
12 Lesta Nediam LNC2017-07-29 1120 +Flat Earth Scientist

Jul 28th, 2017
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  1. Lesta Nediam LNC2017-07-29 1120 +Flat Earth Scientist
  4. __
  6. +Flat Earth Scientist __ LOL. I do not call earthquakes fake you *dishonest f_kc*.
  8. Back in *early 2015* (more than two years ago) I brought attention to a number of things that went over most people's head (though largely because they did not want to understand).
  10. I brought attention to the fact that what was presented about the "Nepal earthquake" *conformed to the lie system's presentation protocol*. For that reason it was an important event.
  12. I brought attention to the fact we were shown *building demolitions* which got palmed off to us as having been a consequence of the "Nepal earthquake".
  14. I brought attention to the fact we were shown genuine earthquake footage but it came from inside buildings and *could have come from any of the hundreds of earthquakes the region experiences*.
  16. I brought attention to the fact that some of the CCTV which appeared genuine could have been filmed a decade earlier - there is no way to accurately date it.
  18. I brought attention to the fact that some people were seen *knocking things over as they "fled" a building!*
  20. I brought attention to the fact major news outlets had used photos of earthquake damage *that came from unrelated events*!
  22. I brought attention to the fact that what we saw of victims (and some "disaster scenes") could easily have been staged.
  24. I brought attention to the fact drone footage showed total destruction with roads ripped to pieces but that none of the presented CCTV footage of roads showed anything like it. There was one CCTV video showing a *small crack* forming on a footpath but we saw no roads getting ripped to pieces - yet we were presented with endless amounts of road/traffic CCTV!
  26. I brought attention to the fact that nothing about the event *necessarily proved* the earthquake had happened as reported - *but that did not mean it hadn't*.
  28. I pointed out that *despite* these things not proving the event *it would be incorrect to conclude* the earthquake did not happen.
  30. I alone drew attention to the things I have mentioned above - no one else did. I introduced each of these points and observations into the broader conversation about the "Nepal earthquake" event and it was then used against me.
  32. If you had been paying attention to what I was posting back then - especially to Google Plus - you would know that I used the "Nepal earthquake" to introduce the *"fallacy of the conspiracy theorist"*. The fallacy of the conspiracy theorist is where a person concludes an event did not happen because *actual evidence* that stands up to scrutiny has not been provided (when it should exist and there is no reason for not seeing it).
  34. I alone pointed out that this is a mistake. *I alone have been pointing out ever since that this is a trap which continues to ensnare every person* (besides a disfigured handful) *who questions media events*.
  36. Back then I did make mistakes. Many! Back then I made the foolish mistake of thinking we were all on the same side. I had no idea how dishonest so-called "truthers" could be. I had no clue how fragile the egos of many regulars around here are.
  38. I did not back then - in 2015 - realise just how deviously my words would be twisted and turned against me. Had I known back then what I know now - I would have been far more careful with what I wrote and the way I pointed things out.
  40. I had no clue about the kind of grudges that would be kept against me by those who have low IQs and delicate egos.
  42. Back then I would go trolling and assert that the "Nepal earthquake" did not happen in an effort to get someone who did believe it happened *to "prove" it* with the available footage. I had looked at the "evidence" more than most. Whatever a person showed I was able to point out the problem with it.
  44. This was done *not* to prove the earthquake did not happen *but to draw attention to the lie system's presentation protocol*.
  46. My approach in 2015 was a complete failure and a huge mistake because it allowed *dishonest f_kcs* to repeat the lie that Lesta claims earthquakes are fake. *You idiot!*
  48. But it's funny how you're trying to make fun of me for my handling of the "Nepal earthquake" in 2015 when you are someone who - in 2017 - sings in chorus that the Earth is flat *"because there are no photos of Earth from space that don't resemble artwork"*.
  50. Oh - so it's okay for you to call the Earth flat because the photos you're given don't stand up to scrutiny but it is wrong for Lesta to draw attention to the Nepal earthquake "evidence" given to us not standing up to scrutiny?
  52. If only you were an honest person with an IQ of 100 or higher you would have understood the point I was making back then. You would have known that I wasn't asserting the earthquake did not happen because the evidence did not stand up to scrutiny - *but rather that to believe it did would be to form that belief on proof's appearances*.
  54. Forming beliefs about events and claims *because of the appearances of proof instead of actual proof* is how the population trains itself to accept lies as truth. I have been *consistently* pointing this out *for more than two years* and rather than talk about that you would prefer to waste my time with misunderstandings you have about my handling of the "Nepal earthquake" in 2015.
  56. A central point I made back then about the event was that *it must have been intentional that we were only given "evidence" that did not stand up to scrutiny*. It must have been intentional that we were being forced to trust the story tellers.
  58. This is a point that - if you grasped it - you'd understand that just because the images of Earth from space resemble artwork *does not necessarily mean the Earth is not round*.
  60. If you knew about me back in 2015 - yet you continue to repeat the nonsense that you do - then you have made no personal progress over the past two years. It's not my fault you remain stuck in an echo chamber.
  62. I must ask, though. Did someone pass on a tip about "Lesta and the Nepal earthquake"? Because that one comes up from time to time and it's straight from the playbook of agents against truth. If you are a genuine person and someone passed that to you as "something to mention when you are cornered" then you are in contact with a _bona fide_ rat.
  65. ____________________________________________________________
  66. My name is Lesta Nediam and I am cracking reality like a nut.
  68. Lesta on YouTube
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  74. Lesta on Google Plus
  77. What does not exist - exists to exist.
  78. What exists - exists to always exist.
  79. As it is written - so it is done.
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