
Through the Eyes of Angels

Sep 3rd, 2014
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  1. [9/3/14 12:50:50 PM] Snežana Panić: I wish more people would appreciate the effort, but they're really lazy asses and often rude, you know that best...
  2. [9/3/14 12:51:01 PM] fat mermaid: omg DO I!
  3. [9/3/14 12:51:04 PM] fat mermaid: lols fucking
  4. [9/3/14 12:51:08 PM] fat mermaid: Through the Eyes of Angels
  5. [9/3/14 12:51:32 PM] fat mermaid: the ending pay off for that story, which i still remember, would have been /so/ fucking good
  6. [9/3/14 12:51:55 PM] fat mermaid: but entitled little shit heads made me hate writing it to the point I'd get /angry/ when writing it
  7. [9/3/14 12:51:59 PM] fat mermaid: so I stopped
  8. [9/3/14 12:52:21 PM] Snežana Panić: I understand why you stopped, I just don't understand the people
  9. [9/3/14 12:52:23 PM] Snežana Panić: fucking hell
  10. [9/3/14 12:52:27 PM] fat mermaid: me neither
  11. [9/3/14 12:52:43 PM] fat mermaid: I know you liked that one so if you wanted I could tell you what happened if you wanted?
  12. [9/3/14 12:52:47 PM] Snežana Panić: potential and story and everything ruined because the little shits can't see past their own noses
  13. [9/3/14 12:52:54 PM] fat mermaid: yap
  14. [9/3/14 12:53:01 PM] Snežana Panić: whoa, really? I'd be honored
  15. [9/3/14 12:53:06 PM] fat mermaid: sure!
  16. [9/3/14 12:53:31 PM] fat mermaid: I love discussing my stories but I also... don't wanna be 'that guy' who monoplozies the conversation about shit they do OTL
  17. [9/3/14 12:53:47 PM] Snežana Panić: no worries, I'm totally enjoying it
  18. [9/3/14 12:54:03 PM] Snežana Panić: your stories are what brought me into the fandom in the first place
  19. [9/3/14 12:54:15 PM] fat mermaid: quq
  20. [9/3/14 12:54:51 PM] fat mermaid: But yeah what /was/ going to happen was that after Desmond chewed Malik out for being a pos he and Altair were going to get along more and like Malik actually... trying to teach Altair how the human world worked cause even after all that time Altair had the understanding of humans of a young child XD
  21. [9/3/14 12:56:32 PM] fat mermaid: then Ezio, who is an incubus, was going to show up and seduce Lucy. Incubi, depending on the mythos you follow, can either just drain your life force through sex OR will drag you to hell and try to make you into an incubi/succubi depending on your gender.
  23. And Desmond is like 'wtf where'd my gf go?' and Malik's just '.... yeaaaaaah, she might have been taken to hell' 'WHAT!?'
  24. [9/3/14 12:57:22 PM] Snežana Panić: that's a twist I didn't see coming hahaha
  25. [9/3/14 12:57:49 PM] fat mermaid: And Desmond is like 'Malik take me to hell' and Altair AND Malik are like 'wat? Des no!' 'Malik yes' 'Des NO' 'MALIK YES' and Malik's all 'ashkjdfgkewgh FINE' cause Desmond has a contract with him where Malik has to obey. So he takes Desmond to hell and Altair is freaking out, cause he's an angel; he can't go to hell.
  26. [9/3/14 12:59:10 PM] Snežana Panić: aaaaaah it must have eaten him up to know he can't participate ahaha Altair
  27. [9/3/14 1:01:36 PM] fat mermaid: So Altair returns to the Silver City which... has changed quite a bit since he's been gone. He goes to Rashid and is like 'what do I do I tried everything please give me guidance you've left me alone for so long I don't know what to do qoq' and Rashid is like 'I must speak with the other seraphs' and they have a meeting and then he comes back and is like 'we decided that you have /failed/ in your mission to protect the prophet. As punishment you will be reeducated and made into a foot soldier once more' and Altair is FURIOUS because he wasted years (or centuries in heaven time) for this!? Altair throws a huge shit storm about it but when other archangels come to put him down he flees basically like 'if you won't help me help him then /I/ do it myself' and
  28. [9/3/14 1:01:36 PM] fat mermaid: well
  29. [9/3/14 1:01:40 PM] fat mermaid: Altair falls
  30. [9/3/14 1:02:27 PM] fat mermaid: because an angel can't just go to hell. Going to hell is an act against God, so he is rebelling against God. So he becomes a fallen angel and loses a large amount of his angelic abilities.
