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Jul 25th, 2017
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  1. [07-25 18:02:51,947, 87] main - ERROR launch.c : Failed to make symlink ..\out\07-25.18_02_51.rev_390809\server.log(->/logs/server.log)
  2. java.nio.file.FileSystemException: ..\out\07-25.18_02_51.rev_390809\server.log: A required privilege is not held by the client.
  4. at sun.nio.fs.WindowsException.translateToIOException(
  5. at sun.nio.fs.WindowsException.rethrowAsIOException(
  6. at sun.nio.fs.WindowsException.rethrowAsIOException(
  7. at sun.nio.fs.WindowsFileSystemProvider.createSymbolicLink(
  8. at java.nio.file.Files.createSymbolicLink(
  9. at launch.c.a(
  10. at launch.c.a(
  11. at launch.c.a(
  12. at launch.c.a(
  13. at shardstarter.ShardMain.main(
  14. [07-25 18:02:51,950, 90] main - ERROR launch.c : Failed to make symlink ..\out\07-25.18_02_51.rev_390809\lags.txt(->/statistics/System/Performance/LagDetector/lags.txt)
  15. java.nio.file.FileSystemException: ..\out\07-25.18_02_51.rev_390809\lags.txt: A required privilege is not held by the client.
  17. at sun.nio.fs.WindowsException.translateToIOException(
  18. at sun.nio.fs.WindowsException.rethrowAsIOException(
  19. at sun.nio.fs.WindowsException.rethrowAsIOException(
  20. at sun.nio.fs.WindowsFileSystemProvider.createSymbolicLink(
  21. at java.nio.file.Files.createSymbolicLink(
  22. at launch.c.a(
  23. at launch.c.a(
  24. at launch.c.a(
  25. at launch.c.a(
  26. at shardstarter.ShardMain.main(
  27. [07-25 18:02:51,951, 91] main - ERROR launch.c : Failed to make symlink ..\out\07-25.18_02_51.rev_390809\..\00_LAST(->/)
  28. java.nio.file.FileSystemException: ..\out\07-25.18_02_51.rev_390809\..\00_LAST: A required privilege is not held by the client.
  30. at sun.nio.fs.WindowsException.translateToIOException(
  31. at sun.nio.fs.WindowsException.rethrowAsIOException(
  32. at sun.nio.fs.WindowsException.rethrowAsIOException(
  33. at sun.nio.fs.WindowsFileSystemProvider.createSymbolicLink(
  34. at java.nio.file.Files.createSymbolicLink(
  35. at launch.c.a(
  36. at launch.c.a(
  37. at launch.c.a(
  38. at launch.c.a(
  39. at shardstarter.ShardMain.main(
  40. [07-25 18:02:51,961, 101] main - INFO launch.c : Current process id from jvm name = 3084
  41. [07-25 18:02:51,961, 101] main - INFO launch.c : Starting server at revision 390809 (RC_4.0.02)
  42. [07-25 18:02:51,963, 103] main - INFO launch.c : Starting server of client net version 8455
  43. [07-25 18:02:51,963, 103] main - INFO launch.c : Starting server of client-account net version 73
  44. [07-25 18:02:51,963, 103] main - INFO launch.c : Starting server of account-frontEnd net version 48
  45. [07-25 18:02:52,002, 142] main - INFO launch.c : loading config from ../cfg/shard.xml
  46. [07-25 18:03:11,516, 19656] main - INFO launch.c : loading from cfg "../cfg/shard.xml", server "shard", deploy =
  47. [07-25 18:03:11,516, 19656] main - INFO launch.c : Server type is "shard"
  48. [07-25 18:03:11,517, 19657] main - INFO launch.c : Server name "Anwarz"
  49. [07-25 18:03:11,524, 19664] main - INFO tools.reflection.classLoading.l : Using URLClassLoader classpath
  50. [07-25 18:03:11,527, 19667] main - INFO tools.reflection.classLoading.h : Loading classes from [D:\server\server_bin\shard\cfg\server\bin|[[DEBUG:^(?=.*(vendor)).*$], [WARN:.*]], D:\server\server_bin\shard\cfg\jars|[[DEBUG:^(?=.*(vendor)).*$], [WARN:.*]], D:\server\server_bin\shard\cfg\vendor|[[DEBUG:^(?=.*(vendor)).*$], [WARN:.*]], D:\server\server_bin\shard\cfg\target\test-classes|[[WARN:.*]], D:\server\server_bin\shard\cfg\target\test|[[WARN:.*]], D:\server\server_bin\shard\cfg\target\classes|[[WARN:.*]], D:\server\server_bin\shard\cfg\target\production|[[WARN:.*]], D:\server\server_bin\shard\cfg\classes\production|[[WARN:.*]], D:\server\server_bin\shard\cfg\classes\test|[[WARN:.*]], D:\server\server_bin\shard\cfg\jars_local|[[WARN:.*]], D:\server\server_bin\shard\cfg\server_bin\jars|[[DEBUG:^(?=.*(vendor)).*$], [WARN:.*]], D:\server\server_bin\shard\cfg\server_bin\jars_local|[[WARN:.*]]](cp = [D:\server\server_bin\jars\shardstarter.ShardMain.jar])...
  51. [07-25 18:03:11,527, 19667] main - INFO tools.reflection.classLoading.h : Current base path: D:\server\server_bin\shard\cfg
  52. [07-25 18:03:11,885, 20025] main - WARN tools.reflection.classLoading.h : Duplicated 19 classes in [D:\server\server_bin\jars\vendors\commons-beanutils-1.8.0.jar, D:\server\server_bin\jars\vendors\commons-beanutils-bean-collections-1.8.0.jar], for example 'org.apache.commons.beanutils.BeanMap$Entry"
  53. [07-25 18:03:11,886, 20026] main - WARN tools.reflection.classLoading.h : Duplicated 108 classes in [D:\server\server_bin\jars\vendors\commons-beanutils-1.8.0.jar, D:\server\server_bin\jars\vendors\commons-beanutils-core-1.8.0.jar], for example 'org.apache.commons.beanutils.locale.converters.DateLocaleConverter"
  54. [07-25 18:03:11,886, 20026] main - WARN tools.reflection.classLoading.h : Duplicated 10 classes in [D:\server\server_bin\jars\vendors\commons-beanutils-1.8.0.jar, D:\server\server_bin\jars\vendors\commons-beanutils-core-1.8.0.jar, D:\server\server_bin\jars\vendors\commons-collections-3.1.jar], for example 'org.apache.commons.collections.FastHashMap$KeySet"
  55. [07-25 18:03:11,887, 20027] main - WARN tools.reflection.classLoading.h : Duplicated 21 classes in [D:\server\server_bin\jars\vendors\hamcrest-core-1.1.jar, D:\server\server_bin\jars\vendors\junit-4.8.2.jar], for example 'org.hamcrest.internal.SelfDescribingValueIterator"
  56. [07-25 18:03:11,887, 20027] main - WARN tools.reflection.classLoading.h : Duplicated 256 classes in [D:\server\server_bin\jars\vendors\log4j-1.2.14.jar, D:\server\server_bin\jars\vendors\log4j-1.2.16.jar], for example 'org.apache.log4j.lf5.viewer.LogBrokerMonitor$LogBrokerMonitorWindowAdaptor"
  57. [07-25 18:03:11,888, 20028] main - WARN tools.reflection.classLoading.h : Duplicated 16 classes in [D:\server\server_bin\jars\vendors\log4jdbc3-1.2beta2.jar, D:\server\server_bin\jars\vendors\log4jdbc4-1.2beta2.jar], for example 'net.sf.log4jdbc.ConnectionSpy"
  58. [07-25 18:03:11,888, 20028] main - WARN tools.reflection.classLoading.h : Duplicated 42 classes in [D:\server\server_bin\jars\vendors\servlet-api-2.5-20081211.jar, D:\server\server_bin\jars\vendors\servlet-api-2.5-6.1.3.jar], for example 'javax.servlet.Filter"
  59. [07-25 18:03:11,888, 20028] main - WARN tools.reflection.classLoading.h : Duplicated 29 classes in [D:\server\server_bin\jars\vendors\uncommons-math-1.0.2.jar, D:\server\server_bin\jars\vendors\uncommons-maths-1.0.2.jar], for example 'org.uncommons.maths.statistics.EmptyDataSetException"
  60. [07-25 18:03:12,110, 20250] main - INFO tools.reflection.classLoading.m : Loading 29936 classes...
  61. [07-25 18:03:12,709, 20849] Task0 - WARN tools.reflection.classLoading.m : Can not load class codegen.test.SourceCodeStaticTest. class java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: testsSupport/baseTestsRunners/BaseTester
  62. [07-25 18:03:14,033, 22173] Task0 - WARN tools.reflection.classLoading.m : Can not load class codegen.test.JavaSourceCodeTest. class java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: testsSupport/baseTestsRunners/BaseTester
  63. [07-25 18:03:14,651, 22791] Task1 - WARN tools.reflection.classLoading.m : Can not load class linksstorage.tests.LinksStorageTest. class java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: system/base/tester/SystemTester
  64. [07-25 18:03:15,306, 23446] Task2 - WARN tools.reflection.classLoading.m : Can not load class codegen.test.SourceCodeTest. class java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: testsSupport/baseTestsRunners/BaseTester
  65. [07-25 18:03:15,733, 23873] main - INFO tools.reflection.classLoading.m : Finished in 3.623 sec
  66. [07-25 18:03:15,734, 23874] main - INFO tools.reflection.classLoading.m : Checking class dependencies
  67. [07-25 18:03:16,271, 24411] Task0 - WARN tools.reflection.classLoading.m : Coud not load class class linksstorage.ProjectFilesLinksImpl. excluding from loading : Ltools/containers/hashMaps/MultiHashMap;
  68. [07-25 18:03:16,441, 24581] Task0 - WARN tools.reflection.classLoading.m : Coud not load class class linksstorage.SqlXdbLinksImpl. excluding from loading : dbcommons/exception/DatabaseException
  69. [07-25 18:03:16,443, 24583] main - INFO tools.reflection.classLoading.m : Finished in 0.709 sec
  70. [07-25 18:03:16,443, 24583] main - INFO tools.reflection.classLoading.m : 6 classes loading errors
  71. [07-25 18:03:16,685, 24825] main - INFO tools.reflection.classLoading.h : 29959 classes loaded in 5.158 sec
  72. [07-25 18:03:17,311, 25451] main - INFO shardstarter.a : loading maps from "D:\server\server_bin\shard\cfg\maps.cfg"
  73. [07-25 18:03:17,320, 25460] main - INFO shardstarter.a : loading content from "D:\server\server_bin\shard\cfg\content.cfg"
  74. [07-25 18:03:17,321, 25461] main - INFO shardstarter.f : JVM name is 3084@Anwarz
  75. [07-25 18:03:17,321, 25461] main - INFO shardstarter.e : loading servers configurations...
  76. [07-25 18:03:17,325, 25465] main - WARN io.ib : Underlying file system is not case-sensitive, additional checks will be enabled and can cause performance degradation. To avoid this, use case sensitive file systems (which are usually provided by Linux systems).
  77. [07-25 18:03:27,922, 36062] main - INFO resourceDB.r : /System/index.all loaded in 5.556 sec
  78. [07-25 18:03:27,922, 36062] main - INFO resourceDB.n : Resource system index-for-loading loaded from /System/index.all
  79. [07-25 18:03:27,923, 36063] main - INFO resourceDB.n : /xmlPatcher.cfg not loaded: File /xmlPatcher.cfg not found
  80. [07-25 18:03:28,418, 36558] main - INFO shardstarter.e : Server build: Debug
  81. [07-25 18:03:28,419, 36559] main - INFO shardstarter.e : Server role: LocalShard
  82. [07-25 18:03:28,615, 36755] main - INFO shardstarter.e : servers configurations loaded in 11.294 sec
  83. [07-25 18:03:33,012, 41152] main - INFO resourceDB.n : Resource system index loaded from /System/index.srv
  84. [07-25 18:03:33,012, 41152] main - INFO resourceDB.n : Using int resource ids.
  85. [07-25 18:03:36,613, 44753] main - INFO resourceDB.r : /System/index.all loaded in 3.6 sec
  86. [07-25 18:03:36,614, 44754] main - INFO resourceDB.n : Resource system index-for-loading loaded from /System/index.all
  87. [07-25 18:03:36,614, 44754] main - INFO resourceDB.n : /xmlPatcher.cfg not loaded: File /xmlPatcher.cfg not found
  88. [07-25 18:03:36,615, 44755] main - INFO resourceDB.localization.c : Loading languages...
  89. [07-25 18:03:37,413, 45553] main - INFO resourceDB.localization.c : lang "rus" uses D:\server\game\data\Packs\Langs\rus.pak
  90. [07-25 18:03:37,414, 45554] main - INFO resourceDB.localization.c : default language is rus
  91. [07-25 18:03:37,414, 45554] main - INFO resourceDB.localization.c : Languages loaded successfuly.
  92. [07-25 18:03:37,434, 45574] main - INFO shardstarter.e : loading default resources
  93. [07-25 18:03:44,344, 52484] main - INFO resourceDB stats : ResourceDB loaded 5 780 resources with total size of 11 839KB, reading takes 3 477 ms
  94. [07-25 18:03:44,345, 52485] main - INFO resourceDB stats : Cleaning prototypes storage since there are no pending requests exist
  95. [07-25 18:03:44,346, 52486] main - INFO resourceDB stats : ResourceDB factory contains 5 398 resources
  96. [07-25 18:03:44,346, 52486] main - INFO shardstarter.e : default resources loaded in 6.912 sec
  97. [07-25 18:03:44,346, 52486] main - INFO shardstarter.e : loading required resources
  98. [07-25 18:03:44,352, 52492] main - INFO shardstarter.e : required resources loaded in 0.006 sec
  99. [07-25 18:03:44,381, 52521] main - ERROR ErrorsContainer : NotNullElements constraint is not available for lazy references array fields such as Territory.contentKeys
  100. [07-25 18:03:44,381, 52521] main - ERROR ErrorsContainer : NotNullElements constraint is not available for lazy references array fields such as ContentPack.contentKeys
  101. [07-25 18:03:44,382, 52522] main - ERROR ErrorsContainer : NotNullElements constraint is not available for lazy references array fields such as ContentPack.disabledContentKeys
  102. [07-25 18:03:44,382, 52522] main - ERROR ErrorsContainer : Field /dropAction value should be specified explicitly in /System/Corks/CheatRoot.xdb near 11:42 (resource: referenced from /System/DefaultFactory.xdb
  103. [07-25 18:03:44,383, 52523] main - ERROR ErrorsContainer : Field /itemCreatedByUsingScrollNotify value should be specified explicitly in /System/Corks/ItemRoot.xdb near 25:41 (resource: referenced from /System/DefaultFactory.xdb
  104. [07-25 18:03:44,383, 52523] main - ERROR ErrorsContainer : Array field /dungeon/doors length 0 is too small, should be greater or equal to 1 in /System/Corks/StrongholdRoot.xdb near 10:12 (resource: referenced from /System/DefaultFactory.xdb
  105. [07-25 18:03:44,383, 52523] main - ERROR ErrorsContainer : Field /pillage value should be specified explicitly in /System/Corks/StrongholdRoot.xdb near 15:49 (resource: referenced from /System/DefaultFactory.xdb
  106. [07-25 18:03:44,384, 52524] main - ERROR ErrorsContainer : Field /dungeon/roomBuildCurrency value should be specified explicitly in /System/Corks/StrongholdRoot.xdb near 15:49 (resource: referenced from /System/DefaultFactory.xdb
  107. [07-25 18:03:44,384, 52524] main - ERROR ErrorsContainer : Field /dungeon/notEnoughSpaceForRoom value should be specified explicitly in /System/Corks/StrongholdRoot.xdb near 15:49 (resource: referenced from /System/DefaultFactory.xdb
  108. [07-25 18:03:44,385, 52525] main - ERROR ErrorsContainer : Field /dungeon/bosses value should be specified explicitly in /System/Corks/StrongholdRoot.xdb near 15:49 (resource: referenced from /System/DefaultFactory.xdb
  109. [07-25 18:03:44,385, 52525] main - ERROR ErrorsContainer : Field /dungeon/beastTypeWeights value should be specified explicitly in /System/Corks/StrongholdRoot.xdb near 15:49 (resource: referenced from /System/DefaultFactory.xdb
  110. [07-25 18:03:44,386, 52526] main - ERROR ErrorsContainer : Field /caps value should be specified explicitly in /System/Corks/DungeonSetting.xdb near 6:49 (resource: referenced from /System/DefaultFactory.xdb
  111. [07-25 18:03:44,386, 52526] main - ERROR ErrorsContainer : Field /decors value should be specified explicitly in /System/Corks/DungeonSetting.xdb near 6:49 (resource: referenced from /System/DefaultFactory.xdb
  112. [07-25 18:03:44,386, 52526] main - ERROR ErrorsContainer : Field /startRoom value should be specified explicitly in /System/Corks/DungeonSetting.xdb near 6:49 (resource: referenced from /System/DefaultFactory.xdb
  113. [07-25 18:03:44,387, 52527] main - ERROR ErrorsContainer : Field /startPos value should be specified explicitly in /System/Corks/DungeonSetting.xdb near 6:49 (resource: referenced from /System/DefaultFactory.xdb
  114. [07-25 18:03:44,387, 52527] main - ERROR ErrorsContainer : Field /rooms value should be specified explicitly in /System/Corks/DungeonSetting.xdb near 6:49 (resource: referenced from /System/DefaultFactory.xdb
  115. [07-25 18:03:44,387, 52527] main - ERROR ErrorsContainer : Field /initialRuneLevel value should be specified explicitly in /System/Corks/StrongholdCategory.xdb near 9:53 (resource: referenced from /System/DefaultFactory.xdb
  116. [07-25 18:03:44,387, 52527] main - ERROR ErrorsContainer : Field /productionEfficiency value should be specified explicitly in /System/Corks/StrongholdCategory.xdb near 9:53 (resource: referenced from /System/DefaultFactory.xdb
  117. [07-25 18:03:44,388, 52528] main - ERROR ErrorsContainer : Field /weight value should be specified explicitly in /System/Corks/StrongholdCategory.xdb near 9:53 (resource: referenced from /System/DefaultFactory.xdb
  118. [07-25 18:03:44,388, 52528] main - ERROR ErrorsContainer : Field /onBoardMobsDamageImpacts value should be specified explicitly in /System/Corks/AstralRoot.xdb near 68:43 (resource: referenced from /System/DefaultFactory.xdb
  119. [07-25 18:03:44,388, 52528] main - ERROR ErrorsContainer : Field /astralStormWarning value should be specified explicitly in /System/Corks/AstralRoot.xdb near 68:43 (resource: referenced from /System/DefaultFactory.xdb
  120. [07-25 18:03:44,388, 52528] main - ERROR ErrorsContainer : Field /astralStormStart value should be specified explicitly in /System/Corks/AstralRoot.xdb near 68:43 (resource: referenced from /System/DefaultFactory.xdb
  121. [07-25 18:03:44,389, 52529] main - ERROR ErrorsContainer : Field /manaTypes value should be specified explicitly in /System/Corks/CharacterRoot.xdb near 38:57 (resource: referenced from /System/DefaultFactory.xdb
  122. [07-25 18:03:44,389, 52529] main - ERROR ErrorsContainer : NotNullElements constraint is not available for lazy references array fields such as VariationsTable.mainTexturesRefs
  123. [07-25 18:03:44,389, 52529] main - ERROR ErrorsContainer : NotNullElements constraint is not available for lazy references array fields such as VariationsTable.mainTexturesChargeable
  124. [07-25 18:03:44,389, 52529] main - ERROR ErrorsContainer : Field /duration value should be specified explicitly in /System/Corks/GuildAllod.xdb near 47:54 (resource: gameMechanics.constructor.schemes.guild.GuildAllod) referenced from /System/DefaultFactory.xdb
  125. [07-25 18:03:44,389, 52529] main - ERROR ErrorsContainer : Field /prepareTime value should be specified explicitly in /System/Corks/GuildAllod.xdb near 47:54 (resource: gameMechanics.constructor.schemes.guild.GuildAllod) referenced from /System/DefaultFactory.xdb
  126. [07-25 18:03:44,389, 52529] main - ERROR ErrorsContainer : NotNullElements constraint is not available for lazy references array fields such as LimitsRoot$NoCode.demoMaps
  127. [07-25 18:03:44,390, 52530] main - ERROR ErrorsContainer : Failed to load resource content in /System/Corks/ChangelogConfig.xdb near 1:55 referenced from /System/DefaultFactory.xdb - Error resolving class with name: "buildTools.logExporter.xdb.LogReportSettingsResource"
  128. [07-25 18:03:44,390, 52530] main - ERROR ErrorsContainer : Failed to load resource content in /System/Corks/ChangelogReport.xdb near 2:47 referenced from /System/DefaultFactory.xdb - Error resolving class with name: "buildTools.logExporter.xdb.ChangeLogResource"
  129. [07-25 18:03:44,390, 52530] main - ERROR ErrorsContainer : Failed to load resource content in /System/Corks/FilterResource.xdb near 1:48 referenced from /System/DefaultFactory.xdb - Error resolving class with name: "buildTools.logExporter.filters.FilterResource"
  130. [07-25 18:03:44,390, 52530] main - ERROR ErrorsContainer : Failed to load resource content in /System/Corks/TestCombatSettingsResource.xdb near 2:44 referenced from /System/DefaultFactory.xdb - Error resolving class with name: "buildTools.zoo.TestCombatSettingsResource"
  131. [07-25 18:03:44,390, 52530] main - ERROR ErrorsContainer : Failed to load resource content in /System/Corks/MentorConfigBasic.xdb near 2:35 referenced from /System/DefaultFactory.xdb - Error resolving class with name: "buildTools.zoo.MentorConfigBasic"
  132. [07-25 18:03:44,391, 52531] main - ERROR ErrorsContainer : Failed to load resource content in /System/Corks/MentorConfigQuest.xdb near 2:35 referenced from /System/DefaultFactory.xdb - Error resolving class with name: "buildTools.zoo.MentorConfigQuest"
  133. [07-25 18:03:44,391, 52531] main - ERROR ErrorsContainer : Failed to load resource content in /System/Corks/MentorConfigResource.xdb near 2:38 referenced from /System/DefaultFactory.xdb - Error resolving class with name: "buildTools.zoo.MentorConfigResource"
  134. [07-25 18:03:44,391, 52531] main - ERROR ErrorsContainer : Failed to load resource content in /System/Corks/AstralBossesDropConfig.xdb near 2:40 referenced from /System/DefaultFactory.xdb - Error resolving class with name: "buildTools.zoo.AstralBossesDropConfig"
  135. [07-25 18:03:44,391, 52531] main - ERROR ErrorsContainer : Field /maxMountGrade value should be specified explicitly in /System/Corks/BestFriendsRoot.xdb near 7:48 (resource: referenced from /System/DefaultFactory.xdb
  136. [07-25 18:03:44,391, 52531] main - ERROR ErrorsContainer : Field /elderBuff value should be specified explicitly in /System/Corks/BestFriendsRoot.xdb near 7:48 (resource: referenced from /System/DefaultFactory.xdb
  137. [07-25 18:03:44,391, 52531] main - ERROR ErrorsContainer : Field /afterTeleportBuff value should be specified explicitly in /System/Corks/BestFriendsRoot.xdb near 7:48 (resource: referenced from /System/DefaultFactory.xdb
  138. [07-25 18:03:44,392, 52532] main - ERROR ErrorsContainer : Field /teleportSpellStub value should be specified explicitly in /System/Corks/BestFriendsRoot.xdb near 7:48 (resource: referenced from /System/DefaultFactory.xdb
  139. [07-25 18:03:44,392, 52532] main - ERROR ErrorsContainer : Field /contentKey value should be specified explicitly in /System/Corks/BestFriendsRoot.xdb near 7:48 (resource: referenced from /System/DefaultFactory.xdb
  140. [07-25 18:03:44,392, 52532] main - ERROR ErrorsContainer : Field /notifications value should be specified explicitly in /System/Corks/BestFriendsRoot.xdb near 7:48 (resource: referenced from /System/DefaultFactory.xdb
  141. [07-25 18:03:44,392, 52532] main - ERROR ErrorsContainer : Array field /timePeriods length 0 is too small, should be greater or equal to 1 in /System/Corks/TimePeriodTable.xdb near 6:17 (resource: timeperiod.TimePeriodTable) referenced from /System/DefaultFactory.xdb
  142. [07-25 18:03:44,392, 52532] main - ERROR ErrorsContainer : Field /notifications value should be specified explicitly in /System/Corks/MatchMakingRoot.xdb near 13:72 (resource: avatarPopulation.service.impl.matchMakingImpl.scheme.MatchMakingRoot) referenced from /System/DefaultFactory.xdb
  143. [07-25 18:03:44,393, 52533] main - ERROR ErrorsContainer : Field /strategies value should be specified explicitly in /System/Corks/LFGRoot.xdb near 5:68 (resource: avatarPopulation.service.impl.lookingForGroupImpl.scheme.LFGRoot) referenced from /System/DefaultFactory.xdb
  144. [07-25 18:03:44,393, 52533] main - ERROR ErrorsContainer : Field /allowedClasses value should be specified explicitly in /System/Corks/LFGRole.xdb near 5:68 (resource: avatarPopulation.service.impl.lookingForGroupImpl.scheme.LFGRole) referenced from /System/DefaultFactory.xdb
  145. [07-25 18:03:44,393, 52533] main - ERROR ErrorsContainer : Field /destinations value should be specified explicitly in /System/Corks/LFGResource.xdb near 5:87 (resource: avatarPopulation.service.impl.lookingForGroupImpl.scheme.DefaultLFGStrategyResource) referenced from /System/DefaultFactory.xdb
  146. [07-25 18:03:44,393, 52533] main - ERROR ErrorsContainer : Field /impactsOnEnter value should be specified explicitly in /System/Corks/LFGResource.xdb near 5:87 (resource: avatarPopulation.service.impl.lookingForGroupImpl.scheme.DefaultLFGStrategyResource) referenced from /System/DefaultFactory.xdb
  147. [07-25 18:03:44,393, 52533] main - ERROR ErrorsContainer : Field /impactsOnEnterFailed value should be specified explicitly in /System/Corks/LFGResource.xdb near 5:87 (resource: avatarPopulation.service.impl.lookingForGroupImpl.scheme.DefaultLFGStrategyResource) referenced from /System/DefaultFactory.xdb
  148. [07-25 18:03:44,394, 52534] main - ERROR ErrorsContainer : Field /lfgGroupSenderResource value should be specified explicitly in /System/Corks/LFGResource.xdb near 5:87 (resource: avatarPopulation.service.impl.lookingForGroupImpl.scheme.DefaultLFGStrategyResource) referenced from /System/DefaultFactory.xdb
  149. [07-25 18:03:44,394, 52534] main - ERROR ErrorsContainer : Field /compensationImpacts value should be specified explicitly in /System/Corks/MixingLFGStrategyResource.xdb near 10:86 (resource: avatarPopulation.service.impl.lookingForGroupImpl.scheme.MixingLFGStrategyResource) referenced from /System/DefaultFactory.xdb
  150. [07-25 18:03:44,394, 52534] main - ERROR ErrorsContainer : Field /duration value should be specified explicitly in /System/Corks/InstancedEventResource.xdb near 17:79 (resource: avatarPopulation.service.impl.matchMakingImpl.scheme.InstancedEventResource) referenced from /System/DefaultFactory.xdb
  151. [07-25 18:03:44,394, 52534] main - ERROR ErrorsContainer : Field /prepareTime value should be specified explicitly in /System/Corks/InstancedEventResource.xdb near 17:79 (resource: avatarPopulation.service.impl.matchMakingImpl.scheme.InstancedEventResource) referenced from /System/DefaultFactory.xdb
  152. [07-25 18:03:44,394, 52534] main - ERROR ErrorsContainer : Field /eventType/minAvatarLevel value should be specified explicitly in /System/Corks/InstancedEventResource.xdb near 17:79 (resource: avatarPopulation.service.impl.matchMakingImpl.scheme.InstancedEventResource) referenced from /System/DefaultFactory.xdb
  153. [07-25 18:03:44,395, 52535] main - ERROR ErrorsContainer : Field /eventType/map value should be specified explicitly in /System/Corks/InstancedEventResource.xdb near 17:79 (resource: avatarPopulation.service.impl.matchMakingImpl.scheme.InstancedEventResource) referenced from /System/DefaultFactory.xdb
  154. [07-25 18:03:44,395, 52535] main - ERROR ErrorsContainer : Field /duration value should be specified explicitly in /System/Corks/BattleEventResource.xdb near 8:50 (resource: gameMechanics.battleground.BattleEventResource) referenced from /System/DefaultFactory.xdb
  155. [07-25 18:03:44,395, 52535] main - ERROR ErrorsContainer : Field /prepareTime value should be specified explicitly in /System/Corks/BattleEventResource.xdb near 8:50 (resource: gameMechanics.battleground.BattleEventResource) referenced from /System/DefaultFactory.xdb
  156. [07-25 18:03:44,395, 52535] main - ERROR ErrorsContainer : Field /notifications value should be specified explicitly in /System/Corks/ChangeFactionRoot.xdb near 10:47 (resource: itemService.basicElements.ChangeFactionRoot) referenced from /System/DefaultFactory.xdb
  157. [07-25 18:03:44,395, 52535] main - ERROR ErrorsContainer : Field /staticObj value should be specified explicitly in /System/Corks/ShipSkin.xdb near 6:37 (resource: referenced from /System/DefaultFactory.xdb
  158. [07-25 18:03:44,395, 52535] main - ERROR ErrorsContainer : Field /flagCosts value should be specified explicitly in /System/Corks/MWarRoot.xdb near 29:41 (resource: referenced from /System/DefaultFactory.xdb
  159. [07-25 18:03:44,396, 52536] main - ERROR ErrorsContainer : Field /notifications/cantStakeAlreadyInAttack value should be specified explicitly in /System/Corks/MWarRoot.xdb near 29:41 (resource: referenced from /System/DefaultFactory.xdb
  160. [07-25 18:03:44,396, 52536] main - ERROR ErrorsContainer : Field /notifications/championFightStarted value should be specified explicitly in /System/Corks/MWarRoot.xdb near 29:41 (resource: referenced from /System/DefaultFactory.xdb
  161. [07-25 18:03:44,396, 52536] main - ERROR ErrorsContainer : Field /notifications/commonFightStarted value should be specified explicitly in /System/Corks/MWarRoot.xdb near 29:41 (resource: referenced from /System/DefaultFactory.xdb
  162. [07-25 18:03:44,396, 52536] main - ERROR ErrorsContainer : Field /notifications/flagPlacementDenied value should be specified explicitly in /System/Corks/MWarRoot.xdb near 29:41 (resource: referenced from /System/DefaultFactory.xdb
  163. [07-25 18:03:44,397, 52537] main - ERROR ErrorsContainer : Field /notifications/championFightWin value should be specified explicitly in /System/Corks/MWarRoot.xdb near 29:41 (resource: referenced from /System/DefaultFactory.xdb
  164. [07-25 18:03:44,397, 52537] main - ERROR ErrorsContainer : Field /notifications/championFightAutoWin value should be specified explicitly in /System/Corks/MWarRoot.xdb near 29:41 (resource: referenced from /System/DefaultFactory.xdb
  165. [07-25 18:03:44,397, 52537] main - ERROR ErrorsContainer : Field /notifications/sectorFightStarted value should be specified explicitly in /System/Corks/MWarRoot.xdb near 29:41 (resource: referenced from /System/DefaultFactory.xdb
  166. [07-25 18:03:44,397, 52537] main - ERROR ErrorsContainer : Field /notifications/guildGroupsInCombat value should be specified explicitly in /System/Corks/MWarRoot.xdb near 29:41 (resource: referenced from /System/DefaultFactory.xdb
  167. [07-25 18:03:44,397, 52537] main - ERROR ErrorsContainer : Field /notifications/sectorFightDenied value should be specified explicitly in /System/Corks/MWarRoot.xdb near 29:41 (resource: referenced from /System/DefaultFactory.xdb
  168. [07-25 18:03:44,397, 52537] main - ERROR ErrorsContainer : Field /auction value should be specified explicitly in /System/Corks/AuctionTemplate.xdb near 7:54 (resource: referenced from /System/DefaultFactory.xdb
  169. [07-25 18:03:44,398, 52538] main - ERROR ErrorsContainer : Field /name value should be specified explicitly in /System/Corks/AuctionTemplate.xdb near 7:54 (resource: referenced from /System/DefaultFactory.xdb
  170. [07-25 18:03:44,398, 52538] main - ERROR ErrorsContainer : Field /suiteEntries[0]/guaranteedPrizeCounter value should be specified explicitly in /System/Corks/RouletteBoxResource.xdb near 17:56 (resource: itemService.elements.roulettebox.RouletteBoxResource) referenced from /System/DefaultFactory.xdb
  171. [07-25 18:03:44,398, 52538] main - ERROR ErrorsContainer : Field /firstLoginNotification value should be specified explicitly in /System/Corks/LoginLottery.xdb near 10:58 (resource: itemService.elements.loginLottery.LoginLotteryResource) referenced from /System/DefaultFactory.xdb
  172. [07-25 18:03:44,398, 52538] main - ERROR ErrorsContainer : Field /daysTillReceiveNotification value should be specified explicitly in /System/Corks/LoginLottery.xdb near 10:58 (resource: itemService.elements.loginLottery.LoginLotteryResource) referenced from /System/DefaultFactory.xdb
  173. [07-25 18:03:44,398, 52538] main - ERROR ErrorsContainer : Array item is not expected to be null in field /corks[232] and will be removed in /System/Corks/DungeonMobQuality.xdb (resource: referenced from /System/DefaultFactory.xdb
  174. [07-25 18:03:44,399, 52539] main - ERROR ErrorsContainer : Array item is not expected to be null in field /corks[233] and will be removed in /System/Corks/DungeonMobQuality.xdb (resource: referenced from /System/DefaultFactory.xdb
  175. [07-25 18:03:44,399, 52539] main - ERROR ErrorsContainer : Array item is not expected to be null in field /corks[234] and will be removed in /System/Corks/DungeonMobQuality.xdb (resource: referenced from /System/DefaultFactory.xdb
  176. [07-25 18:03:44,399, 52539] main - ERROR ErrorsContainer : Array item is not expected to be null in field /corks[235] and will be removed in /System/Corks/DungeonMobQuality.xdb (resource: referenced from /System/DefaultFactory.xdb
  177. [07-25 18:03:44,399, 52539] main - ERROR ErrorsContainer : Array item is not expected to be null in field /corks[236] and will be removed in /System/Corks/DungeonMobQuality.xdb (resource: referenced from /System/DefaultFactory.xdb
  178. [07-25 18:03:44,399, 52539] main - ERROR ErrorsContainer : Array item is not expected to be null in field /corks[237] and will be removed in /System/Corks/DungeonMobQuality.xdb (resource: referenced from /System/DefaultFactory.xdb
  179. [07-25 18:03:44,400, 52540] main - ERROR ErrorsContainer : Array item is not expected to be null in field /corks[238] and will be removed in /System/Corks/DungeonMobQuality.xdb (resource: referenced from /System/DefaultFactory.xdb
  180. [07-25 18:03:44,400, 52540] main - ERROR ErrorsContainer : Array item is not expected to be null in field /corks[239] and will be removed in /System/Corks/DungeonMobQuality.xdb (resource: referenced from /System/DefaultFactory.xdb
  181. [07-25 18:03:44,400, 52540] main - ERROR ErrorsContainer : Array field DungeonRoot$NoCode.bosses length 0 is too small, should be greater or equal to 1, missing elements will be complemented with corks (during field default value check)
  182. [07-25 18:03:44,400, 52540] main - ERROR ErrorsContainer : Array field DungeonSetting.caps length 0 is too small, should be greater or equal to 1, missing elements will be complemented with corks (during field default value check)
  183. [07-25 18:03:44,401, 52541] main - ERROR ErrorsContainer : Array field DungeonSetting.decors length 0 is too small, should be greater or equal to 1, missing elements will be complemented with corks (during field default value check)
  184. [07-25 18:03:44,401, 52541] main - ERROR ErrorsContainer : Failed to load resource content in /Interface/Ingame/ContextFXPlayer/RelatedVisObjects.(UIRelatedVisObjects).xdb near 2:22 referenced from /System/Defaults/DemoRoot.xdb - Error resolving class with name: "UIRelatedVisObjects"
  185. [07-25 18:03:44,401, 52541] main - ERROR ErrorsContainer : Failed to load resource content in /Interface/System/SlonSettings.(SlonRoot).xdb near 2:11 referenced from /System/Defaults/DemoRoot.xdb - Error resolving class with name: "SlonRoot"
  186. [07-25 18:03:44,401, 52541] main - ERROR ErrorsContainer : Failed to load resource content in /Interface/System/UIGameRoot.(UIGameRoot).xdb near 2:13 referenced from /System/Defaults/DemoRoot.xdb - Error resolving class with name: "UIGameRoot"
  187. [07-25 18:03:44,402, 52542] main - ERROR ErrorsContainer : Failed to load resource content in /SFX/Interface/Interface.(FMODProject).xdb near 2:14 referenced from /System/Defaults/DemoRoot.xdb - Error resolving class with name: "FMODProject"
  188. [07-25 18:03:44,402, 52542] main - ERROR ErrorsContainer : Failed to load resource content in /Items/DefaultDressSlotSettings.(DressSlotSettings).xdb near 2:20 referenced from /System/Defaults/DemoRoot.xdb - Error resolving class with name: "DressSlotSettings"
  189. [07-25 18:03:44,402, 52542] main - ERROR ErrorsContainer : Failed to load resource content in /Client/Social/WebRoot.(WebRoot).xdb near 2:10 referenced from /System/Defaults/DemoRoot.xdb - Error resolving class with name: "WebRoot"
  190. [07-25 18:03:44,402, 52542] main - ERROR ErrorsContainer : Failed to load resource content in /Client/Scene3DRoot.xdb near 2:14 referenced from /System/Defaults/DemoRoot.xdb - Error resolving class with name: "Scene3DRoot"
  191. [07-25 18:03:44,403, 52543] main - ERROR ErrorsContainer : Failed to open file /World/Generic/Water/Textures/WaterWave.(Texture).xdb referenced from /System/Defaults/DemoRoot.xdb - File /World/Generic/Water/Textures/WaterWave.(Texture).xdb not found
  192. [07-25 18:03:44,403, 52543] main - ERROR ErrorsContainer : Failed to open file /World/Generic/Water/Textures/WaterWaveDiffuse.(Texture).xdb referenced from /System/Defaults/DemoRoot.xdb - File /World/Generic/Water/Textures/WaterWaveDiffuse.(Texture).xdb not found
  193. [07-25 18:03:44,403, 52543] main - ERROR ErrorsContainer : Failed to open file /World/Generic/Water/Textures/WaterNoise.(Texture).xdb referenced from /System/Defaults/DemoRoot.xdb - File /World/Generic/Water/Textures/WaterNoise.(Texture).xdb not found
  194. [07-25 18:03:44,403, 52543] main - ERROR ErrorsContainer : Failed to open file /World/Generic/Water/Textures/WaterFresnel.(Texture).xdb referenced from /System/Defaults/DemoRoot.xdb - File /World/Generic/Water/Textures/WaterFresnel.(Texture).xdb not found
  195. [07-25 18:03:44,404, 52544] main - ERROR ErrorsContainer : Failed to open file /World/Generic/Water/Textures/WaterRing.(Texture).xdb referenced from /System/Defaults/DemoRoot.xdb - File /World/Generic/Water/Textures/WaterRing.(Texture).xdb not found
  196. [07-25 18:03:44,404, 52544] main - ERROR ErrorsContainer : Array item is not expected to be null in field /demoExternalRoots[0] and will be removed referenced from /System/Defaults/DemoRoot.xdb
  197. [07-25 18:03:44,404, 52544] main - ERROR ErrorsContainer : Array item is not expected to be null in field /demoExternalRoots[1] and will be removed referenced from /System/Defaults/DemoRoot.xdb
  198. [07-25 18:03:44,404, 52544] main - ERROR ErrorsContainer : Array item is not expected to be null in field /demoExternalRoots[2] and will be removed referenced from /System/Defaults/DemoRoot.xdb
  199. [07-25 18:03:44,404, 52544] main - ERROR ErrorsContainer : Array item is not expected to be null in field /demoExternalRoots[4] and will be removed referenced from /System/Defaults/DemoRoot.xdb
  200. [07-25 18:03:44,405, 52545] main - ERROR ErrorsContainer : Array item is not expected to be null in field /demoExternalRoots[5] and will be removed referenced from /System/Defaults/DemoRoot.xdb
  201. [07-25 18:03:44,405, 52545] main - ERROR ErrorsContainer : Array item is not expected to be null in field /demoExternalRoots[7] and will be removed referenced from /System/Defaults/DemoRoot.xdb
  202. [07-25 18:03:44,405, 52545] main - ERROR ErrorsContainer : Array item is not expected to be null in field /demoExternalRoots[8] and will be removed referenced from /System/Defaults/DemoRoot.xdb
  203. [07-25 18:03:44,405, 52545] main - ERROR ErrorsContainer : Array item is not expected to be null in field /demoExternalRoots[9] and will be removed referenced from /System/Defaults/DemoRoot.xdb
  204. [07-25 18:03:44,405, 52545] main - ERROR ErrorsContainer : Array item is not expected to be null in field /demoExternalRoots[10] and will be removed referenced from /System/Defaults/DemoRoot.xdb
  205. [07-25 18:03:44,406, 52546] main - ERROR ErrorsContainer : Array item is not expected to be null in field /demoExternalRoots[11] and will be removed referenced from /System/Defaults/DemoRoot.xdb
  206. [07-25 18:03:44,406, 52546] main - ERROR ErrorsContainer : Array item is not expected to be null in field /demoExternalRoots[12] and will be removed referenced from /System/Defaults/DemoRoot.xdb
  207. [07-25 18:03:44,406, 52546] main - ERROR ErrorsContainer : Array item is not expected to be null in field /demoExternalRoots[13] and will be removed referenced from /System/Defaults/DemoRoot.xdb
  208. [07-25 18:03:44,406, 52546] main - ERROR ErrorsContainer : Field /isHelpful value should be specified explicitly in /Mechanics/Spells/CommonBuffs/MobMoveSpeedSlow/Buff01.xdb near 45:55 (resource: gameMechanics.constructor.schemes.buff.BuffResource) referenced from /Mechanics/Spells/StrongholdMobs/Goblins/BombThrow/Spell01.xdb
  209. [07-25 18:03:44,406, 52546] main - ERROR ErrorsContainer : No value specified for variable "tierLevel" in /Mechanics/Unlocks/AstralTLUnlock.Prototype.(UnlockResource).xdb near 14:33 (resource: gameMechanics.constructor.schemes.unlock.UnlockResource) referenced from /Mechanics/Unlocks/AstralTier1Unlock.xdb
  210. [07-25 18:03:44,406, 52546] main - ERROR ErrorsContainer : Value is already set into field /effects[0]/minTierLevel in /Mechanics/Spells/ItemMall/AstralLootMultiplier/Buff02.(BuffResource).xdb near 172:18 (resource: gameMechanics.constructor.schemes.buff.BuffResource) referenced from /Mechanics/Spells/ItemMall/AstralLootMultiplier/Spell01.xdb
  211. [07-25 18:03:44,407, 52547] main - ERROR ErrorsContainer : Field /isHelpful value should be specified explicitly in /Mechanics/Spells/Priest/PassiveTalents/ExtendedDoTs/Buff01.xdb near 20:55 (resource: gameMechanics.constructor.schemes.buff.BuffResource) referenced from /Mechanics/Spells/Mercenaries/Healer/CleansingFire/Buff01.xdb
  212. [07-25 18:03:44,407, 52547] main - ERROR ErrorsContainer : Array item is not expected to be null in field /effects[0]/predicates[0]/predicate/mobs[0] and will be removed in /Mechanics/Spells/PsionicNew/Mislead/Dummy.xdb (resource: referenced from /Mechanics/Spells/CommonBuffs/ClassesGroupBuffs/HpMpEnMax/Buff.xdb
  213. [07-25 18:03:44,407, 52547] main - ERROR ErrorsContainer : Field /effects[0]/impactsOn[0]/impacts[0]/cases[0]/impacts[0]/destination value should be specified explicitly in /Mechanics/Spells/DruidV2/DruidAbility/SummonPet.xdb near 189:61 (resource: gameMechanics.constructor.schemes.ability.AbilityResource) referenced from /Mechanics/Classes/Druid.xdb
  214. [07-25 18:03:44,408, 52548] main - ERROR ErrorsContainer : Field /effects[0]/impactsOn[0]/impacts[0]/cases[1]/impacts[0]/destination value should be specified explicitly in /Mechanics/Spells/DruidV2/DruidAbility/SummonPet.xdb near 189:61 (resource: gameMechanics.constructor.schemes.ability.AbilityResource) referenced from /Mechanics/Classes/Druid.xdb
  215. [07-25 18:03:44,408, 52548] main - ERROR ErrorsContainer : Field /effects[0]/impactsOn[0]/impacts[0]/cases[2]/impacts[0]/destination value should be specified explicitly in /Mechanics/Spells/DruidV2/DruidAbility/SummonPet.xdb near 189:61 (resource: gameMechanics.constructor.schemes.ability.AbilityResource) referenced from /Mechanics/Classes/Druid.xdb
  216. [07-25 18:03:44,408, 52548] main - ERROR ErrorsContainer : Field /effects[0]/impactsOn[0]/impacts[0]/cases[3]/impacts[0]/destination value should be specified explicitly in /Mechanics/Spells/DruidV2/DruidAbility/SummonPet.xdb near 189:61 (resource: gameMechanics.constructor.schemes.ability.AbilityResource) referenced from /Mechanics/Classes/Druid.xdb
  217. [07-25 18:03:44,408, 52548] main - ERROR ErrorsContainer : Field /effects[0]/impactsOn[0]/impacts[0]/cases[4]/impacts[0]/destination value should be specified explicitly in /Mechanics/Spells/DruidV2/DruidAbility/SummonPet.xdb near 189:61 (resource: gameMechanics.constructor.schemes.ability.AbilityResource) referenced from /Mechanics/Classes/Druid.xdb
  218. [07-25 18:03:44,409, 52549] main - ERROR ErrorsContainer : Field /effects[0]/impactsOn[0]/impacts[0]/defaultImpacts[0]/destination value should be specified explicitly in /Mechanics/Spells/DruidV2/DruidAbility/SummonPet.xdb near 189:61 (resource: gameMechanics.constructor.schemes.ability.AbilityResource) referenced from /Mechanics/Classes/Druid.xdb
  219. [07-25 18:03:44,409, 52549] main - ERROR ErrorsContainer : Field /isHelpful value should be specified explicitly in /Mechanics/Spells/DruidV2/BuffAfterKnockDown/Buff01.xdb near 22:55 (resource: gameMechanics.constructor.schemes.buff.BuffResource) referenced from /Mechanics/Spells/DruidV2/PetGetIt/Spell.xdb
  220. [07-25 18:03:44,409, 52549] main - ERROR ErrorsContainer : Array field /mechanics/casterConditions[0]/predicates[1]/predicates length 1 is too small, should be greater or equal to 2 in /Mechanics/Spells/DruidV2/PCGoToTheThroat/Spell01.xdb near 38:74 (resource: gameMechanics.constructor.schemes.spell.singleTarget.SpellSingleTarget) referenced from /Mechanics/Talents/Druid/DruidTalentsTable.xdb
  221. [07-25 18:03:44,410, 52550] main - ERROR ErrorsContainer : Array field /mechanics/casterConditions[0]/predicates[1]/predicates length 1 is too small, should be greater or equal to 2 in /Mechanics/Spells/DruidV2/PCKillThemAll/Spell01.xdb near 22:74 (resource: gameMechanics.constructor.schemes.spell.singleTarget.SpellSingleTarget) referenced from /Mechanics/Talents/Druid/DruidTalentsTable.xdb
  222. [07-25 18:03:44,410, 52550] main - ERROR ErrorsContainer : AllowDefault, DenyDefault or XDBTransient annotation missing for field ItemQualityCalcer.dressSlot
  223. [07-25 18:03:44,410, 52550] main - ERROR ErrorsContainer : Array field /effects[0]/effects[1]/impacts[1]/predicates[0]/predicates length 1 is too small, should be greater or equal to 2 in /Mechanics/Spells/Necromancer/BloodShield/Buff01.xdb near 13:55 (resource: gameMechanics.constructor.schemes.buff.BuffResource) referenced from /Mechanics/Spells/Necromancer/BloodShield/Spell01.xdb
  224. [07-25 18:03:44,410, 52550] main - ERROR ErrorsContainer : Array field /mechanics/casterConditions[0]/predicates[1]/predicates length 1 is too small, should be greater or equal to 2 in /Mechanics/Spells/DruidV2/PCGoToTheThroat/Spell02.xdb near 38:74 (resource: gameMechanics.constructor.schemes.spell.singleTarget.SpellSingleTarget) referenced from /Mechanics/Spells/DruidV2/PCGoToTheThroat/Spell.xdb
  225. [07-25 18:03:44,410, 52550] main - ERROR ErrorsContainer : Array field /mechanics/casterConditions[0]/predicates[1]/predicates length 1 is too small, should be greater or equal to 2 in /Mechanics/Spells/DruidV2/PCGoToTheThroat/Spell03.xdb near 38:74 (resource: gameMechanics.constructor.schemes.spell.singleTarget.SpellSingleTarget) referenced from /Mechanics/Spells/DruidV2/PCGoToTheThroat/Spell.xdb
  226. [07-25 18:03:44,411, 52551] main - ERROR ErrorsContainer : Array field /mechanics/casterConditions[0]/predicates[1]/predicates length 1 is too small, should be greater or equal to 2 in /Mechanics/Spells/DruidV2/PCKillThemAll/Spell02.xdb near 22:74 (resource: gameMechanics.constructor.schemes.spell.singleTarget.SpellSingleTarget) referenced from /Mechanics/Spells/DruidV2/PCKillThemAll/Spell.xdb
  227. [07-25 18:03:44,411, 52551] main - ERROR ErrorsContainer : Array field /mechanics/casterConditions[0]/predicates[1]/predicates length 1 is too small, should be greater or equal to 2 in /Mechanics/Spells/DruidV2/PCKillThemAll/Spell03.xdb near 22:74 (resource: gameMechanics.constructor.schemes.spell.singleTarget.SpellSingleTarget) referenced from /Mechanics/Spells/DruidV2/PCKillThemAll/Spell.xdb
  228. [07-25 18:03:44,411, 52551] main - ERROR ErrorsContainer : Array field /effects[0]/effects[1]/impacts[1]/predicates[0]/predicates length 1 is too small, should be greater or equal to 2 in /Mechanics/Spells/Necromancer/BloodShield/Buff02.xdb near 13:55 (resource: gameMechanics.constructor.schemes.buff.BuffResource) referenced from /Mechanics/Spells/Necromancer/BloodShield/Spell02.xdb
  229. [07-25 18:03:44,412, 52552] main - ERROR ErrorsContainer : Array field /effects[0]/effects[1]/impacts[1]/predicates[0]/predicates length 1 is too small, should be greater or equal to 2 in /Mechanics/Spells/Necromancer/BloodShield/Buff03.xdb near 13:55 (resource: gameMechanics.constructor.schemes.buff.BuffResource) referenced from /Mechanics/Spells/Necromancer/BloodShield/Spell03.xdb
  230. [07-25 18:03:44,412, 52552] main - ERROR ErrorsContainer : Array field /mechanics/targetConditions[0]/predicates length 1 is too small, should be greater or equal to 2 in /Mechanics/Spells/DruidV2/DrowsingPotion/Spell03.xdb near 20:74 (resource: gameMechanics.constructor.schemes.spell.singleTarget.SpellSingleTarget) referenced from /Mechanics/Spells/DruidV2/DrowsingPotion/Proxy.(SpellSingleTarget).xdb
  231. [07-25 18:03:44,412, 52552] main - ERROR ErrorsContainer : Array field /mechanics/targetConditions[0]/predicates length 1 is too small, should be greater or equal to 2 in /Mechanics/Spells/DruidV2/DrowsingPotion/Spell02.xdb near 20:74 (resource: gameMechanics.constructor.schemes.spell.singleTarget.SpellSingleTarget) referenced from /Mechanics/Spells/DruidV2/DrowsingPotion/Proxy.(SpellSingleTarget).xdb
  232. [07-25 18:03:44,412, 52552] main - ERROR ErrorsContainer : Array field /mechanics/targetConditions[0]/predicates length 1 is too small, should be greater or equal to 2 in /Mechanics/Spells/DruidV2/DrowsingPotion/Spell01.xdb near 20:74 (resource: gameMechanics.constructor.schemes.spell.singleTarget.SpellSingleTarget) referenced from /Mechanics/Spells/DruidV2/DrowsingPotion/Proxy.(SpellSingleTarget).xdb
  233. [07-25 18:03:44,413, 52553] main - ERROR ErrorsContainer : ItemResource level error: Level must be >= requiredLevel in ItemResource:/ItemMall/Services/Bags/20LvlBagUpgrade.xdb
  234. [07-25 18:03:44,413, 52553] main - ERROR ErrorsContainer : Tuning param not found, inconsistent code: /System/Defaults/TuningParamsDefaults.xdb: antirelativisticLengthFactor
  235. [07-25 18:03:44,413, 52553] main - ERROR ErrorsContainer : Field /addMountClientData value should be specified explicitly in /Mechanics/GameRoot/MountRoot.xdb near 29:42 (resource:
  236. [07-25 18:03:44,571, 52711] main - INFO logging.init.Logging : About to shutdown channel engines: []
  237. [07-25 18:03:44,571, 52711] main - INFO logging.init.Logging : Completed shutdown of channel engines []
  238. [07-25 18:03:44,580, 52720] BackgroundChannelWriter.LoggerThread - INFO logging.channels.BackgroundChannelWriter : Background channel logger started
  239. [07-25 18:03:44,587, 52727] main - INFO TextLogger : Create logger `statistics.Debug.SetPriority.set_priority_stats`, file `../statistics/Debug/SetPriority/set_priority_stats`, without rolling
  240. [07-25 18:03:44,589, 52729] main - INFO TextLogger : Create logger `statistics.Debug.ReplicaRequest.replicate_reqest`, file `../statistics/Debug/ReplicaRequest/replicate_reqest`, without rolling
  241. [07-25 18:03:44,591, 52731] main - INFO TextLogger : Create logger `statistics.System.Alarms.RemoteServerOut.RemoteServerOutPipeAlarm`, file `../statistics/System/Alarms/RemoteServerOut/RemoteServerOutPipeAlarm`, without rolling
  242. [07-25 18:03:44,592, 52732] main - INFO TextLogger : Create logger `statistics.System.Alarms.MsgProcessor.MsgProcessorAlarm`, file `../statistics/System/Alarms/MsgProcessor/MsgProcessorAlarm`, without rolling
  243. [07-25 18:03:44,595, 52735] main - INFO TextLogger : Create logger `statistics.System.Alarms.Serialization.SerializationAlarms`, file `../statistics/System/Alarms/Serialization/SerializationAlarms`, without rolling
  244. [07-25 18:03:44,624, 52764] main - INFO shardstarter.main.a : Connecting to masterServer
  245. [07-25 18:03:44,648, 52788] main - INFO shardstarter.main.a : Exchanging protocol version information
  246. [07-25 18:03:44,759, 52899] main - INFO masterServerConnector.k : Warning publishing connection is not configured. Skipping.
