

Aug 20th, 2015
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  1. Aug 20 20:09:57 <Tarr|Laptop> Okay... thanks everyone for coming. We have some important things to discuss as we are making some changes to the way we do things. First of all, I would like to cover the topic of proposed changes to IRC requirements:
  2. Aug 20 20:09:59 <Tarr> IRC Activity when playing PS2. OP nights all members will have to be in IRC. Non-Op Nights? Open to discussion. Setting up irc is easy. And outfits like RMA require you use communication applications or you get booted. They are coordinated so pushing irc is important to our outfit
  3. Aug 20 20:10:43 <Tarr|Laptop> yeah I wanted to use my desktop for this but it's not connecting so I'm having to to the laptop/phone combo lol
  4. Aug 20 20:11:38 <Tarr|Laptop> anyone have anything to say about this?
  5. Aug 20 20:11:40 <Slip6836> kewl so IRC for ops night for all mebers = Requirement
  6. Aug 20 20:11:46 * dakirch has quit (Client exited)
  7. Aug 20 20:11:49 <Tarr|Laptop> yes, that's the idea
  8. Aug 20 20:12:01 <carnage4u> Sounds good to me
  9. Aug 20 20:12:08 * dakirch (~AndChat10@6A46D395:D5CA50DD:E9EEA45B:IP) has joined
  10. Aug 20 20:12:11 <SmiteDown> I only got a phone for irc
  11. Aug 20 20:12:11 <GodzClone> Is there a seperate ops channel?
  12. Aug 20 20:12:12 <Valiant418> how are we planning to use it. Not sure about others but my phone scren times out pretty quickly so I check it when I can but not constantly
  13. Aug 20 20:12:12 <OrphanGeneral_Droid> Or das boot
  14. Aug 20 20:12:17 <RoyalEngineer> Fair enough
  15. Aug 20 20:12:32 <Tarr|Laptop> yes we have an ops channel but its for officers only
  16. Aug 20 20:12:32 <OrphanGeneral_Droid> You should be able to change the timeout m8
  17. Aug 20 20:12:34 <GeneralGrinder> sounds good
  18. Aug 20 20:12:48 * the-swarm|9 has quit (Ping timeout)
  19. Aug 20 20:12:48 <Valiant418> That would kill the battery in nothing flat orphan
  20. Aug 20 20:12:53 <OrphanGeneral_Droid> My phone doesn't time out when I'm in this
  21. Aug 20 20:12:58 <Traf1805> I have a problem as i only have my phone and iPad so it logs me out everytime my device goes to sleep. Any ideas on solutions? Or is it not a problem as long as i keep logging in
  22. Aug 20 20:12:58 <ICULOOK> Yea the problem is only being able to have it on a phone and when you don't keep touching the phone it goes to sleep and disconnects....
  23. Aug 20 20:13:33 <Tarr|Laptop> you can set it up not to turn off the screen when it's plugged in on a charger
  24. Aug 20 20:13:41 <Mejji> I'm sure we all have access to q
  25. Aug 20 20:13:42 <OrphanGeneral_Droid> I don't have that issue..and if you're at home playing planetside then you should be able to plug it in
  26. Aug 20 20:13:51 <Tarr|Laptop> that's what I do... also some IRC apps have a setting for that too
  27. Aug 20 20:13:57 <Mejji> A charger and an outlet*
  28. Aug 20 20:13:59 <Fuzzy> yeah... i always have my devices near me and plugged in... otherwise laptop or whatever goes to sleep
  29. Aug 20 20:14:05 <OrphanGeneral_Droid> So, it's non negotiable
  30. Aug 20 20:14:11 <GeneralGrinder> You guys ever think about also using Zello walkie talkie app
  31. Aug 20 20:14:20 <OrphanGeneral_Droid> Ew no
  32. Aug 20 20:14:25 <OrphanGeneral_Droid> I despise zello
  33. Aug 20 20:14:30 <zerosin> I just get random dcs from irc even when my phone doesn't screen out but I'll keep a eye out for that.
  34. Aug 20 20:14:38 <SmiteDown> What about kik groups?
  35. Aug 20 20:14:43 <OrphanGeneral_Droid> Maybe
  36. Aug 20 20:14:52 <OrphanGeneral_Droid> Can those be made private
  37. Aug 20 20:15:07 <GodzClone> What is the point of a non squad leader to be in irc chat while already in a squad using voice chat?
  38. Aug 20 20:15:11 <Tarr|Laptop> that's the plan, yes... if you wanna be in a squad, you MUST be in IRC. We will no longer be accepting requests for squad invites over outfit during ops
  39. Aug 20 20:15:26 <dakirch> Irc fits out bot and api
  40. Aug 20 20:15:31 <welly> have you ever thought about using discord suppose to be pretty good
  41. Aug 20 20:15:31 <dakirch> Kik and other apps never will
  42. Aug 20 20:15:37 <DoubleVibes> thats fine
  43. Aug 20 20:15:43 <Valiant418> what other uses will IRC have for non SLs? Not being difficult just wondering.
  44. Aug 20 20:15:47 * mightyPrismo ( has joined
  45. Aug 20 20:15:48 <DoubleVibes> but i dont want to be trying to read some shit while im flying
  46. Aug 20 20:15:49 <CelticFury2> Clarification question - I understand the expectation that OPs nights = in IRC. Does this requirement expand to online during ops nights is expected to be mandatory?
