
Intervention Convention

Mar 9th, 2018
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  1. Alexithymiaa: -Adam stood outside in the driveway practicing his hoop shooting skills. Dribbling the ball he'd gotten a few times, he picked it up with both hands and raised it over his head, flicking his wrist and sending the basketball through the air and straight through the hoop. // Neil pulled up in front of the house, parking his car and reaching over into the passenger seat for the oversized brown paper bag filled with half a dozen bagels in it. Climbing out of the car, he headed up the driveway to where Adam was shooting hoops, stopping for a moment to watch him. "Hey Adam. I didnt know you played basketball."-
  2. Covet: Eli pulled up to the place shorly behind his Dad. He'd given Tae a little bit of a heads up, not that their Dad was coming but that 'they' wanted to come talk and check in on her. Ambiguous enough to mean him and Bliss, but not specifying that there could be more. He climbed out and made his way around to the passenger side to help Bliss out of the vehicle. // Tae was sitting in the living room checking the time, she knew Eli and Bliss were supposed to be here soon, so she didn't want to get involved with anything before they showed. up. She was playing with the ring on her necklace, getting up to look out the window where she saw Adam, and then...her Dad. A scowl immediately set on her face.
  4. Covet: [XD she doesn't see them yet]
  5. Tsaaq: Hayley strode down the stairs then stood behind Tae. She peeked out the window at Eli's car then saw Neil talking with Adam. "Your family is always over here." She said jokingly. // Bliss got out of the car after Eli. "Thank you." She smiled and kissed his cheek. "Hello Professor Cohen." She waved before going to wave at Adam as well. "I assume Tae is inside." Bliss pointed at the house.
  6. Alexithymiaa: -Adam jogged over to get his own rebound, dribbling the ball back across the driveway and looking at Neil. "Oh, hi Professor Cohen. Yeah, I just made the basketball team a few weeks ago. Trying out something new." His eyes shifted to the bag in his hands before looking at the oncoming Bliss and Eli. "Yeah, Tae is inside." // Neil nodded to Adam with approval because trying new healthy things is nice and stuff. He twisted around to look at his son and future daughter in law, stepping over to give Bliss a half hug since he was holding the bag of bagels. "Hi Bliss. Eli. I brought bagels for everyone."-
  7. Covet: "You're quite welcome My Love." Eli said to her as he closed and locked the door behind her and they headed towards the house. He gave a nod to Adam, "Hey man, Thanks." He looked over at his dad and shook his head, "You would too." // Tae turned around to look at Hayley, "I know... I'm sorry. I wish they wouldn't though. I didn't realize they included my dad." She grumbled then waved out the window at Bliss. "He even brought the peace offering."
  8. Tsaaq: Hayley shrugged her shoulders nonchalantly. "I don't really care." She whispered. "Maybe you should talk to them and they wouldn't be so worried- Especially about that guy giving you that ring." Hayley pointed to her necklace. // "Well... We better get to it." She went to hold Eli's hand. "That's wonderful, food is a great ice breaker." Bliss said to Neil with a smile as she leaned into the hug. "Also I need a snack myself." She walked towards the porch and turned again. "Thanks Adam." She called out before jogging up the porch steps.
  9. Alexithymiaa: -Adam waved at Bliss as she passed, dribbling his basketball once more. "Good luck." He said to them before jumping and shooting again, missing this time. // "Well bagels and cream cheese for all." Neil spoke, following Bliss up the rest of the walkway to the house. Stopping behind her on the front porch, he spoke again. "Is she expecting us?"-
  10. Covet: "I told her that we were coming over, so she should be yeah." Eli said not saying anything about not telling her that their Dad was coming. He walked up the porch and went to knock on the door. // Tae frowned, "I might, I don't want to talk about it with my dad. He hates Drew." She mumbled then heard the knock on the door, giving a reluctant sigh, tucking the necklace barely under her shirt collar, as she turned and walked around the couch so she could answer the door. Her tone was flat as she glared at Eli, "Hey guys, come on it."
  11. Tsaaq: Hayley rose her eyebrows and pursed her lips. "I'll leave you guys to it then." She whispered. "Hey Professor, hey Eli and Bliss." She waved as she went to slip past them and went outside to oogle Adam. // Bliss began to smile. "Well who doesn't like bagels and cream cheese?" She asked "Hello Tae!" She geeted as she pulled her in for a quick hug. "Thanks for having us over." She went to pull Adam along as they entered the house.
