
[Queen's Paradise: Special - A Place to Run]

Jun 17th, 2013
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  1. [08:39] <!CYOA-sama> [Queen's Paradise: Special - A Place to Run]
  2. [08:39] <!CYOA-sama> I wasn't exactly living the high life back then.
  3. [08:39] <!CYOA-sama> You know? Like, I had to steal just to eat.
  4. [08:40] <!CYOA-sama> My dad left my mom for a monster girl and she was so resentful she didn't even try to provide for me.
  5. [08:40] <!CYOA-sama> When she got sick I had to steal and beg just to feed us.
  6. [08:41] <!CYOA-sama> I developed really fast legs outrunning the guards and the rocks people would throw.
  7. [08:41] <!CYOA-sama> I was pretty miserable but it wasn't the end of the world. I knew I'd eventually grow up and figure something out so I was never super depressed.
  8. [08:42] <!CYOA-sama> 'Sounds like you were still the same kind of character you are now....'
  9. [08:42] <!CYOA-sama> 'SHUT IT FROG GIRL IT'S STORY TIME!'
  10. [08:42] <!CYOA-sama> Ahem...
  11. [08:43] <!CYOA-sama> There were enough people around that didn't think I was a cockroach that I could eat well enough by doing odd jobs.
  12. [08:43] <!CYOA-sama> And luckily I wasn't cute enough to worry about getting molested.
  13. [08:44] <!CYOA-sama> You ever seen a redhead before puberty? I looked like a match stick with freckles.
  14. [08:46] <!CYOA-sama> I eventually worked out a system that kept me and my mom fed.
  15. [08:46] <!CYOA-sama> And she was so proud of me.
  16. [08:46] <!CYOA-sama> She started getting her shit together....
  17. [08:47] <!CYOA-sama> And then the whole town bursts into flames.
  18. [08:47] <!CYOA-sama> '..... You're not a very good story teller. There was no lead in to that at all.'
  19. [08:47] <!CYOA-sama> 'SHUT UP AND LISTEN!'
  20. [08:47] <!CYOA-sama> Ahem...
  21. [08:48] <!CYOA-sama> My father who had run away with a succubus came back as an Incubus... a strong one.
  22. [08:48] <!CYOA-sama> This was about 4 years ago near the height of the monster wars.
  23. [08:48] <!CYOA-sama> So as the town was swallowed up and turned into an orgy the knights of the old king rode to protect us.
  24. [08:48] <!CYOA-sama> I was able to run.
  25. [08:49] <!CYOA-sama> I don't know how long I ran but I ran a lot.
  26. [08:49] <!CYOA-sama> From the first time I dodged a fat guy lost in lust who tried to rape me, to the hours I spent weaving through the alleyways dodging tentacle dicks.
  27. [08:49] <!CYOA-sama> I was scared.
  28. [08:50] <!CYOA-sama> I couldn't even find my way out of the town.
  29. [08:50] <!CYOA-sama> My mother was captured and turned into a lesser succubus sex slave.
  30. [08:50] <!CYOA-sama> After a full day I found myself surrounded, probably the only person left sane in the town.
  31. [08:51] <!CYOA-sama> In the town square I was cornered, and by my own father no less.
  32. [08:51] <!CYOA-sama> I can only imagine the look I must have had on my face, how angry and resentful I must have looked.
  33. [08:51] <!CYOA-sama> I know because instead of raping me he just looked down at me.
  34. [08:52] <!CYOA-sama> Something deep inside him felt guilt for doing this to his own daughter.
  35. [08:52] <!CYOA-sama> He hesitated.
  36. [08:52] <!CYOA-sama> And in that instant my angel descended from heaven.
  37. [08:52] <!CYOA-sama> ' Gay.'
  38. [08:52] <!CYOA-sama> 'YOU'RE GAY!'
  39. [08:52] <!CYOA-sama> Ahem...
