
Thresh Walker

Jul 20th, 2015
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  1. Name: Thresh Walker
  2. Race: Mostly Ignian with some human ancestry
  3. Religion: Kirim, Kesi, and Sordine. Demigods: Raksha, Dringi and Mulcen
  4. Age: 29
  5. Appearance: Thresh is rather tall for an Ignian at around 6'1". His skin is rather paler than most, coming from a human ancestry, but still slightly tanner than some paler humans. His hair is a bright orange along with his eyes, and as well has the trademarked heat sensors under his eyes. Throughout his arms, legs, and body are scars from handling dangerous beasts such as lions, tigers, bears, gryphons, wyverns, and of the such throughout his life and childhood.
  7. Misc. Equipment: Rope, Nets, Flute, Camping gear, Flares, Smoke Bomb. Plenty of Meat and treats for his animals.
  9. Weapons:
  11. Tranquilizer Darts and Blowpipe
  13. Crossbow:
  15. Bullwhip
  17. Armor:
  19. Fur-And Leather
  21. Notable Skills: Animal Training, Animal Taming, Forest Scavenging, Animal Commands, Animal Tracking, Animal Trapping
  23. Animals: Mjolnir the Lioness, a magically altered lion with increased size and intellect
  25. Backstory:
  26. Thresh Grew up in a small outskirt territory within the forests well off from most people, civilizations, and governments. Though every so often soldiers would go through, so they weren't without order. Rather it was a sort of commune that his family shared with others alongside a group of plant maidens. His Parents were both rather relaxed as Ignians go and prefered a nomadic lifestyle alongside the animals and plantlife of the forest. They only settled down recently when Thresh was born so that they could raise him in a sort of planted down until he was old enough to move along with them. From the time Thresh was born to his twelfth birthday he lived alongside the plant-maidens with his parents. From them he learned the arts of handling many of the animals around him, mostly taming or training the local wolves, and to track and hunt deer with his parents.
  27. However growing up there was one animal that stalked the forest that he could never track, nor was he ever supposed to, with the plantmaidens and his parents warning him that it's a dangerous beast, more exactly an owlbear. However this only peaked Thresh's wonder more. He would go off during the days and look along the trees for markings. It didn't leave tracks like a bear, wolf, or deer, rather it traveled in the trees or marked the trees. He guessed that where the markings we deeper and more frequent was it territory and sought further into the forest. Going over a ridge, he looked over and saw the owlbear over a deer it had slain and so he slightly went down it and through a bush. However as he stepped over towards a bush he came across a small patch of fur and feather and went to poke it, but it's head grew up. It was a young cublet the owlbear's feathers and fur turned towards the boy. The thing shrieked, howled, and yelled for it's mother, startled and scared from the boy as it rushed away. The mother looked up and rushed forward, protecting it's young first and then seeking out Thresh. Thresh ran away, but he came to the cliff face and unable to climb, it. He was cornered with the bear now coming towards him stalking almost, not like a cat, but roaring at him rather than moving forwards, but drew back with it's young and went away. Thresh had no idea why the beast left, but didn't worry himself until he looked up.
  28. What he saw was a centaur that leaped over him and towards the bear, scaring it off. From where there came one, more came though. First one, then two, and then there were five centaurs circling around the boy. One of them barked at him in a language he didn't understand, it was neither the language of his parents or the language of the plantmaidens he grew up with, but something different. Then another came forward and spoke to him, the first one that jumped forward, "Boy, what are you doing within this forest? This is our land, and most importantly it was the bears. If she truly wanted you dead there would of been nothing we could of done, you'd be dead and so would she and possibly one of us..." Thresh opened his mouth to speak, uttering, "I..." But the centaur overtook him, "But, you showed something most don't, curiosity... and I can sense you appreciate the forests... If you can seek us out. There is much of this land we can teach you..." But before the centaur could finish another grunted to him in their language and they came into a heated debate, even clashes blades and spears as they argued, with the first centaur knocking him down, and huffing before leaving. The rest followed, even the one knocked down eventually grasped his way up, snorting towards the boy before leaving.