  247. [07-25 18:03:44,764, 52904] main - INFO TimeCheck : Connected to TimeCheck service at
  248. [07-25 18:03:44,764, 52904] main - INFO shardstarter.a : Shard ID is -1
  249. [07-25 18:03:44,766, 52906] shard-timer-check - INFO TimeCheck : Send initial info to TimeCheck
  250. [07-25 18:03:45,147, 53287] main - INFO shardstarter.main.c : requesting 28 servers addresses
  251. [07-25 18:03:45,249, 53389] main - INFO shardstarter.main.c : 28 server addresses received for Anwarz in 0.102 sec
  252. [07-25 18:03:45,268, 53408] main - INFO basement.d : server "auction" at address 1 started
  253. [07-25 18:03:45,281, 53421] auction(1) - INFO MsgProcessor : MsgProcessor queue size on server auction[1]: = 32000
  254. [07-25 18:03:45,574, 53714] auction(1) - INFO dbcommons.hibernate.r : **** j Database connected. Connection url: jdbc:mysql://'READ-COMMITTED',autocommit=0&connectTimeout=50000000&socketTimeout=5000000000 username: root
  255. [07-25 18:03:45,982, 54122] auction(1) - WARN org.hibernate.ejb.Ejb3Configuration : hibernate.connection.autocommit = false break the EJB3 specification
  256. [07-25 18:03:45,982, 54122] auction(1) - WARN org.hibernate.ejb.Ejb3Configuration : hibernate.connection.autocommit = false break the EJB3 specification
  257. [07-25 18:03:46,061, 54201] auction(1) - INFO com.mchange.v2.log.MLog : MLog clients using log4j logging.
  258. [07-25 18:03:46,129, 54269] auction(1) - INFO com.mchange.v2.c3p0.C3P0Registry : Initializing c3p0-0.9.2-pre4 [built 16-June-2012 20:16:37 -0400; debug? true; trace: 10]
  259. [07-25 18:03:46,205, 54345] auction(1) - INFO com.mchange.v2.c3p0.impl.AbstractPoolBackedDataSource : Initializing c3p0 pool... com.mchange.v2.c3p0.PoolBackedDataSource@243075b4 [ connectionPoolDataSource -> com.mchange.v2.c3p0.WrapperConnectionPoolDataSource@9f079fcd [ acquireIncrement -> 3, acquireRetryAttempts -> 1, acquireRetryDelay -> 1000, autoCommitOnClose -> false, automaticTestTable -> null, breakAfterAcquireFailure -> false, checkoutTimeout -> 0, connectionCustomizerClassName -> null, connectionTesterClassName -> com.mchange.v2.c3p0.impl.DefaultConnectionTester, debugUnreturnedConnectionStackTraces -> false, factoryClassLocation -> null, forceIgnoreUnresolvedTransactions -> false, identityToken -> 7037ti9pxzimub809rah|6a656666, idleConnectionTestPeriod -> 60, initialPoolSize -> 3, maxAdministrativeTaskTime -> 0, maxConnectionAge -> 0, maxIdleTime -> 600, maxIdleTimeExcessConnections -> 0, maxPoolSize -> 15, maxStatements -> 50, maxStatementsPerConnection -> 0, minPoolSize -> 3, nestedDataSource -> com.mchange.v2.c3p0.DriverManagerDataSource@a2e3f620 [ description -> null, driverClass -> null, factoryClassLocation -> null, identityToken -> 7037ti9pxzimub809rah|1f3835fa, jdbcUrl -> jdbc:mysql://'READ-COMMITTED',autocommit=0&connectTimeout=50000000&socketTimeout=5000000000, properties -> {user=******, password=******, autocommit=false, release_mode=after_statement} ], preferredTestQuery -> SELECT 1, propertyCycle -> 0, statementCacheNumDeferredCloseThreads -> 0, testConnectionOnCheckin -> false, testConnectionOnCheckout -> false, unreturnedConnectionTimeout -> 0, usesTraditionalReflectiveProxies -> false; userOverrides: {} ], dataSourceName -> null, factoryClassLocation -> null, identityToken -> 7037ti9pxzimub809rah|1387f4d8, numHelperThreads -> 3 ]
  260. [07-25 18:03:46,571, 54711] auction(1) - WARN org.hibernate.cfg.SettingsFactory : Overriding release mode as connection provider does not support 'after_statement'
  261. [07-25 18:03:46,571, 54711] auction(1) - WARN org.hibernate.cfg.SettingsFactory : Overriding release mode as connection provider does not support 'after_statement'
  262. [07-25 18:03:47,067, 55207] auction(1) - WARN org.hibernate.impl.SessionFactoryImpl : JTASessionContext being used with JDBCTransactionFactory; auto-flush will not operate correctly with getCurrentSession()
  263. [07-25 18:03:47,067, 55207] auction(1) - WARN org.hibernate.impl.SessionFactoryImpl : JTASessionContext being used with JDBCTransactionFactory; auto-flush will not operate correctly with getCurrentSession()
  264. [07-25 18:03:47,129, 55269] auction(1) - INFO TextLogger : Create logger `QueryStatitstics`, file `../statistics/System/Performance/Database/QueryStatitstics.txt`, without rolling
  265. [07-25 18:03:47,272, 55412] main - INFO basement.d : server "dynamic_map_service" at address 2 started
  266. [07-25 18:03:47,291, 55431] dynamic_map_service(2) - INFO MsgProcessor : MsgProcessor queue size on server dynamic_map_service[2]: = 32000
  267. [07-25 18:03:48,415, 56555] auction(1) - INFO databaseServer : Database structure checked
  268. [07-25 18:03:48,421, 56561] auction(1) - WARN databaseServer : Database param "max_heap_table_size" value not equals to recomended value. Actual: 16777216 Recommended: 1073741824
  269. [07-25 18:03:48,421, 56561] auction(1) - WARN databaseServer : Database param "innodb_buffer_pool_size" value not equals to recomended value. Actual: 134217728 Recommended: 8388608000
  270. [07-25 18:03:48,422, 56562] auction(1) - WARN databaseServer : Database param "innodb_flush_log_at_trx_commit" value not equals to recomended value. Actual: 1 Recommended: 2
  271. [07-25 18:03:48,422, 56562] auction(1) - WARN databaseServer : Database param "innodb_log_file_size" value not equals to recomended value. Actual: 50331648 Recommended: 268435456
  272. [07-25 18:03:48,422, 56562] auction(1) - WARN databaseServer : Database param "innodb_max_dirty_pags_pct" value not equals to recomended value. Actual: null Recommended: 10
  273. [07-25 18:03:48,422, 56562] auction(1) - WARN databaseServer : Database param "query_cache_size" value not equals to recomended value. Actual: 1048576 Recommended: 0
  274. [07-25 18:03:48,422, 56562] auction(1) - WARN databaseServer : Database param "sql_mode" value not equals to recomended value. Actual: STRICT_TRANS_TABLES,NO_ENGINE_SUBSTITUTION Recommended: NO_ZERO_DATE,ONLY_FULL_GROUP_BY,STRICT_TRANS_TABLES
  275. [07-25 18:03:48,423, 56563] auction(1) - INFO databaseServer : Database time: 2017.07.25 +0200, local server time: 2017.07.25 +0200, delta: 0 sec.
  276. [07-25 18:03:48,771, 56911] auction(1) - INFO dbcommons.hibernate.r : Scheme baker dbcommons.jdbc.schemebaker.f is created for databaseServer.jdbcimpl.j
  277. [07-25 18:03:48,842, 56982] Bake thread - INFO dbcommons.jdbc.schemebaker.SchemeBakerJDBCImpl : Checking if scheme baking required....
  278. [07-25 18:03:48,881, 57021] Bake thread - INFO dbcommons.jdbc.schemebaker.SchemeBakerJDBCImpl : Scheme baking is not required.
  279. [07-25 18:03:48,945, 57085] auction(1) - INFO verify : Filling memory data for auctions....
  280. [07-25 18:03:49,131, 57271] auction(1) - INFO verify : Filling memory data for auctions. Finished.
  281. [07-25 18:03:49,132, 57272] auction(1) - INFO TextLogger : Create logger `statistics.System.Performance.LoadCollector.load.txt`, file `../statistics/System/Performance/LoadCollector/load.txt`, without rolling
  282. [07-25 18:03:49,134, 57274] auction(1) - INFO TextLogger : Create logger `statistics.System.Performance.LoadCollector.load_alarm.txt`, file `../statistics/System/Performance/LoadCollector/load_alarm.txt`, without rolling
  283. [07-25 18:03:49,136, 57276] auction(1) - INFO TextLogger : Create logger `statistics.System.Performance.LagDetector.callstacks.txt`, file `../statistics/System/Performance/LagDetector/callstacks.txt`, with rolling
  284. [07-25 18:03:49,137, 57277] auction(1) - INFO TextLogger : Create logger `statistics.System.Performance.LagDetector.lags.txt`, file `../statistics/System/Performance/LagDetector/lags.txt`, with rolling
  285. [07-25 18:03:49,139, 57279] auction(1) - INFO TextLogger : Create logger `statistics.System.Performance.MsgPublisher.server1.txt`, file `../statistics/System/Performance/MsgPublisher/server1.txt`, without rolling
  286. [07-25 18:03:49,140, 57280] auction(1) - INFO TextLogger : Create logger `statistics.System.Performance.Memory.memory.txt`, file `../statistics/System/Performance/Memory/memory.txt`, without rolling
  287. [07-25 18:03:49,142, 57282] auction(1) - INFO TextLogger : Create logger `statistics.System.Performance.GarbageCollector.out.txt`, file `../statistics/System/Performance/GarbageCollector/out.txt`, without rolling
  288. [07-25 18:03:49,290, 57430] main - INFO basement.d : server "console" at address 3 started
  289. [07-25 18:03:49,292, 57432] console(3) - INFO MsgProcessor : MsgProcessor queue size on server console[3]: = 32000
  290. [07-25 18:03:49,298, 57438] console(3) - INFO consoleAccessAgent.a : console access agent created on port 9856
  291. [07-25 18:03:49,441, 57581] console(3) - INFO clientMsgsFactory.h : Serialization checksumm skipped: code is obfuscated.
  292. [07-25 18:03:49,441, 57581] console(3) - INFO clientMsgsFactory.h : Serialization checksumm skipped: code is obfuscated.
  293. [07-25 18:03:51,292, 59432] main - INFO basement.d : server "fe1" at address 4 started
  294. [07-25 18:03:51,364, 59504] fe1(4) - INFO MsgProcessor : MsgProcessor queue size on server fe1[4]: = 32000
  295. [07-25 18:03:53,317, 61457] main - INFO basement.d : server "fe2" at address 5 started
  296. [07-25 18:03:53,381, 61521] fe2(5) - INFO MsgProcessor : MsgProcessor queue size on server fe2[5]: = 32000
  297. [07-25 18:03:55,317, 63457] main - INFO basement.d : server "fe3" at address 6 started
  298. [07-25 18:03:55,403, 63543] fe3(6) - INFO MsgProcessor : MsgProcessor queue size on server fe3[6]: = 32000
  299. [07-25 18:03:57,349, 65489] main - INFO basement.d : server "fe4" at address 7 started
  300. [07-25 18:03:57,350, 65490] fe4(7) - INFO MsgProcessor : MsgProcessor queue size on server fe4[7]: = 32000
  301. [07-25 18:03:59,349, 67489] main - INFO basement.d : server "xmpp" at address 8 started
  302. [07-25 18:04:11,713, 79853] fe4(7) - INFO frontEnd.m : front end is starting...
  303. [07-25 18:04:11,714, 79854] fe1(4) - INFO frontEnd.m : front end is starting...
  304. [07-25 18:04:11,714, 79854] fe2(5) - INFO frontEnd.m : front end is starting...
  305. [07-25 18:04:11,713, 79853] fe3(6) - INFO frontEnd.m : front end is starting...
  306. [07-25 18:04:11,721, 79861] xmpp(8) - INFO MsgProcessor : MsgProcessor queue size on server xmpp[8]: = 32000
  307. [07-25 18:04:11,782, 79922] xmpp(8) - INFO : could not load storage provider class org.apache.vysper.xmpp.modules.extension.xep0060_pubsub.storageprovider.LeafNodeInMemoryStorageProvider
  308. [07-25 18:04:11,783, 79923] xmpp(8) - INFO : could not load storage provider class org.apache.vysper.xmpp.modules.extension.xep0060_pubsub.storageprovider.CollectionNodeInMemoryStorageProvider
  309. [07-25 18:04:12,730, 80870] fe3(6):connection-to-account-thread - WARN verify : Failed to connect to account server: unable to connect to account server /, net i/o exception connecting to java.nio.channels.SocketChannel[closed]
  310. [07-25 18:04:12,730, 80870] fe2(5):connection-to-account-thread - WARN verify : Failed to connect to account server: unable to connect to account server /, net i/o exception connecting to java.nio.channels.SocketChannel[closed]
  311. [07-25 18:04:12,733, 80873] fe1(4):connection-to-account-thread - WARN verify : Failed to connect to account server: unable to connect to account server /, net i/o exception connecting to java.nio.channels.SocketChannel[closed]
  312. [07-25 18:04:12,733, 80873] fe4(7):connection-to-account-thread - WARN verify : Failed to connect to account server: unable to connect to account server /, net i/o exception connecting to java.nio.channels.SocketChannel[closed]
  313. [07-25 18:04:13,172, 81312] xmpp(8):connection-to-account-thread - WARN verify : Failed to connect to account server: unable to connect to account server /, net i/o exception connecting to java.nio.channels.SocketChannel[closed]
  314. [07-25 18:04:13,714, 81854] main - INFO basement.d : server "voidrealm" at address 9 started
  315. [07-25 18:04:13,716, 81856] voidrealm(9) - INFO MsgProcessor : MsgProcessor queue size on server voidrealm[9]: = 32000
  316. [07-25 18:04:15,716, 83856] main - INFO basement.d : server "item" at address 10 started
  317. [07-25 18:04:15,739, 83879] item(10) - INFO MsgProcessor : MsgProcessor queue size on server item[10]: = 32000
  318. [07-25 18:04:15,746, 83886] item(10) - INFO TextLogger : Create logger `c-item(10)`, file `../statistics/System/Performance/Replication/c-item(10).txt`, without rolling
  319. [07-25 18:04:15,753, 83893] item(10) - INFO tools.commons.logs.LogToLog4jHandler : Redirecting java.util.logging to Log4J...
  320. [07-25 18:04:15,754, 83894] item(10) - INFO tools.commons.logs.LogToLog4jHandler : Redirection of java.util.logging to Log4J started
  321. [07-25 18:04:15,765, 83905] item(10) - INFO org.mortbay.log : Logging to org.slf4j.impl.Log4jLoggerAdapter(org.mortbay.log) via org.mortbay.log.Slf4jLog
  322. [07-25 18:04:15,766, 83906] item(10) - INFO http.a : Http service created for '', not binded yet
  323. [07-25 18:04:15,767, 83907] item(10) - INFO http.a : Starting http service at
  324. [07-25 18:04:15,778, 83918] item(10) - INFO org.mortbay.log : jetty-6.1.26
  325. [07-25 18:04:15,796, 83936] item(10) - INFO org.mortbay.log : Started SelectChannelConnector@
  326. [07-25 18:04:15,797, 83937] item(10) - INFO http.a : Http service started
  327. [07-25 18:04:15,798, 83938] item(10) - INFO accountserver.playtimecontroller.b : Using "none" PlayTime Controller.
  328. [07-25 18:04:15,799, 83939] item(10) - INFO itemService : ContentKeysStorage: initializing...
  329. [07-25 18:04:15,800, 83940] item(10) - INFO itemService : ContentKeysStorage: initialized successfully
  330. [07-25 18:04:15,814, 83954] item(10) - INFO dbcommons.hibernate.r : **** j Database connected. Connection url: jdbc:mysql://'READ-COMMITTED',autocommit=0&connectTimeout=50000000&socketTimeout=5000000000 username: root
  331. [07-25 18:04:15,945, 84085] item(10) - WARN org.hibernate.ejb.Ejb3Configuration : hibernate.connection.autocommit = false break the EJB3 specification
  332. [07-25 18:04:15,945, 84085] item(10) - WARN org.hibernate.ejb.Ejb3Configuration : hibernate.connection.autocommit = false break the EJB3 specification
  333. [07-25 18:04:15,993, 84133] item(10) - INFO com.mchange.v2.c3p0.impl.AbstractPoolBackedDataSource : Initializing c3p0 pool... com.mchange.v2.c3p0.PoolBackedDataSource@957af52f [ connectionPoolDataSource -> com.mchange.v2.c3p0.WrapperConnectionPoolDataSource@b3821f42 [ acquireIncrement -> 3, acquireRetryAttempts -> 1, acquireRetryDelay -> 1000, autoCommitOnClose -> false, automaticTestTable -> null, breakAfterAcquireFailure -> false, checkoutTimeout -> 0, connectionCustomizerClassName -> null, connectionTesterClassName -> com.mchange.v2.c3p0.impl.DefaultConnectionTester, debugUnreturnedConnectionStackTraces -> false, factoryClassLocation -> null, forceIgnoreUnresolvedTransactions -> false, identityToken -> 7037ti9pxzimub809rah|3ecfa3f4, idleConnectionTestPeriod -> 60, initialPoolSize -> 3, maxAdministrativeTaskTime -> 0, maxConnectionAge -> 0, maxIdleTime -> 600, maxIdleTimeExcessConnections -> 0, maxPoolSize -> 15, maxStatements -> 50, maxStatementsPerConnection -> 0, minPoolSize -> 3, nestedDataSource -> com.mchange.v2.c3p0.DriverManagerDataSource@68146a69 [ description -> null, driverClass -> null, factoryClassLocation -> null, identityToken -> 7037ti9pxzimub809rah|57c0fbbe, jdbcUrl -> jdbc:mysql://'READ-COMMITTED',autocommit=0&connectTimeout=50000000&socketTimeout=5000000000, properties -> {user=******, password=******, autocommit=false, release_mode=after_statement} ], preferredTestQuery -> SELECT 1, propertyCycle -> 0, statementCacheNumDeferredCloseThreads -> 0, testConnectionOnCheckin -> false, testConnectionOnCheckout -> false, unreturnedConnectionTimeout -> 0, usesTraditionalReflectiveProxies -> false; userOverrides: {} ], dataSourceName -> null, factoryClassLocation -> null, identityToken -> 7037ti9pxzimub809rah|32150863, numHelperThreads -> 3 ]
  334. [07-25 18:04:16,046, 84186] item(10) - WARN org.hibernate.cfg.SettingsFactory : Overriding release mode as connection provider does not support 'after_statement'
  335. [07-25 18:04:16,046, 84186] item(10) - WARN org.hibernate.cfg.SettingsFactory : Overriding release mode as connection provider does not support 'after_statement'
  336. [07-25 18:04:16,260, 84400] item(10) - WARN org.hibernate.impl.SessionFactoryImpl : JTASessionContext being used with JDBCTransactionFactory; auto-flush will not operate correctly with getCurrentSession()
  337. [07-25 18:04:16,260, 84400] item(10) - WARN org.hibernate.impl.SessionFactoryImpl : JTASessionContext being used with JDBCTransactionFactory; auto-flush will not operate correctly with getCurrentSession()
  338. [07-25 18:04:16,996, 85136] item(10) - INFO databaseServer : Database structure checked
  339. [07-25 18:04:16,999, 85139] item(10) - WARN databaseServer : Database param "max_heap_table_size" value not equals to recomended value. Actual: 16777216 Recommended: 1073741824
  340. [07-25 18:04:17,000, 85140] item(10) - WARN databaseServer : Database param "innodb_buffer_pool_size" value not equals to recomended value. Actual: 134217728 Recommended: 8388608000
  341. [07-25 18:04:17,000, 85140] item(10) - WARN databaseServer : Database param "innodb_flush_log_at_trx_commit" value not equals to recomended value. Actual: 1 Recommended: 2
  342. [07-25 18:04:17,000, 85140] item(10) - WARN databaseServer : Database param "innodb_log_file_size" value not equals to recomended value. Actual: 50331648 Recommended: 268435456
  343. [07-25 18:04:17,000, 85140] item(10) - WARN databaseServer : Database param "innodb_max_dirty_pags_pct" value not equals to recomended value. Actual: null Recommended: 10
  344. [07-25 18:04:17,000, 85140] item(10) - WARN databaseServer : Database param "query_cache_size" value not equals to recomended value. Actual: 1048576 Recommended: 0
  345. [07-25 18:04:17,001, 85141] item(10) - WARN databaseServer : Database param "sql_mode" value not equals to recomended value. Actual: STRICT_TRANS_TABLES,NO_ENGINE_SUBSTITUTION Recommended: NO_ZERO_DATE,ONLY_FULL_GROUP_BY,STRICT_TRANS_TABLES
  346. [07-25 18:04:17,001, 85141] item(10) - INFO databaseServer : Database time: 2017.07.25 +0200, local server time: 2017.07.25 +0200, delta: 0 sec.
  347. [07-25 18:04:17,243, 85383] item(10) - INFO dbcommons.hibernate.r : Scheme baker dbcommons.jdbc.schemebaker.f is created for databaseServer.jdbcimpl.j
  348. [07-25 18:04:17,244, 85384] Bake thread - INFO dbcommons.jdbc.schemebaker.SchemeBakerJDBCImpl : Checking if scheme baking required....
  349. [07-25 18:04:17,247, 85387] Bake thread - INFO dbcommons.jdbc.schemebaker.SchemeBakerJDBCImpl : Scheme baking is not required.
  350. [07-25 18:04:17,287, 85427] item(10) - INFO verify : Database lock level is used.
  351. [07-25 18:04:17,292, 85432] item(10) - INFO databaseService : Database cleanup: started
  352. [07-25 18:04:17,294, 85434] item(10) - INFO databaseService : 0 remorts was removed from database.
  353. [07-25 18:04:17,295, 85435] item(10) - INFO databaseService : Remorts removing completed.
  354. [07-25 18:04:17,296, 85436] item(10) - INFO databaseService : 0 avatars was removed from database.
  355. [07-25 18:04:17,296, 85436] item(10) - INFO databaseService : Avatars removing completed.
  356. [07-25 18:04:17,347, 85487] item(10) - INFO databaseService : 0 MWar history records remove from database.
  357. [07-25 18:04:17,350, 85490] item(10) - INFO databaseService : Database cleanup: finished
  358. [07-25 18:04:17,738, 85878] main - INFO basement.d : server "transfer" at address 11 started
  359. [07-25 18:04:18,488, 86628] transfer(11) - INFO MsgProcessor : MsgProcessor queue size on server transfer[11]: = 32000
  360. [07-25 18:04:20,434, 88574] main - INFO basement.d : server "coordinator" at address 12 started
  361. [07-25 18:04:21,027, 89167] coordinator(12) - INFO MsgProcessor : MsgProcessor queue size on server coordinator[12]: = 32000
  362. [07-25 18:04:23,027, 91167] main - INFO basement.d : server "maps_distributor" at address 13 started
  363. [07-25 18:04:23,086, 91226] maps_distributor(13) - INFO MsgProcessor : MsgProcessor queue size on server maps_distributor[13]: = 32000
  364. [07-25 18:04:23,185, 91325] maps_distributor(13) - INFO : send map load request to dynamic_map_service
  365. [07-25 18:04:23,187, 91327] dynamic_map_service(2) - INFO shardstarter.main.c : requesting 1 servers addresses
  366. [07-25 18:04:23,287, 91427] dynamic_map_service(2) - INFO shardstarter.main.c : 1 server addresses received for Anwarz in 0.1 sec
  367. [07-25 18:04:23,746, 91886] fe2(5):connection-to-account-thread - WARN verify : Failed to connect to account server: unable to connect to account server /, net i/o exception connecting to java.nio.channels.SocketChannel[closed]
  368. [07-25 18:04:23,767, 91907] fe3(6):connection-to-account-thread - WARN verify : Failed to connect to account server: unable to connect to account server /, net i/o exception connecting to java.nio.channels.SocketChannel[closed]
  369. [07-25 18:04:23,770, 91910] fe1(4):connection-to-account-thread - WARN verify : Failed to connect to account server: unable to connect to account server /, net i/o exception connecting to java.nio.channels.SocketChannel[closed]
  370. [07-25 18:04:23,773, 91913] fe4(7):connection-to-account-thread - WARN verify : Failed to connect to account server: unable to connect to account server /, net i/o exception connecting to java.nio.channels.SocketChannel[closed]
  371. [07-25 18:04:24,182, 92322] xmpp(8):connection-to-account-thread - WARN verify : Failed to connect to account server: unable to connect to account server /, net i/o exception connecting to java.nio.channels.SocketChannel[closed]
  372. [07-25 18:04:25,028, 93168] dynamic_map_service(2) - INFO basement.d : server "GeneratedMapService-HadaganCenter" at address 29 started
  373. [07-25 18:04:25,029, 93169] main - INFO basement.d : server "astral" at address 14 started
  374. [07-25 18:04:25,030, 93170] astral(14) - INFO MsgProcessor : MsgProcessor queue size on server astral[14]: = 32000
  375. [07-25 18:04:25,037, 93177] astral(14) - INFO TextLogger : Create logger `c-astral(14)`, file `../statistics/System/Performance/Replication/c-astral(14).txt`, without rolling
  376. [07-25 18:04:25,574, 93714] item(10) - ERROR verify : Can't connect to itemmall.
  377. itemmall.b: net i/o exception connecting to java.nio.channels.SocketChannel[closed]
  378. at itemmall.netimpl.ItemMallConnectorNetImpl.d(
  379. at itemmall.netimpl.ItemMallConnectorNetImpl.c(
  380. at itemService.itemmall.h.a(
  381. at itemService.itemmall.h.<init>(
  382. at itemService.itemServiceImpl.db.<init>(
  383. at dbModules.a.a(
  384. at dbModules.a.<init>(
  385. at dbModules.ItemServiceModuleResource.create(
  386. at basement.server.e$$
  387. at basement.b.b(
  388. at basement.server.e.g(
  389. at basement.server.e.e(
  390. at
  391. at
  392. Caused by: net i/o exception connecting to java.nio.channels.SocketChannel[closed]
  393. at net.qb$e_.b(qb$
  394. at net.qb$e_.c(qb$
  395. at net.qb$e_.execute(qb$
  396. at tools.concurrent.g$$
  397. at tools.concurrent.g.a(
  398. at net.qb$i_.e(qb$
  399. at
  400. ... 1 more
  401. Caused by: Connection refused: no further information
  402. at Method)
  403. at
  404. at net.qb$e_.b(qb$
  405. ... 7 more
  406. [07-25 18:04:25,593, 93733] Thread-16 - INFO itemmall.g : Start reconnecting to itemmall server...
  407. [07-25 18:04:25,602, 93742] item(10) - INFO databaseServer.databaseService.j : next indicator time is 2017.07.26 +0200 (current time is 2017.07.25 +0200, indicator time is 05:00:00)
  408. [07-25 18:04:25,603, 93743] item(10) - INFO itemService.kb : Updating rule service tables
  409. [07-25 18:04:25,837, 93977] item(10) - INFO itemService.kb : Starting indicator api service
  410. [07-25 18:04:25,848, 93988] item(10) - INFO itemService.kb : Indicator api mapped to /indicatorApi
  411. [07-25 18:04:27,087, 95227] GeneratedMapService-HadaganCenter(29) - INFO MsgProcessor : MsgProcessor queue size on server GeneratedMapService-HadaganCenter[29]: = 32000
  412. [07-25 18:04:27,094, 95234] GeneratedMapService-HadaganCenter(29) - INFO TextLogger : Create logger `c-GeneratedMapService-HadaganCenter(29)`, file `../statistics/System/Performance/Replication/c-GeneratedMapService-HadaganCenter(29).txt`, without rolling
  413. [07-25 18:04:27,100, 95240] GeneratedMapService-HadaganCenter(29) - INFO ServerReplica : Replica Service at [29, 16, 2] is starting
  414. [07-25 18:04:27,102, 95242] GeneratedMapService-HadaganCenter(29) - INFO ServerReplica : Waiting for 2 replica services
  415. [07-25 18:04:27,103, 95243] GeneratedMapService-HadaganCenter(29) - INFO ServerReplica : Service [29, 16, 2] registered at [GeneratedMapService-HadaganCenter:Anwarz(10):LocalShard, (Debug,Russia,Base,-1)] at, addr 29. 1 more to wait
  416. [07-25 18:04:29,030, 97170] main - INFO basement.d : server "gm1" at address 15 started
  417. [07-25 18:04:29,032, 97172] gm1(15) - INFO MsgProcessor : MsgProcessor queue size on server gm1[15]: = 32000
  418. [07-25 18:04:29,041, 97181] gm1(15) - INFO TextLogger : Create logger `c-gm1(15)`, file `../statistics/System/Performance/Replication/c-gm1(15).txt`, without rolling
  419. [07-25 18:04:29,048, 97188] gm1(15) - INFO ServerReplica : Replica Service at [15, 16, 2] is starting
  420. [07-25 18:04:29,050, 97190] gm1(15) - INFO ServerReplica : Waiting for 2 replica services
  421. [07-25 18:04:29,050, 97190] gm1(15) - INFO ServerReplica : Service [15, 16, 2] registered at [gm1:Anwarz(10):LocalShard, (Debug,Russia,Base,-1)] at, addr 15. 1 more to wait
  422. [07-25 18:04:31,031, 99171] main - INFO basement.d : server "gm2" at address 16 started
  423. [07-25 18:04:31,129, 99269] gm2(16) - INFO MsgProcessor : MsgProcessor queue size on server gm2[16]: = 32000
  424. [07-25 18:04:31,140, 99280] gm2(16) - INFO TextLogger : Create logger `c-gm2(16)`, file `../statistics/System/Performance/Replication/c-gm2(16).txt`, without rolling
  425. [07-25 18:04:31,151, 99291] gm2(16) - INFO ServerReplica : Replica Service at [16, 16, 2] is starting
  426. [07-25 18:04:31,152, 99292] gm2(16) - INFO ServerReplica : Waiting for 2 replica services
  427. [07-25 18:04:31,152, 99292] gm2(16) - INFO ServerReplica : Service [16, 16, 2] registered at [gm2:Anwarz(10):LocalShard, (Debug,Russia,Base,-1)] at, addr 16. 1 more to wait
  428. [07-25 18:04:33,031, 101171] main - INFO basement.d : server "autonav" at address 17 started
  429. [07-25 18:04:33,126, 101266] autonav(17) - INFO MsgProcessor : MsgProcessor queue size on server autonav[17]: = 32000
  430. [07-25 18:04:33,129, 101269] autonav(17) - INFO TextLogger : Create logger `Autonavigation-17`, file `../statistics/System/Performance/Autonavigation/InQueueTimings-17.txt`, without rolling
  431. [07-25 18:04:33,796, 101936] item(10) - INFO itemServiceAsync : Async item service executor disabled
  432. [07-25 18:04:33,938, 102078] GeneratedMapService-HadaganCenter(29) - INFO TextLogger : Create logger `statistics.System.Performance.MsgPublisher.server29.txt`, file `../statistics/System/Performance/MsgPublisher/server29.txt`, without rolling
  433. [07-25 18:04:33,942, 102082] gm1(15) - INFO TextLogger : Create logger `statistics.System.Performance.MsgPublisher.server15.txt`, file `../statistics/System/Performance/MsgPublisher/server15.txt`, without rolling
  434. [07-25 18:04:33,951, 102091] gm1(15) - INFO ServerReplica : Service [29, 16, 2] registered at [gm1:Anwarz(10):LocalShard, (Debug,Russia,Base,-1)] at, addr 15. 0 more to wait
  435. [07-25 18:04:33,953, 102093] gm1(15) - INFO ServerReplica : No more replica services to wait. Registering
  436. [07-25 18:04:33,956, 102096] GeneratedMapService-HadaganCenter(29) - INFO ServerReplica : Service [15, 16, 2] registered at [GeneratedMapService-HadaganCenter:Anwarz(10):LocalShard, (Debug,Russia,Base,-1)] at, addr 29. 0 more to wait
  437. [07-25 18:04:33,958, 102098] maps_distributor(13) - INFO : send map load request to gm1
  438. [07-25 18:04:33,960, 102100] GeneratedMapService-HadaganCenter(29) - INFO ServerReplica : No more replica services to wait. Registering
  439. [07-25 18:04:33,962, 102102] gm1(15) - INFO : Map load request : MapResource:/Maps/Inst_LeagueStart/MapResource.xdb
  440. [07-25 18:04:33,966, 102106] dynamic_map_service(2) - INFO : forward maps request to GeneratedMapService-HadaganCenter
  441. [07-25 18:04:33,969, 102109] gm1(15) - INFO : Map load request : MapResource:/Maps/Inst_EmpireStart/MapResource.xdb
  442. [07-25 18:04:33,969, 102109] gm1(15) - INFO : Map load request : MapResource:/Maps/Hadagan/tower_MapResource.xdb
  443. [07-25 18:04:33,970, 102110] MapLoadThread_0 - INFO mapLoader.fc : Loading map MapResource:/Maps/Inst_LeagueStart/MapResource.xdb with filter class
  444. [07-25 18:04:33,971, 102111] MapLoadThread_0 - INFO mapLoader.gc : Loading /Maps/Inst_LeagueStart
  445. [07-25 18:04:33,970, 102110] gm1(15) - INFO : Map load request : MapResource:/Maps/Hadagan_Sanatorium/MapResource.xdb
  446. [07-25 18:04:33,970, 102110] MapLoadThread_2 - INFO mapLoader.fc : Loading map MapResource:/Maps/Hadagan/tower_MapResource.xdb with filter class
  447. [07-25 18:04:33,973, 102113] MapLoadThread_2 - INFO mapLoader.gc : Loading /Maps/Hadagan
  448. [07-25 18:04:33,972, 102112] gm1(15) - INFO : Map load request : MapResource:/Maps/RealWorld/Tower_MapResource.xdb
  449. [07-25 18:04:33,972, 102112] MapLoadThread_3 - INFO mapLoader.fc : Loading map MapResource:/Maps/Hadagan_Sanatorium/MapResource.xdb with filter class mapLoader.fb
  450. [07-25 18:04:33,971, 102111] GeneratedMapService-HadaganCenter(29) - INFO : Map load request : MapResource:/Maps/Hadagan/MapResource.xdb
  451. [07-25 18:04:33,978, 102118] MapLoadThread_4 - INFO mapLoader.fc : Loading map MapResource:/Maps/RealWorld/Tower_MapResource.xdb with filter class
  452. [07-25 18:04:33,978, 102118] MapLoadThread_4 - INFO mapLoader.gc : Loading /Maps/RealWorld
  453. [07-25 18:04:33,971, 102111] MapLoadThread_1 - INFO mapLoader.fc : Loading map MapResource:/Maps/Inst_EmpireStart/MapResource.xdb with filter class
  454. [07-25 18:04:33,980, 102120] MapLoadThread_1 - INFO mapLoader.gc : Loading /Maps/Inst_EmpireStart
  455. [07-25 18:04:33,977, 102117] MapLoadThread_3 - INFO mapLoader.gc : Loading /Maps/Hadagan_Sanatorium
  456. [07-25 18:04:33,976, 102116] gm1(15) - INFO : Map load request : MapResource:/Maps/RealWorld/WhiteRoom_MapResource.(MapResource).xdb
  457. [07-25 18:04:34,015, 102155] MapLoadThread_1 - INFO mapLoader.gc : Collecting objects on map
  458. [07-25 18:04:34,430, 102570] MapLoadThread_0 - INFO mapLoader.gc : Collecting objects on map
  459. [07-25 18:04:34,674, 102814] MapLoadThread_1 - INFO mapLoader.gc : 24 objects total found.
  460. [07-25 18:04:34,699, 102839] MapLoadThread_1 - INFO ao.gj : MapLoadParams: [isSuperJumpModeOn = false, blockCoasts = true, loadFromCache = false]
  461. [07-25 18:04:34,699, 102839] MapLoadThread_1 - INFO ao.gj : Placing objects on terrain
  462. [07-25 18:04:34,758, 102898] fe2(5):connection-to-account-thread - WARN verify : Failed to connect to account server: unable to connect to account server /, net i/o exception connecting to java.nio.channels.SocketChannel[closed]
  463. [07-25 18:04:34,770, 102910] fe3(6):connection-to-account-thread - WARN verify : Failed to connect to account server: unable to connect to account server /, net i/o exception connecting to java.nio.channels.SocketChannel[closed]
  464. [07-25 18:04:34,779, 102919] fe1(4):connection-to-account-thread - WARN verify : Failed to connect to account server: unable to connect to account server /, net i/o exception connecting to java.nio.channels.SocketChannel[closed]
  465. [07-25 18:04:34,782, 102922] fe4(7):connection-to-account-thread - WARN verify : Failed to connect to account server: unable to connect to account server /, net i/o exception connecting to java.nio.channels.SocketChannel[closed]
  466. [07-25 18:04:35,050, 103190] main - INFO basement.d : server "autonav_distributor" at address 18 started
  467. [07-25 18:04:35,092, 103232] MapLoadThread_1 - INFO ao.gj : Marking voxels : size (115,83)
  468. [07-25 18:04:35,087, 103227] MapLoadThread_0 - INFO mapLoader.gc : 41 objects total found.
  469. [07-25 18:04:35,194, 103334] MapLoadThread_0 - INFO ao.gj : MapLoadParams: [isSuperJumpModeOn = false, blockCoasts = true, loadFromCache = false]
  470. [07-25 18:04:35,257, 103397] autonav_distributor(18) - INFO MsgProcessor : MsgProcessor queue size on server autonav_distributor[18]: = 32000
  471. [07-25 18:04:35,255, 103395] xmpp(8):connection-to-account-thread - WARN verify : Failed to connect to account server: unable to connect to account server /, net i/o exception connecting to java.nio.channels.SocketChannel[closed]
  472. [07-25 18:04:35,261, 103401] MapLoadThread_0 - INFO ao.gj : Placing objects on terrain
  473. [07-25 18:04:35,805, 103945] MapLoadThread_4 - INFO mapLoader.gc : Collecting objects on map
  474. [07-25 18:04:35,925, 104065] MapLoadThread_0 - INFO ao.gj : Marking voxels : size (387,67)
  475. [07-25 18:04:36,010, 104150] MapLoadThread_1 - INFO ao.gj : Marked succesfully!
  476. [07-25 18:04:36,067, 104207] MapLoadThread_1 - INFO ao.gj : Building hierarcial graph
  477. [07-25 18:04:36,082, 104222] gm2(16) - INFO TextLogger : Create logger `statistics.System.Performance.MsgPublisher.server16.txt`, file `../statistics/System/Performance/MsgPublisher/server16.txt`, without rolling
  478. [07-25 18:04:36,146, 104286] gm2(16) - INFO ServerReplica : Service [29, 16, 2] registered at [gm2:Anwarz(10):LocalShard, (Debug,Russia,Base,-1)] at, addr 16. 0 more to wait
  479. [07-25 18:04:36,159, 104299] gm2(16) - INFO ServerReplica : No more replica services to wait. Registering
  480. [07-25 18:04:36,172, 104312] maps_distributor(13) - INFO : send map load request to gm2
  481. [07-25 18:04:36,239, 104379] gm1(15) - INFO : MapService[15, 19, 2] loading state: startDepsReady=false [ContentKeysStorage, DatabaseService], staticIsLoaded=false, dynamicIsLoaded=false, waitingForMapHeads=NoOrderCollection(size=0, [])
  482. [07-25 18:04:36,242, 104382] gm2(16) - INFO : Map load request : MapResource:/Maps/Hadagan/MapResource.xdb
  483. [07-25 18:04:36,243, 104383] gm2(16) - INFO : Map load request : MapResource:/Maps/Inst_LeagueStart/MapResource.xdb
  484. [07-25 18:04:36,243, 104383] gm2(16) - INFO : Map load request : MapResource:/Maps/RealWorld/MapResource.xdb
  485. [07-25 18:04:36,281, 104421] gm2(16) - INFO : Map load request : MapResource:/Maps/Inst_EmpireStart/MapResource.xdb
  486. [07-25 18:04:36,299, 104439] gm2(16) - INFO : Map load request : MapResource:/Maps/Hadagan_Sanatorium/MapResource.xdb
  487. [07-25 18:04:36,315, 104455] gm2(16) - INFO : Map load request : MapResource:/Maps/RealWorld/Tower_MapResource.xdb
  488. [07-25 18:04:36,333, 104473] gm2(16) - INFO : Map load request : MapResource:/Maps/RealWorld/WhiteRoom_MapResource.(MapResource).xdb
  489. [07-25 18:04:36,346, 104486] gm2(16) - INFO : MapService[16, 19, 2] loading state: startDepsReady=false [ContentKeysStorage, DatabaseService], staticIsLoaded=false, dynamicIsLoaded=false, waitingForMapHeads=NoOrderCollection(size=0, [])
  490. [07-25 18:04:36,451, 104591] MapLoadThread_1 - INFO ao.gj : Hierarcial graph build finished succesfully!
  491. [07-25 18:04:36,471, 104611] MapLoadThread_1 - INFO mapLoader.gc : Map loaded
  492. [07-25 18:04:36,483, 104623] MapLoadThread_1 - INFO mapLoader.fc : Map MapResource:/Maps/Inst_EmpireStart/MapResource.xdb loaded with filter class
  493. [07-25 18:04:36,792, 104932] MapLoadThread_3 - INFO mapLoader.gc : Collecting objects on map
  494. [07-25 18:04:37,036, 105176] item(10) - ERROR verify : itemmall.b: Trying use ItemMallConnectorNetImpl before it connected to ItemMall server. sendMsg().
  495. itemService.basicInterfaces.a: itemmall.b: Trying use ItemMallConnectorNetImpl before it connected to ItemMall server. sendMsg().
