
blue water blue sky theme

Mar 15th, 2023 (edited)
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  2. <head>
  3. <!-- BLUE WATER BLUE SKY THEME by faust sunaboveclouds 🌊
  5. This theme might need a little knowledge of html to customize the right-side bar and button icons - for a line break or paragraph you can use <br> or <p> (p adds a bit of spacing) and to add images just do <img src=""> and then put a copied link to an image - for the icons you can go to font awesome and replace the lines in the "link 1/2/etc" text boxes! For example, if you want to use the sun icon you can put "fa-sun" in the text box! this got long so if you still have questions you can send asks to i Love ask!-->
  6. <!-- images -->
  7. <meta name="image:favicon" content="">
  8. <meta name="image:blog background" content="">
  9. <meta name="image:sidebar" content="">
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  25. <meta name="color:text selection bg" content="">
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  28. <!-- text -->
  29. <meta name="text:text size" content="18">
  30. <meta name="text:desc" content="^_^!!">
  31. <meta name="text:side stuff" content="i made this part to feature stuff like buttons (using html img src) but youcan put anything in here and itll scroll on forever. WAHOO (scrollbar isnt visible on purpose but you Can scroll)">
  32. <meta name="text:link one" content="fa-house">
  33. <meta name="text:link two" content="fa-envelope">
  34. <meta name="text:link three" content="fa-circle-user">
  35. <meta name="text:link four" content="fa-sun">
  36. <meta name="text:link five" content="fa-bug">
  37. <meta name="text:link six" content="fa-moon">
  38. <meta name="text:link one url" content="/">
  39. <meta name="text:link two url" content="/">
  40. <meta name="text:link three url" content="/">
  41. <meta name="text:link four url" content="/">
  42. <meta name="text:link five url" content="/">
  43. <meta name="text:link six url" content="/">
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  50. <meta name="select:font" content="MS Gothic">
  51. <meta name="select:font" content="Tepeno Sans"
  52. <meta name="select:font" content="LDF Comic Sans">
  53. <meta name="select:font" content="SF Quartzite">
  54. <meta name="select:font" content="Black Wolf">
  55. <meta name="select:font" content="Fluff">
  56. <meta name="select:font" content="Mintsoda">
  57. <!-- end font -->
  59. <!-- border styles n' sizes -->
  60. <meta name="select:border type" content="solid">
  61. <meta name="select:border type" content="double">
  62. <meta name="select:border type" content="dashed">
  63. <meta name="select:border type" content="dotted">
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  65. <meta name="select:border size" content="2">
  66. <meta name="select:border size" content="3">
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  71. <meta name="if:bold links" content="">  
  72. <meta name="if:link underline" content="">  
  73. <!-- end options -->
  75. <!-- misc -->  
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  77. <title>{Title}</title>
  78. <link rel="shortcut icon" href="{image:favicon}">
  79. <link rel="alternate" type="application/rss+xml" href="{RSS}">
  80. <link rel="stylesheet" href="">
  81. <link href="" rel="stylesheet">
  82. <link href="" rel="stylesheet">
  83. <link href="" rel="stylesheet">
  84. <link href="" rel="stylesheet">
  85. <link href="" rel="stylesheet">
  86. {block:Description}
  87. <meta name="description" content="{MetaDescription}" />
  88. {/block:Description}
  89. <link rel="shortcut icon" href="{image:favicon}">
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  116. @font-face {
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  120.  font-style: normal;
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  122. @font-face {
  123.  font-family: LDF Comic Sans;
  124.  src:url( format("truetype");
  125.  font-weight: normal;
  126.  font-style: italic;
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  128. @font-face {