  47. Aug 20 20:15:49 <dakirch> Swarmbot is a very amazing feature unique to us
  48. Aug 20 20:15:59 <OrphanGeneral_Droid> In case the SL is busy doing his job
  49. Aug 20 20:16:15 <OrphanGeneral_Droid> Members of the squad can suggest invites to SL
  50. Aug 20 20:16:22 <Tarr|Laptop> no the IRC requirement is just for ops nights
  51. Aug 20 20:16:25 <BigBWolfe> The leader shouldn't be the one looking at the irc
  52. Aug 20 20:16:31 <Ralibar> <3 the bot
  53. Aug 20 20:16:35 <Fuzzy> In fact.. my suggestion is that every SL designate a squad inviter
  54. Aug 20 20:16:37 <OrphanGeneral_Droid> Making sure that they can be focused on leading
  55. Aug 20 20:16:46 <BigBWolfe> Leaders are busy setting up way points and stuff
  56. Aug 20 20:16:49 <DoubleVibes> squad inviter? 1,2,3 not me
  57. Aug 20 20:16:54 <OrphanGeneral_Droid> Lol
  58. Aug 20 20:17:05 <OrphanGeneral_Droid> Squad inviter will be #2 in squad
  59. Aug 20 20:17:05 <dakirch> I usually do it when im ingame
  60. Aug 20 20:17:10 <Apok> I agree, squad lead is too demanding to be in irc
  61. Aug 20 20:17:11 <dakirch> "So and so needs invite"
  62. Aug 20 20:17:19 <WCR-jv27> leader... or designated person by leader...simple
  63. Aug 20 20:17:21 * skullthrone (Chris-Admi@DA46F159.E65041D7.E1EBCDDE.IP) has joined
  64. Aug 20 20:17:25 <Valiant418> no offense orphan but I was asking tarr not you. I do understand squaddies can help with comms but just trying to get the intent from tarr. Even your point would still only apply to one designated comm officer probably in squad
  65. Aug 20 20:17:33 <Tarr|Laptop> yea, that's another good point... squad leaders should be designating a member of their squad as their "comms officer" in charge of keeping an eye on IRC for invites and managing the squad via swarmbot
  66. Aug 20 20:17:37 * iTheKGBjr has quit (Quit: My Mac has gone to sleep. ZZZzzz…)
  67. Aug 20 20:17:42 <Traf1805> I don't mind doing the invites in a squad
  68. Aug 20 20:17:43 <OrphanGeneral_Droid> >.>
  69. Aug 20 20:17:50 * iTheKGBjr ( has joined
  70. Aug 20 20:18:23 <Tarr|Laptop> swarmbot is a really useful tool and we need to take advantage of it
  71. Aug 20 20:18:25 <Traf1805> Not sure how to use swarmbot though
  72. Aug 20 20:18:32 <Tarr|Laptop> type :help
  73. Aug 20 20:18:32 <Ralibar> :help
  74. Aug 20 20:18:40 <Tarr|Laptop> in the ps2 channel
  75. Aug 20 20:18:45 <Fuzzy> i would say that one reason for non SL members to be in IRC is that we all know that it can get really busy in the game... so.. even though= you might not be SL or SI... you can still notice that someone is looking for a squad if you just died
  76. Aug 20 20:18:57 <dakirch> And we'll put up a cheat sheet into our call to arms writeup
  77. Aug 20 20:19:09 <Traf1805> Ok cool
  78. Aug 20 20:19:19 <Ralibar> Most of the squads I'm in don't have trouble inviting people using IRC
  79. Aug 20 20:19:30 <Fuzzy> and ... we have yet more functions in development that can be / will tied into Swarmie
  80. Aug 20 20:19:30 <Ralibar> Even non op nights
  81. Aug 20 20:19:40 <Valiant418> So just to clarify other than squad requests what other goals are we hoping to meet with IRC?
  82. Aug 20 20:19:47 <SmiteDown> I would take up as a squad inviter
  83. Aug 20 20:19:48 <GodzClone> Could we set up an ops invite the requests dont get washed out by non ops comms?
  84. Aug 20 20:19:58 <Fuzzy> personall. (my opinion) i thinik IRC should be close to mandatory on Ops AND primetime EDT hours
  85. Aug 20 20:20:01 <Tarr|Laptop> okay so moving on... the next topic that we want to discuss is the restructuring of the chain of command... dakirch, do you have a link to the post you made regarding that?
  86. Aug 20 20:20:09 <skullthrone> we treid that godzclone and no one used it
  87. Aug 20 20:20:14 <dakirch> Its only in staff forum
  88. Aug 20 20:20:15 <GodzClone> K
  89. Aug 20 20:20:34 <OrphanGeneral_Droid> We didn't finish that rework did we?
  90. Aug 20 20:20:41 <Ralibar> Bot has :lfs feature to cover that
  91. Aug 20 20:20:45 <dakirch> Nope still ideas ;)
  92. Aug 20 20:20:56 <OrphanGeneral_Droid> Okay so that's still tbd
  93. Aug 20 20:21:03 * mightyPrismo has quit (Ping timeout)
  94. Aug 20 20:21:07 <Tarr|Laptop> perhaps we should move it to general chat now?
  95. Aug 20 20:21:23 <OrphanGeneral_Droid> Ehh...
  96. Aug 20 20:22:06 <dakirch>
  97. Aug 20 20:22:17 <dakirch> Chain of command idea is in there
  98. Aug 20 20:22:26 <chloroplasm> i love swarmbot.....swarmbot FRIEND!!!
  99. Aug 20 20:22:51 <Tarr|Laptop> okay good... everyone please make sure you read this
  100. Aug 20 20:23:07 <Tarr|Laptop> it's important for everyone to know who is in charge
  101. Aug 20 20:23:18 <Tarr|Laptop> and how to follow the chain of command
  102. Aug 20 20:23:42 <OrphanGeneral_Droid> We're pretty tired of it getting ignored
  103. Aug 20 20:24:17 <OrphanGeneral_Droid> These people are in charge for a reason.
  104. Aug 20 20:24:34 <Tarr|Laptop> only officers are allowed to use outfit comms during ops and we are going to start enforcing that rule from now on
  105. Aug 20 20:24:52 <Apok> Jave platoon commanders been decided yet?
  106. Aug 20 20:24:58 <dakirch> No
  107. Aug 20 20:24:58 <Apok> Have*
  108. Aug 20 20:25:11 <dakirch> But its been briefly talked about
  109. Aug 20 20:25:12 <dakirch> :)
  110. Aug 20 20:25:18 <Tarr|Laptop> so if you are not an officer, and you have some intel or something, tell your squad leader and if they deem it important, they will relay it over outfit comms
  111. Aug 20 20:25:23 <Valiant418> Is the full list of platoon commanders and squad leaders current on Just checking since it isn't called out specifically in the call to arms post
