
Lucy, Eric, and Derek

Mar 4th, 2020 (edited)
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  1. Oculus, Thu 13 Feb 2020 21:09:10 4chan Time: 2/13/20(Thu)9:09 No.28350449
  2. =======================================================================================================================================
  3. ~Prologue~
  5. >You are a Fluffy
  6. >You have been in the shelter for a forever
  8. >Forever ago, you were living with a special friend in a nearby alleyway
  9. >however, your special friend never came back one day while hunting for nummies. You fear the worst
  10. >you finally gave birth, but all your foals are stillborn
  11. >with nothing left in your life, the only thing you have by your side is an old stuffy friend, with one its weggies missing
  12. >it was the last gift from your special friend to you, and the only thing you have left
  13. >you hug it while repeating the words "wan die" continuosly
  14. >in your grief, you ignore the bright shining light, and the hummie munstah
  15. >he gives you a hurtie, and for a while, you feel like you are getting the forever-sleepies
  17. >in your cage, you can hear the nearby fluffies pleading to various hummmehs, repeating crys of "be nyu dadded" and "giv huggies pliz"
  18. >you pay no attention to them, as you keep hugging your stuffy friend
  19. >suddenly, a hummeh face looks at you
  20. >the mummeh and daddeh look at each other, and then look at you again
  21. >you try to understand the hummeh mumble
  23. "This one, this one, reminds me of Lucy."
  25. >you put aside your stuffy friend, feeling inquisitive
  26. >in the distance, you can see the mummeh and daddeh talk to another hummeh, a fellow mummah
  27. >the three then come to you
  28. >you then say the words that many ferals have come to say
  30. "Nyu daddeh?"
  32. >the daddeh smiles and says the word you always wanted to hear
  34. "Yes."
  36. ~
  38. >you are lost
  39. >Mummah and daddeh had left you at a nearby daycare but, a lone butterfly flew into the daycare
  40. >being the curious little fluff you are, you keep chasing it
  41. >focusing only on the butterfly, you don't realize that you are now outside the daycare
  42. >as you reach into the streets, you then realize something
  43. >you are lost
  45. >its nighttime
  46. >you have headed to a nearby alleyway
  47. >it is the only security you know
  48. >you try to look for fluff code, the symbols that fellow fluffs like you draw to indicate safe and dangerous spaces
  49. >so far, you find nothing
  50. >there is a nearby dumpster
  51. >you and your special friend had scavenged for food from these places before
  52. >it seems to be that no other fluffy has lived in this area yet
  53. >but you have seen some big and ugly hummehs that do
  54. >maybe thats why the fluffs avoid this place
  55. >as you reach the dumpster, you try to look for nummies. You have not eaten for a while
  56. >you then hear a cry.
  58. >beside the dumpster, a hummeh mummah lies on the ground
  59. >she has no clothes-fluff at the bottom, only skin
  60. >you shake her, while saying
  61. "Mummah?"
  62. >you keep shaking her, trying your best to get her to wake up
  63. >you then hear the cry
  65. >Moving up, near what looks like the hummeh nu-nus, you see a little hummeh
  66. >a little hummeh
  67. >alone in the world
  68. >crying
  70. "Babbeh?"
  72. ~Part 1~
  74. >for the past forevers, mummah and daddeh have been looking after you, and raising you to be the good fluffy that you are
  75. >you learn to use the litterbox, you learn to take a bath and smeww pretty, and you learn how to watch FluffTV
  76. >for the most part, life has been good. you get upsies, you play blockies, and you get sketties and kibbow
  78. >but in the living room, you see a picture of mummah and daddeh with a third hummeh
  79. >he looks like a little version of daddeh
  80. >you ask your owners
  82. "Who is dis hummeh in picshah?"
  84. >mummah and daddeh are silent
  85. >you see mummah walk away. She is about to cry
  86. >dadded is starting to frown
  87. >you feel like as though you have huwt them
  89. "Fwuffy sorry. Fwuffy no mean tu-"
  91. "No, Lucy."
  93. >Daddeh sits down on the sofa. He beckons you to come and sit by his side
  94. >removing his glasses, Daddeh then says
  96. "That is Eric. He's daddeh's babbeh."
  98. >you are surprised
  100. "Hummehs have babbehs?"
  101. "Yes Lucy. Hummehs have babbehs too."
  103. >Feeling elated, you ask the question
  105. "Can meet Eric babbeh?"