  40. [08:52] <!CYOA-sama> I saw a light, and them my fathers tainted blood fell on my face.
  41. [08:53] <!CYOA-sama> And the demons around me were swallowed up in a maelstrom of blades.
  42. [08:53] <!CYOA-sama> A path appeared, I could have ran.
  43. [08:53] <!CYOA-sama> But I didn't care anymore.
  44. [08:53] <!CYOA-sama> Whatever miracle that saved me, I thought, would be overwhelmed by the corruption eventually.
  45. [08:53] <!CYOA-sama> For that moment I didn't want to live.
  46. [08:54] <!CYOA-sama> "I'll never find a man in a world full of monstergirls."
  47. [08:54] <!CYOA-sama> "I'll eventually get caught no matter how much I run."
  48. [08:55] <!CYOA-sama> "There's no point in moving forward, there's nothing left for me."
  49. [08:55] <!CYOA-sama> 'Were your thoughts black like your soul? Pfft...'
  51. [08:56] <!CYOA-sama> Ahem...
  52. [08:56] <!CYOA-sama> As I sat there, I looked up and I saw Aldeas standing there, covered in blood.
  53. [08:56] <!CYOA-sama> He looked down at me.
  54. [08:57] <!CYOA-sama> And he told me to run.
  55. [08:57] <!CYOA-sama> When I asked why his response was the simplest thing he could have said and it resonated with me in a really special way.
  56. [08:58] <!CYOA-sama> That 10 year old boy, who just killed a dozen demons like they were nothing looked down at me and said "Because I'll make a place for you to run too." with a smile.
  57. [08:58] <!CYOA-sama> I don't know if it was just the emotional wreck I was at the time.
  58. [08:59] <!CYOA-sama> But when he said that something inside me believed him.
  59. [08:59] <!CYOA-sama> I didn't know he was the prince, I didn't even know he was human, but I genuinely believed that no matter what was in the way he'd clear a path for me to run.
  60. [08:59] <!CYOA-sama> So I ran.
  61. [09:00] <!CYOA-sama> I ran in a straight line as fast as I could believing with all my heart that he would clear me a path to safety.
  62. [09:00] <!CYOA-sama> Even the flying imps and incubi that followed me couldn't catch me and there was nothing in front of me.
  63. [09:01] <!CYOA-sama> From the outside of the village to the town square where he saved me, there was not a single demon.
  64. [09:01] <!CYOA-sama> They were all swept away by Aldeas and his fathers knights.
  65. [09:02] <!CYOA-sama> I made it out of the village.
  66. [09:04] <!CYOA-sama> As the only survivor of what would become a pretty big incident I had a weird kind of fame.
  67. [09:04] <!CYOA-sama> But I always wondered about the guy who saved me.
  68. [09:04] <!CYOA-sama> You can imagine my surprise when I found out he was the prince.
  69. [09:05] <!CYOA-sama> For the briefest of moment I had fantasies of being his queen and falling in love with him.
  70. [09:05] <!CYOA-sama> It just seemed so poetic right? He saves me from this huge disaster and helps me get past my crushing despair and then we fall in love.
  71. [09:05] <!CYOA-sama> But.... when I went to the castle I met her.
  72. [09:06] <!CYOA-sama> Lady Lucia... even when they were 10 it was obvious that there was no one else who would ever be Aldeas' queen.
  73. [09:06] <!CYOA-sama> Aldeas remembered me and got me a job as a castle servant.
  74. [09:07] <!CYOA-sama> I watched Lucia with him, and I envied her so much.
  75. [09:07] <!CYOA-sama> I wanted Aldeas to look at me like that.... I still do I guess.
  76. [09:07] <!CYOA-sama> But I don't resent her.
  77. [09:07] <!CYOA-sama> She's amazing, and she deserves him.
  78. [09:07] <!CYOA-sama> SLAP
  79. [09:08] <!CYOA-sama> "O-ow...." Mesina says as she rubs her cheek.
