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May 31st, 2017
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  1. [31/May/2017 12:10:21] "POST /webhooks/github HTTP/1.1" 200 0
  2. Command '['/bin/bash', '-c', 'echo \'{"old_files": {}, "new_files": {"default": {}, "all": {"/tmp/coala/resume.json": ["{\\n", " \\"basics\\": {\\n", " \\"name\\": \\"Lasse Schuirmann\\",\\n", " \\"label\\": \\"Software Developer\\",\\n", " \\"picture\\": \\"\\",\\n", " \\"email\\": \\"\\",\\n", " \\"phone\\": \\"+49 1578 0442029\\",\\n", " \\"website\\": \\"\\",\\n", " \\"summary\\": \\"Lasse Schuirmann is a freelance software developer who cares passionately about open source, collaboratively developed software. After he was awarded the Google Summer of Code sholarship, he began mentoring several students while administering the GSoC program for the GNOME organization. Currently he spends most of his time maintaining and developing his open source project coala to help developers improving their code quality without hassle. The coala project group has almost 100 contributors and is present at conferences all around the world.\\\\n\\\\nIn his spare time, Lasse forges high quality (mostly python) software and conducts workshops for clients of his company Viper Development (, pursues a master degree in Computer Science, develops GitMate (, a hand crafted piece of software that supports developers during their whole workflow, and talks and performs workshops at conferences around the globe.\\",\\n", " \\"location\\": {\\n", " \\"address\\": \\"Heimfelder Strasse 29\\",\\n", " \\"postalCode\\": \\"21075\\",\\n", " \\"city\\": \\"Hamburg\\",\\n", " \\"countryCode\\": \\"DE\\",\\n", " \\"region\\": \\"Germany\\"\\n", " },\\n", " \\"profiles\\": [\\n", " {\\n", " \\"network\\": \\"\\",\\n", " \\"username\\": \\"GitHub: sils\\",\\n", " \\"url\\": \\"\\"\\n", " },\\n", " {\\n", " \\"network\\": \\"\\",\\n", " \\"username\\": \\"GitLab: sils\\",\\n", " \\"url\\": \\"\\"\\n", " }\\n", " ]\\n", " },\\n", " \\"work\\": [\\n", " {\\n", " \\"company\\": \\"Prosystem AG\\",\\n", " \\"position\\": \\"Software Developer\\",\\n", " \\"website\\": \\"\\",\\n", " \\"startDate\\": \\"2009-08-01\\",\\n", " \\"endDate\\": \\"2010-04-31\\",\\n", " \\"summary\\": \\"PROSYSTEM AG is a worldwide leading consulting- and service company in biomedical engineering.\\",\\n", " \\"highlights\\": []\\n", " },\\n", " {\\n", " \\"company\\": \\"Draeger Medical GmbH\\",\\n", " \\"position\\": \\"Integrated Degree Student\\",\\n", " \\"website\\": \\"\\",\\n", " \\"startDate\\": \\"2012-08-01\\",\\n", " \\"endDate\\": \\"2016-01-31\\",\\n", " \\"summary\\": \\"As an international leader in medical and safety technology, Dr\\u00e4ger develops innovative equipment and solutions people the world over trust. No matter where Dr\\u00e4ger products are used: it\\u2019s always about life. Whether for use in clinical, industrial or mining applications, in firefighting or rescue services, Dr\\u00e4ger products protect, support and save lives.\\",\\n", " \\"highlights\\": []\\n", " },\\n", " {\\n", " \\"company\\": \\"Viper Development\\",\\n", " \\"position\\": \\"Founder\\",\\n", " \\"website\\": \\"\\",\\n", " \\"startDate\\": \\"2015-12-01\\",\\n", " \\"endDate\\": \\"\\",\\n", " \\"summary\\": \\"Viper Development offers custom forged software, consulting and workshops around open source software. Quality and maintainability are the core aspect of all actions.\\",\\n", " \\"highlights\\": []\\n", " }\\n", " ],\\n", " \\"volunteer\\": [\\n", " {\\n", " \\"organization\\": \\"coala\\",\\n", " \\"position\\": \\"Founder and Maintainer\\",\\n", " \\"website\\": \\"\\",\\n", " \\"startDate\\": \\"2013-01-01\\",\\n", " \\"endDate\\": \\"\\",\\n", " \\"summary\\": \\"coala is a simple COde AnaLysis Application. Its goal is to make static code analysis easy while remaining completely modular and therefore extendable and language independent.\\",\\n", " \\"highlights\\": [\\n", " \\"Mentor for the Google Summer of Code\\",\\n", " \\"Administrator for the Google Summer of Code\\"\\n", " ]\\n", " },\\n", " {\\n", " \\"organization\\": \\"GNOME\\",\\n", " \\"position\\": \\"\\",\\n", " \\"website\\": \\"\\",\\n", " \\"startDate\\": \\"2014-02-01\\",\\n", " \\"endDate\\": \\"\\",\\n", " \\"summary\\": \\"GNOME 3 is an easy and elegant way to use your computer. It is designed to put you in control and bring freedom to everybody. GNOME 3 is developed by the GNOME community, a diverse, international group of contributors that is supported by an independent, non-profit foundation.\\",\\n", " \\"highlights\\": [\\n", " \\"Mentor for the Google Summer of Code (2015 - now)\\",\\n", " \\"Administrator for the Google Summer of Code (2015 - now)\\"\\n", " ]\\n", " }\\n", " ],\\n", " \\"education\\": [\\n", " {\\n", " \\"institution\\": \\"Albert Schweitzer Gymnasium\\",\\n", " \\"area\\": \\"General Certificate of Education\\",\\n", " \\"studyType\\": \\"\\",\\n", " \\"startDate\\": \\"2006-08-01\\",\\n", " \\"endDate\\": \\"2012-08-01\\",\\n", " \\"gpa\\": \\"\\",\\n", " \\"courses\\": []\\n", " },\\n", " {\\n", " \\"institution\\": \\"Hamburg University of Technology\\",\\n", " \\"area\\": \\"Computer Science and Engineering\\",\\n", " \\"studyType\\": \\"Bachelor\\",\\n", " \\"startDate\\": \\"2012-10-01\\",\\n", " \\"endDate\\": \\"2015-11-01\\",\\n", " \\"gpa\\": \\"\\",\\n", " \\"courses\\": []\\n", " },\\n", " {\\n", " \\"institution\\": \\"Hamburg University of Technology\\",\\n", " \\"area\\": \\"Computer Science\\",\\n", " \\"studyType\\": \\"Master\\",\\n", " \\"startDate\\": \\"2015-11-01\\",\\n", " \\"gpa\\": \\"\\",\\n", " \\"courses\\": []\\n", " }\\n", " ],\\n", " \\"awards\\": [\\n", " {\\n", " \\"title\\": \\"Second Place and Two Special Awards\\",\\n", " \\"date\\": \\"2009-03-01\\",\\n", " \\"awarder\\": \\"Jugend Forscht\\",\\n", " \\"summary\\": \\"As the youngest participant of the city wide level of Jugend Forscht.