
Active Apps Gui Button Texts Original

Nov 7th, 2021
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  1. ; Active Apps Gui Button Texts Original
  2. +RButton:: ;Shift+Right Button
  3. SetTitleMatchMode, 2
  4. Sleep, 200
  5. Gui, +AlwaysOnTop +LastFound -Caption +ToolWindow ;+Resize
  6. Gui, Color, D3DAED ;light gray
  7. WinSet,Transcolor, D3DAED ;light gray To Transparent Color
  8. Gui,Margin,0,0
  9. Gui, Font, S12 Bold cGreen Bold, Tahoma
  10. Gui, Add, Text, x13 y10 gcalc, 2x2=4
  11. Gui, Font, S12 Bold cRed Bold, Arial
  12. Gui, Add, Text, x13 y30 gcmd, CMD
  13. Gui, Font, S25 cDarkRed Bold, Tahoma
  14. Gui, Add, Text, x13 y60 gSM, Paste Secret Message
  15. Gui, Font, S25 cGreen Bold, Tahoma
  16. Gui, Add, Text, x13 y100 gHello, Paste Hello
  17. Gui, Show, x900 y200 AutoSize
  18. return
  20. calc:
  21. run, calc.exe
  22. return
  23. CMD:
  24. SetWorkingDir %A_Desktop%
  25. run cmd.exe
  26. return
  28. SM:
  29. global possibles := ["ahk_exe notepad.exe","ahk_exe text.exe","ahk_class #32770","ahk_class TMainForm","ahk_exe WINWORD.EXE","ahk_exe EXCEL.EXE"]
  30. for k,proc in possibles
  31. { if (WinExist(proc))
  32. { WinActivate, % proc
  33. WinWaitActive, % proc,, 2
  34. ;SendInput, % Text
  35. break ; if it only should write into the first found
  36. }
  37. }
  38. SendInput, {Text}Secret Message `r
  39. return
  40. Hello:
  41. global possibles := ["ahk_exe notepad.exe","ahk_exe text.exe","ahk_class #32770","ahk_class TMainForm","ahk_exe WINWORD.EXE","ahk_exe EXCEL.EXE"]
  42. for k,proc in possibles
  43. { if (WinExist(proc))
  44. { WinActivate, % proc
  45. WinWaitActive, % proc,, 2
  46. ;SendInput, % Text
  47. break ; if it only should write into the first found
  48. }
  49. }
  50. SendInput, {Text}Hello. What's going on?
  51. return
  52. *ESC::ExitApp
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