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a guest
Jul 21st, 2018
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  1. Alastor de Lioncourt: ((calmez vous, reprenons dans la joie et la bonne humeur ;-; ))
  2. (GLOBAL) Maeylis: gg sara
  3. (GLOBAL) Sara Olson: whut
  4. Heяø ⚡ Kylian has connected to the server.
  5. [DarkRP] Senior Dalimar I de Bretagne n'est plus AFK.
  6. (GLOBAL) Maeylis: Sara sénior mdr
  7. [DarkRP] Apprenti Vicente est devenu Villageois !
  8. [DarkRP] Un Apprenti Fantassin est mort.
  9. SWEP:SetWeaponHoldType - ActIndex[ "idle" ] isn't set! (defaulting to normal)
  10. SWEP:SetWeaponHoldType - ActIndex[ "idle" ] isn't set! (defaulting to normal)
  11. Cornelia Wolfer Vabs: (( Evite de m'appeler la conne ou sa ira mal cgamin))
  12. (GLOBAL) Senior Dalimar I de Bretagne: re
  13. (GLOBAL) Maeylis: sa fera bizzare
  14. Heяø ⚡ Kylian has left the server.
  15. [DarkRP] Jour de paie ! Vous avez reçu Or: 70 !
  16. (GLOBAL) Sonia Blade: gg bon bas une prochaine fois pour moi encore
  17. SWEP:SetWeaponHoldType - ActIndex[ "idle" ] isn't set! (defaulting to normal)
  18. SWEP:SetWeaponHoldType - ActIndex[ "idle" ] isn't set! (defaulting to normal)
  19. [DarkRP] KasutoYT a changé son nom RP en : Nain Vaincible
  20. (GLOBAL) Sara Olson: je pensais qu'il allait juste me dire continue comme ça XD
  21. [DarkRP] Jasper est devenu Jeune Vampire !
  22. (GLOBAL) Razkavan: Y a trop de senior à mon gout
  23. [DarkRP] King Romain est devenu Jeune Vampire !
  24. [DarkRP] Senior Dalimar I de Bretagne est devenu Vampire Senior !
  25. Alastor de Lioncourt: ((Stop . . .))
  26. (GLOBAL) Maeylis: Moi perso je suis habitué je suis invisible
  27. SWEP:SetWeaponHoldType - ActIndex[ "none" ] isn't set! (defaulting to normal)
  28. SWEP:SetWeaponHoldType - ActIndex[ "idle" ] isn't set! (defaulting to normal)
  29. SWEP:SetWeaponHoldType - ActIndex[ "idle" ] isn't set! (defaulting to normal)
  30. SWEP:SetWeaponHoldType - ActIndex[ "idle" ] isn't set! (defaulting to normal)
  31. (GLOBAL) Maeylis: )x
  32. (GLOBAL) James Jaguer: Yeahhh ! xD
  33. SWEP:SetWeaponHoldType - ActIndex[ "none" ] isn't set! (defaulting to normal)
  34. SWEP:SetWeaponHoldType - ActIndex[ "idle" ] isn't set! (defaulting to normal)
  35. [DarkRP] KasutoYT a changé son nom RP en : Nain Vincible
  36. SWEP:SetWeaponHoldType - ActIndex[ "idle" ] isn't set! (defaulting to normal)
  37. SWEP:SetWeaponHoldType - ActIndex[ "none" ] isn't set! (defaulting to normal)
  38. SWEP:SetWeaponHoldType - ActIndex[ "idle" ] isn't set! (defaulting to normal)
  39. SWEP:SetWeaponHoldType - ActIndex[ "idle" ] isn't set! (defaulting to normal)
  40. SWEP:SetWeaponHoldType - ActIndex[ "idle" ] isn't set! (defaulting to normal)
  41. SWEP:SetWeaponHoldType - ActIndex[ "idle" ] isn't set! (defaulting to normal)
  42. [DarkRP] Apprentis Fred est devenu Bouffon !
  43. Sorciere Maldara J: (( tu vas rien faire ...
  44. (GLOBAL) Sara Olson: razkavan chut tu le diras après que je sois passé XDD
  45. [DarkRP] Drack Black est devenu Villageois !