  80. [09:08] <!CYOA-sama> "You're stupid...." Slana says as she sits on the redheads lap.
  81. [09:09] <!CYOA-sama> "Why what's wrong with having a little girl crush on the guy who saved your life?"
  82. [09:09] <!CYOA-sama> "Not that moron.... Lucia, that queen girl, she's human just like you."
  83. [09:09] <!CYOA-sama> "S-so?..."
  84. [09:10] <!CYOA-sama> "So why are you just giving up?!"
  85. [09:10] <!CYOA-sama> Slana clenches her tiny hands and looks up at Mesina with a pout.
  86. [09:11] <!CYOA-sama> "... It's not that I'm giving up, I just lost..." Mesina says as she rubs her head and makes an awkward smile with her catlike mouth.
  87. [09:12] <!CYOA-sama> "If you ask me, I think you're cuter and more interesting than that other girl..."
  88. [09:12] <!CYOA-sama> "That's only because you don't know her. Lucia is amazing and I'm proud I can actually call her my friend now!"
  90. [09:12] <!CYOA-sama> .....
  91. [09:13] <!CYOA-sama> "I'm out of my league, frog girl." Mesina says as she puts a hand on Slana's head.
  92. [09:13] <!CYOA-sama> "You're sitting here treating one queen like a child, what's wrong with treating another like a rival?"
  93. [09:13] <!CYOA-sama> "... I don't want her to hate me..." Mesina says with a complicated expression.
  94. [09:14] <!CYOA-sama> "Would a friend hate you for acting on your feelings?" The uncharacteristically wise frog girl says with her hands on her hips as she stands up.
  95. [09:15] <!CYOA-sama> "Besides, whether you know it or not, you just admitted you think you could beat her." Slana smiles.
  96. [09:15] <!CYOA-sama> "You've got a better figure and a certain charm she doesn't have.... just tell the King how you feel and let him decide."
  97. [09:15] <!CYOA-sama> "I can't go behind Lucia's back like that......"
  98. [09:16] <!CYOA-sama> "You're surprisingly honest huh?..." Slana frowns.
  99. [09:16] <!CYOA-sama> "Then don't go behind her back.... if she's your friend tell her outright that you love Aldeas and want to be his mistress."
  100. [09:17] <!CYOA-sama> "..... What if she has me executed?..."
  101. [09:17] <!CYOA-sama> "I can tell just by the face you're making you know she'd never do that.... you wouldn't speak so highly of her if she would."
  102. [09:18] <!CYOA-sama> "W-Why are you offering me advice anyway?"
  103. [09:18] <!CYOA-sama> "Aren't you after him too?"
  104. [09:18] <!CYOA-sama> "That man will never love me, I just want his seed." Slana says flatly.
  105. [09:18] <!CYOA-sama> "..... Why do you think that?"
  106. [09:19] <!CYOA-sama> "Because he's already surrounded by so many other women that love him more than I ever could, including you."
  107. [09:19] <!CYOA-sama> The frog girl walks over to her bed, which is a floating giant lily pad on a small pool, and lays down.
  108. [09:19] <!CYOA-sama> "You can do what you want, but know that you have at least one person rooting for you."
  109. [09:20] <!CYOA-sama> "You only say that because you've spent more time with me...."
  110. [09:20] <!CYOA-sama> Slana looks across the room as the cross legged girl and smiles.
  111. [09:20] <!CYOA-sama> "And maybe Aldeas only likes Lucia more for the same reason..."
  112. [09:21] <!CYOA-sama> Mesina stands and walks out the door.
  113. [09:21] <!CYOA-sama> Her hands tremble as she hunches over and begins to cry.
  114. [09:21] <!CYOA-sama> 'What the fuck is this shit.... I didn't sign up for becoming this kind of tragic character....'
  115. [09:22] <!CYOA-sama> [A Place to Run - End]
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