\\"\\n", " },\\n", " {\\n", " \\"title\\": \\"Special Award for the Best Interdisciplinary Work\\",\\n", " \\"date\\": \\"2011-04-01\\",\\n", " \\"awarder\\": \\"Jugend Forscht\\",\\n", " \\"summary\\": \\"\\"\\n", " },\\n", " {\\n", " \\"title\\": \\"Delegate of the city Hamburg\\",\\n", " \\"date\\": \\"2011-08-01\\",\\n", " \\"awarder\\": \\"International Mathematical Tournament of Towns\\",\\n", " \\"summary\\": \\"\\"\\n", " },\\n", " {\\n", " \\"title\\": \\"Google Summer of Code Stipend\\",\\n", " \\"date\\": \\"2014-03-01\\",\\n", " \\"awarder\\": \\"Google Inc./GNOME\\",\\n", " \\"summary\\": \\"For the project \'Boxes - Hardening sprint, express installation improvements & ISO download\'.\\"\\n", " }\\n", " ],\\n", " \\"publications\\": [],\\n", " \\"skills\\": [\\n", " {\\n", " \\"name\\": \\"Workshops/Talks\\",\\n", " \\"level\\": \\"\\",\\n", " \\"keywords\\": [\\n", " \\"FOSDEM\\",\\n", " \\"openSUSE Conference\\",\\n", " \\"GUADEC\\",\\n", " \\"LinuxWochen\\",\\n", " \\"For Clients\\"\\n", " ]\\n", " },\\n", " {\\n", " \\"name\\": \\"Software Development\\",\\n", " \\"level\\": \\"\\",\\n", " \\"keywords\\": [\\n", " \\"Python\\",\\n", " \\"Continuous Integration\\",\\n", " \\"Code Quality\\"\\n", " ]\\n", " }\\n", " ],\\n", " \\"languages\\": [\\n", " {\\n", " \\"language\\": \\"German\\",\\n", " \\"fluency\\": \\"Native Speaker\\"\\n", " },\\n", " {\\n", " \\"language\\": \\"English\\",\\n", " \\"fluency\\": \\"Fluent\\"\\n", " }\\n", " ],\\n", " \\"interests\\": [\\n", " {\\n", " \\"name\\": \\"Singing\\",\\n", " \\"keywords\\": [\\n", " \\"Baritone\\",\\n", " \\"Piano\\",\\n", " \\"Violin\\",\\n", " \\"Guitar\\"\\n", " ]\\n", " },\\n", " {\\n", " \\"name\\": \\"Music (Various Instruments)\\"\\n", " },\\n", " {\\n", " \\"name\\": \\"Dancing\\"\\n", " }\\n", " ],\\n", " \\"references\\": [\\n", " {\\n", " \\"name\\": \\"Prof. Dr. Christoph Ihl, Hamburg Technical University\\",\\n", " \\"reference\\": \\"Highly competent and efficient. Very smooth to work with.\\"\\n", " }\\n", " ]\\n", "}\\n"]}}, "old_results": {}, "new_results": {"default": [], "all": [{"additional_info": "", "affected_code": [{"end": {"column": null, "file": "/tmp/coala/resume.json", "line": 194}, "file": "/tmp/coala/resume.json", "start": {"column": null, "file": "/tmp/coala/resume.json", "line": 2}}], "aspect": "NoneType", "confidence": 100, "debug_msg": "", "diffs": {"/tmp/coala/resume.json": "--- \\n+++ \\n@@ -1,195 +1,195 @@\\n {\\n- \\"basics\\": {\\n- \\"name\\": \\"Lasse Schuirmann\\",\\n- \\"label\\": \\"Software Developer\\",\\n- \\"picture\\": \\"\\",\\n- \\"email\\": \\"\\",\\n- \\"phone\\": \\"+49 1578 0442029\\",\\n- \\"website\\": \\"\\",\\n- \\"summary\\": \\"Lasse Schuirmann is a freelance software developer who cares passionately about open source, collaboratively developed software. After he was awarded the Google Summer of Code sholarship, he began mentoring several students while administering the GSoC program for the GNOME organization. Currently he spends most of his time maintaining and developing his open source project coala to help developers improving their code quality without hassle. The coala project group has almost 100 contributors and is present at conferences all around the world.\\\\n\\\\nIn his spare time, Lasse forges high quality (mostly python) software and conducts workshops for clients of his company Viper Development (, pursues a master degree in Computer Science, develops GitMate (, a hand crafted piece of software that supports developers during their whole workflow, and talks and performs workshops at conferences around the globe.\\",\\n- \\"location\\": {\\n- \\"address\\": \\"Heimfelder Strasse 29\\",\\n- \\"postalCode\\": \\"21075\\",\\n- \\"city\\": \\"Hamburg\\",\\n- \\"countryCode\\": \\"DE\\",\\n- \\"region\\": \\"Germany\\"\\n- },\\n- \\"profiles\\": [\\n- {\\n- \\"network\\": \\"\\",\\n- \\"username\\": \\"GitHub: sils\\",\\n- \\"url\\": \\"\\"\\n- },\\n- {\\n- \\"network\\": \\"\\",\\n- \\"username\\": \\"GitLab: sils\\",\\n- \\"url\\": \\"\\"\\n- }\\n- ]\\n- },\\n- \\"work\\": [\\n- {\\n- \\"company\\": \\"Prosystem AG\\",\\n- \\"position\\": \\"Software Developer\\",\\n- \\"website\\": \\"\\",\\n- \\"startDate\\": \\"2009-08-01\\",\\n- \\"endDate\\": \\"2010-04-31\\",\\n- \\"summary\\": \\"PROSYSTEM AG is a worldwide leading consulting- and service company in biomedical engineering.\\",\\n- \\"highlights\\": []\\n- },\\n- {\\n- \\"company\\": \\"Draeger Medical GmbH\\",\\n- \\"position\\": \\"Integrated Degree Student\\",\\n- \\"website\\": \\"\\",\\n- \\"startDate\\": \\"2012-08-01\\",\\n- \\"endDate\\": \\"2016-01-31\\",\\n- \\"summary\\": \\"As an international leader in medical and safety technology, Dr\\u00e4ger develops innovative equipment and solutions people the world over trust. No matter where Dr\\u00e4ger products are used: it\\u2019s always about life. Whether for use in clinical, industrial or mining applications, in firefighting or rescue services, Dr\\u00e4ger products protect, support and save lives.\\",\\n- \\"highlights\\": []\\n- },\\n- {\\n- \\"company\\": \\"Viper Development\\",\\n- \\"position\\": \\"Founder\\",\\n- \\"website\\": \\"\\",\\n- \\"startDate\\": \\"2015-12-01\\",\\n- \\"endDate\\": \\"\\",\\n- \\"summary\\": \\"Viper Development offers custom forged software, consulting and workshops around open source software. Quality and maintainability are the core aspect of all actions.\\",\\n- \\"highlights\\": []\\n- }\\n- ],\\n- \\"volunteer\\": [\\n- {\\n- \\"organization\\": \\"coala\\",\\n- \\"position\\": \\"Founder and Maintainer\\",\\n- \\"website\\": \\"\\",\\n- \\"startDate\\": \\"2013-01-01\\",\\n- \\"endDate\\": \\"\\",\\n- \\"summary\\": \\"coala is a simple COde AnaLysis Application. Its goal is to make static code analysis easy while remaining completely modular and therefore extendable and language independent.