

Aug 19th, 2022
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  1. Akashic Tome(Vazkii)
  2. Bountiful (Forge)(Ejektaflex)
  3. Chocolate Fix(AlcatrazEscapee)
  4. Shulker's Faithful Factories (Previously Cobbler)(britishnickk)
  5. Decorative Winter(lilypuree)
  6. Decorative Blocks(stohun)
  7. Eidolon(elucent_)
  8. Extra Bows(MrMarnic)
  9. Eye of Dragons(mkaaay2910)
  10. Hwyla(TehNut)
  11. Gateways to Eternity(Shadows_of_Fire)
  12. Looot(Commoble)
  13. Mouse Tweaks(YaLTeR)
  14. Randomite Classic(ModdingLegacy)
  15. RandomPatches (Forge)(TheRandomLabs)
  16. Spice of Life: Potato Edition(Kevun2)
  17. Sound Filters(Tmtravlr)
  18. SwingThroughGrass(exidex)
  19. TrashSlot(BlayTheNinth)
  20. Lollipop(owmii)
  21. Lost Trinkets(owmii)
  22. Scuba Gear(ModdingLegacy)
  23. Good Night's Sleep(ModdingLegacy)
  24. Workshops of Doom(Commoble)
  25. ToroHealth Damage Indicators(ToroCraft)
  26. Ageing Spawners(Mrbysco)
  27. AutoRegLib(Vazkii)
  28. YUNG's Better Mineshafts (Forge)(YUNGNICKYOUNG)
  29. Crafting Tweaks(BlayTheNinth)
  30. Forgiving Void(BlayTheNinth)
  31. No Potion Shift(mezz)
  32. Rats(sbom_xela)
  33. Spartan Shields(ObliviousSpartan)
  34. Waila Harvestability(squeek502)
  35. Cuneiform(azmalent)
  36. Elenai Dodge 2(ElenaiDev)
  37. Majrusz Library(Majrusz17)
  38. Majrusz's Progressive Difficulty(Majrusz17)
  39. Fins and Tails(Coda1552)
  40. Ambient Environment(Jaredlll08)
  41. Small Ships(talhanation)
  42. YUNG's Better Caves (Forge)(YUNGNICKYOUNG)
  43. Dungeons Plus(ModdingLegacy)
  44. Stoneholm, Underground Villages (Forge)(TheGrimsey)
  45. ExpandAbility(florensie)
  46. Random Loot Mod(milomaz1)
  47. Farmer's Delight Compats(burritoeatinghamster)
  48. Nether's Delight(lumpazl)
  49. The Irregular Chef! (A Farmer's Delight Add-on)(davigjung)
  50. Berry Nice(enderlabs_inc)
  51. YUNG's Extras (Forge)(YUNGNICKYOUNG)
  52. YUNG's Better Strongholds (Forge)(YUNGNICKYOUNG)
  53. Sapience(the_infamous_1)
  54. Carrots Library [FORGE](The_Wabbit0101)
  55. Edibles (Forge)(Serilum)
  56. Healing Campfire (Forge)(Serilum)
  57. VanillaFoodPantry Mod [FORGE](The_Wabbit0101)
  58. Healing Soup (Forge)(Serilum)
  59. Citadel(sbom_xela)
  60. Dimensional Dungeons(Catastrophe573)
  61. Item Filters(LatvianModder)
  62. Simple Farming(enemeez1)
  63. Cooking for Blockheads(BlayTheNinth)
  64. Floor Mats(D0CTORZED)
  65. Guard Villagers(almightytallestred)
  66. The Outer End(BlueDuckYT)
  67. Mushroom Quest(Ryukusu)
  68. UnionLib(Stereowalker)
  69. Nature's Compass(Chaosyr)
  70. Traveler's Titles (Forge)(YUNGNICKYOUNG)
  71. ItemPhysic Lite(CreativeMD)
  72. Abundance(team_aurora_modding)
  73. Majrusz's Accessories(Majrusz17)
  74. Builders Crafts & Additions (Forge)(MRHminer)
  75. The Undergarden(Quek04)
  77. EzZoom(JTK222)
  78. Equipment Compare(Grend_G)
  79. Blue Skies(ModdingLegacy)
  80. Structure Gel API(ModdingLegacy)
  81. Elytra Slot (Forge)(TheIllusiveC4)
  82. Silent Lib (silentlib)(SilentChaos512)
  83. Cucumber Library(BlakeBr0)
  84. Pickle Tweaks(BlakeBr0)
  85. Advanced Mining Dimension(henkelmax)
  86. Simple Delights(JesterBlue)
  87. YUNG's Better Dungeons (Forge)(YUNGNICKYOUNG)
  88. Caelus API (Forge)(TheIllusiveC4)
  89. FTB Ultimine (Forge)(FTB)
  90. Waystones(BlayTheNinth)
  91. FerriteCore (Forge)(malte0811)