  112. Aug 20 20:25:31 <OrphanGeneral_Droid> Regular swarmies are not allowed in outfit chat. Period correct
  113. Aug 20 20:25:40 <Tarr|Laptop> I know that armor platoon commander will be Maverick
  114. Aug 20 20:25:51 <Tarr|Laptop> Infantry will probably be Apok
  115. Aug 20 20:26:00 <Tarr|Laptop> And air... probably Slip
  116. Aug 20 20:26:06 <Valiant418> sounds good
  117. Aug 20 20:26:07 <OrphanGeneral_Droid> Yes
  118. Aug 20 20:26:10 <Tarr|Laptop> that's if they are up for the job
  119. Aug 20 20:26:12 <OrphanGeneral_Droid> Definitely Slip
  120. Aug 20 20:26:16 <Apok> Roger that
  121. Aug 20 20:26:17 * marauder3299 ( has joined
  122. Aug 20 20:26:21 <dakirch> Maverick cant
  123. Aug 20 20:26:28 <dakirch> He mentioned he has an internship
  124. Aug 20 20:26:33 <Slip6836> kewl
  125. Aug 20 20:26:39 <dakirch> So its opened
  126. Aug 20 20:26:43 <Tarr|Laptop> ah damn okay so we need another armor platoon commander then
  127. Aug 20 20:27:05 <OrphanGeneral_Droid> Does platoon leader decide on who they want as SL's?
  128. Aug 20 20:27:06 <WCR-jv27> insidiooouuussssssss....
  129. Aug 20 20:27:11 <Apok> Shit, we need more armor leadereship, air too
  130. Aug 20 20:27:22 <Traf1805> Look forward to taking orders from Apok = solid leader
  131. Aug 20 20:27:31 <Tarr|Laptop> yes, platoon leaders are in charge of SLs
  132. Aug 20 20:27:43 <OrphanGeneral_Droid> Lel Apok.
  133. Aug 20 20:27:52 <OrphanGeneral_Droid> You better not dun goof
  134. Aug 20 20:27:56 <marauder3299> i take it apok is platoon infantry leader?
  135. Aug 20 20:27:57 -Valiant418- DCC Chat (
  136. Aug 20 20:27:58 * Received a DCC CHAT offer from Valiant418
  137. Aug 20 20:28:10 * DCC CHAT connection established to Valiant418 []
  138. Aug 20 20:28:27 <Tarr|Laptop> myself and ropkins will be "Outfit Commanders" and we are in charge of PLs
  139. Aug 20 20:28:35 <Apok> Thanks guys, i hadnt said yes though, newds more discussion with the HC
  140. Aug 20 20:28:46 <Apok> needs*
  141. Aug 20 20:28:49 <OrphanGeneral_Droid> I thought rop was stepping down
  142. Aug 20 20:29:13 <OrphanGeneral_Droid> If you don't wanna Apok I'll do it ;)
  143. Aug 20 20:29:35 <Tarr|Laptop> I heard as much too but he's still listed for now so until it's official, consider him an Outfit Commander
  144. Aug 20 20:29:47 <Apok> Good to know, but again undecided as of yet
  145. Aug 20 20:30:16 <OrphanGeneral_Droid> 10-4
  146. Aug 20 20:30:55 <Tarr|Laptop> okay so next topic is that we are adding Wednesday night as an ops night
  147. Aug 20 20:31:19 <Tarr|Laptop> so we now have 3 official ops nights per week
  148. Aug 20 20:31:30 <OrphanGeneral_Droid> MWF
  149. Aug 20 20:31:30 <Apok> Excellent
  150. Aug 20 20:31:32 <Tarr|Laptop> Sundays are for spec ops trainings
  151. Aug 20 20:31:44 <Traf1805> I have a quick question about Ops nights, is there a specific time that they end?
  152. Aug 20 20:31:45 <DoubleVibes> what days do the other factions have ops night
  153. Aug 20 20:31:57 <DoubleVibes> would be great to do ours on the same day
  154. Aug 20 20:32:06 <Tarr|Laptop> there may also be make-up sessions inbetween depending on instructor availability
  155. Aug 20 20:32:10 <OrphanGeneral_Droid> They end when DaKirch has his last beer
  156. Aug 20 20:32:21 <Tarr|Laptop> ops do not have a specific end time
  157. Aug 20 20:32:38 <Tarr|Laptop> they last until there is no more leadership or when it gets called
  158. Aug 20 20:32:48 <OrphanGeneral_Droid> My answer was best
  159. Aug 20 20:32:59 <dakirch> Shhh keep it serious please
  160. Aug 20 20:33:29 <Tarr|Laptop> not sure when other factions do ops but we scheduled it according to our own availability
  161. Aug 20 20:33:32 <Tarr|Laptop> there was a poll
  162. Aug 20 20:33:41 <DoubleVibes> ok
  163. Aug 20 20:33:43 <Tarr|Laptop> and Wednesday won
  164. Aug 20 20:33:59 * Marauder329_laptop ( has joined
  165. Aug 20 20:34:07 <Apok> Question, although we have certains weeks designated for certain training. May we run them on any week for make up sessions? Infantry is slacking and id like to get everyone through
  166. Aug 20 20:34:08 * marauder3299 has quit (Quit: TurboIRC for Android. Available @ Google Play.)
  167. Aug 20 20:34:23 <dakirch> Yes
  168. Aug 20 20:34:35 <GodzClone> Second what apok said
  169. Aug 20 20:34:38 <Apok> Awesome thanks
  170. Aug 20 20:34:39 * BlackOpal ( has joined
  171. Aug 20 20:34:44 <dakirch> Just make forum post and make sure it gets added to event calendar
  172. Aug 20 20:35:07 <Tarr|Laptop> I guess we can but I would prefer if we had a week dedicated to one specific training
  173. Aug 20 20:35:18 <Marauder329_laptop> will there be a make up spec ops boot camp?
  174. Aug 20 20:35:19 <Apok> Roger, ill inquire later as to how to add to calendar
  175. Aug 20 20:35:57 <Tarr|Laptop> if there is enough interest in a make-up session though, and you are available to host one, I wouldn't discourage it
  176. Aug 20 20:36:17 <Apok> Okay tarr
  177. Aug 20 20:36:30 <Tarr|Laptop> basically, if you're in charge of infantry division, it will be up to you how you wanna run it
  178. Aug 20 20:36:50 <Marauder329_laptop> spam apok with stuff got it
  179. Aug 20 20:37:07 * ephron (~ephron@4AB5FB05.67EFF3EA.8C916DB2.IP) has joined
  180. Aug 20 20:37:08 <Tarr|Laptop> just make sure you get the approval up the chain of command though
  181. Aug 20 20:37:22 <Tarr|Laptop> if necessary
  182. Aug 20 20:37:40 <Apok> Haha, sorry marauder sometimes i get too many pm's, and roger that tarr, will do
  183. Aug 20 20:37:54 <Tarr|Laptop> okay so moving on... we need to talk about RESPECT and this is a big one
  184. Aug 20 20:38:15 * AnarchySpecter ( has joined
  185. Aug 20 20:38:30 * CrimsonSteele ( has joined
  186. Aug 20 20:38:45 <Tarr|Laptop> it's fine if you disagree with our tactics, but it's not fine to interrupt our ops to voice your opinion
  187. Aug 20 20:39:16 <Tarr|Laptop> we have forums at your disposal to voice any concerns you may have so please use them instead of complaining in game
