from someone like Noa.
  274. "... Lotlhuitl." He spoke with a voice as calm as ever as finally his full attention shifted back towards this woman. Head lowering for a moment into a rather awkward yet sharp bob as still there needed to be something more to get his mind of all that had occurred. Pushing a hand out from beneath his cloak all he could truly do was motion back towards this temple looming above the both of them so close.
  276. "Once you finish with Cocinar. I captured a man who I was told acted obscene around you, all while serving Tragedy. I would be delighted if you would be the one to decide his fate."
  278. Nod, nod.
  279. (Noa Huitzilopochtli)
  280. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  282. [17:48:35] Cocinar asks, "I do wish your help. Will 300 coins suffice?"
  283. [17:49:26] Cocinar says, "I sold the ores I had gathered, along with things from travelling around a bit."
  284. [17:49:26] Lotlhuitl says, "... no. I do not wish for your money, Cocinar. "
  285. [17:49:26] Lotlhuitl says, "But I suppose I could assist.."
  286. [17:50:17] Cocinar says, "As you may know, I am a cook, if you ever need a meal, you can always see me."
  287. [17:50:17] Lotlhuitl says, "I wouldn't be doing it for you, mind. But for Gehenna. So don't kid yourself into thinking we're at all in the same class of people.."
  288. [17:51:08] Noa Huitzilopochtli says, "Aha. How harsh."
  289. [17:51:08] Cocinar says, "I never said we were the same."
  290. [17:52:00]
  291. {LOAD GAME}
  293. [17:58:49] LOOC - Raoni Vzier: (wtf)
  294. [18:01:23] Lotlhuitl did not know how to comfort Noa. Did not know how to console her dear friend. She did not attempt to touch him, did not attempt to intrude on his personal space.
  296. She'd dealt curtly with Cocinar. With exasperation. But she meant what she said: she would assist the chef. For whatever reason, it seemed important to the Nagual that Cocinar not react with gratitude towards her. She was tough and she wanted the chef to respect her. Fear her.
  298. The Nagual's tail wrapped around her waist as she cast her eyes to the temple.
  300. "You.. you captured that Jianghuan?" Lotlhuitl breathed, surprised for a moment. "He was serving Tragedy?" She could have kissed him. "Oh, Noa."
  302. Lotlhuitl clasped her hands together, looking thoughtful. "If he is a worthy combatant, I think I should greatly like Xoconan to sacrifice him, in Dmex's name."
  303. (Lotlhuitl)
  304. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  306. [18:03:05] Cocinar quitelt nodded, sensing that he was to listen and obey.
  307. (Cocinar)
  308. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  310. [18:03:05] Lotlhuitl asks, "... can I visit him?"
  311. [18:03:05] Lotlhuitl glanced to Cocinar.
  312. (Lotlhuitl)
  313. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  315. [18:03:05] Lotlhuitl says, "Take this as your first lesson: if you are not a slave, do not act as one."
  316. [18:03:56] Cocinar says, "Of course."
  317. [18:06:30] Aha.
  319. He could almost stifle the slightest amount of laughter if given the chance. Forcing his hands to sink further beneath the depths of his cloak as a simple nod was shot back in the direction of Lotlhuitl who had already been once wronged by this soul. Those that hide behind the names of others not even for a moment working to better themselves against the harsh realities of this world.
  321. "He is no combatant. He gave himself up willingly after attempting to hide behind Karma and Hatsune's name. I have bias against those who serve Tragedy so me handling him would be wrong." His proclamation made with little hesitation now though his tone remained as stern as ever. Sharp almost as if attempting to rush out those words as quickly as possible so he wouldn't need to speak for long.
  323. "... In any event. We can see him now if you wish. Sacrifice or not, so long as he is handled."
  325. In whatever way they deemed fit.
  326. (Noa Huitzilopochtli)
  327. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  329. [18:06:30] Noa Huitzilopochtli says, "... Oh, right."
  330. [18:06:30] Noa Huitzilopochtli exclaims, "JaDrako!"
  331. [18:06:30] JaDrako Kumo asks, "What?"
  332. [18:06:30] Noa Huitzilopochtli says, "He also said he had a message for you. The man in the cells, if you'd like to come too."
  333. [18:07:21] Dmex asks, "A - servant of Tragedy?"
  334. [18:07:21] Dmex says, "Names."
  335. [18:07:21] Noa Huitzilopochtli says, "Mmm."
  336. [18:07:21] JaDrako Kumo says, "I already spoke with him."
  337. [18:07:21] Noa Huitzilopochtli says, "Ah."
  338. [18:07:21] Noa Huitzilopochtli says, "Good then."
  339. [18:07:21] JaDrako Kumo asks, "Why did you lock him up?"
  340. [18:07:21] JaDrako Kumo asks, "Aren't they supposed to be branded and sent back to where they came?"
  341. [18:07:21] Noa Huitzilopochtli says, "Here without a permit. Said he stood beneath Tragedy, and I doubt I need to explain that."
  342. [18:07:21] Noa Huitzilopochtli says, "Not to mention he supposedly harassed Lotl here."
  343. [18:07:21] Dmex asks, "Yes, yes, but -who- is it?"
  344. [18:08:12] Noa Huitzilopochtli says, "I'm..."
  345. [18:08:12] Noa Huitzilopochtli says, "Uhh.."
  346. [18:08:12] Lotlhuitl whispers: ... JaDrako enabled him.
  347. [18:08:12] Dmex whispers: Who is HIM?
  348. [18:08:12] Lotlhuitl says, "I think his name was.. Xarnata."
  349. [18:08:12] Noa Huitzilopochtli says, "Yes."
  350. [18:08:12] Noa Huitzilopochtli says, "That."
  351. [18:08:12] Dmex says, "...Oh. Nobody I recognize from name alone."
  352. [18:08:12] Noa Huitzilopochtli says, "I didn't know his name prior either."
  353. [18:09:04] Noa Huitzilopochtli says, "Which is why it was odd he'd think mentioning Tragedy would protect him."
  354. [18:09:04] Lotlhuitl says, "..."
  355. [18:09:04] Dmex asks, "But you think he'd make a decent sacrifice to me, Lotlhuitl...?"
  356. [18:09:04] LOOC - Cocinar: (brb,, hope you dont mind)
  357. [18:09:04] Lotlhuitl says, "Well, if he's unwilling to fight. Then perhaps not."
  358. [18:09:55] LOOC - Lotlhuitl: (is cool)
  359. [18:09:55] Dmex says, "...I'd appreciate it nonetheless, but certainly moreso if he fought."
  360. [18:09:55] Lotlhuitl says, "He's a deviant. Unrighteous. And he serves Tragedy. The only use his life has is surely in having his blood spilt."
  361. [18:10:46] Dmex says, "Understood."
  362. [18:10:46] Noa Huitzilopochtli says, "... I won't question as to why we're sacrifice to Dmex. Just..."
  363. [18:10:46] Noa Huitzilopochtli says, "Try not to make a mess too big."
  364. [18:10:46] Noa Huitzilopochtli says, "I have to clean it up you know."
  365. [18:10:46] Noa Huitzilopochtli says, "Oh."
  366. [18:10:46] Lotlhuitl exclaims, "Xoco!"
  367. [18:10:46] Noa Huitzilopochtli says, "I guess we can do this now."
  368. [18:10:46] Noa Huitzilopochtli says, "Xoconan is here."
  369. [18:11:37] Noa Huitzilopochtli says, "Xoconan. The man in the cells serves Tragedy, he said he came here under her banner."
  370. [18:11:37] Noa Huitzilopochtli says, "I would like you and Lotl to decide his fate. I have a clear bias."
  371. [18:11:37] JaDrako Kumo says, "I think he meant he serves the native land."
  372. [18:11:37] Noa Huitzilopochtli says, "Nope."
  373. [18:11:37] Noa Huitzilopochtli says, "He said clear as day."
  374. [18:11:37] Noa Huitzilopochtli says, "He stands under her banner."
  375. [18:11:37] JaDrako Kumo says, "Which is owned by tragedy"
  376. [18:11:37] Dmex says, "...I would like to be there, as well. For the decision."