  92. Alex's Mobs(sbom_xela)
  93. Valhelsia Structures(ValhelsiaTeam)
  94. Rough Tweaks Revamped(Mostafa55)
  95. More Villagers(SameDifferent)
  96. Moonlight Lib(MehVahdJukaar)
  97. Advancement Plaques(Grend_G)
  98. Item Highlighter(Grend_G)
  99. Stalwart Dungeons(Furti_Two)
  100. LibX(noeppinoeppi)
  101. Enhanced Mushrooms(team_aurora_modding)
  102. Bayou Blues(team_aurora_modding)
  103. Waystones2Waypoints(Noobanidus)
  104. Inventory HUD+(dmitrylovin)
  105. Orcinus's Caves(orcinus73)
  106. Oh The Biomes You'll Go(AOCAWOL)
  107. BetterF3(cominixo)
  108. Darker Depths(naterbobber)
  109. CaveBiomeAPI [Forge](blackgear27)
  110. Better Advancements(way2muchnoise)
  111. Paxi (Forge)(YUNGNICKYOUNG)
  112. Towers of the Wild: Reloaded(yuesha_yc)
  113. When Dungeons Arise - Forge!(Aureljz)
  114. YUNG's Better Portals (Forge)(YUNGNICKYOUNG)
  115. Controlling(Jaredlll08)
  116. Enhanced Celestials - Blood, Blue, & Harvest (Super) Moons(Corgi_Taco)
  117. FTB Teams (Forge)(FTB)
  118. Meet Your Fight(Lykrast)
  119. Starter Kit (Forge)(Serilum)
  120. The Bumblezone (Forge)(telepathicgrunt)
  121. Village Artifacts(Lothrazar)
  122. Abnormals Delight(TeamAbnormals)
  123. Buzzier Bees(TeamAbnormals)
  124. Doggy Talents(percivalalb)
  125. FTB Library (Forge)(FTB)
  126. Project: Vibrant Journeys(OrderedChaosDev)
  127. Toast Control(Shadows_of_Fire)
  128. Upgrade Aquatic(TeamAbnormals)
  129. Bag of Yurting(Commoble)
  130. Brewevolution 🍺(warlonmhite)
  131. BetterDefaultBiomes(Xratedjunior)
  132. Buddycards(wildcard_gamer)
  133. Prefab(wuestman)
  134. The Twilight Forest(Benimatic)
  135. Pirate Hats(homohomik)
  136. BetterEnd Reforked(someoneelsewastaken)
  137. Decorative Blocks modded compat(Evo_934)
  138. StepUp(NotTooManyItems)
  139. TenshiLib(flemmli97)
  140. Modifiers(Cursed1nferno)
  141. Blueprint(TeamAbnormals)
  142. Fast Leaf Decay(olafskiii)
  143. Harder Branch Mining(MacTso)
  144. InsaneLib(Insane96MCP)
  145. Item Borders(Grend_G)
  146. Progressive Bosses(Insane96MCP)
  147. Tropicraft(Cojomax99)
  148. Valhelsia Core(ValhelsiaTeam)
  149. Upgraded Netherite : Items(Rolfmao25)
  150. Upgraded Core(Rolfmao25)
  151. FastSuite(Shadows_of_Fire)
  152. Connectivity[Forge/Fabric](someaddon)
  153. Quark(Vazkii)
  154. Adaptive Performance Tweaks (Bundle)(Kaworru)
  155. The Afterlight(Wispearl)
  156. AI Improvements(QueenOfMissiles)
  157. Apotheosis(Shadows_of_Fire)
  158. AppleSkin(squeek502)
  159. Aquaculture 2(Shadowclaimer)
  160. Archer's Paradox(TeamCoFH)
  161. Ars Arsenal(ToxicMintTea)
  162. Artifacts(ochotonida)
  163. Atum 2: Return to the Sands(Shadowclaimer)
  164. Better Third Person(Socolio)
  165. BisectHosting Server Integration Menu [FORGE](BisectHosting)
  166. Bookshelf(DarkhaxDev)
  167. BountifulBaubles(Cursed1nferno)
  168. Champions(TheIllusiveC4)
  169. Clickable advancements[Forge/Fabric](someaddon)
  170. Cloth Config API (Fabric/Forge)(shedaniel)
  171. CoFH Core(TeamCoFH)
  172. Comforts (Forge)(TheIllusiveC4)
  173. Construction Wand(ThetaDev)
  174. Convenient Curios Container(LeoBeliik)
  175. Cosmetic Armor Reworked(LainMI)
  176. CreativeCore(CreativeMD)
  177. Curios API (Forge)(TheIllusiveC4)
  178. Dungeon Crawl(xiroc_)
  179. Dungeons Mobs(the_infamous_1)