  496. at itemService.itemmall.h.a(
  497. at itemService.itemmall.h.a(
  498. at itemService.currencyexchange.f.a(
  499. at itemService.currencyexchange.k.h(
  500. at itemService.currencyexchange.k.a(
  501. at itemService.currencyexchange.k.a(
  502. at dbModules.a.a(
  503. at dbModules.a.<init>(
  504. at dbModules.ItemServiceModuleResource.create(
  505. at basement.server.e$$
  506. at basement.b.b(
  507. at basement.server.e.g(
  508. at basement.server.e.e(
  509. at
  510. at
  511. Caused by: itemmall.b: Trying use ItemMallConnectorNetImpl before it connected to ItemMall server. sendMsg().
  512. at itemmall.netimpl.ItemMallConnectorNetImpl.a(
  513. at itemService.itemmall.h.a(
  514. ... 13 more
  515. [07-25 18:04:37,120, 105260] main - INFO basement.d : server "raid" at address 19 started
  516. [07-25 18:04:37,278, 105418] raid(19) - INFO MsgProcessor : MsgProcessor queue size on server raid[19]: = 32000
  517. [07-25 18:04:37,285, 105425] raid(19) - INFO TextLogger : Create logger `c-raid(19)`, file `../statistics/System/Performance/Replication/c-raid(19).txt`, without rolling
  518. [07-25 18:04:37,305, 105445] raid(19) - INFO TextLogger : Create logger `statistics.System.Performance.MsgPublisher.server19.txt`, file `../statistics/System/Performance/MsgPublisher/server19.txt`, without rolling
  519. [07-25 18:04:37,463, 105603] MapLoadThread_0 - INFO ao.gj : Marked succesfully!
  520. [07-25 18:04:37,482, 105622] MapLoadThread_0 - INFO ao.gj : Building hierarcial graph
  521. [07-25 18:04:37,562, 105702] MapLoadThread_0 - INFO ao.gj : Hierarcial graph build finished succesfully!
  522. [07-25 18:04:37,588, 105728] MapLoadThread_0 - INFO mapLoader.gc : Map loaded
  523. [07-25 18:04:37,592, 105732] MapLoadThread_0 - INFO mapLoader.fc : Map MapResource:/Maps/Inst_LeagueStart/MapResource.xdb loaded with filter class
  524. [07-25 18:04:37,998, 106138] MapLoadThread_3 - INFO mapLoader.gc : 822 objects total found.
  525. [07-25 18:04:38,001, 106141] MapLoadThread_3 - INFO ao.gj : MapLoadParams: [isSuperJumpModeOn = false, blockCoasts = true, loadFromCache = false]
  526. [07-25 18:04:38,001, 106141] MapLoadThread_3 - INFO ao.gj : Placing objects on terrain
  527. [07-25 18:04:38,379, 106519] item(10) - INFO itemService : Item Service started successfuly with address [10, 24, 2]
  528. [07-25 18:04:38,380, 106520] item(10) - INFO itemService : Item Service module started successfuly.
  529. [07-25 18:04:38,381, 106521] item(10) - INFO TextLogger : Create logger `statistics.System.Performance.MsgPublisher.server10.txt`, file `../statistics/System/Performance/MsgPublisher/server10.txt`, without rolling
  530. [07-25 18:04:38,407, 106547] item(10) - INFO doorway.b : Starting doorway service
  531. [07-25 18:04:38,415, 106555] item(10) - INFO doorway.b : Doorway servlet created and mapped to /doorway
  532. [07-25 18:04:38,425, 106565] item(10) - INFO profilerSupport.h : Starting profiler agent control at
  533. [07-25 18:04:38,427, 106567] item(10) - INFO collect.j : Loading collect databases from D:\server\server_bin\shard\out\07-25.18_02_51.rev_390809\abonents-counter
  534. [07-25 18:04:38,427, 106567] item(10) - INFO collect.j : 0 database(s) loaded
  535. [07-25 18:04:38,428, 106568] item(10) - INFO root : Module AbonentsCounter started
  536. [07-25 18:04:38,563, 106703] item(10) - INFO collect.j : Creating collect db AbonentsCounter-item(10)
  537. [07-25 18:04:38,614, 106754] GeneratedMapService-HadaganCenter(29) - INFO root : Module AbonentsCounter started
  538. [07-25 18:04:38,623, 106763] raid(19) - INFO root : Module AbonentsCounter started
  539. [07-25 18:04:38,620, 106760] astral(14) - INFO root : Module AbonentsCounter started
  540. [07-25 18:04:38,618, 106758] gm1(15) - INFO root : Module AbonentsCounter started
  541. [07-25 18:04:38,617, 106757] gm2(16) - INFO root : Module AbonentsCounter started
  542. [07-25 18:04:38,617, 106757] maps_distributor(13) - INFO : send maps to gm2
  543. [07-25 18:04:38,777, 106917] item(10) - INFO collect.j : Creating collect db AbonentsCounter-GeneratedMapService-HadaganCenter(29)
  544. [07-25 18:04:38,786, 106926] MapLoadThread_1 - INFO mapLoader.fc : Loading map MapResource:/Maps/DeathRealm/MapResource.xdb with filter class mapLoader.fb
  545. [07-25 18:04:38,785, 106925] maps_distributor(13) - INFO : send maps to gm1
  546. [07-25 18:04:38,793, 106933] MapLoadThread_1 - INFO mapLoader.gc : Loading /Maps/DeathRealm
  547. [07-25 18:04:38,787, 106927] item(10) - INFO collect.j : Creating collect db AbonentsCounter-raid(19)
  548. [07-25 18:04:38,796, 106936] item(10) - INFO collect.j : Creating collect db AbonentsCounter-astral(14)
  549. [07-25 18:04:38,794, 106934] maps_distributor(13) - INFO : send maps to dynamic_map_service
  550. [07-25 18:04:38,813, 106953] item(10) - INFO AstralGraph : Seed loaded:[-100, 120, -13, -26, 33, -40, 122, -77, -125, -40, 102, 42, 121, -48, -47, 92]
  551. [07-25 18:04:38,815, 106955] dynamic_map_service(2) - INFO : forward maps to GeneratedMapService-HadaganCenter
  552. [07-25 18:04:38,827, 106967] item(10) - INFO collect.j : Creating collect db AbonentsCounter-gm1(15)
  553. [07-25 18:04:38,829, 106969] item(10) - INFO collect.j : Creating collect db AbonentsCounter-gm2(16)
  554. [07-25 18:04:39,028, 107168] MapLoadThread_1 - INFO mapLoader.gc : Collecting objects on map
  555. [07-25 18:04:39,170, 107310] MapLoadThread_1 - INFO mapLoader.gc : 2 objects total found.
  556. [07-25 18:04:39,170, 107310] main - INFO basement.d : server "personalInstance" at address 20 started
  557. [07-25 18:04:39,170, 107310] MapLoadThread_1 - INFO ao.gj : MapLoadParams: [isSuperJumpModeOn = false, blockCoasts = true, loadFromCache = false]
  558. [07-25 18:04:39,171, 107311] MapLoadThread_1 - INFO ao.gj : Placing objects on terrain
  559. [07-25 18:04:39,331, 107471] personalInstance(20) - INFO MsgProcessor : MsgProcessor queue size on server personalInstance[20]: = 32000
  560. [07-25 18:04:39,378, 107518] MapLoadThread_3 - INFO ao.gj : Marking voxels : size (243,259)
  561. [07-25 18:04:39,398, 107538] MapLoadThread_1 - INFO ao.gj : Marking voxels : size (99,131)
  562. [07-25 18:04:39,401, 107541] personalInstance(20) - INFO TextLogger : Create logger `c-personalInstance(20)`, file `../statistics/System/Performance/Replication/c-personalInstance(20).txt`, without rolling
  563. [07-25 18:04:39,406, 107546] personalInstance(20) - INFO TextLogger : Create logger `statistics.System.Performance.MsgPublisher.server20.txt`, file `../statistics/System/Performance/MsgPublisher/server20.txt`, without rolling
  564. [07-25 18:04:39,441, 107581] personalInstance(20) - INFO root : Module AbonentsCounter started
  565. [07-25 18:04:39,454, 107594] item(10) - INFO collect.j : Creating collect db AbonentsCounter-personalInstance(20)
  566. [07-25 18:04:39,954, 108094] MapLoadThread_1 - INFO ao.gj : Marked succesfully!
  567. [07-25 18:04:39,956, 108096] MapLoadThread_1 - INFO ao.gj : Building hierarcial graph
  568. [07-25 18:04:39,983, 108123] MapLoadThread_1 - INFO ao.gj : Hierarcial graph build finished succesfully!
  569. [07-25 18:04:39,985, 108125] MapLoadThread_1 - INFO mapLoader.gc : Map loaded
  570. [07-25 18:04:39,985, 108125] MapLoadThread_1 - INFO mapLoader.fc : Map MapResource:/Maps/DeathRealm/MapResource.xdb loaded with filter class mapLoader.fb
  571. [07-25 18:04:40,038, 108178] gm2(16) - INFO mapLoader.fc : /Maps/DeathRealm waitLoaded in 1.252 sec
  572. [07-25 18:04:40,038, 108178] GeneratedMapService-HadaganCenter(29) - INFO mapLoader.fc : /Maps/DeathRealm waitLoaded in 1.209 sec
  573. [07-25 18:04:40,038, 108178] gm1(15) - INFO mapLoader.fc : /Maps/DeathRealm waitLoaded in 1.229 sec
  574. [07-25 18:04:40,053, 108193] gm2(16) - INFO : Total count of patrols at map MapResource:/Maps/DeathRealm/MapResource.xdb 0
  575. [07-25 18:04:40,083, 108223] gm1(15) - INFO : Total count of patrols at map MapResource:/Maps/DeathRealm/MapResource.xdb 0
  576. [07-25 18:04:40,095, 108235] GeneratedMapService-HadaganCenter(29) - INFO : Total count of patrols at map MapResource:/Maps/DeathRealm/MapResource.xdb 0
  577. [07-25 18:04:40,098, 108238] GeneratedMapService-HadaganCenter(29) - INFO : Creating cells for MapResource:/Maps/DeathRealm/MapResource.xdb using Real pathfinder
  578. [07-25 18:04:40,360, 108500] MapLoadThread_0 - INFO mapLoader.fc : Loading map MapResource:/Mechanics/Astral/Sector1/MapResource.xdb with filter class mapLoader.fb
  579. [07-25 18:04:40,360, 108500] MapLoadThread_0 - INFO mapLoader.gc : Loading /Mechanics/Astral/Sector1
  580. [07-25 18:04:40,360, 108500] MapLoadThread_0 - INFO mapLoader.gc : Collecting objects on map
  581. [07-25 18:04:40,360, 108500] MapLoadThread_0 - INFO mapLoader.gc : 0 objects total found.
  582. [07-25 18:04:40,361, 108501] MapLoadThread_0 - INFO ao.gj : MapLoadParams: [isSuperJumpModeOn = false, blockCoasts = true, loadFromCache = false]
  583. [07-25 18:04:40,361, 108501] MapLoadThread_0 - INFO ao.gj : Placing objects on terrain
  584. [07-25 18:04:40,361, 108501] MapLoadThread_0 - INFO ao.gj : Marking voxels : size (3,3)
  585. [07-25 18:04:40,361, 108501] MapLoadThread_0 - INFO ao.gj : Marked succesfully!
  586. [07-25 18:04:40,361, 108501] MapLoadThread_0 - INFO ao.gj : Building hierarcial graph
  587. [07-25 18:04:40,361, 108501] MapLoadThread_0 - INFO ao.gj : Hierarcial graph build finished succesfully!
  588. [07-25 18:04:40,361, 108501] MapLoadThread_0 - INFO mapLoader.gc : Map loaded
  589. [07-25 18:04:40,362, 108502] MapLoadThread_0 - INFO mapLoader.fc : Map MapResource:/Mechanics/Astral/Sector1/MapResource.xdb loaded with filter class mapLoader.fb
  590. [07-25 18:04:40,363, 108503] dynamic_map_service(2) - INFO : Waiting for 0 map services
  591. [07-25 18:04:40,367, 108507] maps_distributor(13) - INFO : Waiting for 2 map services
  592. [07-25 18:04:40,412, 108552] GeneratedMapService-HadaganCenter(29) - INFO mapLoader.fc : /Mechanics/Astral/Sector1 waitLoaded in 0.052 sec
  593. [07-25 18:04:40,528, 108668] MapLoadThread_1 - INFO mapLoader.fc : Loading map MapResource:/Mechanics/Astral/Sector1/StaticHubs/Kania/MapResource.xdb with filter class mapLoader.fb
  594. [07-25 18:04:40,544, 108684] MapLoadThread_1 - INFO mapLoader.gc : Loading /Mechanics/Astral/Sector1/StaticHubs/Kania
  595. [07-25 18:04:40,545, 108685] MapLoadThread_1 - INFO mapLoader.gc : Collecting objects on map
  596. [07-25 18:04:40,549, 108689] MapLoadThread_1 - INFO mapLoader.gc : 0 objects total found.
  597. [07-25 18:04:40,557, 108697] MapLoadThread_1 - INFO ao.gj : MapLoadParams: [isSuperJumpModeOn = false, blockCoasts = true, loadFromCache = false]
  598. [07-25 18:04:40,580, 108720] MapLoadThread_1 - INFO ao.gj : Placing objects on terrain
  599. [07-25 18:04:40,580, 108720] MapLoadThread_1 - INFO ao.gj : Marking voxels : size (3,3)
  600. [07-25 18:04:40,581, 108721] MapLoadThread_1 - INFO ao.gj : Marked succesfully!
  601. [07-25 18:04:40,581, 108721] MapLoadThread_1 - INFO ao.gj : Building hierarcial graph
  602. [07-25 18:04:40,581, 108721] MapLoadThread_1 - INFO ao.gj : Hierarcial graph build finished succesfully!
  603. [07-25 18:04:40,581, 108721] MapLoadThread_1 - INFO mapLoader.gc : Map loaded
  604. [07-25 18:04:40,581, 108721] MapLoadThread_1 - INFO mapLoader.fc : Map MapResource:/Mechanics/Astral/Sector1/StaticHubs/Kania/MapResource.xdb loaded with filter class mapLoader.fb
  605. [07-25 18:04:40,618, 108758] GeneratedMapService-HadaganCenter(29) - INFO mapLoader.fc : /Mechanics/Astral/Sector1/StaticHubs/Kania waitLoaded in 0.12 sec
  606. [07-25 18:04:40,625, 108765] GeneratedMapService-HadaganCenter(29) - INFO : Total count of patrols at map MapResource:/Mechanics/Astral/Sector1/StaticHubs/Kania/MapResource.xdb 0
  607. [07-25 18:04:40,642, 108782] MapLoadThread_0 - INFO mapLoader.fc : Loading map MapResource:/Mechanics/Astral/Sector2/MapResource.xdb with filter class mapLoader.fb
  608. [07-25 18:04:40,647, 108787] MapLoadThread_0 - INFO mapLoader.gc : Loading /Mechanics/Astral/Sector2
  609. [07-25 18:04:40,647, 108787] MapLoadThread_0 - INFO mapLoader.gc : Collecting objects on map
  610. [07-25 18:04:40,647, 108787] MapLoadThread_0 - INFO mapLoader.gc : 0 objects total found.
  611. [07-25 18:04:40,647, 108787] MapLoadThread_0 - INFO ao.gj : MapLoadParams: [isSuperJumpModeOn = false, blockCoasts = true, loadFromCache = false]
  612. [07-25 18:04:40,648, 108788] MapLoadThread_0 - INFO ao.gj : Placing objects on terrain
  613. [07-25 18:04:40,648, 108788] MapLoadThread_0 - INFO ao.gj : Marking voxels : size (3,3)
  614. [07-25 18:04:40,648, 108788] MapLoadThread_0 - INFO ao.gj : Marked succesfully!
  615. [07-25 18:04:40,648, 108788] MapLoadThread_0 - INFO ao.gj : Building hierarcial graph
  616. [07-25 18:04:40,648, 108788] MapLoadThread_0 - INFO ao.gj : Hierarcial graph build finished succesfully!
  617. [07-25 18:04:40,648, 108788] MapLoadThread_0 - INFO mapLoader.gc : Map loaded
  618. [07-25 18:04:40,648, 108788] MapLoadThread_0 - INFO mapLoader.fc : Map MapResource:/Mechanics/Astral/Sector2/MapResource.xdb loaded with filter class mapLoader.fb
  619. [07-25 18:04:40,692, 108832] GeneratedMapService-HadaganCenter(29) - INFO mapLoader.fc : /Mechanics/Astral/Sector2 waitLoaded in 0.05 sec
  620. [07-25 18:04:40,769, 108909] MapLoadThread_1 - INFO mapLoader.fc : Loading map MapResource:/Mechanics/Astral/Sector2/StaticHubs/Hadagan/MapResource.xdb with filter class mapLoader.fb
  621. [07-25 18:04:40,777, 108917] MapLoadThread_1 - INFO mapLoader.gc : Loading /Mechanics/Astral/Sector2/StaticHubs/Hadagan
  622. [07-25 18:04:40,796, 108936] MapLoadThread_1 - INFO mapLoader.gc : Collecting objects on map
  623. [07-25 18:04:40,811, 108951] MapLoadThread_1 - INFO mapLoader.gc : 0 objects total found.
  624. [07-25 18:04:40,813, 108953] MapLoadThread_1 - INFO ao.gj : MapLoadParams: [isSuperJumpModeOn = false, blockCoasts = true, loadFromCache = false]
  625. [07-25 18:04:40,829, 108969] MapLoadThread_1 - INFO ao.gj : Placing objects on terrain
  626. [07-25 18:04:40,840, 108980] MapLoadThread_1 - INFO ao.gj : Marking voxels : size (3,3)
  627. [07-25 18:04:40,845, 108985] MapLoadThread_1 - INFO ao.gj : Marked succesfully!
  628. [07-25 18:04:40,845, 108985] MapLoadThread_1 - INFO ao.gj : Building hierarcial graph
  629. [07-25 18:04:40,845, 108985] MapLoadThread_1 - INFO ao.gj : Hierarcial graph build finished succesfully!
  630. [07-25 18:04:40,845, 108985] MapLoadThread_1 - INFO mapLoader.gc : Map loaded
  631. [07-25 18:04:40,845, 108985] MapLoadThread_1 - INFO mapLoader.fc : Map MapResource:/Mechanics/Astral/Sector2/StaticHubs/Hadagan/MapResource.xdb loaded with filter class mapLoader.fb
  632. [07-25 18:04:40,864, 109004] GeneratedMapService-HadaganCenter(29) - INFO mapLoader.fc : /Mechanics/Astral/Sector2/StaticHubs/Hadagan waitLoaded in 0.115 sec
  633. [07-25 18:04:40,907, 109047] GeneratedMapService-HadaganCenter(29) - INFO : Total count of patrols at map MapResource:/Mechanics/Astral/Sector2/StaticHubs/Hadagan/MapResource.xdb 0
  634. [07-25 18:04:40,917, 109057] MapLoadThread_0 - INFO mapLoader.fc : Loading map MapResource:/Mechanics/Astral/Sector3/MapResource.xdb with filter class mapLoader.fb
  635. [07-25 18:04:40,924, 109064] MapLoadThread_0 - INFO mapLoader.gc : Loading /Mechanics/Astral/Sector3
  636. [07-25 18:04:40,934, 109074] MapLoadThread_0 - INFO mapLoader.gc : Collecting objects on map
  637. [07-25 18:04:40,934, 109074] MapLoadThread_0 - INFO mapLoader.gc : 0 objects total found.
  638. [07-25 18:04:40,943, 109083] MapLoadThread_0 - INFO ao.gj : MapLoadParams: [isSuperJumpModeOn = false, blockCoasts = true, loadFromCache = false]
  639. [07-25 18:04:40,949, 109089] MapLoadThread_0 - INFO ao.gj : Placing objects on terrain
  640. [07-25 18:04:40,957, 109097] MapLoadThread_0 - INFO ao.gj : Marking voxels : size (3,3)
  641. [07-25 18:04:40,957, 109097] MapLoadThread_0 - INFO ao.gj : Marked succesfully!
  642. [07-25 18:04:40,957, 109097] MapLoadThread_0 - INFO ao.gj : Building hierarcial graph
  643. [07-25 18:04:40,958, 109098] MapLoadThread_0 - INFO ao.gj : Hierarcial graph build finished succesfully!
  644. [07-25 18:04:40,958, 109098] MapLoadThread_0 - INFO mapLoader.gc : Map loaded
  645. [07-25 18:04:40,958, 109098] MapLoadThread_0 - INFO mapLoader.fc : Map MapResource:/Mechanics/Astral/Sector3/MapResource.xdb loaded with filter class mapLoader.fb
  646. [07-25 18:04:40,994, 109134] GeneratedMapService-HadaganCenter(29) - INFO mapLoader.fc : /Mechanics/Astral/Sector3 waitLoaded in 0.077 sec
  647. [07-25 18:04:41,061, 109201] MapLoadThread_1 - INFO mapLoader.fc : Loading map MapResource:/Mechanics/Astral/Sector4/MapResource.xdb with filter class mapLoader.fb
  648. [07-25 18:04:41,062, 109202] MapLoadThread_1 - INFO mapLoader.gc : Loading /Mechanics/Astral/Sector4
  649. [07-25 18:04:41,062, 109202] MapLoadThread_1 - INFO mapLoader.gc : Collecting objects on map
  650. [07-25 18:04:41,068, 109208] MapLoadThread_1 - INFO mapLoader.gc : 0 objects total found.
  651. [07-25 18:04:41,071, 109211] MapLoadThread_1 - INFO ao.gj : MapLoadParams: [isSuperJumpModeOn = false, blockCoasts = true, loadFromCache = false]
  652. [07-25 18:04:41,071, 109211] MapLoadThread_1 - INFO ao.gj : Placing objects on terrain
  653. [07-25 18:04:41,071, 109211] MapLoadThread_1 - INFO ao.gj : Marking voxels : size (3,3)
  654. [07-25 18:04:41,072, 109212] MapLoadThread_1 - INFO ao.gj : Marked succesfully!
  655. [07-25 18:04:41,072, 109212] MapLoadThread_1 - INFO ao.gj : Building hierarcial graph
  656. [07-25 18:04:41,072, 109212] MapLoadThread_1 - INFO ao.gj : Hierarcial graph build finished succesfully!
  657. [07-25 18:04:41,072, 109212] MapLoadThread_1 - INFO mapLoader.gc : Map loaded
  658. [07-25 18:04:41,072, 109212] MapLoadThread_1 - INFO mapLoader.fc : Map MapResource:/Mechanics/Astral/Sector4/MapResource.xdb loaded with filter class mapLoader.fb
  659. [07-25 18:04:41,111, 109251] GeneratedMapService-HadaganCenter(29) - INFO mapLoader.fc : /Mechanics/Astral/Sector4 waitLoaded in 0.05 sec
  660. [07-25 18:04:41,139, 109279] MapLoadThread_0 - INFO mapLoader.fc : Loading map MapResource:/Mechanics/Astral/Sector5/MapResource.xdb with filter class mapLoader.fb
  661. [07-25 18:04:41,156, 109296] MapLoadThread_0 - INFO mapLoader.gc : Loading /Mechanics/Astral/Sector5
  662. [07-25 18:04:41,156, 109296] MapLoadThread_0 - INFO mapLoader.gc : Collecting objects on map
  663. [07-25 18:04:41,156, 109296] MapLoadThread_0 - INFO mapLoader.gc : 0 objects total found.
  664. [07-25 18:04:41,157, 109297] MapLoadThread_0 - INFO ao.gj : MapLoadParams: [isSuperJumpModeOn = false, blockCoasts = true, loadFromCache = false]
  665. [07-25 18:04:41,157, 109297] MapLoadThread_0 - INFO ao.gj : Placing objects on terrain
  666. [07-25 18:04:41,157, 109297] MapLoadThread_0 - INFO ao.gj : Marking voxels : size (3,3)
  667. [07-25 18:04:41,157, 109297] MapLoadThread_0 - INFO ao.gj : Marked succesfully!
  668. [07-25 18:04:41,157, 109297] MapLoadThread_0 - INFO ao.gj : Building hierarcial graph
  669. [07-25 18:04:41,158, 109298] MapLoadThread_0 - INFO ao.gj : Hierarcial graph build finished succesfully!
  670. [07-25 18:04:41,158, 109298] MapLoadThread_0 - INFO mapLoader.gc : Map loaded
  671. [07-25 18:04:41,158, 109298] MapLoadThread_0 - INFO mapLoader.fc : Map MapResource:/Mechanics/Astral/Sector5/MapResource.xdb loaded with filter class mapLoader.fb
  672. [07-25 18:04:41,155, 109295] MapLoadThread_4 - INFO mapLoader.gc : 2272 objects total found.
  673. [07-25 18:04:41,158, 109298] MapLoadThread_4 - INFO ao.gj : MapLoadParams: [isSuperJumpModeOn = false, blockCoasts = true, loadFromCache = false]
  674. [07-25 18:04:41,158, 109298] MapLoadThread_4 - INFO ao.gj : Placing objects on terrain
  675. [07-25 18:04:41,177, 109317] main - INFO basement.d : server "population" at address 21 started
  676. [07-25 18:04:41,213, 109353] GeneratedMapService-HadaganCenter(29) - INFO mapLoader.fc : /Mechanics/Astral/Sector5 waitLoaded in 0.074 sec
  677. [07-25 18:04:41,322, 109462] MapLoadThread_1 - INFO mapLoader.fc : Loading map MapResource:/Mechanics/Astral/Sector5/StaticHubs/Outpost/MapResource.xdb with filter class mapLoader.fb
  678. [07-25 18:04:41,365, 109505] MapLoadThread_1 - INFO mapLoader.gc : Loading /Mechanics/Astral/Sector5/StaticHubs/Outpost
  679. [07-25 18:04:41,406, 109546] MapLoadThread_1 - INFO mapLoader.gc : Collecting objects on map
  680. [07-25 18:04:41,417, 109557] MapLoadThread_1 - INFO mapLoader.gc : 0 objects total found.
  681. [07-25 18:04:41,424, 109564] MapLoadThread_1 - INFO ao.gj : MapLoadParams: [isSuperJumpModeOn = false, blockCoasts = true, loadFromCache = false]
  682. [07-25 18:04:41,424, 109564] MapLoadThread_1 - INFO ao.gj : Placing objects on terrain
  683. [07-25 18:04:41,424, 109564] MapLoadThread_1 - INFO ao.gj : Marking voxels : size (3,3)
  684. [07-25 18:04:41,414, 109554] population(21) - INFO MsgProcessor : MsgProcessor queue size on server population[21]: = 32000
  685. [07-25 18:04:41,431, 109571] MapLoadThread_1 - INFO ao.gj : Marked succesfully!
  686. [07-25 18:04:41,433, 109573] MapLoadThread_1 - INFO ao.gj : Building hierarcial graph
  687. [07-25 18:04:41,433, 109573] MapLoadThread_1 - INFO ao.gj : Hierarcial graph build finished succesfully!
  688. [07-25 18:04:41,433, 109573] MapLoadThread_1 - INFO mapLoader.gc : Map loaded
  689. [07-25 18:04:41,433, 109573] MapLoadThread_1 - INFO mapLoader.fc : Map MapResource:/Mechanics/Astral/Sector5/StaticHubs/Outpost/MapResource.xdb loaded with filter class mapLoader.fb
  690. [07-25 18:04:41,436, 109576] population(21) - INFO TextLogger : Create logger `c-population(21)`, file `../statistics/System/Performance/Replication/c-population(21).txt`, without rolling
  691. [07-25 18:04:41,443, 109583] population(21) - INFO TextLogger : Create logger `statistics.System.Performance.MsgPublisher.server21.txt`, file `../statistics/System/Performance/MsgPublisher/server21.txt`, without rolling
  692. [07-25 18:04:41,454, 109594] GeneratedMapService-HadaganCenter(29) - INFO mapLoader.fc : /Mechanics/Astral/Sector5/StaticHubs/Outpost waitLoaded in 0.132 sec
  693. [07-25 18:04:41,455, 109595] GeneratedMapService-HadaganCenter(29) - INFO : Total count of patrols at map MapResource:/Mechanics/Astral/Sector5/StaticHubs/Outpost/MapResource.xdb 0
  694. [07-25 18:04:41,470, 109610] MapLoadThread_0 - INFO mapLoader.fc : Loading map MapResource:/Mechanics/Astral/Sector6/MapResource.xdb with filter class mapLoader.fb
  695. [07-25 18:04:41,474, 109614] MapLoadThread_0 - INFO mapLoader.gc : Loading /Mechanics/Astral/Sector6
  696. [07-25 18:04:41,540, 109680] MapLoadThread_0 - INFO mapLoader.gc : Collecting objects on map
  697. [07-25 18:04:41,590, 109730] MapLoadThread_0 - INFO mapLoader.gc : 0 objects total found.
  698. [07-25 18:04:41,610, 109750] MapLoadThread_0 - INFO ao.gj : MapLoadParams: [isSuperJumpModeOn = false, blockCoasts = true, loadFromCache = false]
  699. [07-25 18:04:41,628, 109768] MapLoadThread_0 - INFO ao.gj : Placing objects on terrain
  700. [07-25 18:04:41,643, 109783] MapLoadThread_0 - INFO ao.gj : Marking voxels : size (3,3)
  701. [07-25 18:04:41,661, 109801] MapLoadThread_0 - INFO ao.gj : Marked succesfully!
  702. [07-25 18:04:41,667, 109807] MapLoadThread_0 - INFO ao.gj : Building hierarcial graph
  703. [07-25 18:04:41,667, 109807] MapLoadThread_0 - INFO ao.gj : Hierarcial graph build finished succesfully!
  704. [07-25 18:04:41,668, 109808] MapLoadThread_0 - INFO mapLoader.gc : Map loaded
  705. [07-25 18:04:41,668, 109808] MapLoadThread_0 - INFO mapLoader.fc : Map MapResource:/Mechanics/Astral/Sector6/MapResource.xdb loaded with filter class mapLoader.fb
  706. [07-25 18:04:41,716, 109856] GeneratedMapService-HadaganCenter(29) - INFO mapLoader.fc : /Mechanics/Astral/Sector6 waitLoaded in 0.246 sec
  707. [07-25 18:04:41,734, 109874] MapLoadThread_1 - INFO mapLoader.fc : Loading map MapResource:/Mechanics/Astral/Sector6/StaticHubs/Outpost/MapResource.xdb with filter class mapLoader.fb
  708. [07-25 18:04:41,734, 109874] MapLoadThread_1 - INFO mapLoader.gc : Loading /Mechanics/Astral/Sector6/StaticHubs/Outpost
  709. [07-25 18:04:41,734, 109874] MapLoadThread_1 - INFO mapLoader.gc : Collecting objects on map
  710. [07-25 18:04:41,734, 109874] MapLoadThread_1 - INFO mapLoader.gc : 0 objects total found.
  711. [07-25 18:04:41,735, 109875] MapLoadThread_1 - INFO ao.gj : MapLoadParams: [isSuperJumpModeOn = false, blockCoasts = true, loadFromCache = false]
  712. [07-25 18:04:41,735, 109875] MapLoadThread_1 - INFO ao.gj : Placing objects on terrain
  713. [07-25 18:04:41,735, 109875] MapLoadThread_1 - INFO ao.gj : Marking voxels : size (3,3)
  714. [07-25 18:04:41,735, 109875] MapLoadThread_1 - INFO ao.gj : Marked succesfully!
  715. [07-25 18:04:41,735, 109875] MapLoadThread_1 - INFO ao.gj : Building hierarcial graph
  716. [07-25 18:04:41,735, 109875] MapLoadThread_1 - INFO ao.gj : Hierarcial graph build finished succesfully!
  717. [07-25 18:04:41,736, 109876] MapLoadThread_1 - INFO mapLoader.gc : Map loaded
  718. [07-25 18:04:41,736, 109876] MapLoadThread_1 - INFO mapLoader.fc : Map MapResource:/Mechanics/Astral/Sector6/StaticHubs/Outpost/MapResource.xdb loaded with filter class mapLoader.fb
  719. [07-25 18:04:41,782, 109922] GeneratedMapService-HadaganCenter(29) - INFO mapLoader.fc : /Mechanics/Astral/Sector6/StaticHubs/Outpost waitLoaded in 0.055 sec
  720. [07-25 18:04:41,803, 109943] GeneratedMapService-HadaganCenter(29) - INFO : Total count of patrols at map MapResource:/Mechanics/Astral/Sector6/StaticHubs/Outpost/MapResource.xdb 0
  721. [07-25 18:04:41,801, 109941] population(21) - INFO root : Module AbonentsCounter started
  722. [07-25 18:04:41,811, 109951] MapLoadThread_0 - INFO mapLoader.fc : Loading map MapResource:/Mechanics/Astral/Sector7/MapResource.xdb with filter class mapLoader.fb
  723. [07-25 18:04:41,814, 109954] item(10) - INFO collect.j : Creating collect db AbonentsCounter-population(21)
  724. [07-25 18:04:41,814, 109954] MapLoadThread_0 - INFO mapLoader.gc : Loading /Mechanics/Astral/Sector7
  725. [07-25 18:04:41,817, 109957] MapLoadThread_0 - INFO mapLoader.gc : Collecting objects on map
  726. [07-25 18:04:41,817, 109957] MapLoadThread_0 - INFO mapLoader.gc : 0 objects total found.
  727. [07-25 18:04:41,817, 109957] MapLoadThread_0 - INFO ao.gj : MapLoadParams: [isSuperJumpModeOn = false, blockCoasts = true, loadFromCache = false]
  728. [07-25 18:04:41,821, 109961] MapLoadThread_0 - INFO ao.gj : Placing objects on terrain
  729. [07-25 18:04:41,821, 109961] MapLoadThread_0 - INFO ao.gj : Marking voxels : size (3,3)
  730. [07-25 18:04:41,821, 109961] MapLoadThread_0 - INFO ao.gj : Marked succesfully!
  731. [07-25 18:04:41,821, 109961] MapLoadThread_0 - INFO ao.gj : Building hierarcial graph
  732. [07-25 18:04:41,822, 109962] MapLoadThread_0 - INFO ao.gj : Hierarcial graph build finished succesfully!
  733. [07-25 18:04:41,822, 109962] MapLoadThread_0 - INFO mapLoader.gc : Map loaded
  734. [07-25 18:04:41,822, 109962] MapLoadThread_0 - INFO mapLoader.fc : Map MapResource:/Mechanics/Astral/Sector7/MapResource.xdb loaded with filter class mapLoader.fb
  735. [07-25 18:04:41,861, 110001] GeneratedMapService-HadaganCenter(29) - INFO mapLoader.fc : /Mechanics/Astral/Sector7 waitLoaded in 0.05 sec
  736. [07-25 18:04:41,931, 110071] MapLoadThread_1 - INFO mapLoader.fc : Loading map MapResource:/Mechanics/Astral/Sector8/MapResource.xdb with filter class mapLoader.fb
  737. [07-25 18:04:41,932, 110072] MapLoadThread_1 - INFO mapLoader.gc : Loading /Mechanics/Astral/Sector8
  738. [07-25 18:04:41,933, 110073] MapLoadThread_1 - INFO mapLoader.gc : Collecting objects on map
  739. [07-25 18:04:41,934, 110074] MapLoadThread_1 - INFO mapLoader.gc : 0 objects total found.
  740. [07-25 18:04:41,934, 110074] MapLoadThread_1 - INFO ao.gj : MapLoadParams: [isSuperJumpModeOn = false, blockCoasts = true, loadFromCache = false]
  741. [07-25 18:04:41,934, 110074] MapLoadThread_1 - INFO ao.gj : Placing objects on terrain
  742. [07-25 18:04:41,934, 110074] MapLoadThread_1 - INFO ao.gj : Marking voxels : size (3,3)
  743. [07-25 18:04:41,934, 110074] MapLoadThread_1 - INFO ao.gj : Marked succesfully!
  744. [07-25 18:04:41,934, 110074] MapLoadThread_1 - INFO ao.gj : Building hierarcial graph
  745. [07-25 18:04:41,939, 110079] MapLoadThread_1 - INFO ao.gj : Hierarcial graph build finished succesfully!
  746. [07-25 18:04:41,939, 110079] MapLoadThread_1 - INFO mapLoader.gc : Map loaded
  747. [07-25 18:04:41,939, 110079] MapLoadThread_1 - INFO mapLoader.fc : Map MapResource:/Mechanics/Astral/Sector8/MapResource.xdb loaded with filter class mapLoader.fb
  748. [07-25 18:04:41,965, 110105] GeneratedMapService-HadaganCenter(29) - INFO mapLoader.fc : /Mechanics/Astral/Sector8 waitLoaded in 0.05 sec
  749. [07-25 18:04:41,980, 110120] MapLoadThread_0 - INFO mapLoader.fc : Loading map MapResource:/Mechanics/Astral/Sector9/MapResource.xdb with filter class mapLoader.fb
  750. [07-25 18:04:41,980, 110120] MapLoadThread_0 - INFO mapLoader.gc : Loading /Mechanics/Astral/Sector9
  751. [07-25 18:04:41,980, 110120] MapLoadThread_0 - INFO mapLoader.gc : Collecting objects on map
  752. [07-25 18:04:41,980, 110120] MapLoadThread_0 - INFO mapLoader.gc : 0 objects total found.
  753. [07-25 18:04:41,980, 110120] MapLoadThread_0 - INFO ao.gj : MapLoadParams: [isSuperJumpModeOn = false, blockCoasts = true, loadFromCache = false]
  754. [07-25 18:04:41,981, 110121] MapLoadThread_0 - INFO ao.gj : Placing objects on terrain
  755. [07-25 18:04:41,981, 110121] MapLoadThread_0 - INFO ao.gj : Marking voxels : size (3,3)
  756. [07-25 18:04:41,981, 110121] MapLoadThread_0 - INFO ao.gj : Marked succesfully!
  757. [07-25 18:04:41,981, 110121] MapLoadThread_0 - INFO ao.gj : Building hierarcial graph
  758. [07-25 18:04:41,981, 110121] MapLoadThread_0 - INFO ao.gj : Hierarcial graph build finished succesfully!
  759. [07-25 18:04:41,981, 110121] MapLoadThread_0 - INFO mapLoader.gc : Map loaded
  760. [07-25 18:04:41,983, 110123] MapLoadThread_0 - INFO mapLoader.fc : Map MapResource:/Mechanics/Astral/Sector9/MapResource.xdb loaded with filter class mapLoader.fb
  761. [07-25 18:04:42,030, 110170] GeneratedMapService-HadaganCenter(29) - INFO mapLoader.fc : /Mechanics/Astral/Sector9 waitLoaded in 0.05 sec
  762. [07-25 18:04:42,082, 110222] MapLoadThread_1 - INFO mapLoader.fc : Loading map MapResource:/Mechanics/Astral/Sector10/MapResource.xdb with filter class mapLoader.fb
  763. [07-25 18:04:42,082, 110222] MapLoadThread_1 - INFO mapLoader.gc : Loading /Mechanics/Astral/Sector10
  764. [07-25 18:04:42,082, 110222] MapLoadThread_1 - INFO mapLoader.gc : Collecting objects on map
  765. [07-25 18:04:42,082, 110222] MapLoadThread_1 - INFO mapLoader.gc : 0 objects total found.
  766. [07-25 18:04:42,083, 110223] MapLoadThread_1 - INFO ao.gj : MapLoadParams: [isSuperJumpModeOn = false, blockCoasts = true, loadFromCache = false]
  767. [07-25 18:04:42,083, 110223] MapLoadThread_1 - INFO ao.gj : Placing objects on terrain
  768. [07-25 18:04:42,083, 110223] MapLoadThread_1 - INFO ao.gj : Marking voxels : size (3,3)
  769. [07-25 18:04:42,083, 110223] MapLoadThread_1 - INFO ao.gj : Marked succesfully!
  770. [07-25 18:04:42,083, 110223] MapLoadThread_1 - INFO ao.gj : Building hierarcial graph
  771. [07-25 18:04:42,084, 110224] MapLoadThread_1 - INFO ao.gj : Hierarcial graph build finished succesfully!
  772. [07-25 18:04:42,084, 110224] MapLoadThread_1 - INFO mapLoader.gc : Map loaded
  773. [07-25 18:04:42,084, 110224] MapLoadThread_1 - INFO mapLoader.fc : Map MapResource:/Mechanics/Astral/Sector10/MapResource.xdb loaded with filter class mapLoader.fb
  774. [07-25 18:04:42,132, 110272] GeneratedMapService-HadaganCenter(29) - INFO mapLoader.fc : /Mechanics/Astral/Sector10 waitLoaded in 0.05 sec
  775. [07-25 18:04:42,156, 110296] MapLoadThread_0 - INFO mapLoader.fc : Loading map MapResource:/Mechanics/Astral/Sector11/MapResource.xdb with filter class mapLoader.fb
  776. [07-25 18:04:42,157, 110297] MapLoadThread_0 - INFO mapLoader.gc : Loading /Mechanics/Astral/Sector11
  777. [07-25 18:04:42,157, 110297] MapLoadThread_0 - INFO mapLoader.gc : Collecting objects on map
  778. [07-25 18:04:42,157, 110297] MapLoadThread_0 - INFO mapLoader.gc : 0 objects total found.
  779. [07-25 18:04:42,157, 110297] MapLoadThread_0 - INFO ao.gj : MapLoadParams: [isSuperJumpModeOn = false, blockCoasts = true, loadFromCache = false]
  780. [07-25 18:04:42,158, 110298] MapLoadThread_0 - INFO ao.gj : Placing objects on terrain
  781. [07-25 18:04:42,158, 110298] MapLoadThread_0 - INFO ao.gj : Marking voxels : size (3,3)
  782. [07-25 18:04:42,158, 110298] MapLoadThread_0 - INFO ao.gj : Marked succesfully!
  783. [07-25 18:04:42,158, 110298] MapLoadThread_0 - INFO ao.gj : Building hierarcial graph
  784. [07-25 18:04:42,158, 110298] MapLoadThread_0 - INFO ao.gj : Hierarcial graph build finished succesfully!
  785. [07-25 18:04:42,158, 110298] MapLoadThread_0 - INFO mapLoader.gc : Map loaded
  786. [07-25 18:04:42,158, 110298] MapLoadThread_0 - INFO mapLoader.fc : Map MapResource:/Mechanics/Astral/Sector11/MapResource.xdb loaded with filter class mapLoader.fb
  787. [07-25 18:04:42,207, 110347] GeneratedMapService-HadaganCenter(29) - INFO mapLoader.fc : /Mechanics/Astral/Sector11 waitLoaded in 0.05 sec
  788. [07-25 18:04:42,221, 110361] MapLoadThread_1 - INFO mapLoader.fc : Loading map MapResource:/Mechanics/Astral/Sector12/MapResource.xdb with filter class mapLoader.fb
  789. [07-25 18:04:42,221, 110361] MapLoadThread_1 - INFO mapLoader.gc : Loading /Mechanics/Astral/Sector12
  790. [07-25 18:04:42,221, 110361] MapLoadThread_1 - INFO mapLoader.gc : Collecting objects on map
  791. [07-25 18:04:42,221, 110361] MapLoadThread_1 - INFO mapLoader.gc : 0 objects total found.
  792. [07-25 18:04:42,221, 110361] MapLoadThread_1 - INFO ao.gj : MapLoadParams: [isSuperJumpModeOn = false, blockCoasts = true, loadFromCache = false]
  793. [07-25 18:04:42,222, 110362] MapLoadThread_1 - INFO ao.gj : Placing objects on terrain
  794. [07-25 18:04:42,222, 110362] MapLoadThread_1 - INFO ao.gj : Marking voxels : size (3,3)
  795. [07-25 18:04:42,222, 110362] MapLoadThread_1 - INFO ao.gj : Marked succesfully!
  796. [07-25 18:04:42,222, 110362] MapLoadThread_1 - INFO ao.gj : Building hierarcial graph
  797. [07-25 18:04:42,222, 110362] MapLoadThread_1 - INFO ao.gj : Hierarcial graph build finished succesfully!
  798. [07-25 18:04:42,222, 110362] MapLoadThread_1 - INFO mapLoader.gc : Map loaded
  799. [07-25 18:04:42,222, 110362] MapLoadThread_1 - INFO mapLoader.fc : Map MapResource:/Mechanics/Astral/Sector12/MapResource.xdb loaded with filter class mapLoader.fb
  800. [07-25 18:04:42,279, 110419] GeneratedMapService-HadaganCenter(29) - INFO mapLoader.fc : /Mechanics/Astral/Sector12 waitLoaded in 0.058 sec
  801. [07-25 18:04:42,293, 110433] GeneratedMapService-HadaganCenter(29) - WARN astralGraph : Isolated node AstralSectorResource:/Mechanics/Astral/Sector_TL0_1/Sector.xdb on graph AstralGraphResource:/Mechanics/Astral/BigAstral.(AstralGraphResource).xdb
  802. [07-25 18:04:42,294, 110434] MapLoadThread_0 - INFO mapLoader.fc : Loading map MapResource:/Mechanics/Astral/Sector_TL0_1/MapResource.xdb with filter class mapLoader.fb
  803. [07-25 18:04:42,294, 110434] MapLoadThread_0 - INFO mapLoader.gc : Loading /Mechanics/Astral/Sector_TL0_1
  804. [07-25 18:04:42,295, 110435] MapLoadThread_0 - INFO mapLoader.gc : Collecting objects on map
  805. [07-25 18:04:42,295, 110435] MapLoadThread_0 - INFO mapLoader.gc : 0 objects total found.
  806. [07-25 18:04:42,295, 110435] MapLoadThread_0 - INFO ao.gj : MapLoadParams: [isSuperJumpModeOn = false, blockCoasts = true, loadFromCache = false]
  807. [07-25 18:04:42,295, 110435] MapLoadThread_0 - INFO ao.gj : Placing objects on terrain
  808. [07-25 18:04:42,296, 110436] MapLoadThread_0 - INFO ao.gj : Marking voxels : size (3,3)
  809. [07-25 18:04:42,296, 110436] MapLoadThread_0 - INFO ao.gj : Marked succesfully!
  810. [07-25 18:04:42,296, 110436] MapLoadThread_0 - INFO ao.gj : Building hierarcial graph
  811. [07-25 18:04:42,296, 110436] MapLoadThread_0 - INFO ao.gj : Hierarcial graph build finished succesfully!
  812. [07-25 18:04:42,296, 110436] MapLoadThread_0 - INFO mapLoader.gc : Map loaded
  813. [07-25 18:04:42,297, 110437] MapLoadThread_0 - INFO mapLoader.fc : Map MapResource:/Mechanics/Astral/Sector_TL0_1/MapResource.xdb loaded with filter class mapLoader.fb
  814. [07-25 18:04:42,344, 110484] GeneratedMapService-HadaganCenter(29) - INFO mapLoader.fc : /Mechanics/Astral/Sector_TL0_1 waitLoaded in 0.05 sec
  815. [07-25 18:04:42,344, 110484] MapLoadThread_1 - INFO mapLoader.fc : Loading map MapResource:/Mechanics/Astral/Sector_TL0_1/StaticHubs/TL0_1_1/MapResource.xdb with filter class mapLoader.fb
  816. [07-25 18:04:42,344, 110484] MapLoadThread_1 - INFO mapLoader.gc : Loading /Mechanics/Astral/Sector_TL0_1/StaticHubs/TL0_1_1
  817. [07-25 18:04:42,344, 110484] MapLoadThread_1 - INFO mapLoader.gc : Collecting objects on map
  818. [07-25 18:04:42,345, 110485] MapLoadThread_1 - INFO mapLoader.gc : 0 objects total found.
  819. [07-25 18:04:42,345, 110485] MapLoadThread_1 - INFO ao.gj : MapLoadParams: [isSuperJumpModeOn = false, blockCoasts = true, loadFromCache = false]
  820. [07-25 18:04:42,345, 110485] MapLoadThread_1 - INFO ao.gj : Placing objects on terrain
  821. [07-25 18:04:42,345, 110485] MapLoadThread_1 - INFO ao.gj : Marking voxels : size (3,3)
  822. [07-25 18:04:42,345, 110485] MapLoadThread_1 - INFO ao.gj : Marked succesfully!
  823. [07-25 18:04:42,345, 110485] MapLoadThread_1 - INFO ao.gj : Building hierarcial graph
  824. [07-25 18:04:42,345, 110485] MapLoadThread_1 - INFO ao.gj : Hierarcial graph build finished succesfully!
  825. [07-25 18:04:42,346, 110486] MapLoadThread_1 - INFO mapLoader.gc : Map loaded
  826. [07-25 18:04:42,346, 110486] MapLoadThread_1 - INFO mapLoader.fc : Map MapResource:/Mechanics/Astral/Sector_TL0_1/StaticHubs/TL0_1_1/MapResource.xdb loaded with filter class mapLoader.fb
  827. [07-25 18:04:42,394, 110534] GeneratedMapService-HadaganCenter(29) - INFO mapLoader.fc : /Mechanics/Astral/Sector_TL0_1/StaticHubs/TL0_1_1 waitLoaded in 0.05 sec
  828. [07-25 18:04:42,394, 110534] GeneratedMapService-HadaganCenter(29) - INFO : Total count of patrols at map MapResource:/Mechanics/Astral/Sector_TL0_1/StaticHubs/TL0_1_1/MapResource.xdb 0
  829. [07-25 18:04:42,394, 110534] MapLoadThread_0 - INFO mapLoader.fc : Loading map MapResource:/Mechanics/Astral/Sector_TL0_1/StaticHubs/TL0_1_2/MapResource.xdb with filter class mapLoader.fb
  830. [07-25 18:04:42,395, 110535] MapLoadThread_0 - INFO mapLoader.gc : Loading /Mechanics/Astral/Sector_TL0_1/StaticHubs/TL0_1_2
  831. [07-25 18:04:42,395, 110535] MapLoadThread_0 - INFO mapLoader.gc : Collecting objects on map
  832. [07-25 18:04:42,395, 110535] MapLoadThread_0 - INFO mapLoader.gc : 0 objects total found.