\\",\\n- \\"highlights\\": [\\n- \\"Mentor for the Google Summer of Code\\",\\n- \\"Administrator for the Google Summer of Code\\"\\n- ]\\n- },\\n- {\\n- \\"organization\\": \\"GNOME\\",\\n- \\"position\\": \\"\\",\\n- \\"website\\": \\"\\",\\n- \\"startDate\\": \\"2014-02-01\\",\\n- \\"endDate\\": \\"\\",\\n- \\"summary\\": \\"GNOME 3 is an easy and elegant way to use your computer. It is designed to put you in control and bring freedom to everybody. GNOME 3 is developed by the GNOME community, a diverse, international group of contributors that is supported by an independent, non-profit foundation.\\",\\n- \\"highlights\\": [\\n- \\"Mentor for the Google Summer of Code (2015 - now)\\",\\n- \\"Administrator for the Google Summer of Code (2015 - now)\\"\\n- ]\\n- }\\n- ],\\n- \\"education\\": [\\n- {\\n- \\"institution\\": \\"Albert Schweitzer Gymnasium\\",\\n- \\"area\\": \\"General Certificate of Education\\",\\n- \\"studyType\\": \\"\\",\\n- \\"startDate\\": \\"2006-08-01\\",\\n- \\"endDate\\": \\"2012-08-01\\",\\n- \\"gpa\\": \\"\\",\\n- \\"courses\\": []\\n- },\\n- {\\n- \\"institution\\": \\"Hamburg University of Technology\\",\\n- \\"area\\": \\"Computer Science and Engineering\\",\\n- \\"studyType\\": \\"Bachelor\\",\\n- \\"startDate\\": \\"2012-10-01\\",\\n- \\"endDate\\": \\"2015-11-01\\",\\n- \\"gpa\\": \\"\\",\\n- \\"courses\\": []\\n- },\\n- {\\n- \\"institution\\": \\"Hamburg University of Technology\\",\\n- \\"area\\": \\"Computer Science\\",\\n- \\"studyType\\": \\"Master\\",\\n- \\"startDate\\": \\"2015-11-01\\",\\n- \\"gpa\\": \\"\\",\\n- \\"courses\\": []\\n- }\\n- ],\\n- \\"awards\\": [\\n- {\\n- \\"title\\": \\"Second Place and Two Special Awards\\",\\n- \\"date\\": \\"2009-03-01\\",\\n- \\"awarder\\": \\"Jugend Forscht\\",\\n- \\"summary\\": \\"As the youngest participant of the city wide level of Jugend Forscht.\\"\\n- },\\n- {\\n- \\"title\\": \\"Special Award for the Best Interdisciplinary Work\\",\\n- \\"date\\": \\"2011-04-01\\",\\n- \\"awarder\\": \\"Jugend Forscht\\",\\n- \\"summary\\": \\"\\"\\n- },\\n- {\\n- \\"title\\": \\"Delegate of the city Hamburg\\",\\n- \\"date\\": \\"2011-08-01\\",\\n- \\"awarder\\": \\"International Mathematical Tournament of Towns\\",\\n- \\"summary\\": \\"\\"\\n- },\\n- {\\n- \\"title\\": \\"Google Summer of Code Stipend\\",\\n- \\"date\\": \\"2014-03-01\\",\\n- \\"awarder\\": \\"Google Inc./GNOME\\",\\n- \\"summary\\": \\"For the project \'Boxes - Hardening sprint, express installation improvements & ISO download\'.\\"\\n- }\\n- ],\\n- \\"publications\\": [],\\n- \\"skills\\": [\\n- {\\n- \\"name\\": \\"Workshops/Talks\\",\\n- \\"level\\": \\"\\",\\n- \\"keywords\\": [\\n- \\"FOSDEM\\",\\n- \\"openSUSE Conference\\",\\n- \\"GUADEC\\",\\n- \\"LinuxWochen\\",\\n- \\"For Clients\\"\\n- ]\\n- },\\n- {\\n- \\"name\\": \\"Software Development\\",\\n- \\"level\\": \\"\\",\\n- \\"keywords\\": [\\n- \\"Python\\",\\n- \\"Continuous Integration\\",\\n- \\"Code Quality\\"\\n- ]\\n- }\\n- ],\\n- \\"languages\\": [\\n- {\\n- \\"language\\": \\"German\\",\\n- \\"fluency\\": \\"Native Speaker\\"\\n- },\\n- {\\n- \\"language\\": \\"English\\",\\n- \\"fluency\\": \\"Fluent\\"\\n- }\\n- ],\\n- \\"interests\\": [\\n- {\\n- \\"name\\": \\"Singing\\",\\n- \\"keywords\\": [\\n- \\"Baritone\\",\\n- \\"Piano\\",\\n- \\"Violin\\",\\n- \\"Guitar\\"\\n- ]\\n- },\\n- {\\n- \\"name\\": \\"Music (Various Instruments)\\"\\n- },\\n- {\\n- \\"name\\": \\"Dancing\\"\\n- }\\n- ],\\n- \\"references\\": [\\n- {\\n- \\"name\\": \\"Prof. Dr. Christoph Ihl, Hamburg Technical University\\",\\n- \\"reference\\": \\"Highly competent and efficient. Very smooth to work with.\\"\\n- }\\n- ]\\n+ \\"basics\\": {\\n+ \\"name\\": \\"Lasse Schuirmann\\",\\n+ \\"label\\": \\"Software Developer\\",\\n+ \\"picture\\": \\"\\",\\n+ \\"email\\": \\"\\",\\n+ \\"phone\\": \\"+49 1578 0442029\\",\\n+ \\"website\\": \\"\\",\\n+ \\"summary\\": \\"Lasse Schuirmann is a freelance software developer who cares passionately about open source, collaboratively developed software. After he was awarded the Google Summer of Code sholarship, he began mentoring several students while administering the GSoC program for the GNOME organization. Currently he spends most of his time maintaining and developing his open source project coala to help developers improving their code quality without hassle. The coala project group has almost 100 contributors and is present at conferences all around the world.\\\\n\\\\nIn his spare time, Lasse forges high quality (mostly python) software and conducts workshops for clients of his company Viper Development (, pursues a master degree in Computer Science, develops GitMate (, a hand crafted piece of software that supports developers during their whole workflow, and talks and performs workshops at conferences around the globe.\\",\\n+ \\"location\\": {\\n+ \\"address\\": \\"Heimfelder Strasse 29\\",\\n+ \\"postalCode\\": \\"21075\\",\\n+ \\"city\\": \\"Hamburg\\",\\n+ \\"countryCode\\": \\"DE\\",\\n+ \\"region\\": \\"Germany\\"\\n+ },\\n+ \\"profiles\\": [\\n+ {\\n+ \\"network\\": \\"\\",\\n+ \\"username\\": \\"GitHub: sils\\",\\n+ \\"url\\": \\"\\"\\n+ },\\n+ {\\n+ \\"network\\": \\"\\",\\n+ \\"username\\": \\"GitLab: sils\\",\\n+ \\"url\\": \\"\\"\\n+ }\\n+ ]\\n+ },\\n+ \\"work\\": [\\n+ {\\n+ \\"company\\": \\"Prosystem AG\\",\\n+ \\"position\\": \\"Software Developer\\",\\n+ \\"website\\": \\"\\",\\n+ \\"startDate\\": \\"2009-08-01\\",\\n+ \\"endDate\\": \\"2010-04-31\\",\\n+ \\"summary\\": \\"PROSYSTEM AG is a worldwide leading consulting- and service company in biomedical engineering.\\",\\n+ \\"highlights\\": []\\n+ },\\n+ {\\n+ \\"company\\": \\"Draeger Medical GmbH\\",\\n+ \\"position\\": \\"Integrated Degree Student\\",\\n+ \\"website\\": \\"\\",\\n+ \\"startDate\\": \\"2012-08-01\\",\\n+ \\"endDate\\": \\"2016-01-31\\",\\n+ \\"summary\\": \\"As an international leader in medical and safety technology, Dr\\\\u00e4ger develops innovative equipment and solutions people the world over trust. No matter where Dr\\\\u00e4ger products are used: it\\\\u2019s always about life. Whether for use in clinical, industrial or mining applications, in firefighting or rescue services, Dr\\\\u00e4ger products protect, support and save lives.