  46. Cornelia Wolfer Vabs: (( tu crois ? ))
  47. SWEP:SetWeaponHoldType - ActIndex[ "idle" ] isn't set! (defaulting to normal)
  48. SWEP:SetWeaponHoldType - ActIndex[ "idle" ] isn't set! (defaulting to normal)
  49. (GLOBAL) Razkavan: Ok
  50. Sorciere Maldara J: (( Oui
  51. (GLOBAL) Maeylis: attend moi aussi razkavan stp x)
  52. Cornelia Wolfer Vabs: (( paris pas avec moi ))
  53. SWEP:SetWeaponHoldType - ActIndex[ "idle" ] isn't set! (defaulting to normal)
  54. SWEP:SetWeaponHoldType - ActIndex[ "idle" ] isn't set! (defaulting to normal)
  55. (GLOBAL) Comte Yavi K: gg
  56. Sorciere Maldara J: (( ben vas y
  57. (GLOBAL) Razkavan: Nan c'est juste que on est trop nombreux
  58. SWEP:SetWeaponHoldType - ActIndex[ "idle" ] isn't set! (defaulting to normal)
  59. SWEP:SetWeaponHoldType - ActIndex[ "idle" ] isn't set! (defaulting to normal)
  60. (GLOBAL) Sara Olson: le ah bah merci bien de marcus XDD
  61. (GLOBAL) Shino Obsidian: je peut me changer
  62. SWEP:SetWeaponHoldType - ActIndex[ "idle" ] isn't set! (defaulting to normal)
  63. SWEP:SetWeaponHoldType - ActIndex[ "idle" ] isn't set! (defaulting to normal)
  64. Alastor de Lioncourt se met en PLS dans un coin de la pièce
  65. Alastor de Lioncourt se met en PLS dans un coin de la pièce
  66. Sorciere Maldara J: (( dit ce que ta a dire je m'en bat les couille
  67. (GLOBAL) Thoros De Myr: boit son rhum
  68. [DarkRP] Billy Boums est devenu Forgeron de Bran !
  69. SWEP:SetWeaponHoldType - ActIndex[ "idle" ] isn't set! (defaulting to normal)
  70. SWEP:SetWeaponHoldType - ActIndex[ "idle" ] isn't set! (defaulting to normal)
  71. (GLOBAL) Jasper: En jeune on à le droit de se mettre en model recrue ? en tenue discrète?
  72. SWEP:SetWeaponHoldType - ActIndex[ "idle" ] isn't set! (defaulting to normal)
  73. SWEP:SetWeaponHoldType - ActIndex[ "idle" ] isn't set! (defaulting to normal)
  74. [DarkRP] Billy Boums est devenu Jeune Vampire !
  75. SWEP:SetWeaponHoldType - ActIndex[ "none" ] isn't set! (defaulting to normal)
  76. SWEP:SetWeaponHoldType - ActIndex[ "idle" ] isn't set! (defaulting to normal)
  77. soslune has left the server.
  78. [DarkRP] Naos Osiris est maintenant AFK.
  79. soslune has connected to the server.
  80. SWEP:SetWeaponHoldType - ActIndex[ "idle" ] isn't set! (defaulting to normal)
  81. SWEP:SetWeaponHoldType - ActIndex[ "idle" ] isn't set! (defaulting to normal)
  82. (GLOBAL) Douglas Trobovski: j'ai raté la seance .
  83. soslune has left the server.
  84. Cornelia Wolfer Vabs: (( Tkt tu vas t'en mordre les doigts ))
  85. Sorciere Maldara J: (( tu vas faire quoi ? deander un unrankXero a non c'est HRP
  86. [DarkRP] Richard Denard est devenu Fantassin Lourd - Ancien Royaume !
  87. (GLOBAL) Sara Olson: en vrai c'est normal qu'il y ait bcp de up on est en période d'été donc du coup bcp de joueur ://
  88. SWEP:SetWeaponHoldType - ActIndex[ "idle" ] isn't set! (defaulting to normal)
  89. [DarkRP] Naos Osiris n'est plus AFK.
  90. (GLOBAL) Toka Kirishima: Hans quand tu ma frappé sa ma ody block :/
  91. (GLOBAL) Comte Yavi K: mdr anto
  92. (GLOBAL) Douglas Trobovski: je pourrait pas passer vampire :'(
  93. SWEP:SetWeaponHoldType - ActIndex[ "idle" ] isn't set! (defaulting to normal)
  94. (GLOBAL) Comte Gelford Stwell: Vous devez vous mettre en model de recrue pour rentrer dans le Chateau.