  12. Covet: *Eli?
  13. Tsaaq: ((Eli****))
  14. Tsaaq: ((Eliadam,))
  15. Alexithymiaa: -Adam ran to grab the rebound after his missed shot, dribbling back and seeing Hayley coming outside. "Aren't you cold?" // Neil stepped up and into the house with the group, holding up the bag of bagels as he looked at Tae. "I brought bagels from the place around the corner from the house. I thought everyone might like them." He said even though he was definitely addressing that to Tae since he'd already told Eli and Bliss he got bagels.-
  16. Covet: [They have become one? lmao... kinky... I'll stop now XD]
  17. Covet: Eli walked in with the rest of the group and gave Tae a guity wave as she glared at him. "Why don't you all get comfortable and I'll get the bagels made up for everyone?" Eli offered as he took the bag out of his Dad's hand and made his way into the kitchen. // Tae gave Bliss a genuine smile and a hug, then looked at her Dad with a soft shrug, "Okay, cool Thanks I guess." She said then turned around to sit down on the couch. Tae was honestly worried about how much her Dad knew, in regards to her disappearing for a week and the whole fight.
  18. Tsaaq: Hayley tried not to shiver as she shimmied towards Adam. She rose her eyebrows. "Whaaat? No." She sputtered her lips before rubbing her arms to warm up. // "Capital idea professor Cohen." She applauded. She went to sit down. "Yes, please sit down with us. Eli has it covered." She said. "How've you been Tae?"
  19. Alexithymiaa: "Yes you are." He said with a laugh, starting over to her and hitching the ball under his arm. "Do you want my hoodie?" // Neil moved to sit down on the couch with them, looking his daughter over since he hadnt actually seen her in a while. "Thank you, Eli." He paused, waiting to hear how Tae had been.-
  20. Covet: Eli took the bagles out and started getting them all toasted up and cream cheese covered and all that good stuff. // Tae looked at Bliss and gave her a nod, "Pretty good, I've been able to slip back into my normal routine since everything." She said glancing over at her Dad, not really keen on giving more details. "Uh... How's everything for you guys?" She asked including her Dad out of pure politeness.
  21. Covet has left the chat
  22. Covet has joined the chat
  23. Tsaaq: She began to shake. She nodded her head. "I just wanted to come out and watch you." She whined. "Hoodie please." She requested. // Bliss nodded her head slowly. "Of course, of course. We'll I've been a little concerned and so has Eli about a few things that we'd like to talk about tonight, if you don't mind?"
  24. Alexithymiaa: -Adam pulled at the bottom of his hoodie, yanking it up and over his head to leave himself in his t-shirt that he was wearing underneath, passing the hoodie over to Hayley. "I warmed it up for you." // Neil listened to Tae speak briefly before leaning forward on the couch a bit, his arms resting on his knees. "Not so great. Your mother and I miss seeing you..."-
  25. Covet: Eli came back out with a plate full of bagely goodness and went about handing them out to everyone. "Yeah, Dad has been keeping me updated on Mom, she's in pretty bad shape without you Tae." // Tae took a bagel and let it sit on her lap, "Oh, yeah sure. That sounds good." she said to Bliss then, looked over at her Dad, "I'm sorry to hear that....I miss Mom too, is everything alright?."
  26. Alexithymiaa: (A SLAP IN THE FACE, TAE.)
  27. Tsaaq: "Thank you." Hayley smirked and cuddled against the fabric of his hoodie and got on her tippy toes to give him kisses. "How's basketball going?" She asked. "All you do is play now." // Bliss took her bagel and noticed Tae's reaction. She waited for Eli or Neil to say things before telling this broad how she's effed up all their lives.
  28. Covet: [Yeah. well she's still mad at him because he told her she couldn't do this and would come crawling back XD]
  29. Covet: [But Bliss totally has a point in her thought bubble XD]
  30. Alexithymiaa: -Adam returned Hayley's kiss before shifting the ball back into his hands to dribble a bit. "I'm not great yet. I'm trying awfully hard to improve enough for the team, though. Coach Fitz seemed to like my improvement thus far." // Neil took a deep breath, rubbing his hands together. "Not particularly, no. She drinks fairly regularly now. She's depressed without you, Tae."-
  31. Covet: Eli sat down next to Bliss and proceded to shove his bagel into his face, because he couldn't talk if his mouth was full. // "Oh...." Tae said softly, looking a little guilty, then looked down at the bagel in her lap, "I'm not moving back home. If that's what you came here to ask me. I know Mom's upset, but like it or not, I'm an adult. I was going to be leaving eventually."