  107. >Daddeh hesitates.
  109. "I'm afraid not Lucy. He....he..."
  111. >Daddeh starts to cry. You have never seen a daddeh cry before.
  112. >you can tell that from his lips that the words he is trying to utter is "forever sleepies"
  113. >Feeling a mutual sense of pain, you give him huggies. He holds on to you tight
  115. "Fwuffy understan'. Fwuffy wost babbehs tu."
  117. ~
  119. >that was forever ago
  120. >With that memory in your head, you realize that the little hummeh in the allieway is the babbeh of this mummah
  121. >the mummah has gone into forever sleepies
  122. >you know not why
  123. >you see sharpie huwties nearby. the sort the hummeh munstah gave you to sleepeh a forever ago
  124. >whoever it was, whatever it was, they huwt the hummeh mummah and made her forever sleep
  125. >and only the hummeh babeh is left
  126. >you were a mummah once before
  127. >well, almost was
  128. >but you have also seen other mummahs tend to their babbehs after birth
  129. >a part of you wants to head out after when its brighty times, and look for your mummah and daddeh
  130. >but the hummeh babbeh is crying
  132. >you lick the hummeh
  133. >the smeww is not pretty. He is covered in blood
  134. >you keep licking him, trying to make him a clean babbeh
  135. >after a while, not a forever, babbeh looks clean
  136. >babbeh is still crying though
  137. >you are not sure he wants
  138. >he keeps tugging at your legs, his little babbeh hands resting on your teat, your miwkie places
  140. "Miwkies?"
  142. >babbehs. miwkies. babbehs. miwkies
  143. >you remember the song from before, and then, you realize
  145. "Oh! Babbeh drink miwkies!"
  147. >you slowly let the hummeh babbeh nestle upon your leg, and let him drink from your miwkies
  148. >as he keeps suckling you, you sing the song
  150. "Mummah wuv babbehs,
  151. Babbehs wuv mummah,
  152. Babbehs dwink miwkies,
  153. Gwow big an stwong"
  155. >after a while, babbeh falls asleep
  156. >babbeh has no name though
  157. >as you remember daddeh mention his own babeh, many forevers ago, you come to a decision
  159. "Mummah help find safe place for mummah and babeh Dewek."
  161. >You load the hummeh babbeh on your back. He is sound asleep
  162. >you walk off, and attempt to look for a safe place in the alleyway
  164. >it has been a forever now
  165. >you tried counting the number of times the moon has appeared above you
  166. >you can only count up to ten
  167. >so it is a about ten moons and a few
  168. >counting forever is difficult
  170. >you found a safe place. It is an area behind the dumpster
  171. >the other ugleh hummehs do not seem to know of this place
  172. >it feels like the place your special friend and you once lived in, a bright forever ago
  173. >special friend
  174. >mummah. daddeh.
  175. >your eyes to start to well up
  176. >however, the little hummeh babbeh reaches out to you
  177. >the babbeh gives you huggies
  178. >you hug babbeh back
  179. >for now, he is the only thing you have in the world
  181. >while curling up to your babbeh, you hear hummeh voices
  183. "So she died around here?"
  184. "Yeah. Stupid crack-whore OD'ed and died near the dumpster. Was pregnant with a baby."
  185. "Huh? Whose the baby daddy?"
  186. "No idea. Bitch was fucking around. Hell, she was partying the night she died, thats why she OD'ed. The coroner said that she wasn't raped, but rather, gave birth that night."
  187. "You're saying to me that the reason why she was half-naked was because she was trying to give birth?"
  188. "Exactly, but the stupid bitch was having a really heavy trip that night. Now we got to find that crackbaby."
  190. >you feel hatred as you hear the next response
  192. "Why? He's most likely dead. Fucking son of a whore."
  193. "Yeah well, we're not in a place to judge. Besides, I think no baby should die in a place like this."
  194. "You think too highly of these whores. They're like the shit-rats. They don't contribute to society, they are only good for eating, sleeping, fucking, and of course, leaving a fucking mess."
  195. "Well, lets just keep searching anyway. We're paid to do this shit"
  197. >You hang on to your babbeh
  198. >for some reason, you don't want these people to find him and you, yet.
  200. >its been a forever again
  201. >the moon has appeared many times
  202. >someone had thrown away a lot of used markers
  203. >you remember an episode of FluffTV about counting
  204. >with a marker in your mouth, you have tried to count
  205. >so far, you have managed three row of ten lines. Three of ten moons
  206. >that's a really long forever
  208. >babbeh is okay.