  95. SWEP:SetWeaponHoldType - ActIndex[ "idle" ] isn't set! (defaulting to normal)
  96. Sorciere Maldara J: (( ha oui dommage
  97. SWEP:SetWeaponHoldType - ActIndex[ "idle" ] isn't set! (defaulting to normal)
  98. SWEP:SetWeaponHoldType - ActIndex[ "idle" ] isn't set! (defaulting to normal)
  99. SWEP:SetWeaponHoldType - ActIndex[ "idle" ] isn't set! (defaulting to normal)
  100. SWEP:SetWeaponHoldType - ActIndex[ "idle" ] isn't set! (defaulting to normal)
  101. [DarkRP] ßµииγ a changé son nom RP en : Fantassin Lourd Lucas
  102. Sorciere Maldara J: (( c'est des menaces ? ta peur de dire de quoi tu parle ?
  103. SWEP:SetWeaponHoldType - ActIndex[ "idle" ] isn't set! (defaulting to normal)
  104. Cornelia Wolfer Vabs: (( pas unrank tkt mais en tout cas tu commences à souler le monde avec tes merdes))
  105. Draclux has left the server.
  106. (GLOBAL) James Jaguer: Ah bah rip
  107. SWEP:SetWeaponHoldType - ActIndex[ "idle" ] isn't set! (defaulting to normal)
  108. SWEP:SetWeaponHoldType - ActIndex[ "idle" ] isn't set! (defaulting to normal)
  109. SWEP:SetWeaponHoldType - ActIndex[ "idle" ] isn't set! (defaulting to normal)
  110. Cornelia Wolfer Vabs: (( Toi tu peut faire des trucs mais nous non ? Mauvaise mentalister ))
  111. SWEP:SetWeaponHoldType - ActIndex[ "idle" ] isn't set! (defaulting to normal)
  112. SWEP:SetWeaponHoldType - ActIndex[ "idle" ] isn't set! (defaulting to normal)
  113. Alastor de Lioncourt: ((plz ;-;))
  114. (GLOBAL) Douglas Trobovski: comment passer de jeune vampire a vampire?
  115. [ACD] Successful cleaning decals on the map!
  116. SWEP:SetWeaponHoldType - ActIndex[ "idle" ] isn't set! (defaulting to normal)
  117. (GLOBAL) Sara Olson: non apparemment le lord veut dire quelque chose par rapport à nous
  118. (GLOBAL) James Jaguer: Douglas, faut RP et patienter
  119. SWEP:SetWeaponHoldType - ActIndex[ "idle" ] isn't set! (defaulting to normal)
  120. SWEP:SetWeaponHoldType - ActIndex[ "idle" ] isn't set! (defaulting to normal)
  121. (GLOBAL) Julient Biscuit: je passe pas vampire adulte :(
  122. SWEP:SetWeaponHoldType - ActIndex[ "idle" ] isn't set! (defaulting to normal)
  123. SWEP:SetWeaponHoldType - ActIndex[ "idle" ] isn't set! (defaulting to normal)
  124. SWEP:SetWeaponHoldType - ActIndex[ "idle" ] isn't set! (defaulting to normal)
  125. (GLOBAL) James Jaguer: Harebourg, quand on a sa whitelist, on attend la fin du conseil pour se changer ?
  126. Sorciere Maldara J: (( J'ai une perso spe je jourais plus xero pendant 1mois je reiendras quand il y auras moins de personne comme toi
  127. Alastor de Lioncourt: ((Je vous aime bien tous les deux, arrêtez de vous taper ;-;))
  128. SWEP:SetWeaponHoldType - ActIndex[ "idle" ] isn't set! (defaulting to normal)
  129. SWEP:SetWeaponHoldType - ActIndex[ "idle" ] isn't set! (defaulting to normal)
  130. SWEP:SetWeaponHoldType - ActIndex[ "idle" ] isn't set! (defaulting to normal)
  131. (GLOBAL) James Jaguer: Julient, c'est ton premier conseil, c'normal
  132. SWEP:SetWeaponHoldType - ActIndex[ "idle" ] isn't set! (defaulting to normal)
  133. SWEP:SetWeaponHoldType - ActIndex[ "idle" ] isn't set! (defaulting to normal)
  134. SWEP:SetWeaponHoldType - ActIndex[ "idle" ] isn't set! (defaulting to normal)
  135. (GLOBAL) Nastya: n'exprime plus aucun sentiment
  136. [DarkRP] Toka Kirishima est devenu Villageois !