  377. [18:11:37] Noa Huitzilopochtli says, "There's no second guessing it."
  378. [18:12:28] Lotlhuitl stared at JaDrako, tail twitching.
  379. (Lotlhuitl)
  380. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  382. [18:12:28] Noa Huitzilopochtli says, "In any event. I'm sure he's around now."
  383. [18:12:28] Noa Huitzilopochtli exclaims, "Let's take a little trip!"
  384. [18:13:20] Noa Huitzilopochtli asks, "Xoco? Dmex?"
  385. [18:13:20] Lotlhuitl followed Noa.
  386. (Lotlhuitl)
  387. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  389. [18:13:20] Dmex zips her way along!
  390. (Dmex)
  391. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  393. [18:13:20] Xoconan quirks a brow.
  394. (Xoconan)
  395. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  397. [18:13:20] Noa Huitzilopochtli says, "I can't make this decision alone."
  398. [18:14:11] Noa Huitzilopochtli exclaims, "Gangs all here!"
  399. [18:14:11] Xarnata Kuraichie says, "Greetings."
  400. [18:14:11] Noa Huitzilopochtli says, "Time to decide your fate."
  401. [18:14:11] Xarnata Kuraichie says, "Madam Lotli"
  402. [18:15:02] Lotlhuitl says, "Lotli? "
  403. [18:15:02] Xarnata Kuraichie says, "I would like to appologize to you for the severity in which my flirtations may have come off as."
  404. [18:15:02] Lotlhuitl says, "Really."
  405. [18:18:27] "Silence. For now, silence until I finish is all I ask."
  407. His demand was made without so much as a moment of hesitation as this staff clutched in the hands of Noa came crashing down against the ground. His back straightening outwards as with a single twist of his gaze it was directed only upon this man that had made a fool of himself since the start of this entire ordeal.
  409. "Harassment of a Gehennan. Standing with the Archon Tragedy. Entering these lands without a permit. Being a general nuisance in my eyes. These are the crimes you have placed upon your shoulders." Noa spoke clearly as a sense of agitation roared through his gaze all as his attention remained focused upon this man alone.
  411. "So. What do we do with him, Dmex? Xoco? Lotl?"
  413. Their own interpretations of these situations and crimes obviously needed here and now.
  414. (Noa Huitzilopochtli)
  415. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  417. [18:20:09] LOOC - Dmex: (id probably post after xoconan does...)
  418. [18:20:09] LOOC - Xoconan: (ninja'd)
  419. [18:20:09] LOOC - Lotlhuitl: (aha)
  420. [18:22:43] His arms folded as he watched Xarnata, brow raising as Noa spoke his crimes. "I guess we could put lying on the list. I remember asking him why he was in here, I don't recall him mentioning Tragedy." A deep breath.
  422. "I've already made my stance clear to Lotlhuitl, and I'll speak it again." As he spoke, his arms disentangled, one reaching out to wrap around the Naguals waist, pulling her closer to him.
  424. "Sacrifice. If he's working with Tragedy, then he's already a threat. Let him serve some purpose."
  425. (Xoconan)
  426. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  428. [18:24:25] Xarnata Kuraichie says, "I do not serve Tragedy, I live under her banner in the north western settlement of Aetherius because of it's political standpoint of neutrality that it was said to be. I do not work for anyone but myself and my friends, which I have in all places."
  429. [18:24:25] Noa Huitzilopochtli says, "If I can recall."
  430. [18:24:25] Noa Huitzilopochtli asks, "You would attack one of those under Tragedy's banner in the north west?"
  431. [18:24:25] Noa Huitzilopochtli says, "Your question to me."
  432. [18:25:16] Noa Huitzilopochtli says, "Your words past that are meaningless."
  433. [18:25:16] Xarnata Kuraichie says, "Yes, the banner of her city."
  434. [18:26:59] It's probably for the best that Xoconan took charge of the decision-making process, because Dmex herself seemed a bit more detached than a Warchief should've been.
  436. Hell, she was just kind of... staring down at one of her hands, as if she was examining her nails or something. Halfway through the arguing, her gaze tilted up towards the prisoner -
  438. "Even putting aside Tragedy, I've heard you're a nuisance. I wouldn't exactly be opposed to having you sacrificed."
  440. Her attention snapped off towards Xoconan and Lotlhuitl, murmuring something else.
  442. "To me, of course."
  443. (Dmex)
  444. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  446. [18:29:32] Xarnata Kuraichie says, "I flirted a slight bit heavily towards Lotlhuitl and had not yet had a chance to appologize for the manner in which it was delivered. I did not know her heart belonged to Xoco, or I would not have flirted with her at all. Being a messenger I do not tarry too long in Gehennan lands to learn of the connections of people beyond what they are to myself."
  447. [18:32:06] Dmex says, "...If it was up to me, flirting would be a legal offense that I could toss someone in the dungeons for."
  448. [18:32:57] Noa Huitzilopochtli says, "... We did toss him in the dungeons for it."
  449. [18:38:04] Dmex says, "Oh. True."
  450. [18:42:20] Lotlhuitl's mood had darkened dramatically since Xarnata first began speaking. First, he had called her 'Lotli.' She was not fond of non-friends abbreviating her name to begin with, but this was perhaps not an abbreviation but the fellow completely failing to remember her name.
  452. The Nagual, despite being slightly shorter than Xarnata, managed to look down upon him. Her green gaze incredibly appraising. And it was clear that this appraisal was not going well for him. She reached out, intending on quietly taking Xoconan's hand, only to find his arm snaking out around her slender waist. He drew her close. The action surprised her. Handholding, plainly, was one thing, and this another.
  454. Lotlhuitl's expression softened, delicate face briefly looking to Xoconan. She did not pull away from him, despite the vague feeling of impropriety. No, she found herself resting a hand against his. Her bare shoulder pressing against Xoconan's chest.
  456. And finally, she addressed Xarnata.
  458. "You call what you said flirting and apologise not for the insult dealt to me, nor the distress. No. You apologise that they came across as severe. You - you-"
  460. Anger rose up within her. "My heart belongs to Xoconan. But my body belongs to me: I am not some animal, some creature to be mated with. Though, I am starting to get the feeling that you are not a man, but some mere base creature."
  462. Her fingers sought Xoconan's hand. If successful, she would squeeze.
  464. "Sacrifice."
  465. (Lotlhuitl)
  466. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  468. [18:45:45] Xarnata Kuraichie says, "I say they came across as sever as I did not mean them to be. I can not appologize with my full emotional capacity at this time. My emotions are tied to my power, and my power has been suppressed through this object around my neck. "
  469. [18:47:28] ... So be it.
  471. The entirety of this group seemed only in agreement with those familiar set of words. Not a single objection made as each were far more than eager to witness the blood of those that stood beneath Tragedy spilled under the name of their spirit. Perhaps it was a cruel twist of fate given to someone who otherwise seemed so innocent though his choice had been made the second he spoke of that truly horrendous Archon.
  473. "Warchief. Warrior. Victim. You're all in agreement then, I see no reason to stop any of this." His words rang clear now as they echoed throughout this cell with a sudden burst of cosmic energy pushing from his form as though the decision had been made. Turning his attention back towards this man all that followed now was a slight dip to his head, bowing in the direction of this hooded figure with a grimace upon his features.
  475. "I am sorry your life came to this point. May you find peace in the light of The Sun moving forwards to your next life, though this one has been deemed to be used for a greater purpose."
  477. With those words his gaze flicked back towards Xoconan. His place now was only to take that of a life.
  478. (Noa Huitzilopochtli)
  479. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  481. [18:56:00] And with no objection... A life was slated to be taken. He glanced to Dmex, raising a brow. She wanted to take the Sacrifice for herself- not that he blamed her. In truth, it was probably for the best. It might help deal with her as of late frayed essence.
  483. "Dmex. I'm not entirely familiar with Sacrifice." He spoke simply, casually, as if the man to be slain wasn't there at all. "Maiya was going to teach me about it, but she's not around. I'm hoping..."
  485. He trailed off, glancing to Lotlhuitl. "I don't want to fuck this one up."
  486. (Xoconan)
  487. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  489. [18:56:51] Noa Huitzilopochtli says, "L-Language."