  209. >he drinks miwkies, he sleeps, and he's fine
  210. >he's still smaww though
  211. >he's not a fluffy. He has no fluff, and depends on you not to fee' cowd
  212. >you want to play upsies with him, but he can barely walk
  213. >you want to talk to him, but he cannot speak
  214. >he does a lot of poopies
  215. >you try to teach him that good poopies go in the litterbox you made
  216. >he's too stupid to do that
  217. >as you think about it, you realize
  218. >hummeh babbeh is not like fluffy.
  219. >Fluffy babbeh can grow up fast, but hummeh babbeh can't
  221. >you miss mummah and daddeh
  222. >you know what to do
  224. >you take the marker. you draw a little housie, and then, draw a checkmark, for some other fluffy in future
  225. >you then do what you have to
  227. Part 2
  228. >You are Officer Leroy
  229. >You are a parking enforcement officer
  230. >its a shitty job. People yell at you. People abuse you. You've gotten into a few fights
  231. >but it pays all the same
  232. >you're about to issue a ticket when something tugs at your pants
  233. >ah great, it's another one of these shit-rats
  235. "Fuck off ya piece of shit. I got work to do"
  236. "Please, kind mista, be nyu daddeh for babbeh"
  238. >you want to kick on it. Stomp it
  239. >but then you see the belt around its neck
  240. >this fluffy belongs to someone
  241. >you bend down, ready to pick it up
  242. >a job's a job, and you got to return the fluffy to its owner
  244. "Mistah, please! Dere a babbeh nearby!!"
  246. >the fluffy is struggling violently. You fear she's going to poop on you, like these shitrats usually do
  248. "Look, I'm not your 'nyu daddeh'. I don't about your shitrats. Come along with m-"
  250. >as you are about to finish your sentence, you hear the loud shrill
  251. >its the cry of a human baby
  252. >The shitrat is trying to tell you something
  254. "Hummeh babbeh! Hummeh babbeh nee' hewp!!"
  256. >you're not paid off enough for this
  257. >but you're not a monster
  258. >you put the fluffy down. It immediately runs
  259. >stopping for a quick moment, it turns to you and says
  261. "Dis way mista! Huwwy!!!"
  263. >The fluffy darts into a corner, and then, into a tight spot
  264. >its not too far behind a dumspter
  265. >you then see it
  266. >a human baby. In what seems like a makeshift dwelling
  267. >somehow, this fluffy managed to find a basket, some clothes to place the human baby in it
  268. >nearby there is some markers, some toys, and a lot of poop
  269. >oddly enough, the fluffy poop is in one area, while the human poop is all over the damn place
  271. >you reach for your walkie-talkie
  273. "Hello, Central, I would like to report a baby."
  274. "What is it Leroy?"
  275. "There is a fucking human baby here! About a month old. How it survived, I have no id-"
  277. >while trying to call your superiors, you see the fluffy trying to tend to the little runt
  278. >the fluffy is singing some shitty song, but the baby keeps crying
  279. >the baby seems to be reaching for the fluffy's legs
  280. >the baby is drinking from the fluffy's teat
  281. >you're trying to make sense of it
  283. "Leroy? Leroy?!"
  285. >you vomit
  286. >you look up again. The fluffy is still breastfeeding the human baby
  287. >you vomit again
  289. "Leory!"
  290. "I...I think the shitrat has been-"
  292. >you vomit again
  293. >trying not to feel disgusted, and looking at your breakfast all over the floor, mixed in with the shit, you try to hold the walkie-talkie to your mouth again
  295. "P-please despathe an ambulance around here."
  296. "For the baby?"
  297. "For me. And maybe the baby too"
  299. ~
  301. >You are Robert
  302. >for about a month now, your wife and you have been in distress
  303. >your son, Eric, died from a brain tumour little more then a year ago
  304. >looking for a way to fill the void in your life, both your wife and you designed to get a pet
  305. >you decided to adopt a fluffy
  306. >your co-workers and elder family have advised against it, recommending a cat or a dog instead, but, you have your reasons for picking a fluffy
  307. >you decide to pick a shelter fluffy, since word is that reformed feral fluffies tend to be more obedient and hardier than pedigree or purebreed fluffs
  308. >Lucy has been a good fluff in the time you have raised her
  309. >but one day, she disappeared
  310. >your wife and you are worried
  311. >you've been putting up posters, and ask around
  313. >then one day, you get a call
  314. >its the police
  315. >Lucy has been found! You feel elated.
