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Jun 26th, 2017
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  1. <?xml version='1.0.2' encoding='utf-8'?>
  2. <widget id="" version="1.0.2" xmlns="" xmlns:gap="">
  3. <name>Taptuck</name>
  4. <description>
  5. Is scratching for tuck shop money for your hungry child a drag?
  7. ... we have an app for that!
  9. Are you worried about your child's choices at the tuck shop?
  11. ...we have an app for that!
  13. Life too busy
  15. ...We have an app for that
  17. Tap Tuck is a freely downloadable app that allows parents to purchase credits that can be redeemed for healthy meals at your child's school tuck shop.
  19. TapTuck has both a parent facing application and a tuck shop redemption facing application, which ensures it touches all aspects of the food ecosystem at schools.
  21. Using our unique wallet system we remove cash and the responsibility of the child handling cash.
  22. Tiered meal options (tuckboxes) provide parents with the control and comfort that the correct meal will be ordered for their child.
  24. Our funky little QR-coded accessories allows for a mechanism for the child to redeem their food securely and in a fun manner.
  26. Via sms notification of redemption, the parent has a real-time mechanism for peace of mind that their child’s belly is full!
  28. So get tapping and never let tuck get you or your child down ever again!
  29. </description>
  30. <author email="" href="">
  31. Taptuck
  32. </author>
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