  188. Aug 20 20:39:38 * RighteousNuts (~qwebirc@32F9C0CD.C6AC2A79.73B96CE0.IP) has joined
  189. Aug 20 20:39:45 <danofthedeep> ^^
  190. Aug 20 20:39:47 <Marauder329_laptop> is that for ops nights or in general?
  191. Aug 20 20:39:54 <Tarr|Laptop> we are instituting a zero tolerance policy for anyone who is being disrespectful in game
  192. Aug 20 20:39:54 <OrphanGeneral_Droid> What's the..tolerance or penalties regarding this
  193. Aug 20 20:40:01 <OrphanGeneral_Droid> Oh. Nvm lol
  194. Aug 20 20:40:06 <skullthrone> and there is a differece between complaining and sugusting something
  195. Aug 20 20:40:12 <AnarchySpecter> ^
  196. Aug 20 20:40:20 <RighteousNuts> Agreed
  197. Aug 20 20:40:31 <Tarr|Laptop> if you are causing problems, you will be INSTANTLY kicked from the outfit
  198. Aug 20 20:40:35 <Traf1805> I like this
  199. Aug 20 20:40:40 <danofthedeep> Generally. It ties up comms with nonessential chatter.
  200. Aug 20 20:40:51 <OrphanGeneral_Droid> And imo I'd say at all times. You start whining about your SL in outfit or whatnot. Bye bye?
  201. Aug 20 20:40:54 <danofthedeep> Hence why we have such a well designed website,and
  202. Aug 20 20:40:54 <skullthrone> i dont think there is an issue with asking why we are doing something some way or letting your SL know of something that may have been missed but if your being a dick about it thats a no og
  203. Aug 20 20:40:59 <Tarr|Laptop> you will have a chance to apologize and you may get back in if you promise not to do it again
  204. Aug 20 20:41:01 <danofthedeep> IRC
  205. Aug 20 20:41:20 <Tarr|Laptop> but... repeated offenders will not be allowed back in and will be banned from the community entirely
  206. Aug 20 20:41:30 <OrphanGeneral_Droid> Squad leaders have enough to deal with imo. Don't need backseat drivers
  207. Aug 20 20:41:56 <dakirch> I never rage quit this game until the other night. I was around since day 1 of phase 1 beta when population was 200 every night and nc would be warpgated. When someone said no to tarrs command...
  208. Aug 20 20:41:57 <Tarr|Laptop> yes, and this one applies at all times
  209. Aug 20 20:42:02 <dakirch> I turned the game off
  210. Aug 20 20:42:39 <skullthrone> you just gave me flashbacks kirch
  211. Aug 20 20:42:52 <Traf1805> It not only makes it harder on SLs, it also ruins ecerybody's experience to having some know-it-all player questioning everything with attitude
  212. Aug 20 20:42:57 <Tarr|Laptop> if you don't understand your orders, ask your SL
  213. Aug 20 20:42:59 <DoubleVibes> yeah people, including myself, get frustrated when shit is hitting the fan
  214. Aug 20 20:43:15 <Tarr|Laptop> do not under any circumstances start bitching about it over outfit chat
  215. Aug 20 20:43:51 <Tarr|Laptop> or squad chat for that matter
  216. Aug 20 20:44:02 <carnage4u> And since this game can kick someone into outfit chat at any time from squad, probably best not to bitch there, because the worst thing you say, will be the time the game switches your chat over
  217. Aug 20 20:44:08 <Tarr|Laptop> if u wanna complain, take it to the forums
  218. Aug 20 20:44:12 <danofthedeep> Squad, if its something you need clarification on, but take bitching to the forums or a private msg on IRC
  219. Aug 20 20:44:48 <Tarr|Laptop> we're all supposed to be adults here so we need to start acting like it
  220. Aug 20 20:45:01 <Traf1805> Twould you guys look into a probationary period for this?
  221. Aug 20 20:45:10 <Marauder329_laptop> Thats actually something
  222. Aug 20 20:45:11 <Tarr|Laptop> if certain people can't control their temper, there is no room for them here
  223. Aug 20 20:45:14 <Marauder329_laptop> I was thinking of
  224. Aug 20 20:45:29 <danofthedeep> Msg swarmbot if you REALLY wanna bitch (-> /dev/null)
  225. Aug 20 20:45:30 <Tarr|Laptop> yeah that's a good idea Traf
  226. Aug 20 20:45:31 <Marauder329_laptop> Say 2 weeks probation
  227. Aug 20 20:45:53 <Apok> Yeah, i disagree with even a warning orders are orders and they keep things in order
  228. Aug 20 20:46:13 <SmiteDown> I like the insta kick rule
  229. Aug 20 20:46:18 <Apok> No excuse imo, just me tho
  230. Aug 20 20:46:32 <Tarr|Laptop> we'll discuss implementing a probation period with the HC and officers later
  231. Aug 20 20:46:34 <RighteousNuts> Insta kick has more umph
  232. Aug 20 20:46:46 * ChanStat-02 ( has joined
  233. Aug 20 20:46:46 <ChanStat-02> Thank you for inviting ChanStat, an IRC channel statistics bot. I was invited by danofthedeep. For immediate assistance go to For news, updates, and extra features visit our forums at If you have further questions, join #ChanStat.
