

Mar 23rd, 2016
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  1. command /cuboids:
  2. trigger:
  3. if {cuboid::%player%} is false:
  4. loop blocks in radius {@radius} around player:
  5. loop all players:
  6. if {dzialka::%loop-player%} not contains "%location of loop-block%":
  7. add "%location of loop-block%" to {dzialka::%player%}
  8. send "&7Trwa ladowanie..."
  9. wait 3 seconds
  10. set {cuboid::%player%} to true
  11. send "&8[&6CuboidS&8] &6Twoja dzialka zostala utworzona"
  12. set {cuboid::home::%player%} to location of player
  13. else:
  14. send "&8[&4!&8] &cJestes na dzialce &6%loop-player%"
  15. else:
  16. send "&cMozna miec jedna dzialke na jedna edycje... Popros administratora moze cos tobie poradzi ;{"
  17. command /cuboids:teleport:
  18. aliases: /cbtp, /cuboidstp, /cubtp, /cub, /wbitka
  19. trigger:
  20. if {cuboids::%player%} is true:
  21. wait 2 seconds
  22. teleport player to {cuboid::home::%player%}
  23. send "&2Teleportacja do &6Cuboid."
  24. else:
  25. send "&cNie posiadasz Cuboida"
  26. break:
  27. loop all players:
  28. if {dzialka::%loop-player%} contains "%location of loop-block%":
  29. cancel event
  30. send "&cNie twoje!"
  31. place:
  32. loop all players:
  33. if {dzialka::%loop-player%} contains "%location of loop-block%":
  34. cancel event
  35. send "&cNie twoje!"
  36. command /reset [<player>]:
  37. trigger:
  38. clear {dzialka::%player-arg%}
  39. clear {cuboid::%player-arg%}
  40. clear {cuboid::home::%player-arg%}
  41. broadcast "&8[&4HARD-RESET&8] &4%player-arg% is reseting!" #Change broadcast to send or send to all players ;] Goodbye!
  43. command /autor:
  44. trigger:
  45. send "&3Autorem skryptu jest Sweey. :] Czas pracy: 3min, Autoryzacja: Wydano.
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