  833. [07-25 18:04:42,395, 110535] MapLoadThread_0 - INFO ao.gj : MapLoadParams: [isSuperJumpModeOn = false, blockCoasts = true, loadFromCache = false]
  834. [07-25 18:04:42,395, 110535] MapLoadThread_0 - INFO ao.gj : Placing objects on terrain
  835. [07-25 18:04:42,395, 110535] MapLoadThread_0 - INFO ao.gj : Marking voxels : size (3,3)
  836. [07-25 18:04:42,395, 110535] MapLoadThread_0 - INFO ao.gj : Marked succesfully!
  837. [07-25 18:04:42,395, 110535] MapLoadThread_0 - INFO ao.gj : Building hierarcial graph
  838. [07-25 18:04:42,396, 110536] MapLoadThread_0 - INFO ao.gj : Hierarcial graph build finished succesfully!
  839. [07-25 18:04:42,396, 110536] MapLoadThread_0 - INFO mapLoader.gc : Map loaded
  840. [07-25 18:04:42,396, 110536] MapLoadThread_0 - INFO mapLoader.fc : Map MapResource:/Mechanics/Astral/Sector_TL0_1/StaticHubs/TL0_1_2/MapResource.xdb loaded with filter class mapLoader.fb
  841. [07-25 18:04:42,464, 110604] GeneratedMapService-HadaganCenter(29) - INFO mapLoader.fc : /Mechanics/Astral/Sector_TL0_1/StaticHubs/TL0_1_2 waitLoaded in 0.07 sec
  842. [07-25 18:04:42,465, 110605] GeneratedMapService-HadaganCenter(29) - WARN : No land found under point for MapResource:/Mechanics/Astral/Sector_TL0_1/StaticHubs/TL0_1_2/MapResource.xdb at p(0, 0, 0)
  843. [07-25 18:04:42,465, 110605] GeneratedMapService-HadaganCenter(29) - INFO : Total count of patrols at map MapResource:/Mechanics/Astral/Sector_TL0_1/StaticHubs/TL0_1_2/MapResource.xdb 0
  844. [07-25 18:04:42,466, 110606] GeneratedMapService-HadaganCenter(29) - WARN astralGraph : Isolated node AstralSectorResource:/Mechanics/Astral/Sector_TL0_1_H/Sector.xdb on graph AstralGraphResource:/Mechanics/Astral/BigAstral.(AstralGraphResource).xdb
  845. [07-25 18:04:42,466, 110606] MapLoadThread_1 - INFO mapLoader.fc : Loading map MapResource:/Mechanics/Astral/Sector_TL0_1_H/MapResource.xdb with filter class mapLoader.fb
  846. [07-25 18:04:42,466, 110606] MapLoadThread_1 - INFO mapLoader.gc : Loading /Mechanics/Astral/Sector_TL0_1_H
  847. [07-25 18:04:42,467, 110607] MapLoadThread_1 - INFO mapLoader.gc : Collecting objects on map
  848. [07-25 18:04:42,467, 110607] MapLoadThread_1 - INFO mapLoader.gc : 0 objects total found.
  849. [07-25 18:04:42,467, 110607] MapLoadThread_1 - INFO ao.gj : MapLoadParams: [isSuperJumpModeOn = false, blockCoasts = true, loadFromCache = false]
  850. [07-25 18:04:42,467, 110607] MapLoadThread_1 - INFO ao.gj : Placing objects on terrain
  851. [07-25 18:04:42,467, 110607] MapLoadThread_1 - INFO ao.gj : Marking voxels : size (3,3)
  852. [07-25 18:04:42,468, 110608] MapLoadThread_1 - INFO ao.gj : Marked succesfully!
  853. [07-25 18:04:42,468, 110608] MapLoadThread_1 - INFO ao.gj : Building hierarcial graph
  854. [07-25 18:04:42,469, 110609] MapLoadThread_1 - INFO ao.gj : Hierarcial graph build finished succesfully!
  855. [07-25 18:04:42,469, 110609] MapLoadThread_1 - INFO mapLoader.gc : Map loaded
  856. [07-25 18:04:42,470, 110610] MapLoadThread_1 - INFO mapLoader.fc : Map MapResource:/Mechanics/Astral/Sector_TL0_1_H/MapResource.xdb loaded with filter class mapLoader.fb
  857. [07-25 18:04:42,516, 110656] GeneratedMapService-HadaganCenter(29) - INFO mapLoader.fc : /Mechanics/Astral/Sector_TL0_1_H waitLoaded in 0.05 sec
  858. [07-25 18:04:42,516, 110656] MapLoadThread_0 - INFO mapLoader.fc : Loading map MapResource:/Mechanics/Astral/Sector_TL0_1_H/StaticHubs/TL0_1_1/MapResource.xdb with filter class mapLoader.fb
  859. [07-25 18:04:42,516, 110656] MapLoadThread_0 - INFO mapLoader.gc : Loading /Mechanics/Astral/Sector_TL0_1_H/StaticHubs/TL0_1_1
  860. [07-25 18:04:42,517, 110657] MapLoadThread_0 - INFO mapLoader.gc : Collecting objects on map
  861. [07-25 18:04:42,517, 110657] MapLoadThread_0 - INFO mapLoader.gc : 0 objects total found.
  862. [07-25 18:04:42,517, 110657] MapLoadThread_0 - INFO ao.gj : MapLoadParams: [isSuperJumpModeOn = false, blockCoasts = true, loadFromCache = false]
  863. [07-25 18:04:42,517, 110657] MapLoadThread_0 - INFO ao.gj : Placing objects on terrain
  864. [07-25 18:04:42,517, 110657] MapLoadThread_0 - INFO ao.gj : Marking voxels : size (3,3)
  865. [07-25 18:04:42,517, 110657] MapLoadThread_0 - INFO ao.gj : Marked succesfully!
  866. [07-25 18:04:42,524, 110664] MapLoadThread_0 - INFO ao.gj : Building hierarcial graph
  867. [07-25 18:04:42,525, 110665] MapLoadThread_0 - INFO ao.gj : Hierarcial graph build finished succesfully!
  868. [07-25 18:04:42,525, 110665] MapLoadThread_0 - INFO mapLoader.gc : Map loaded
  869. [07-25 18:04:42,525, 110665] MapLoadThread_0 - INFO mapLoader.fc : Map MapResource:/Mechanics/Astral/Sector_TL0_1_H/StaticHubs/TL0_1_1/MapResource.xdb loaded with filter class mapLoader.fb
  870. [07-25 18:04:42,567, 110707] GeneratedMapService-HadaganCenter(29) - INFO mapLoader.fc : /Mechanics/Astral/Sector_TL0_1_H/StaticHubs/TL0_1_1 waitLoaded in 0.051 sec
  871. [07-25 18:04:42,567, 110707] GeneratedMapService-HadaganCenter(29) - INFO : Total count of patrols at map MapResource:/Mechanics/Astral/Sector_TL0_1_H/StaticHubs/TL0_1_1/MapResource.xdb 0
  872. [07-25 18:04:42,567, 110707] MapLoadThread_1 - INFO mapLoader.fc : Loading map MapResource:/Mechanics/Astral/Sector_TL0_1_H/StaticHubs/TL0_1_2/MapResource.xdb with filter class mapLoader.fb
  873. [07-25 18:04:42,568, 110708] MapLoadThread_1 - INFO mapLoader.gc : Loading /Mechanics/Astral/Sector_TL0_1_H/StaticHubs/TL0_1_2
  874. [07-25 18:04:42,568, 110708] MapLoadThread_1 - INFO mapLoader.gc : Collecting objects on map
  875. [07-25 18:04:42,568, 110708] MapLoadThread_1 - INFO mapLoader.gc : 0 objects total found.
  876. [07-25 18:04:42,568, 110708] MapLoadThread_1 - INFO ao.gj : MapLoadParams: [isSuperJumpModeOn = false, blockCoasts = true, loadFromCache = false]
  877. [07-25 18:04:42,568, 110708] MapLoadThread_1 - INFO ao.gj : Placing objects on terrain
  878. [07-25 18:04:42,568, 110708] MapLoadThread_1 - INFO ao.gj : Marking voxels : size (3,3)
  879. [07-25 18:04:42,569, 110709] MapLoadThread_1 - INFO ao.gj : Marked succesfully!
  880. [07-25 18:04:42,569, 110709] MapLoadThread_1 - INFO ao.gj : Building hierarcial graph
  881. [07-25 18:04:42,569, 110709] MapLoadThread_1 - INFO ao.gj : Hierarcial graph build finished succesfully!
  882. [07-25 18:04:42,569, 110709] MapLoadThread_1 - INFO mapLoader.gc : Map loaded
  883. [07-25 18:04:42,569, 110709] MapLoadThread_1 - INFO mapLoader.fc : Map MapResource:/Mechanics/Astral/Sector_TL0_1_H/StaticHubs/TL0_1_2/MapResource.xdb loaded with filter class mapLoader.fb
  884. [07-25 18:04:42,617, 110757] GeneratedMapService-HadaganCenter(29) - INFO mapLoader.fc : /Mechanics/Astral/Sector_TL0_1_H/StaticHubs/TL0_1_2 waitLoaded in 0.05 sec
  885. [07-25 18:04:42,617, 110757] GeneratedMapService-HadaganCenter(29) - WARN : No land found under point for MapResource:/Mechanics/Astral/Sector_TL0_1_H/StaticHubs/TL0_1_2/MapResource.xdb at p(0, 0, 0)
  886. [07-25 18:04:42,618, 110758] GeneratedMapService-HadaganCenter(29) - INFO : Total count of patrols at map MapResource:/Mechanics/Astral/Sector_TL0_1_H/StaticHubs/TL0_1_2/MapResource.xdb 0
  887. [07-25 18:04:42,618, 110758] MapLoadThread_0 - INFO mapLoader.fc : Loading map MapResource:/Mechanics/Astral/TL_04/Sector1/MapResource.xdb with filter class mapLoader.fb
  888. [07-25 18:04:42,618, 110758] MapLoadThread_0 - INFO mapLoader.gc : Loading /Mechanics/Astral/TL_04/Sector1
  889. [07-25 18:04:42,620, 110760] MapLoadThread_0 - INFO mapLoader.gc : Collecting objects on map
  890. [07-25 18:04:42,621, 110761] MapLoadThread_0 - INFO mapLoader.gc : 0 objects total found.
  891. [07-25 18:04:42,621, 110761] MapLoadThread_0 - INFO ao.gj : MapLoadParams: [isSuperJumpModeOn = false, blockCoasts = true, loadFromCache = false]
  892. [07-25 18:04:42,621, 110761] MapLoadThread_0 - INFO ao.gj : Placing objects on terrain
  893. [07-25 18:04:42,621, 110761] MapLoadThread_0 - INFO ao.gj : Marking voxels : size (3,3)
  894. [07-25 18:04:42,621, 110761] MapLoadThread_0 - INFO ao.gj : Marked succesfully!
  895. [07-25 18:04:42,621, 110761] MapLoadThread_0 - INFO ao.gj : Building hierarcial graph
  896. [07-25 18:04:42,622, 110762] MapLoadThread_0 - INFO ao.gj : Hierarcial graph build finished succesfully!
  897. [07-25 18:04:42,622, 110762] MapLoadThread_0 - INFO mapLoader.gc : Map loaded
  898. [07-25 18:04:42,622, 110762] MapLoadThread_0 - INFO mapLoader.fc : Map MapResource:/Mechanics/Astral/TL_04/Sector1/MapResource.xdb loaded with filter class mapLoader.fb
  899. [07-25 18:04:42,668, 110808] GeneratedMapService-HadaganCenter(29) - INFO mapLoader.fc : /Mechanics/Astral/TL_04/Sector1 waitLoaded in 0.05 sec
  900. [07-25 18:04:42,681, 110821] MapLoadThread_1 - INFO mapLoader.fc : Loading map MapResource:/Mechanics/Astral/TL_04/Sector2/MapResource.xdb with filter class mapLoader.fb
  901. [07-25 18:04:42,681, 110821] MapLoadThread_1 - INFO mapLoader.gc : Loading /Mechanics/Astral/TL_04/Sector2
  902. [07-25 18:04:42,682, 110822] MapLoadThread_1 - INFO mapLoader.gc : Collecting objects on map
  903. [07-25 18:04:42,682, 110822] MapLoadThread_1 - INFO mapLoader.gc : 0 objects total found.
  904. [07-25 18:04:42,682, 110822] MapLoadThread_1 - INFO ao.gj : MapLoadParams: [isSuperJumpModeOn = false, blockCoasts = true, loadFromCache = false]
  905. [07-25 18:04:42,682, 110822] MapLoadThread_1 - INFO ao.gj : Placing objects on terrain
  906. [07-25 18:04:42,682, 110822] MapLoadThread_1 - INFO ao.gj : Marking voxels : size (3,3)
  907. [07-25 18:04:42,688, 110828] MapLoadThread_1 - INFO ao.gj : Marked succesfully!
  908. [07-25 18:04:42,688, 110828] MapLoadThread_1 - INFO ao.gj : Building hierarcial graph
  909. [07-25 18:04:42,688, 110828] MapLoadThread_1 - INFO ao.gj : Hierarcial graph build finished succesfully!
  910. [07-25 18:04:42,689, 110829] MapLoadThread_1 - INFO mapLoader.gc : Map loaded
  911. [07-25 18:04:42,689, 110829] MapLoadThread_1 - INFO mapLoader.fc : Map MapResource:/Mechanics/Astral/TL_04/Sector2/MapResource.xdb loaded with filter class mapLoader.fb
  912. [07-25 18:04:42,737, 110877] GeneratedMapService-HadaganCenter(29) - INFO mapLoader.fc : /Mechanics/Astral/TL_04/Sector2 waitLoaded in 0.056 sec
  913. [07-25 18:04:42,745, 110885] MapLoadThread_0 - INFO mapLoader.fc : Loading map MapResource:/Mechanics/Astral/TL_04/EventHubs/Mines/MapResource.xdb with filter class mapLoader.fb
  914. [07-25 18:04:42,745, 110885] MapLoadThread_0 - INFO mapLoader.gc : Loading /Mechanics/Astral/TL_04/EventHubs/Mines
  915. [07-25 18:04:42,746, 110886] MapLoadThread_0 - INFO mapLoader.gc : Collecting objects on map
  916. [07-25 18:04:42,746, 110886] MapLoadThread_0 - INFO mapLoader.gc : 0 objects total found.
  917. [07-25 18:04:42,746, 110886] MapLoadThread_0 - INFO ao.gj : MapLoadParams: [isSuperJumpModeOn = false, blockCoasts = true, loadFromCache = false]
  918. [07-25 18:04:42,746, 110886] MapLoadThread_0 - INFO ao.gj : Placing objects on terrain
  919. [07-25 18:04:42,747, 110887] MapLoadThread_0 - INFO ao.gj : Marking voxels : size (3,3)
  920. [07-25 18:04:42,747, 110887] MapLoadThread_0 - INFO ao.gj : Marked succesfully!
  921. [07-25 18:04:42,747, 110887] MapLoadThread_0 - INFO ao.gj : Building hierarcial graph
  922. [07-25 18:04:42,747, 110887] MapLoadThread_0 - INFO ao.gj : Hierarcial graph build finished succesfully!
  923. [07-25 18:04:42,748, 110888] MapLoadThread_0 - INFO mapLoader.gc : Map loaded
  924. [07-25 18:04:42,748, 110888] MapLoadThread_0 - INFO mapLoader.fc : Map MapResource:/Mechanics/Astral/TL_04/EventHubs/Mines/MapResource.xdb loaded with filter class mapLoader.fb
  925. [07-25 18:04:42,795, 110935] GeneratedMapService-HadaganCenter(29) - INFO mapLoader.fc : /Mechanics/Astral/TL_04/EventHubs/Mines waitLoaded in 0.05 sec
  926. [07-25 18:04:42,795, 110935] GeneratedMapService-HadaganCenter(29) - INFO : Total count of patrols at map MapResource:/Mechanics/Astral/TL_04/EventHubs/Mines/MapResource.xdb 0
  927. [07-25 18:04:42,915, 111055] MapLoadThread_1 - INFO mapLoader.fc : Loading map MapResource:/Mechanics/Astral/TL_04/Sector3/MapResource.xdb with filter class mapLoader.fb
  928. [07-25 18:04:42,916, 111056] MapLoadThread_1 - INFO mapLoader.gc : Loading /Mechanics/Astral/TL_04/Sector3
  929. [07-25 18:04:42,916, 111056] MapLoadThread_1 - INFO mapLoader.gc : Collecting objects on map
  930. [07-25 18:04:42,916, 111056] MapLoadThread_1 - INFO mapLoader.gc : 0 objects total found.
  931. [07-25 18:04:42,916, 111056] MapLoadThread_1 - INFO ao.gj : MapLoadParams: [isSuperJumpModeOn = false, blockCoasts = true, loadFromCache = false]
  932. [07-25 18:04:42,917, 111057] MapLoadThread_1 - INFO ao.gj : Placing objects on terrain
  933. [07-25 18:04:42,917, 111057] MapLoadThread_1 - INFO ao.gj : Marking voxels : size (3,3)
  934. [07-25 18:04:42,917, 111057] MapLoadThread_1 - INFO ao.gj : Marked succesfully!
  935. [07-25 18:04:42,917, 111057] MapLoadThread_1 - INFO ao.gj : Building hierarcial graph
  936. [07-25 18:04:42,917, 111057] MapLoadThread_1 - INFO ao.gj : Hierarcial graph build finished succesfully!
  937. [07-25 18:04:42,917, 111057] MapLoadThread_1 - INFO mapLoader.gc : Map loaded
  938. [07-25 18:04:42,917, 111057] MapLoadThread_1 - INFO mapLoader.fc : Map MapResource:/Mechanics/Astral/TL_04/Sector3/MapResource.xdb loaded with filter class mapLoader.fb
  939. [07-25 18:04:42,965, 111105] GeneratedMapService-HadaganCenter(29) - INFO mapLoader.fc : /Mechanics/Astral/TL_04/Sector3 waitLoaded in 0.05 sec
  940. [07-25 18:04:42,977, 111117] MapLoadThread_0 - INFO mapLoader.fc : Loading map MapResource:/Mechanics/Astral/TL_04/Sector4/MapResource.xdb with filter class mapLoader.fb
  941. [07-25 18:04:42,979, 111119] MapLoadThread_0 - INFO mapLoader.gc : Loading /Mechanics/Astral/TL_04/Sector4
  942. [07-25 18:04:43,009, 111149] MapLoadThread_0 - INFO mapLoader.gc : Collecting objects on map
  943. [07-25 18:04:43,009, 111149] MapLoadThread_0 - INFO mapLoader.gc : 0 objects total found.
  944. [07-25 18:04:43,010, 111150] MapLoadThread_0 - INFO ao.gj : MapLoadParams: [isSuperJumpModeOn = false, blockCoasts = true, loadFromCache = false]
  945. [07-25 18:04:43,010, 111150] MapLoadThread_0 - INFO ao.gj : Placing objects on terrain
  946. [07-25 18:04:43,010, 111150] MapLoadThread_0 - INFO ao.gj : Marking voxels : size (3,3)
  947. [07-25 18:04:43,010, 111150] MapLoadThread_0 - INFO ao.gj : Marked succesfully!
  948. [07-25 18:04:43,010, 111150] MapLoadThread_0 - INFO ao.gj : Building hierarcial graph
  949. [07-25 18:04:43,010, 111150] MapLoadThread_0 - INFO ao.gj : Hierarcial graph build finished succesfully!
  950. [07-25 18:04:43,011, 111151] MapLoadThread_0 - INFO mapLoader.gc : Map loaded
  951. [07-25 18:04:43,011, 111151] MapLoadThread_0 - INFO mapLoader.fc : Map MapResource:/Mechanics/Astral/TL_04/Sector4/MapResource.xdb loaded with filter class mapLoader.fb
  952. [07-25 18:04:43,027, 111167] GeneratedMapService-HadaganCenter(29) - INFO mapLoader.fc : /Mechanics/Astral/TL_04/Sector4 waitLoaded in 0.05 sec
  953. [07-25 18:04:43,036, 111176] MapLoadThread_1 - INFO mapLoader.fc : Loading map MapResource:/Mechanics/Astral/TL_04/EventHubs/Rogues/MapResource.xdb with filter class mapLoader.fb
  954. [07-25 18:04:43,037, 111177] MapLoadThread_1 - INFO mapLoader.gc : Loading /Mechanics/Astral/TL_04/EventHubs/Rogues
  955. [07-25 18:04:43,037, 111177] MapLoadThread_1 - INFO mapLoader.gc : Collecting objects on map
  956. [07-25 18:04:43,037, 111177] MapLoadThread_1 - INFO mapLoader.gc : 0 objects total found.
  957. [07-25 18:04:43,038, 111178] MapLoadThread_1 - INFO ao.gj : MapLoadParams: [isSuperJumpModeOn = false, blockCoasts = true, loadFromCache = false]
  958. [07-25 18:04:43,038, 111178] MapLoadThread_1 - INFO ao.gj : Placing objects on terrain
  959. [07-25 18:04:43,038, 111178] MapLoadThread_1 - INFO ao.gj : Marking voxels : size (3,3)
  960. [07-25 18:04:43,038, 111178] MapLoadThread_1 - INFO ao.gj : Marked succesfully!
  961. [07-25 18:04:43,038, 111178] MapLoadThread_1 - INFO ao.gj : Building hierarcial graph
  962. [07-25 18:04:43,038, 111178] MapLoadThread_1 - INFO ao.gj : Hierarcial graph build finished succesfully!
  963. [07-25 18:04:43,038, 111178] MapLoadThread_1 - INFO mapLoader.gc : Map loaded
  964. [07-25 18:04:43,039, 111179] MapLoadThread_1 - INFO mapLoader.fc : Map MapResource:/Mechanics/Astral/TL_04/EventHubs/Rogues/MapResource.xdb loaded with filter class mapLoader.fb
  965. [07-25 18:04:43,086, 111226] GeneratedMapService-HadaganCenter(29) - INFO mapLoader.fc : /Mechanics/Astral/TL_04/EventHubs/Rogues waitLoaded in 0.05 sec
  966. [07-25 18:04:43,086, 111226] GeneratedMapService-HadaganCenter(29) - INFO : Total count of patrols at map MapResource:/Mechanics/Astral/TL_04/EventHubs/Rogues/MapResource.xdb 0
  967. [07-25 18:04:43,091, 111231] MapLoadThread_0 - INFO mapLoader.fc : Loading map MapResource:/Mechanics/Astral/TL_04/Sector5/MapResource.xdb with filter class mapLoader.fb
  968. [07-25 18:04:43,092, 111232] MapLoadThread_0 - INFO mapLoader.gc : Loading /Mechanics/Astral/TL_04/Sector5
  969. [07-25 18:04:43,092, 111232] MapLoadThread_0 - INFO mapLoader.gc : Collecting objects on map
  970. [07-25 18:04:43,092, 111232] MapLoadThread_0 - INFO mapLoader.gc : 0 objects total found.
  971. [07-25 18:04:43,092, 111232] MapLoadThread_0 - INFO ao.gj : MapLoadParams: [isSuperJumpModeOn = false, blockCoasts = true, loadFromCache = false]
  972. [07-25 18:04:43,092, 111232] MapLoadThread_0 - INFO ao.gj : Placing objects on terrain
  973. [07-25 18:04:43,092, 111232] MapLoadThread_0 - INFO ao.gj : Marking voxels : size (3,3)
  974. [07-25 18:04:43,093, 111233] MapLoadThread_0 - INFO ao.gj : Marked succesfully!
  975. [07-25 18:04:43,093, 111233] MapLoadThread_0 - INFO ao.gj : Building hierarcial graph
  976. [07-25 18:04:43,093, 111233] MapLoadThread_0 - INFO ao.gj : Hierarcial graph build finished succesfully!
  977. [07-25 18:04:43,093, 111233] MapLoadThread_0 - INFO mapLoader.gc : Map loaded
  978. [07-25 18:04:43,093, 111233] MapLoadThread_0 - INFO mapLoader.fc : Map MapResource:/Mechanics/Astral/TL_04/Sector5/MapResource.xdb loaded with filter class mapLoader.fb
  979. [07-25 18:04:43,153, 111293] GeneratedMapService-HadaganCenter(29) - INFO mapLoader.fc : /Mechanics/Astral/TL_04/Sector5 waitLoaded in 0.062 sec
  980. [07-25 18:04:43,195, 111335] MapLoadThread_1 - INFO mapLoader.fc : Loading map MapResource:/Mechanics/Astral/TL_04/EventHubs/Wrecks/MapResource.xdb with filter class mapLoader.fb
  981. [07-25 18:04:43,196, 111336] MapLoadThread_1 - INFO mapLoader.gc : Loading /Mechanics/Astral/TL_04/EventHubs/Wrecks
  982. [07-25 18:04:43,196, 111336] MapLoadThread_1 - INFO mapLoader.gc : Collecting objects on map
  983. [07-25 18:04:43,196, 111336] MapLoadThread_1 - INFO mapLoader.gc : 0 objects total found.
  984. [07-25 18:04:43,196, 111336] MapLoadThread_1 - INFO ao.gj : MapLoadParams: [isSuperJumpModeOn = false, blockCoasts = true, loadFromCache = false]
  985. [07-25 18:04:43,196, 111336] MapLoadThread_1 - INFO ao.gj : Placing objects on terrain
  986. [07-25 18:04:43,197, 111337] MapLoadThread_1 - INFO ao.gj : Marking voxels : size (3,3)
  987. [07-25 18:04:43,197, 111337] MapLoadThread_1 - INFO ao.gj : Marked succesfully!
  988. [07-25 18:04:43,197, 111337] MapLoadThread_1 - INFO ao.gj : Building hierarcial graph
  989. [07-25 18:04:43,197, 111337] MapLoadThread_1 - INFO ao.gj : Hierarcial graph build finished succesfully!
  990. [07-25 18:04:43,197, 111337] MapLoadThread_1 - INFO mapLoader.gc : Map loaded
  991. [07-25 18:04:43,197, 111337] MapLoadThread_1 - INFO mapLoader.fc : Map MapResource:/Mechanics/Astral/TL_04/EventHubs/Wrecks/MapResource.xdb loaded with filter class mapLoader.fb
  992. [07-25 18:04:43,215, 111355] main - INFO basement.d : server "time" at address 22 started
  993. [07-25 18:04:43,249, 111389] GeneratedMapService-HadaganCenter(29) - INFO mapLoader.fc : /Mechanics/Astral/TL_04/EventHubs/Wrecks waitLoaded in 0.054 sec
  994. [07-25 18:04:43,253, 111393] GeneratedMapService-HadaganCenter(29) - INFO : Total count of patrols at map MapResource:/Mechanics/Astral/TL_04/EventHubs/Wrecks/MapResource.xdb 0
  995. [07-25 18:04:43,300, 111440] MapLoadThread_0 - INFO mapLoader.fc : Loading map MapResource:/Mechanics/Astral/TL_04/Sector6/MapResource.xdb with filter class mapLoader.fb
  996. [07-25 18:04:43,317, 111457] MapLoadThread_0 - INFO mapLoader.gc : Loading /Mechanics/Astral/TL_04/Sector6
  997. [07-25 18:04:43,318, 111458] MapLoadThread_0 - INFO mapLoader.gc : Collecting objects on map
  998. [07-25 18:04:43,326, 111466] time(22) - INFO MsgProcessor : MsgProcessor queue size on server time[22]: = 32000
  999. [07-25 18:04:43,327, 111467] MapLoadThread_0 - INFO mapLoader.gc : 0 objects total found.
  1000. [07-25 18:04:43,332, 111472] MapLoadThread_0 - INFO ao.gj : MapLoadParams: [isSuperJumpModeOn = false, blockCoasts = true, loadFromCache = false]
  1001. [07-25 18:04:43,331, 111471] time(22) - INFO TextLogger : Create logger `statistics.System.Performance.MsgPublisher.server22.txt`, file `../statistics/System/Performance/MsgPublisher/server22.txt`, without rolling
  1002. [07-25 18:04:43,332, 111472] MapLoadThread_0 - INFO ao.gj : Placing objects on terrain
  1003. [07-25 18:04:43,334, 111474] MapLoadThread_0 - INFO ao.gj : Marking voxels : size (3,3)
  1004. [07-25 18:04:43,335, 111475] MapLoadThread_0 - INFO ao.gj : Marked succesfully!
  1005. [07-25 18:04:43,335, 111475] MapLoadThread_0 - INFO ao.gj : Building hierarcial graph
  1006. [07-25 18:04:43,335, 111475] MapLoadThread_0 - INFO ao.gj : Hierarcial graph build finished succesfully!
  1007. [07-25 18:04:43,335, 111475] MapLoadThread_0 - INFO mapLoader.gc : Map loaded
  1008. [07-25 18:04:43,335, 111475] MapLoadThread_0 - INFO mapLoader.fc : Map MapResource:/Mechanics/Astral/TL_04/Sector6/MapResource.xdb loaded with filter class mapLoader.fb
  1009. [07-25 18:04:43,349, 111489] GeneratedMapService-HadaganCenter(29) - INFO mapLoader.fc : /Mechanics/Astral/TL_04/Sector6 waitLoaded in 0.05 sec
  1010. [07-25 18:04:43,357, 111497] MapLoadThread_1 - INFO mapLoader.fc : Loading map MapResource:/Mechanics/Astral/TL_04/EventHubs/Arena/MapResource.xdb with filter class mapLoader.fb
  1011. [07-25 18:04:43,357, 111497] MapLoadThread_1 - INFO mapLoader.gc : Loading /Mechanics/Astral/TL_04/EventHubs/Arena
  1012. [07-25 18:04:43,357, 111497] MapLoadThread_1 - INFO mapLoader.gc : Collecting objects on map
  1013. [07-25 18:04:43,357, 111497] MapLoadThread_1 - INFO mapLoader.gc : 0 objects total found.
  1014. [07-25 18:04:43,358, 111498] MapLoadThread_1 - INFO ao.gj : MapLoadParams: [isSuperJumpModeOn = false, blockCoasts = true, loadFromCache = false]
  1015. [07-25 18:04:43,394, 111534] MapLoadThread_1 - INFO ao.gj : Placing objects on terrain
  1016. [07-25 18:04:43,396, 111536] MapLoadThread_1 - INFO ao.gj : Marking voxels : size (3,3)
  1017. [07-25 18:04:43,397, 111537] MapLoadThread_1 - INFO ao.gj : Marked succesfully!
  1018. [07-25 18:04:43,397, 111537] MapLoadThread_1 - INFO ao.gj : Building hierarcial graph
  1019. [07-25 18:04:43,398, 111538] MapLoadThread_1 - INFO ao.gj : Hierarcial graph build finished succesfully!
  1020. [07-25 18:04:43,398, 111538] MapLoadThread_1 - INFO mapLoader.gc : Map loaded
  1021. [07-25 18:04:43,398, 111538] MapLoadThread_1 - INFO mapLoader.fc : Map MapResource:/Mechanics/Astral/TL_04/EventHubs/Arena/MapResource.xdb loaded with filter class mapLoader.fb
  1022. [07-25 18:04:43,407, 111547] GeneratedMapService-HadaganCenter(29) - INFO mapLoader.fc : /Mechanics/Astral/TL_04/EventHubs/Arena waitLoaded in 0.05 sec
  1023. [07-25 18:04:43,407, 111547] GeneratedMapService-HadaganCenter(29) - INFO : Total count of patrols at map MapResource:/Mechanics/Astral/TL_04/EventHubs/Arena/MapResource.xdb 0
  1024. [07-25 18:04:43,467, 111607] MapLoadThread_0 - INFO mapLoader.fc : Loading map MapResource:/Mechanics/Astral/TL_04/Sector7/MapResource.xdb with filter class mapLoader.fb
  1025. [07-25 18:04:43,467, 111607] MapLoadThread_0 - INFO mapLoader.gc : Loading /Mechanics/Astral/TL_04/Sector7
  1026. [07-25 18:04:43,467, 111607] MapLoadThread_0 - INFO mapLoader.gc : Collecting objects on map
  1027. [07-25 18:04:43,467, 111607] MapLoadThread_0 - INFO mapLoader.gc : 0 objects total found.
  1028. [07-25 18:04:43,468, 111608] MapLoadThread_0 - INFO ao.gj : MapLoadParams: [isSuperJumpModeOn = false, blockCoasts = true, loadFromCache = false]
  1029. [07-25 18:04:43,468, 111608] MapLoadThread_0 - INFO ao.gj : Placing objects on terrain
  1030. [07-25 18:04:43,468, 111608] MapLoadThread_0 - INFO ao.gj : Marking voxels : size (3,3)
  1031. [07-25 18:04:43,468, 111608] MapLoadThread_0 - INFO ao.gj : Marked succesfully!
  1032. [07-25 18:04:43,468, 111608] MapLoadThread_0 - INFO ao.gj : Building hierarcial graph
  1033. [07-25 18:04:43,468, 111608] MapLoadThread_0 - INFO ao.gj : Hierarcial graph build finished succesfully!
  1034. [07-25 18:04:43,472, 111612] MapLoadThread_0 - INFO mapLoader.gc : Map loaded
  1035. [07-25 18:04:43,472, 111612] MapLoadThread_0 - INFO mapLoader.fc : Map MapResource:/Mechanics/Astral/TL_04/Sector7/MapResource.xdb loaded with filter class mapLoader.fb
  1036. [07-25 18:04:43,507, 111647] GeneratedMapService-HadaganCenter(29) - INFO mapLoader.fc : /Mechanics/Astral/TL_04/Sector7 waitLoaded in 0.05 sec
  1037. [07-25 18:04:43,519, 111659] MapLoadThread_1 - INFO mapLoader.fc : Loading map MapResource:/Mechanics/Astral/TL_04/Sector8/MapResource.xdb with filter class mapLoader.fb
  1038. [07-25 18:04:43,519, 111659] MapLoadThread_1 - INFO mapLoader.gc : Loading /Mechanics/Astral/TL_04/Sector8
  1039. [07-25 18:04:43,519, 111659] MapLoadThread_1 - INFO mapLoader.gc : Collecting objects on map
  1040. [07-25 18:04:43,519, 111659] MapLoadThread_1 - INFO mapLoader.gc : 0 objects total found.
  1041. [07-25 18:04:43,520, 111660] MapLoadThread_1 - INFO ao.gj : MapLoadParams: [isSuperJumpModeOn = false, blockCoasts = true, loadFromCache = false]
  1042. [07-25 18:04:43,520, 111660] MapLoadThread_1 - INFO ao.gj : Placing objects on terrain
  1043. [07-25 18:04:43,520, 111660] MapLoadThread_1 - INFO ao.gj : Marking voxels : size (3,3)
  1044. [07-25 18:04:43,520, 111660] MapLoadThread_1 - INFO ao.gj : Marked succesfully!
  1045. [07-25 18:04:43,520, 111660] MapLoadThread_1 - INFO ao.gj : Building hierarcial graph
  1046. [07-25 18:04:43,520, 111660] MapLoadThread_1 - INFO ao.gj : Hierarcial graph build finished succesfully!
  1047. [07-25 18:04:43,521, 111661] MapLoadThread_1 - INFO mapLoader.gc : Map loaded
  1048. [07-25 18:04:43,521, 111661] MapLoadThread_1 - INFO mapLoader.fc : Map MapResource:/Mechanics/Astral/TL_04/Sector8/MapResource.xdb loaded with filter class mapLoader.fb
  1049. [07-25 18:04:43,585, 111725] GeneratedMapService-HadaganCenter(29) - INFO mapLoader.fc : /Mechanics/Astral/TL_04/Sector8 waitLoaded in 0.066 sec
  1050. [07-25 18:04:43,618, 111758] MapLoadThread_0 - INFO mapLoader.fc : Loading map MapResource:/Mechanics/Astral/TL_04/Sector9/MapResource.xdb with filter class mapLoader.fb
  1051. [07-25 18:04:43,618, 111758] MapLoadThread_0 - INFO mapLoader.gc : Loading /Mechanics/Astral/TL_04/Sector9
  1052. [07-25 18:04:43,618, 111758] MapLoadThread_0 - INFO mapLoader.gc : Collecting objects on map
  1053. [07-25 18:04:43,618, 111758] MapLoadThread_0 - INFO mapLoader.gc : 0 objects total found.
  1054. [07-25 18:04:43,619, 111759] MapLoadThread_0 - INFO ao.gj : MapLoadParams: [isSuperJumpModeOn = false, blockCoasts = true, loadFromCache = false]
  1055. [07-25 18:04:43,626, 111766] MapLoadThread_0 - INFO ao.gj : Placing objects on terrain
  1056. [07-25 18:04:43,626, 111766] MapLoadThread_0 - INFO ao.gj : Marking voxels : size (3,3)
  1057. [07-25 18:04:43,626, 111766] MapLoadThread_0 - INFO ao.gj : Marked succesfully!
  1058. [07-25 18:04:43,627, 111767] MapLoadThread_0 - INFO ao.gj : Building hierarcial graph
  1059. [07-25 18:04:43,627, 111767] MapLoadThread_0 - INFO ao.gj : Hierarcial graph build finished succesfully!
  1060. [07-25 18:04:43,627, 111767] MapLoadThread_0 - INFO mapLoader.gc : Map loaded
  1061. [07-25 18:04:43,627, 111767] MapLoadThread_0 - INFO mapLoader.fc : Map MapResource:/Mechanics/Astral/TL_04/Sector9/MapResource.xdb loaded with filter class mapLoader.fb
  1062. [07-25 18:04:43,658, 111798] GeneratedMapService-HadaganCenter(29) - INFO mapLoader.fc : /Mechanics/Astral/TL_04/Sector9 waitLoaded in 0.051 sec
  1063. [07-25 18:04:43,671, 111811] MapLoadThread_1 - INFO mapLoader.fc : Loading map MapResource:/Mechanics/Astral/TL_04/Sector10/MapResource.xdb with filter class mapLoader.fb
  1064. [07-25 18:04:43,671, 111811] MapLoadThread_1 - INFO mapLoader.gc : Loading /Mechanics/Astral/TL_04/Sector10
  1065. [07-25 18:04:43,671, 111811] MapLoadThread_1 - INFO mapLoader.gc : Collecting objects on map
  1066. [07-25 18:04:43,671, 111811] MapLoadThread_1 - INFO mapLoader.gc : 0 objects total found.
  1067. [07-25 18:04:43,671, 111811] MapLoadThread_1 - INFO ao.gj : MapLoadParams: [isSuperJumpModeOn = false, blockCoasts = true, loadFromCache = false]
  1068. [07-25 18:04:43,671, 111811] MapLoadThread_1 - INFO ao.gj : Placing objects on terrain
  1069. [07-25 18:04:43,672, 111812] MapLoadThread_1 - INFO ao.gj : Marking voxels : size (3,3)
  1070. [07-25 18:04:43,672, 111812] MapLoadThread_1 - INFO ao.gj : Marked succesfully!
  1071. [07-25 18:04:43,672, 111812] MapLoadThread_1 - INFO ao.gj : Building hierarcial graph
  1072. [07-25 18:04:43,672, 111812] MapLoadThread_1 - INFO ao.gj : Hierarcial graph build finished succesfully!
  1073. [07-25 18:04:43,672, 111812] MapLoadThread_1 - INFO mapLoader.gc : Map loaded
  1074. [07-25 18:04:43,672, 111812] MapLoadThread_1 - INFO mapLoader.fc : Map MapResource:/Mechanics/Astral/TL_04/Sector10/MapResource.xdb loaded with filter class mapLoader.fb
  1075. [07-25 18:04:43,720, 111860] GeneratedMapService-HadaganCenter(29) - INFO mapLoader.fc : /Mechanics/Astral/TL_04/Sector10 waitLoaded in 0.05 sec
  1076. [07-25 18:04:43,766, 111906] MapLoadThread_0 - INFO mapLoader.fc : Loading map MapResource:/Mechanics/Astral/TL_05/Sector1/MapResource.xdb with filter class mapLoader.fb
  1077. [07-25 18:04:43,766, 111906] MapLoadThread_0 - INFO mapLoader.gc : Loading /Mechanics/Astral/TL_05/Sector1
  1078. [07-25 18:04:43,766, 111906] MapLoadThread_0 - INFO mapLoader.gc : Collecting objects on map
  1079. [07-25 18:04:43,766, 111906] MapLoadThread_0 - INFO mapLoader.gc : 0 objects total found.
  1080. [07-25 18:04:43,766, 111906] MapLoadThread_0 - INFO ao.gj : MapLoadParams: [isSuperJumpModeOn = false, blockCoasts = true, loadFromCache = false]
  1081. [07-25 18:04:43,767, 111907] MapLoadThread_0 - INFO ao.gj : Placing objects on terrain
  1082. [07-25 18:04:43,767, 111907] MapLoadThread_0 - INFO ao.gj : Marking voxels : size (3,3)
  1083. [07-25 18:04:43,767, 111907] MapLoadThread_0 - INFO ao.gj : Marked succesfully!
  1084. [07-25 18:04:43,767, 111907] MapLoadThread_0 - INFO ao.gj : Building hierarcial graph
  1085. [07-25 18:04:43,767, 111907] MapLoadThread_0 - INFO ao.gj : Hierarcial graph build finished succesfully!
  1086. [07-25 18:04:43,767, 111907] MapLoadThread_0 - INFO mapLoader.gc : Map loaded
  1087. [07-25 18:04:43,768, 111908] MapLoadThread_0 - INFO mapLoader.fc : Map MapResource:/Mechanics/Astral/TL_05/Sector1/MapResource.xdb loaded with filter class mapLoader.fb
  1088. [07-25 18:04:43,815, 111955] GeneratedMapService-HadaganCenter(29) - INFO mapLoader.fc : /Mechanics/Astral/TL_05/Sector1 waitLoaded in 0.05 sec
  1089. [07-25 18:04:43,826, 111966] MapLoadThread_1 - INFO mapLoader.fc : Loading map MapResource:/Mechanics/Astral/TL_05/Sector2/MapResource.xdb with filter class mapLoader.fb
  1090. [07-25 18:04:43,827, 111967] MapLoadThread_1 - INFO mapLoader.gc : Loading /Mechanics/Astral/TL_05/Sector2
  1091. [07-25 18:04:43,827, 111967] MapLoadThread_1 - INFO mapLoader.gc : Collecting objects on map
  1092. [07-25 18:04:43,827, 111967] MapLoadThread_1 - INFO mapLoader.gc : 0 objects total found.
  1093. [07-25 18:04:43,827, 111967] MapLoadThread_1 - INFO ao.gj : MapLoadParams: [isSuperJumpModeOn = false, blockCoasts = true, loadFromCache = false]
  1094. [07-25 18:04:43,827, 111967] MapLoadThread_1 - INFO ao.gj : Placing objects on terrain
  1095. [07-25 18:04:43,827, 111967] MapLoadThread_1 - INFO ao.gj : Marking voxels : size (3,3)
  1096. [07-25 18:04:43,828, 111968] MapLoadThread_1 - INFO ao.gj : Marked succesfully!
  1097. [07-25 18:04:43,828, 111968] MapLoadThread_1 - INFO ao.gj : Building hierarcial graph
  1098. [07-25 18:04:43,828, 111968] MapLoadThread_1 - INFO ao.gj : Hierarcial graph build finished succesfully!
  1099. [07-25 18:04:43,828, 111968] MapLoadThread_1 - INFO mapLoader.gc : Map loaded
  1100. [07-25 18:04:43,828, 111968] MapLoadThread_1 - INFO mapLoader.fc : Map MapResource:/Mechanics/Astral/TL_05/Sector2/MapResource.xdb loaded with filter class mapLoader.fb
  1101. [07-25 18:04:43,876, 112016] GeneratedMapService-HadaganCenter(29) - INFO mapLoader.fc : /Mechanics/Astral/TL_05/Sector2 waitLoaded in 0.05 sec
  1102. [07-25 18:04:43,883, 112023] MapLoadThread_0 - INFO mapLoader.fc : Loading map MapResource:/Mechanics/Astral/TL_05/EventHubs/Rogues/MapResource.xdb with filter class mapLoader.fb
  1103. [07-25 18:04:43,884, 112024] MapLoadThread_0 - INFO mapLoader.gc : Loading /Mechanics/Astral/TL_05/EventHubs/Rogues
  1104. [07-25 18:04:43,884, 112024] MapLoadThread_0 - INFO mapLoader.gc : Collecting objects on map
  1105. [07-25 18:04:43,884, 112024] MapLoadThread_0 - INFO mapLoader.gc : 0 objects total found.
  1106. [07-25 18:04:43,884, 112024] MapLoadThread_0 - INFO ao.gj : MapLoadParams: [isSuperJumpModeOn = false, blockCoasts = true, loadFromCache = false]
  1107. [07-25 18:04:43,885, 112025] MapLoadThread_0 - INFO ao.gj : Placing objects on terrain
  1108. [07-25 18:04:43,885, 112025] MapLoadThread_0 - INFO ao.gj : Marking voxels : size (3,3)
  1109. [07-25 18:04:43,885, 112025] MapLoadThread_0 - INFO ao.gj : Marked succesfully!
  1110. [07-25 18:04:43,885, 112025] MapLoadThread_0 - INFO ao.gj : Building hierarcial graph
  1111. [07-25 18:04:43,885, 112025] MapLoadThread_0 - INFO ao.gj : Hierarcial graph build finished succesfully!
  1112. [07-25 18:04:43,885, 112025] MapLoadThread_0 - INFO mapLoader.gc : Map loaded
  1113. [07-25 18:04:43,886, 112026] MapLoadThread_0 - INFO mapLoader.fc : Map MapResource:/Mechanics/Astral/TL_05/EventHubs/Rogues/MapResource.xdb loaded with filter class mapLoader.fb
  1114. [07-25 18:04:43,933, 112073] GeneratedMapService-HadaganCenter(29) - INFO mapLoader.fc : /Mechanics/Astral/TL_05/EventHubs/Rogues waitLoaded in 0.05 sec
  1115. [07-25 18:04:43,933, 112073] GeneratedMapService-HadaganCenter(29) - INFO : Total count of patrols at map MapResource:/Mechanics/Astral/TL_05/EventHubs/Rogues/MapResource.xdb 0
  1116. [07-25 18:04:43,940, 112080] MapLoadThread_1 - INFO mapLoader.fc : Loading map MapResource:/Mechanics/Astral/TL_05/Sector3/MapResource.xdb with filter class mapLoader.fb
  1117. [07-25 18:04:43,940, 112080] MapLoadThread_1 - INFO mapLoader.gc : Loading /Mechanics/Astral/TL_05/Sector3
  1118. [07-25 18:04:43,940, 112080] MapLoadThread_1 - INFO mapLoader.gc : Collecting objects on map
  1119. [07-25 18:04:43,940, 112080] MapLoadThread_1 - INFO mapLoader.gc : 0 objects total found.
  1120. [07-25 18:04:43,940, 112080] MapLoadThread_1 - INFO ao.gj : MapLoadParams: [isSuperJumpModeOn = false, blockCoasts = true, loadFromCache = false]
  1121. [07-25 18:04:43,941, 112081] MapLoadThread_1 - INFO ao.gj : Placing objects on terrain
  1122. [07-25 18:04:43,941, 112081] MapLoadThread_1 - INFO ao.gj : Marking voxels : size (3,3)
  1123. [07-25 18:04:43,941, 112081] MapLoadThread_1 - INFO ao.gj : Marked succesfully!
  1124. [07-25 18:04:43,941, 112081] MapLoadThread_1 - INFO ao.gj : Building hierarcial graph
  1125. [07-25 18:04:43,942, 112082] MapLoadThread_1 - INFO ao.gj : Hierarcial graph build finished succesfully!
  1126. [07-25 18:04:43,942, 112082] MapLoadThread_1 - INFO mapLoader.gc : Map loaded
  1127. [07-25 18:04:43,942, 112082] MapLoadThread_1 - INFO mapLoader.fc : Map MapResource:/Mechanics/Astral/TL_05/Sector3/MapResource.xdb loaded with filter class mapLoader.fb
  1128. [07-25 18:04:43,990, 112130] GeneratedMapService-HadaganCenter(29) - INFO mapLoader.fc : /Mechanics/Astral/TL_05/Sector3 waitLoaded in 0.05 sec
  1129. [07-25 18:04:43,998, 112138] MapLoadThread_0 - INFO mapLoader.fc : Loading map MapResource:/Mechanics/Astral/TL_05/EventHubs/Mines/MapResource.xdb with filter class mapLoader.fb
  1130. [07-25 18:04:43,998, 112138] MapLoadThread_0 - INFO mapLoader.gc : Loading /Mechanics/Astral/TL_05/EventHubs/Mines
  1131. [07-25 18:04:43,998, 112138] MapLoadThread_0 - INFO mapLoader.gc : Collecting objects on map
  1132. [07-25 18:04:43,998, 112138] MapLoadThread_0 - INFO mapLoader.gc : 0 objects total found.