  234. Aug 20 20:46:51 <skullthrone> eh even the military IRL doesnt have insta kick rules for lots of things
  235. Aug 20 20:46:51 * AnarchySpecter_ ( has joined
  236. Aug 20 20:46:53 <Tarr|Laptop> yeah, it will let everyone know that WE MEAN BUSINESS
  237. Aug 20 20:47:00 <Marauder329_laptop> a month seems too long a week seems too short 2 weeks seems about right if nothing else it will allow heat of the moment hot heads (read as me and some others) who have the good of the swarm in mind and are just angry for it
  238. Aug 20 20:47:00 <Apok> Had plenty of shitty orders, followed em all. No
  239. Aug 20 20:47:04 <welly> I'd go with insta kick aswell
  240. Aug 20 20:47:04 <GodzClone> Zero tolerance
  241. Aug 20 20:47:05 <iTheKGBjr> this apply to teak killing not swarm
  242. Aug 20 20:47:08 <Apok> Excuses
  243. Aug 20 20:47:10 <iTheKGBjr> non swarm
  244. Aug 20 20:47:15 <skullthrone> probably came for me :)
  245. Aug 20 20:47:29 <danofthedeep> SWRM > Military :)
  246. Aug 20 20:47:43 <CrimsonSteele> Military kicks you out slowly
  247. Aug 20 20:48:03 * AnarchySpecter has quit (Ping timeout)
  248. Aug 20 20:48:07 * AnarchySpecter_ is now known as AnarchySpecter
  249. Aug 20 20:48:08 <skullthrone> just saying even one of the strictest most structured orginization gives second chances in certian situations
  250. Aug 20 20:48:12 <Marauder329_laptop> hmmmmm I have followed crappy orders too...wont name names but c4ing a tank with a heavy assault in open terrain is interesting
  251. Aug 20 20:48:13 <OrphanGeneral_Droid> TK is insta ban imo
  252. Aug 20 20:48:18 <Traf1805> Military has $$$ invested in you
  253. Aug 20 20:48:24 <skullthrone> i know but still
  254. Aug 20 20:48:28 <OrphanGeneral_Droid> Guys off topic
  255. Aug 20 20:48:34 <skullthrone> TK purposly
  256. Aug 20 20:48:37 <skullthrone> *TKing
  257. Aug 20 20:48:44 <Traf1805> ^^
  258. Aug 20 20:48:53 <Tarr|Laptop> we will be have a discussion thread after each op to talk about the orders n tactics n such
  259. Aug 20 20:49:03 <skullthrone> ive killed lots of guys due to color difficencies them trying to get me/jumping round corners andstuff
  260. Aug 20 20:49:03 <OrphanGeneral_Droid> Well yea. Creaming someone with a vanguard cause you're trying to escape is one thing
  261. Aug 20 20:49:10 <Tarr|Laptop> that way we can learn from them and improve
  262. Aug 20 20:49:25 <CrimsonSteele> Agree with tarr
  263. Aug 20 20:49:35 <Fuzzy> blowing them up because they are "in your way"... no
  264. Aug 20 20:49:56 <DoubleVibes> there will be witch hunts if we insta kick for TKing
  265. Aug 20 20:50:01 <Tarr|Laptop> so next topic... SUNDERERS!
  266. Aug 20 20:50:11 <DoubleVibes> i think repeated offenses with proof that it was intentional would be great
  267. Aug 20 20:50:13 <Marauder329_laptop> So it should be proof of indiscrimate team killers
  268. Aug 20 20:50:21 <Tarr|Laptop> we should be pulling MORE of them
  269. Aug 20 20:50:30 <danofthedeep> ^^
  270. Aug 20 20:50:31 <Tarr|Laptop> especially infantry squad
  271. Aug 20 20:50:35 <skullthrone> go void on there asses
  272. Aug 20 20:50:38 <Tarr|Laptop> squads*
  273. Aug 20 20:50:43 <Slip6836> I agree
  274. Aug 20 20:50:47 <CrimsonSteele> Agree
  275. Aug 20 20:50:50 <Tarr|Laptop> the more sunderers, the better
  276. Aug 20 20:50:54 <OrphanGeneral_Droid> And more variety of the sundies
  277. Aug 20 20:50:58 <Marauder329_laptop> 12 sunderers?
  278. Aug 20 20:50:59 <Tarr|Laptop> that too
  279. Aug 20 20:51:01 <danofthedeep> And proper sunderer placement
  280. Aug 20 20:51:05 <OrphanGeneral_Droid> Ammo and repair sundies are useful guys
  281. Aug 20 20:51:06 <DoubleVibes> AA sundies please
  282. Aug 20 20:51:08 <SmiteDown> When I am in infa squad we pull 2 sundies
  283. Aug 20 20:51:17 <Tarr|Laptop> support sundies = armor squad
  284. Aug 20 20:51:18 <Marauder329_laptop> smite pull 3
  285. Aug 20 20:51:20 <iTheKGBjr> all i run
  286. Aug 20 20:51:21 <Marauder329_laptop> or 4
  287. Aug 20 20:51:23 <welly> I had a thought about sundys
  288. Aug 20 20:51:24 <skullthrone> i dont really like AA sundies cause they show the world where they are
  289. Aug 20 20:51:28 <Apok> Suggestion, its incredibly difficult for INF to hold sundies, what if armor defended one or two for us?
  290. Aug 20 20:51:30 <danofthedeep> Not just willy nilly bullshit have to walk 250m
  291. Aug 20 20:51:30 <Mejji> Fully agreed. We need more Sunderers
  292. Aug 20 20:51:45 <Tarr|Laptop> yes, we have skyguards for AA
  293. Aug 20 20:51:50 <welly> how about a combined anti air and sundy squad
  294. Aug 20 20:51:50 <Slip6836> We should have a SUNDDER BALL night to check everyones pimp'd out sunddie and give a prize