  490. [18:59:24] "I'd imagine that a sacrifice dedicated to me would require some... different conditions, given that I still have a vessel attached - "
  492. Dmex cuts herself off, setting a hand against the wall beside the exit to the prison cell. Briefly, she looked past the other three who'd entered with her, almost ignoring the prisoner entirely.
  494. "It's not as if I've ever presided over one before. I'm also not a runewriter, which I'd expect to be involved."
  495. (Dmex)
  496. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  498. [18:59:24] Xoconan says, "Lotl is one."
  499. [19:00:16] Dmex says, "I know that much, yes."
  500. [19:00:16] LOOC - Lotlhuitl: (I'll wait for Xarnata to reply)
  501. [19:01:07] LOOC - Lotlhuitl: (you can dot Xarnata)
  502. [19:01:07] LOOC - Lotlhuitl: (if u wanna)
  503. [19:01:58] LOOC - Lotlhuitl: (ok, well. I'm gonna pretype?)
  504. [19:13:04] Lotlhuitl squeezed Xoconan's hand. She had faith in her beloved. Faith in Dmex. Heck, her faith in the world was newly restored. Judgement passed, a large chunk of her anger had dissipated. Or, at least, she had been able to swallow it. Lock it all away.
  506. "I am a runescribe," Lotlhuitl mused. Her green eyes shifted from Xoconan to Dmex. The Nagual seemed thoughtful. She had never conducted a sacrifice before. Not of a person. Animals, sure.
  508. She was not the best runescribe Gehenna had to offer. But to allow another to step in.. well, this was a sacrifice to her chosen patron, the Great Spirit Dmex!
  510. "I suppose it depends on how skilled a runescribe is needed. I am ashamed to admit that I lack confidence. If Dmex believes in me, I will conduct it. However, it would not shame me if another took my place and I merely assisted."
  512. Lotlhuitl made a soft "hm" sound as she thought. "Xitlalli, perhaps?" she suggested, unaware of recent events between Noa and the dancer.
  513. (Lotlhuitl)
  514. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  516. [19:13:04] Noa Huitzilopochtli says, "<*remains silent"
  517. [19:13:55] Noa Huitzilopochtli says, "FUCK"
  518. [19:13:55] Dmex says, "No swearing."
  519. [19:13:55] Xoconan says, "l-language."
  520. [19:13:55] Noa remains silent! Simply watching this scene unfold.
  521. (Noa Huitzilopochtli)
  522. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  524. [19:13:55] Lotlhuitl says, "L-language.."
  525. [19:13:55] LOOC - Noa Huitzilopochtli: ((omg
  526. [19:13:55] LOOC - Noa Huitzilopochtli: ((stop bullying me
  527. [19:13:55] LOOC - Noa Huitzilopochtli: ((omit...
  528. [19:13:55] LOOC - Lotlhuitl: (haha omit ;P)
  529. [19:13:55] Dmex says, "Apropos of nothing, no sweraing."
  530. [19:13:55] LOOC - Dmex: (swearing)
  531. [19:13:55] LOOC - Dmex: (fuck)
  532. [19:14:46] LOOC - Noa Huitzilopochtli: (no swearig
  533. [19:14:46] LOOC - Noa Huitzilopochtli: (swearing
  534. [19:14:46] LOOC - Lotlhuitl: (l-language)
  535. [19:14:46] LOOC - Lotlhuitl: (no sweraing or swearig either)
  536. [19:14:46] Noa Huitzilopochtli says, "I'm sure you'll do fine, Lotl."
  537. [19:14:46] Noa Huitzilopochtli asks, "Isn't offering him to the spirits enough?"
  538. [19:15:37] Lotlhuitl says, "I offer him to Dmex."
  539. [19:15:37] Dmex says, "...Much the same."
  540. [19:15:37] Noa Huitzilopochtli says, "Yeah, like that just with way more stabbing."
  541. [19:16:28] Dmex asks, "Is - there more stabbing?"
  542. [19:17:20] Noa Huitzilopochtli says, "... I'll be honest. Solem never showed me how to sacrifice, I normally just bless the corpses after they die."
  543. [19:17:20] Xoconan shrugs.
  544. (Xoconan)
  545. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  547. [19:17:20] Dmex says, "I would've asked Zahhual, but..."
  548. [19:17:20] Xoconan says, "We can wait for Maiya - she planned to teach me regardless."
  549. [19:18:11] Xoconan says, "Or we can simply... Act."
  550. [19:18:11] Noa Huitzilopochtli says, "Mmm."
  551. [19:18:11] Dmex says, "- Oh. Maiya. That'll do, yes."
  552. [19:18:11] Noa Huitzilopochtli says, "Acting or Maiya. Either works."
  553. [19:18:11] Dmex says, "I'd prefer to not have it bungled somehow."
  554. [19:18:11] Xoconan says, "So we wait."
  555. [19:18:11] Xoconan says, "Take this time, Xarnata."
  556. [19:18:11] Xarnata reaches to the collar at his neck.
  557. (Xarnata Kuraichie)
  558. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  560. [19:19:02] Xoconan says, "Make peace with yourself, with whatever you worship."
  561. [19:19:02] Xarnata Kuraichie says, "None will mourn my passing. Not even myself."
  562. [19:19:02] Dmex says, "With whatever shape I take in your faith."
  563. [19:25:00] Xoconan whispers: "Just a bit longer, love."
  564. [19:25:00] Lotlhuitl whispers: Mmm..
  565. [19:27:34] The man stood there, fingers trailing along the edges of the leather, eyes empty and face lacking emotion.
  567. His fingers began to grip into the collar, knowing it's reactants from one of his own and it's instructions.
  569. He pulled against the collar slowlly, the reactant spikes starting to pull into his neck in conjunction to the force applied, slowly sinking into his flesh. There was no emotions to be held, unable to let out his emotions that had been bound to his mana. The pinch and desire to act struck from him, there was no saving himself from his decision, the man who had saved so many from a similar fate.
  571. No tears came to his eyes as he looked through those present as the spikes began to sink into the thin skin, trickling blood at first.
  573. "I am worthless."
  575. His right arm yanked hard on the collar, the spikes piercing through his neck from all directions, severing the man's spinal cord from the rest of his body.
  577. He dropped to the ground quickly, another life that meant nothing to anyone. Why was he even born?
  578. (Xarnata Kuraichie)
  579. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  581. [19:28:25] LOOC - Dmex: (uh. no?)
  582. [19:28:25] LOOC - Dmex: (--)
  583. [19:28:25] LOOC - Noa Huitzilopochtli: ((he logged too
  584. [19:28:25] LOOC - Dmex: (i'll. ahelp)
  585. [19:28:25] LOOC - Dmex: (gimme a second)
  586. [19:28:25] LOOC - Lotlhuitl: (um..)
  587. [19:30:08] LOOC - Xarnata Kuraichie: (Hang on a sec)
  588. [19:31:50] LOOC - Dominic Serro: [essentially your rp was you attempted to remove collar, and had the spikes go through your throat right?]
  589. [19:31:50] LOOC - Xarnata Kuraichie: (Correct)
  590. [19:31:50] LOOC - Xoconan: (I gotta afk to eat dinner)
  591. [19:32:41] LOOC - Xarnata Kuraichie: (Straight through the spine)
  592. [19:33:32] LOOC - Dominic Serro: [discussing it atm]
  593. [19:34:24] LOOC - Dmex: (without throwing down something like a /flee or. anything else to intervene from)
  594. [19:34:24] LOOC - Dominic Serro: [As I said discussing it, normally you can not prevent a suicide]
  595. [19:34:24] LOOC - Dominic Serro: [or at least that is the previous calls]
  596. [19:36:57] LOOC - Dominic Serro: [have some music for the wait]
  597. [19:36:57] LOOC - Dominic Serro: []
  598. [19:37:48] LOOC - Lotlhuitl: {ty}
  599. [19:40:22] LOOC - Dominic Serro: [so since no one is responding, I am going by previous precedent, he is free to suicide]
  600. [19:40:22] LOOC - Lotlhuitl: (oh..)