  32. Tsaaq: "In the summer we can play shirtless baskebtally." She chuckled playfully. "And I'll totally whip your ass." She shuffled, still a little cold. "I'm glad Coach Fitz likes you though. She seems pretty stressed lately when I see her." // "Tae." She said gently. "The manner of you leaving is what made it so upsetting, wouldn't you agree?"
  33. Alexithymiaa: "Yeah, she's kind of rebuilding her basketball team." Adam said with a shrug, trying to stay moving because now HE was cold. "I wouldnt be surprised if you were better at basketball than me." // "We're not asking you to move back home. We're asking you to have a nice relationship with your family. It's breaking your mother's heart to see everyone at odds like this... and to not get to see you. I don't expect to have Eli move back home, but him and Bliss come over for family dinners all the time."-
  34. Covet: Eli looked over at his dad then back at Bliss and his sister as he swallowed. "Anyone need a drink? I could use a drink. I'm just going to get some drinks now." He got up and made his way to the fridge to raid it for waters. // Looking at Bliss she gave her a soft look, " I wouldn't have left at all, if I didn't feel like I wasn't allowed to be myself, or couldn't do things my way. I know that sounds stupid and selfish, but I feel like I'd have more freedom in Juvi than at home." She said even though this bitch is too old for Juvi. "I want to be there for the family and all,but it's hard when I don't feel like I'm wanted because of what I choose to do or who I want to hang out with, intimately or not.. Nothing has really changed in those regards. Except, maybe things are more serious now...." She said trailing off, reaching up to make sure the ring was still hidden around her neck.
  35. Tsaaq: She sputtered her lips. "Yeah cause I've been playing it with my brother and dad since I was a toddler." She laughed. She began to pout. "Come over and give me hugs as a break!" She called out as he opened her arms wide. // Bliss frowned as she inhaled deeply she looked between Eli and Neil, not wanting to say shit but omg bitch.
  36. Alexithymiaa: -Adam turned and shot the ball at the basket, sinking it through this time and abandoning it bouncing on the other side of the driveway before walking over to her to wrap her up in a hug. "You've got far too many years on me for me to ever be better than you." // Neil sat patiently listening to Tae as she spoke, waiting for her to be finished before he joined in. "We've always encouraged you to embrace who you are so I'm sorry if it came across that we were trying to stifle your personality. I don't have to necessarily approve of everyone you spend your time with, but whether you like it or not, that's what being a father is about. That's not going to change. I'm not going to stop you from having your friends I don't like, but I also dont have to be happy about it."-
  37. Covet: Eli came back and handed out waters to those that wanted them, then sit back down next to Bliss looking at her. // "Fine." Tae said with an exhale. "But you also can't just show up here, or at their house and start yelling at them either." She looked over at her Dad, "I'm conceding for Mom. Just so that's well known between us. I'm still hurt by what you said, and how it made me feel. But... at the same time I have to say thank you, because if it wasn't for all of this between us, I probably wouldn't have become responsible for myself."
  38. Tsaaq: "Don't worry I'll give you a few tips and tricks-" She snuggled him before looking around the yard. "What do you say to just going to bed with the animals and you can pick up on practicing tomorrow?" // Bliss sighed and took Eli's hand giving it a squeeze. "So you'll be there for Sunday dinner?" She said with an exhale of relief.
  39. Alexithymiaa: "I think that's a pretty good idea considering it's getting pretty cold." He turned and went to pick up his ball, tucking it under his arm before offering Hayley his hand. // Neil let out a sigh, reaching out to take the water from Eli. "I know. And I guess we can just settle on this being a life lesson we can all learn from?" He asked, trying to swing it in that direction.-
  40. Covet: Eli looked at the little mediation/intervention group and gave a slight smile. It wasn't great, but it was at least a little better than it was. // Tae nodded her head, "Yes, I'll be there." She said to Bliss with a soft smile then took a deep breath. " I should let you all know, that obviously Drew and I are still talking to each other, but... that things are more... serious... between us. " She said holding the ring tight, as she took Hayley's advice, then pulled it out. "It's not don't worry about that. Just a promise."