  295. Aug 20 20:51:51 <Marauder329_laptop> I have seen RMA pull a rep sundie and ammo sundie then lagger up
  296. Aug 20 20:51:51 <Tarr|Laptop> and infantry can help too
  297. Aug 20 20:51:54 <Tarr|Laptop> if needed
  298. Aug 20 20:51:56 <Marauder329_laptop> and rep and make a killing
  299. Aug 20 20:52:02 * Fuzzy has quit (Ping timeout)
  300. Aug 20 20:52:06 <Slip6836> Battle Cash... I'll give a donation for it
  301. Aug 20 20:52:11 <danofthedeep> Marauder that works great
  302. Aug 20 20:52:13 <DoubleVibes> do we have any guys that enjoy skyguards?
  303. Aug 20 20:52:14 <OrphanGeneral_Droid> And in armor, for the love of god don't block the vanguard
  304. Aug 20 20:52:15 <DoubleVibes> doesnt seem likt it
  305. Aug 20 20:52:18 <DoubleVibes> like*
  306. Aug 20 20:52:27 <Marauder329_laptop> I love skyguards
  307. Aug 20 20:52:31 <danofthedeep> I pull skyhuards alot
  308. Aug 20 20:52:36 <Traf1805> I like Skyguard
  309. Aug 20 20:52:38 <OrphanGeneral_Droid> Dude I go to town with my skyguard
  310. Aug 20 20:52:42 <danofthedeep> And have certed mine quite a bit
  311. Aug 20 20:52:46 <DoubleVibes> alright
  312. Aug 20 20:52:48 <OrphanGeneral_Droid> I see air, I'm shooting at it m8
  313. Aug 20 20:52:48 <skullthrone> too bad pilots are wimps and run off the second you hit them
  314. Aug 20 20:52:48 <DoubleVibes> was just curious
  315. Aug 20 20:52:49 <chloroplasm> im color blind so until they adept that i will get the occasional team kill on blueberrys
  316. Aug 20 20:52:52 <Tarr|Laptop> yes, we actually have quite a few people who like to play skyguards
  317. Aug 20 20:52:54 <CrimsonSteele> I pull skygaurds when needed
  318. Aug 20 20:52:55 <welly> think of it as a mobility devision with its only job to keep the outfit moving forward
  319. Aug 20 20:52:55 <DoubleVibes> lool
  320. Aug 20 20:52:56 <Marauder329_laptop> they make me happy spreading joy good cheer and 40 mm explosions to all the good little TR boys and girls
  321. Aug 20 20:53:20 <Tarr|Laptop> we also need to talk about TEAMWORK
  322. Aug 20 20:53:33 <welly> by creating no fly zones for armour and spawn points for infantry
  323. Aug 20 20:53:35 <Tarr|Laptop> and this is another thing that applies regardless if its an ops night or not
  324. Aug 20 20:53:36 <Marauder329_laptop> oh but scythes ruin my day usually in a skyguard
  325. Aug 20 20:53:37 <Jidiwise> Teamwork makes the dream work
  326. Aug 20 20:53:37 <Traf1805> ^^^!!!!
  327. Aug 20 20:53:55 <danofthedeep> No i in team
  328. Aug 20 20:53:55 <skullthrone> whats that?
  329. Aug 20 20:53:55 <danofthedeep> Unless you spell like skullthrone
  330. Aug 20 20:54:01 <skullthrone> hey ho
  331. Aug 20 20:54:02 <danofthedeep> Exactly.
  332. Aug 20 20:54:06 <Tarr|Laptop> We don't need the lone wolf types in our outfit
  333. Aug 20 20:54:10 <OrphanGeneral_Droid> M8 have you seen what 12 skyguard do? Holy shit man
  334. Aug 20 20:54:19 <OrphanGeneral_Droid> I say we have and skyguard squad
  335. Aug 20 20:54:24 <OrphanGeneral_Droid> A
  336. Aug 20 20:54:30 <CelticFury2> Lets try and dial back on the unnecessary chatter folks, keep this on topic.
  337. Aug 20 20:54:31 <Slip6836> no lone wolfs
  338. Aug 20 20:54:36 <DoubleVibes> i saw some vids of skyguards actually rolling with the air squad
  339. Aug 20 20:54:41 <Traf1805> I think we're on 2 topics here
  340. Aug 20 20:54:44 <Tarr|Laptop> if you are not with your squad you will be removed from it
  341. Aug 20 20:54:59 <danofthedeep> ^^
  342. Aug 20 20:55:03 <Tarr|Laptop> to make room for someone who is willing to work together
  343. Aug 20 20:55:10 <Marauder329_laptop> I assume discretion is up to SLs?
  344. Aug 20 20:55:15 <Tarr|Laptop> yes
  345. Aug 20 20:55:18 <CrimsonSteele> Agree.
  346. Aug 20 20:55:23 <welly> I like it
  347. Aug 20 20:55:29 <OrphanGeneral_Droid> We understand the spawn system is shitty lol
  348. Aug 20 20:55:34 <danofthedeep> I hate seeing a cluster of people and #7 is over in BFE whacking off
  349. Aug 20 20:55:40 <Tarr|Laptop> if it is a constant problem, you might be removed from the outfit entirely
  350. Aug 20 20:55:47 <dakirch> Or one sl is on another continent
  351. Aug 20 20:55:53 <dakirch> Because they hate hossin
  352. Aug 20 20:55:54 <Marauder329_laptop> hey...that was me whacking off that TR girl was hot
  353. Aug 20 20:55:57 <dakirch> Never. Fucking. Again.
  354. Aug 20 20:56:02 <danofthedeep> Shit that was a gimme in PS1 for most outfits.
  355. Aug 20 20:56:15 * ephron has quit (Ping timeout)
  356. Aug 20 20:56:19 <OrphanGeneral_Droid> You get your whiny ass on hossin lol
  357. Aug 20 20:56:24 <Tarr|Laptop> so just make sure that you are working with your squadmates at all times and not off doing your own thing and there won't be any problems
  358. Aug 20 20:56:34 <Marauder329_laptop> Hossin is an infantry happy place
  359. Aug 20 20:56:43 <Slip6836> got it
  360. Aug 20 20:56:51 <Marauder329_laptop> understood
  361. Aug 20 20:56:59 <GeneralGrinder> Roger that
  362. Aug 20 20:57:08 * ephron ( has joined
  363. Aug 20 20:57:09 <OldDude_> SL need to be more clear where to go when leaving a base
  364. Aug 20 20:57:20 <WCR-jv27> hossin. best tank and lib map. love hossin
  365. Aug 20 20:57:37 <Marauder329_laptop> I recommend SLs at about 30 seconds from fall of base
  366. Aug 20 20:57:43 <Marauder329_laptop> change waypoint
  367. Aug 20 20:57:51 <Marauder329_laptop> and explain why
  368. Aug 20 20:58:09 <Marauder329_laptop> it could be just because you like the hologram base but say why
  369. Aug 20 20:58:11 <OldDude_> Explain why nice
  370. Aug 20 20:58:15 <CrimsonSteele> Would like that to. So we keep the flow going
  371. Aug 20 20:58:18 <Tarr|Laptop> also make sure you guys read the voice chat rules... we will be enforcing them strictly from now on:
  372. Aug 20 20:58:20 <Marauder329_laptop> it cuts down on chatter and gives a reason
  373. Aug 20 20:58:20 <Tarr>
  374. Aug 20 20:58:37 <Apok> We also need to work on coordinating our squads better, armor and infantry need better comms. Aomething to train on
  375. Aug 20 20:58:43 <CrimsonSteele> Will do the homework
  376. Aug 20 20:58:49 <Apok> Something*
  377. Aug 20 20:59:00 <Marauder329_laptop> infantry and armor rarely are in the same place
  378. Aug 20 20:59:03 <Marauder329_laptop> no idea why
  379. Aug 20 20:59:38 <Apok> I cant imagine thats true, just occupied with different objectives
  380. Aug 20 20:59:40 <Tarr|Laptop> yes, that is something that we will definately work on
  381. Aug 20 20:59:42 <Marauder329_laptop> All I can think of is that command needs to be in a squad together planning and talking
  382. Aug 20 20:59:59 * skullthrone has quit (Ping timeout)
  383. Aug 20 21:00:00 * BigBWolfe has quit (Ping timeout)
  384. Aug 20 21:00:00 <Marauder329_laptop> then relaying via outfit/platoons
  385. Aug 20 21:00:40 <Apok> I mostly mean protecting each other better en route and ensuring each others survival a bit better