  31. [9/3/14 1:03:34 PM] Snežana Panić: I feel bad for Altair... which I don't do often...
  32. [9/3/14 1:03:53 PM] fat mermaid: lols don't he's got a fantastic end game in this story CX
  33. [9/3/14 1:05:18 PM] fat mermaid: but he finds Desmond and Malik and they're actually in Lucifer's throne room where Desmond is trying to make Lucifer make Ezio release Lucy. And Lucifer's like 'lols ur kidding right? Get out of here human' and kinda like... throws Desmond out, but doing so nearly kills him and Altair's just 'ARE YOU FUCKING KIDDING ME!?' cause he fell only to find his charge nearly dead
  34. [9/3/14 1:07:34 PM] fat mermaid: and he's like 'Malik heal him!" cause Altair lost everything but his wings when he fell and Malik's just 'dude, I'm a demon, demons have no healing magic' So Altair's freaking out cause Des is all fucked up from like being smashed into a wall. And then he's like 'then give me some of your power and I'll do it,' cause magic sharing is a thing. And Malik's just '... that could kill the both of you' 'GIVE IT TO ME YOU PIECE OF GARBAGE!' and Malik's like '...okay Altair' and he gives Altair his power which Altair channels into healing Desmond.
  35. [9/3/14 1:09:06 PM] Snežana Panić: but I wonder: turning his back on those above him (Rashid/seraphs/God) and thereby rebelling, is not only absolutely contrary to the role Altair plays, being a guardian angel, it also requires another kind of motivational force, so I wonder -- is he doing it only for the prophet's sake or humanity OR is there another, more personally colored perhaps, sentiment involved
  36. [9/3/14 1:10:01 PM] fat mermaid: yes but he was deemed a failure for failing to protect his charge at all cost and keep his soul pure.
  37. [9/3/14 1:10:10 PM] Snežana Panić: oh my god lols at Lucifer
  38. [9/3/14 1:11:21 PM] Snežana Panić: ah true that, his dowfall wasn't purely self-initiation
  39. [9/3/14 1:11:51 PM] fat mermaid: and he does heal Desmond. Buuut, what wakes up isn't /totally/ Desmond. Desmond is a prophet, a chosen of god, and a totally pure soul. Then Altair healed him with, basically, demon magic. The thing about how god and prophets work in this AU is that they basically are nymphilium, a real prophet reaches their full potential (like performing miracles) by /becoming/ tainted since they are pure and the taint manifests as power. Like God is just an all powerful nyphilium who is both 'demon' and 'angel' and is why angels can even fall from grace in the first place
  40. [9/3/14 1:12:02 PM] Snežana Panić: sorry for interrupting, if you'd rather I wait with the comments I'll do so : )
  41. [9/3/14 1:12:08 PM] fat mermaid: no no its fine!
  42. [9/3/14 1:12:29 PM] fat mermaid: I have a lot of practice with multitasking answering questions while I explain a thing XD
  43. [9/3/14 1:12:48 PM] fat mermaid: so now Demsond's got this pure, /raw/ demon magic running through him that healed him. So he wakes up and... basically is a god
  44. [9/3/14 1:13:10 PM] fat mermaid: like prophets are just God reborn again and again. So he just isn't a god he is The God
  45. [9/3/14 1:13:59 PM] fat mermaid: and he gets up and goes into Lucifer's throne room and is like 'I forgot how much of a misbehaving child you were' because again, he's God, he created the angels, Lucifer and all the angels are technically his children
  46. [9/3/14 1:14:04 PM] Snežana Panić: oh my, the concept of nyphilium and the pure/taint mix is fascinating
  47. [9/3/14 1:15:03 PM] fat mermaid: and Lucifer's just '....... fuck' and Des is just 'your men are out of control. You no longer get to be the king of hell' since God... put Lucifer there /in the first place/ and Lucifer's just 'WHAT! BUT DAD!'
  48. [9/3/14 1:15:25 PM] Snežana Panić: waiiiiiiiit... so Des is, like... the one God?