  1133. [07-25 18:04:43,999, 112139] MapLoadThread_0 - INFO ao.gj : MapLoadParams: [isSuperJumpModeOn = false, blockCoasts = true, loadFromCache = false]
  1134. [07-25 18:04:43,999, 112139] MapLoadThread_0 - INFO ao.gj : Placing objects on terrain
  1135. [07-25 18:04:43,999, 112139] MapLoadThread_0 - INFO ao.gj : Marking voxels : size (3,3)
  1136. [07-25 18:04:43,999, 112139] MapLoadThread_0 - INFO ao.gj : Marked succesfully!
  1137. [07-25 18:04:43,999, 112139] MapLoadThread_0 - INFO ao.gj : Building hierarcial graph
  1138. [07-25 18:04:43,999, 112139] MapLoadThread_0 - INFO ao.gj : Hierarcial graph build finished succesfully!
  1139. [07-25 18:04:43,999, 112139] MapLoadThread_0 - INFO mapLoader.gc : Map loaded
  1140. [07-25 18:04:43,999, 112139] MapLoadThread_0 - INFO mapLoader.fc : Map MapResource:/Mechanics/Astral/TL_05/EventHubs/Mines/MapResource.xdb loaded with filter class mapLoader.fb
  1141. [07-25 18:04:44,048, 112188] GeneratedMapService-HadaganCenter(29) - INFO mapLoader.fc : /Mechanics/Astral/TL_05/EventHubs/Mines waitLoaded in 0.05 sec
  1142. [07-25 18:04:44,048, 112188] GeneratedMapService-HadaganCenter(29) - INFO : Total count of patrols at map MapResource:/Mechanics/Astral/TL_05/EventHubs/Mines/MapResource.xdb 0
  1143. [07-25 18:04:44,053, 112193] MapLoadThread_1 - INFO mapLoader.fc : Loading map MapResource:/Mechanics/Astral/TL_05/Sector4/MapResource.xdb with filter class mapLoader.fb
  1144. [07-25 18:04:44,058, 112198] MapLoadThread_1 - INFO mapLoader.gc : Loading /Mechanics/Astral/TL_05/Sector4
  1145. [07-25 18:04:44,058, 112198] MapLoadThread_1 - INFO mapLoader.gc : Collecting objects on map
  1146. [07-25 18:04:44,058, 112198] MapLoadThread_1 - INFO mapLoader.gc : 0 objects total found.
  1147. [07-25 18:04:44,058, 112198] MapLoadThread_1 - INFO ao.gj : MapLoadParams: [isSuperJumpModeOn = false, blockCoasts = true, loadFromCache = false]
  1148. [07-25 18:04:44,058, 112198] MapLoadThread_1 - INFO ao.gj : Placing objects on terrain
  1149. [07-25 18:04:44,059, 112199] MapLoadThread_1 - INFO ao.gj : Marking voxels : size (3,3)
  1150. [07-25 18:04:44,059, 112199] MapLoadThread_1 - INFO ao.gj : Marked succesfully!
  1151. [07-25 18:04:44,059, 112199] MapLoadThread_1 - INFO ao.gj : Building hierarcial graph
  1152. [07-25 18:04:44,059, 112199] MapLoadThread_1 - INFO ao.gj : Hierarcial graph build finished succesfully!
  1153. [07-25 18:04:44,059, 112199] MapLoadThread_1 - INFO mapLoader.gc : Map loaded
  1154. [07-25 18:04:44,059, 112199] MapLoadThread_1 - INFO mapLoader.fc : Map MapResource:/Mechanics/Astral/TL_05/Sector4/MapResource.xdb loaded with filter class mapLoader.fb
  1155. [07-25 18:04:44,103, 112243] GeneratedMapService-HadaganCenter(29) - INFO mapLoader.fc : /Mechanics/Astral/TL_05/Sector4 waitLoaded in 0.05 sec
  1156. [07-25 18:04:44,111, 112251] MapLoadThread_0 - INFO mapLoader.fc : Loading map MapResource:/Mechanics/Astral/TL_06/EventHubs/Wrecks/MapResource.xdb with filter class mapLoader.fb
  1157. [07-25 18:04:44,111, 112251] MapLoadThread_0 - INFO mapLoader.gc : Loading /Mechanics/Astral/TL_06/EventHubs/Wrecks
  1158. [07-25 18:04:44,112, 112252] MapLoadThread_0 - INFO mapLoader.gc : Collecting objects on map
  1159. [07-25 18:04:44,112, 112252] MapLoadThread_0 - INFO mapLoader.gc : 0 objects total found.
  1160. [07-25 18:04:44,112, 112252] MapLoadThread_0 - INFO ao.gj : MapLoadParams: [isSuperJumpModeOn = false, blockCoasts = true, loadFromCache = false]
  1161. [07-25 18:04:44,112, 112252] MapLoadThread_0 - INFO ao.gj : Placing objects on terrain
  1162. [07-25 18:04:44,112, 112252] MapLoadThread_0 - INFO ao.gj : Marking voxels : size (3,3)
  1163. [07-25 18:04:44,112, 112252] MapLoadThread_0 - INFO ao.gj : Marked succesfully!
  1164. [07-25 18:04:44,113, 112253] MapLoadThread_0 - INFO ao.gj : Building hierarcial graph
  1165. [07-25 18:04:44,113, 112253] MapLoadThread_0 - INFO ao.gj : Hierarcial graph build finished succesfully!
  1166. [07-25 18:04:44,113, 112253] MapLoadThread_0 - INFO mapLoader.gc : Map loaded
  1167. [07-25 18:04:44,113, 112253] MapLoadThread_0 - INFO mapLoader.fc : Map MapResource:/Mechanics/Astral/TL_06/EventHubs/Wrecks/MapResource.xdb loaded with filter class mapLoader.fb
  1168. [07-25 18:04:44,161, 112301] GeneratedMapService-HadaganCenter(29) - INFO mapLoader.fc : /Mechanics/Astral/TL_06/EventHubs/Wrecks waitLoaded in 0.05 sec
  1169. [07-25 18:04:44,161, 112301] GeneratedMapService-HadaganCenter(29) - INFO : Total count of patrols at map MapResource:/Mechanics/Astral/TL_06/EventHubs/Wrecks/MapResource.xdb 0
  1170. [07-25 18:04:44,166, 112306] MapLoadThread_1 - INFO mapLoader.fc : Loading map MapResource:/Mechanics/Astral/TL_05/Sector5/MapResource.xdb with filter class mapLoader.fb
  1171. [07-25 18:04:44,174, 112314] MapLoadThread_1 - INFO mapLoader.gc : Loading /Mechanics/Astral/TL_05/Sector5
  1172. [07-25 18:04:44,174, 112314] MapLoadThread_1 - INFO mapLoader.gc : Collecting objects on map
  1173. [07-25 18:04:44,175, 112315] MapLoadThread_1 - INFO mapLoader.gc : 0 objects total found.
  1174. [07-25 18:04:44,175, 112315] MapLoadThread_1 - INFO ao.gj : MapLoadParams: [isSuperJumpModeOn = false, blockCoasts = true, loadFromCache = false]
  1175. [07-25 18:04:44,175, 112315] MapLoadThread_1 - INFO ao.gj : Placing objects on terrain
  1176. [07-25 18:04:44,175, 112315] MapLoadThread_1 - INFO ao.gj : Marking voxels : size (3,3)
  1177. [07-25 18:04:44,175, 112315] MapLoadThread_1 - INFO ao.gj : Marked succesfully!
  1178. [07-25 18:04:44,175, 112315] MapLoadThread_1 - INFO ao.gj : Building hierarcial graph
  1179. [07-25 18:04:44,175, 112315] MapLoadThread_1 - INFO ao.gj : Hierarcial graph build finished succesfully!
  1180. [07-25 18:04:44,175, 112315] MapLoadThread_1 - INFO mapLoader.gc : Map loaded
  1181. [07-25 18:04:44,176, 112316] MapLoadThread_1 - INFO mapLoader.fc : Map MapResource:/Mechanics/Astral/TL_05/Sector5/MapResource.xdb loaded with filter class mapLoader.fb
  1182. [07-25 18:04:44,217, 112357] GeneratedMapService-HadaganCenter(29) - INFO mapLoader.fc : /Mechanics/Astral/TL_05/Sector5 waitLoaded in 0.05 sec
  1183. [07-25 18:04:44,232, 112372] MapLoadThread_0 - INFO mapLoader.fc : Loading map MapResource:/Mechanics/Astral/TL_05/Sector6/MapResource.xdb with filter class mapLoader.fb
  1184. [07-25 18:04:44,234, 112374] MapLoadThread_0 - INFO mapLoader.gc : Loading /Mechanics/Astral/TL_05/Sector6
  1185. [07-25 18:04:44,234, 112374] MapLoadThread_0 - INFO mapLoader.gc : Collecting objects on map
  1186. [07-25 18:04:44,234, 112374] MapLoadThread_0 - INFO mapLoader.gc : 0 objects total found.
  1187. [07-25 18:04:44,234, 112374] MapLoadThread_0 - INFO ao.gj : MapLoadParams: [isSuperJumpModeOn = false, blockCoasts = true, loadFromCache = false]
  1188. [07-25 18:04:44,234, 112374] MapLoadThread_0 - INFO ao.gj : Placing objects on terrain
  1189. [07-25 18:04:44,271, 112411] MapLoadThread_0 - INFO ao.gj : Marking voxels : size (3,3)
  1190. [07-25 18:04:44,271, 112411] MapLoadThread_0 - INFO ao.gj : Marked succesfully!
  1191. [07-25 18:04:44,271, 112411] MapLoadThread_0 - INFO ao.gj : Building hierarcial graph
  1192. [07-25 18:04:44,272, 112412] MapLoadThread_0 - INFO ao.gj : Hierarcial graph build finished succesfully!
  1193. [07-25 18:04:44,272, 112412] MapLoadThread_0 - INFO mapLoader.gc : Map loaded
  1194. [07-25 18:04:44,272, 112412] MapLoadThread_0 - INFO mapLoader.fc : Map MapResource:/Mechanics/Astral/TL_05/Sector6/MapResource.xdb loaded with filter class mapLoader.fb
  1195. [07-25 18:04:44,285, 112425] GeneratedMapService-HadaganCenter(29) - INFO mapLoader.fc : /Mechanics/Astral/TL_05/Sector6 waitLoaded in 0.052 sec
  1196. [07-25 18:04:44,300, 112440] MapLoadThread_1 - INFO mapLoader.fc : Loading map MapResource:/Mechanics/Astral/TL_05/Sector7/MapResource.xdb with filter class mapLoader.fb
  1197. [07-25 18:04:44,301, 112441] MapLoadThread_1 - INFO mapLoader.gc : Loading /Mechanics/Astral/TL_05/Sector7
  1198. [07-25 18:04:44,301, 112441] MapLoadThread_1 - INFO mapLoader.gc : Collecting objects on map
  1199. [07-25 18:04:44,301, 112441] MapLoadThread_1 - INFO mapLoader.gc : 0 objects total found.
  1200. [07-25 18:04:44,302, 112442] MapLoadThread_1 - INFO ao.gj : MapLoadParams: [isSuperJumpModeOn = false, blockCoasts = true, loadFromCache = false]
  1201. [07-25 18:04:44,302, 112442] MapLoadThread_1 - INFO ao.gj : Placing objects on terrain
  1202. [07-25 18:04:44,302, 112442] MapLoadThread_1 - INFO ao.gj : Marking voxels : size (3,3)
  1203. [07-25 18:04:44,302, 112442] MapLoadThread_1 - INFO ao.gj : Marked succesfully!
  1204. [07-25 18:04:44,302, 112442] MapLoadThread_1 - INFO ao.gj : Building hierarcial graph
  1205. [07-25 18:04:44,302, 112442] MapLoadThread_1 - INFO ao.gj : Hierarcial graph build finished succesfully!
  1206. [07-25 18:04:44,302, 112442] MapLoadThread_1 - INFO mapLoader.gc : Map loaded
  1207. [07-25 18:04:44,303, 112443] MapLoadThread_1 - INFO mapLoader.fc : Map MapResource:/Mechanics/Astral/TL_05/Sector7/MapResource.xdb loaded with filter class mapLoader.fb
  1208. [07-25 18:04:44,350, 112490] GeneratedMapService-HadaganCenter(29) - INFO mapLoader.fc : /Mechanics/Astral/TL_05/Sector7 waitLoaded in 0.05 sec
  1209. [07-25 18:04:44,361, 112501] MapLoadThread_0 - INFO mapLoader.fc : Loading map MapResource:/Mechanics/Astral/TL_05/Sector8/MapResource.xdb with filter class mapLoader.fb
  1210. [07-25 18:04:44,362, 112502] MapLoadThread_0 - INFO mapLoader.gc : Loading /Mechanics/Astral/TL_05/Sector8
  1211. [07-25 18:04:44,362, 112502] MapLoadThread_0 - INFO mapLoader.gc : Collecting objects on map
  1212. [07-25 18:04:44,362, 112502] MapLoadThread_0 - INFO mapLoader.gc : 0 objects total found.
  1213. [07-25 18:04:44,362, 112502] MapLoadThread_0 - INFO ao.gj : MapLoadParams: [isSuperJumpModeOn = false, blockCoasts = true, loadFromCache = false]
  1214. [07-25 18:04:44,362, 112502] MapLoadThread_0 - INFO ao.gj : Placing objects on terrain
  1215. [07-25 18:04:44,362, 112502] MapLoadThread_0 - INFO ao.gj : Marking voxels : size (3,3)
  1216. [07-25 18:04:44,363, 112503] MapLoadThread_0 - INFO ao.gj : Marked succesfully!
  1217. [07-25 18:04:44,363, 112503] MapLoadThread_0 - INFO ao.gj : Building hierarcial graph
  1218. [07-25 18:04:44,363, 112503] MapLoadThread_0 - INFO ao.gj : Hierarcial graph build finished succesfully!
  1219. [07-25 18:04:44,363, 112503] MapLoadThread_0 - INFO mapLoader.gc : Map loaded
  1220. [07-25 18:04:44,363, 112503] MapLoadThread_0 - INFO mapLoader.fc : Map MapResource:/Mechanics/Astral/TL_05/Sector8/MapResource.xdb loaded with filter class mapLoader.fb
  1221. [07-25 18:04:44,437, 112577] GeneratedMapService-HadaganCenter(29) - INFO mapLoader.fc : /Mechanics/Astral/TL_05/Sector8 waitLoaded in 0.076 sec
  1222. [07-25 18:04:44,449, 112589] MapLoadThread_1 - INFO mapLoader.fc : Loading map MapResource:/Mechanics/Astral/TL_05/EventHubs/Wrecks/MapResource.xdb with filter class mapLoader.fb
  1223. [07-25 18:04:44,450, 112590] MapLoadThread_1 - INFO mapLoader.gc : Loading /Mechanics/Astral/TL_05/EventHubs/Wrecks
  1224. [07-25 18:04:44,450, 112590] MapLoadThread_1 - INFO mapLoader.gc : Collecting objects on map
  1225. [07-25 18:04:44,450, 112590] MapLoadThread_1 - INFO mapLoader.gc : 0 objects total found.
  1226. [07-25 18:04:44,450, 112590] MapLoadThread_1 - INFO ao.gj : MapLoadParams: [isSuperJumpModeOn = false, blockCoasts = true, loadFromCache = false]
  1227. [07-25 18:04:44,450, 112590] MapLoadThread_1 - INFO ao.gj : Placing objects on terrain
  1228. [07-25 18:04:44,450, 112590] MapLoadThread_1 - INFO ao.gj : Marking voxels : size (3,3)
  1229. [07-25 18:04:44,451, 112591] MapLoadThread_1 - INFO ao.gj : Marked succesfully!
  1230. [07-25 18:04:44,451, 112591] MapLoadThread_1 - INFO ao.gj : Building hierarcial graph
  1231. [07-25 18:04:44,451, 112591] MapLoadThread_1 - INFO ao.gj : Hierarcial graph build finished succesfully!
  1232. [07-25 18:04:44,451, 112591] MapLoadThread_1 - INFO mapLoader.gc : Map loaded
  1233. [07-25 18:04:44,451, 112591] MapLoadThread_1 - INFO mapLoader.fc : Map MapResource:/Mechanics/Astral/TL_05/EventHubs/Wrecks/MapResource.xdb loaded with filter class mapLoader.fb
  1234. [07-25 18:04:44,499, 112639] GeneratedMapService-HadaganCenter(29) - INFO mapLoader.fc : /Mechanics/Astral/TL_05/EventHubs/Wrecks waitLoaded in 0.05 sec
  1235. [07-25 18:04:44,499, 112639] GeneratedMapService-HadaganCenter(29) - INFO : Total count of patrols at map MapResource:/Mechanics/Astral/TL_05/EventHubs/Wrecks/MapResource.xdb 0
  1236. [07-25 18:04:44,504, 112644] MapLoadThread_0 - INFO mapLoader.fc : Loading map MapResource:/Mechanics/Astral/TL_06/Sector1/MapResource.xdb with filter class mapLoader.fb
  1237. [07-25 18:04:44,505, 112645] MapLoadThread_0 - INFO mapLoader.gc : Loading /Mechanics/Astral/TL_06/Sector1
  1238. [07-25 18:04:44,505, 112645] MapLoadThread_0 - INFO mapLoader.gc : Collecting objects on map
  1239. [07-25 18:04:44,505, 112645] MapLoadThread_0 - INFO mapLoader.gc : 0 objects total found.
  1240. [07-25 18:04:44,505, 112645] MapLoadThread_0 - INFO ao.gj : MapLoadParams: [isSuperJumpModeOn = false, blockCoasts = true, loadFromCache = false]
  1241. [07-25 18:04:44,505, 112645] MapLoadThread_0 - INFO ao.gj : Placing objects on terrain
  1242. [07-25 18:04:44,505, 112645] MapLoadThread_0 - INFO ao.gj : Marking voxels : size (3,3)
  1243. [07-25 18:04:44,506, 112646] MapLoadThread_0 - INFO ao.gj : Marked succesfully!
  1244. [07-25 18:04:44,506, 112646] MapLoadThread_0 - INFO ao.gj : Building hierarcial graph
  1245. [07-25 18:04:44,506, 112646] MapLoadThread_0 - INFO ao.gj : Hierarcial graph build finished succesfully!
  1246. [07-25 18:04:44,506, 112646] MapLoadThread_0 - INFO mapLoader.gc : Map loaded
  1247. [07-25 18:04:44,506, 112646] MapLoadThread_0 - INFO mapLoader.fc : Map MapResource:/Mechanics/Astral/TL_06/Sector1/MapResource.xdb loaded with filter class mapLoader.fb
  1248. [07-25 18:04:44,554, 112694] GeneratedMapService-HadaganCenter(29) - INFO mapLoader.fc : /Mechanics/Astral/TL_06/Sector1 waitLoaded in 0.05 sec
  1249. [07-25 18:04:44,604, 112744] MapLoadThread_1 - INFO mapLoader.fc : Loading map MapResource:/Mechanics/Astral/TL_06/Sector2/MapResource.xdb with filter class mapLoader.fb
  1250. [07-25 18:04:44,605, 112745] MapLoadThread_1 - INFO mapLoader.gc : Loading /Mechanics/Astral/TL_06/Sector2
  1251. [07-25 18:04:44,605, 112745] MapLoadThread_1 - INFO mapLoader.gc : Collecting objects on map
  1252. [07-25 18:04:44,605, 112745] MapLoadThread_1 - INFO mapLoader.gc : 0 objects total found.
  1253. [07-25 18:04:44,605, 112745] MapLoadThread_1 - INFO ao.gj : MapLoadParams: [isSuperJumpModeOn = false, blockCoasts = true, loadFromCache = false]
  1254. [07-25 18:04:44,605, 112745] MapLoadThread_1 - INFO ao.gj : Placing objects on terrain
  1255. [07-25 18:04:44,606, 112746] MapLoadThread_1 - INFO ao.gj : Marking voxels : size (3,3)
  1256. [07-25 18:04:44,606, 112746] MapLoadThread_1 - INFO ao.gj : Marked succesfully!
  1257. [07-25 18:04:44,606, 112746] MapLoadThread_1 - INFO ao.gj : Building hierarcial graph
  1258. [07-25 18:04:44,606, 112746] MapLoadThread_1 - INFO ao.gj : Hierarcial graph build finished succesfully!
  1259. [07-25 18:04:44,606, 112746] MapLoadThread_1 - INFO mapLoader.gc : Map loaded
  1260. [07-25 18:04:44,606, 112746] MapLoadThread_1 - INFO mapLoader.fc : Map MapResource:/Mechanics/Astral/TL_06/Sector2/MapResource.xdb loaded with filter class mapLoader.fb
  1261. [07-25 18:04:44,654, 112794] GeneratedMapService-HadaganCenter(29) - INFO mapLoader.fc : /Mechanics/Astral/TL_06/Sector2 waitLoaded in 0.05 sec
  1262. [07-25 18:04:44,669, 112809] MapLoadThread_0 - INFO mapLoader.fc : Loading map MapResource:/Mechanics/Astral/TL_06/Sector3/MapResource.xdb with filter class mapLoader.fb
  1263. [07-25 18:04:44,669, 112809] MapLoadThread_0 - INFO mapLoader.gc : Loading /Mechanics/Astral/TL_06/Sector3
  1264. [07-25 18:04:44,669, 112809] MapLoadThread_0 - INFO mapLoader.gc : Collecting objects on map
  1265. [07-25 18:04:44,669, 112809] MapLoadThread_0 - INFO mapLoader.gc : 0 objects total found.
  1266. [07-25 18:04:44,669, 112809] MapLoadThread_0 - INFO ao.gj : MapLoadParams: [isSuperJumpModeOn = false, blockCoasts = true, loadFromCache = false]
  1267. [07-25 18:04:44,670, 112810] MapLoadThread_0 - INFO ao.gj : Placing objects on terrain
  1268. [07-25 18:04:44,670, 112810] MapLoadThread_0 - INFO ao.gj : Marking voxels : size (3,3)
  1269. [07-25 18:04:44,670, 112810] MapLoadThread_0 - INFO ao.gj : Marked succesfully!
  1270. [07-25 18:04:44,670, 112810] MapLoadThread_0 - INFO ao.gj : Building hierarcial graph
  1271. [07-25 18:04:44,670, 112810] MapLoadThread_0 - INFO ao.gj : Hierarcial graph build finished succesfully!
  1272. [07-25 18:04:44,670, 112810] MapLoadThread_0 - INFO mapLoader.gc : Map loaded
  1273. [07-25 18:04:44,670, 112810] MapLoadThread_0 - INFO mapLoader.fc : Map MapResource:/Mechanics/Astral/TL_06/Sector3/MapResource.xdb loaded with filter class mapLoader.fb
  1274. [07-25 18:04:44,719, 112859] GeneratedMapService-HadaganCenter(29) - INFO mapLoader.fc : /Mechanics/Astral/TL_06/Sector3 waitLoaded in 0.05 sec
  1275. [07-25 18:04:44,726, 112866] MapLoadThread_1 - INFO mapLoader.fc : Loading map MapResource:/Mechanics/Astral/TL_06/EventHubs/Mines/MapResource.xdb with filter class mapLoader.fb
  1276. [07-25 18:04:44,727, 112867] MapLoadThread_1 - INFO mapLoader.gc : Loading /Mechanics/Astral/TL_06/EventHubs/Mines
  1277. [07-25 18:04:44,727, 112867] MapLoadThread_1 - INFO mapLoader.gc : Collecting objects on map
  1278. [07-25 18:04:44,727, 112867] MapLoadThread_1 - INFO mapLoader.gc : 0 objects total found.
  1279. [07-25 18:04:44,727, 112867] MapLoadThread_1 - INFO ao.gj : MapLoadParams: [isSuperJumpModeOn = false, blockCoasts = true, loadFromCache = false]
  1280. [07-25 18:04:44,727, 112867] MapLoadThread_1 - INFO ao.gj : Placing objects on terrain
  1281. [07-25 18:04:44,727, 112867] MapLoadThread_1 - INFO ao.gj : Marking voxels : size (3,3)
  1282. [07-25 18:04:44,728, 112868] MapLoadThread_1 - INFO ao.gj : Marked succesfully!
  1283. [07-25 18:04:44,728, 112868] MapLoadThread_1 - INFO ao.gj : Building hierarcial graph
  1284. [07-25 18:04:44,728, 112868] MapLoadThread_1 - INFO ao.gj : Hierarcial graph build finished succesfully!
  1285. [07-25 18:04:44,728, 112868] MapLoadThread_1 - INFO mapLoader.gc : Map loaded
  1286. [07-25 18:04:44,728, 112868] MapLoadThread_1 - INFO mapLoader.fc : Map MapResource:/Mechanics/Astral/TL_06/EventHubs/Mines/MapResource.xdb loaded with filter class mapLoader.fb
  1287. [07-25 18:04:44,776, 112916] GeneratedMapService-HadaganCenter(29) - INFO mapLoader.fc : /Mechanics/Astral/TL_06/EventHubs/Mines waitLoaded in 0.05 sec
  1288. [07-25 18:04:44,776, 112916] GeneratedMapService-HadaganCenter(29) - INFO : Total count of patrols at map MapResource:/Mechanics/Astral/TL_06/EventHubs/Mines/MapResource.xdb 0
  1289. [07-25 18:04:44,788, 112928] MapLoadThread_0 - INFO mapLoader.fc : Loading map MapResource:/Mechanics/Astral/TL_06/Sector4/MapResource.xdb with filter class mapLoader.fb
  1290. [07-25 18:04:44,788, 112928] MapLoadThread_0 - INFO mapLoader.gc : Loading /Mechanics/Astral/TL_06/Sector4
  1291. [07-25 18:04:44,789, 112929] MapLoadThread_0 - INFO mapLoader.gc : Collecting objects on map
  1292. [07-25 18:04:44,789, 112929] MapLoadThread_0 - INFO mapLoader.gc : 0 objects total found.
  1293. [07-25 18:04:44,789, 112929] MapLoadThread_0 - INFO ao.gj : MapLoadParams: [isSuperJumpModeOn = false, blockCoasts = true, loadFromCache = false]
  1294. [07-25 18:04:44,790, 112930] MapLoadThread_0 - INFO ao.gj : Placing objects on terrain
  1295. [07-25 18:04:44,790, 112930] MapLoadThread_0 - INFO ao.gj : Marking voxels : size (3,3)
  1296. [07-25 18:04:44,790, 112930] MapLoadThread_0 - INFO ao.gj : Marked succesfully!
  1297. [07-25 18:04:44,790, 112930] MapLoadThread_0 - INFO ao.gj : Building hierarcial graph
  1298. [07-25 18:04:44,790, 112930] MapLoadThread_0 - INFO ao.gj : Hierarcial graph build finished succesfully!
  1299. [07-25 18:04:44,790, 112930] MapLoadThread_0 - INFO mapLoader.gc : Map loaded
  1300. [07-25 18:04:44,790, 112930] MapLoadThread_0 - INFO mapLoader.fc : Map MapResource:/Mechanics/Astral/TL_06/Sector4/MapResource.xdb loaded with filter class mapLoader.fb
  1301. [07-25 18:04:44,838, 112978] GeneratedMapService-HadaganCenter(29) - INFO mapLoader.fc : /Mechanics/Astral/TL_06/Sector4 waitLoaded in 0.05 sec
  1302. [07-25 18:04:44,845, 112985] MapLoadThread_1 - INFO mapLoader.fc : Loading map MapResource:/Mechanics/Astral/TL_06/EventHubs/Arena/MapResource.xdb with filter class mapLoader.fb
  1303. [07-25 18:04:44,845, 112985] MapLoadThread_1 - INFO mapLoader.gc : Loading /Mechanics/Astral/TL_06/EventHubs/Arena
  1304. [07-25 18:04:44,846, 112986] MapLoadThread_1 - INFO mapLoader.gc : Collecting objects on map
  1305. [07-25 18:04:44,846, 112986] MapLoadThread_1 - INFO mapLoader.gc : 0 objects total found.
  1306. [07-25 18:04:44,846, 112986] MapLoadThread_1 - INFO ao.gj : MapLoadParams: [isSuperJumpModeOn = false, blockCoasts = true, loadFromCache = false]
  1307. [07-25 18:04:44,846, 112986] MapLoadThread_1 - INFO ao.gj : Placing objects on terrain
  1308. [07-25 18:04:44,846, 112986] MapLoadThread_1 - INFO ao.gj : Marking voxels : size (3,3)
  1309. [07-25 18:04:44,846, 112986] MapLoadThread_1 - INFO ao.gj : Marked succesfully!
  1310. [07-25 18:04:44,846, 112986] MapLoadThread_1 - INFO ao.gj : Building hierarcial graph
  1311. [07-25 18:04:44,847, 112987] MapLoadThread_1 - INFO ao.gj : Hierarcial graph build finished succesfully!
  1312. [07-25 18:04:44,847, 112987] MapLoadThread_1 - INFO mapLoader.gc : Map loaded
  1313. [07-25 18:04:44,847, 112987] MapLoadThread_1 - INFO mapLoader.fc : Map MapResource:/Mechanics/Astral/TL_06/EventHubs/Arena/MapResource.xdb loaded with filter class mapLoader.fb
  1314. [07-25 18:04:44,895, 113035] GeneratedMapService-HadaganCenter(29) - INFO mapLoader.fc : /Mechanics/Astral/TL_06/EventHubs/Arena waitLoaded in 0.05 sec
  1315. [07-25 18:04:44,895, 113035] GeneratedMapService-HadaganCenter(29) - INFO : Total count of patrols at map MapResource:/Mechanics/Astral/TL_06/EventHubs/Arena/MapResource.xdb 0
  1316. [07-25 18:04:44,900, 113040] MapLoadThread_0 - INFO mapLoader.fc : Loading map MapResource:/Mechanics/Astral/TL_06/Sector5/MapResource.xdb with filter class mapLoader.fb
  1317. [07-25 18:04:44,906, 113046] MapLoadThread_0 - INFO mapLoader.gc : Loading /Mechanics/Astral/TL_06/Sector5
  1318. [07-25 18:04:44,939, 113079] MapLoadThread_0 - INFO mapLoader.gc : Collecting objects on map
  1319. [07-25 18:04:44,949, 113089] MapLoadThread_0 - INFO mapLoader.gc : 0 objects total found.
  1320. [07-25 18:04:44,950, 113090] MapLoadThread_0 - INFO ao.gj : MapLoadParams: [isSuperJumpModeOn = false, blockCoasts = true, loadFromCache = false]
  1321. [07-25 18:04:44,950, 113090] MapLoadThread_0 - INFO ao.gj : Placing objects on terrain
  1322. [07-25 18:04:44,950, 113090] MapLoadThread_0 - INFO ao.gj : Marking voxels : size (3,3)
  1323. [07-25 18:04:44,950, 113090] MapLoadThread_0 - INFO ao.gj : Marked succesfully!
  1324. [07-25 18:04:44,950, 113090] MapLoadThread_0 - INFO ao.gj : Building hierarcial graph
  1325. [07-25 18:04:44,951, 113091] MapLoadThread_0 - INFO ao.gj : Hierarcial graph build finished succesfully!
  1326. [07-25 18:04:44,951, 113091] MapLoadThread_0 - INFO mapLoader.gc : Map loaded
  1327. [07-25 18:04:44,951, 113091] MapLoadThread_0 - INFO mapLoader.fc : Map MapResource:/Mechanics/Astral/TL_06/Sector5/MapResource.xdb loaded with filter class mapLoader.fb
  1328. [07-25 18:04:44,951, 113091] GeneratedMapService-HadaganCenter(29) - INFO mapLoader.fc : /Mechanics/Astral/TL_06/Sector5 waitLoaded in 0.051 sec
  1329. [07-25 18:04:44,972, 113112] MapLoadThread_1 - INFO mapLoader.fc : Loading map MapResource:/Mechanics/Astral/TL_06/Sector6/MapResource.xdb with filter class mapLoader.fb
  1330. [07-25 18:04:44,973, 113113] MapLoadThread_1 - INFO mapLoader.gc : Loading /Mechanics/Astral/TL_06/Sector6
  1331. [07-25 18:04:44,973, 113113] MapLoadThread_1 - INFO mapLoader.gc : Collecting objects on map
  1332. [07-25 18:04:44,973, 113113] MapLoadThread_1 - INFO mapLoader.gc : 0 objects total found.
  1333. [07-25 18:04:44,973, 113113] MapLoadThread_1 - INFO ao.gj : MapLoadParams: [isSuperJumpModeOn = false, blockCoasts = true, loadFromCache = false]
  1334. [07-25 18:04:44,973, 113113] MapLoadThread_1 - INFO ao.gj : Placing objects on terrain
  1335. [07-25 18:04:44,974, 113114] MapLoadThread_1 - INFO ao.gj : Marking voxels : size (3,3)
  1336. [07-25 18:04:44,974, 113114] MapLoadThread_1 - INFO ao.gj : Marked succesfully!
  1337. [07-25 18:04:44,974, 113114] MapLoadThread_1 - INFO ao.gj : Building hierarcial graph
  1338. [07-25 18:04:44,974, 113114] MapLoadThread_1 - INFO ao.gj : Hierarcial graph build finished succesfully!
  1339. [07-25 18:04:44,974, 113114] MapLoadThread_1 - INFO mapLoader.gc : Map loaded
  1340. [07-25 18:04:44,974, 113114] MapLoadThread_1 - INFO mapLoader.fc : Map MapResource:/Mechanics/Astral/TL_06/Sector6/MapResource.xdb loaded with filter class mapLoader.fb
  1341. [07-25 18:04:45,022, 113162] GeneratedMapService-HadaganCenter(29) - INFO mapLoader.fc : /Mechanics/Astral/TL_06/Sector6 waitLoaded in 0.05 sec
  1342. [07-25 18:04:45,035, 113175] MapLoadThread_0 - INFO mapLoader.fc : Loading map MapResource:/Mechanics/Astral/TL_06/Sector7/MapResource.xdb with filter class mapLoader.fb
  1343. [07-25 18:04:45,036, 113176] MapLoadThread_0 - INFO mapLoader.gc : Loading /Mechanics/Astral/TL_06/Sector7
  1344. [07-25 18:04:45,036, 113176] MapLoadThread_0 - INFO mapLoader.gc : Collecting objects on map
  1345. [07-25 18:04:45,036, 113176] MapLoadThread_0 - INFO mapLoader.gc : 0 objects total found.
  1346. [07-25 18:04:45,036, 113176] MapLoadThread_0 - INFO ao.gj : MapLoadParams: [isSuperJumpModeOn = false, blockCoasts = true, loadFromCache = false]
  1347. [07-25 18:04:45,036, 113176] MapLoadThread_0 - INFO ao.gj : Placing objects on terrain
  1348. [07-25 18:04:45,036, 113176] MapLoadThread_0 - INFO ao.gj : Marking voxels : size (3,3)
  1349. [07-25 18:04:45,036, 113176] MapLoadThread_0 - INFO ao.gj : Marked succesfully!
  1350. [07-25 18:04:45,037, 113177] MapLoadThread_0 - INFO ao.gj : Building hierarcial graph
  1351. [07-25 18:04:45,037, 113177] MapLoadThread_0 - INFO ao.gj : Hierarcial graph build finished succesfully!
  1352. [07-25 18:04:45,037, 113177] MapLoadThread_0 - INFO mapLoader.gc : Map loaded
  1353. [07-25 18:04:45,037, 113177] MapLoadThread_0 - INFO mapLoader.fc : Map MapResource:/Mechanics/Astral/TL_06/Sector7/MapResource.xdb loaded with filter class mapLoader.fb
  1354. [07-25 18:04:45,107, 113247] GeneratedMapService-HadaganCenter(29) - INFO mapLoader.fc : /Mechanics/Astral/TL_06/Sector7 waitLoaded in 0.072 sec
  1355. [07-25 18:04:45,141, 113281] MapLoadThread_1 - INFO mapLoader.fc : Loading map MapResource:/Mechanics/Astral/TL_06/Sector8/MapResource.xdb with filter class mapLoader.fb
  1356. [07-25 18:04:45,143, 113283] MapLoadThread_1 - INFO mapLoader.gc : Loading /Mechanics/Astral/TL_06/Sector8
  1357. [07-25 18:04:45,143, 113283] MapLoadThread_1 - INFO mapLoader.gc : Collecting objects on map
  1358. [07-25 18:04:45,143, 113283] MapLoadThread_1 - INFO mapLoader.gc : 0 objects total found.
  1359. [07-25 18:04:45,143, 113283] MapLoadThread_1 - INFO ao.gj : MapLoadParams: [isSuperJumpModeOn = false, blockCoasts = true, loadFromCache = false]
  1360. [07-25 18:04:45,143, 113283] MapLoadThread_1 - INFO ao.gj : Placing objects on terrain
  1361. [07-25 18:04:45,143, 113283] MapLoadThread_1 - INFO ao.gj : Marking voxels : size (3,3)
  1362. [07-25 18:04:45,143, 113283] MapLoadThread_1 - INFO ao.gj : Marked succesfully!
  1363. [07-25 18:04:45,144, 113284] MapLoadThread_1 - INFO ao.gj : Building hierarcial graph
  1364. [07-25 18:04:45,144, 113284] MapLoadThread_1 - INFO ao.gj : Hierarcial graph build finished succesfully!
  1365. [07-25 18:04:45,153, 113293] MapLoadThread_1 - INFO mapLoader.gc : Map loaded
  1366. [07-25 18:04:45,176, 113316] MapLoadThread_1 - INFO mapLoader.fc : Map MapResource:/Mechanics/Astral/TL_06/Sector8/MapResource.xdb loaded with filter class mapLoader.fb
  1367. [07-25 18:04:45,192, 113332] GeneratedMapService-HadaganCenter(29) - INFO mapLoader.fc : /Mechanics/Astral/TL_06/Sector8 waitLoaded in 0.051 sec
  1368. [07-25 18:04:45,208, 113348] GeneratedMapService-HadaganCenter(29) - INFO : Total count of patrols at map MapResource:/Mechanics/Astral/TL_06/EventHubs/Arena/MapResource.xdb 0
  1369. [07-25 18:04:45,213, 113353] MapLoadThread_0 - INFO mapLoader.fc : Loading map MapResource:/Mechanics/Astral/TL_06/Sector9/MapResource.xdb with filter class mapLoader.fb
  1370. [07-25 18:04:45,213, 113353] MapLoadThread_0 - INFO mapLoader.gc : Loading /Mechanics/Astral/TL_06/Sector9
  1371. [07-25 18:04:45,214, 113354] MapLoadThread_0 - INFO mapLoader.gc : Collecting objects on map
  1372. [07-25 18:04:45,214, 113354] MapLoadThread_0 - INFO mapLoader.gc : 0 objects total found.
  1373. [07-25 18:04:45,214, 113354] MapLoadThread_0 - INFO ao.gj : MapLoadParams: [isSuperJumpModeOn = false, blockCoasts = true, loadFromCache = false]
  1374. [07-25 18:04:45,214, 113354] MapLoadThread_0 - INFO ao.gj : Placing objects on terrain
  1375. [07-25 18:04:45,215, 113355] MapLoadThread_0 - INFO ao.gj : Marking voxels : size (3,3)
  1376. [07-25 18:04:45,215, 113355] MapLoadThread_0 - INFO ao.gj : Marked succesfully!
  1377. [07-25 18:04:45,215, 113355] MapLoadThread_0 - INFO ao.gj : Building hierarcial graph
  1378. [07-25 18:04:45,215, 113355] MapLoadThread_0 - INFO ao.gj : Hierarcial graph build finished succesfully!
  1379. [07-25 18:04:45,215, 113355] MapLoadThread_0 - INFO mapLoader.gc : Map loaded
  1380. [07-25 18:04:45,215, 113355] MapLoadThread_0 - INFO mapLoader.fc : Map MapResource:/Mechanics/Astral/TL_06/Sector9/MapResource.xdb loaded with filter class mapLoader.fb
  1381. [07-25 18:04:45,216, 113356] main - INFO basement.d : server "mail1" at address 23 started
  1382. [07-25 18:04:45,291, 113431] GeneratedMapService-HadaganCenter(29) - INFO mapLoader.fc : /Mechanics/Astral/TL_06/Sector9 waitLoaded in 0.078 sec
  1383. [07-25 18:04:45,333, 113473] mail1(23) - INFO MsgProcessor : MsgProcessor queue size on server mail1[23]: = 32000
  1384. [07-25 18:04:45,342, 113482] MapLoadThread_1 - INFO mapLoader.fc : Loading map MapResource:/Mechanics/Astral/TL_06/Sector10/MapResource.xdb with filter class mapLoader.fb
  1385. [07-25 18:04:45,365, 113505] MapLoadThread_1 - INFO mapLoader.gc : Loading /Mechanics/Astral/TL_06/Sector10
  1386. [07-25 18:04:45,373, 113513] MapLoadThread_1 - INFO mapLoader.gc : Collecting objects on map
  1387. [07-25 18:04:45,366, 113506] mail1(23) - INFO dbcommons.hibernate.r : **** j Database connected. Connection url: jdbc:mysql://'READ-COMMITTED',autocommit=0&connectTimeout=50000000&socketTimeout=5000000000 username: root
  1388. [07-25 18:04:45,377, 113517] MapLoadThread_1 - INFO mapLoader.gc : 0 objects total found.
  1389. [07-25 18:04:45,409, 113549] MapLoadThread_1 - INFO ao.gj : MapLoadParams: [isSuperJumpModeOn = false, blockCoasts = true, loadFromCache = false]
  1390. [07-25 18:04:45,434, 113574] MapLoadThread_1 - INFO ao.gj : Placing objects on terrain
  1391. [07-25 18:04:45,474, 113614] MapLoadThread_1 - INFO ao.gj : Marking voxels : size (3,3)
  1392. [07-25 18:04:45,594, 113734] mail1(23) - WARN org.hibernate.ejb.Ejb3Configuration : hibernate.connection.autocommit = false break the EJB3 specification
  1393. [07-25 18:04:45,514, 113654] MapLoadThread_1 - INFO ao.gj : Marked succesfully!
  1394. [07-25 18:04:45,594, 113734] mail1(23) - WARN org.hibernate.ejb.Ejb3Configuration : hibernate.connection.autocommit = false break the EJB3 specification
  1395. [07-25 18:04:45,594, 113734] MapLoadThread_1 - INFO ao.gj : Building hierarcial graph
  1396. [07-25 18:04:45,664, 113804] MapLoadThread_1 - INFO ao.gj : Hierarcial graph build finished succesfully!
  1397. [07-25 18:04:45,685, 113825] MapLoadThread_1 - INFO mapLoader.gc : Map loaded
  1398. [07-25 18:04:45,685, 113825] MapLoadThread_1 - INFO mapLoader.fc : Map MapResource:/Mechanics/Astral/TL_06/Sector10/MapResource.xdb loaded with filter class mapLoader.fb
  1399. [07-25 18:04:45,686, 113826] mail1(23) - INFO com.mchange.v2.c3p0.impl.AbstractPoolBackedDataSource : Initializing c3p0 pool... com.mchange.v2.c3p0.PoolBackedDataSource@fa25188b [ connectionPoolDataSource -> com.mchange.v2.c3p0.WrapperConnectionPoolDataSource@835ed56a [ acquireIncrement -> 3, acquireRetryAttempts -> 1, acquireRetryDelay -> 1000, autoCommitOnClose -> false, automaticTestTable -> null, breakAfterAcquireFailure -> false, checkoutTimeout -> 0, connectionCustomizerClassName -> null, connectionTesterClassName -> com.mchange.v2.c3p0.impl.DefaultConnectionTester, debugUnreturnedConnectionStackTraces -> false, factoryClassLocation -> null, forceIgnoreUnresolvedTransactions -> false, identityToken -> 7037ti9pxzimub809rah|1ecde519, idleConnectionTestPeriod -> 60, initialPoolSize -> 3, maxAdministrativeTaskTime -> 0, maxConnectionAge -> 0, maxIdleTime -> 600, maxIdleTimeExcessConnections -> 0, maxPoolSize -> 15, maxStatements -> 50, maxStatementsPerConnection -> 0, minPoolSize -> 3, nestedDataSource -> com.mchange.v2.c3p0.DriverManagerDataSource@f51d087c [ description -> null, driverClass -> null, factoryClassLocation -> null, identityToken -> 7037ti9pxzimub809rah|3072d3c7, jdbcUrl -> jdbc:mysql://'READ-COMMITTED',autocommit=0&connectTimeout=50000000&socketTimeout=5000000000, properties -> {user=******, password=******, autocommit=false, release_mode=after_statement} ], preferredTestQuery -> SELECT 1, propertyCycle -> 0, statementCacheNumDeferredCloseThreads -> 0, testConnectionOnCheckin -> false, testConnectionOnCheckout -> false, unreturnedConnectionTimeout -> 0, usesTraditionalReflectiveProxies -> false; userOverrides: {} ], dataSourceName -> null, factoryClassLocation -> null, identityToken -> 7037ti9pxzimub809rah|5f7bdc1b, numHelperThreads -> 3 ]
  1400. [07-25 18:04:45,737, 113877] GeneratedMapService-HadaganCenter(29) - INFO mapLoader.fc : /Mechanics/Astral/TL_06/Sector10 waitLoaded in 0.395 sec
  1401. [07-25 18:04:45,751, 113891] MapLoadThread_0 - INFO mapLoader.fc : Loading map MapResource:/Mechanics/Astral/TL_06/Sector11/MapResource.xdb with filter class mapLoader.fb
  1402. [07-25 18:04:45,791, 113931] MapLoadThread_0 - INFO mapLoader.gc : Loading /Mechanics/Astral/TL_06/Sector11
  1403. [07-25 18:04:45,857, 113997] MapLoadThread_0 - INFO mapLoader.gc : Collecting objects on map
  1404. [07-25 18:04:45,861, 114001] fe4(7):connection-to-account-thread - WARN verify : Failed to connect to account server: unable to connect to account server /, net i/o exception connecting to java.nio.channels.SocketChannel[closed]
  1405. [07-25 18:04:45,861, 114001] fe1(4):connection-to-account-thread - WARN verify : Failed to connect to account server: unable to connect to account server /, net i/o exception connecting to java.nio.channels.SocketChannel[closed]
  1406. [07-25 18:04:45,870, 114010] fe3(6):connection-to-account-thread - WARN verify : Failed to connect to account server: unable to connect to account server /, net i/o exception connecting to java.nio.channels.SocketChannel[closed]
  1407. [07-25 18:04:45,866, 114006] MapLoadThread_0 - INFO mapLoader.gc : 0 objects total found.
  1408. [07-25 18:04:45,929, 114069] MapLoadThread_0 - INFO ao.gj : MapLoadParams: [isSuperJumpModeOn = false, blockCoasts = true, loadFromCache = false]
  1409. [07-25 18:04:45,933, 114073] mail1(23) - WARN org.hibernate.cfg.SettingsFactory : Overriding release mode as connection provider does not support 'after_statement'
  1410. [07-25 18:04:45,933, 114073] MapLoadThread_0 - INFO ao.gj : Placing objects on terrain
  1411. [07-25 18:04:45,933, 114073] mail1(23) - WARN org.hibernate.cfg.SettingsFactory : Overriding release mode as connection provider does not support 'after_statement'
  1412. [07-25 18:04:45,935, 114075] MapLoadThread_0 - INFO ao.gj : Marking voxels : size (3,3)
  1413. [07-25 18:04:45,940, 114080] MapLoadThread_0 - INFO ao.gj : Marked succesfully!
  1414. [07-25 18:04:46,005, 114145] MapLoadThread_0 - INFO ao.gj : Building hierarcial graph
  1415. [07-25 18:04:46,023, 114163] fe2(5):connection-to-account-thread - WARN verify : Failed to connect to account server: unable to connect to account server /, net i/o exception connecting to java.nio.channels.SocketChannel[closed]
  1416. [07-25 18:04:46,014, 114154] MapLoadThread_3 - INFO ao.gj : Marked succesfully!
  1417. [07-25 18:04:46,038, 114178] MapLoadThread_0 - INFO ao.gj : Hierarcial graph build finished succesfully!