\\",\\n+ \\"highlights\\": []\\n+ },\\n+ {\\n+ \\"company\\": \\"Viper Development\\",\\n+ \\"position\\": \\"Founder\\",\\n+ \\"website\\": \\"\\",\\n+ \\"startDate\\": \\"2015-12-01\\",\\n+ \\"endDate\\": \\"\\",\\n+ \\"summary\\": \\"Viper Development offers custom forged software, consulting and workshops around open source software. Quality and maintainability are the core aspect of all actions.\\",\\n+ \\"highlights\\": []\\n+ }\\n+ ],\\n+ \\"volunteer\\": [\\n+ {\\n+ \\"organization\\": \\"coala\\",\\n+ \\"position\\": \\"Founder and Maintainer\\",\\n+ \\"website\\": \\"\\",\\n+ \\"startDate\\": \\"2013-01-01\\",\\n+ \\"endDate\\": \\"\\",\\n+ \\"summary\\": \\"coala is a simple COde AnaLysis Application. Its goal is to make static code analysis easy while remaining completely modular and therefore extendable and language independent.\\",\\n+ \\"highlights\\": [\\n+ \\"Mentor for the Google Summer of Code\\",\\n+ \\"Administrator for the Google Summer of Code\\"\\n+ ]\\n+ },\\n+ {\\n+ \\"organization\\": \\"GNOME\\",\\n+ \\"position\\": \\"\\",\\n+ \\"website\\": \\"\\",\\n+ \\"startDate\\": \\"2014-02-01\\",\\n+ \\"endDate\\": \\"\\",\\n+ \\"summary\\": \\"GNOME 3 is an easy and elegant way to use your computer. It is designed to put you in control and bring freedom to everybody. GNOME 3 is developed by the GNOME community, a diverse, international group of contributors that is supported by an independent, non-profit foundation.\\",\\n+ \\"highlights\\": [\\n+ \\"Mentor for the Google Summer of Code (2015 - now)\\",\\n+ \\"Administrator for the Google Summer of Code (2015 - now)\\"\\n+ ]\\n+ }\\n+ ],\\n+ \\"education\\": [\\n+ {\\n+ \\"institution\\": \\"Albert Schweitzer Gymnasium\\",\\n+ \\"area\\": \\"General Certificate of Education\\",\\n+ \\"studyType\\": \\"\\",\\n+ \\"startDate\\": \\"2006-08-01\\",\\n+ \\"endDate\\": \\"2012-08-01\\",\\n+ \\"gpa\\": \\"\\",\\n+ \\"courses\\": []\\n+ },\\n+ {\\n+ \\"institution\\": \\"Hamburg University of Technology\\",\\n+ \\"area\\": \\"Computer Science and Engineering\\",\\n+ \\"studyType\\": \\"Bachelor\\",\\n+ \\"startDate\\": \\"2012-10-01\\",\\n+ \\"endDate\\": \\"2015-11-01\\",\\n+ \\"gpa\\": \\"\\",\\n+ \\"courses\\": []\\n+ },\\n+ {\\n+ \\"institution\\": \\"Hamburg University of Technology\\",\\n+ \\"area\\": \\"Computer Science\\",\\n+ \\"studyType\\": \\"Master\\",\\n+ \\"startDate\\": \\"2015-11-01\\",\\n+ \\"gpa\\": \\"\\",\\n+ \\"courses\\": []\\n+ }\\n+ ],\\n+ \\"awards\\": [\\n+ {\\n+ \\"title\\": \\"Second Place and Two Special Awards\\",\\n+ \\"date\\": \\"2009-03-01\\",\\n+ \\"awarder\\": \\"Jugend Forscht\\",\\n+ \\"summary\\": \\"As the youngest participant of the city wide level of Jugend Forscht.\\"\\n+ },\\n+ {\\n+ \\"title\\": \\"Special Award for the Best Interdisciplinary Work\\",\\n+ \\"date\\": \\"2011-04-01\\",\\n+ \\"awarder\\": \\"Jugend Forscht\\",\\n+ \\"summary\\": \\"\\"\\n+ },\\n+ {\\n+ \\"title\\": \\"Delegate of the city Hamburg\\",\\n+ \\"date\\": \\"2011-08-01\\",\\n+ \\"awarder\\": \\"International Mathematical Tournament of Towns\\",\\n+ \\"summary\\": \\"\\"\\n+ },\\n+ {\\n+ \\"title\\": \\"Google Summer of Code Stipend\\",\\n+ \\"date\\": \\"2014-03-01\\",\\n+ \\"awarder\\": \\"Google Inc./GNOME\\",\\n+ \\"summary\\": \\"For the project \'Boxes - Hardening sprint, express installation improvements & ISO download\'.\\"\\n+ }\\n+ ],\\n+ \\"publications\\": [],\\n+ \\"skills\\": [\\n+ {\\n+ \\"name\\": \\"Workshops/Talks\\",\\n+ \\"level\\": \\"\\",\\n+ \\"keywords\\": [\\n+ \\"FOSDEM\\",\\n+ \\"openSUSE Conference\\",\\n+ \\"GUADEC\\",\\n+ \\"LinuxWochen\\",\\n+ \\"For Clients\\"\\n+ ]\\n+ },\\n+ {\\n+ \\"name\\": \\"Software Development\\",\\n+ \\"level\\": \\"\\",\\n+ \\"keywords\\": [\\n+ \\"Python\\",\\n+ \\"Continuous Integration\\",\\n+ \\"Code Quality\\"\\n+ ]\\n+ }\\n+ ],\\n+ \\"languages\\": [\\n+ {\\n+ \\"language\\": \\"German\\",\\n+ \\"fluency\\": \\"Native Speaker\\"\\n+ },\\n+ {\\n+ \\"language\\": \\"English\\",\\n+ \\"fluency\\": \\"Fluent\\"\\n+ }\\n+ ],\\n+ \\"interests\\": [\\n+ {\\n+ \\"name\\": \\"Singing\\",\\n+ \\"keywords\\": [\\n+ \\"Baritone\\",\\n+ \\"Piano\\",\\n+ \\"Violin\\",\\n+ \\"Guitar\\"\\n+ ]\\n+ },\\n+ {\\n+ \\"name\\": \\"Music (Various Instruments)\\"\\n+ },\\n+ {\\n+ \\"name\\": \\"Dancing\\"\\n+ }\\n+ ],\\n+ \\"references\\": [\\n+ {\\n+ \\"name\\": \\"Prof. Dr. Christoph Ihl, Hamburg Technical University\\",\\n+ \\"reference\\": \\"Highly competent and efficient. Very smooth to work with.\\"\\n+ }\\n+ ]\\n }\\n"}, "id": 234375853778584351903942988087408750541, "message": "This file can be reformatted by sorting keys and following indentation.", "message_arguments": {}, "message_base": "This file can be reformatted by sorting keys and following indentation.", "origin": "JSONFormatBear", "severity": 1}]}}\' | python3']' in image '' returned non-zero exit status 1: b'/bin/bash: ISO: command not found\n/bin/bash: ISO: command not found\n/bin/bash: ISO: command not found\nTraceback (most recent call last):\n File "", line 90, in <module>\n INPUT = json.load(sys.stdin)\n File "/usr/local/lib/python3.6/json/", line 299, in load\n parse_constant=parse_constant, object_pairs_hook=object_pairs_hook, **kw)\n File "/usr/local/lib/python3.6/json/", line 354, in loads\n return _default_decoder.decode(s)\n File "/usr/local/lib/python3.6/json/", line 339, in decode\n obj, end = self.raw_decode(s, idx=_w(s, 0).end())\n File "/usr/local/lib/python3.6/json/", line 357, in raw_decode\n raise JSONDecodeError("Expecting value", s, err.value) from None\njson.decoder.JSONDecodeError: Expecting value: line 1 column 1 (char 0)\n'
  3. Traceback (most recent call last):
  4. File "/home/lasse/prog/gitmate/gitmate-2/gitmate_code_analysis/", line 132, in run_code_analysis
  5. filtered_results = filter_results(old_results, new_results)