  49. [9/3/14 1:15:34 PM] fat mermaid: reborn yes
  50. [9/3/14 1:15:49 PM] Snežana Panić: whoaaaaa
  51. [9/3/14 1:15:57 PM] fat mermaid: SEE I TOLD YOU THE STORY WAS SO GOOD
  52. [9/3/14 1:16:02 PM] fat mermaid: and then shit heads ruined it for you
  53. [9/3/14 1:16:08 PM] Snežana Panić: that was an awesome cycle
  54. [9/3/14 1:16:15 PM] fat mermaid: lols not over
  55. [9/3/14 1:16:39 PM] Snežana Panić: goddammit people what have you done through your arrogance, this was a masterpiece
  56. [9/3/14 1:16:45 PM] fat mermaid: lols thank you
  57. [9/3/14 1:16:55 PM] fat mermaid: Basically Desmond kills Lucifer and then is like 'now, where's my girlfriend?' all back to normal and not like holier than thou fuck you. Like, he's still Demsond and Desmond the guy just wants his girlfriend back
  58. [9/3/14 1:17:39 PM] Snežana Panić: dawwww
  59. [9/3/14 1:17:42 PM] fat mermaid: so he goes and finds her. And Ezio is like 'shiiiiiit' when Desmond comes rolling up with a fucking archangel and an archdemon as his wing men and Des is like 'excuse me, that's my girl' 'shit really I had no idea! Here you can have her!'
  60. [9/3/14 1:18:02 PM] Snežana Panić: ahahaha
  61. [9/3/14 1:18:08 PM] Snežana Panić: Ezio you're in deep shit
  62. [9/3/14 1:18:27 PM] fat mermaid: lols yeah
  63. [9/3/14 1:18:32 PM] fat mermaid: Lucy's like... fine though
  64. [9/3/14 1:18:33 PM] Snežana Panić: I wonder who will replace Lucifer, if he needs replacement at all
  65. [9/3/14 1:18:58 PM] Snežana Panić: Lucy's a tough gall
  66. [9/3/14 1:18:58 PM] fat mermaid: like Ezio likes wooing his meals/mates so he was like being a gentleman and shit but she was totally fucking mezmerized
  67. [9/3/14 1:19:56 PM] fat mermaid: and Desmond takes that off and asks her what he should do to Ezio and Lucy's like 'fuck him' and Desmond's just 'okay' and Ezio basically gets turned into a cockroach
  68. [9/3/14 1:20:03 PM] fat mermaid: lols I'm so sorry Ezio ilu
  69. [9/3/14 1:20:04 PM] fat mermaid: but
  70. [9/3/14 1:20:16 PM] Snežana Panić: ahahaha
  71. [9/3/14 1:20:19 PM] Snežana Panić: oh Ezio
  72. [9/3/14 1:20:42 PM] fat mermaid: also during the time Altair was away power in the Silver City shifted. Abbas was now the leader of one of the Gate Garrisons like Altair used to be
  73. [9/3/14 1:20:51 PM] fat mermaid: but Abbas is /not/ a good angel
  74. [9/3/14 1:21:49 PM] Snežana Panić: why doesn't that surprise me... also, I totally have to say this because it sprang to my mind just now, about the scene in Lily
  75. [9/3/14 1:22:08 PM] fat mermaid: when Altair left he was transferred to the Black Gate, which is the easiest to breach because it is /right/ over a pit that goes straight to hell without really stopping at earth, much like the Grey Gate (though the Grey has a thin veil that can allow easy access to the central plane i.e. earth
  76. [9/3/14 1:23:58 PM] fat mermaid: abbas has been planning an attack on the Silver City with the other lords of Hell not Lucifer
  77. [9/3/14 1:24:08 PM] fat mermaid: because he's basically fallen though still has his grace
  78. [9/3/14 1:24:18 PM] Snežana Panić: where Altair kills Abbas -- I didn't expect that, I totally didn't, but when you made that happen, I literally clapped my hands together after a moment of shock and said hallelujah! because for the first time I saw Altair fucking cutting the main shit at the root, plainly, publicly, and it was such a great relief I still fucking love it
  79. [9/3/14 1:24:24 PM] fat mermaid: he's hungry for power and wants to become a seraph
  80. [9/3/14 1:24:55 PM] fat mermaid: lols I wasn't planning on doing that actually which is why I'm now like 'fuck what do I do?' and there have been huge gaps between chapters
  81. [9/3/14 1:25:07 PM] fat mermaid: cause I was planning to draw the Abbas plot out a few more story years
  82. [9/3/14 1:25:10 PM] fat mermaid: BUT NOPE WHOOPS FUCK