  386. Aug 20 21:00:48 <CrimsonSteele> Thats why i would like the idea of a overall CO of the squads.
  387. Aug 20 21:00:54 <Apok> You know what we need
  388. Aug 20 21:01:01 <Slip6836> YES Apock bounding overwatch!
  389. Aug 20 21:01:04 <Marauder329_laptop> bjs?
  390. Aug 20 21:01:05 <WCR-jv27> vanguards cant fly... difficult to obtain and transprt
  391. Aug 20 21:01:09 <Apok> What crimson just said
  392. Aug 20 21:01:22 * RighteousNuts has quit (Ping timeout)
  393. Aug 20 21:01:40 <Marauder329_laptop> true wcr so would we need to commit to a front?
  394. Aug 20 21:01:42 <Apok> We need an overall leader who guides all squads. Not a fighter, a tactician
  395. Aug 20 21:02:15 <Marauder329_laptop> The problem apok is they dont have a map that the person can look at in real time
  396. Aug 20 21:02:34 <Marauder329_laptop> unless they are watching the irc and good at chess its hard to guage
  397. Aug 20 21:02:37 <Slip6836> apok yes, perferably some1 who can fly... I'm happy to rotate that role amognst SLs
  398. Aug 20 21:02:42 <Tarr|Laptop> speaking of maps... check out
  399. Aug 20 21:02:43 <GeneralGrinder> It be nice if they had a map that you can bring up on the PC like Battlefield 4
  400. Aug 20 21:02:54 <welly> crimson and apok are right w
  401. Aug 20 21:02:59 <Slip6836> yup they have that
  402. Aug 20 21:03:08 <Marauder329_laptop> plus a bogged down infantry squad might need to fall back to excort up armor or pull skyguards
  403. Aug 20 21:03:16 <Tarr|Laptop> it's very useful and I'm hoping that they implement grids for mobile devices soon
  404. Aug 20 21:03:16 * blueberrys ( has joined
  405. Aug 20 21:03:21 <Marauder329_laptop> its too fluid until platoons come out
  406. Aug 20 21:03:22 <WCR-jv27> not really. they did it on purpose...only vehicle that cant be had everywhere and sometimes never... just part of the game because they are so dangerous
  407. Aug 20 21:03:23 <Apok> They dont necessary need to see as much if they have a recon team
  408. Aug 20 21:03:35 <blueberrys> here...late but here
  409. Aug 20 21:03:38 <Apok> Necessarily *
  410. Aug 20 21:03:43 <welly> someone who's thinking more strategy than tactics
  411. Aug 20 21:03:58 <Tarr|Laptop> platoons are *supposed* to be coming this month
  412. Aug 20 21:04:08 <Tarr|Laptop> we'll see though
  413. Aug 20 21:04:10 <Marauder329_laptop> tactics are squad level strats are tarrs land
  414. Aug 20 21:04:25 <Tarr|Laptop> until then, we gotta deal with what we got
  415. Aug 20 21:04:27 <Marauder329_laptop> I see person I order my squad to shoot and then zombie check
  416. Aug 20 21:04:42 <Tarr|Laptop> platoons will definately help us to get more organized though
  417. Aug 20 21:04:46 <Tarr|Laptop> so I can't wait
  418. Aug 20 21:04:51 <danofthedeep> Yup
  419. Aug 20 21:04:54 <Marauder329_laptop> wahts the word on the other outfits?
  420. Aug 20 21:04:58 <CrimsonSteele> Well tarr could always qaul someone as a CDO(command duty officer) for times when no big wigs are on
  421. Aug 20 21:05:08 <Marauder329_laptop> will we ever have KEQ or FURY helping us assult
  422. Aug 20 21:05:17 <Marauder329_laptop> or defend vs Void/abyss
  423. Aug 20 21:05:23 <danofthedeep> We have a command channel that we use and are in contact with KEQ and Fury
  424. Aug 20 21:05:52 <danofthedeep> Other outfits show up sometimes but those are our most valuable allies
  425. Aug 20 21:05:58 <OrphanGeneral_Droid> Who's allowed in that channel
  426. Aug 20 21:06:18 <danofthedeep> Currently upper management
  427. Aug 20 21:06:20 <Tarr|Laptop> just follow the chain of command. If an outfit commander is not available, PL takes over. If none of them are on, a SL takes over
  428. Aug 20 21:06:32 <Tarr|Laptop> it'll be on a voluntary basis
  429. Aug 20 21:06:40 <Marauder329_laptop> please let a PL be on...I am a terrible strategist
  430. Aug 20 21:06:51 <OrphanGeneral_Droid> So SL doesn't have access
  431. Aug 20 21:06:56 <danofthedeep> But we may allow regular SLs / designated comms officers
  432. Aug 20 21:07:08 <Marauder329_laptop> If I become a leader....get ready to assult whore island
  433. Aug 20 21:07:12 <Tarr|Laptop> as for coordinating with other outfits...
  434. Aug 20 21:07:24 <Marauder329_laptop> meant to ask tarr...
  435. Aug 20 21:07:28 <Tarr|Laptop> I am looking for people who want to be a "Swarmbassador"
  436. Aug 20 21:07:36 <blueberrys> lol
  437. Aug 20 21:07:41 <GeneralGrinder> Is there a forum post with what read should take first tech plant bio lab so on
  438. Aug 20 21:07:45 <Marauder329_laptop> could we liason with them. Send a guy over as a squadie and relay info back
  439. Aug 20 21:08:19 <Tarr|Laptop> their job will be to idle in the #nc-command-genudine channel and coordinate with other outfits whenever they are on