  137. [DarkRP] Un Loup humain est mort.
  138. (GLOBAL) Nastya: fail
  139. Sorciere Maldara J: (( Non elle provoque
  140. SWEP:SetWeaponHoldType - ActIndex[ "idle" ] isn't set! (defaulting to normal)
  141. soslune has connected to the server.
  142. SWEP:SetWeaponHoldType - ActIndex[ "idle" ] isn't set! (defaulting to normal)
  143. SWEP:SetWeaponHoldType - ActIndex[ "idle" ] isn't set! (defaulting to normal)
  144. (GLOBAL) Comte Gelford Stwell: Puis pour être franc, Julient, change de nom de famille
  145. SWEP:SetWeaponHoldType - ActIndex[ "idle" ] isn't set! (defaulting to normal)
  146. (GLOBAL) James Jaguer: xD
  147. SWEP:SetWeaponHoldType - ActIndex[ "idle" ] isn't set! (defaulting to normal)
  148. SWEP:SetWeaponHoldType - ActIndex[ "idle" ] isn't set! (defaulting to normal)
  149. Alastor de Lioncourt: ((Et tu répond, finissons ce rp et repartons sans conflits ;-;))
  150. Sorciere Maldara J: (( et elle croie que elle vas faire qq chose
  151. SWEP:SetWeaponHoldType - ActIndex[ "idle" ] isn't set! (defaulting to normal)
  152. (GLOBAL) Comte Gelford Stwell: Julient Biscuit ça fait pas trop classe pour un noble :p
  153. Cornelia Wolfer Vabs: (( moi je provoc c'est toi qui m'empeche de faire mon rp on ta juste demander d'analyser ))
  154. SWEP:SetWeaponHoldType - ActIndex[ "idle" ] isn't set! (defaulting to normal)
  155. SWEP:SetWeaponHoldType - ActIndex[ "idle" ] isn't set! (defaulting to normal)
  156. (GLOBAL) Alexia Dachkova: x)
  157. (GLOBAL) Marcus Dravactus: Allez je paye le gigot à tout le royaume
  158. (GLOBAL) Maeylis: et pour mon probleme d'invisibilité je fait quoi moi x) ?
  159. [DarkRP] Naos Osiris est devenu Chien !
  160. SWEP:SetWeaponHoldType - ActIndex[ "idle" ] isn't set! (defaulting to normal)
  161. SWEP:SetWeaponHoldType - ActIndex[ "idle" ] isn't set! (defaulting to normal)
  162. [DarkRP] -I_I- Stoma -I_I- a changé son nom RP en : Volki
  163. SWEP:SetWeaponHoldType - ActIndex[ "idle" ] isn't set! (defaulting to normal)
  164. (GLOBAL) Razkavan: Gg Marcus même si t'es un p'tit con (jrigole)
  165. (GLOBAL) Dame Murasa azalays: les gars si vous voulez changer vos tenue allez les changez dans l'armoire et non devant nous
  167. Cornelia Wolfer Vabs: (( de base t conscentrer donc tu me vois pas cretin))
  168. SWEP:SetWeaponHoldType - ActIndex[ "idle" ] isn't set! (defaulting to normal)
  169. (GLOBAL) Maeylis: GG sara et marcus
  170. Protocop98 has left the server.
  171. Crims_NH has left the server.
  172. SWEP:SetWeaponHoldType - ActIndex[ "idle" ] isn't set! (defaulting to normal)
  173. SWEP:SetWeaponHoldType - ActIndex[ "idle" ] isn't set! (defaulting to normal)
  174. [DarkRP] Jarvis a changé son nom RP en : Jarvis Legrand
  175. (GLOBAL) Sara Olson: merci ^-^
  176. SWEP:SetWeaponHoldType - ActIndex[ "idle" ] isn't set! (defaulting to normal)
  178. SWEP:SetWeaponHoldType - ActIndex[ "idle" ] isn't set! (defaulting to normal)
  179. SWEP:SetWeaponHoldType - ActIndex[ "idle" ] isn't set! (defaulting to normal)
  180. [DarkRP] Adelme McGregor est devenu Fantassin Lourd - Ancien Royaume !