  83. [9/3/14 1:25:48 PM] Snežana Panić: hey, i totally loved that
  84. [9/3/14 1:26:06 PM] Snežana Panić: one of the best moments in altmal fic history
  85. [9/3/14 1:26:32 PM] fat mermaid: so abbas is planning on just... opening the Black Gate and letting demons and shit into the Silver City. And while Desmond is talking with some other demons OH LOOK ITS HAPPENING RIGHT NOW and Altair gives Des a brief history of the City and Des is just 'jfc I can't even be gone two thousand years without you idiots fucking something up'
  86. [9/3/14 1:27:04 PM] Snežana Panić: hahaha
  87. [9/3/14 1:27:22 PM] fat mermaid: so Desmond goes up to the Silver City, with Altair and Malik and Lucy in tow and demons have overrun the place more or less
  88. [9/3/14 1:27:53 PM] fat mermaid: and he's just '... well this is gonna stop /right now/' and cause he's God he can make them and all the demons just kinda 'poof' into ash, and so do the angels who were fighting them
  89. [9/3/14 1:28:28 PM] fat mermaid: tho their souls and 'grace' are still around so they can be reborn too so there's no real loss of numbers, they're just changed to younger things
  90. [9/3/14 1:29:50 PM] Snežana Panić: I love it when you do that in stories, when the balance stays but shifts in shape
  91. [9/3/14 1:30:00 PM] fat mermaid: :3
  92. [9/3/14 1:30:38 PM] fat mermaid: and Des summons the seraphs and sets them fucking straight and tells them their doing a terrible job and Metatron Seraphrim wtf happened how could you let me down so badly???? and they're just 'qoq we're sorry please let us try to redeem ourselves' and Des is like 'fuck fine. Now I'm living this human life, so don't fucking bother me. Also, taking Altair with me you can't have him I have a job for him' and at first they're like 'but we don't have that many archangels left, we need him' "WELL YOU SHOULD HAVE THOUGHT OF THAT BEFORE YOU FUCKING LET HIM FALL DUMB ASSES!'
  93. [9/3/14 1:32:13 PM] fat mermaid: they return to Earth, drop off Lucy and Des goes back to hell where the other lords of Hell are now fighting over the Seat of Hell since Lucifer's dead and Des is just 'okay just stop' and they're like 'fuck you God >C' and magic hand wave they're all neck deep in the throne room cause fuck you you better listen to me
  94. [9/3/14 1:33:39 PM] fat mermaid: and Des is like 'So Altair, you want to be Lord of Hell?" and Altair's just 'O.O wat??' 'Well I'm asking but really you don't have a choice. I'm making you Lord of Hell' 'But I have no power anymore' 'mmmmmm no, now you do' and Altair suddenly has all his grace back and more cause Desmond basically gave him the power of Metatron
  95. [9/3/14 1:35:21 PM] fat mermaid: and then Altair is the new hottness and demons start showing up wanting to kiss his ass and suck his dick and tell him he's awesome and wonderful and Des is like 'okay I think you can handle this. I'm going back to having a life. Call if you need me, they can get kinda rowdy' and pops out of there.
  96. [9/3/14 1:35:38 PM] fat mermaid: End game for Des is he proposes to Lucy as soon as he's back and they live happily every after
  97. [9/3/14 1:36:19 PM] Snežana Panić: ha! Altair as the Lord of Hell haha!
  98. [9/3/14 1:36:21 PM] fat mermaid: End game for Altair is well... he's now the /baddest/ motherfucker in the Pit and takes Malik as his second in command to help him run the ship and he's a /way/ better ruler than Lucifer was
  99. [9/3/14 1:36:24 PM] Snežana Panić: this is the best
  100. [9/3/14 1:36:27 PM] fat mermaid: and yeah that's the end :3
  101. [9/3/14 1:37:01 PM] Snežana Panić: I mourn the loss of this story because of little shits...
  102. [9/3/14 1:37:07 PM] fat mermaid: sometimes Altair shows up at Desmond's kids' birthday parties and Des is like 'hey look its your godfather all the way from hell' and everyone just thinks he means the South
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