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Aug 19th, 2020
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  2. Cliff@Cliff-PC MINGW64 ~/Desktop/project/openmrs-core/webapp (master)
  3. $ mvn jetty:run
  4. [INFO] Scanning for projects...
  5. [INFO]
  6. [INFO] -------------------< org.openmrs.web:openmrs-webapp >-------------------
  7. [INFO] Building openmrs-webapp 2.4.0-SNAPSHOT
  8. [INFO] --------------------------------[ war ]---------------------------------
  9. [INFO]
  10. [INFO] >>> jetty-maven-plugin:9.4.31.v20200723:run (default-cli) > test-compile @ openmrs-webapp >>>
  11. [INFO]
  12. [INFO] --- buildnumber-maven-plugin:1.4:create (default) @ openmrs-webapp ---
  13. [INFO] ShortRevision tag detected. The value is '6'.
  14. [INFO] Executing: cmd.exe /X /C "git rev-parse --verify --short=6 HEAD"
  15. [INFO] Working directory: C:\Users\Cliff\Desktop\project\openmrs-core\webapp
  16. [INFO] Storing buildNumber: 3d3877 at timestamp: 1597836909818
  17. [INFO] Storing buildScmBranch: master
  18. [INFO]
  19. [INFO] --- build-helper-maven-plugin:3.2.0:parse-version (parse-version) @ openmrs-webapp ---
  20. [INFO]
  21. [INFO] --- maven-resources-plugin:3.2.0:resources (default-resources) @ openmrs-webapp ---
  22. [INFO] Using 'UTF-8' encoding to copy filtered resources.
  23. [INFO] Using 'UTF-8' encoding to copy filtered properties files.
  24. [INFO] Copying 2 resources
  25. [INFO] Copying 1 resource to ../jetty
  26. [INFO]
  27. [INFO] --- maven-antrun-plugin:3.0.0:run (default) @ openmrs-webapp ---
  28. [INFO] Executing tasks
  29. [INFO] [unzip] Expanding: C:\Users\Cliff\Desktop\project\openmrs-core\webapp\src\main\resources\ into C:\Users\Cliff\Desktop\project\openmrs-core\webapp\target\classes
  30. [INFO] Executed tasks
  31. [INFO]
  32. [INFO] --- maven-compiler-plugin:3.8.1:compile (default-compile) @ openmrs-webapp ---
  33. [INFO] No sources to compile
  34. [INFO]
  35. [INFO] --- maven-resources-plugin:3.2.0:testResources (default-testResources) @ openmrs-webapp ---
  36. [INFO] Using 'UTF-8' encoding to copy filtered resources.
  37. [INFO] Using 'UTF-8' encoding to copy filtered properties files.
  38. [INFO] Copying 1 resource
  39. [INFO]
  40. [INFO] --- maven-compiler-plugin:3.8.1:testCompile (default-testCompile) @ openmrs-webapp ---
  41. [INFO] No sources to compile
  42. [INFO]
  43. [INFO] <<< jetty-maven-plugin:9.4.31.v20200723:run (default-cli) < test-compile @ openmrs-webapp <<<
  44. [INFO]
  45. [INFO]
  46. [INFO] --- jetty-maven-plugin:9.4.31.v20200723:run (default-cli) @ openmrs-webapp ---
  47. [INFO] Logging initialized @111737ms to org.eclipse.jetty.util.log.Slf4jLog
  48. [INFO] webAppSourceDirectory not set. Trying src\main\webapp
  49. [INFO] Reload Mechanic: automatic
  50. [INFO] nonBlocking:false
  51. [INFO] Classes = C:\Users\Cliff\Desktop\project\openmrs-core\webapp\target\classes
  52. [INFO] Configuring Jetty for project: openmrs-webapp
  53. [INFO] Context path = /openmrs
  54. [INFO] Tmp directory = C:\Users\Cliff\Desktop\project\openmrs-core\webapp\target\tmp
  55. [INFO] Web defaults = org/eclipse/jetty/webapp/webdefault.xml
  56. [INFO] Web overrides = src/test/resources/override-web.xml
  57. [INFO] web.xml file = C:\Users\Cliff\Desktop\project\openmrs-core\webapp\target/jetty/WEB-INF/web.xml
  58. [INFO] Webapp directory = C:\Users\Cliff\Desktop\project\openmrs-core\webapp\src\main\webapp
  59. [INFO] jetty-9.4.31.v20200723; built: 2020-07-23T17:57:36.812Z; git: 450ba27947e13e66baa8cd1ce7e85a4461cacc1d; jvm 1.8.0_191-b12
  60. [INFO] Scanning elapsed time=15472ms
  61. [INFO] No Spring WebApplicationInitializer types detected on classpath
  62. [INFO] DefaultSessionIdManager workerName=node0
  63. [INFO] No SessionScavenger set, using defaults
  64. [INFO] node0 Scavenging every 660000ms
  65. WARN - OpenmrsUtil.getRuntimePropertiesFilePathName(2122) |2020-08-19T14:36:57,145| Unable to find a runtime properties file at C:\Users\Cliff\Desktop\project\openmrs-core\webapp\
  66. WARN - OpenmrsUtil.getRuntimePropertiesFilePathName(2150) |2020-08-19T14:36:58,611| Unable to find properties file: C:\Users\Cliff\Application Data\OpenMRS\
  67. WARN - OpenmrsUtil.getRuntimeProperties(2083) |2020-08-19T14:36:58,620| Unable to find a runtime properties file. Initial setup is needed. View the webapp to run the setup wizard.
  68. WARN - OpenmrsUtil.getRuntimePropertiesFilePathName(2122) |2020-08-19T14:37:04,649| Unable to find a runtime properties file at C:\Users\Cliff\Desktop\project\openmrs-core\webapp\
  69. WARN - OpenmrsUtil.getRuntimePropertiesFilePathName(2150) |2020-08-19T14:37:04,649| Unable to find properties file: C:\Users\Cliff\Application Data\OpenMRS\
  70. WARN - OpenmrsUtil.getRuntimeProperties(2083) |2020-08-19T14:37:04,650| Unable to find a runtime properties file. Initial setup is needed. View the webapp to run the setup wizard.
  71. [INFO] Started o.e.j.m.p.JettyWebAppContext@345cbf40{OpenMRS,/openmrs,file:///C:/Users/Cliff/Desktop/project/openmrs-core/webapp/src/main/webapp/,AVAILABLE}{file:///C:/Users/Cliff/Desktop/project/openmrs-core/webapp/src/main/webapp/}
  72. [INFO] Jetty server exiting.
  73. [INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
  75. [INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
  76. [INFO] Total time: 02:47 min
  77. [INFO] Finished at: 2020-08-19T14:37:08+03:00
  78. [INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
  79. [ERROR] Failed to execute goal org.eclipse.jetty:jetty-maven-plugin:9.4.31.v20200723:run (default-cli) on project openmrs-webapp: Failure: Failed to bind to Address already in use: bind -> [Help 1]
  80. [ERROR]
  81. [ERROR] To see the full stack trace of the errors, re-run Maven with the -e switch.
  82. [ERROR] Re-run Maven using the -X switch to enable full debug logging.
  83. [ERROR]
  84. [ERROR] For more information about the errors and possible solutions, please read the following articles:
  85. [ERROR] [Help 1]
  87. Cliff@Cliff-PC MINGW64 ~/Desktop/project/openmrs-core/webapp (master)
  88. $
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