  41. Tsaaq: She took his hand as she giggled. "Come on, I'll warm you up. Me and the animals." She lead him towards the steps of the porch, they weren't aware of the shit show inside. // She smiled again. "Well good. We've missed you. So it's good to hear-" Bliss' face fell at Tae's news but she really had no words for the omgness of it.
  42. Alexithymiaa: -Adam laced his fingers with hers and started up the porch, pushing the front door open to step inside the house, immediately looking over to the intervention center in the living room. Not wanting to interrupt, he slowly started for the stairs, hoping him and Hayley could go unnoticed. // Neil swallowed hard, clearly unhappy with the situation, but they were all talking and getting along so he couldnt exactly lose his shit over this right now. "A promise... of what?"-
  43. Covet: Eli did a double take. For a moment he thought things were going good, they were on the right track. Then Tae, in proper Tae fashion, detonated the mine she had waiting. He looked over at her and then the necklace, then at Bliss, then at his dad. Then down at the bagel before he agrily and concernedly shoved the rest of it in his mouth. It was easier and less painful than biting his tongue. // Tae looked between them all nervously, because she knew how Hayley had responded whens he told her, so her hopes weren't much higher in this moment. " A promise... to be better... for me." She told her Dad, even though that wasn't REALLY the case, just the sugar coated version.
  44. Tsaaq: Hayley slowly opened the door and tried to close it behind them with a loud creak. Her eyes widened as she tip toed towards the stairs. // Bliss furrowed her eyebrows but waited to see everyone else's reaction. "Well then. That was nice of him?" Bliss piped up, trying to stay positive.
  45. Alexithymiaa: -Adam nearly tripped over his own feet as the two of them tried to make it to the stairs without making any noise which was obviously going to be impossible. Once he reached the stairs, he crept up the first few before darting up the rest to the second floor. // Neil didnt know what to say other than nod, grossly uncomfortable with this little arrangement, but trying not to pick a fight. "If that's what you want.... just know that regadless of what happens, you can still come to us if you need something."-
  46. Covet: Eli nodded his head and then coughed a little bit before grabbing his water bottle because now he was choking on bagel. That's what you get dumbass. // Tae nodded her head. "Thank you. Everyone has said that. So it's nice to know I still have a good support system, even if I don't really deserve it. It's late... You should get home to Mom... make sure she's okay. Tell her I love her, and Maybe I can come hang out with her on Saturday? Give you a break or something?" She said with a casual shrug towards Neil.
  47. Tsaaq: Hayley ran into her room, since she and Adam had been so good about avoiding the Cohen- Maverick drama after all. They deserved sleeps. // Bliss rose to her feet. "You're right. It is late." She murmured. "But this was nice, we'll see you this weekend." She gave Tae a pat before turning to Neil. "That sounds like a splendid idea." She grinned
  48. Covet: [They deserve sleeps and a trophy XD]
  49. Tsaaq: ((Lmaooo.))
  50. Alexithymiaa: -Adam bolted into the room to hide with Hayley because fuck all that noise downstairs. // "I think that would be nice. I'll make everyone lunch and I'll tell your mother you're coming. It'll cheer her up." He pushed up from the couch and crossed to Tae, leaning down to give her a parental dad hug. "I'm glad we talked. We'll see you tomorrow. Elijah, Bliss? You're welcome to join us for lunch as well, of course." He said with a little head nod before bowing out because it was late and he needed to go home and tell Lisa the good news so she didnt hate him. But also scoop his wife off the floor because drunk bitch.-
  51. Covet: Taking a few breaths as he got the rest of his bagel down, painfully, he nodded his head and put his arm around Bliss in a comforting way, as he adressed Tae. "I think Mom's going to be way better this week. Maybe we can skip the wine all together? " He suggested but he knew the answer would be a big fat NO. Because alcoholics yo. "Take care Tae, tell Adam and Hayley goodnight for us." He said as he started to head towards the door as well. // Tae smiled at Bliss, "Thank you, It will be nice to have dinner with everyone again." Then she gave a bit of a frown, because she was hoping it could be just her and her mom, but she didn't have time to dispute it because he was heading out the door.
  52. Covet: *her and her mom for lunch on Saturday
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