  317. "Thank God. Is she okay?"
  318. "Yes sir. Your fluffy is at our office, eating spaghetti, and waiting for you. But there's something you should know-"
  320. >the officer tells you about the discovery they made, of Lucy tending to a baby
  322. "A baby?"
  323. "Yeah. The son of a sex worker. The pony found him abandoned and must have raised him."
  325. >Huh. you didn't think any fluffy could do that
  327. "I'm happy Lucy's safe, but, how is the baby?"
  328. "The baby's fine, but he's been crying non-stop. He keeps reaching out for your fluffy for some reason."
  330. >You think for a moment.
  332. ~
  334. >its night
  335. >you are finally reunited with daddeh and mummah
  336. >everyone's happy
  337. >but you are thinking
  339. "Is Dewik otay, daddeh?"
  341. >mummah has gone to the bathroom to shower
  342. >daddeh sit down, and beckons you to sit by his side
  343. >you cower a bit
  345. "Pwease don't be angwy daddeh. Fwuffy w-"
  346. "I know Lucy. Come here."
  348. >You climb up
  349. >there's a vestigal memory.
  350. >You cannot remember, for it was many, many a forever ago
  351. >even before you met the special friend
  352. >but you always feared to make someone angry
  353. >daddeh, however, strokes your mane, and gives you a huggie
  355. "Daddeh?"
  357. >Daddeh hugs you.
  359. "You're a good mummah, Lucy. I don't know if many fluffs can do what you did."
  361. >you smile
  362. >but the thought is in your head
  363. >something more important
  365. "Is dewick otay, daddeh?"
  367. >Daddeh looks you, puzzled
  369. "Is that his name, Derek?"
  370. "Weww, Fwuffy thought of daddeh babbeh, Ewick, and wanted to name hummie babeh after 'im. It a bit siwwy, but fwuffy was 'tinkin"
  372. >huh
  373. >fluffies really are more complex than you thought
  375. "I tell you what Lucy. I'll call the hospital, and check if babbeh Derek is okay."
  376. "Tanks daddeh. Fwuffy hope Dewick can fine nyu famiwy."
  378. ~
  380. >A week later, daddeh and mummah has a surprise for you
  381. >its Derek!
  382. >you wittwe babbeh is now with a hummeh mummah and daddeh
  383. >your hummeh mummah and daddeh!
  385. "Oh, tank you, tank you daddeh!! Tank you mummah!!"
  387. >you prance up and down
  389. "No. Thank YOU, Lucy."
  391. >Daddeh carries you, and places you in the cot
  392. >Derek reaches out, and hugs you
  393. >he's sleeping with his cute baby face
  395. "Mummah wuv Derek babbeh"
  397. >There's no greater joy in the world
  399. ~Epilogue~
  401. >You are Robert
  402. >its been a full year now
  403. >little Derek has grown up quite well
  404. >despite being weak when he was found, he has grown up reasonably well
  405. >your wife has opted to take some maternity leave to look after baby Derek but, more often than not, Lucy has been watching her
  406. >Lucy has helped Derek take his first steps on a stroller, and teaching him how to play blocks
  407. >Lucy also keeps an eye on Derek, making sure he sleeps well
  408. >only thing she can't do is tie a diaper for Derek, but thats your job (also mummahs)
  409. >it feels like a fresh start
  411. >you can feel it now.
  412. >Derek is going to say his first word
  413. >Your wife, Wendy, you and Lucy, are in the room
  415. "Come on Derek!"
  416. "Come on!"
  417. "Come on babbeh Dewik! Dew it! Say mummah!"
  419. >Derek struggles but manages to say
  421. "Mah. mah."
  423. >both Wendy and you clap your hands
  424. >however, Derek crawls up to Lucy
  425. >Lucy is a bit shocked. But Derek says it again.
  427. "Mama."
  429. >As Derek keeps hugging Lucy tighly, Lucy smiles
  430. >a tear falls from her eye
  432. "Babbeh."
  434. >Wendy looks a bit confused. But you understand. and after a while, she understands too.
  436. "Derek will grow out of it.
  438. But this is all thanks to Lucy."
  440. THE END (for now)
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