  6. File "/home/lasse/prog/gitmate/gitmate-2/gitmate_code_analysis/", line 56, in filter_results
  7. remove=True, working_dir=working_dir)
  8. File "/home/lasse/.venvs/coon/lib/python3.6/site-packages/docker/models/", line 679, in run
  9. raise ContainerError(container, exit_status, command, image, out)
  10. docker.errors.ContainerError: Command '['/bin/bash', '-c', 'echo \'{"old_files": {}, "new_files": {"default": {}, "all": {"/tmp/coala/resume.json": ["{\\n", " \\"basics\\": {\\n", " \\"name\\": \\"Lasse Schuirmann\\",\\n", " \\"label\\": \\"Software Developer\\",\\n", " \\"picture\\": \\"\\",\\n", " \\"email\\": \\"\\",\\n", " \\"phone\\": \\"+49 1578 0442029\\",\\n", " \\"website\\": \\"\\",\\n", " \\"summary\\": \\"Lasse Schuirmann is a freelance software developer who cares passionately about open source, collaboratively developed software. After he was awarded the Google Summer of Code sholarship, he began mentoring several students while administering the GSoC program for the GNOME organization. Currently he spends most of his time maintaining and developing his open source project coala to help developers improving their code quality without hassle. The coala project group has almost 100 contributors and is present at conferences all around the world.\\\\n\\\\nIn his spare time, Lasse forges high quality (mostly python) software and conducts workshops for clients of his company Viper Development (, pursues a master degree in Computer Science, develops GitMate (, a hand crafted piece of software that supports developers during their whole workflow, and talks and performs workshops at conferences around the globe.\\",\\n", " \\"location\\": {\\n", " \\"address\\": \\"Heimfelder Strasse 29\\",\\n", " \\"postalCode\\": \\"21075\\",\\n", " \\"city\\": \\"Hamburg\\",\\n", " \\"countryCode\\": \\"DE\\",\\n", " \\"region\\": \\"Germany\\"\\n", " },\\n", " \\"profiles\\": [\\n", " {\\n", " \\"network\\": \\"\\",\\n", " \\"username\\": \\"GitHub: sils\\",\\n", " \\"url\\": \\"\\"\\n", " },\\n", " {\\n", " \\"network\\": \\"\\",\\n", " \\"username\\": \\"GitLab: sils\\",\\n", " \\"url\\": \\"\\"\\n", " }\\n", " ]\\n", " },\\n", " \\"work\\": [\\n", " {\\n", " \\"company\\": \\"Prosystem AG\\",\\n", " \\"position\\": \\"Software Developer\\",\\n", " \\"website\\": \\"\\",\\n", " \\"startDate\\": \\"2009-08-01\\",\\n", " \\"endDate\\": \\"2010-04-31\\",\\n", " \\"summary\\": \\"PROSYSTEM AG is a worldwide leading consulting- and service company in biomedical engineering.\\",\\n", " \\"highlights\\": []\\n", " },\\n", " {\\n", " \\"company\\": \\"Draeger Medical GmbH\\",\\n", " \\"position\\": \\"Integrated Degree Student\\",\\n", " \\"website\\": \\"\\",\\n", " \\"startDate\\": \\"2012-08-01\\",\\n", " \\"endDate\\": \\"2016-01-31\\",\\n", " \\"summary\\": \\"As an international leader in medical and safety technology, Dr\\u00e4ger develops innovative equipment and solutions people the world over trust. No matter where Dr\\u00e4ger products are used: it\\u2019s always about life. Whether for use in clinical, industrial or mining applications, in firefighting or rescue services, Dr\\u00e4ger products protect, support and save lives.\\",\\n", " \\"highlights\\": []\\n", " },\\n", " {\\n", " \\"company\\": \\"Viper Development\\",\\n", " \\"position\\": \\"Founder\\",\\n", " \\"website\\": \\"\\",\\n", " \\"startDate\\": \\"2015-12-01\\",\\n", " \\"endDate\\": \\"\\",\\n", " \\"summary\\": \\"Viper Development offers custom forged software, consulting and workshops around open source software. Quality and maintainability are the core aspect of all actions.\\",\\n", " \\"highlights\\": []\\n", " }\\n", " ],\\n", " \\"volunteer\\": [\\n", " {\\n", " \\"organization\\": \\"coala\\",\\n", " \\"position\\": \\"Founder and Maintainer\\",\\n", " \\"website\\": \\"\\",\\n", " \\"startDate\\": \\"2013-01-01\\",\\n", " \\"endDate\\": \\"\\",\\n", " \\"summary\\": \\"coala is a simple COde AnaLysis Application. Its goal is to make static code analysis easy while remaining completely modular and therefore extendable and language independent.\\",\\n", " \\"highlights\\": [\\n", " \\"Mentor for the Google Summer of Code\\",\\n", " \\"Administrator for the Google Summer of Code\\"\\n", " ]\\n", " },\\n", " {\\n", " \\"organization\\": \\"GNOME\\",\\n", " \\"position\\": \\"\\",\\n", " \\"website\\": \\"\\",\\n", " \\"startDate\\": \\"2014-02-01\\",\\n", " \\"endDate\\": \\"\\",\\n", " \\"summary\\": \\"GNOME 3 is an easy and elegant way to use your computer. It is designed to put you in control and bring freedom to everybody. GNOME 3 is developed by the GNOME community, a diverse, international group of contributors that is supported by an independent, non-profit foundation.\\",\\n", " \\"highlights\\": [\\n", " \\"Mentor for the Google Summer of Code (2015 - now)\\",\\n", " \\"Administrator for the Google Summer of Code (2015 - now)\\"\\n", " ]\\n", " }\\n", " ],\\n", " \\"education\\": [\\n", " {\\n", " \\"institution\\": \\"Albert Schweitzer Gymnasium\\",\\n", " \\"area\\": \\"General Certificate of Education\\",\\n", " \\"studyType\\": \\"\\",\\n", " \\"startDate\\": \\"2006-08-01\\",\\n", " \\"endDate\\": \\"2012-08-01\\",\\n", " \\"gpa\\": \\"\\",\\n", " \\"courses\\": []\\n", " },\\n", " {\\n", " \\"institution\\": \\"Hamburg University of Technology\\",\\n", " \\"area\\": \\"Computer Science and Engineering\\",\\n", " \\"studyType\\": \\"Bachelor\\",\\n", " \\"startDate\\": \\"2012-10-01\\",\\n", " \\"endDate\\": \\"2015-11-01\\",\\n", " \\"gpa\\": \\"\\",\\n", " \\"courses\\": []\\n", " },\\n", " {\\n", " \\"institution\\": \\"Hamburg University of Technology\\",\\n", " \\"area\\": \\"Computer Science\\",\\n", " \\"studyType\\": \\"Master\\",\\n", " \\"startDate\\": \\"2015-11-01\\",\\n", " \\"gpa\\": \\"\\",\\n", " \\"courses\\": []\\n", " }\\n", " ],\\n", " \\"awards\\": [\\n", " {\\n", " \\"title\\": \\"Second Place and Two Special Awards\\",\\n", " \\"date\\": \\"2009-03-01\\",\\n", " \\"awarder\\": \\"Jugend Forscht\\",\\n", " \\"summary\\": \\"As the youngest participant of the city wide level of Jugend Forscht.