  1418. [07-25 18:04:46,071, 114211] MapLoadThread_3 - INFO ao.gj : Building hierarcial graph
  1419. [07-25 18:04:46,072, 114212] MapLoadThread_0 - INFO mapLoader.gc : Map loaded
  1420. [07-25 18:04:46,082, 114222] MapLoadThread_0 - INFO mapLoader.fc : Map MapResource:/Mechanics/Astral/TL_06/Sector11/MapResource.xdb loaded with filter class mapLoader.fb
  1421. [07-25 18:04:46,159, 114299] GeneratedMapService-HadaganCenter(29) - INFO mapLoader.fc : /Mechanics/Astral/TL_06/Sector11 waitLoaded in 0.407 sec
  1422. [07-25 18:04:46,217, 114357] mail1(23) - WARN org.hibernate.impl.SessionFactoryImpl : JTASessionContext being used with JDBCTransactionFactory; auto-flush will not operate correctly with getCurrentSession()
  1423. [07-25 18:04:46,217, 114357] mail1(23) - WARN org.hibernate.impl.SessionFactoryImpl : JTASessionContext being used with JDBCTransactionFactory; auto-flush will not operate correctly with getCurrentSession()
  1424. [07-25 18:04:46,219, 114359] MapLoadThread_1 - INFO mapLoader.fc : Loading map MapResource:/Mechanics/Astral/TL_06/Sector12/MapResource.xdb with filter class mapLoader.fb
  1425. [07-25 18:04:46,235, 114375] MapLoadThread_1 - INFO mapLoader.gc : Loading /Mechanics/Astral/TL_06/Sector12
  1426. [07-25 18:04:46,236, 114376] MapLoadThread_1 - INFO mapLoader.gc : Collecting objects on map
  1427. [07-25 18:04:46,236, 114376] MapLoadThread_1 - INFO mapLoader.gc : 0 objects total found.
  1428. [07-25 18:04:46,236, 114376] MapLoadThread_1 - INFO ao.gj : MapLoadParams: [isSuperJumpModeOn = false, blockCoasts = true, loadFromCache = false]
  1429. [07-25 18:04:46,236, 114376] MapLoadThread_1 - INFO ao.gj : Placing objects on terrain
  1430. [07-25 18:04:46,236, 114376] MapLoadThread_1 - INFO ao.gj : Marking voxels : size (3,3)
  1431. [07-25 18:04:46,237, 114377] MapLoadThread_1 - INFO ao.gj : Marked succesfully!
  1432. [07-25 18:04:46,237, 114377] MapLoadThread_1 - INFO ao.gj : Building hierarcial graph
  1433. [07-25 18:04:46,246, 114386] MapLoadThread_1 - INFO ao.gj : Hierarcial graph build finished succesfully!
  1434. [07-25 18:04:46,270, 114410] MapLoadThread_1 - INFO mapLoader.gc : Map loaded
  1435. [07-25 18:04:46,271, 114411] MapLoadThread_1 - INFO mapLoader.fc : Map MapResource:/Mechanics/Astral/TL_06/Sector12/MapResource.xdb loaded with filter class mapLoader.fb
  1436. [07-25 18:04:46,364, 114504] xmpp(8):connection-to-account-thread - WARN verify : Failed to connect to account server: unable to connect to account server /, net i/o exception connecting to java.nio.channels.SocketChannel[closed]
  1437. [07-25 18:04:46,364, 114504] GeneratedMapService-HadaganCenter(29) - INFO mapLoader.fc : /Mechanics/Astral/TL_06/Sector12 waitLoaded in 0.146 sec
  1438. [07-25 18:04:46,396, 114536] MapLoadThread_3 - INFO ao.gj : Hierarcial graph build finished succesfully!
  1439. [07-25 18:04:46,397, 114537] MapLoadThread_3 - INFO mapLoader.gc : Map loaded
  1440. [07-25 18:04:46,397, 114537] MapLoadThread_3 - INFO mapLoader.fc : Map MapResource:/Maps/Hadagan_Sanatorium/MapResource.xdb loaded with filter class mapLoader.fb
  1441. [07-25 18:04:46,404, 114544] MapLoadThread_0 - INFO mapLoader.fc : Loading map MapResource:/Mechanics/Astral/TL_06/EventHubs/Rogues/MapResource.xdb with filter class mapLoader.fb
  1442. [07-25 18:04:46,404, 114544] MapLoadThread_0 - INFO mapLoader.gc : Loading /Mechanics/Astral/TL_06/EventHubs/Rogues
  1443. [07-25 18:04:46,404, 114544] MapLoadThread_0 - INFO mapLoader.gc : Collecting objects on map
  1444. [07-25 18:04:46,404, 114544] MapLoadThread_0 - INFO mapLoader.gc : 0 objects total found.
  1445. [07-25 18:04:46,405, 114545] MapLoadThread_0 - INFO ao.gj : MapLoadParams: [isSuperJumpModeOn = false, blockCoasts = true, loadFromCache = false]
  1446. [07-25 18:04:46,405, 114545] MapLoadThread_0 - INFO ao.gj : Placing objects on terrain
  1447. [07-25 18:04:46,405, 114545] MapLoadThread_0 - INFO ao.gj : Marking voxels : size (3,3)
  1448. [07-25 18:04:46,405, 114545] MapLoadThread_0 - INFO ao.gj : Marked succesfully!
  1449. [07-25 18:04:46,405, 114545] MapLoadThread_0 - INFO ao.gj : Building hierarcial graph
  1450. [07-25 18:04:46,405, 114545] MapLoadThread_0 - INFO ao.gj : Hierarcial graph build finished succesfully!
  1451. [07-25 18:04:46,405, 114545] MapLoadThread_0 - INFO mapLoader.gc : Map loaded
  1452. [07-25 18:04:46,406, 114546] MapLoadThread_0 - INFO mapLoader.fc : Map MapResource:/Mechanics/Astral/TL_06/EventHubs/Rogues/MapResource.xdb loaded with filter class mapLoader.fb
  1453. [07-25 18:04:46,455, 114595] GeneratedMapService-HadaganCenter(29) - INFO mapLoader.fc : /Mechanics/Astral/TL_06/EventHubs/Rogues waitLoaded in 0.051 sec
  1454. [07-25 18:04:46,456, 114596] GeneratedMapService-HadaganCenter(29) - INFO : Total count of patrols at map MapResource:/Mechanics/Astral/TL_06/EventHubs/Rogues/MapResource.xdb 0
  1455. [07-25 18:04:46,462, 114602] MapLoadThread_1 - INFO mapLoader.fc : Loading map MapResource:/Mechanics/Astral/TL_06/Sector13/MapResource.xdb with filter class mapLoader.fb
  1456. [07-25 18:04:46,467, 114607] MapLoadThread_1 - INFO mapLoader.gc : Loading /Mechanics/Astral/TL_06/Sector13
  1457. [07-25 18:04:46,467, 114607] MapLoadThread_1 - INFO mapLoader.gc : Collecting objects on map
  1458. [07-25 18:04:46,467, 114607] MapLoadThread_1 - INFO mapLoader.gc : 0 objects total found.
  1459. [07-25 18:04:46,467, 114607] MapLoadThread_1 - INFO ao.gj : MapLoadParams: [isSuperJumpModeOn = false, blockCoasts = true, loadFromCache = false]
  1460. [07-25 18:04:46,467, 114607] MapLoadThread_1 - INFO ao.gj : Placing objects on terrain
  1461. [07-25 18:04:46,468, 114608] MapLoadThread_1 - INFO ao.gj : Marking voxels : size (3,3)
  1462. [07-25 18:04:46,468, 114608] MapLoadThread_1 - INFO ao.gj : Marked succesfully!
  1463. [07-25 18:04:46,468, 114608] MapLoadThread_1 - INFO ao.gj : Building hierarcial graph
  1464. [07-25 18:04:46,468, 114608] MapLoadThread_1 - INFO ao.gj : Hierarcial graph build finished succesfully!
  1465. [07-25 18:04:46,468, 114608] MapLoadThread_1 - INFO mapLoader.gc : Map loaded
  1466. [07-25 18:04:46,468, 114608] MapLoadThread_1 - INFO mapLoader.fc : Map MapResource:/Mechanics/Astral/TL_06/Sector13/MapResource.xdb loaded with filter class mapLoader.fb
  1467. [07-25 18:04:46,523, 114663] MapLoadThread_4 - INFO ao.gj : Marking voxels : size (195,115)
  1468. [07-25 18:04:46,523, 114663] GeneratedMapService-HadaganCenter(29) - INFO mapLoader.fc : /Mechanics/Astral/TL_06/Sector13 waitLoaded in 0.061 sec
  1469. [07-25 18:04:46,577, 114717] MapLoadThread_3 - INFO mapLoader.fc : Loading map MapResource:/Mechanics/Astral/TL_06/Sector14/MapResource.xdb with filter class mapLoader.fb
  1470. [07-25 18:04:46,577, 114717] MapLoadThread_3 - INFO mapLoader.gc : Loading /Mechanics/Astral/TL_06/Sector14
  1471. [07-25 18:04:46,577, 114717] MapLoadThread_3 - INFO mapLoader.gc : Collecting objects on map
  1472. [07-25 18:04:46,577, 114717] MapLoadThread_3 - INFO mapLoader.gc : 0 objects total found.
  1473. [07-25 18:04:46,577, 114717] MapLoadThread_3 - INFO ao.gj : MapLoadParams: [isSuperJumpModeOn = false, blockCoasts = true, loadFromCache = false]
  1474. [07-25 18:04:46,578, 114718] MapLoadThread_3 - INFO ao.gj : Placing objects on terrain
  1475. [07-25 18:04:46,578, 114718] MapLoadThread_3 - INFO ao.gj : Marking voxels : size (3,3)
  1476. [07-25 18:04:46,578, 114718] MapLoadThread_3 - INFO ao.gj : Marked succesfully!
  1477. [07-25 18:04:46,578, 114718] MapLoadThread_3 - INFO ao.gj : Building hierarcial graph
  1478. [07-25 18:04:46,578, 114718] MapLoadThread_3 - INFO ao.gj : Hierarcial graph build finished succesfully!
  1479. [07-25 18:04:46,579, 114719] MapLoadThread_3 - INFO mapLoader.gc : Map loaded
  1480. [07-25 18:04:46,579, 114719] MapLoadThread_3 - INFO mapLoader.fc : Map MapResource:/Mechanics/Astral/TL_06/Sector14/MapResource.xdb loaded with filter class mapLoader.fb
  1481. [07-25 18:04:46,624, 114764] GeneratedMapService-HadaganCenter(29) - INFO mapLoader.fc : /Mechanics/Astral/TL_06/Sector14 waitLoaded in 0.05 sec
  1482. [07-25 18:04:46,649, 114789] MapLoadThread_0 - INFO mapLoader.fc : Loading map MapResource:/Mechanics/Astral/TL_05/Sector9/MapResource.xdb with filter class mapLoader.fb
  1483. [07-25 18:04:46,659, 114799] MapLoadThread_0 - INFO mapLoader.gc : Loading /Mechanics/Astral/TL_05/Sector9
  1484. [07-25 18:04:46,659, 114799] MapLoadThread_0 - INFO mapLoader.gc : Collecting objects on map
  1485. [07-25 18:04:46,660, 114800] MapLoadThread_0 - INFO mapLoader.gc : 0 objects total found.
  1486. [07-25 18:04:46,660, 114800] MapLoadThread_0 - INFO ao.gj : MapLoadParams: [isSuperJumpModeOn = false, blockCoasts = true, loadFromCache = false]
  1487. [07-25 18:04:46,660, 114800] MapLoadThread_0 - INFO ao.gj : Placing objects on terrain
  1488. [07-25 18:04:46,660, 114800] MapLoadThread_0 - INFO ao.gj : Marking voxels : size (3,3)
  1489. [07-25 18:04:46,660, 114800] MapLoadThread_0 - INFO ao.gj : Marked succesfully!
  1490. [07-25 18:04:46,660, 114800] MapLoadThread_0 - INFO ao.gj : Building hierarcial graph
  1491. [07-25 18:04:46,661, 114801] MapLoadThread_0 - INFO ao.gj : Hierarcial graph build finished succesfully!
  1492. [07-25 18:04:46,661, 114801] MapLoadThread_0 - INFO mapLoader.gc : Map loaded
  1493. [07-25 18:04:46,661, 114801] MapLoadThread_0 - INFO mapLoader.fc : Map MapResource:/Mechanics/Astral/TL_05/Sector9/MapResource.xdb loaded with filter class mapLoader.fb
  1494. [07-25 18:04:46,699, 114839] GeneratedMapService-HadaganCenter(29) - INFO mapLoader.fc : /Mechanics/Astral/TL_05/Sector9 waitLoaded in 0.05 sec
  1495. [07-25 18:04:46,707, 114847] GeneratedMapService-HadaganCenter(29) - INFO : Total count of patrols at map MapResource:/Mechanics/Astral/TL_06/EventHubs/Wrecks/MapResource.xdb 0
  1496. [07-25 18:04:46,725, 114865] MapLoadThread_1 - INFO mapLoader.fc : Loading map MapResource:/Mechanics/Astral/TL_06/Sector15/MapResource.xdb with filter class mapLoader.fb
  1497. [07-25 18:04:46,726, 114866] MapLoadThread_1 - INFO mapLoader.gc : Loading /Mechanics/Astral/TL_06/Sector15
  1498. [07-25 18:04:46,726, 114866] MapLoadThread_1 - INFO mapLoader.gc : Collecting objects on map
  1499. [07-25 18:04:46,726, 114866] MapLoadThread_1 - INFO mapLoader.gc : 0 objects total found.
  1500. [07-25 18:04:46,726, 114866] MapLoadThread_1 - INFO ao.gj : MapLoadParams: [isSuperJumpModeOn = false, blockCoasts = true, loadFromCache = false]
  1501. [07-25 18:04:46,726, 114866] MapLoadThread_1 - INFO ao.gj : Placing objects on terrain
  1502. [07-25 18:04:46,727, 114867] MapLoadThread_1 - INFO ao.gj : Marking voxels : size (3,3)
  1503. [07-25 18:04:46,727, 114867] MapLoadThread_1 - INFO ao.gj : Marked succesfully!
  1504. [07-25 18:04:46,727, 114867] MapLoadThread_1 - INFO ao.gj : Building hierarcial graph
  1505. [07-25 18:04:46,727, 114867] MapLoadThread_1 - INFO ao.gj : Hierarcial graph build finished succesfully!
  1506. [07-25 18:04:46,727, 114867] MapLoadThread_1 - INFO mapLoader.gc : Map loaded
  1507. [07-25 18:04:46,728, 114868] MapLoadThread_1 - INFO mapLoader.fc : Map MapResource:/Mechanics/Astral/TL_06/Sector15/MapResource.xdb loaded with filter class mapLoader.fb
  1508. [07-25 18:04:46,776, 114916] GeneratedMapService-HadaganCenter(29) - INFO mapLoader.fc : /Mechanics/Astral/TL_06/Sector15 waitLoaded in 0.051 sec
  1509. [07-25 18:04:46,797, 114937] MapLoadThread_3 - INFO mapLoader.fc : Loading map MapResource:/Mechanics/Astral/TL_06/Sector16/MapResource.xdb with filter class mapLoader.fb
  1510. [07-25 18:04:46,797, 114937] MapLoadThread_3 - INFO mapLoader.gc : Loading /Mechanics/Astral/TL_06/Sector16
  1511. [07-25 18:04:46,797, 114937] MapLoadThread_3 - INFO mapLoader.gc : Collecting objects on map
  1512. [07-25 18:04:46,797, 114937] MapLoadThread_3 - INFO mapLoader.gc : 0 objects total found.
  1513. [07-25 18:04:46,797, 114937] MapLoadThread_3 - INFO ao.gj : MapLoadParams: [isSuperJumpModeOn = false, blockCoasts = true, loadFromCache = false]
  1514. [07-25 18:04:46,798, 114938] MapLoadThread_3 - INFO ao.gj : Placing objects on terrain
  1515. [07-25 18:04:46,798, 114938] MapLoadThread_3 - INFO ao.gj : Marking voxels : size (3,3)
  1516. [07-25 18:04:46,798, 114938] MapLoadThread_3 - INFO ao.gj : Marked succesfully!
  1517. [07-25 18:04:46,798, 114938] MapLoadThread_3 - INFO ao.gj : Building hierarcial graph
  1518. [07-25 18:04:46,798, 114938] MapLoadThread_3 - INFO ao.gj : Hierarcial graph build finished succesfully!
  1519. [07-25 18:04:46,798, 114938] MapLoadThread_3 - INFO mapLoader.gc : Map loaded
  1520. [07-25 18:04:46,799, 114939] MapLoadThread_3 - INFO mapLoader.fc : Map MapResource:/Mechanics/Astral/TL_06/Sector16/MapResource.xdb loaded with filter class mapLoader.fb
  1521. [07-25 18:04:46,864, 115004] GeneratedMapService-HadaganCenter(29) - INFO mapLoader.fc : /Mechanics/Astral/TL_06/Sector16 waitLoaded in 0.067 sec
  1522. [07-25 18:04:46,872, 115012] GeneratedMapService-HadaganCenter(29) - INFO : Total count of patrols at map MapResource:/Mechanics/Astral/TL_06/EventHubs/Mines/MapResource.xdb 0
  1523. [07-25 18:04:46,891, 115031] GeneratedMapService-HadaganCenter(29) - WARN astralGraph : Isolated node AstralSectorResource:/Mechanics/Astral/TL_04/SectorOneHub/Sector.xdb on graph AstralGraphResource:/Mechanics/Astral/BigAstral.(AstralGraphResource).xdb
  1524. [07-25 18:04:46,892, 115032] MapLoadThread_0 - INFO mapLoader.fc : Loading map MapResource:/Mechanics/Astral/TL_04/SectorOneHub/MapResource.xdb with filter class mapLoader.fb
  1525. [07-25 18:04:46,892, 115032] MapLoadThread_0 - INFO mapLoader.gc : Loading /Mechanics/Astral/TL_04/SectorOneHub
  1526. [07-25 18:04:46,893, 115033] MapLoadThread_0 - INFO mapLoader.gc : Collecting objects on map
  1527. [07-25 18:04:46,893, 115033] MapLoadThread_0 - INFO mapLoader.gc : 0 objects total found.
  1528. [07-25 18:04:46,893, 115033] MapLoadThread_0 - INFO ao.gj : MapLoadParams: [isSuperJumpModeOn = false, blockCoasts = true, loadFromCache = false]
  1529. [07-25 18:04:46,894, 115034] MapLoadThread_0 - INFO ao.gj : Placing objects on terrain
  1530. [07-25 18:04:46,894, 115034] MapLoadThread_0 - INFO ao.gj : Marking voxels : size (3,3)
  1531. [07-25 18:04:46,894, 115034] MapLoadThread_0 - INFO ao.gj : Marked succesfully!
  1532. [07-25 18:04:46,894, 115034] MapLoadThread_0 - INFO ao.gj : Building hierarcial graph
  1533. [07-25 18:04:46,895, 115035] MapLoadThread_0 - INFO ao.gj : Hierarcial graph build finished succesfully!
  1534. [07-25 18:04:46,895, 115035] MapLoadThread_0 - INFO mapLoader.gc : Map loaded
  1535. [07-25 18:04:46,895, 115035] MapLoadThread_0 - INFO mapLoader.fc : Map MapResource:/Mechanics/Astral/TL_04/SectorOneHub/MapResource.xdb loaded with filter class mapLoader.fb
  1536. [07-25 18:04:46,942, 115082] GeneratedMapService-HadaganCenter(29) - INFO mapLoader.fc : /Mechanics/Astral/TL_04/SectorOneHub waitLoaded in 0.05 sec
  1537. [07-25 18:04:46,942, 115082] MapLoadThread_1 - INFO mapLoader.fc : Loading map MapResource:/Mechanics/Astral/TL_04/SectorOneHub/StaticHub/MapResource.xdb with filter class mapLoader.fb
  1538. [07-25 18:04:46,942, 115082] MapLoadThread_1 - INFO mapLoader.gc : Loading /Mechanics/Astral/TL_04/SectorOneHub/StaticHub
  1539. [07-25 18:04:46,943, 115083] MapLoadThread_1 - INFO mapLoader.gc : Collecting objects on map
  1540. [07-25 18:04:46,943, 115083] MapLoadThread_1 - INFO mapLoader.gc : 0 objects total found.
  1541. [07-25 18:04:46,943, 115083] MapLoadThread_1 - INFO ao.gj : MapLoadParams: [isSuperJumpModeOn = false, blockCoasts = true, loadFromCache = false]
  1542. [07-25 18:04:46,943, 115083] MapLoadThread_1 - INFO ao.gj : Placing objects on terrain
  1543. [07-25 18:04:46,943, 115083] MapLoadThread_1 - INFO ao.gj : Marking voxels : size (3,3)
  1544. [07-25 18:04:46,944, 115084] MapLoadThread_1 - INFO ao.gj : Marked succesfully!
  1545. [07-25 18:04:46,944, 115084] MapLoadThread_1 - INFO ao.gj : Building hierarcial graph
  1546. [07-25 18:04:46,944, 115084] MapLoadThread_1 - INFO ao.gj : Hierarcial graph build finished succesfully!
  1547. [07-25 18:04:46,944, 115084] MapLoadThread_1 - INFO mapLoader.gc : Map loaded
  1548. [07-25 18:04:46,945, 115085] MapLoadThread_1 - INFO mapLoader.fc : Map MapResource:/Mechanics/Astral/TL_04/SectorOneHub/StaticHub/MapResource.xdb loaded with filter class mapLoader.fb
  1549. [07-25 18:04:46,992, 115132] GeneratedMapService-HadaganCenter(29) - INFO mapLoader.fc : /Mechanics/Astral/TL_04/SectorOneHub/StaticHub waitLoaded in 0.05 sec
  1550. [07-25 18:04:46,992, 115132] GeneratedMapService-HadaganCenter(29) - INFO : Total count of patrols at map MapResource:/Mechanics/Astral/TL_04/SectorOneHub/StaticHub/MapResource.xdb 0
  1551. [07-25 18:04:46,993, 115133] GeneratedMapService-HadaganCenter(29) - WARN astralGraph : Isolated node AstralSectorResource:/Mechanics/Astral/TL_05/SectorOneHub/Sector.xdb on graph AstralGraphResource:/Mechanics/Astral/BigAstral.(AstralGraphResource).xdb
  1552. [07-25 18:04:46,993, 115133] MapLoadThread_3 - INFO mapLoader.fc : Loading map MapResource:/Mechanics/Astral/TL_05/SectorOneHub/MapResource.xdb with filter class mapLoader.fb
  1553. [07-25 18:04:46,994, 115134] MapLoadThread_3 - INFO mapLoader.gc : Loading /Mechanics/Astral/TL_05/SectorOneHub
  1554. [07-25 18:04:46,994, 115134] MapLoadThread_3 - INFO mapLoader.gc : Collecting objects on map
  1555. [07-25 18:04:46,994, 115134] MapLoadThread_3 - INFO mapLoader.gc : 0 objects total found.
  1556. [07-25 18:04:46,994, 115134] MapLoadThread_3 - INFO ao.gj : MapLoadParams: [isSuperJumpModeOn = false, blockCoasts = true, loadFromCache = false]
  1557. [07-25 18:04:46,994, 115134] MapLoadThread_3 - INFO ao.gj : Placing objects on terrain
  1558. [07-25 18:04:46,994, 115134] MapLoadThread_3 - INFO ao.gj : Marking voxels : size (3,3)
  1559. [07-25 18:04:46,995, 115135] MapLoadThread_3 - INFO ao.gj : Marked succesfully!
  1560. [07-25 18:04:46,995, 115135] MapLoadThread_3 - INFO ao.gj : Building hierarcial graph
  1561. [07-25 18:04:46,995, 115135] MapLoadThread_3 - INFO ao.gj : Hierarcial graph build finished succesfully!
  1562. [07-25 18:04:46,995, 115135] MapLoadThread_3 - INFO mapLoader.gc : Map loaded
  1563. [07-25 18:04:46,996, 115136] MapLoadThread_3 - INFO mapLoader.fc : Map MapResource:/Mechanics/Astral/TL_05/SectorOneHub/MapResource.xdb loaded with filter class mapLoader.fb
  1564. [07-25 18:04:47,043, 115183] GeneratedMapService-HadaganCenter(29) - INFO mapLoader.fc : /Mechanics/Astral/TL_05/SectorOneHub waitLoaded in 0.05 sec
  1565. [07-25 18:04:47,043, 115183] MapLoadThread_0 - INFO mapLoader.fc : Loading map MapResource:/Mechanics/Astral/TL_05/SectorOneHub/StaticHub/MapResource.xdb with filter class mapLoader.fb
  1566. [07-25 18:04:47,043, 115183] MapLoadThread_0 - INFO mapLoader.gc : Loading /Mechanics/Astral/TL_05/SectorOneHub/StaticHub
  1567. [07-25 18:04:47,043, 115183] MapLoadThread_0 - INFO mapLoader.gc : Collecting objects on map
  1568. [07-25 18:04:47,044, 115184] MapLoadThread_0 - INFO mapLoader.gc : 0 objects total found.
  1569. [07-25 18:04:47,044, 115184] MapLoadThread_0 - INFO ao.gj : MapLoadParams: [isSuperJumpModeOn = false, blockCoasts = true, loadFromCache = false]
  1570. [07-25 18:04:47,044, 115184] MapLoadThread_0 - INFO ao.gj : Placing objects on terrain
  1571. [07-25 18:04:47,044, 115184] MapLoadThread_0 - INFO ao.gj : Marking voxels : size (3,3)
  1572. [07-25 18:04:47,044, 115184] MapLoadThread_0 - INFO ao.gj : Marked succesfully!
  1573. [07-25 18:04:47,045, 115185] MapLoadThread_0 - INFO ao.gj : Building hierarcial graph
  1574. [07-25 18:04:47,045, 115185] MapLoadThread_0 - INFO ao.gj : Hierarcial graph build finished succesfully!
  1575. [07-25 18:04:47,045, 115185] MapLoadThread_0 - INFO mapLoader.gc : Map loaded
  1576. [07-25 18:04:47,045, 115185] MapLoadThread_0 - INFO mapLoader.fc : Map MapResource:/Mechanics/Astral/TL_05/SectorOneHub/StaticHub/MapResource.xdb loaded with filter class mapLoader.fb
  1577. [07-25 18:04:47,093, 115233] GeneratedMapService-HadaganCenter(29) - INFO mapLoader.fc : /Mechanics/Astral/TL_05/SectorOneHub/StaticHub waitLoaded in 0.05 sec
  1578. [07-25 18:04:47,093, 115233] GeneratedMapService-HadaganCenter(29) - INFO : Total count of patrols at map MapResource:/Mechanics/Astral/TL_05/SectorOneHub/StaticHub/MapResource.xdb 0
  1579. [07-25 18:04:47,094, 115234] GeneratedMapService-HadaganCenter(29) - WARN astralGraph : Isolated node AstralSectorResource:/Mechanics/Astral/TL_06/SectorOneHub/Sector.xdb on graph AstralGraphResource:/Mechanics/Astral/BigAstral.(AstralGraphResource).xdb
  1580. [07-25 18:04:47,094, 115234] MapLoadThread_1 - INFO mapLoader.fc : Loading map MapResource:/Mechanics/Astral/TL_06/SectorOneHub/MapResource.xdb with filter class mapLoader.fb
  1581. [07-25 18:04:47,094, 115234] MapLoadThread_1 - INFO mapLoader.gc : Loading /Mechanics/Astral/TL_06/SectorOneHub
  1582. [07-25 18:04:47,094, 115234] MapLoadThread_1 - INFO mapLoader.gc : Collecting objects on map
  1583. [07-25 18:04:47,094, 115234] MapLoadThread_1 - INFO mapLoader.gc : 0 objects total found.
  1584. [07-25 18:04:47,094, 115234] MapLoadThread_1 - INFO ao.gj : MapLoadParams: [isSuperJumpModeOn = false, blockCoasts = true, loadFromCache = false]
  1585. [07-25 18:04:47,095, 115235] MapLoadThread_1 - INFO ao.gj : Placing objects on terrain
  1586. [07-25 18:04:47,095, 115235] MapLoadThread_1 - INFO ao.gj : Marking voxels : size (3,3)
  1587. [07-25 18:04:47,095, 115235] MapLoadThread_1 - INFO ao.gj : Marked succesfully!
  1588. [07-25 18:04:47,095, 115235] MapLoadThread_1 - INFO ao.gj : Building hierarcial graph
  1589. [07-25 18:04:47,095, 115235] MapLoadThread_1 - INFO ao.gj : Hierarcial graph build finished succesfully!
  1590. [07-25 18:04:47,095, 115235] MapLoadThread_1 - INFO mapLoader.gc : Map loaded
  1591. [07-25 18:04:47,095, 115235] MapLoadThread_1 - INFO mapLoader.fc : Map MapResource:/Mechanics/Astral/TL_06/SectorOneHub/MapResource.xdb loaded with filter class mapLoader.fb
  1592. [07-25 18:04:47,144, 115284] GeneratedMapService-HadaganCenter(29) - INFO mapLoader.fc : /Mechanics/Astral/TL_06/SectorOneHub waitLoaded in 0.05 sec
  1593. [07-25 18:04:47,144, 115284] MapLoadThread_3 - INFO mapLoader.fc : Loading map MapResource:/Mechanics/Astral/TL_06/SectorOneHub/StaticHub/MapResource.xdb with filter class mapLoader.fb
  1594. [07-25 18:04:47,145, 115285] MapLoadThread_3 - INFO mapLoader.gc : Loading /Mechanics/Astral/TL_06/SectorOneHub/StaticHub
  1595. [07-25 18:04:47,145, 115285] MapLoadThread_3 - INFO mapLoader.gc : Collecting objects on map
  1596. [07-25 18:04:47,145, 115285] MapLoadThread_3 - INFO mapLoader.gc : 0 objects total found.
  1597. [07-25 18:04:47,145, 115285] MapLoadThread_3 - INFO ao.gj : MapLoadParams: [isSuperJumpModeOn = false, blockCoasts = true, loadFromCache = false]
  1598. [07-25 18:04:47,145, 115285] MapLoadThread_3 - INFO ao.gj : Placing objects on terrain
  1599. [07-25 18:04:47,145, 115285] MapLoadThread_3 - INFO ao.gj : Marking voxels : size (3,3)
  1600. [07-25 18:04:47,146, 115286] MapLoadThread_3 - INFO ao.gj : Marked succesfully!
  1601. [07-25 18:04:47,146, 115286] MapLoadThread_3 - INFO ao.gj : Building hierarcial graph
  1602. [07-25 18:04:47,146, 115286] MapLoadThread_3 - INFO ao.gj : Hierarcial graph build finished succesfully!
  1603. [07-25 18:04:47,146, 115286] MapLoadThread_3 - INFO mapLoader.gc : Map loaded
  1604. [07-25 18:04:47,146, 115286] MapLoadThread_3 - INFO mapLoader.fc : Map MapResource:/Mechanics/Astral/TL_06/SectorOneHub/StaticHub/MapResource.xdb loaded with filter class mapLoader.fb
  1605. [07-25 18:04:47,210, 115350] GeneratedMapService-HadaganCenter(29) - INFO mapLoader.fc : /Mechanics/Astral/TL_06/SectorOneHub/StaticHub waitLoaded in 0.066 sec
  1606. [07-25 18:04:47,224, 115364] GeneratedMapService-HadaganCenter(29) - INFO : Total count of patrols at map MapResource:/Mechanics/Astral/TL_06/SectorOneHub/StaticHub/MapResource.xdb 0
  1607. [07-25 18:04:47,224, 115364] mail1(23) - INFO databaseServer : Database structure checked
  1608. [07-25 18:04:47,224, 115364] GeneratedMapService-HadaganCenter(29) - WARN astralGraph : Isolated node AstralSectorResource:/Mechanics/Astral/TL_04/SectorNewbie/Sector.xdb on graph AstralGraphResource:/Mechanics/Astral/BigAstral.(AstralGraphResource).xdb
  1609. [07-25 18:04:47,225, 115365] MapLoadThread_0 - INFO mapLoader.fc : Loading map MapResource:/Mechanics/Astral/TL_04/SectorNewbie/MapResource.xdb with filter class mapLoader.fb
  1610. [07-25 18:04:47,225, 115365] MapLoadThread_0 - INFO mapLoader.gc : Loading /Mechanics/Astral/TL_04/SectorNewbie
  1611. [07-25 18:04:47,225, 115365] MapLoadThread_0 - INFO mapLoader.gc : Collecting objects on map
  1612. [07-25 18:04:47,225, 115365] MapLoadThread_0 - INFO mapLoader.gc : 0 objects total found.
  1613. [07-25 18:04:47,225, 115365] MapLoadThread_0 - INFO ao.gj : MapLoadParams: [isSuperJumpModeOn = false, blockCoasts = true, loadFromCache = false]
  1614. [07-25 18:04:47,226, 115366] MapLoadThread_0 - INFO ao.gj : Placing objects on terrain
  1615. [07-25 18:04:47,226, 115366] MapLoadThread_0 - INFO ao.gj : Marking voxels : size (3,3)
  1616. [07-25 18:04:47,226, 115366] MapLoadThread_0 - INFO ao.gj : Marked succesfully!
  1617. [07-25 18:04:47,226, 115366] mail1(23) - WARN databaseServer : Database param "max_heap_table_size" value not equals to recomended value. Actual: 16777216 Recommended: 1073741824
  1618. [07-25 18:04:47,226, 115366] mail1(23) - WARN databaseServer : Database param "innodb_buffer_pool_size" value not equals to recomended value. Actual: 134217728 Recommended: 8388608000
  1619. [07-25 18:04:47,226, 115366] mail1(23) - WARN databaseServer : Database param "innodb_flush_log_at_trx_commit" value not equals to recomended value. Actual: 1 Recommended: 2
  1620. [07-25 18:04:47,227, 115367] mail1(23) - WARN databaseServer : Database param "innodb_log_file_size" value not equals to recomended value. Actual: 50331648 Recommended: 268435456
  1621. [07-25 18:04:47,227, 115367] mail1(23) - WARN databaseServer : Database param "innodb_max_dirty_pags_pct" value not equals to recomended value. Actual: null Recommended: 10
  1622. [07-25 18:04:47,227, 115367] mail1(23) - WARN databaseServer : Database param "query_cache_size" value not equals to recomended value. Actual: 1048576 Recommended: 0
  1623. [07-25 18:04:47,227, 115367] mail1(23) - WARN databaseServer : Database param "sql_mode" value not equals to recomended value. Actual: STRICT_TRANS_TABLES,NO_ENGINE_SUBSTITUTION Recommended: NO_ZERO_DATE,ONLY_FULL_GROUP_BY,STRICT_TRANS_TABLES
  1624. [07-25 18:04:47,226, 115366] MapLoadThread_0 - INFO ao.gj : Building hierarcial graph
  1625. [07-25 18:04:47,228, 115368] MapLoadThread_0 - INFO ao.gj : Hierarcial graph build finished succesfully!
  1626. [07-25 18:04:47,228, 115368] MapLoadThread_0 - INFO mapLoader.gc : Map loaded
  1627. [07-25 18:04:47,228, 115368] MapLoadThread_0 - INFO mapLoader.fc : Map MapResource:/Mechanics/Astral/TL_04/SectorNewbie/MapResource.xdb loaded with filter class mapLoader.fb
  1628. [07-25 18:04:47,227, 115367] main - INFO basement.d : server "mail2" at address 24 started
  1629. [07-25 18:04:47,228, 115368] mail1(23) - INFO databaseServer : Database time: 2017.07.25 +0200, local server time: 2017.07.25 +0200, delta: 0 sec.
  1630. [07-25 18:04:47,278, 115418] GeneratedMapService-HadaganCenter(29) - INFO mapLoader.fc : /Mechanics/Astral/TL_04/SectorNewbie waitLoaded in 0.053 sec
  1631. [07-25 18:04:47,399, 115539] mail2(24) - INFO MsgProcessor : MsgProcessor queue size on server mail2[24]: = 32000
  1632. [07-25 18:04:47,459, 115599] mail2(24) - INFO dbcommons.hibernate.r : **** j Database connected. Connection url: jdbc:mysql://'READ-COMMITTED',autocommit=0&connectTimeout=50000000&socketTimeout=5000000000 username: root
  1633. [07-25 18:04:47,499, 115639] mail1(23) - INFO dbcommons.hibernate.r : Scheme baker dbcommons.jdbc.schemebaker.f is created for databaseServer.jdbcimpl.j
  1634. [07-25 18:04:47,555, 115695] mail1(23) - INFO mailService : Mail service started
  1635. [07-25 18:04:47,569, 115709] mail1(23) - INFO TextLogger : Create logger `statistics.System.Performance.MsgPublisher.server23.txt`, file `../statistics/System/Performance/MsgPublisher/server23.txt`, without rolling
  1636. [07-25 18:04:47,573, 115713] Bake thread - INFO dbcommons.jdbc.schemebaker.SchemeBakerJDBCImpl : Checking if scheme baking required....
  1637. [07-25 18:04:47,588, 115728] Bake thread - INFO dbcommons.jdbc.schemebaker.SchemeBakerJDBCImpl : Scheme baking is not required.
  1638. [07-25 18:04:47,597, 115737] item(10) - INFO msgSystem.impl.v : Server 23 isn't added yet. Send answer to [23, 3, 1] later.
  1639. [07-25 18:04:47,617, 115757] item(10) - INFO msgSystem.impl.v : Server 23 added. Sending answer to [23, 3, 1]
  1640. [07-25 18:04:47,784, 115924] mail2(24) - WARN org.hibernate.ejb.Ejb3Configuration : hibernate.connection.autocommit = false break the EJB3 specification
  1641. [07-25 18:04:47,784, 115924] mail2(24) - WARN org.hibernate.ejb.Ejb3Configuration : hibernate.connection.autocommit = false break the EJB3 specification
  1642. [07-25 18:04:47,831, 115971] mail2(24) - INFO com.mchange.v2.c3p0.impl.AbstractPoolBackedDataSource : Initializing c3p0 pool... com.mchange.v2.c3p0.PoolBackedDataSource@19c68ae4 [ connectionPoolDataSource -> com.mchange.v2.c3p0.WrapperConnectionPoolDataSource@868d2eba [ acquireIncrement -> 3, acquireRetryAttempts -> 1, acquireRetryDelay -> 1000, autoCommitOnClose -> false, automaticTestTable -> null, breakAfterAcquireFailure -> false, checkoutTimeout -> 0, connectionCustomizerClassName -> null, connectionTesterClassName -> com.mchange.v2.c3p0.impl.DefaultConnectionTester, debugUnreturnedConnectionStackTraces -> false, factoryClassLocation -> null, forceIgnoreUnresolvedTransactions -> false, identityToken -> 7037ti9pxzimub809rah|5374a2d5, idleConnectionTestPeriod -> 60, initialPoolSize -> 3, maxAdministrativeTaskTime -> 0, maxConnectionAge -> 0, maxIdleTime -> 600, maxIdleTimeExcessConnections -> 0, maxPoolSize -> 15, maxStatements -> 50, maxStatementsPerConnection -> 0, minPoolSize -> 3, nestedDataSource -> com.mchange.v2.c3p0.DriverManagerDataSource@cb0327d [ description -> null, driverClass -> null, factoryClassLocation -> null, identityToken -> 7037ti9pxzimub809rah|1d382e7f, jdbcUrl -> jdbc:mysql://'READ-COMMITTED',autocommit=0&connectTimeout=50000000&socketTimeout=5000000000, properties -> {user=******, password=******, autocommit=false, release_mode=after_statement} ], preferredTestQuery -> SELECT 1, propertyCycle -> 0, statementCacheNumDeferredCloseThreads -> 0, testConnectionOnCheckin -> false, testConnectionOnCheckout -> false, unreturnedConnectionTimeout -> 0, usesTraditionalReflectiveProxies -> false; userOverrides: {} ], dataSourceName -> null, factoryClassLocation -> null, identityToken -> 7037ti9pxzimub809rah|e6e78c1, numHelperThreads -> 3 ]
  1643. [07-25 18:04:47,840, 115980] mail2(24) - WARN org.hibernate.cfg.SettingsFactory : Overriding release mode as connection provider does not support 'after_statement'
  1644. [07-25 18:04:47,840, 115980] mail2(24) - WARN org.hibernate.cfg.SettingsFactory : Overriding release mode as connection provider does not support 'after_statement'
  1645. [07-25 18:04:47,941, 116081] mail2(24) - WARN org.hibernate.impl.SessionFactoryImpl : JTASessionContext being used with JDBCTransactionFactory; auto-flush will not operate correctly with getCurrentSession()
  1646. [07-25 18:04:47,941, 116081] mail2(24) - WARN org.hibernate.impl.SessionFactoryImpl : JTASessionContext being used with JDBCTransactionFactory; auto-flush will not operate correctly with getCurrentSession()
  1647. [07-25 18:04:48,718, 116858] mail2(24) - INFO databaseServer : Database structure checked
  1648. [07-25 18:04:48,727, 116867] mail2(24) - WARN databaseServer : Database param "max_heap_table_size" value not equals to recomended value. Actual: 16777216 Recommended: 1073741824
  1649. [07-25 18:04:48,727, 116867] mail2(24) - WARN databaseServer : Database param "innodb_buffer_pool_size" value not equals to recomended value. Actual: 134217728 Recommended: 8388608000
  1650. [07-25 18:04:48,728, 116868] mail2(24) - WARN databaseServer : Database param "innodb_flush_log_at_trx_commit" value not equals to recomended value. Actual: 1 Recommended: 2
  1651. [07-25 18:04:48,728, 116868] mail2(24) - WARN databaseServer : Database param "innodb_log_file_size" value not equals to recomended value. Actual: 50331648 Recommended: 268435456
  1652. [07-25 18:04:48,728, 116868] mail2(24) - WARN databaseServer : Database param "innodb_max_dirty_pags_pct" value not equals to recomended value. Actual: null Recommended: 10
  1653. [07-25 18:04:48,728, 116868] mail2(24) - WARN databaseServer : Database param "query_cache_size" value not equals to recomended value. Actual: 1048576 Recommended: 0
  1654. [07-25 18:04:48,728, 116868] mail2(24) - WARN databaseServer : Database param "sql_mode" value not equals to recomended value. Actual: STRICT_TRANS_TABLES,NO_ENGINE_SUBSTITUTION Recommended: NO_ZERO_DATE,ONLY_FULL_GROUP_BY,STRICT_TRANS_TABLES
  1655. [07-25 18:04:48,729, 116869] mail2(24) - INFO databaseServer : Database time: 2017.07.25 +0200, local server time: 2017.07.25 +0200, delta: 0 sec.
  1656. [07-25 18:04:48,967, 117107] mail2(24) - INFO dbcommons.hibernate.r : Scheme baker dbcommons.jdbc.schemebaker.f is created for databaseServer.jdbcimpl.j
  1657. [07-25 18:04:49,007, 117147] mail2(24) - INFO mailService : Mail service started
  1658. [07-25 18:04:49,024, 117164] mail2(24) - INFO TextLogger : Create logger `statistics.System.Performance.MsgPublisher.server24.txt`, file `../statistics/System/Performance/MsgPublisher/server24.txt`, without rolling
  1659. [07-25 18:04:49,059, 117199] Bake thread - INFO dbcommons.jdbc.schemebaker.SchemeBakerJDBCImpl : Checking if scheme baking required....
  1660. [07-25 18:04:49,061, 117201] Bake thread - INFO dbcommons.jdbc.schemebaker.SchemeBakerJDBCImpl : Scheme baking is not required.
  1661. [07-25 18:04:49,194, 117334] MapLoadThread_2 - INFO mapLoader.gc : Collecting objects on map
  1662. [07-25 18:04:49,229, 117369] main - INFO basement.d : server "mail3" at address 25 started
  1663. [07-25 18:04:49,295, 117435] mail3(25) - INFO MsgProcessor : MsgProcessor queue size on server mail3[25]: = 32000
  1664. [07-25 18:04:49,303, 117443] mail3(25) - INFO dbcommons.hibernate.r : **** j Database connected. Connection url: jdbc:mysql://'READ-COMMITTED',autocommit=0&connectTimeout=50000000&socketTimeout=5000000000 username: root
  1665. [07-25 18:04:49,445, 117585] mail3(25) - WARN org.hibernate.ejb.Ejb3Configuration : hibernate.connection.autocommit = false break the EJB3 specification
  1666. [07-25 18:04:49,445, 117585] mail3(25) - WARN org.hibernate.ejb.Ejb3Configuration : hibernate.connection.autocommit = false break the EJB3 specification
  1667. [07-25 18:04:49,500, 117640] mail3(25) - INFO com.mchange.v2.c3p0.impl.AbstractPoolBackedDataSource : Initializing c3p0 pool... com.mchange.v2.c3p0.PoolBackedDataSource@cee1cebb [ connectionPoolDataSource -> com.mchange.v2.c3p0.WrapperConnectionPoolDataSource@1bf2732b [ acquireIncrement -> 3, acquireRetryAttempts -> 1, acquireRetryDelay -> 1000, autoCommitOnClose -> false, automaticTestTable -> null, breakAfterAcquireFailure -> false, checkoutTimeout -> 0, connectionCustomizerClassName -> null, connectionTesterClassName -> com.mchange.v2.c3p0.impl.DefaultConnectionTester, debugUnreturnedConnectionStackTraces -> false, factoryClassLocation -> null, forceIgnoreUnresolvedTransactions -> false, identityToken -> 7037ti9pxzimub809rah|4aee3ee2, idleConnectionTestPeriod -> 60, initialPoolSize -> 3, maxAdministrativeTaskTime -> 0, maxConnectionAge -> 0, maxIdleTime -> 600, maxIdleTimeExcessConnections -> 0, maxPoolSize -> 15, maxStatements -> 50, maxStatementsPerConnection -> 0, minPoolSize -> 3, nestedDataSource -> com.mchange.v2.c3p0.DriverManagerDataSource@c6b1df39 [ description -> null, driverClass -> null, factoryClassLocation -> null, identityToken -> 7037ti9pxzimub809rah|600e4d32, jdbcUrl -> jdbc:mysql://'READ-COMMITTED',autocommit=0&connectTimeout=50000000&socketTimeout=5000000000, properties -> {user=******, password=******, autocommit=false, release_mode=after_statement} ], preferredTestQuery -> SELECT 1, propertyCycle -> 0, statementCacheNumDeferredCloseThreads -> 0, testConnectionOnCheckin -> false, testConnectionOnCheckout -> false, unreturnedConnectionTimeout -> 0, usesTraditionalReflectiveProxies -> false; userOverrides: {} ], dataSourceName -> null, factoryClassLocation -> null, identityToken -> 7037ti9pxzimub809rah|3f4f9770, numHelperThreads -> 3 ]
  1668. [07-25 18:04:49,629, 117769] mail3(25) - WARN org.hibernate.cfg.SettingsFactory : Overriding release mode as connection provider does not support 'after_statement'
  1669. [07-25 18:04:49,629, 117769] mail3(25) - WARN org.hibernate.cfg.SettingsFactory : Overriding release mode as connection provider does not support 'after_statement'
  1670. [07-25 18:04:49,774, 117914] mail3(25) - WARN org.hibernate.impl.SessionFactoryImpl : JTASessionContext being used with JDBCTransactionFactory; auto-flush will not operate correctly with getCurrentSession()
  1671. [07-25 18:04:49,774, 117914] mail3(25) - WARN org.hibernate.impl.SessionFactoryImpl : JTASessionContext being used with JDBCTransactionFactory; auto-flush will not operate correctly with getCurrentSession()
  1672. [07-25 18:04:50,676, 118816] mail3(25) - INFO databaseServer : Database structure checked
  1673. [07-25 18:04:50,678, 118818] mail3(25) - WARN databaseServer : Database param "max_heap_table_size" value not equals to recomended value. Actual: 16777216 Recommended: 1073741824
  1674. [07-25 18:04:50,678, 118818] mail3(25) - WARN databaseServer : Database param "innodb_buffer_pool_size" value not equals to recomended value. Actual: 134217728 Recommended: 8388608000
  1675. [07-25 18:04:50,678, 118818] mail3(25) - WARN databaseServer : Database param "innodb_flush_log_at_trx_commit" value not equals to recomended value. Actual: 1 Recommended: 2
  1676. [07-25 18:04:50,678, 118818] mail3(25) - WARN databaseServer : Database param "innodb_log_file_size" value not equals to recomended value. Actual: 50331648 Recommended: 268435456
  1677. [07-25 18:04:50,679, 118819] mail3(25) - WARN databaseServer : Database param "innodb_max_dirty_pags_pct" value not equals to recomended value. Actual: null Recommended: 10
  1678. [07-25 18:04:50,679, 118819] mail3(25) - WARN databaseServer : Database param "query_cache_size" value not equals to recomended value. Actual: 1048576 Recommended: 0
  1679. [07-25 18:04:50,679, 118819] mail3(25) - WARN databaseServer : Database param "sql_mode" value not equals to recomended value. Actual: STRICT_TRANS_TABLES,NO_ENGINE_SUBSTITUTION Recommended: NO_ZERO_DATE,ONLY_FULL_GROUP_BY,STRICT_TRANS_TABLES
  1680. [07-25 18:04:50,680, 118820] mail3(25) - INFO databaseServer : Database time: 2017.07.25 +0200, local server time: 2017.07.25 +0200, delta: 0 sec.