  180. The Endergetic Expansion(TeamAbnormals)
  181. Enigmatic Legacy(Aizistral)
  182. Ensorcellation(TeamCoFH)
  183. Farmer's Delight(vectorwing)
  184. Feywild(saphienyako)
  185. FTB Quests (Forge)(FTB)
  186. Goblin Traders(MrCrayfish)
  187. Greek Fantasy(skyjay1)
  188. Health Overlay (Forge)(Terrails)
  189. Human Companions(jus10wontons)
  190. Ice and Fire: Dragons(sbom_xela)
  191. Improved Mobs(flemmli97)
  192. Infernal Expansion(InfernalStudios)
  193. Kotlin for Forge(thedarkcolour)
  194. KubeJS(LatvianModder)
  195. Lazy DataFixerUpper(LazyDFU) [FORGE](Corgi_Taco)
  196. Legendary Tooltips(Grend_G)
  197. Login Protection[Forge/Fabric](someaddon)
  198. Magical Jewelry(Andi_Erfurt)
  199. Mowzie's Mobs(bobmowzie)
  200. Mystical World(Noobanidus)
  201. No Night Vision Flashing(TeamCoFH)
  202. OAuth(Sintinium)
  203. Oreberries Replanted(Mrbysco)
  204. Overloaded Armor Bar(tfarecnim)
  205. Patchouli(Vazkii)
  206. Pickable Health Orbs(alexandr_0031)
  207. Placebo(Shadows_of_Fire)
  208. Polymorph (Forge)(TheIllusiveC4)
  209. Productive Bees(LobsterJonn)
  210. Relics(SSKirillSS)
  211. Rhino(LatvianModder)
  212. Second Chance (Forge)(InfernalStudios)
  213. Serene Shrubbery(Ryukusu)
  214. Sledgehammer(LX_Gaming)
  215. Spartan Weaponry(ObliviousSpartan)
  216. Storage Drawers(Texelsaur)
  217. Tips(DarkhaxDev)
  218. Titles(Aurilux)
  219. Tool Leveling+(Buecher_wurm)
  220. Too Many Glyphs(derringercubed)
  221. Armor Toughness Bar(tfarecnim)
  222. Upgraded Netherite(Rolfmao25)
  223. Useful Hats(thecech12)
  224. V-Tweaks(oitsjustjose)
  225. Wawla - What Are We Looking At(DarkhaxDev)
  226. XP Tome(bl4ckscor3)
  227. Unique Enchantments Apex(Speiger)
  228. Unique Enchantments Base(Speiger)
  229. Unique Enchantments - Battle(Speiger)
  230. Unique Enchantments - Utils(Speiger)
  231. Unique Enchantments(Speiger)
  232. Dungeons Enhanced(Valarauko9)
  233. Dungeons Gear(the_infamous_1)
  234. Dungeons Libraries(Patrigan)
  235. Ars Nouveau(baileyholl2)
  236. Architectury API (Fabric/Forge)(shedaniel)
  237. Collective (Forge)(Serilum)
  238. CraftPresence(CDAGaming_)
  239. Drippy Loading Screen [Forge](Keksuccino)
  240. FancyMenu [Forge](Keksuccino)
  241. Konkrete [Forge](Keksuccino)
  242. Auudio [Forge](Keksuccino)
  243. FTB Money (Forge)(FTB)
  244. GeckoLib(ThanosGecko)
  245. Illagers+(LiteWolf101)
  246. Loot Beams(shiroroku)
  247. Lootr (Forge)(Noobanidus)
  248. Potion Descriptions (Forge)(azmalent)
  249. RPG Gods(skyjay1)
  250. Simple Storage Network(Lothrazar)
  251. Sophisticated Backpacks(P3pp3rF1y)
  252. Supplementaries(MehVahdJukaar)
  253. Corail Tombstone(Corail_31)
  254. Xaero's Minimap(xaero96)
  255. Xaero's World Map(xaero96)
  256. LiteWolfCore(LiteWolf101)
  257. Repurposed Structures (Forge)(telepathicgrunt)
  258. Quests Additions (Forge)(NaturaSpell)
  259. Default Options(BlayTheNinth)
  260. Tax' Ocean Villager(Taknax)
  261. Magnesium/Rubidium Extras(TeamDeusVult)
  262. Oculus(Asek3)
  263. Rubidium(Asek3)
  264. RoadRunner(MaxNeedsSnacks)
  265. ArsPMMO(VanyaBaou)
  266. Just Enough Items (JEI)(mezz)
  267. JEITweaker(Jaredlll08)
  268. Project MMO(Harmonised_)
  269. CraftTweaker(Jaredlll08)
  270. Iceberg(Grend_G)
  271. Dreadsteel(DaddyUnion)
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