\\"\\n", " },\\n", " {\\n", " \\"title\\": \\"Special Award for the Best Interdisciplinary Work\\",\\n", " \\"date\\": \\"2011-04-01\\",\\n", " \\"awarder\\": \\"Jugend Forscht\\",\\n", " \\"summary\\": \\"\\"\\n", " },\\n", " {\\n", " \\"title\\": \\"Delegate of the city Hamburg\\",\\n", " \\"date\\": \\"2011-08-01\\",\\n", " \\"awarder\\": \\"International Mathematical Tournament of Towns\\",\\n", " \\"summary\\": \\"\\"\\n", " },\\n", " {\\n", " \\"title\\": \\"Google Summer of Code Stipend\\",\\n", " \\"date\\": \\"2014-03-01\\",\\n", " \\"awarder\\": \\"Google Inc./GNOME\\",\\n", " \\"summary\\": \\"For the project \'Boxes - Hardening sprint, express installation improvements & ISO download\'.\\"\\n", " }\\n", " ],\\n", " \\"publications\\": [],\\n", " \\"skills\\": [\\n", " {\\n", " \\"name\\": \\"Workshops/Talks\\",\\n", " \\"level\\": \\"\\",\\n", " \\"keywords\\": [\\n", " \\"FOSDEM\\",\\n", " \\"openSUSE Conference\\",\\n", " \\"GUADEC\\",\\n", " \\"LinuxWochen\\",\\n", " \\"For Clients\\"\\n", " ]\\n", " },\\n", " {\\n", " \\"name\\": \\"Software Development\\",\\n", " \\"level\\": \\"\\",\\n", " \\"keywords\\": [\\n", " \\"Python\\",\\n", " \\"Continuous Integration\\",\\n", " \\"Code Quality\\"\\n", " ]\\n", " }\\n", " ],\\n", " \\"languages\\": [\\n", " {\\n", " \\"language\\": \\"German\\",\\n", " \\"fluency\\": \\"Native Speaker\\"\\n", " },\\n", " {\\n", " \\"language\\": \\"English\\",\\n", " \\"fluency\\": \\"Fluent\\"\\n", " }\\n", " ],\\n", " \\"interests\\": [\\n", " {\\n", " \\"name\\": \\"Singing\\",\\n", " \\"keywords\\": [\\n", " \\"Baritone\\",\\n", " \\"Piano\\",\\n", " \\"Violin\\",\\n", " \\"Guitar\\"\\n", " ]\\n", " },\\n", " {\\n", " \\"name\\": \\"Music (Various Instruments)\\"\\n", " },\\n", " {\\n", " \\"name\\": \\"Dancing\\"\\n", " }\\n", " ],\\n", " \\"references\\": [\\n", " {\\n", " \\"name\\": \\"Prof. Dr. Christoph Ihl, Hamburg Technical University\\",\\n", " \\"reference\\": \\"Highly competent and efficient. Very smooth to work with.\\"\\n", " }\\n", " ]\\n", "}\\n"]}}, "old_results": {}, "new_results": {"default": [], "all": [{"additional_info": "", "affected_code": [{"end": {"column": null, "file": "/tmp/coala/resume.json", "line": 194}, "file": "/tmp/coala/resume.json", "start": {"column": null, "file": "/tmp/coala/resume.json", "line": 2}}], "aspect": "NoneType", "confidence": 100, "debug_msg": "", "diffs": {"/tmp/coala/resume.json": "--- \\n+++ \\n@@ -1,195 +1,195 @@\\n {\\n- \\"basics\\": {\\n- \\"name\\": \\"Lasse Schuirmann\\",\\n- \\"label\\": \\"Software Developer\\",\\n- \\"picture\\": \\"\\",\\n- \\"email\\": \\"\\",\\n- \\"phone\\": \\"+49 1578 0442029\\",\\n- \\"website\\": \\"\\",\\n- \\"summary\\": \\"Lasse Schuirmann is a freelance software developer who cares passionately about open source, collaboratively developed software. After he was awarded the Google Summer of Code sholarship, he began mentoring several students while administering the GSoC program for the GNOME organization. Currently he spends most of his time maintaining and developing his open source project coala to help developers improving their code quality without hassle. The coala project group has almost 100 contributors and is present at conferences all around the world.\\\\n\\\\nIn his spare time, Lasse forges high quality (mostly python) software and conducts workshops for clients of his company Viper Development (, pursues a master degree in Computer Science, develops GitMate (, a hand crafted piece of software that supports developers during their whole workflow, and talks and performs workshops at conferences around the globe.\\",\\n- \\"location\\": {\\n- \\"address\\": \\"Heimfelder Strasse 29\\",\\n- \\"postalCode\\": \\"21075\\",\\n- \\"city\\": \\"Hamburg\\",\\n- \\"countryCode\\": \\"DE\\",\\n- \\"region\\": \\"Germany\\"\\n- },\\n- \\"profiles\\": [\\n- {\\n- \\"network\\": \\"\\",\\n- \\"username\\": \\"GitHub: sils\\",\\n- \\"url\\": \\"\\"\\n- },\\n- {\\n- \\"network\\": \\"\\",\\n- \\"username\\": \\"GitLab: sils\\",\\n- \\"url\\": \\"\\"\\n- }\\n- ]\\n- },\\n- \\"work\\": [\\n- {\\n- \\"company\\": \\"Prosystem AG\\",\\n- \\"position\\": \\"Software Developer\\",\\n- \\"website\\": \\"\\",\\n- \\"startDate\\": \\"2009-08-01\\",\\n- \\"endDate\\": \\"2010-04-31\\",\\n- \\"summary\\": \\"PROSYSTEM AG is a worldwide leading consulting- and service company in biomedical engineering.\\",\\n- \\"highlights\\": []\\n- },\\n- {\\n- \\"company\\": \\"Draeger Medical GmbH\\",\\n- \\"position\\": \\"Integrated Degree Student\\",\\n- \\"website\\": \\"\\",\\n- \\"startDate\\": \\"2012-08-01\\",\\n- \\"endDate\\": \\"2016-01-31\\",\\n- \\"summary\\": \\"As an international leader in medical and safety technology, Dr\\u00e4ger develops innovative equipment and solutions people the world over trust. No matter where Dr\\u00e4ger products are used: it\\u2019s always about life. Whether for use in clinical, industrial or mining applications, in firefighting or rescue services, Dr\\u00e4ger products protect, support and save lives.\\",\\n- \\"highlights\\": []\\n- },\\n- {\\n- \\"company\\": \\"Viper Development\\",\\n- \\"position\\": \\"Founder\\",\\n- \\"website\\": \\"\\",\\n- \\"startDate\\": \\"2015-12-01\\",\\n- \\"endDate\\": \\"\\",\\n- \\"summary\\": \\"Viper Development offers custom forged software, consulting and workshops around open source software. Quality and maintainability are the core aspect of all actions.\\",\\n- \\"highlights\\": []\\n- }\\n- ],\\n- \\"volunteer\\": [\\n- {\\n- \\"organization\\": \\"coala\\",\\n- \\"position\\": \\"Founder and Maintainer\\",\\n- \\"website\\": \\"\\",\\n- \\"startDate\\": \\"2013-01-01\\",\\n- \\"endDate\\": \\"\\",\\n- \\"summary\\": \\"coala is a simple COde AnaLysis Application. Its goal is to make static code analysis easy while remaining completely modular and therefore extendable and language independent.