  1681. [07-25 18:04:51,023, 119163] mail3(25) - INFO dbcommons.hibernate.r : Scheme baker dbcommons.jdbc.schemebaker.f is created for databaseServer.jdbcimpl.j
  1682. [07-25 18:04:51,067, 119207] mail3(25) - INFO mailService : Mail service started
  1683. [07-25 18:04:51,068, 119208] mail3(25) - INFO TextLogger : Create logger `statistics.System.Performance.MsgPublisher.server25.txt`, file `../statistics/System/Performance/MsgPublisher/server25.txt`, without rolling
  1684. [07-25 18:04:51,093, 119233] Bake thread - INFO dbcommons.jdbc.schemebaker.SchemeBakerJDBCImpl : Checking if scheme baking required....
  1685. [07-25 18:04:51,095, 119235] Bake thread - INFO dbcommons.jdbc.schemebaker.SchemeBakerJDBCImpl : Scheme baking is not required.
  1686. [07-25 18:04:51,230, 119370] main - INFO basement.d : server "config" at address 26 started
  1687. [07-25 18:04:51,299, 119439] config(26) - INFO MsgProcessor : MsgProcessor queue size on server config[26]: = 32000
  1688. [07-25 18:04:51,304, 119444] config(26) - INFO TextLogger : Create logger `statistics.System.Performance.MsgPublisher.server26.txt`, file `../statistics/System/Performance/MsgPublisher/server26.txt`, without rolling
  1689. [07-25 18:04:53,231, 121371] main - INFO basement.d : server "dailyNotifier" at address 27 started
  1690. [07-25 18:04:53,335, 121475] dailyNotifier(27) - INFO MsgProcessor : MsgProcessor queue size on server dailyNotifier[27]: = 32000
  1691. [07-25 18:04:53,339, 121479] dailyNotifier(27) - INFO TextLogger : Create logger `c-dailyNotifier(27)`, file `../statistics/System/Performance/Replication/c-dailyNotifier(27).txt`, without rolling
  1692. [07-25 18:04:53,346, 121486] dailyNotifier(27) - INFO TextLogger : Create logger `statistics.System.Performance.MsgPublisher.server27.txt`, file `../statistics/System/Performance/MsgPublisher/server27.txt`, without rolling
  1693. [07-25 18:04:53,397, 121537] dailyNotifier(27) - INFO DailyNotifierService : next notification time is 2017.07.26 +0200 (current time is 2017.07.25 +0200, notification time is 04:00:00)
  1694. [07-25 18:04:55,232, 123372] main - INFO basement.d : server "rules" at address 28 started
  1695. [07-25 18:04:55,298, 123438] rules(28) - INFO MsgProcessor : MsgProcessor queue size on server rules[28]: = 32000
  1696. [07-25 18:04:55,302, 123442] rules(28) - INFO TextLogger : Create logger `c-rules(28)`, file `../statistics/System/Performance/Replication/c-rules(28).txt`, without rolling
  1697. [07-25 18:04:55,306, 123446] rules(28) - INFO TextLogger : Create logger `statistics.System.Performance.MsgPublisher.server28.txt`, file `../statistics/System/Performance/MsgPublisher/server28.txt`, without rolling
  1698. [07-25 18:04:55,327, 123467] rules(28) - INFO root : Module AbonentsCounter started
  1699. [07-25 18:04:55,330, 123470] item(10) - INFO collect.j : Creating collect db AbonentsCounter-rules(28)
  1700. [07-25 18:04:56,910, 125050] fe4(7):connection-to-account-thread - WARN verify : Failed to connect to account server: unable to connect to account server /, net i/o exception connecting to java.nio.channels.SocketChannel[closed]
  1701. [07-25 18:04:57,003, 125143] fe1(4):connection-to-account-thread - WARN verify : Failed to connect to account server: unable to connect to account server /, net i/o exception connecting to java.nio.channels.SocketChannel[closed]
  1702. [07-25 18:04:57,107, 125247] fe3(6):connection-to-account-thread - WARN verify : Failed to connect to account server: unable to connect to account server /, net i/o exception connecting to java.nio.channels.SocketChannel[closed]
  1703. [07-25 18:04:57,107, 125247] fe2(5):connection-to-account-thread - WARN verify : Failed to connect to account server: unable to connect to account server /, net i/o exception connecting to java.nio.channels.SocketChannel[closed]
  1704. [07-25 18:04:57,232, 125372] main - INFO shardstarter.a : collecting garbage...
  1705. [07-25 18:04:59,383, 127523] main - INFO shardstarter.a : garbage collected in 2.151 sec
  1706. [07-25 18:04:59,386, 127526] xmpp(8):connection-to-account-thread - WARN verify : Failed to connect to account server: unable to connect to account server /, net i/o exception connecting to java.nio.channels.SocketChannel[closed]
  1707. [07-25 18:05:07,205, 135345] MapLoadThread_2 - INFO mapLoader.gc : 15403 objects total found.
  1708. [07-25 18:05:07,205, 135345] MapLoadThread_2 - INFO ao.gj : MapLoadParams: [isSuperJumpModeOn = false, blockCoasts = true, loadFromCache = false]
  1709. [07-25 18:05:07,205, 135345] MapLoadThread_2 - INFO ao.gj : Placing objects on terrain
  1710. [07-25 18:05:07,925, 136065] fe4(7):connection-to-account-thread - WARN verify : Failed to connect to account server: unable to connect to account server /, net i/o exception connecting to java.nio.channels.SocketChannel[closed]
  1711. [07-25 18:05:08,012, 136152] fe1(4):connection-to-account-thread - WARN verify : Failed to connect to account server: unable to connect to account server /, net i/o exception connecting to java.nio.channels.SocketChannel[closed]
  1712. [07-25 18:05:08,108, 136248] fe3(6):connection-to-account-thread - WARN verify : Failed to connect to account server: unable to connect to account server /, net i/o exception connecting to java.nio.channels.SocketChannel[closed]
  1713. [07-25 18:05:08,108, 136248] fe2(5):connection-to-account-thread - WARN verify : Failed to connect to account server: unable to connect to account server /, net i/o exception connecting to java.nio.channels.SocketChannel[closed]
  1714. [07-25 18:05:09,717, 137857] MapLoadThread_4 - INFO ao.gj : Marked succesfully!
  1715. [07-25 18:05:09,717, 137857] MapLoadThread_4 - INFO ao.gj : Building hierarcial graph
  1716. [07-25 18:05:10,053, 138193] MapLoadThread_4 - INFO ao.gj : Hierarcial graph build finished succesfully!
  1717. [07-25 18:05:10,053, 138193] MapLoadThread_4 - INFO mapLoader.gc : Map loaded
  1718. [07-25 18:05:10,053, 138193] MapLoadThread_4 - INFO mapLoader.fc : Map MapResource:/Maps/RealWorld/Tower_MapResource.xdb loaded with filter class
  1719. [07-25 18:05:10,395, 138535] xmpp(8):connection-to-account-thread - WARN verify : Failed to connect to account server: unable to connect to account server /, net i/o exception connecting to java.nio.channels.SocketChannel[closed]
  1720. [07-25 18:05:18,965, 147105] fe4(7):connection-to-account-thread - WARN verify : Failed to connect to account server: unable to connect to account server /, net i/o exception connecting to java.nio.channels.SocketChannel[closed]
  1721. [07-25 18:05:19,030, 147170] fe1(4):connection-to-account-thread - WARN verify : Failed to connect to account server: unable to connect to account server /, net i/o exception connecting to java.nio.channels.SocketChannel[closed]
  1722. [07-25 18:05:19,111, 147251] fe2(5):connection-to-account-thread - WARN verify : Failed to connect to account server: unable to connect to account server /, net i/o exception connecting to java.nio.channels.SocketChannel[closed]
  1723. [07-25 18:05:19,114, 147254] fe3(6):connection-to-account-thread - WARN verify : Failed to connect to account server: unable to connect to account server /, net i/o exception connecting to java.nio.channels.SocketChannel[closed]
  1724. [07-25 18:05:21,403, 149543] xmpp(8):connection-to-account-thread - WARN verify : Failed to connect to account server: unable to connect to account server /, net i/o exception connecting to java.nio.channels.SocketChannel[closed]
  1725. [07-25 18:05:27,274, 155414] MapLoadThread_2 - INFO ao.gj : Marking voxels : size (243,307)
  1726. [07-25 18:05:29,970, 158110] fe4(7):connection-to-account-thread - WARN verify : Failed to connect to account server: unable to connect to account server /, net i/o exception connecting to java.nio.channels.SocketChannel[closed]
  1727. [07-25 18:05:30,039, 158179] fe1(4):connection-to-account-thread - WARN verify : Failed to connect to account server: unable to connect to account server /, net i/o exception connecting to java.nio.channels.SocketChannel[closed]
  1728. [07-25 18:05:30,117, 158257] fe2(5):connection-to-account-thread - WARN verify : Failed to connect to account server: unable to connect to account server /, net i/o exception connecting to java.nio.channels.SocketChannel[closed]
  1729. [07-25 18:05:30,117, 158257] fe3(6):connection-to-account-thread - WARN verify : Failed to connect to account server: unable to connect to account server /, net i/o exception connecting to java.nio.channels.SocketChannel[closed]
  1730. [07-25 18:05:32,411, 160551] xmpp(8):connection-to-account-thread - WARN verify : Failed to connect to account server: unable to connect to account server /, net i/o exception connecting to java.nio.channels.SocketChannel[closed]
  1731. [07-25 18:05:40,996, 169136] fe4(7):connection-to-account-thread - WARN verify : Failed to connect to account server: unable to connect to account server /, net i/o exception connecting to java.nio.channels.SocketChannel[closed]
  1732. [07-25 18:05:41,079, 169219] fe1(4):connection-to-account-thread - WARN verify : Failed to connect to account server: unable to connect to account server /, net i/o exception connecting to java.nio.channels.SocketChannel[closed]
  1733. [07-25 18:05:41,124, 169264] fe3(6):connection-to-account-thread - WARN verify : Failed to connect to account server: unable to connect to account server /, net i/o exception connecting to java.nio.channels.SocketChannel[closed]
  1734. [07-25 18:05:41,127, 169267] fe2(5):connection-to-account-thread - WARN verify : Failed to connect to account server: unable to connect to account server /, net i/o exception connecting to java.nio.channels.SocketChannel[closed]
  1735. [07-25 18:05:43,419, 171559] xmpp(8):connection-to-account-thread - WARN verify : Failed to connect to account server: unable to connect to account server /, net i/o exception connecting to java.nio.channels.SocketChannel[closed]
  1736. [07-25 18:05:52,017, 180157] fe4(7):connection-to-account-thread - WARN verify : Failed to connect to account server: unable to connect to account server /, net i/o exception connecting to java.nio.channels.SocketChannel[closed]
  1737. [07-25 18:05:52,086, 180226] fe1(4):connection-to-account-thread - WARN verify : Failed to connect to account server: unable to connect to account server /, net i/o exception connecting to java.nio.channels.SocketChannel[closed]
  1738. [07-25 18:05:52,159, 180299] fe3(6):connection-to-account-thread - WARN verify : Failed to connect to account server: unable to connect to account server /, net i/o exception connecting to java.nio.channels.SocketChannel[closed]
  1739. [07-25 18:05:52,162, 180302] fe2(5):connection-to-account-thread - WARN verify : Failed to connect to account server: unable to connect to account server /, net i/o exception connecting to java.nio.channels.SocketChannel[closed]
  1740. [07-25 18:05:54,429, 182569] xmpp(8):connection-to-account-thread - WARN verify : Failed to connect to account server: unable to connect to account server /, net i/o exception connecting to java.nio.channels.SocketChannel[closed]
  1741. [07-25 18:06:03,027, 191167] fe4(7):connection-to-account-thread - WARN verify : Failed to connect to account server: unable to connect to account server /, net i/o exception connecting to java.nio.channels.SocketChannel[closed]
  1742. [07-25 18:06:03,091, 191231] fe1(4):connection-to-account-thread - WARN verify : Failed to connect to account server: unable to connect to account server /, net i/o exception connecting to java.nio.channels.SocketChannel[closed]
  1743. [07-25 18:06:03,175, 191315] fe3(6):connection-to-account-thread - WARN verify : Failed to connect to account server: unable to connect to account server /, net i/o exception connecting to java.nio.channels.SocketChannel[closed]
  1744. [07-25 18:06:03,175, 191315] fe2(5):connection-to-account-thread - WARN verify : Failed to connect to account server: unable to connect to account server /, net i/o exception connecting to java.nio.channels.SocketChannel[closed]
  1745. [07-25 18:06:05,466, 193606] xmpp(8):connection-to-account-thread - WARN verify : Failed to connect to account server: unable to connect to account server /, net i/o exception connecting to java.nio.channels.SocketChannel[closed]
  1746. [07-25 18:06:14,054, 202194] fe4(7):connection-to-account-thread - WARN verify : Failed to connect to account server: unable to connect to account server /, net i/o exception connecting to java.nio.channels.SocketChannel[closed]
  1747. [07-25 18:06:14,107, 202247] fe1(4):connection-to-account-thread - WARN verify : Failed to connect to account server: unable to connect to account server /, net i/o exception connecting to java.nio.channels.SocketChannel[closed]
  1748. [07-25 18:06:14,179, 202319] fe2(5):connection-to-account-thread - WARN verify : Failed to connect to account server: unable to connect to account server /, net i/o exception connecting to java.nio.channels.SocketChannel[closed]
  1749. [07-25 18:06:14,188, 202328] fe3(6):connection-to-account-thread - WARN verify : Failed to connect to account server: unable to connect to account server /, net i/o exception connecting to java.nio.channels.SocketChannel[closed]
  1750. [07-25 18:06:16,516, 204656] xmpp(8):connection-to-account-thread - WARN verify : Failed to connect to account server: unable to connect to account server /, net i/o exception connecting to java.nio.channels.SocketChannel[closed]
  1751. [07-25 18:06:24,782, 212922] coordinator(12) - INFO coordinator.e : servers waiting for:
  1752. is loading
  1753. module gameMechanics.autoNavigation.r
  1754. no reply
  1755. no reply
  1756. no reply
  1757. no reply
  1758. is loading
  1759. module
  1760. module shardstarter.modules.c
  1761. module collectModule.AbonentsCounterModuleResource$b_
  1762. is loading
  1763. module
  1764. module shardstarter.modules.c
  1765. module collectModule.AbonentsCounterModuleResource$b_
  1766. is loading
  1767. module shardstarter.modules.h
  1768. no reply
  1770. [07-25 18:06:25,058, 213198] fe4(7):connection-to-account-thread - WARN verify : Failed to connect to account server: unable to connect to account server /, net i/o exception connecting to java.nio.channels.SocketChannel[closed]
  1771. [07-25 18:06:25,118, 213258] fe1(4):connection-to-account-thread - WARN verify : Failed to connect to account server: unable to connect to account server /, net i/o exception connecting to java.nio.channels.SocketChannel[closed]
  1772. [07-25 18:06:25,190, 213330] fe3(6):connection-to-account-thread - WARN verify : Failed to connect to account server: unable to connect to account server /, net i/o exception connecting to java.nio.channels.SocketChannel[closed]
  1773. [07-25 18:06:25,196, 213336] fe2(5):connection-to-account-thread - WARN verify : Failed to connect to account server: unable to connect to account server /, net i/o exception connecting to java.nio.channels.SocketChannel[closed]
  1774. [07-25 18:06:27,522, 215662] xmpp(8):connection-to-account-thread - WARN verify : Failed to connect to account server: unable to connect to account server /, net i/o exception connecting to java.nio.channels.SocketChannel[closed]
  1775. [07-25 18:06:36,085, 224225] fe4(7):connection-to-account-thread - WARN verify : Failed to connect to account server: unable to connect to account server /, net i/o exception connecting to java.nio.channels.SocketChannel[closed]
  1776. [07-25 18:06:36,135, 224275] fe1(4):connection-to-account-thread - WARN verify : Failed to connect to account server: unable to connect to account server /, net i/o exception connecting to java.nio.channels.SocketChannel[closed]
  1777. [07-25 18:06:36,204, 224344] fe3(6):connection-to-account-thread - WARN verify : Failed to connect to account server: unable to connect to account server /, net i/o exception connecting to java.nio.channels.SocketChannel[closed]
  1778. [07-25 18:06:36,204, 224344] fe2(5):connection-to-account-thread - WARN verify : Failed to connect to account server: unable to connect to account server /, net i/o exception connecting to java.nio.channels.SocketChannel[closed]
  1779. [07-25 18:06:38,536, 226676] xmpp(8):connection-to-account-thread - WARN verify : Failed to connect to account server: unable to connect to account server /, net i/o exception connecting to java.nio.channels.SocketChannel[closed]
  1780. [07-25 18:06:47,093, 235233] fe4(7):connection-to-account-thread - WARN verify : Failed to connect to account server: unable to connect to account server /, net i/o exception connecting to java.nio.channels.SocketChannel[closed]
  1781. [07-25 18:06:47,165, 235305] fe1(4):connection-to-account-thread - WARN verify : Failed to connect to account server: unable to connect to account server /, net i/o exception connecting to java.nio.channels.SocketChannel[closed]
  1782. [07-25 18:06:47,207, 235347] fe3(6):connection-to-account-thread - WARN verify : Failed to connect to account server: unable to connect to account server /, net i/o exception connecting to java.nio.channels.SocketChannel[closed]
  1783. [07-25 18:06:47,207, 235347] fe2(5):connection-to-account-thread - WARN verify : Failed to connect to account server: unable to connect to account server /, net i/o exception connecting to java.nio.channels.SocketChannel[closed]
  1784. [07-25 18:06:48,221, 236361] MapLoadThread_2 - INFO ao.gj : Marked succesfully!
  1785. [07-25 18:06:48,221, 236361] MapLoadThread_2 - INFO ao.gj : Building hierarcial graph
  1786. [07-25 18:06:49,543, 237683] xmpp(8):connection-to-account-thread - WARN verify : Failed to connect to account server: unable to connect to account server /, net i/o exception connecting to java.nio.channels.SocketChannel[closed]
  1787. [07-25 18:06:51,354, 239494] MapLoadThread_2 - INFO ao.gj : Hierarcial graph build finished succesfully!
  1788. [07-25 18:06:51,354, 239494] MapLoadThread_2 - INFO mapLoader.gc : Map loaded
  1789. [07-25 18:06:51,354, 239494] MapLoadThread_2 - INFO mapLoader.fc : Map MapResource:/Maps/Hadagan/tower_MapResource.xdb loaded with filter class
  1790. [07-25 18:06:51,394, 239534] gm2(16) - INFO mapLoader.fc : /Maps/Hadagan waitLoaded in 131.317 sec
  1791. [07-25 18:06:51,394, 239534] gm1(15) - INFO mapLoader.fc : /Maps/Hadagan waitLoaded in 131.299 sec
  1792. [07-25 18:06:51,529, 239669] gm2(16) - ERROR : Attempt to create roaming on obstacle : /Maps/Hadagan at p(10915, 11925,9, -45,8)
  1793. [07-25 18:06:51,535, 239675] gm2(16) - ERROR : Attempt to create roaming on obstacle : /Maps/Hadagan at p(10992, 12301,7, 0)
  1794. [07-25 18:06:51,554, 239694] gm2(16) - ERROR : Attempt to create roaming on obstacle : /Maps/Hadagan at p(11135,4, 11611, -3,5)
  1795. [07-25 18:06:51,591, 239731] gm1(15) - WARN : Could not roll as much points as we wanted to
  1796. [07-25 18:06:51,698, 239838] gm2(16) - ERROR : Attempt to create roaming on obstacle : /Maps/Hadagan at p(11505,3, 12494,3, 2,3)
  1797. [07-25 18:06:51,803, 239943] gm1(15) - WARN : Could not roll as much points as we wanted to
  1798. [07-25 18:06:51,862, 240002] gm1(15) - WARN : Could not roll as much points as we wanted to
  1799. [07-25 18:06:51,972, 240112] gm1(15) - WARN : Could not roll as much points as we wanted to
  1800. [07-25 18:06:51,974, 240114] gm2(16) - ERROR : Attempt to create roaming on obstacle : /Maps/Hadagan at p(11971,6, 12785,6, -0)
  1801. [07-25 18:06:51,974, 240114] gm2(16) - ERROR : Attempt to create roaming on obstacle : /Maps/Hadagan at p(11971,5, 12796,7, -0,1)
  1802. [07-25 18:06:51,974, 240114] gm2(16) - ERROR : Attempt to create roaming on obstacle : /Maps/Hadagan at p(12027,8, 12787,8, -0,1)
  1803. [07-25 18:06:51,984, 240124] gm1(15) - ERROR : Mob at spawn coords [372:4,3662, 408:9,4248, -84,6435] cant resolve path from patrol point new MutableGMPos(new Point(11908.3662f, 13065.4248f, -84.6435f)) : [372:4,3662, 408:9,4248, -84,6435]
  1804. to patrol point new MutableGMPos(new Point(11913.8477f, 13033.4805f, -84.64f)) : [372:9,8477, 407:9,4805, -84,64]
  1805. [07-25 18:06:51,985, 240125] gm1(15) - ERROR : Mob at spawn coords [372:4,3662, 408:9,4248, -84,6435] cant resolve path from patrol point new MutableGMPos(new Point(11913.8477f, 13033.4805f, -84.64f)) : [372:9,8477, 407:9,4805, -84,64]
  1806. to patrol point new MutableGMPos(new Point(11908.3662f, 13065.4248f, -84.6435f)) : [372:4,3662, 408:9,4248, -84,6435]
  1807. [07-25 18:06:51,985, 240125] gm1(15) - ERROR : Mob at spawn coords [372:4,3662, 408:9,4248, -84,6435] cant resolve path from patrol point new MutableGMPos(new Point(11913.8477f, 13033.4805f, -84.64f)) : [372:9,8477, 407:9,4805, -84,64]
  1808. to patrol point new MutableGMPos(new Point(11886.8799f, 13011.6094f, -84.6435f)) : [371:14,8799, 406:19,6094, -84,6435]
  1809. [07-25 18:06:51,986, 240126] gm1(15) - ERROR : Mob at spawn coords [372:4,3662, 408:9,4248, -84,6435] cant resolve path from patrol point new MutableGMPos(new Point(11886.8799f, 13011.6094f, -84.6435f)) : [371:14,8799, 406:19,6094, -84,6435]
  1810. to patrol point new MutableGMPos(new Point(11913.8477f, 13033.4805f, -84.64f)) : [372:9,8477, 407:9,4805, -84,64]
  1811. [07-25 18:06:52,005, 240145] gm2(16) - ERROR : Attempt to create roaming on obstacle : /Maps/Hadagan at p(12032,3, 12795,6, -0,2)
  1812. [07-25 18:06:52,021, 240161] gm1(15) - WARN : Could not roll as much points as we wanted to
  1813. [07-25 18:06:52,038, 240178] gm2(16) - ERROR : Mob at spawn coords [392:7,5234, 379:12,8721, -40] cant resolve path from patrol point new MutableGMPos(new Point(12587.2148f, 12175.1699f, -39.3193f)) : [393:11,2148, 380:15,1699, -39,3193]
  1814. to patrol point new MutableGMPos(new Point(12599.9736f, 12181.0332f, -39.6225f)) : [393:23,9736, 380:21,0332, -39,6225]
  1815. [07-25 18:06:52,039, 240179] gm2(16) - ERROR : Mob at spawn coords [392:7,5234, 379:12,8721, -40] cant resolve path from patrol point new MutableGMPos(new Point(12599.9736f, 12181.0332f, -39.6225f)) : [393:23,9736, 380:21,0332, -39,6225]
  1816. to patrol point new MutableGMPos(new Point(12587.2148f, 12175.1699f, -39.3193f)) : [393:11,2148, 380:15,1699, -39,3193]
  1817. [07-25 18:06:52,040, 240180] gm2(16) - ERROR : Mob at spawn coords [392:7,5234, 379:12,8721, -40] cant resolve path from patrol point new MutableGMPos(new Point(12599.9736f, 12181.0332f, -39.6225f)) : [393:23,9736, 380:21,0332, -39,6225]
  1818. to patrol point new MutableGMPos(new Point(12610.0859f, 12168.2305f, -38.9252f)) : [394:2,0859, 380:8,2305, -38,9252]
  1819. [07-25 18:06:52,041, 240181] gm2(16) - ERROR : Mob at spawn coords [392:7,5234, 379:12,8721, -40] cant resolve path from patrol point new MutableGMPos(new Point(12610.0859f, 12168.2305f, -38.9252f)) : [394:2,0859, 380:8,2305, -38,9252]
  1820. to patrol point new MutableGMPos(new Point(12599.9736f, 12181.0332f, -39.6225f)) : [393:23,9736, 380:21,0332, -39,6225]
  1821. [07-25 18:06:52,041, 240181] gm2(16) - ERROR : Mob at spawn coords [392:7,5234, 379:12,8721, -40] cant resolve path from patrol point new MutableGMPos(new Point(12610.0859f, 12168.2305f, -38.9252f)) : [394:2,0859, 380:8,2305, -38,9252]
  1822. to patrol point new MutableGMPos(new Point(12610.498f, 12160.2041f, -39.8919f)) : [394:2,498, 380:0,2041, -39,8919]
  1823. [07-25 18:06:52,042, 240182] gm2(16) - ERROR : Mob at spawn coords [392:7,5234, 379:12,8721, -40] cant resolve path from patrol point new MutableGMPos(new Point(12610.498f, 12160.2041f, -39.8919f)) : [394:2,498, 380:0,2041, -39,8919]
  1824. to patrol point new MutableGMPos(new Point(12610.0859f, 12168.2305f, -38.9252f)) : [394:2,0859, 380:8,2305, -38,9252]
  1825. [07-25 18:06:52,046, 240186] gm2(16) - ERROR : Mob at spawn coords [397:28,9219, 388:2,333, -40,0922] cant resolve path from patrol point new MutableGMPos(new Point(12732.9219f, 12418.333f, -40.0922f)) : [397:28,9219, 388:2,333, -40,0922]
  1826. to patrol point new MutableGMPos(new Point(12725.3604f, 12412.2471f, -39.852f)) : [397:21,3604, 387:28,2471, -39,852]
  1827. [07-25 18:06:52,047, 240187] gm2(16) - ERROR : Mob at spawn coords [397:28,9219, 388:2,333, -40,0922] cant resolve path from patrol point new MutableGMPos(new Point(12725.3604f, 12412.2471f, -39.852f)) : [397:21,3604, 387:28,2471, -39,852]
  1828. to patrol point new MutableGMPos(new Point(12732.9219f, 12418.333f, -40.0922f)) : [397:28,9219, 388:2,333, -40,0922]
  1829. [07-25 18:06:52,047, 240187] gm2(16) - ERROR : Mob at spawn coords [397:28,9219, 388:2,333, -40,0922] cant resolve path from patrol point new MutableGMPos(new Point(12725.3604f, 12412.2471f, -39.852f)) : [397:21,3604, 387:28,2471, -39,852]
  1830. to patrol point new MutableGMPos(new Point(12710.0273f, 12411.8096f, -40.0209f)) : [397:6,0273, 387:27,8096, -40,0209]
  1831. [07-25 18:06:52,048, 240188] gm2(16) - ERROR : Mob at spawn coords [397:28,9219, 388:2,333, -40,0922] cant resolve path from patrol point new MutableGMPos(new Point(12710.0273f, 12411.8096f, -40.0209f)) : [397:6,0273, 387:27,8096, -40,0209]
  1832. to patrol point new MutableGMPos(new Point(12725.3604f, 12412.2471f, -39.852f)) : [397:21,3604, 387:28,2471, -39,852]
  1833. [07-25 18:06:52,054, 240194] gm1(15) - INFO : Total count of patrols at map MapResource:/Maps/Hadagan/tower_MapResource.xdb 15
  1834. [07-25 18:06:52,055, 240195] gm1(15) - ERROR gameMechanics.elements.impacts.GoThroughPathAbstract : No path found between locators at map /Maps/Inst_LeagueStart : p(274,4, 5820,4, 83,1) -> p(299,5, 5830,7, 77,6)
  1835. [07-25 18:06:52,059, 240199] gm1(15) - ERROR gameMechanics.elements.impacts.GoThroughPathAbstract : No path found between locators at map /Maps/Inst_LeagueStart : p(313,3, 5779,4, 51,8) -> p(323,7, 5792,4, 49)
  1836. [07-25 18:06:52,060, 240200] gm1(15) - ERROR gameMechanics.elements.impacts.GoThroughPathAbstract : No path found between locators at map /Maps/Inst_LeagueStart : p(321,1, 5813,2, 38,5) -> p(310,3, 5823,8, 32,3)
  1837. [07-25 18:06:52,061, 240201] gm1(15) - ERROR gameMechanics.elements.impacts.GoThroughPathAbstract : No path found between locators at map /Maps/Inst_LeagueStart : p(309,3, 5777,8, 51,8) -> p(323,7, 5789,4, 50,2)
  1838. [07-25 18:06:52,062, 240202] gm1(15) - ERROR gameMechanics.elements.impacts.GoThroughPathAbstract : No path found between locators at map /Maps/Inst_LeagueStart : p(319,9, 5811,6, 38,9) -> p(307,7, 5822,3, 32,3)
  1839. [07-25 18:06:52,065, 240205] gm1(15) - ERROR gameMechanics.elements.impacts.GoThroughPathAbstract : No path found between locators at map /Maps/Inst_LeagueStart : p(331,4, 5778,1, 156,1) -> p(328,6, 5773,6, 156,6)
  1840. [07-25 18:06:52,066, 240206] gm2(16) - ERROR : Attempt to create roaming on obstacle : /Maps/Hadagan at p(11124,8, 13034,3, 5,3)
  1841. [07-25 18:06:52,067, 240207] gm1(15) - ERROR gameMechanics.elements.impacts.GoThroughPathAbstract : No path found between locators at map /Maps/Inst_LeagueStart : p(330,4, 5779,2, 156,1) -> p(327,4, 5776,1, 156,4)
  1842. [07-25 18:06:52,068, 240208] gm1(15) - ERROR gameMechanics.elements.impacts.GoThroughPathAbstract : No path found between locators at map /Maps/Inst_LeagueStart : p(265,7, 5801,8, 135,1) -> p(273, 5808,8, 132,9)
  1843. [07-25 18:06:52,068, 240208] gm1(15) - ERROR gameMechanics.elements.impacts.GoThroughPathAbstract : No path found between locators at map /Maps/Inst_LeagueStart : p(273, 5808,8, 132,9) -> p(283,3, 5824,4, 130,4)
  1844. [07-25 18:06:52,068, 240208] gm1(15) - ERROR gameMechanics.elements.impacts.GoThroughPathAbstract : No path found between locators at map /Maps/Inst_LeagueStart : p(331,4, 5778,1, 156,1) -> p(328,6, 5773,6, 156,6)
  1845. [07-25 18:06:52,070, 240210] gm1(15) - ERROR gameMechanics.elements.impacts.GoThroughPathAbstract : No path found between locators at map /Maps/Inst_LeagueStart : p(330,4, 5779,2, 156,1) -> p(327,4, 5776,1, 156,4)
  1846. [07-25 18:06:52,071, 240211] gm1(15) - ERROR gameMechanics.elements.impacts.GoThroughPathAbstract : No path found between locators at map /Maps/Inst_LeagueStart : p(265,7, 5801,8, 135,1) -> p(273, 5808,8, 132,9)
  1847. [07-25 18:06:52,071, 240211] gm1(15) - ERROR gameMechanics.elements.impacts.GoThroughPathAbstract : No path found between locators at map /Maps/Inst_LeagueStart : p(273, 5808,8, 132,9) -> p(283,3, 5824,4, 130,4)
  1848. [07-25 18:06:52,071, 240211] gm2(16) - ERROR : Attempt to create roaming on obstacle : /Maps/Hadagan at p(11051,7, 13311,2, 2,9)
  1849. [07-25 18:06:52,072, 240212] gm2(16) - ERROR : Attempt to create roaming on obstacle : /Maps/Hadagan at p(11061,2, 13324, 2,3)
  1850. [07-25 18:06:52,079, 240219] gm1(15) - INFO : Total count of patrols at map MapResource:/Maps/Inst_LeagueStart/MapResource.xdb 4
  1851. [07-25 18:06:52,088, 240228] gm1(15) - INFO : Total count of patrols at map MapResource:/Maps/Inst_EmpireStart/MapResource.xdb 0
  1852. [07-25 18:06:52,105, 240245] gm1(15) - INFO : Total count of patrols at map MapResource:/Maps/Hadagan_Sanatorium/MapResource.xdb 12
  1853. [07-25 18:06:52,139, 240279] gm2(16) - ERROR : Attempt to create roaming on obstacle : /Maps/Hadagan at p(11784,3, 13235,9, 0)
  1854. [07-25 18:06:52,139, 240279] gm2(16) - ERROR : Attempt to create roaming on obstacle : /Maps/Hadagan at p(11792,4, 13267,7, 0)
  1855. [07-25 18:06:52,163, 240303] gm2(16) - WARN : Could not roll as much points as we wanted to
  1856. [07-25 18:06:52,173, 240313] gm1(15) - WARN : Could not roll as much points as we wanted to
  1857. [07-25 18:06:52,178, 240318] gm2(16) - WARN : Could not roll as much points as we wanted to
  1858. [07-25 18:06:52,205, 240345] gm2(16) - WARN : Could not roll as much points as we wanted to
  1859. [07-25 18:06:52,278, 240418] gm1(15) - INFO : Total count of patrols at map MapResource:/Maps/RealWorld/Tower_MapResource.xdb 8
  1860. [07-25 18:06:52,286, 240426] gm1(15) - INFO : Total count of patrols at map MapResource:/Maps/RealWorld/WhiteRoom_MapResource.(MapResource).xdb 0
  1861. [07-25 18:06:52,286, 240426] gm1(15) - INFO : Creating cells for MapResource:/Maps/DeathRealm/MapResource.xdb using Real pathfinder
  1862. [07-25 18:06:52,310, 240450] gm1(15) - INFO : Creating cells for MapResource:/Maps/Hadagan/tower_MapResource.xdb using Real pathfinder
  1863. [07-25 18:06:52,345, 240485] gm2(16) - ERROR : Mob at spawn coords [401:21,4404, 379:13,4775, -40] cant resolve path from patrol point new MutableGMPos(new Point(12832.7324f, 12148.4707f, -40.1677f)) : [401:0,7324, 379:20,4707, -40,1677]
  1864. to patrol point new MutableGMPos(new Point(12821.2578f, 12139.29f, -39.0234f)) : [400:21,2578, 379:11,29, -39,0234]
  1865. [07-25 18:06:52,346, 240486] gm2(16) - ERROR : Mob at spawn coords [401:21,4404, 379:13,4775, -40] cant resolve path from patrol point new MutableGMPos(new Point(12821.2578f, 12139.29f, -39.0234f)) : [400:21,2578, 379:11,29, -39,0234]
  1866. to patrol point new MutableGMPos(new Point(12832.7324f, 12148.4707f, -40.1677f)) : [401:0,7324, 379:20,4707, -40,1677]
  1867. [07-25 18:06:52,346, 240486] gm2(16) - ERROR : Mob at spawn coords [401:21,4404, 379:13,4775, -40] cant resolve path from patrol point new MutableGMPos(new Point(12821.2578f, 12139.29f, -39.0234f)) : [400:21,2578, 379:11,29, -39,0234]
  1868. to patrol point new MutableGMPos(new Point(12821.2285f, 12130.1055f, -40.0004f)) : [400:21,2285, 379:2,1055, -40,0004]
  1869. [07-25 18:06:52,347, 240487] gm2(16) - ERROR : Mob at spawn coords [401:21,4404, 379:13,4775, -40] cant resolve path from patrol point new MutableGMPos(new Point(12821.2285f, 12130.1055f, -40.0004f)) : [400:21,2285, 379:2,1055, -40,0004]
  1870. to patrol point new MutableGMPos(new Point(12821.2578f, 12139.29f, -39.0234f)) : [400:21,2578, 379:11,29, -39,0234]
  1871. [07-25 18:06:52,360, 240500] gm2(16) - WARN : Could not roll as much points as we wanted to
  1872. [07-25 18:06:52,365, 240505] gm2(16) - WARN : Could not roll as much points as we wanted to
  1873. [07-25 18:06:52,372, 240512] gm2(16) - WARN : Could not roll as much points as we wanted to
  1874. [07-25 18:06:52,390, 240530] gm2(16) - WARN : Could not roll as much points as we wanted to
  1875. [07-25 18:06:52,396, 240536] gm2(16) - WARN : Could not roll as much points as we wanted to
  1876. [07-25 18:06:52,403, 240543] gm2(16) - WARN : Could not roll as much points as we wanted to
  1877. [07-25 18:06:52,428, 240568] gm2(16) - ERROR : Mob at spawn coords [423:4,9463, 387:3,0283, -146,4702] cant resolve path from patrol point new MutableGMPos(new Point(13540.9463f, 12387.0283f, -146.4702f)) : [423:4,9463, 387:3,0283, -146,4702]
  1878. to patrol point new MutableGMPos(new Point(13528.5742f, 12381.3086f, -146.7976f)) : [422:24,5742, 386:29,3086, -146,7976]
  1879. [07-25 18:06:52,429, 240569] gm2(16) - ERROR : Mob at spawn coords [423:4,9463, 387:3,0283, -146,4702] cant resolve path from patrol point new MutableGMPos(new Point(13528.5742f, 12381.3086f, -146.7976f)) : [422:24,5742, 386:29,3086, -146,7976]
  1880. to patrol point new MutableGMPos(new Point(13540.9463f, 12387.0283f, -146.4702f)) : [423:4,9463, 387:3,0283, -146,4702]
  1881. [07-25 18:06:52,429, 240569] gm2(16) - ERROR : Mob at spawn coords [423:4,9463, 387:3,0283, -146,4702] cant resolve path from patrol point new MutableGMPos(new Point(13528.5742f, 12381.3086f, -146.7976f)) : [422:24,5742, 386:29,3086, -146,7976]
  1882. to patrol point new MutableGMPos(new Point(13509.7783f, 12370.2539f, -141.1613f)) : [422:5,7783, 386:18,2539, -141,1613]
  1883. [07-25 18:06:52,430, 240570] gm2(16) - ERROR : Mob at spawn coords [423:4,9463, 387:3,0283, -146,4702] cant resolve path from patrol point new MutableGMPos(new Point(13528.5742f, 12381.3086f, -146.7976f)) : [422:24,5742, 386:29,3086, -146,7976]
  1884. to patrol point new MutableGMPos(new Point(13538.2471f, 12390.7217f, -146.1564f)) : [423:2,2471, 387:6,7217, -146,1564]
  1885. [07-25 18:06:52,430, 240570] gm2(16) - ERROR : Mob at spawn coords [423:4,9463, 387:3,0283, -146,4702] cant resolve path from patrol point new MutableGMPos(new Point(13509.7783f, 12370.2539f, -141.1613f)) : [422:5,7783, 386:18,2539, -141,1613]
  1886. to patrol point new MutableGMPos(new Point(13528.5742f, 12381.3086f, -146.7976f)) : [422:24,5742, 386:29,3086, -146,7976]
  1887. [07-25 18:06:52,431, 240571] gm2(16) - ERROR : Mob at spawn coords [423:4,9463, 387:3,0283, -146,4702] cant resolve path from patrol point new MutableGMPos(new Point(13538.2471f, 12390.7217f, -146.1564f)) : [423:2,2471, 387:6,7217, -146,1564]
  1888. to patrol point new MutableGMPos(new Point(13528.5742f, 12381.3086f, -146.7976f)) : [422:24,5742, 386:29,3086, -146,7976]
  1889. [07-25 18:06:52,432, 240572] gm2(16) - ERROR : Mob at spawn coords [423:4,9463, 387:3,0283, -146,4702] cant resolve path from patrol point new MutableGMPos(new Point(13432.7773f, 12440.8232f, -143.7369f)) : [419:24,7773, 388:24,8232, -143,7369]
  1890. to patrol point new MutableGMPos(new Point(13452.6504f, 12454.1709f, -143.928f)) : [420:12,6504, 389:6,1709, -143,928]
  1891. [07-25 18:06:52,433, 240573] gm2(16) - ERROR : Mob at spawn coords [423:4,9463, 387:3,0283, -146,4702] cant resolve path from patrol point new MutableGMPos(new Point(13452.6504f, 12454.1709f, -143.928f)) : [420:12,6504, 389:6,1709, -143,928]
  1892. to patrol point new MutableGMPos(new Point(13432.7773f, 12440.8232f, -143.7369f)) : [419:24,7773, 388:24,8232, -143,7369]
  1893. [07-25 18:06:52,433, 240573] gm2(16) - ERROR : Mob at spawn coords [423:4,9463, 387:3,0283, -146,4702] cant resolve path from patrol point new MutableGMPos(new Point(13452.6504f, 12454.1709f, -143.928f)) : [420:12,6504, 389:6,1709, -143,928]
  1894. to patrol point new MutableGMPos(new Point(13469.8389f, 12444.542f, -141.9134f)) : [420:29,8389, 388:28,542, -141,9134]
  1895. [07-25 18:06:52,434, 240574] gm2(16) - ERROR : Mob at spawn coords [423:4,9463, 387:3,0283, -146,4702] cant resolve path from patrol point new MutableGMPos(new Point(13469.8389f, 12444.542f, -141.9134f)) : [420:29,8389, 388:28,542, -141,9134]
  1896. to patrol point new MutableGMPos(new Point(13452.6504f, 12454.1709f, -143.928f)) : [420:12,6504, 389:6,1709, -143,928]
  1897. [07-25 18:06:52,460, 240600] gm2(16) - INFO : Total count of patrols at map MapResource:/Maps/Hadagan/MapResource.xdb 297
  1898. [07-25 18:06:52,471, 240611] gm2(16) - INFO : Total count of patrols at map MapResource:/Maps/RealWorld/MapResource.xdb 59
  1899. [07-25 18:06:52,472, 240612] gm2(16) - ERROR gameMechanics.elements.impacts.GoThroughPathAbstract : No path found between locators at map /Maps/Inst_LeagueStart : p(274,4, 5820,4, 83,1) -> p(299,5, 5830,7, 77,6)
  1900. [07-25 18:06:52,476, 240616] gm2(16) - ERROR gameMechanics.elements.impacts.GoThroughPathAbstract : No path found between locators at map /Maps/Inst_LeagueStart : p(313,3, 5779,4, 51,8) -> p(323,7, 5792,4, 49)
  1901. [07-25 18:06:52,476, 240616] gm2(16) - ERROR gameMechanics.elements.impacts.GoThroughPathAbstract : No path found between locators at map /Maps/Inst_LeagueStart : p(321,1, 5813,2, 38,5) -> p(310,3, 5823,8, 32,3)
  1902. [07-25 18:06:52,477, 240617] gm2(16) - ERROR gameMechanics.elements.impacts.GoThroughPathAbstract : No path found between locators at map /Maps/Inst_LeagueStart : p(309,3, 5777,8, 51,8) -> p(323,7, 5789,4, 50,2)
  1903. [07-25 18:06:52,477, 240617] gm2(16) - ERROR gameMechanics.elements.impacts.GoThroughPathAbstract : No path found between locators at map /Maps/Inst_LeagueStart : p(319,9, 5811,6, 38,9) -> p(307,7, 5822,3, 32,3)
  1904. [07-25 18:06:52,480, 240620] gm2(16) - ERROR gameMechanics.elements.impacts.GoThroughPathAbstract : No path found between locators at map /Maps/Inst_LeagueStart : p(331,4, 5778,1, 156,1) -> p(328,6, 5773,6, 156,6)
  1905. [07-25 18:06:52,481, 240621] gm2(16) - ERROR gameMechanics.elements.impacts.GoThroughPathAbstract : No path found between locators at map /Maps/Inst_LeagueStart : p(330,4, 5779,2, 156,1) -> p(327,4, 5776,1, 156,4)
  1906. [07-25 18:06:52,482, 240622] gm2(16) - ERROR gameMechanics.elements.impacts.GoThroughPathAbstract : No path found between locators at map /Maps/Inst_LeagueStart : p(265,7, 5801,8, 135,1) -> p(273, 5808,8, 132,9)
  1907. [07-25 18:06:52,482, 240622] gm2(16) - ERROR gameMechanics.elements.impacts.GoThroughPathAbstract : No path found between locators at map /Maps/Inst_LeagueStart : p(273, 5808,8, 132,9) -> p(283,3, 5824,4, 130,4)
  1908. [07-25 18:06:52,483, 240623] gm2(16) - ERROR gameMechanics.elements.impacts.GoThroughPathAbstract : No path found between locators at map /Maps/Inst_LeagueStart : p(331,4, 5778,1, 156,1) -> p(328,6, 5773,6, 156,6)
  1909. [07-25 18:06:52,484, 240624] gm2(16) - ERROR gameMechanics.elements.impacts.GoThroughPathAbstract : No path found between locators at map /Maps/Inst_LeagueStart : p(330,4, 5779,2, 156,1) -> p(327,4, 5776,1, 156,4)
  1910. [07-25 18:06:52,485, 240625] gm2(16) - ERROR gameMechanics.elements.impacts.GoThroughPathAbstract : No path found between locators at map /Maps/Inst_LeagueStart : p(265,7, 5801,8, 135,1) -> p(273, 5808,8, 132,9)
  1911. [07-25 18:06:52,485, 240625] gm2(16) - ERROR gameMechanics.elements.impacts.GoThroughPathAbstract : No path found between locators at map /Maps/Inst_LeagueStart : p(273, 5808,8, 132,9) -> p(283,3, 5824,4, 130,4)
  1912. [07-25 18:06:52,492, 240632] gm2(16) - INFO : Total count of patrols at map MapResource:/Maps/Inst_LeagueStart/MapResource.xdb 4
  1913. [07-25 18:06:52,501, 240641] gm2(16) - INFO : Total count of patrols at map MapResource:/Maps/Inst_EmpireStart/MapResource.xdb 0
  1914. [07-25 18:06:52,516, 240656] gm2(16) - INFO : Total count of patrols at map MapResource:/Maps/Hadagan_Sanatorium/MapResource.xdb 12
  1915. [07-25 18:06:52,573, 240713] gm2(16) - WARN : Could not roll as much points as we wanted to
  1916. [07-25 18:06:52,635, 240775] gm2(16) - INFO : Total count of patrols at map MapResource:/Maps/RealWorld/Tower_MapResource.xdb 8
  1917. [07-25 18:06:52,642, 240782] gm2(16) - INFO : Total count of patrols at map MapResource:/Maps/RealWorld/WhiteRoom_MapResource.(MapResource).xdb 0
  1918. [07-25 18:06:52,643, 240783] gm2(16) - INFO : Creating cells for MapResource:/Maps/DeathRealm/MapResource.xdb using Real pathfinder
  1919. [07-25 18:06:52,658, 240798] gm2(16) - INFO : Creating cells for MapResource:/Maps/Hadagan/MapResource.xdb using Real pathfinder
  1920. [07-25 18:06:52,660, 240800] gm2(16) - INFO : Creating cells for MapResource:/Maps/RealWorld/MapResource.xdb using Real pathfinder
  1921. [07-25 18:06:52,679, 240819] gm2(16) - ERROR : Can not spawn mob Mob[16, 55, 2][ONLINE]p(110,4, 1040,8, 83,9)MapResource:/Maps/RealWorld/MapResource.xdb:MobWorld:/Creatures/ZEMMy/Instances/RealWorld/ZC9_3_30_SecurityDroid.(MobWorld).xdb at SpawnPlaceRoamingArea -> p(110,4, 1040,8, 83,9). Errors found : Point generator inacceptable with min run range 5.0. Possibly too small generator area : d(11.4863, 11.4863, 11.4863)
  1922. [07-25 18:06:52,889, 241029] gm2(16) - INFO : Total count of patrols at map MapResource:/Mechanics/Astral/Sector1/StaticHubs/Kania/MapResource.xdb 0
  1923. [07-25 18:06:52,899, 241039] gm2(16) - INFO : Total count of patrols at map MapResource:/Mechanics/Astral/Sector2/StaticHubs/Hadagan/MapResource.xdb 0
  1924. [07-25 18:06:52,931, 241071] gm2(16) - INFO : Total count of patrols at map MapResource:/Mechanics/Astral/Sector5/StaticHubs/Outpost/MapResource.xdb 0
  1925. [07-25 18:06:52,942, 241082] gm2(16) - INFO : Total count of patrols at map MapResource:/Mechanics/Astral/Sector6/StaticHubs/Outpost/MapResource.xdb 0
  1926. [07-25 18:06:53,011, 241151] gm2(16) - WARN astralGraph : Isolated node AstralSectorResource:/Mechanics/Astral/Sector_TL0_1/Sector.xdb on graph AstralGraphResource:/Mechanics/Astral/BigAstral.(AstralGraphResource).xdb
  1927. [07-25 18:06:53,012, 241152] gm2(16) - INFO : Total count of patrols at map MapResource:/Mechanics/Astral/Sector_TL0_1/StaticHubs/TL0_1_1/MapResource.xdb 0
  1928. [07-25 18:06:53,012, 241152] gm2(16) - WARN : No land found under point for MapResource:/Mechanics/Astral/Sector_TL0_1/StaticHubs/TL0_1_2/MapResource.xdb at p(0, 0, 0)
  1929. [07-25 18:06:53,012, 241152] gm2(16) - INFO : Total count of patrols at map MapResource:/Mechanics/Astral/Sector_TL0_1/StaticHubs/TL0_1_2/MapResource.xdb 0
  1930. [07-25 18:06:53,013, 241153] gm2(16) - WARN astralGraph : Isolated node AstralSectorResource:/Mechanics/Astral/Sector_TL0_1_H/Sector.xdb on graph AstralGraphResource:/Mechanics/Astral/BigAstral.(AstralGraphResource).xdb
  1931. [07-25 18:06:53,013, 241153] gm2(16) - INFO : Total count of patrols at map MapResource:/Mechanics/Astral/Sector_TL0_1_H/StaticHubs/TL0_1_1/MapResource.xdb 0
  1932. [07-25 18:06:53,014, 241154] gm2(16) - WARN : No land found under point for MapResource:/Mechanics/Astral/Sector_TL0_1_H/StaticHubs/TL0_1_2/MapResource.xdb at p(0, 0, 0)
  1933. [07-25 18:06:53,014, 241154] gm2(16) - INFO : Total count of patrols at map MapResource:/Mechanics/Astral/Sector_TL0_1_H/StaticHubs/TL0_1_2/MapResource.xdb 0
  1934. [07-25 18:06:53,033, 241173] gm2(16) - INFO : Total count of patrols at map MapResource:/Mechanics/Astral/TL_04/EventHubs/Mines/MapResource.xdb 0
  1935. [07-25 18:06:53,068, 241208] gm2(16) - INFO : Total count of patrols at map MapResource:/Mechanics/Astral/TL_04/EventHubs/Rogues/MapResource.xdb 0
  1936. [07-25 18:06:53,079, 241219] gm2(16) - INFO : Total count of patrols at map MapResource:/Mechanics/Astral/TL_04/EventHubs/Wrecks/MapResource.xdb 0
  1937. [07-25 18:06:53,099, 241239] gm2(16) - INFO : Total count of patrols at map MapResource:/Mechanics/Astral/TL_04/EventHubs/Arena/MapResource.xdb 0
  1938. [07-25 18:06:53,186, 241326] gm2(16) - INFO : Total count of patrols at map MapResource:/Mechanics/Astral/TL_05/EventHubs/Rogues/MapResource.xdb 0
  1939. [07-25 18:06:53,197, 241337] gm2(16) - INFO : Total count of patrols at map MapResource:/Mechanics/Astral/TL_05/EventHubs/Mines/MapResource.xdb 0
  1940. [07-25 18:06:53,208, 241348] gm2(16) - INFO : Total count of patrols at map MapResource:/Mechanics/Astral/TL_06/EventHubs/Wrecks/MapResource.xdb 0
  1941. [07-25 18:06:53,286, 241426] gm2(16) - INFO : Total count of patrols at map MapResource:/Mechanics/Astral/TL_05/EventHubs/Wrecks/MapResource.xdb 0
  1942. [07-25 18:06:53,324, 241464] gm2(16) - INFO : Total count of patrols at map MapResource:/Mechanics/Astral/TL_06/EventHubs/Mines/MapResource.xdb 0
  1943. [07-25 18:06:53,337, 241477] gm2(16) - INFO : Total count of patrols at map MapResource:/Mechanics/Astral/TL_06/EventHubs/Arena/MapResource.xdb 0
  1944. [07-25 18:06:53,388, 241528] gm2(16) - INFO : Total count of patrols at map MapResource:/Mechanics/Astral/TL_06/EventHubs/Arena/MapResource.xdb 0
  1945. [07-25 18:06:53,431, 241571] gm2(16) - INFO : Total count of patrols at map MapResource:/Mechanics/Astral/TL_06/EventHubs/Rogues/MapResource.xdb 0
  1946. [07-25 18:06:53,465, 241605] gm2(16) - INFO : Total count of patrols at map MapResource:/Mechanics/Astral/TL_06/EventHubs/Wrecks/MapResource.xdb 0
  1947. [07-25 18:06:53,523, 241663] gm2(16) - INFO : Total count of patrols at map MapResource:/Mechanics/Astral/TL_06/EventHubs/Mines/MapResource.xdb 0
  1948. [07-25 18:06:53,556, 241696] gm2(16) - WARN astralGraph : Isolated node AstralSectorResource:/Mechanics/Astral/TL_04/SectorOneHub/Sector.xdb on graph AstralGraphResource:/Mechanics/Astral/BigAstral.(AstralGraphResource).xdb
  1949. [07-25 18:06:53,557, 241697] gm2(16) - INFO : Total count of patrols at map MapResource:/Mechanics/Astral/TL_04/SectorOneHub/StaticHub/MapResource.xdb 0
  1950. [07-25 18:06:53,558, 241698] gm2(16) - WARN astralGraph : Isolated node AstralSectorResource:/Mechanics/Astral/TL_05/SectorOneHub/Sector.xdb on graph AstralGraphResource:/Mechanics/Astral/BigAstral.(AstralGraphResource).xdb
  1951. [07-25 18:06:53,558, 241698] gm2(16) - INFO : Total count of patrols at map MapResource:/Mechanics/Astral/TL_05/SectorOneHub/StaticHub/MapResource.xdb 0
  1952. [07-25 18:06:53,559, 241699] gm2(16) - WARN astralGraph : Isolated node AstralSectorResource:/Mechanics/Astral/TL_06/SectorOneHub/Sector.xdb on graph AstralGraphResource:/Mechanics/Astral/BigAstral.(AstralGraphResource).xdb
  1953. [07-25 18:06:53,559, 241699] gm2(16) - INFO : Total count of patrols at map MapResource:/Mechanics/Astral/TL_06/SectorOneHub/StaticHub/MapResource.xdb 0
  1954. [07-25 18:06:53,560, 241700] gm2(16) - WARN astralGraph : Isolated node AstralSectorResource:/Mechanics/Astral/TL_04/SectorNewbie/Sector.xdb on graph AstralGraphResource:/Mechanics/Astral/BigAstral.(AstralGraphResource).xdb
  1955. [07-25 18:06:53,561, 241701] gm2(16) - INFO : MapService[16, 19, 2] loading state: startDepsReady=true, staticIsLoaded=true, dynamicIsLoaded=true, waitingForMapHeads=NoOrderCollection(size=1, [[16, 43, 2]])
  1956. [07-25 18:06:53,561, 241701] gm2(16) - INFO msgSystem.impl.v : Server 20 isn't added yet. Send answer to [20, 3, 1] later.