  601. [19:40:22] LOOC - Lotlhuitl: (well, thanks for the fast judgment.)
  602. [19:41:13] LOOC - Dominic Serro: [Yea sorry for the wait]
  603. [19:41:13] LOOC - Lotlhuitl: (nw)
  604. [19:41:13] LOOC - Dominic Serro: [imma DB him, his stuff is on the ground]
  605. [19:41:13] LOOC - Noa Huitzilopochtli: (rip
  606. [19:41:13] LOOC - Lotlhuitl: (okiedokes)
  607. [19:44:38] Violent.
  609. That alone was the only way to describe this final act of a man who had given up his life in that moment. Watching as flesh tore from this action and spikes continued to dig into the neck of this man all so he could stop what was otherwise beautiful. Pursing his lips he needed not to speak another word as this lifeless corpse dropped to the ground, for his own pride he had thrown away a future for himself.
  611. "... He will not reach the palace of The Sun. Pity, even when given a chance to be something more they still choose such a selfish route." His words ringing cold as a sharp turn of his boots followed such. Needing not to say anything more all this had accomplished was simply proving all that Noa had believed. All that he had originally thought of this man who was nothing more than a coward hiding behind the names of the powerful.
  613. "I suppose we're done here."
  615. With that, Noa would trot out.
  616. (Noa Huitzilopochtli)
  617. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  619. [19:48:54] There was nothing more to be said. Noa said it all.
  621. Lotlhuitl had blinked. Slowly. Watched the man's body fall to the ground. Suicide, rather than service. She had been wrong about Xarnata. She had thought him a base creature. But he wasn't even that. He was worthless. Even a base creature would seek to protect its life. Even a base creature could be of some use, in a sacrifice.
  623. The woman had clutched Xoconan's hand, drawing him close to her now. Her gaze darkening. And she would follow Noa. Leave, leading her lover behind her.
  624. (Lotlhuitl)
  625. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  627. [19:50:36] LOOC - Lotlhuitl: (ah I accidentally left Xoconan in the dungeon)
  628. [19:50:36] LOOC - Lotlhuitl: (alone)
  629. [19:50:36] LOOC - Lotlhuitl: (with Dmex)
  630. [19:50:36] LOOC - Noa Huitzilopochtli: ((ohno
  631. [19:50:36] LOOC - Lotlhuitl: (and the corpse)
  632. [19:50:36] LOOC - Noa Huitzilopochtli: ((he's already dead
  633. [19:51:28] LOOC - Lotlhuitl: (i left him behind by accident whoops)
  634. [19:51:28] LOOC - Lotlhuitl: (man that felt meme-y)
  635. [19:53:10] Xoconan appears to be perfectly ca- ANGRY.
  636. (Xoconan)
  637. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  639. [20:04:16] Xoconan says, "Noa. Fight me."
  640. [20:04:16] Xoconan says, "I need to relieve stress."
  641. [20:05:07] Noa Huitzilopochtli says, "Give me thirty minutes."
  642. [20:05:07] LOOC - Noa Huitzilopochtli: ((IM COOKING
  643. [20:08:32] Caesar pokes the plant.
  644. (Caesar Valerius)
  645. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  647. [20:10:14] Caesar Valerius says, "Mm... I think she's daydreaming."
  648. [20:10:14] Mila says, "Hm.. "
  649. [20:11:05] Caesar pokes the plant again.
  650. (Caesar Valerius)
  651. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  653. [20:11:05] Mila says, "I don't think poking will do much."
  654. [20:11:56] Caesar Valerius says, "It helps, look."
  655. [20:11:56] Caesar pokes Mila.
  656. (Caesar Valerius)
  657. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  659. [20:11:56] Mila places her hand to his cheek, before lightly papping him, and turning toward the day-dreaming Adsila.
  660. (Mila)
  661. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  663. [20:12:48] Caesar Valerius says, "...nah. She's not coming back."
  664. [20:12:48] Mila says, "We can speak with her another time."
  665. [20:12:48] Caesar Valerius whispers something.
  666. [20:13:39] Mila whispers something.
  667. [20:13:39] Caesar Valerius whispers something.
  668. [20:13:39] Mila whispers something.
  669. [20:14:30] Caesar Valerius whispers something.
  670. [20:15:21] Xoconan whispers: "Well... That didn't go how I wanted."
  671. [20:16:12] Xoconan whispers: "But he's dead atleast."
  672. [20:23:53] LOOC - Uro Tlahcotzin: (man
  673. [20:23:53] LOOC - Uro Tlahcotzin: (there's no spare swor
  674. [20:23:53] LOOC - Uro Tlahcotzin: (sword
  675. [20:25:36] Lotlhuitl whispers: Dead? No, I think the idiot just crippled himself.. attempted suicide.
  676. [20:31:34] Olander whispers something.
  677. [20:32:25] Noa Huitzilopochtli says, "Mmm? You have no need to apologize. None of us were in our right frame of mind."
  678. [20:33:16] Olander whispers something.
  679. [20:34:08] Noa Huitzilopochtli says, "Mmm. Live and learn I suppose."
  680. [20:34:08] Noa Huitzilopochtli asks, "Xoconan. Are we fighting now?"
  681. [20:34:08] Xoconan says, "Sure"
  682. [20:34:08] Noa Huitzilopochtli says, "We can... Discuss your use of potions soon, Olander."
  683. [20:34:59] LOOC - Noa Huitzilopochtli: ((I need more
  684. [20:34:59] LOOC - Xoconan: (add +10% to that)
  685. [20:35:50] LOOC - Xoconan: (:owo:)
  686. [20:35:50] LOOC - Noa Huitzilopochtli: ((damn
  687. [20:36:41] {combat} Noa Huitzilopochtli has been defeated by Xoconan! They're unable to continue fighting.
  688. [20:37:32] {combat} Noa Huitzilopochtli has been defeated by Xoconan! They're unable to continue fighting.
  689. [20:38:24] LOOC - Xoconan: (I'm really shocked that last piercing landed)
  690. [20:38:24] LOOC - Xoconan: (I was positive you were out of range)
  691. [20:38:24] LOOC - Noa Huitzilopochtli: ((yeah i was
  692. [20:38:24] LOOC - Noa Huitzilopochtli: ((screaming
  693. [20:38:24] LOOC - Noa Huitzilopochtli: ((As it hit
  694. [20:38:24] LOOC - Xoconan: (plasma buff is :ok_hand:)
  695. [20:39:15] {combat} Noa Huitzilopochtli has been defeated by Xoconan! They're unable to continue fighting.
  696. [20:39:15] LOOC - Noa Huitzilopochtli: (That 1 boly chunked me
  697. [20:39:15] LOOC - Noa Huitzilopochtli: ((even with a shield
  698. [20:39:15] LOOC - Noa Huitzilopochtli: ((what the FUCK
  699. [20:39:15] LOOC - Xoconan: (It did 900 damage)
  700. [20:40:57] {combat} Noa Huitzilopochtli has been defeated by Xoconan! They're unable to continue fighting.
  701. [20:40:57] {combat} Xoconan has been defeated by Noa Huitzilopochtli! They're unable to continue fighting.
  702. [20:40:57] LOOC - Xoconan: (YEET)
  703. [20:40:57] LOOC - Noa Huitzilopochtli: ((SCREAMS
  704. [20:40:57] LOOC - Lotlhuitl: (omg)
  705. [20:41:48] LOOC - Xoconan: (Meanwhile I'm just listening to my profile music)(
  706. [20:41:48] LOOC - Xoconan: (dunking you to the sweet sound of Parasyte)
  707. [20:41:48] LOOC - Xoconan: (WAIT)
  708. [20:41:48] LOOC - Xoconan: (DONT START)
  709. [20:42:40] LOOC - Xoconan: (I got yeeted by you downing me, it turned off fly)
  710. [20:42:40] LOOC - Xoconan: (COUNTDOWN: 10)
  711. [20:42:40] LOOC - Xoconan: (COUNTDOWN: 9)
  712. [20:42:40] LOOC - Xoconan: (COUNTDOWN: 8)
  713. [20:42:40] LOOC - Xoconan: (COUNTDOWN: 7)
  714. [20:42:40] LOOC - Xoconan: (COUNTDOWN: 6)
  715. [20:42:40] LOOC - Xoconan: (COUNTDOWN: 5)
  716. [20:42:40] LOOC - Xoconan: (COUNTDOWN: 4)
  717. [20:42:40] LOOC - Xoconan: (COUNTDOWN: 3)
  718. [20:42:40] LOOC - Xoconan: (COUNTDOWN: 2)
  719. [20:42:40] LOOC - Xoconan: (COUNTDOWN: 1)
  720. [20:42:40] LOOC - Xoconan: (COUNTDOWN: Go!)