  29. Thresh would make his trip home, a large cut was in his side he found on his way back, must've been from a branch or something, though at this point he didn't care. His father and mother chastised him as soon as he made it to the entrance to their tent, before embracing him again. He noticed it was late, the small lantern they use for light was on, they often don't use it because they normally sleep at night, and at this hour it was certainly night, the moon hanging over the village. They took him in and treated his wound, Thresh explained what happened and the two parents argued for a moment before deciding what they should do. They both said Thresh was old enough to travel with them and that they'd be leaving, but if he wanted to he could seek out the centaurs.
  30. He left his parents and traveled to the Centaurs village. As he was there many of the centaurs circled around him, eyeing him as the outsider he was until the centaur he had met earlier rode towards him and greeted him. "I was hoping you'd take up my offer. Many here are hesitant to let an outsider in, but the chief has decided to let you live with us... he wants to see you. Though first I should properly present myself, I am Tredge-Ya, lead hunter for my village." And before Thresh know it himself he was brought into the chieftain's hut. The Chief was a large woman of a centaur. Her horse half was large, of a different breed even than most around her, and her skin that of ebony as she stood up from her laid position on the floor, she snorted he norse looking over the boy, almost sniffing him. "You... You will make a fine hunter, maybe more so... I am Chief Yarr. I have led this village for seventeen years... You may be wondering why I brought you here. Tredge-Ya saw potential in you, but I see deeper understanding between us. I spent most of my early life in a human village far off from here and learned much, and I think the same should be done to an outsider. Both cultures learn much from the experience, and this tribe could use all the knowledge it could get. We have had hard times, pushed around from different peoples, some of which brought on by us... You will bring a calming nature to the village I think."
  31. For the next five years Thresh learned much of the forest and the centaur people from the tribe. He learned how to hunt with a spear, track animals like he never knew before, identify beneficial plants, and even tame a few animals. As well he learned the language of the tribe. He spent many of those years a nomadic lifestyle, but when he turned eighteen the tribe sought to make the boy a man. Many of the tribesman take this ritual years before Thresh, but being an outsider they gave him extra time. He was now tasked to seek out a glorious kill and bring back it's pelt and so Thresh wandered off into the forest. The Tribe had recently moved into a new area and they had heard reports from the locals that there was an escaped animal. The Animal was originally in captivity. It was originally caught by dwarves to be sold on the market or be used as a beast in an arena. However while they were feeding it, it broke its chains loose and escaped into the wild. None of the dwarves were injured and offered to pay the tribesman for proof of it's killing so that it wouldn't take the lives of any of the locals.
  32. Moving into the Jungle, Thresh was able to easily follow the beast's tracks, though it was somewhat confusing. While it was in land it shouldn't be familiar with, it should at least be able to hide it's own tracks, but as well they were much larger than any other Lion, though Thresh at the time figured it an oddity at best. As well he came across trees knocked over, an act not done by any Lion, but again it was an oddity at best. However, Thresh quickly found it was in reverse. Coming into a valley floor, he came into a dead end and turned to start his tracking fresh, and came eye to eye with the beast. It was a large Lion, larger than any he's heard or seen before. It was unusually large, as large as any bear he's seen. Coming face to face with the beast Thresh readied his spear and when it lunged, he had his opening, but didn't make his attack... he instead he jumped under the beast and away, hitting it with the end of his spear forcing it away. For the rest of the day, until the sun had set Thresh worked against the Lion, against it. He came close to death many times that evening, but as night had come, both him and the Lion passed out from exhaustion.
  33. Coming out of the jungle, Thresh had earned a new friend within combat, and instead began his travels through the world. He left behind many friends with the centaurs, but he knew that day that he had to leave, there was still much to see.
  35. Family:
  37. Allen Walker
  39. Jade Walker
  41. Tredge-Ya: Adoptive Parent
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