  1957. [07-25 18:06:53,561, 241701] gm2(16) - INFO msgSystem.impl.v : Server 21 isn't added yet. Send answer to [21, 3, 1] later.
  1958. [07-25 18:06:53,561, 241701] gm2(16) - INFO msgSystem.impl.v : Server 22 isn't added yet. Send answer to [22, 3, 1] later.
  1959. [07-25 18:06:53,562, 241702] gm2(16) - INFO msgSystem.impl.v : Server 23 isn't added yet. Send answer to [23, 3, 1] later.
  1960. [07-25 18:06:53,562, 241702] gm2(16) - INFO msgSystem.impl.v : Server 24 isn't added yet. Send answer to [24, 3, 1] later.
  1961. [07-25 18:06:53,562, 241702] gm2(16) - INFO msgSystem.impl.v : Server 25 isn't added yet. Send answer to [25, 3, 1] later.
  1962. [07-25 18:06:53,562, 241702] gm2(16) - INFO msgSystem.impl.v : Server 26 isn't added yet. Send answer to [26, 3, 1] later.
  1963. [07-25 18:06:53,563, 241703] gm2(16) - INFO msgSystem.impl.v : Server 27 isn't added yet. Send answer to [27, 3, 1] later.
  1964. [07-25 18:06:53,564, 241704] gm2(16) - INFO msgSystem.impl.v : Server 28 isn't added yet. Send answer to [28, 3, 1] later.
  1965. [07-25 18:06:53,570, 241710] gm2(16) - INFO msgSystem.impl.v : Server 20 added. Sending answer to [20, 3, 1]
  1966. [07-25 18:06:53,570, 241710] gm2(16) - INFO msgSystem.impl.v : The addresses left in requestAnswersToSend: [[21, 3, 1], [22, 3, 1], [23, 3, 1], [24, 3, 1], [25, 3, 1], [26, 3, 1], [27, 3, 1], [28, 3, 1]]
  1967. [07-25 18:06:53,571, 241711] gm2(16) - INFO msgSystem.impl.v : Server 21 added. Sending answer to [21, 3, 1]
  1968. [07-25 18:06:53,572, 241712] gm2(16) - INFO msgSystem.impl.v : The addresses left in requestAnswersToSend: [[22, 3, 1], [23, 3, 1], [24, 3, 1], [25, 3, 1], [26, 3, 1], [27, 3, 1], [28, 3, 1]]
  1969. [07-25 18:06:53,572, 241712] gm2(16) - INFO msgSystem.impl.v : Server 22 added. Sending answer to [22, 3, 1]
  1970. [07-25 18:06:53,572, 241712] gm2(16) - INFO msgSystem.impl.v : The addresses left in requestAnswersToSend: [[23, 3, 1], [24, 3, 1], [25, 3, 1], [26, 3, 1], [27, 3, 1], [28, 3, 1]]
  1971. [07-25 18:06:53,573, 241713] gm2(16) - INFO msgSystem.impl.v : Server 23 added. Sending answer to [23, 3, 1]
  1972. [07-25 18:06:53,574, 241714] gm2(16) - INFO msgSystem.impl.v : The addresses left in requestAnswersToSend: [[24, 3, 1], [25, 3, 1], [26, 3, 1], [27, 3, 1], [28, 3, 1]]
  1973. [07-25 18:06:53,574, 241714] gm2(16) - INFO msgSystem.impl.v : Server 24 added. Sending answer to [24, 3, 1]
  1974. [07-25 18:06:53,574, 241714] gm2(16) - INFO msgSystem.impl.v : The addresses left in requestAnswersToSend: [[25, 3, 1], [26, 3, 1], [27, 3, 1], [28, 3, 1]]
  1975. [07-25 18:06:53,574, 241714] gm2(16) - INFO msgSystem.impl.v : Server 25 added. Sending answer to [25, 3, 1]
  1976. [07-25 18:06:53,574, 241714] gm2(16) - INFO msgSystem.impl.v : The addresses left in requestAnswersToSend: [[26, 3, 1], [27, 3, 1], [28, 3, 1]]
  1977. [07-25 18:06:53,575, 241715] gm2(16) - INFO msgSystem.impl.v : Server 26 added. Sending answer to [26, 3, 1]
  1978. [07-25 18:06:53,575, 241715] gm2(16) - INFO msgSystem.impl.v : The addresses left in requestAnswersToSend: [[27, 3, 1], [28, 3, 1]]
  1979. [07-25 18:06:53,575, 241715] gm2(16) - INFO msgSystem.impl.v : Server 27 added. Sending answer to [27, 3, 1]
  1980. [07-25 18:06:53,575, 241715] gm2(16) - INFO msgSystem.impl.v : The addresses left in requestAnswersToSend: [[28, 3, 1]]
  1981. [07-25 18:06:53,575, 241715] gm2(16) - INFO msgSystem.impl.v : Server 28 added. Sending answer to [28, 3, 1]
  1982. [07-25 18:06:55,487, 243627] maps_distributor(13) - INFO : Waiting for 1 map services
  1983. [07-25 18:06:55,491, 243631] gm1(15) - INFO : Total count of patrols at map MapResource:/Mechanics/Astral/Sector1/StaticHubs/Kania/MapResource.xdb 0
  1984. [07-25 18:06:55,502, 243642] gm1(15) - INFO : Total count of patrols at map MapResource:/Mechanics/Astral/Sector2/StaticHubs/Hadagan/MapResource.xdb 0
  1985. [07-25 18:06:55,531, 243671] gm1(15) - INFO : Total count of patrols at map MapResource:/Mechanics/Astral/Sector5/StaticHubs/Outpost/MapResource.xdb 0
  1986. [07-25 18:06:55,541, 243681] gm1(15) - INFO : Total count of patrols at map MapResource:/Mechanics/Astral/Sector6/StaticHubs/Outpost/MapResource.xdb 0
  1987. [07-25 18:06:55,605, 243745] gm1(15) - WARN astralGraph : Isolated node AstralSectorResource:/Mechanics/Astral/Sector_TL0_1/Sector.xdb on graph AstralGraphResource:/Mechanics/Astral/BigAstral.(AstralGraphResource).xdb
  1988. [07-25 18:06:55,606, 243746] gm1(15) - INFO : Total count of patrols at map MapResource:/Mechanics/Astral/Sector_TL0_1/StaticHubs/TL0_1_1/MapResource.xdb 0
  1989. [07-25 18:06:55,606, 243746] gm1(15) - WARN : No land found under point for MapResource:/Mechanics/Astral/Sector_TL0_1/StaticHubs/TL0_1_2/MapResource.xdb at p(0, 0, 0)
  1990. [07-25 18:06:55,606, 243746] gm1(15) - INFO : Total count of patrols at map MapResource:/Mechanics/Astral/Sector_TL0_1/StaticHubs/TL0_1_2/MapResource.xdb 0
  1991. [07-25 18:06:55,607, 243747] gm1(15) - WARN astralGraph : Isolated node AstralSectorResource:/Mechanics/Astral/Sector_TL0_1_H/Sector.xdb on graph AstralGraphResource:/Mechanics/Astral/BigAstral.(AstralGraphResource).xdb
  1992. [07-25 18:06:55,607, 243747] gm1(15) - INFO : Total count of patrols at map MapResource:/Mechanics/Astral/Sector_TL0_1_H/StaticHubs/TL0_1_1/MapResource.xdb 0
  1993. [07-25 18:06:55,608, 243748] gm1(15) - WARN : No land found under point for MapResource:/Mechanics/Astral/Sector_TL0_1_H/StaticHubs/TL0_1_2/MapResource.xdb at p(0, 0, 0)
  1994. [07-25 18:06:55,608, 243748] gm1(15) - INFO : Total count of patrols at map MapResource:/Mechanics/Astral/Sector_TL0_1_H/StaticHubs/TL0_1_2/MapResource.xdb 0
  1995. [07-25 18:06:55,626, 243766] gm1(15) - INFO : Total count of patrols at map MapResource:/Mechanics/Astral/TL_04/EventHubs/Mines/MapResource.xdb 0
  1996. [07-25 18:06:55,657, 243797] gm1(15) - INFO : Total count of patrols at map MapResource:/Mechanics/Astral/TL_04/EventHubs/Rogues/MapResource.xdb 0
  1997. [07-25 18:06:55,667, 243807] gm1(15) - INFO : Total count of patrols at map MapResource:/Mechanics/Astral/TL_04/EventHubs/Wrecks/MapResource.xdb 0
  1998. [07-25 18:06:55,686, 243826] gm1(15) - INFO : Total count of patrols at map MapResource:/Mechanics/Astral/TL_04/EventHubs/Arena/MapResource.xdb 0
  1999. [07-25 18:06:55,766, 243906] gm1(15) - INFO : Total count of patrols at map MapResource:/Mechanics/Astral/TL_05/EventHubs/Rogues/MapResource.xdb 0
  2000. [07-25 18:06:55,776, 243916] gm1(15) - INFO : Total count of patrols at map MapResource:/Mechanics/Astral/TL_05/EventHubs/Mines/MapResource.xdb 0
  2001. [07-25 18:06:55,786, 243926] gm1(15) - INFO : Total count of patrols at map MapResource:/Mechanics/Astral/TL_06/EventHubs/Wrecks/MapResource.xdb 0
  2002. [07-25 18:06:55,827, 243967] gm1(15) - INFO : Total count of patrols at map MapResource:/Mechanics/Astral/TL_05/EventHubs/Wrecks/MapResource.xdb 0
  2003. [07-25 18:06:55,861, 244001] gm1(15) - INFO : Total count of patrols at map MapResource:/Mechanics/Astral/TL_06/EventHubs/Mines/MapResource.xdb 0
  2004. [07-25 18:06:55,873, 244013] gm1(15) - INFO : Total count of patrols at map MapResource:/Mechanics/Astral/TL_06/EventHubs/Arena/MapResource.xdb 0
  2005. [07-25 18:06:55,921, 244061] gm1(15) - INFO : Total count of patrols at map MapResource:/Mechanics/Astral/TL_06/EventHubs/Arena/MapResource.xdb 0
  2006. [07-25 18:06:55,960, 244100] gm1(15) - INFO : Total count of patrols at map MapResource:/Mechanics/Astral/TL_06/EventHubs/Rogues/MapResource.xdb 0
  2007. [07-25 18:06:55,993, 244133] gm1(15) - INFO : Total count of patrols at map MapResource:/Mechanics/Astral/TL_06/EventHubs/Wrecks/MapResource.xdb 0
  2008. [07-25 18:06:56,075, 244215] gm1(15) - INFO : Total count of patrols at map MapResource:/Mechanics/Astral/TL_06/EventHubs/Mines/MapResource.xdb 0
  2009. [07-25 18:06:56,090, 244230] gm1(15) - WARN astralGraph : Isolated node AstralSectorResource:/Mechanics/Astral/TL_04/SectorOneHub/Sector.xdb on graph AstralGraphResource:/Mechanics/Astral/BigAstral.(AstralGraphResource).xdb
  2010. [07-25 18:06:56,091, 244231] gm1(15) - INFO : Total count of patrols at map MapResource:/Mechanics/Astral/TL_04/SectorOneHub/StaticHub/MapResource.xdb 0
  2011. [07-25 18:06:56,091, 244231] gm1(15) - WARN astralGraph : Isolated node AstralSectorResource:/Mechanics/Astral/TL_05/SectorOneHub/Sector.xdb on graph AstralGraphResource:/Mechanics/Astral/BigAstral.(AstralGraphResource).xdb
  2012. [07-25 18:06:56,092, 244232] gm1(15) - INFO : Total count of patrols at map MapResource:/Mechanics/Astral/TL_05/SectorOneHub/StaticHub/MapResource.xdb 0
  2013. [07-25 18:06:56,092, 244232] gm1(15) - WARN astralGraph : Isolated node AstralSectorResource:/Mechanics/Astral/TL_06/SectorOneHub/Sector.xdb on graph AstralGraphResource:/Mechanics/Astral/BigAstral.(AstralGraphResource).xdb
  2014. [07-25 18:06:56,093, 244233] gm1(15) - INFO : Total count of patrols at map MapResource:/Mechanics/Astral/TL_06/SectorOneHub/StaticHub/MapResource.xdb 0
  2015. [07-25 18:06:56,093, 244233] gm1(15) - WARN astralGraph : Isolated node AstralSectorResource:/Mechanics/Astral/TL_04/SectorNewbie/Sector.xdb on graph AstralGraphResource:/Mechanics/Astral/BigAstral.(AstralGraphResource).xdb
  2016. [07-25 18:06:56,094, 244234] gm1(15) - INFO msgSystem.impl.v : Server 20 isn't added yet. Send answer to [20, 3, 1] later.
  2017. [07-25 18:06:56,095, 244235] gm1(15) - INFO msgSystem.impl.v : Server 21 isn't added yet. Send answer to [21, 3, 1] later.
  2018. [07-25 18:06:56,095, 244235] gm1(15) - INFO msgSystem.impl.v : Server 22 isn't added yet. Send answer to [22, 3, 1] later.
  2019. [07-25 18:06:56,095, 244235] gm1(15) - INFO msgSystem.impl.v : Server 23 isn't added yet. Send answer to [23, 3, 1] later.
  2020. [07-25 18:06:56,095, 244235] gm1(15) - INFO msgSystem.impl.v : Server 24 isn't added yet. Send answer to [24, 3, 1] later.
  2021. [07-25 18:06:56,096, 244236] gm1(15) - INFO msgSystem.impl.v : Server 25 isn't added yet. Send answer to [25, 3, 1] later.
  2022. [07-25 18:06:56,096, 244236] gm1(15) - INFO msgSystem.impl.v : Server 26 isn't added yet. Send answer to [26, 3, 1] later.
  2023. [07-25 18:06:56,096, 244236] gm1(15) - INFO msgSystem.impl.v : Server 27 isn't added yet. Send answer to [27, 3, 1] later.
  2024. [07-25 18:06:56,096, 244236] gm1(15) - INFO msgSystem.impl.v : Server 28 isn't added yet. Send answer to [28, 3, 1] later.
  2025. [07-25 18:06:56,115, 244255] gm1(15) - INFO msgSystem.impl.v : Server 20 added. Sending answer to [20, 3, 1]
  2026. [07-25 18:06:56,116, 244256] gm1(15) - INFO msgSystem.impl.v : The addresses left in requestAnswersToSend: [[21, 3, 1], [22, 3, 1], [23, 3, 1], [24, 3, 1], [25, 3, 1], [26, 3, 1], [27, 3, 1], [28, 3, 1]]
  2027. [07-25 18:06:56,116, 244256] gm1(15) - INFO msgSystem.impl.v : Server 21 added. Sending answer to [21, 3, 1]
  2028. [07-25 18:06:56,117, 244257] gm1(15) - INFO msgSystem.impl.v : The addresses left in requestAnswersToSend: [[22, 3, 1], [23, 3, 1], [24, 3, 1], [25, 3, 1], [26, 3, 1], [27, 3, 1], [28, 3, 1]]
  2029. [07-25 18:06:56,117, 244257] gm1(15) - INFO msgSystem.impl.v : Server 22 added. Sending answer to [22, 3, 1]
  2030. [07-25 18:06:56,117, 244257] gm1(15) - INFO msgSystem.impl.v : The addresses left in requestAnswersToSend: [[23, 3, 1], [24, 3, 1], [25, 3, 1], [26, 3, 1], [27, 3, 1], [28, 3, 1]]
  2031. [07-25 18:06:56,118, 244258] gm1(15) - INFO msgSystem.impl.v : Server 23 added. Sending answer to [23, 3, 1]
  2032. [07-25 18:06:56,118, 244258] gm1(15) - INFO msgSystem.impl.v : The addresses left in requestAnswersToSend: [[24, 3, 1], [25, 3, 1], [26, 3, 1], [27, 3, 1], [28, 3, 1]]
  2033. [07-25 18:06:56,118, 244258] gm1(15) - INFO msgSystem.impl.v : Server 24 added. Sending answer to [24, 3, 1]
  2034. [07-25 18:06:56,119, 244259] gm1(15) - INFO msgSystem.impl.v : The addresses left in requestAnswersToSend: [[25, 3, 1], [26, 3, 1], [27, 3, 1], [28, 3, 1]]
  2035. [07-25 18:06:56,119, 244259] gm1(15) - INFO msgSystem.impl.v : Server 25 added. Sending answer to [25, 3, 1]
  2036. [07-25 18:06:56,119, 244259] gm1(15) - INFO msgSystem.impl.v : The addresses left in requestAnswersToSend: [[26, 3, 1], [27, 3, 1], [28, 3, 1]]
  2037. [07-25 18:06:56,119, 244259] gm1(15) - INFO msgSystem.impl.v : Server 26 added. Sending answer to [26, 3, 1]
  2038. [07-25 18:06:56,119, 244259] gm1(15) - INFO msgSystem.impl.v : The addresses left in requestAnswersToSend: [[27, 3, 1], [28, 3, 1]]
  2039. [07-25 18:06:56,120, 244260] gm1(15) - INFO msgSystem.impl.v : Server 27 added. Sending answer to [27, 3, 1]
  2040. [07-25 18:06:56,120, 244260] gm1(15) - INFO msgSystem.impl.v : The addresses left in requestAnswersToSend: [[28, 3, 1]]
  2041. [07-25 18:06:56,120, 244260] gm1(15) - INFO msgSystem.impl.v : Server 28 added. Sending answer to [28, 3, 1]
  2042. [07-25 18:06:56,492, 244632] gm1(15) - ERROR : Can not spawn mob Mob[15, 679, 2][ONLINE]p(13178, 12317,6, -70)MapResource:/Maps/Hadagan/MapResource.xdb:MobWorld:/Creatures/Lizardman/Instances/ZoneEmpire3/LizardmanMage17_18.(MobWorld).xdb at SpawnPlaceRoamingArea -> p(13178, 12317,6, -70). Errors found : Point generator inacceptable with min run range 10.0. Possibly too small generator area : d(6.9412, 6.9412, 6.9412)
  2043. [07-25 18:06:58,043, 246183] GeneratedMapService-HadaganCenter(29) - ERROR : Can not spawn mob Mob[29, 2023, 2][ONLINE]p(11623,4, 12358,3, -0,3)MapResource:/Maps/Hadagan/MapResource.xdb:MobWorld:/Creatures/Eagle/Instances/ZoneHadagan1/Crow4_4.(MobWorld).xdb at SpawnPlaceRoamingArea -> p(11623,4, 12358,3, -0,3). Errors found : Point generator inacceptable with min walk range 8.0. Possibly too small generator area : d(7.30559, 7.30559, 7.30559)
  2044. [07-25 18:06:58,105, 246245] fe4(7):connection-to-account-thread - WARN verify : Failed to connect to account server: unable to connect to account server /, net i/o exception connecting to java.nio.channels.SocketChannel[closed]
  2045. [07-25 18:06:58,195, 246335] fe1(4):connection-to-account-thread - WARN verify : Failed to connect to account server: unable to connect to account server /, net i/o exception connecting to java.nio.channels.SocketChannel[closed]
  2046. [07-25 18:06:58,216, 246356] fe2(5):connection-to-account-thread - WARN verify : Failed to connect to account server: unable to connect to account server /, net i/o exception connecting to java.nio.channels.SocketChannel[closed]
  2047. [07-25 18:06:58,228, 246368] fe3(6):connection-to-account-thread - WARN verify : Failed to connect to account server: unable to connect to account server /, net i/o exception connecting to java.nio.channels.SocketChannel[closed]
  2048. [07-25 18:07:00,721, 248861] xmpp(8):connection-to-account-thread - WARN verify : Failed to connect to account server: unable to connect to account server /, net i/o exception connecting to java.nio.channels.SocketChannel[closed]
  2049. [07-25 18:07:02,721, 250861] gm2(16) - ERROR verify : Too big message (size = 532122): msgType=class replicaSend.send.targets.d$b_, msgPayloadType=class replicaSend.send.targets.d$b_, msg=d$b_[16, 7, 1>29, 15, 2]
  2050. java.lang.Throwable
  2051. at
  2052. at io.cppSerialization.x.c(
  2053. at msgSystem.impl.msgPublisher.l.a(
  2054. at replicaSend.send.targets.d$a_.a(d$
  2055. at replicaSend.send.o$d_.a(o$
  2056. at replicaSend.send.o$d_.execute(o$
  2057. at gnu.trove.TObjectHash.forEach(
  2058. at replicaSend.send.o.a(
  2059. at replicaSend.send.m.a(
  2060. at replicaSend.send.n.a(
  2061. at replicaSend.r.b(
  2062. at replicaSend.send.n.a(
  2063. at replicaSend.send.n.a(
  2064. at msgSystem.impl.b$b_.a(b$
  2065. at msgSystem.impl.b$b_.execute(b$
  2066. at msgSystem.impl.c.a(
  2067. at msgSystem.impl.c.a(
  2068. at msgSystem.impl.b.b(
  2069. at msgSystem.impl.msgPublisher.l.tick(
  2070. at system.base.tickables.b$c_.a(b$
  2071. at system.base.tickables.b$b_.tick(b$
  2072. at system.base.tickables.b.tick(
  2073. at basement.server.e.e(
  2074. at
  2075. at
  2076. [07-25 18:07:03,001, 251141] maps_distributor(13) - INFO : Waiting for 0 map services
  2077. [07-25 18:07:09,129, 257269] fe4(7):connection-to-account-thread - WARN verify : Failed to connect to account server: unable to connect to account server /, net i/o exception connecting to java.nio.channels.SocketChannel[closed]
  2078. [07-25 18:07:09,262, 257402] fe2(5):connection-to-account-thread - WARN verify : Failed to connect to account server: unable to connect to account server /, net i/o exception connecting to java.nio.channels.SocketChannel[closed]
  2079. [07-25 18:07:09,286, 257426] fe1(4):connection-to-account-thread - WARN verify : Failed to connect to account server: unable to connect to account server /, net i/o exception connecting to java.nio.channels.SocketChannel[closed]
  2080. [07-25 18:07:09,331, 257471] fe3(6):connection-to-account-thread - WARN verify : Failed to connect to account server: unable to connect to account server /, net i/o exception connecting to java.nio.channels.SocketChannel[closed]
  2081. [07-25 18:07:11,729, 259869] xmpp(8):connection-to-account-thread - WARN verify : Failed to connect to account server: unable to connect to account server /, net i/o exception connecting to java.nio.channels.SocketChannel[closed]
  2082. [07-25 18:07:20,135, 268275] fe4(7):connection-to-account-thread - WARN verify : Failed to connect to account server: unable to connect to account server /, net i/o exception connecting to java.nio.channels.SocketChannel[closed]
  2083. [07-25 18:07:20,274, 268414] fe2(5):connection-to-account-thread - WARN verify : Failed to connect to account server: unable to connect to account server /, net i/o exception connecting to java.nio.channels.SocketChannel[closed]
  2084. [07-25 18:07:20,292, 268432] fe1(4):connection-to-account-thread - WARN verify : Failed to connect to account server: unable to connect to account server /, net i/o exception connecting to java.nio.channels.SocketChannel[closed]
  2085. [07-25 18:07:20,346, 268486] fe3(6):connection-to-account-thread - WARN verify : Failed to connect to account server: unable to connect to account server /, net i/o exception connecting to java.nio.channels.SocketChannel[closed]
  2086. [07-25 18:07:22,745, 270885] xmpp(8):connection-to-account-thread - WARN verify : Failed to connect to account server: unable to connect to account server /, net i/o exception connecting to java.nio.channels.SocketChannel[closed]
  2087. [07-25 18:07:31,141, 279281] fe4(7):connection-to-account-thread - WARN verify : Failed to connect to account server: unable to connect to account server /, net i/o exception connecting to java.nio.channels.SocketChannel[closed]
  2088. [07-25 18:07:31,283, 279423] fe2(5):connection-to-account-thread - WARN verify : Failed to connect to account server: unable to connect to account server /, net i/o exception connecting to java.nio.channels.SocketChannel[closed]
  2089. [07-25 18:07:31,299, 279439] fe1(4):connection-to-account-thread - WARN verify : Failed to connect to account server: unable to connect to account server /, net i/o exception connecting to java.nio.channels.SocketChannel[closed]
  2090. [07-25 18:07:31,354, 279494] fe3(6):connection-to-account-thread - WARN verify : Failed to connect to account server: unable to connect to account server /, net i/o exception connecting to java.nio.channels.SocketChannel[closed]
  2091. [07-25 18:07:33,754, 281894] xmpp(8):connection-to-account-thread - WARN verify : Failed to connect to account server: unable to connect to account server /, net i/o exception connecting to java.nio.channels.SocketChannel[closed]
  2092. [07-25 18:07:42,146, 290286] fe4(7):connection-to-account-thread - WARN verify : Failed to connect to account server: unable to connect to account server /, net i/o exception connecting to java.nio.channels.SocketChannel[closed]
  2093. [07-25 18:07:42,297, 290437] fe2(5):connection-to-account-thread - WARN verify : Failed to connect to account server: unable to connect to account server /, net i/o exception connecting to java.nio.channels.SocketChannel[closed]
  2094. [07-25 18:07:42,309, 290449] fe1(4):connection-to-account-thread - WARN verify : Failed to connect to account server: unable to connect to account server /, net i/o exception connecting to java.nio.channels.SocketChannel[closed]
  2095. [07-25 18:07:42,364, 290504] fe3(6):connection-to-account-thread - WARN verify : Failed to connect to account server: unable to connect to account server /, net i/o exception connecting to java.nio.channels.SocketChannel[closed]
  2096. [07-25 18:07:44,761, 292901] xmpp(8):connection-to-account-thread - WARN verify : Failed to connect to account server: unable to connect to account server /, net i/o exception connecting to java.nio.channels.SocketChannel[closed]
  2097. [07-25 18:07:53,154, 301294] fe4(7):connection-to-account-thread - WARN verify : Failed to connect to account server: unable to connect to account server /, net i/o exception connecting to java.nio.channels.SocketChannel[closed]
  2098. [07-25 18:07:53,305, 301445] fe2(5):connection-to-account-thread - WARN verify : Failed to connect to account server: unable to connect to account server /, net i/o exception connecting to java.nio.channels.SocketChannel[closed]
  2099. [07-25 18:07:53,314, 301454] fe1(4):connection-to-account-thread - WARN verify : Failed to connect to account server: unable to connect to account server /, net i/o exception connecting to java.nio.channels.SocketChannel[closed]
  2100. [07-25 18:07:53,374, 301514] fe3(6):connection-to-account-thread - WARN verify : Failed to connect to account server: unable to connect to account server /, net i/o exception connecting to java.nio.channels.SocketChannel[closed]
  2101. [07-25 18:07:55,769, 303909] xmpp(8):connection-to-account-thread - WARN verify : Failed to connect to account server: unable to connect to account server /, net i/o exception connecting to java.nio.channels.SocketChannel[closed]
  2102. [07-25 18:08:04,170, 312310] fe4(7):connection-to-account-thread - WARN verify : Failed to connect to account server: unable to connect to account server /, net i/o exception connecting to java.nio.channels.SocketChannel[closed]
  2103. [07-25 18:08:04,314, 312454] fe2(5):connection-to-account-thread - WARN verify : Failed to connect to account server: unable to connect to account server /, net i/o exception connecting to java.nio.channels.SocketChannel[closed]
  2104. [07-25 18:08:04,326, 312466] fe1(4):connection-to-account-thread - WARN verify : Failed to connect to account server: unable to connect to account server /, net i/o exception connecting to java.nio.channels.SocketChannel[closed]
  2105. [07-25 18:08:04,402, 312542] fe3(6):connection-to-account-thread - WARN verify : Failed to connect to account server: unable to connect to account server /, net i/o exception connecting to java.nio.channels.SocketChannel[closed]
  2106. [07-25 18:08:06,859, 314999] xmpp(8):connection-to-account-thread - WARN verify : Failed to connect to account server: unable to connect to account server /, net i/o exception connecting to java.nio.channels.SocketChannel[closed]
  2107. [07-25 18:08:15,181, 323321] fe4(7):connection-to-account-thread - WARN verify : Failed to connect to account server: unable to connect to account server /, net i/o exception connecting to java.nio.channels.SocketChannel[closed]
  2108. [07-25 18:08:15,323, 323463] fe2(5):connection-to-account-thread - WARN verify : Failed to connect to account server: unable to connect to account server /, net i/o exception connecting to java.nio.channels.SocketChannel[closed]
  2109. [07-25 18:08:15,333, 323473] fe1(4):connection-to-account-thread - WARN verify : Failed to connect to account server: unable to connect to account server /, net i/o exception connecting to java.nio.channels.SocketChannel[closed]
  2110. [07-25 18:08:15,412, 323552] fe3(6):connection-to-account-thread - WARN verify : Failed to connect to account server: unable to connect to account server /, net i/o exception connecting to java.nio.channels.SocketChannel[closed]
  2111. [07-25 18:08:17,870, 326010] xmpp(8):connection-to-account-thread - WARN verify : Failed to connect to account server: unable to connect to account server /, net i/o exception connecting to java.nio.channels.SocketChannel[closed]
  2112. [07-25 18:08:26,190, 334330] fe4(7):connection-to-account-thread - WARN verify : Failed to connect to account server: unable to connect to account server /, net i/o exception connecting to java.nio.channels.SocketChannel[closed]
  2113. [07-25 18:08:26,331, 334471] fe2(5):connection-to-account-thread - WARN verify : Failed to connect to account server: unable to connect to account server /, net i/o exception connecting to java.nio.channels.SocketChannel[closed]
  2114. [07-25 18:08:26,346, 334486] fe1(4):connection-to-account-thread - WARN verify : Failed to connect to account server: unable to connect to account server /, net i/o exception connecting to java.nio.channels.SocketChannel[closed]
  2115. [07-25 18:08:26,424, 334564] fe3(6):connection-to-account-thread - WARN verify : Failed to connect to account server: unable to connect to account server /, net i/o exception connecting to java.nio.channels.SocketChannel[closed]
  2116. [07-25 18:08:26,598, 334738] coordinator(12) - INFO coordinator.e : servers waiting for:
  2117. no reply
  2118. no reply
  2119. no reply
  2120. no reply
  2121. no reply
  2123. [07-25 18:08:28,878, 337018] xmpp(8):connection-to-account-thread - WARN verify : Failed to connect to account server: unable to connect to account server /, net i/o exception connecting to java.nio.channels.SocketChannel[closed]
  2124. [07-25 18:08:37,207, 345347] fe4(7):connection-to-account-thread - WARN verify : Failed to connect to account server: unable to connect to account server /, net i/o exception connecting to java.nio.channels.SocketChannel[closed]
  2125. [07-25 18:08:37,339, 345479] fe2(5):connection-to-account-thread - WARN verify : Failed to connect to account server: unable to connect to account server /, net i/o exception connecting to java.nio.channels.SocketChannel[closed]
  2126. [07-25 18:08:37,354, 345494] fe1(4):connection-to-account-thread - WARN verify : Failed to connect to account server: unable to connect to account server /, net i/o exception connecting to java.nio.channels.SocketChannel[closed]
  2127. [07-25 18:08:37,429, 345569] fe3(6):connection-to-account-thread - WARN verify : Failed to connect to account server: unable to connect to account server /, net i/o exception connecting to java.nio.channels.SocketChannel[closed]
  2128. [07-25 18:08:39,894, 348034] xmpp(8):connection-to-account-thread - WARN verify : Failed to connect to account server: unable to connect to account server /, net i/o exception connecting to java.nio.channels.SocketChannel[closed]
  2129. [07-25 18:08:48,207, 356347] fe4(7):connection-to-account-thread - WARN verify : Failed to connect to account server: unable to connect to account server /, net i/o exception connecting to java.nio.channels.SocketChannel[closed]
  2130. [07-25 18:08:48,336, 356476] fe2(5):connection-to-account-thread - WARN verify : Failed to connect to account server: unable to connect to account server /, net i/o exception connecting to java.nio.channels.SocketChannel[closed]
  2131. [07-25 18:08:48,357, 356497] fe1(4):connection-to-account-thread - WARN verify : Failed to connect to account server: unable to connect to account server /, net i/o exception connecting to java.nio.channels.SocketChannel[closed]
  2132. [07-25 18:08:48,426, 356566] fe3(6):connection-to-account-thread - WARN verify : Failed to connect to account server: unable to connect to account server /, net i/o exception connecting to java.nio.channels.SocketChannel[closed]
  2133. [07-25 18:08:50,897, 359037] xmpp(8):connection-to-account-thread - WARN verify : Failed to connect to account server: unable to connect to account server /, net i/o exception connecting to java.nio.channels.SocketChannel[closed]
  2134. [07-25 18:08:59,213, 367353] fe4(7):connection-to-account-thread - WARN verify : Failed to connect to account server: unable to connect to account server /, net i/o exception connecting to java.nio.channels.SocketChannel[closed]
  2135. [07-25 18:08:59,343, 367483] fe2(5):connection-to-account-thread - WARN verify : Failed to connect to account server: unable to connect to account server /, net i/o exception connecting to java.nio.channels.SocketChannel[closed]
  2136. [07-25 18:08:59,364, 367504] fe1(4):connection-to-account-thread - WARN verify : Failed to connect to account server: unable to connect to account server /, net i/o exception connecting to java.nio.channels.SocketChannel[closed]
  2137. [07-25 18:08:59,433, 367573] fe3(6):connection-to-account-thread - WARN verify : Failed to connect to account server: unable to connect to account server /, net i/o exception connecting to java.nio.channels.SocketChannel[closed]
  2138. [07-25 18:09:01,905, 370045] xmpp(8):connection-to-account-thread - WARN verify : Failed to connect to account server: unable to connect to account server /, net i/o exception connecting to java.nio.channels.SocketChannel[closed]
  2139. [07-25 18:09:10,220, 378360] fe4(7):connection-to-account-thread - WARN verify : Failed to connect to account server: unable to connect to account server /, net i/o exception connecting to java.nio.channels.SocketChannel[closed]
  2140. [07-25 18:09:10,355, 378495] fe2(5):connection-to-account-thread - WARN verify : Failed to connect to account server: unable to connect to account server /, net i/o exception connecting to java.nio.channels.SocketChannel[closed]
  2141. [07-25 18:09:10,370, 378510] fe1(4):connection-to-account-thread - WARN verify : Failed to connect to account server: unable to connect to account server /, net i/o exception connecting to java.nio.channels.SocketChannel[closed]
  2142. [07-25 18:09:10,442, 378582] fe3(6):connection-to-account-thread - WARN verify : Failed to connect to account server: unable to connect to account server /, net i/o exception connecting to java.nio.channels.SocketChannel[closed]
  2143. [07-25 18:09:12,923, 381063] xmpp(8):connection-to-account-thread - WARN verify : Failed to connect to account server: unable to connect to account server /, net i/o exception connecting to java.nio.channels.SocketChannel[closed]
  2144. [07-25 18:09:21,228, 389368] fe4(7):connection-to-account-thread - WARN verify : Failed to connect to account server: unable to connect to account server /, net i/o exception connecting to java.nio.channels.SocketChannel[closed]
  2145. [07-25 18:09:21,363, 389503] fe2(5):connection-to-account-thread - WARN verify : Failed to connect to account server: unable to connect to account server /, net i/o exception connecting to java.nio.channels.SocketChannel[closed]
  2146. [07-25 18:09:21,384, 389524] fe1(4):connection-to-account-thread - WARN verify : Failed to connect to account server: unable to connect to account server /, net i/o exception connecting to java.nio.channels.SocketChannel[closed]
  2147. [07-25 18:09:21,450, 389590] fe3(6):connection-to-account-thread - WARN verify : Failed to connect to account server: unable to connect to account server /, net i/o exception connecting to java.nio.channels.SocketChannel[closed]
  2148. [07-25 18:09:23,933, 392073] xmpp(8):connection-to-account-thread - WARN verify : Failed to connect to account server: unable to connect to account server /, net i/o exception connecting to java.nio.channels.SocketChannel[closed]
  2149. [07-25 18:09:32,237, 400377] fe4(7):connection-to-account-thread - WARN verify : Failed to connect to account server: unable to connect to account server /, net i/o exception connecting to java.nio.channels.SocketChannel[closed]
  2150. [07-25 18:09:32,372, 400512] fe2(5):connection-to-account-thread - WARN verify : Failed to connect to account server: unable to connect to account server /, net i/o exception connecting to java.nio.channels.SocketChannel[closed]
  2151. [07-25 18:09:32,393, 400533] fe1(4):connection-to-account-thread - WARN verify : Failed to connect to account server: unable to connect to account server /, net i/o exception connecting to java.nio.channels.SocketChannel[closed]
  2152. [07-25 18:09:32,464, 400604] fe3(6):connection-to-account-thread - WARN verify : Failed to connect to account server: unable to connect to account server /, net i/o exception connecting to java.nio.channels.SocketChannel[closed]
  2153. [07-25 18:09:34,942, 403082] xmpp(8):connection-to-account-thread - WARN verify : Failed to connect to account server: unable to connect to account server /, net i/o exception connecting to java.nio.channels.SocketChannel[closed]
  2154. [07-25 18:09:43,273, 411413] fe4(7):connection-to-account-thread - WARN verify : Failed to connect to account server: unable to connect to account server /, net i/o exception connecting to java.nio.channels.SocketChannel[closed]
  2155. [07-25 18:09:43,377, 411517] fe2(5):connection-to-account-thread - WARN verify : Failed to connect to account server: unable to connect to account server /, net i/o exception connecting to java.nio.channels.SocketChannel[closed]
  2156. [07-25 18:09:43,405, 411545] fe1(4):connection-to-account-thread - WARN verify : Failed to connect to account server: unable to connect to account server /, net i/o exception connecting to java.nio.channels.SocketChannel[closed]
  2157. [07-25 18:09:43,499, 411639] fe3(6):connection-to-account-thread - WARN verify : Failed to connect to account server: unable to connect to account server /, net i/o exception connecting to java.nio.channels.SocketChannel[closed]
  2158. [07-25 18:09:45,950, 414090] xmpp(8):connection-to-account-thread - WARN verify : Failed to connect to account server: unable to connect to account server /, net i/o exception connecting to java.nio.channels.SocketChannel[closed]
  2159. [07-25 18:09:54,282, 422422] fe4(7):connection-to-account-thread - WARN verify : Failed to connect to account server: unable to connect to account server /, net i/o exception connecting to java.nio.channels.SocketChannel[closed]
  2160. [07-25 18:09:54,388, 422528] fe2(5):connection-to-account-thread - WARN verify : Failed to connect to account server: unable to connect to account server /, net i/o exception connecting to java.nio.channels.SocketChannel[closed]
  2161. [07-25 18:09:54,409, 422549] fe1(4):connection-to-account-thread - WARN verify : Failed to connect to account server: unable to connect to account server /, net i/o exception connecting to java.nio.channels.SocketChannel[closed]
  2162. [07-25 18:09:54,509, 422649] fe3(6):connection-to-account-thread - WARN verify : Failed to connect to account server: unable to connect to account server /, net i/o exception connecting to java.nio.channels.SocketChannel[closed]
  2163. [07-25 18:09:56,959, 425099] xmpp(8):connection-to-account-thread - WARN verify : Failed to connect to account server: unable to connect to account server /, net i/o exception connecting to java.nio.channels.SocketChannel[closed]
  2164. [07-25 18:10:05,289, 433429] fe4(7):connection-to-account-thread - WARN verify : Failed to connect to account server: unable to connect to account server /, net i/o exception connecting to java.nio.channels.SocketChannel[closed]
  2165. [07-25 18:10:05,395, 433535] fe2(5):connection-to-account-thread - WARN verify : Failed to connect to account server: unable to connect to account server /, net i/o exception connecting to java.nio.channels.SocketChannel[closed]
  2166. [07-25 18:10:05,425, 433565] fe1(4):connection-to-account-thread - WARN verify : Failed to connect to account server: unable to connect to account server /, net i/o exception connecting to java.nio.channels.SocketChannel[closed]
  2167. [07-25 18:10:05,516, 433656] fe3(6):connection-to-account-thread - WARN verify : Failed to connect to account server: unable to connect to account server /, net i/o exception connecting to java.nio.channels.SocketChannel[closed]
  2168. [07-25 18:10:07,971, 436111] xmpp(8):connection-to-account-thread - WARN verify : Failed to connect to account server: unable to connect to account server /, net i/o exception connecting to java.nio.channels.SocketChannel[closed]
  2169. [07-25 18:10:16,297, 444437] fe4(7):connection-to-account-thread - WARN verify : Failed to connect to account server: unable to connect to account server /, net i/o exception connecting to java.nio.channels.SocketChannel[closed]
  2170. [07-25 18:10:16,399, 444539] fe2(5):connection-to-account-thread - WARN verify : Failed to connect to account server: unable to connect to account server /, net i/o exception connecting to java.nio.channels.SocketChannel[closed]
  2171. [07-25 18:10:16,435, 444575] fe1(4):connection-to-account-thread - WARN verify : Failed to connect to account server: unable to connect to account server /, net i/o exception connecting to java.nio.channels.SocketChannel[closed]
  2172. [07-25 18:10:16,525, 444665] fe3(6):connection-to-account-thread - WARN verify : Failed to connect to account server: unable to connect to account server /, net i/o exception connecting to java.nio.channels.SocketChannel[closed]
  2173. [07-25 18:10:18,978, 447118] xmpp(8):connection-to-account-thread - WARN verify : Failed to connect to account server: unable to connect to account server /, net i/o exception connecting to java.nio.channels.SocketChannel[closed]
  2174. [07-25 18:10:27,301, 455441] fe4(7):connection-to-account-thread - WARN verify : Failed to connect to account server: unable to connect to account server /, net i/o exception connecting to java.nio.channels.SocketChannel[closed]
  2175. [07-25 18:10:27,413, 455553] fe2(5):connection-to-account-thread - WARN verify : Failed to connect to account server: unable to connect to account server /, net i/o exception connecting to java.nio.channels.SocketChannel[closed]
  2176. [07-25 18:10:27,440, 455580] fe1(4):connection-to-account-thread - WARN verify : Failed to connect to account server: unable to connect to account server /, net i/o exception connecting to java.nio.channels.SocketChannel[closed]
  2177. [07-25 18:10:27,534, 455674] fe3(6):connection-to-account-thread - WARN verify : Failed to connect to account server: unable to connect to account server /, net i/o exception connecting to java.nio.channels.SocketChannel[closed]
  2178. [07-25 18:10:28,156, 456296] coordinator(12) - INFO coordinator.e : servers waiting for:
  2179. no reply
  2180. no reply
  2181. no reply
  2182. no reply
  2183. no reply
  2185. [07-25 18:10:29,978, 458118] xmpp(8):connection-to-account-thread - WARN verify : Failed to connect to account server: unable to connect to account server /, net i/o exception connecting to java.nio.channels.SocketChannel[closed]
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