  721. [20:43:31] {combat} Noa Huitzilopochtli has been defeated by Xoconan! They're unable to continue fighting.
  722. [20:44:22] {combat} Xoconan has been defeated by Noa Huitzilopochtli! They're unable to continue fighting.
  723. [20:46:04] {combat} Noa Huitzilopochtli has been defeated by Xoconan! They're unable to continue fighting.
  724. [20:46:04] Noa Huitzilopochtli says, "help"
  725. [20:46:04] Noa Huitzilopochtli says, "911"
  726. [20:46:04] LOOC - Xoconan: (time to)
  727. [20:46:04] LOOC - Xoconan: (SLAY)
  728. [20:50:20] {combat} Noa Huitzilopochtli has been defeated by Xoconan! They're unable to continue fighting.
  729. [20:50:20] LOOC - Noa Huitzilopochtli: (what the fuck
  730. [20:50:20] LOOC - Noa Huitzilopochtli: (why didnt my beam
  731. [20:50:20] LOOC - Xoconan: (GET YEETED BY A 9k PIERCING)
  732. [20:50:20] LOOC - Noa Huitzilopochtli: (turn me AORUND
  733. [20:50:20] LOOC - Noa Huitzilopochtli: ((IM SO TILTED
  734. [20:50:20] LOOC - Noa Huitzilopochtli: ((IM SOOOO TILTED
  735. [20:51:12] LOOC - Xoconan: (So how does it feel)
  736. [20:51:12] LOOC - Xoconan: (To literally have copied me)
  737. [20:52:03] LOOC - Lotlhuitl: ( i think i may nap)
  738. [20:52:03] {combat} Noa Huitzilopochtli has been defeated by Xoconan! They're unable to continue fighting.
  739. [20:52:03] LOOC - Noa Huitzilopochtli: ((im tilting
  740. [20:52:03] Lotlhuitl says, "my hammock is set up outside, under a tree.."
  741. [20:52:03] LOOC - Lotlhuitl: (fuuck)
  742. [20:52:03] LOOC - Lotlhuitl: (omit)
  743. [20:52:54] LOOC - Lotlhuitl: (im sleepy ok)
  744. [20:52:54] LOOC - Lotlhuitl: (ping me on discord if you need me)
  745. [22:02:01]
  746. {LOAD GAME}
  748. [22:28:28] Griffin D'cil says, "I'm all set now."
  749. [22:28:28] Hatsune Panic says, "Okay. It would be useles to free Griffin given the circumstances. You are free to go, Imra'el. Tell Xomac Tepin that I will be putting the rest of Atl into time out if they come through Cruxati lands unless he meets me here. I will be keeping this young man and anyone else who I might meet and feel so inclined to do so with until then."
  750. [22:28:28] Griffin removes his Helm
  751. (Griffin D'cil)
  752. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  754. [22:28:28] Hatsune Panic says, "There is a challenge that he must meet, but it will not be in his Blood Pits."
  755. [22:29:20] Lotlhuitl saunters towards the group from the north!
  756. (Lotlhuitl)
  757. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  759. [22:30:11] LOOC - Imra'el: [yay
  760. [22:30:11] LOOC - Imra'el: [but i got your messages, don't worry
  761. [22:30:11] Griffin D'cil says, "...So I remain...Perhaps this is for the best...At least he walks free like I initialy fought to achieve."
  762. [22:34:27] LOOC - Griffin D'cil: (;-;)
  763. [22:35:18] LOOC - Hatsune Panic: ((Oof))
  764. [22:37:00] LOOC - Imra'el: [sorry guys, this internet is really getting on my nerves
  765. [22:37:00] LOOC - Lotlhuitl: (I feel u)
  766. [22:38:43] LOOC - Hatsune Panic: ((Take your time.))
  767. [22:38:43] ... No, that cannot be. Was this something the sirenian had in mind? Was she trustworthy?
  770. Imra'el wanted the sun again so bad. This place, so open, so much he can do. Unlike that cell, small, filled with humidity flowing out of him and his brother, even dark sometimes.
  772. But what of Griffin? His brother barely had any condition to take care of himself, say alone defend against anything. Just because Imra'el was out of risk... it doesn't mean Griffin would as well. What if things changed all of a sudden?
  773. (Imra'el)
  774. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  776. [22:38:43] Imra'el says, "... I will deliver your message, but leaving my brother alone is not an option."
  777. [22:39:34] Imra'el says, "I'd rather stay with him."
  778. [22:40:25] LOOC - Griffin D'cil: (ok)
  779. [22:40:25] LOOC - Griffin D'cil: (new Hatsune)
  780. [22:40:25] LOOC - Griffin D'cil: (orshould I wait till the raid ends to say)
  781. [22:40:25] LOOC - Griffin D'cil: (:thinking:)
  782. [22:42:59] Hatsune reached up to wrap her webbed fingers around the bridge of her nose. Given that her face did not even twitch, this was the closest to an expression of frustration that the mermaid displayed herself capable of making. She spoke around her wrist while shaking her head at a slow, pendulous rate.
  784. "Uwaaaa... So many stubborn young men. What a grand generation you would be if you had capable leaders..."
  786. "You can go, Imra'el. And you can come back if you please. It makes no difference to me. Have the sun, assure your friend's safety, and please do not rot to death in a jail cell. It was careless of me to entrust others with your well being. I have known first hand how poorly that assumption goes."
  788. "I currently have no wish for either of you to be dead or in any state of misery. Griffin was decided to stay because he needs medical attention and because he said he would not leave without you going. Are you insisting that you will not leave without him going as well? You know that that is more likely to leave you both in a jail cell and in the inherent danger that such a position brings than it is to leave you both free, yes?"
  789. (Hatsune Panic)
  790. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  792. [22:42:59] LOOC - Hatsune Panic: ((New me?))
  793. [22:43:50] LOOC - Griffin D'cil: (new me? what u mean?)
  794. [22:43:50] LOOC - Hatsune Panic: (( LOOC - Griffin D'cil: (new Hatsune) ))
  795. [22:44:41] LOOC - Imra'el: [if you're talking about xomac, he's fine
  796. [22:44:41] LOOC - Imra'el: [lost but escaped
  797. [22:44:41] Lotlhuitl loitered on the periphery of an emotional scene. Casually leaning her shoulder against a fence. Weight on one leg, hands resting on her hips.
  798. (Lotlhuitl)
  799. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  801. [22:45:32] LOOC - Hatsune Panic: ((Good. We must have a battle. :dagger: ))
  802. [22:45:32] LOOC - Lotlhuitl: (:o)
  803. [22:45:32] LOOC - Imra'el: [damn we got one death so far
  804. [22:45:32] LOOC - Imra'el: :(
  805. [22:46:24] LOOC - Griffin D'cil: (oh...nope)
  806. [22:46:24] LOOC - Griffin D'cil: (I count three)
  807. [22:47:15] LOOC - Griffin D'cil: (niz, ajax, and noc)
  808. [22:47:15] Imra'el keeps his motionless expression, but looks at Griffin. Did he have something to say on that regard? The feeling of leaving a brother behind wasn't something he felt any confortable at all.
  809. (Imra'el)
  810. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  812. [22:47:15] LOOC - Imra'el: [really? shit
  813. [22:47:15] LOOC - Imra'el: [i'll check discord
  814. [22:49:48] Griffin D'cil says, "No Imra'el. I fought to free you, and even though I lost, my wish came to fluition. You're free and that's all thatr matters. I'll be fine. I'm a fighter after all. You know this more than anyone else would."