\\",\\n- \\"highlights\\": [\\n- \\"Mentor for the Google Summer of Code\\",\\n- \\"Administrator for the Google Summer of Code\\"\\n- ]\\n- },\\n- {\\n- \\"organization\\": \\"GNOME\\",\\n- \\"position\\": \\"\\",\\n- \\"website\\": \\"\\",\\n- \\"startDate\\": \\"2014-02-01\\",\\n- \\"endDate\\": \\"\\",\\n- \\"summary\\": \\"GNOME 3 is an easy and elegant way to use your computer. It is designed to put you in control and bring freedom to everybody. GNOME 3 is developed by the GNOME community, a diverse, international group of contributors that is supported by an independent, non-profit foundation.\\",\\n- \\"highlights\\": [\\n- \\"Mentor for the Google Summer of Code (2015 - now)\\",\\n- \\"Administrator for the Google Summer of Code (2015 - now)\\"\\n- ]\\n- }\\n- ],\\n- \\"education\\": [\\n- {\\n- \\"institution\\": \\"Albert Schweitzer Gymnasium\\",\\n- \\"area\\": \\"General Certificate of Education\\",\\n- \\"studyType\\": \\"\\",\\n- \\"startDate\\": \\"2006-08-01\\",\\n- \\"endDate\\": \\"2012-08-01\\",\\n- \\"gpa\\": \\"\\",\\n- \\"courses\\": []\\n- },\\n- {\\n- \\"institution\\": \\"Hamburg University of Technology\\",\\n- \\"area\\": \\"Computer Science and Engineering\\",\\n- \\"studyType\\": \\"Bachelor\\",\\n- \\"startDate\\": \\"2012-10-01\\",\\n- \\"endDate\\": \\"2015-11-01\\",\\n- \\"gpa\\": \\"\\",\\n- \\"courses\\": []\\n- },\\n- {\\n- \\"institution\\": \\"Hamburg University of Technology\\",\\n- \\"area\\": \\"Computer Science\\",\\n- \\"studyType\\": \\"Master\\",\\n- \\"startDate\\": \\"2015-11-01\\",\\n- \\"gpa\\": \\"\\",\\n- \\"courses\\": []\\n- }\\n- ],\\n- \\"awards\\": [\\n- {\\n- \\"title\\": \\"Second Place and Two Special Awards\\",\\n- \\"date\\": \\"2009-03-01\\",\\n- \\"awarder\\": \\"Jugend Forscht\\",\\n- \\"summary\\": \\"As the youngest participant of the city wide level of Jugend Forscht.\\"\\n- },\\n- {\\n- \\"title\\": \\"Special Award for the Best Interdisciplinary Work\\",\\n- \\"date\\": \\"2011-04-01\\",\\n- \\"awarder\\": \\"Jugend Forscht\\",\\n- \\"summary\\": \\"\\"\\n- },\\n- {\\n- \\"title\\": \\"Delegate of the city Hamburg\\",\\n- \\"date\\": \\"2011-08-01\\",\\n- \\"awarder\\": \\"International Mathematical Tournament of Towns\\",\\n- \\"summary\\": \\"\\"\\n- },\\n- {\\n- \\"title\\": \\"Google Summer of Code Stipend\\",\\n- \\"date\\": \\"2014-03-01\\",\\n- \\"awarder\\": \\"Google Inc./GNOME\\",\\n- \\"summary\\": \\"For the project \'Boxes - Hardening sprint, express installation improvements & ISO download\'.\\"\\n- }\\n- ],\\n- \\"publications\\": [],\\n- \\"skills\\": [\\n- {\\n- \\"name\\": \\"Workshops/Talks\\",\\n- \\"level\\": \\"\\",\\n- \\"keywords\\": [\\n- \\"FOSDEM\\",\\n- \\"openSUSE Conference\\",\\n- \\"GUADEC\\",\\n- \\"LinuxWochen\\",\\n- \\"For Clients\\"\\n- ]\\n- },\\n- {\\n- \\"name\\": \\"Software Development\\",\\n- \\"level\\": \\"\\",\\n- \\"keywords\\": [\\n- \\"Python\\",\\n- \\"Continuous Integration\\",\\n- \\"Code Quality\\"\\n- ]\\n- }\\n- ],\\n- \\"languages\\": [\\n- {\\n- \\"language\\": \\"German\\",\\n- \\"fluency\\": \\"Native Speaker\\"\\n- },\\n- {\\n- \\"language\\": \\"English\\",\\n- \\"fluency\\": \\"Fluent\\"\\n- }\\n- ],\\n- \\"interests\\": [\\n- {\\n- \\"name\\": \\"Singing\\",\\n- \\"keywords\\": [\\n- \\"Baritone\\",\\n- \\"Piano\\",\\n- \\"Violin\\",\\n- \\"Guitar\\"\\n- ]\\n- },\\n- {\\n- \\"name\\": \\"Music (Various Instruments)\\"\\n- },\\n- {\\n- \\"name\\": \\"Dancing\\"\\n- }\\n- ],\\n- \\"references\\": [\\n- {\\n- \\"name\\": \\"Prof. Dr. Christoph Ihl, Hamburg Technical University\\",\\n- \\"reference\\": \\"Highly competent and efficient. Very smooth to work with.\\"\\n- }\\n- ]\\n+ \\"basics\\": {\\n+ \\"name\\": \\"Lasse Schuirmann\\",\\n+ \\"label\\": \\"Software Developer\\",\\n+ \\"picture\\": \\"\\",\\n+ \\"email\\": \\"\\",\\n+ \\"phone\\": \\"+49 1578 0442029\\",\\n+ \\"website\\": \\"\\",\\n+ \\"summary\\": \\"Lasse Schuirmann is a freelance software developer who cares passionately about open source, collaboratively developed software. After he was awarded the Google Summer of Code sholarship, he began mentoring several students while administering the GSoC program for the GNOME organization. Currently he spends most of his time maintaining and developing his open source project coala to help developers improving their code quality without hassle. The coala project group has almost 100 contributors and is present at conferences all around the world.\\\\n\\\\nIn his spare time, Lasse forges high quality (mostly python) software and conducts workshops for clients of his company Viper Development (, pursues a master degree in Computer Science, develops GitMate (, a hand crafted piece of software that supports developers during their whole workflow, and talks and performs workshops at conferences around the globe.\\",\\n+ \\"location\\": {\\n+ \\"address\\": \\"Heimfelder Strasse 29\\",\\n+ \\"postalCode\\": \\"21075\\",\\n+ \\"city\\": \\"Hamburg\\",\\n+ \\"countryCode\\": \\"DE\\",\\n+ \\"region\\": \\"Germany\\"\\n+ },\\n+ \\"profiles\\": [\\n+ {\\n+ \\"network\\": \\"\\",\\n+ \\"username\\": \\"GitHub: sils\\",\\n+ \\"url\\": \\"\\"\\n+ },\\n+ {\\n+ \\"network\\": \\"\\",\\n+ \\"username\\": \\"GitLab: sils\\",\\n+ \\"url\\": \\"\\"\\n+ }\\n+ ]\\n+ },\\n+ \\"work\\": [\\n+ {\\n+ \\"company\\": \\"Prosystem AG\\",\\n+ \\"position\\": \\"Software Developer\\",\\n+ \\"website\\": \\"\\",\\n+ \\"startDate\\": \\"2009-08-01\\",\\n+ \\"endDate\\": \\"2010-04-31\\",\\n+ \\"summary\\": \\"PROSYSTEM AG is a worldwide leading consulting- and service company in biomedical engineering.\\",\\n+ \\"highlights\\": []\\n+ },\\n+ {\\n+ \\"company\\": \\"Draeger Medical GmbH\\",\\n+ \\"position\\": \\"Integrated Degree Student\\",\\n+ \\"website\\": \\"\\",\\n+ \\"startDate\\": \\"2012-08-01\\",\\n+ \\"endDate\\": \\"2016-01-31\\",\\n+ \\"summary\\": \\"As an international leader in medical and safety technology, Dr\\\\u00e4ger develops innovative equipment and solutions people the world over trust. No matter where Dr\\\\u00e4ger products are used: it\\\\u2019s always about life. Whether for use in clinical, industrial or mining applications, in firefighting or rescue services, Dr\\\\u00e4ger products protect, support and save lives.