  129.    font-family: 'Mintsoda';
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  131.    font-weight: 400;
  132.    src: local('Mintsoda'), url('') format('woff');
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  176. blockquote{
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  178. /* --- basics end --- */
  180. /* container */
  181. /* your container here holds the posts and the sidebar inside it */
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  184. position:absolute;
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  197. /* 'postcontainer' is the container holding the posts inside it, 'postcontent' is the size of the post, and 'post' is how the post looks */
  198. #postcontainer{
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  221. /* --- posts end --- */
  223. /* sidebar */
  224. /* 'side' is what is holding the sidebar inside it, 'sidebar' will change the size of the sidebar, desc and links are there just to nicely space things out so everything isnt cramped together!! */
  225. #side{
  226. width:275px;
  227. height:100%;
  228. padding:5px;
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  238. background-size: cover;
  239. background-color:{color:content background};}
  240. #desc{
  241. margin:10px 0 0 0;
  242. overflow:auto;
  243. width:265px;
  244. height:180px;
  245. display:block;
  246. }
  247. #desc2{
  248. overflow:auto;
  249. width:230px;
  250. height:100%;
  251. margin-left:748px;
  252. display:block;}
  253. td {
  254. margin:2px 2px 2px 2px;
  255. background-color:{color:buttons};
  256. border-radius: 15px;
  257. }
  258. /* --- sidebar end --- */
  260. /* content appearance */
  261. /* the way images, notes, and other assets will look */
  262. .post img{
  263. max-width:400px;
  264. height:100%;
  265. max-width:100%;}
  266. .sidebar img{
  267. max-width:270px;
  268. max-width:100%;
  269. max-height:250px;
  270. display:block;}
  271. .extra img{
  272. max-width:180px;
  273. }
  274. ol.notes{
  275. list-style-type:none;
  276. padding:3px;
  277. overflow:auto;}
  278. video{
  279. max-width: 100%;
  280. height: auto;}
  281. #audioplayer{
  282. width:30px;
  283. height:25px;
  284. overflow:hidden;
  285. position:absolute;
  286. margin-top:40px;
  287. margin-bottom:40px;
  288. margin-left:35px;
  289. border-radius: 40px;
  290. opacity: 0.7;}
  291. .trackstuff{
  292. overflow:auto;
  293. margin-left:110px;
  294. margin-top:-75px;  
  295. margin-bottom:50px;
  296. display:block;}
  297. .playbutton{
  298. margin-bottom:30px;
  299. margin-top:-60px;
  300. margin-left:35px;
  301. z-index:9;
  302. width:33px;
  303. height:30px;
  304. overflow:hidden;}
  305. /* --- appearance end --- */
  307. /* moar stuff */
  308. /* random things that you add to the theme, not necessary for the theme's function */
  309. #foatie{
  310. position:fixed;
  311. bottom:0px;
  312. right:15px;
  313. filter: drop-shadow(0 0 0.75rem rgb({text:floatie glow}));}
  314. #hehe{
  315. font-size:35px;
  316. position:fixed;
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  318. bottom:0px;
  319. filter: drop-shadow(0 0 0.75rem rgb({text:floatie glow}));}
  320. /* --- more end --- */
  323. {CustomCss}
  324. </style>
  325. </head>
  326. <body>
  327. <div id="overallcontainer">
  328. <div id="side">
  329. <div id="sidebar">
  330. <div class="sidebar img"><img style='height: 100%; width: 100%; object-fit: cover' src='{image:sidebar}'/></div>
  331. <div id="desc">
  332. <center>{text:desc}</center>
  333. </div>
  334. <p>
  335. <center>
  336. <table style="overflow:auto; background:transparent; height:125px; width:250px;">
  337. <tr>
  338. <td><a href="{text:link one url}"><center><i class="fa-solid {text:link one}"></i></center></a></td>
  339. <td><a href="{text:link two url}"><center><i class="fa-solid {text:link two}"></center></a></td>
  340. <td><a href="{text:link three url}"><center><i class="fa-solid {text:link three}"></center></a></td></tr>
  341. <tr>
  342. <td><a href="{text:link four url}"><center><i class="fa-solid {text:link four}"></center></a></td>