  815. [22:49:48] Griffin D'cil says, "Just don't get into any trouble will you? "
  816. [22:49:48] Imra'el says, "..."
  817. [22:50:40] Imra'el looked at the sirenian.
  818. (Imra'el)
  819. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  821. [22:50:40] Hatsune peered at the dryad around her fingers.
  822. (Hatsune Panic)
  823. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  825. [22:50:40] LOOC - Griffin D'cil: (okay so ajax alive)
  826. [22:50:40] Imra'el asks, "... will he be freed once he's in condition?"
  827. [22:50:40] LOOC - Griffin D'cil: (2deaths)
  828. [22:50:40] LOOC - Imra'el: [omit
  829. [22:50:40] LOOC - Imra'el: [too ooga booga
  830. [22:51:31] Imra'el says, "... will he be freed once he no longer needs medical assistance? I could assist him as well."
  831. [22:51:31] LOOC - Griffin D'cil: (xoxo free)
  832. [22:52:22] Hatsune Panic says, "You know my stance on promises. I will also tell you that there is nothing in my native faith against telling lies. Actions speak louder than words, and my action right now is letting you go."
  833. [22:52:22] LOOC - Griffin D'cil: (so the message thing okay)
  834. [22:52:22] Hatsune Panic says, "If that does not speak to a lack of bloodthirst then there is no word that I might give to you that would."
  835. [22:52:22] Griffin D'cil says, "Just...go."
  836. [22:53:13] Griffin D'cil says, "You are young, you have much to do. I still do too..."
  837. [22:53:13] Griffin D'cil says, "But I'll be on hold it seems."
  838. [22:54:04] Imra'el says, "..."
  839. [22:54:04] Tik-tak.
  840. (Imra'el)
  841. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  843. [22:54:56] Imra'el asks, "... where are my things?"
  844. [22:54:56] Hatsune Panic says, "I put them in the chest that Uro robbed from."
  845. [22:54:56] Hatsune Panic says, "The staff is still there. I'll have it returned to you later."
  846. [22:54:56] Griffin D'cil says, "Good choice. I'm counting on you to make the best of this chance."
  847. [22:55:47] Imra'el asks, "... what's the message you want me to deliver?"
  848. [22:55:47] Griffin looks at his reflection in the water
  849. (Griffin D'cil)
  850. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  852. [22:56:38] Hatsune Panic says, "Tell Xomac Tepin to meet me in Cruxati for an honor duel if he wishes to end this hostility against the Atl. Tell him that I have called him a coward child hiding in Atl like a rodent from a hawk. Tell him that I have claimed him to be a cretinous goblin that no woman might ever love. Tell him all of these things, please, but in a way that does not incite violence towards yourself."
  853. [22:57:29] Hatsune dropped her hand from her face to hug the mask against her chest again.
  854. (Hatsune Panic)
  855. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  857. [22:58:20] Imra'el says, "... it won't, don't worry. I'm visiting Griffin often, too."
  858. [22:59:12] Imra'el says, "Take care of him, Hatsune. We cannot risk a war among ourselves while Jianghu still lurks around. Atl is better as an ally rather than an enemy."
  859. [23:00:03] Hatsune Panic says, "Uwa. That is acceptable. Atl is better as an ally, yes. Xomac Tepin is not. He has done terribly to his allies already."
  860. [23:00:54] Imra'el says, "... I will go to Xomac now."
  861. [23:00:54] Imra'el says, "..."
  862. [23:01:45] Imra'el whispers something.
  863. [23:01:45] Lotlhuitl watched the dryad go, her gaze feline. Predatory. Appraising.
  864. (Lotlhuitl)
  865. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  867. [23:05:10] LOOC - Griffin D'cil: (I net)
  868. [23:05:10] LOOC - Griffin D'cil: (face/palm)
  869. [23:05:10] A harsh decision, but the dryad knew this was the best option. He could - and certainly will - visit Griffin often. That brother went looking for him and got himself in that cell because of Imra'el, so this was the least he could do.
  873. But why didn't this feel good? Why did Imra'el felt as if he was losing him? Why did it feel like he was being a coward? The dryad's sorrow is visible even through that motionless expression. Each step foward is made with regret, like he had done a monstrous thing.
  876. Imra'el, then, leaves. In silence.
  877. (Imra'el)
  878. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  880. [23:06:01] Imra'el says, "see you later loser"
  881. [23:06:01] LOOC - Imra'el: [omit
  882. [23:06:01] Griffin sighs
  883. (Griffin D'cil)
  884. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  886. [23:06:52] Hatsune Panic says, "Uwaa... Such good young men you all are."
  887. [23:06:52] Griffin D'cil says, "He is free, and I'm glad."
  888. [23:06:52] Griffin D'cil asks, "Hmm?"
  889. [23:06:52] Hatsune Panic says, "Tell me when you're ready to go back inside, Griffin. Oh, hello Lotlhuitl."
  890. [23:06:52] Griffin D'cil says, "Hello Lotlhuitl."
  891. [23:07:44] LOOC - Griffin D'cil: (Such a mouthful)
  892. [23:07:44] Lotlhuitl shifts, jingling audibly as she sauntered over to Griffin and Hatsune.
  893. (Lotlhuitl)
  894. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  896. [23:07:44] LOOC - Griffin D'cil: (lol)
  897. [23:07:44] LOOC - Lotlhuitl: (lot-ll-it-ll?)
  898. [23:07:44] LOOC - Lotlhuitl: (tbh I don't even know how to say my chars name)
  899. [23:08:35] LOOC - Lotlhuitl: (lot-ll-hu-it-ll I guess..)
  900. [23:08:35] Griffin D'cil says, "I'm more or less cleaned up. I'm sure I'll start bleeding out at some point, but I'm not muddy anymore."
  901. [23:08:35] Lotlhuitl says, "Hatsune. Griffin."
  902. [23:08:35] Lotlhuitl gave the white-haired man a sideways glance.
  903. (Lotlhuitl)
  904. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  906. [23:09:26] Griffin D'cil asks, "How are you Lotl?"
  907. [23:09:26] Lotlhuitl says, "Not a bleeding mess."
  908. [23:09:26] Griffin chuckles into a pianfilled groan
  909. (Griffin D'cil)
  910. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  912. [23:09:26] Griffin D'cil says, "Oh boy."
  913. [23:10:17] LOOC - Lotlhuitl: (I see u mama)
  914. [23:10:17] LOOC - Oyaotl: { u took my spot
  915. [23:10:17] Griffin D'cil says, "Hitting the nail on the head."
  916. [23:10:17] LOOC - Oyaotl: { for a sec
  917. [23:10:17] LOOC - Lotlhuitl: (accidentally dashed)
  918. [23:10:17] Hatsune Panic says, "Uwaaa... Yes, we'll worry about that soon. I still am somewhat bothered that you would start a fight with the dryad in your prison cell..."
  919. [23:11:08] Lotlhuitl says, "....."
  920. [23:11:08] Griffin D'cil says, "It wasn't me that started it."
  921. [23:11:08] Hatsune Panic asks, "You realize in the whole metaphor of you all being children, you're just somewhat filling the roles a bit too much now aren't you?"
  922. [23:11:08] Griffin D'cil says, "It was him. I just agreed."
  923. [23:11:08] Lotlhuitl says, ".... boys..."
  924. [23:12:00] Hatsune Panic says, "Can you please explain to me- From the start..."
  925. [23:12:00] Hatsune Panic asks, "Why?"
  926. [23:12:51] Griffin D'cil says, "You may see it as childish, but it was warranted. We both lacked strenght and can only excell through battle. He suggested we spar at full strength. A means to gain expreience and a proper taste of battle. I agreed. After I lost to you, I realised my own lack of ability."
  927. [23:14:33] Lotlhuitl leaves Griffin's side to hang out by Oyaotl..
  928. (Lotlhuitl)
  929. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  931. [23:14:33] Hatsune Panic says, "... You know, just because I beat Xomac Tepin to an inch of life and he got stronger because of it does not mean that is how it works for everyone. He's just a Sin that excels over being upset."
  932. [23:14:33] Griffin D'cil asks, "...Why must you make everything about Xomac?"
