

Apr 17th, 2016
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  1. [11:21:27] %awu: hey rhythms
  2. [11:21:52] %awu: are you there ?
  3. [11:22:41] Rhythms: o yea
  4. [11:23:13] %awu: can I ask you a favor ?
  5. [11:23:23] Rhythms: yea
  6. [11:24:18] %awu: well Sparksblade just came in the team 2 weeks ago and he wants to practice, the article that you've reserved he was working on it before since you have reserved an article he wanted to do before
  7. [11:24:24] %awu: Is it possible for you to let him doing that html ?
  8. [11:25:39] Rhythms: i already promised to him that he could html
  9. [11:25:47] Rhythms: bc im almost done with it
  10. [11:26:36] Rhythms: and plus baconbagon really wanted me to do this because i discussed layouts with him
  11. [11:26:37] Rhythms: a lot
  12. [11:27:51] %awu: ok but please I know i'm not supposed to do that but Sparksblade needs the priority for next article, he has been in the team for 2 weeks and he wants to do a html, working on them while they aren't even in html tag but he cannot do it because the last 3 articles you've reserved them before him
  13. [11:28:02] %awu: You already know how to html simple articles
  14. [11:28:31] Rhythms: okay i get you are getting angry
  15. [11:28:32] Rhythms: but you shouldnt be complaining about this
  16. [11:28:42] Rhythms: i reserved it before him, it's simply fair game
  17. [11:28:57] Rhythms: i get he works on htmls before its in html
  18. [11:29:16] %awu: I'm not angry, you just showed me that you promised him your article that is in wip since february lol
  19. [11:29:33] Rhythms: but he shouldnt do that if itll just be a waste of his time
  20. [11:29:50] Rhythms: yes it has been wip since feb because i have school to attend daily
  21. [11:30:00] Rhythms: and only have time for short tasks like htmling things
  22. [11:30:05] Rhythms: i dont have school for an entire week now
  23. [11:30:10] Rhythms: so im planning on completing it
  24. [11:30:58] %awu: alright thanks
  25. [11:34:27] %awu: Just remember that we are supposed to be a team, I could have reserved all the recent articles but I didn't for sparksblade and dominatio but nvm that's your opinion
  26. [11:38:34] Rhythms: we do stuff together yes
  27. [11:38:34] Rhythms: we arent a team
  28. [11:38:44] Rhythms: yes it's called the html team
  29. [11:38:58] Rhythms: but that doesnt mean i stick out my neck for everyone
  30. [11:38:59] Rhythms: i do html because it's my hobby
  31. [11:39:08] Rhythms: i shouldnt need to stop doing my hobby just so people do it for me
  32. [11:39:15] Rhythms: i wont even be able to do html in like 2 months
  33. [11:39:22] Rhythms: because i wont have a computer
  34. [11:39:30] Rhythms: im doing as much as i can atm while i still can
  35. [11:39:55] Rhythms: i get it isnt the most fair per say but it's manageable
  36. [11:40:01] Rhythms: and it's all i can do for the time being
  37. [11:40:34] %awu: Alright that's your opinion I understand
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