

Oct 2nd, 2018
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  1. [12:19 PM] Jet: It’s pretty obvious to me that “don’t talk to me” could have been stated better.
  2. I don’t care if you talk to me as part of a public space such as our living room or locab. I don’t care if you talk to me about plans, like how and when to get you ready for your move.
  4. What I don’t want is us to start direct interpersonal verbal conversation.
  6. Hopefully this is consistent with what you want and will lower your stress during the next three months. If not: What do you want?
  7. [12:24 PM] Bel: Why are you telling me this? I haven't started conversation with you since the 22nd. Any conversation between the two of us was either one started by you or one which you joined unsolicited. I'm totally fine with not speaking to you except where it concerns my moving plans.
  8. [12:33 PM] Jet: I’m asking you your preference.
  9. I’m done playing villain or parent for you because as was said months ago I’m not okay with it past you calling us manipulative for doing so.
  10. [12:34 PM] Jet: Both conversations we have every right to join being both in the chat we made and the shared space of the apartment we rent. If you’d like to have rules for what conversations can and can’t be joined, say so.
  11. [12:52 PM] Bel: I would prefer you leave me alone. I won't stop you from joining conversations, but I'm likely to duck out if you do. I'm not interested in your perspectives.
  12. [12:54 PM] Jet: Okayz Can you please stop being condescendingly dismissive when you choose to do so then? It’s more likely to get you a continuation if I misread. “I’m dropping out of the conversation here” or similar would be clearer.
  13. [12:55 PM] Bel: No.
  14. [1:08 PM] Jet: Okay, so are you actively against doing anything to make living together easier, or do you have another reason for denying yhe request.
  15. [1:11 PM] Bel: How did you phrase it again?
  16. [1:11 PM] Bel: Oh, right:
  17. [1:11 PM] Bel: "You want to talk about being civil? One further. I don’t need to talk to you."
  18. [1:12 PM] Jet: Yeah except you’ve talked to me twice and failed at being anything but dismissive and passive aggressive.
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