  933. [23:15:24] Griffin D'cil asks, "Can't the Atl do something that was originally their idea for once?"
  934. [23:15:24] Lotlhuitl says, "... I'm not sure that you want to own being beaten to an inch of your life, Griffin."
  935. [23:15:24] Lotlhuitl says, "Maybe let Xomac have that one. It was a bad idea, anyway."
  936. [23:15:24] Griffin D'cil says, "<*sighs*> "
  937. [23:16:16] Griffin D'cil says, "You don't get it. "
  938. [23:16:16] Hatsune Panic says, "Uwaa... Sorry, yes, I am sorry. That reflects more on my state of mind than yours."
  939. [23:17:07] Griffin D'cil says, "In the end I learned a few things. More about myself and Imra."
  940. [23:17:07] Sandals and all were dipped into the water, with the woman in dreary garbs sitting upon the bankside. A smile was tossed towards Lotlhuitl, but an arm was cast out towards Hatsune, fishing for a shoulder to reel the merwoman closer and into an embrace.
  941. (Oyaotl)
  942. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  944. [23:17:07] Griffin D'cil says, "It was worth it."
  945. [23:17:58] Hatsune slumps against Oyaotl as the arm wraps around her. She still held that mask in her arms. Her head drops against the Witch's shoulder.
  946. (Hatsune Panic)
  947. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  949. [23:18:49] Hatsune Panic says, "Uwaa... That's good. Trying to capture Atlese is rather tiresome. I do hope Xomac Tepin responds to the request. I do not think he will- But getting rid of the dryad was rather vital. Given the fact that he wounded you grievously and he is nearly impossible to care for fully so that he does not wither and die, I mean."
  950. [23:20:32] Griffin D'cil says, "I suppose so. "
  951. [23:20:32] Griffin looks around
  952. (Griffin D'cil)
  953. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  955. [23:20:32] Griffin D'cil asks, "Um...What ever happened to my sword by the way?"
  956. [23:21:23] Hatsune Panic says, "Uwaaa... No one picked that up, I think. We'll... Handle that later. All just as well- It would have gone in the same chest that Uro robbed."
  957. [23:21:23] Hatsune Panic says, "Well, it happened afterwards, but..."
  958. [23:22:14] Hatsune Panic says, "Rather- Uwaaa... Sorry, that one did slip my mind. The sword I mean. No excuse for that."
  959. [23:22:14] Lotlhuitl gave the smallest of shrugs towards Griffin, clearly not sold on the white-haired man's logic. "I'm glad you feel so," she finally responded, much more diplomatically than you might expect from the normally terse Nagual.
  961. The youthful woman looked to Hatsune, to Oyaotl. To the mask that Hastune still carried. Xomac had a lot to answer for.
  963. Perhaps.. time for a distraction.
  965. "You must already know this, but Xoconan asked me to marry him," she said. All casual-like, to Oyaotl.
  966. (Lotlhuitl)
  967. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  969. [23:23:56] Griffin D'cil says, "<*continues to stare at his reflection in the water. Bits of moments where he saw his father was present. His expression was that of sadness. No one would know why and no one ever will*> "
  970. [23:23:56] LOOC - Griffin D'cil: (ok is this bugged?)
  971. [23:24:48] LOOC - Hatsune Panic: ((No <> around it.))
  972. [23:24:48] LOOC - Hatsune Panic: ((Just *))
  973. [23:24:48] Griffin test
  974. (Griffin D'cil)
  975. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  977. [23:24:48] LOOC - Lotlhuitl: (Huh? I've always used <>
  978. [23:24:48] LOOC - Griffin D'cil: (same)
  979. [23:24:48] LOOC - Lotlhuitl: (like <* stuff *> )
  980. [23:24:48] LOOC - Lotlhuitl: (if you put a space after the > it will not work)
  981. [23:25:39] LOOC - Lotlhuitl: (which you did.)
  982. [23:25:39] LOOC - Griffin D'cil: (nope)
  983. [23:25:39] LOOC - Griffin D'cil: (look closely)
  984. [23:25:39] LOOC - Lotlhuitl: (yes you did, I see a space there..)
  985. [23:25:39] LOOC - Griffin D'cil: (*squints eyes*)
  986. [23:25:39] LOOC - Griffin D'cil: (where?)
  987. [23:26:30] LOOC - Lotlhuitl: (...ever will*> " there's a space)
  988. [23:26:30] LOOC - Lotlhuitl: (if it was "...ever will*>" it would have emoted correctly*>
  989. [23:26:30] LOOC - Lotlhuitl: (oops)
  990. [23:26:30] LOOC - Hatsune Panic: ((Ahhh.))
  991. [23:26:30] LOOC - Hatsune Panic: ((Yeah, alright.))
  992. [23:27:21] The hand that held Hatsune’s shoulder moved up and down in a soothing manner, all the while her focus remained firmly upon the soon-to-be. Her smile widened, slightly. “I saw this coming. He spoke of you constantly, and it is easy to see why- even if I only have one eye.” She joyously mused, extending an arm out towards the young soon-to-be. Pulling her into the embrace, group-hug-time.
  993. (Oyaotl)
  994. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  996. [23:29:55] LOOC - Oyaotl: { I need to go setup my second char, so i may poof
  997. [23:29:55] LOOC - Hatsune Panic: ((Aight.))
  998. [23:32:28] Griffin D'cil assumes the Fomorian stance!
  999. [23:33:20] Lotlhuitl was distinctly trying to play this all cool. Like she was cool. Unaffected. The Nagual was affecting a decidedly casual attitude, raising a hand to rub behind an ear as Oyaotl paid her compliments. Smiled.
  1001. "Aha, well I-" The Nagual began, before freezing as her future mother-in-law pulled her into a group hug. Lotlhuitl stiffened, the casual vibe about her evaporating. Leaving awkwardness. Stiffness. She wasn't the hugging type. But this was Xoconan's mother! She could do it.
  1003. She was patting Oyaotl on the back - pat pat pat - when movement caught her attention. Lotlhuitl cast her gaze out towards the person approaching, and who did she see? Xoconan!
  1005. Relief. She didn't exactly mouth help to her beloved, but the temptation was there.
  1008. (Lotlhuitl)
  1009. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1011. [23:33:20] LOOC - Oyaotl: { TIME TO VANISH
  1012. [23:35:02] Griffin D'cil says, "..."
  1013. [23:35:53] Griffin forms a rock in his hand and skips it across the water
  1014. (Griffin D'cil)
  1015. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1017. [23:35:53] Hatsune continued to sit with Oyaotl- Probably. Who knew how long such vanishing acts took. She spared a glance over towards Griffin and stared at him from the witch's arm.
  1019. "Uwa. When you are ready to go back, just say as much. I will do as much as I can to ensure you are not left rotting in a cell from boredom. But you appear just as bored here..."
  1021. "You're probably one for action more than repose, yes?"
  1022. (Hatsune Panic)
  1023. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1025. [23:35:53] Griffin D'cil says, "Oh. Bad skip."
  1026. [23:36:44] Griffin D'cil says, "Well. With Imra free, there is nothing more worth saying. I've heard your reasons, and your plans. I don't oppose you. I just want this all to end."
  1027. [23:37:36] Griffin does a bloody cough to the side
  1028. (Griffin D'cil)
  1029. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1031. [23:37:36] (Midnight Coven) Lotlhuitl {Favorite}: hay dmex
  1032. [23:37:36] (Midnight Coven) Lotlhuitl {Favorite}: u wanna officiate a weddin
  1033. [23:38:27] Griffin stoops down to the pond to wash his mouth clean
  1034. (Griffin D'cil)
  1035. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1037. [23:38:27] (Midnight Coven) Dmex {Vector}: oh no
  1038. [23:39:18] (Midnight Coven) Dmex {Vector}: is the first official cult wedding going to be a fucking shotgun wedding
  1039. [23:40:09] He raised a brow, stalking over with cool motions. A long stave was held in his hands, different from the one he normally carried. Bulkier, bladed at one end, and crowned in a gem at the other. "Hatsune, do you have the energy in you to enchant something for me?"