\\",\\n+ \\"highlights\\": []\\n+ },\\n+ {\\n+ \\"company\\": \\"Viper Development\\",\\n+ \\"position\\": \\"Founder\\",\\n+ \\"website\\": \\"\\",\\n+ \\"startDate\\": \\"2015-12-01\\",\\n+ \\"endDate\\": \\"\\",\\n+ \\"summary\\": \\"Viper Development offers custom forged software, consulting and workshops around open source software. Quality and maintainability are the core aspect of all actions.\\",\\n+ \\"highlights\\": []\\n+ }\\n+ ],\\n+ \\"volunteer\\": [\\n+ {\\n+ \\"organization\\": \\"coala\\",\\n+ \\"position\\": \\"Founder and Maintainer\\",\\n+ \\"website\\": \\"\\",\\n+ \\"startDate\\": \\"2013-01-01\\",\\n+ \\"endDate\\": \\"\\",\\n+ \\"summary\\": \\"coala is a simple COde AnaLysis Application. Its goal is to make static code analysis easy while remaining completely modular and therefore extendable and language independent.\\",\\n+ \\"highlights\\": [\\n+ \\"Mentor for the Google Summer of Code\\",\\n+ \\"Administrator for the Google Summer of Code\\"\\n+ ]\\n+ },\\n+ {\\n+ \\"organization\\": \\"GNOME\\",\\n+ \\"position\\": \\"\\",\\n+ \\"website\\": \\"\\",\\n+ \\"startDate\\": \\"2014-02-01\\",\\n+ \\"endDate\\": \\"\\",\\n+ \\"summary\\": \\"GNOME 3 is an easy and elegant way to use your computer. It is designed to put you in control and bring freedom to everybody. GNOME 3 is developed by the GNOME community, a diverse, international group of contributors that is supported by an independent, non-profit foundation.\\",\\n+ \\"highlights\\": [\\n+ \\"Mentor for the Google Summer of Code (2015 - now)\\",\\n+ \\"Administrator for the Google Summer of Code (2015 - now)\\"\\n+ ]\\n+ }\\n+ ],\\n+ \\"education\\": [\\n+ {\\n+ \\"institution\\": \\"Albert Schweitzer Gymnasium\\",\\n+ \\"area\\": \\"General Certificate of Education\\",\\n+ \\"studyType\\": \\"\\",\\n+ \\"startDate\\": \\"2006-08-01\\",\\n+ \\"endDate\\": \\"2012-08-01\\",\\n+ \\"gpa\\": \\"\\",\\n+ \\"courses\\": []\\n+ },\\n+ {\\n+ \\"institution\\": \\"Hamburg University of Technology\\",\\n+ \\"area\\": \\"Computer Science and Engineering\\",\\n+ \\"studyType\\": \\"Bachelor\\",\\n+ \\"startDate\\": \\"2012-10-01\\",\\n+ \\"endDate\\": \\"2015-11-01\\",\\n+ \\"gpa\\": \\"\\",\\n+ \\"courses\\": []\\n+ },\\n+ {\\n+ \\"institution\\": \\"Hamburg University of Technology\\",\\n+ \\"area\\": \\"Computer Science\\",\\n+ \\"studyType\\": \\"Master\\",\\n+ \\"startDate\\": \\"2015-11-01\\",\\n+ \\"gpa\\": \\"\\",\\n+ \\"courses\\": []\\n+ }\\n+ ],\\n+ \\"awards\\": [\\n+ {\\n+ \\"title\\": \\"Second Place and Two Special Awards\\",\\n+ \\"date\\": \\"2009-03-01\\",\\n+ \\"awarder\\": \\"Jugend Forscht\\",\\n+ \\"summary\\": \\"As the youngest participant of the city wide level of Jugend Forscht.\\"\\n+ },\\n+ {\\n+ \\"title\\": \\"Special Award for the Best Interdisciplinary Work\\",\\n+ \\"date\\": \\"2011-04-01\\",\\n+ \\"awarder\\": \\"Jugend Forscht\\",\\n+ \\"summary\\": \\"\\"\\n+ },\\n+ {\\n+ \\"title\\": \\"Delegate of the city Hamburg\\",\\n+ \\"date\\": \\"2011-08-01\\",\\n+ \\"awarder\\": \\"International Mathematical Tournament of Towns\\",\\n+ \\"summary\\": \\"\\"\\n+ },\\n+ {\\n+ \\"title\\": \\"Google Summer of Code Stipend\\",\\n+ \\"date\\": \\"2014-03-01\\",\\n+ \\"awarder\\": \\"Google Inc./GNOME\\",\\n+ \\"summary\\": \\"For the project \'Boxes - Hardening sprint, express installation improvements & ISO download\'.\\"\\n+ }\\n+ ],\\n+ \\"publications\\": [],\\n+ \\"skills\\": [\\n+ {\\n+ \\"name\\": \\"Workshops/Talks\\",\\n+ \\"level\\": \\"\\",\\n+ \\"keywords\\": [\\n+ \\"FOSDEM\\",\\n+ \\"openSUSE Conference\\",\\n+ \\"GUADEC\\",\\n+ \\"LinuxWochen\\",\\n+ \\"For Clients\\"\\n+ ]\\n+ },\\n+ {\\n+ \\"name\\": \\"Software Development\\",\\n+ \\"level\\": \\"\\",\\n+ \\"keywords\\": [\\n+ \\"Python\\",\\n+ \\"Continuous Integration\\",\\n+ \\"Code Quality\\"\\n+ ]\\n+ }\\n+ ],\\n+ \\"languages\\": [\\n+ {\\n+ \\"language\\": \\"German\\",\\n+ \\"fluency\\": \\"Native Speaker\\"\\n+ },\\n+ {\\n+ \\"language\\": \\"English\\",\\n+ \\"fluency\\": \\"Fluent\\"\\n+ }\\n+ ],\\n+ \\"interests\\": [\\n+ {\\n+ \\"name\\": \\"Singing\\",\\n+ \\"keywords\\": [\\n+ \\"Baritone\\",\\n+ \\"Piano\\",\\n+ \\"Violin\\",\\n+ \\"Guitar\\"\\n+ ]\\n+ },\\n+ {\\n+ \\"name\\": \\"Music (Various Instruments)\\"\\n+ },\\n+ {\\n+ \\"name\\": \\"Dancing\\"\\n+ }\\n+ ],\\n+ \\"references\\": [\\n+ {\\n+ \\"name\\": \\"Prof. Dr. Christoph Ihl, Hamburg Technical University\\",\\n+ \\"reference\\": \\"Highly competent and efficient. Very smooth to work with.\\"\\n+ }\\n+ ]\\n }\\n"}, "id": 234375853778584351903942988087408750541, "message": "This file can be reformatted by sorting keys and following indentation.", "message_arguments": {}, "message_base": "This file can be reformatted by sorting keys and following indentation.", "origin": "JSONFormatBear", "severity": 1}]}}\' | python3']' in image '' returned non-zero exit status 1: b'/bin/bash: ISO: command not found\n/bin/bash: ISO: command not found\n/bin/bash: ISO: command not found\nTraceback (most recent call last):\n File "", line 90, in <module>\n INPUT = json.load(sys.stdin)\n File "/usr/local/lib/python3.6/json/", line 299, in load\n parse_constant=parse_constant, object_pairs_hook=object_pairs_hook, **kw)\n File "/usr/local/lib/python3.6/json/", line 354, in loads\n return _default_decoder.decode(s)\n File "/usr/local/lib/python3.6/json/", line 339, in decode\n obj, end = self.raw_decode(s, idx=_w(s, 0).end())\n File "/usr/local/lib/python3.6/json/", line 357, in raw_decode\n raise JSONDecodeError("Expecting value", s, err.value) from None\njson.decoder.JSONDecodeError: Expecting value: line 1 column 1 (char 0)\n'
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