

Oct 8th, 2018
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  1. on walk on lapis_block:
  2. set {aooni.%player%} to true
  3. command /aooni <text> [<player>]:
  4. permission: skript.adnin
  5. trigger:
  6. if arg 1 is "wp":
  7. loop all players:
  8. if {aooni.%player%} is false:
  9. message "&b対象者がいません"
  10. stop
  11. if {aooni.%player%} is true:
  12. add random player to {aooni}
  13. broadcast "&b今回の青鬼は%{aooni}%さんです。"
  14. execute console command "/aooni wapu %{aooni}%"
  15. set {aooni.%player%} to false
  16. stop
  17. if arg 1 is "start":
  18. broadcast "&53....2....1...."
  19. wait 3 second
  20. broadcast "&b青鬼スタート!"
  21. execute console command "/setblock air"
  22. execute console command "/timer start 300 0"
  23. execute console command "/time set night"
  24. loop all players:
  25. if {opopop} is false:
  26. if {hirosi} is false:
  27. if {aooni} is false:
  28. set {hirosi} to loop-player
  29. execute console command "/gamemode 2 %{hirosi}%"
  30. execute console command "/aooni hirosi %loop-value%"
  31. wait 300 second
  32. loop all players:
  33. set {aooni} to false
  34. set {hirosi} to false
  35. set {aooni.%player%} to false
  36. set {opopop} to false
  37. if arg 1 is "help":
  38. message "&b----青鬼skript----"
  39. message "&b<>は必須枠、()はご自由に"
  40. message "&b</aooni wp> 青鬼抽選、青鬼の指定などが行えます"
  41. message "&b</aooni start> 青鬼が始まります。(OPの方は自動的に参加してしまうので./aooni sanka を打ってください)"
  42. message "&b</aooni set> 青鬼が抽選された時のスポーン地点を設定します。"
  43. message "&b</aooni sanka> 自動的に参加しなくなります"
  44. message "&b</aooni startpoint> スタートした時にteleportする所を設定できます。"
  45. if arg 1 is "set":
  46. set {tp.aooni} to location of player
  47. message "青鬼スポーン地点 : %{tp.aooni}%"
  48. if arg 1 is "startpoint":
  49. set {tp.hirosi} to location of player
  50. message "ひろしスタート地点 : %{tp.hirosi}%"
  51. if arg 1 is "wapu":
  52. if arg 2 is "%arg 2%":
  53. teleport arg 2 to {tp.aooni}
  54. if arg 1 is "hirosi":
  55. if arg 2 is "%arg 2%":
  56. teleport arg 2 to {tp.hirosi}
  57. if arg 1 is "clear":
  58. if arg 2 is "%arg 2%":
  59. set {aooni.%player%} to false
  60. message "&b投票をリセットしました"
  61. stop
  62. if arg 1 is "check":
  63. message "%{aooni::*}%"
  64. if {aooni.%player%} is true:
  65. message "trueです。"
  66. stop
  67. if {aooni.%player%} is false:
  68. message "falseです"
  69. stop
  70. if arg 2 is "%arg 2%":
  71. if {aooni.%player%} is true:
  72. message "trueです。"
  73. stop
  74. if {aooni.%player%} is false:
  75. message "falseです"
  76. stop
  78. if arg 1 is "delete":
  79. if {aooni} is true:
  80. set {aooni} to false
  81. message "青鬼をfalseにしました"
  82. if {hirosi} is true:
  83. set {hirosi} to false
  84. message "deleteしたよ"
  85. if arg 2 is "%arg 2%":
  86. if {aooni} is true:
  87. set {aooni} to false
  88. message "青鬼をfalseにしました"
  89. if {hirosi} is true:
  90. set {hirosi} to false
  91. message "deleteしたよ"
  92. if arg 1 is "sanka":
  93. message "&b抜けました"
  94. set {opopop} to true
  95. on walk on acacia wood planks:
  96. set {aooni.%player%} to false
  97. on pick up of wooden pressure plate:
  98. message "&d地下室のカギを手に入れました"
  99. on death of player:
  100. broadcast "&1%player%は青鬼に食べられた"
  101. stop
  102. on rightclick on a obsidian:
  103. if player's tool is diamond:
  104. execute console command "/tp %player% ~-4 ~5 ~"
  105. broadcast "&b%player%さんが青鬼の館から脱出しました!"
  106. every 1 second:
  107. if {aooni} is true:
  108. execute console command "/effect %{aooni}% 5 1000000 100 true"
  109. execute console command "/effect %{aooni}% 17 1000000 15 true"
  111. on join:
  112. broadcast "&e%player% joined the game"
  113. command /nokill [<player>] [<text>]:
  114. trigger:
  115. if arg 2 is "on":
  116. set {nokill.%arg 1%} to true
  117. message "&6プレイヤーが死ななくなりました"
  118. if arg 2 is "off":
  119. set {nokill.%arg 1%} to false
  120. message "&6プレイヤーが死ぬようになりました"
  121. on damage of player:
  122. if {nokill.%victim%} is true:
  123. increase the damage by damage*50
  124. if {nokill.%victim%} is false:
  125. increase the damage by damage*1
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