  1041. A glance was given to Lotlhuitl, one that remained as he saw her predicament. He even grinned, shaking his head lightly. "Are you tormenting my love with physical touch?" He asked, not making moves to extract her, lest he be drug in himself.
  1042. (Xoconan)
  1043. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1045. [23:40:09] Hatsune Panic says, "Uwaaa... No, I've not. I might be ready in an hour or so, but I was setting up wards earlier."
  1046. [23:40:09] Xoconan says, "Ah."
  1047. [23:41:00] (Midnight Coven) Lotlhuitl {Favorite}: it's a nice day for a white wedddiiinngg
  1048. [23:41:00] Xoconan asks, "Just increasing magical potency is Orchilacum, right?"
  1049. [23:42:43] Hatsune Panic says, "Yes. I have some. If you get me something to eat, I'll be ready sooner."
  1050. [23:43:34] Lotlhuitl extracted herself delicately from Xoconan's mother's grip, wriggling free when Oyaotl was otherwise distracted.
  1051. (Lotlhuitl)
  1052. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1054. [23:43:34] Griffin D'cil says, "Speaking of magical potency."
  1055. [23:43:34] Griffin D'cil asks, "I din't get an answer on the where abouts of my sword. Do you have it?"
  1056. [23:44:25] Hatsune Panic says, "I do not have it. I apologize. It got lost in the moment, and I think someone picked it up and threw it back down."
  1057. [23:44:25] Xoconan whispers: "Enjoying meeting my Mom?"
  1058. [23:44:25] Lotlhuitl whispers: Mmn, we've.. met before.
  1059. [23:45:16] Griffin D'cil says, "..."
  1060. [23:45:16] Lotlhuitl whispers: I've kept out of arms reach. Don't.. like touching.
  1061. [23:45:16] Lotlhuitl whispers: ... she's nice.
  1062. [23:45:16] Xoconan takes this as a clear challenge, pulling Lotl close to him.
  1063. (Xoconan)
  1064. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1066. [23:45:16] Griffin D'cil says, "I searched all over...For a runescribe to enchant that."
  1067. [23:45:16] Lotlhuitl exclaims, "Xoco!"
  1068. [23:45:16] Griffin D'cil says, "It took nearly half that day.."
  1069. [23:46:08] Griffin D'cil says, "And it's gone in a moment."
  1070. [23:46:08] Griffin sighs
  1071. (Griffin D'cil)
  1072. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1074. [23:46:08] Hatsune Panic says, "I will enchant you a new sword if I am not dead by the time this is over."
  1075. [23:46:08] Lotlhuitl screwed her face up, stiffening momentarily.
  1076. (Lotlhuitl)
  1077. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1079. [23:46:08] Griffin D'cil says, "...."
  1080. [23:46:59] Lotlhuitl mumbled something about Xoconan being a brat.
  1081. (Lotlhuitl)
  1082. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1084. [23:46:59] Xoconan whispers: "See? You just don't like people touching you that aren't me."
  1085. [23:46:59] Xoconan whispers: "Or maybe you do like it, you're just too proud to admit it."
  1086. [23:47:50] Griffin D'cil says, "Why do you say this? You think I like hearing of this death? Of violence? The last thing I want to see is people dying. My people dying. Most of you won't accept me. That is clear, but even so."
  1087. [23:47:50] Griffin clenches fist
  1088. (Griffin D'cil)
  1089. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1091. [23:47:50] Griffin D'cil says, "..."
  1092. [23:47:50] Lotlhuitl attempted to make an angry face at Xoconan, but.. was only mildly successful. She wasn't actually mad at him.
  1093. (Lotlhuitl)
  1094. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1096. [23:48:41] Lotlhuitl whispers: I.. I don't know what you mean..
  1097. [23:48:41] Hatsune Panic says, "You're fine as a person, and you will be very well accepted in most circumstances. There are usually problems with oddities in positions of leadership, though. That is the only point I made before. The Dryad is much more likely as a candidate."
  1098. [23:49:32] LOOC - Xoconan: (Spires crashed rip)
  1099. [23:49:32] LOOC - Lotlhuitl: (oops)
  1100. [23:49:32] Lotlhuitl whispers: I.. I don't know what you mean.
  1101. [23:49:32] Lotlhuitl whispers: I mean.. I like you touching me, okay. Sure. Fine. You got me.
  1102. [23:49:32] Griffin D'cil says, "I...I don't want leadership...I'm not so fitting as a leader."
  1103. [23:49:32] Xoconan whispers: "That's all I wanted!"
  1104. [23:50:24] Xoconan whispers: "Just for admitting that, I won't scratch your ear in front of people."
  1105. [23:50:24] Griffin D'cil says, "I'm rash at times. I act on emotions. Passionate."
  1106. [23:50:24] Lotlhuitl whispers: Y-you wouldn't..
  1107. [23:50:24] Griffin D'cil says, "These"
  1108. [23:50:24] Xoconan whispers: "Do you wanna test me?"
  1109. [23:50:24] Griffin D'cil says, "I'll only be in the way if I ever did get that option."
  1110. [23:50:24] Griffin D'cil says, "Its best you stop bringing that up."
  1111. [23:51:15] Griffin sighs as he forms a rock in his hand via magic and skips it across the lake
  1112. (Griffin D'cil)
  1113. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1115. [23:51:15] Lotlhuitl blinked slowly, unable to keep a bemused smile from tugging at her lips even as she made grumbling sounds at Xoconan.
  1116. (Lotlhuitl)
  1117. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1119. [23:51:15] Griffin D'cil says, "Ha~"
  1120. [23:51:15] Hatsune Panic says, "Uwaaa... Very well. I apologize for putting you under more duress."
  1121. [23:52:06] Griffin D'cil says, "It's fine. I don't need to be a leader to do what i set out to. "
  1122. [23:52:06] Lotlhuitl whispers: ... maybe I do, huhhh.
  1123. [23:52:57] Griffin D'cil says, "The burdens of others...I will carry it. Defend what other's dare not to."
  1124. [23:52:57] Xoconan reaches up to the top of Lotls head to attempt to scratch at her ear.
  1125. (Xoconan)
  1126. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1128. [23:52:57] Xoconan says, "Your fault."
  1129. [23:52:57] Xoconan to Lotl.
  1130. (Xoconan)
  1131. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1133. [23:53:48] Hatsune Panic says, "How chivalrous."
  1134. [23:54:40] Griffin D'cil says, "Its all I can do to make up for...for..."
  1135. [23:55:31] Griffin D'cil says, "<*clenches fist tighter, crimson tears flow down his cheek*."
  1136. [23:55:31] LOOC - Griffin D'cil: (woops)
  1137. [23:55:31] Hatsune Panic asks, "Uwaaa... Do you wish to speak of what troubles you, Griffin?"
  1138. [23:55:31] Griffin D'cil says, ". . ."
  1139. [23:56:22] Griffin D'cil says, "It's fine. Its been years now, but I still miss him..."
  1140. [23:56:22] Griffin sighs
  1141. (Griffin D'cil)
  1142. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1144. [23:56:22] Griffin D'cil says, "Its a long story and I don't think you would wanna hear it."
  1145. [23:58:04] Hatsune Panic says, "I will hear many things. I want to hear many things. You may speak if you wish, and I will listen."
  1146. [23:58:04] Griffin D'cil says, ". . ."
  1147. [23:59:47] Lotlhuitl momentarily forgot that Hatsune and Griffin were having a serious emotional scene just to the side of them.
  1149. Xoconan had an arm around her waist. He'd been whispering to her, and she to him. How lovey-dovey.
  1151. Feeling Xoconan's other hand snake up her body, Lotlhuitl had almost squealed! "Aha, no!" she blurted out, laughing as she attempted to wrench herself free of Xoconan's grasp. His fingers missed their mark, at least this first time. "Xoconan!"
  1153. Unless otherwise prevented by her beloved, the Nagual would wriggle free of his grasp. Aaand then cross her arms, suddenly a combination of bemused, annoyed, and a little awkward at the display of affection what with Hatsune and Griffin being around.
  1155. "I, uh, want to go look for reagents." Stiff. Fingers tapped together.
  1157. Xoconan, what a brat..
  1159. (Lotlhuitl)
  1160. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
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