  440. Aug 20 21:08:35 <WCR-jv27> swarmbassador? my contacts are all enemies in RMA/VOID. lol
  441. Aug 20 21:08:41 <Tarr|Laptop> and also use any other means they deem necessary to keep the communications flowing
  442. Aug 20 21:09:12 <Tarr|Laptop> send me a PM on the forums if you are interested
  443. Aug 20 21:09:23 <danofthedeep> Be Swarmsational!
  444. Aug 20 21:09:24 * JoveTone has quit (Quit: Page closed)
  445. Aug 20 21:09:46 <OrphanGeneral_Droid> Really Dan.. ._.
  446. Aug 20 21:09:51 <Slip6836> Swarmbassador... sign me up
  447. Aug 20 21:09:54 <CrimsonSteele> Smh
  448. Aug 20 21:09:55 <danofthedeep> really dood
  449. Aug 20 21:10:04 <CrimsonSteele> Haha
  450. Aug 20 21:10:10 <danofthedeep> Swarmtasitc!
  451. Aug 20 21:10:12 <OrphanGeneral_Droid> But Slip. You need to be air pl
  452. Aug 20 21:10:15 <DoubleVibes> swarmosexual
  453. Aug 20 21:10:20 <Marauder329_laptop> dan I hope you run into a tree
  454. Aug 20 21:10:22 <danofthedeep> ^^
  455. Aug 20 21:10:35 <danofthedeep> I am a tree.
  456. Aug 20 21:10:47 <Slip6836> true orphan
  457. Aug 20 21:10:51 <OrphanGeneral_Droid> Scwarmzenegger
  458. Aug 20 21:10:54 <Marauder329_laptop> I just tried to join couldnt get in
  459. Aug 20 21:11:15 <Tarr|Laptop> that pretty much covers everything that kirck and I had to say... does anyone else have anything to add to this discussion before we close the meeting?
  460. Aug 20 21:11:16 <danofthedeep> It is password locked.
  461. Aug 20 21:11:29 <Marauder329_laptop> well shit on a shingle
  462. Aug 20 21:11:31 <OrphanGeneral_Droid> Lel Marauders
  463. Aug 20 21:11:41 <danofthedeep> The table is open!
  464. Aug 20 21:11:46 <Marauder329_laptop> I dont know how to do passwords in irc
  465. Aug 20 21:11:54 <Marauder329_laptop> im...screwwwed
  466. Aug 20 21:12:00 <OrphanGeneral_Droid> You put it after the channel
  467. Aug 20 21:12:04 <RoyalEngineer> Yes, who is orphan general?
  468. Aug 20 21:12:05 <Tarr|Laptop> yeah now is your chance to speak up if you have any concerns
  469. Aug 20 21:12:10 <danofthedeep> #channel PASSWORD
  470. Aug 20 21:12:12 <Marauder329_laptop> I have one
  471. Aug 20 21:12:28 <OrphanGeneral_Droid> Really m8
  472. Aug 20 21:12:29 <Marauder329_laptop> how many total armor boys/girls do we have
  473. Aug 20 21:12:37 <Marauder329_laptop> they seem to have the least all of a sudden
  474. Aug 20 21:12:46 * ManbearPig (~Manbearpi@CC9430D2:661D605D:9BF8066D:IP) has joined
  475. Aug 20 21:12:54 <SmiteDown> I wannabe free health care since I play medic
  476. Aug 20 21:12:57 <Marauder329_laptop> infantry and air usually are more populated
  477. Aug 20 21:13:01 <zerosin> I'm going to switch to just armor on ops nights
  478. Aug 20 21:13:15 <chloroplasm> yeah did he start the swarm?
  479. Aug 20 21:13:19 <Tarr|Laptop> I'm not sure exactly... we will probably have more interested after armor training next week though
  480. Aug 20 21:13:20 <ManbearPig> what all has been talked about?
  481. Aug 20 21:13:21 <Valiant418> I would go armor but haven't seen an armor ops training night. Not one I was available for at least.
  482. Aug 20 21:13:27 <WCR-jv27> apparently people in armor have lives to live. anyone seen my gunner or leader?
  483. Aug 20 21:13:54 <OrphanGeneral_Droid> Really..
  484. Aug 20 21:13:58 <Marauder329_laptop> I know I rip on air and armor but I love the reaver now and am hopeful to be at least proficient in vanguard tactics
  485. Aug 20 21:14:04 <SmiteDown> I am a no life ...I really am
  486. Aug 20 21:14:05 <Tarr|Laptop> ManBear, yo can review the log on the forums later if you want to see what all was discussed
  487. Aug 20 21:14:12 <danofthedeep> You TKed them.
  488. Aug 20 21:14:15 <Apok> Maverick is away currently, again we need more armor and ai leadership
  489. Aug 20 21:14:17 * danofthedeep ducks.
  490. Aug 20 21:14:20 <Marauder329_laptop> lol dan
  491. Aug 20 21:14:31 <ManbearPig> did we mention vodka wendsday?
  492. Aug 20 21:14:34 <WCR-jv27> doh..
  493. Aug 20 21:14:44 <danofthedeep> Vodka vrijdag
  494. Aug 20 21:14:51 <zerosin> I'll do my best to help with armor still learning it myself
  495. Aug 20 21:14:58 <welly> like the sound if a vodka Wednesday
  496. Aug 20 21:15:06 <Marauder329_laptop> back to topic gents
  497. Aug 20 21:15:08 <DoubleVibes> take a shot everytime you die
  498. Aug 20 21:15:11 <Marauder329_laptop> any serious questions
  499. Aug 20 21:15:13 <DoubleVibes> honor system
  500. Aug 20 21:15:17 <GodzClone> Ill just ask for the SL's so be vocal so us noobs can learn the game.
  501. Aug 20 21:15:26 * SUP3RMAN ( has joined
  502. Aug 20 21:15:29 <ManbearPig> probably gonna get alcohol poisoning double
  503. Aug 20 21:15:31 <Slip6836> all good
  504. Aug 20 21:15:43 <Marauder329_laptop> Godzclone feel free to join me I am very vocal
  505. Aug 20 21:15:45 <OrphanGeneral_Droid> I didn't start the swarm. But I am your superior so can it.
  506. Aug 20 21:15:55 <ManbearPig> wat
  507. Aug 20 21:15:57 <Ralibar> Lot of people playing the game but didn't show here
  508. Aug 20 21:15:59 <OrphanGeneral_Droid> Royal and Chloroplasm
  509. Aug 20 21:16:03 <GodzClone> Sounds good :)
  510. Aug 20 21:16:18 <zerosin> Tarr have a few questions for you no idea on how to pm from here would you rather me message you on forums?
  511. Aug 20 21:16:24 <Ralibar> Like right now, playing
  512. Aug 20 21:16:25 <Marauder329_laptop> Dakirk and I played the shot game with deaths....I was blowing a .20 BAC flying a gal
  513. Aug 20 21:16:32 <RoyalEngineer> Excuse me?
  514. Aug 20 21:16:35 <Tarr|Laptop> Okay, I'm going to declare this meeting officially OVER! You may now proceed to celebrate or drown your sorrows in vodka at your lesure. Thanks for coming everyone... hope what has been discussed here leads to some changes for the betterment of our outfit. :)
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