  343. <td><a href="{text:link five url}"><center><i class="fa-solid {text:link five}"></center></center></a></td>
  344. <td><a href="{text:link six url}"><center><i class="fa-solid {text:link six}"></center></a></td></tr>
  345. </table>
  346. </center>
  347. </div>
  348. </div>
  350. <div id="postcontainer">
  351. <div id="postcontent">
  352. <div id="content">
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  357. <div class="post">
  359. <!-- Text -->
  360. {block:Text}
  361. {block:Title}
  362. <div class="title">{Title}</div>
  363. {/block:Title}
  364. {Body}
  365. {/block:Text}
  366. {block:Chat}
  367. {block:Title}
  368. <div class="title">
  369. <h3><a href="{Permalink}">{Title}</a></h3></div>
  370. {/block:Title}
  371. {block:Lines}
  372. <div class="{Alt} user_{UserNumber}">
  373. {block:Label}
  374. <span class="label">{Label}</span>
  375. {/block:Label}{Line}
  376. </div>
  377. {/block:Lines}
  378. {/block:Chat}
  380. <!-- Images --->
  381. {block:Photo}
  382. {LinkOpenTag}
  383. <img src="{PhotoURL-400}" alt="{PhotoAlt}"/>
  384. {LinkCloseTag}
  385. {block:Caption}
  386. {Caption}
  387. {/block:Caption}
  388. {/block:Photo}
  389. {block:Photoset}
  390. {Photoset-400}
  391. {block:Photos}
  392. {/block:Photos}
  393. {block:Caption}
  394. {Caption}
  395. {/block:Caption}
  396. {/block:Photoset}
  398. <!-- Video -->
  399. {block:Video}
  400. {Video-500}
  401. {block:Caption}
  402. {Caption}
  403. {/block:Caption}
  404. {/block:Video}
  406. <!-- Audio -->
  407. {block:Audio}
  408. <div id= "audioplayer">{AudioPlayerWhite}</div>
  409. {block:AlbumArt}
  410. <div id="albumart">
  411. <img src="{AlbumArtURL}" width="100">  
  412. </div>
  413. {/block:AlbumArt}
  414. <div class="trackstuff">
  415. {block:TrackName}<b><i>{TrackName}</i></b>{/block:TrackName}<br>{block:Artist}<i>{Artist}</i>{/block:Artist}</div>
  416. {Caption}
  417. {/block:Audio}
  419. <!-- Quote -->
  420. {block:Quote}
  421. <div class="quote">
  422. "{Quote}"
  423. {block:Source}
  424. <div class="source">- <i>{Source}</i></div>
  425. {/block:Source}
  426. </div>
  427. {/block:Quote}
  429. <!-- Link -->
  430. {block:Link}
  431. <a href="{URL}" class="link" {Target}>{Name}</a>
  432. {block:Description}
  433. {Description}
  434. {/block:Description}
  435. {/block:Link}
  437. <!-- Ask -->
  438. {block:Answer}
  439. <div class="question">{Asker}: {Question}</div>
  440. <div class="caption">{Answer}</div>
  441. {/block:Answer}
  443. <!-- Footer -->
  444. {block:Date}
  445. <div class="footer">
  446. <img src="{image:footer pixel}"> <a href="{Permalink}">{12Hour}:{Minutes} {AmPm}</a> (<a href="{Permalink}">{TimeAgo}</a>) <a href="{ReblogUrl}">&#8634;</a>
  447. </div>
  448. {block:PermalinkPage}
  449. {block:HasTags}
  450. {block:Tags}#<a href="{TagURL}">{Tag}</a> {/block:Tags}{/block:HasTags}
  451. <a href="{Permalink}">{block:NoteCount} [{NoteCountWithLabel}] {/block:NoteCount}</a>
  452. {block:NoteCount}
  453. {block:PostNotes}{PostNotes}{/block:PostNotes}
  454. {/block:NoteCount}
  455. {/block:PermalinkPage}
  456. <!--{block:NoRebloggedFrom}{block:RebloggedFrom}{ReblogParentName}{/block:RebloggedFrom}{/block:NoRebloggedFrom} -->
  457. {/block:Date}
  459. </div>
  460. {/block:Posts}
  462. {block:Pagination}
  463. <div class="naviga">
  464. <center>
  465. {block:PreviousPage}
  466. / <a href="{PreviousPage}">&#171; Back</a>
  467. {/block:PreviousPage}
  468. {block:NextPage}
  469. <a href="{NextPage}">Next &#187;</a>
  470. {/block:NextPage}
  471. </div>
  472. </div>
  473. {/block:Pagination}
  475. </div>
  476. </div>
  477. </div>
  478. <div id="desc2">
  479. <div class="extra img"><center>{text:side stuff}</center></div>
  480. </div>
  481. </div>
  482. </div>
  483. <div id="foatie">
  484. <img src="{image:floatie}" width="{text:floatie size}px">
  485. </div>
  486. <div id="hehe">
  487. <a href=""><img src=""></a>
  488. </div>
  489. </body>
  490. </html>
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