
Style and studies refund

Apr 14th, 2020
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  1. Key: Marikia
  2. Character: Mira
  3. Skill(or transformation): Style and studies refund ((tomes) (Zornhau)
  4. Reasoning: When Mira first started her training towards uniting her soul with her weapon, she was running off dreams and legends. So, she went for guidance from Lady Helena. The kind Kaio gives her a shorter sword, enchanted with the speed of the wind, and guides her towards covering her guard with magic. Understanding the guidance, Mira has begun to try and retrain her body to go faster, dodge better. She may not hit as hard, but this new style of fighting will allow her to get more hits in.
  6. However, as she trains, she realizes that while well meaning, the guidance that the Kaio gave her was not what she needed. Instead, what she needed was to focus on her sword skill, not split her attention between magic and swordsmanship. This is further cemented upon approaching Raindrops, who commends her fencing style and her sword skills. At that point, Mira realized what she was searching for. So, she abandons her magic studies and the half formed thought of learning another style, in favor of focusing her studies on fencing with Raindrops, in hopes of soon becoming worthy of one of the legendary holy blades.
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