  181. SWEP:SetWeaponHoldType - ActIndex[ "idle" ] isn't set! (defaulting to normal)
  182. (GLOBAL) Jarvis Legrand: c mon deuxieme nom
  183. Sorciere Maldara J: (( vous me souler
  184. [Cuffs] Chevalier Glink has handcuffed Thoros De Myr with Corde
  185. SWEP:SetWeaponHoldType - ActIndex[ "idle" ] isn't set! (defaulting to normal)
  186. SWEP:SetWeaponHoldType - ActIndex[ "idle" ] isn't set! (defaulting to normal)
  187. SWEP:SetWeaponHoldType - ActIndex[ "idle" ] isn't set! (defaulting to normal)
  188. (GLOBAL) Toka Kirishima: Sara Olson est plantophile !
  189. [DarkRP] Jour de paie ! Vous avez reçu Or: 70 !
  190. (GLOBAL) Marcus Dravactus: Tellement l'habitude d'être vampire que je vais payé les gigots à tout le monde :P
  191. SWEP:SetWeaponHoldType - ActIndex[ "idle" ] isn't set! (defaulting to normal)
  192. Alastor de Lioncourt: ((j'ai rien fait ;-;))
  193. Cornelia Wolfer Vabs: (( bah degage si t pas content ))
  194. (GLOBAL) Toka Kirishima: <3
  195. SWEP:SetWeaponHoldType - ActIndex[ "idle" ] isn't set! (defaulting to normal)
  196. SWEP:SetWeaponHoldType - ActIndex[ "idle" ] isn't set! (defaulting to normal)
  197. SWEP:SetWeaponHoldType - ActIndex[ "idle" ] isn't set! (defaulting to normal)
  198. Sorciere Maldara J lui donne ingredient ' ( Corne de dragon , barbe d'humain , narine de mage , peau de gobelin , os de squelette , Or pure)
  199. Sorciere Maldara J lui donne ingredient ' ( Corne de dragon , barbe d'humain , narine de mage , peau de gobelin , os de squelette , Or pure)
  200. (GLOBAL) Sara Olson: mais chut toka c'est pas vrai
  201. ] kill
  202. [DarkRP] Sorciere Maldara J est devenu Villageois !
  203. [DarkRP] Une Sorcière est mort.
  204. SWEP:SetWeaponHoldType - ActIndex[ "idle" ] isn't set! (defaulting to normal)
  205. (GLOBAL) Toka Kirishima: Siiii x)
  206. SWEP:SetWeaponHoldType - ActIndex[ "idle" ] isn't set! (defaulting to normal)
  207. SWEP:SetWeaponHoldType - ActIndex[ "idle" ] isn't set! (defaulting to normal)
  208. SWEP:SetWeaponHoldType - ActIndex[ "idle" ] isn't set! (defaulting to normal)
  209. SWEP:SetWeaponHoldType - ActIndex[ "idle" ] isn't set! (defaulting to normal)
  210. SWEP:SetWeaponHoldType - ActIndex[ "idle" ] isn't set! (defaulting to normal)
  211. SWEP:SetWeaponHoldType - ActIndex[ "idle" ] isn't set! (defaulting to normal)
  212. SWEP:SetWeaponHoldType - ActIndex[ "idle" ] isn't set! (defaulting to normal)
  213. SWEP:SetWeaponHoldType - ActIndex[ "idle" ] isn't set! (defaulting to normal)
  214. SWEP:SetWeaponHoldType - ActIndex[ "idle" ] isn't set! (defaulting to normal)
  215. [DarkRP] Sorciere Maldara J est devenu Sorcière !
  216. SWEP:SetWeaponHoldType - ActIndex[ "idle" ] isn't set! (defaulting to normal)
  217. SWEP:SetWeaponHoldType - ActIndex[ "idle" ] isn't set! (defaulting to normal)
  218. SWEP:SetWeaponHoldType - ActIndex[ "idle" ] isn't set! (defaulting to normal)
  219. SWEP:SetWeaponHoldType - ActIndex[ "idle" ] isn't set! (defaulting to normal)
  220. Karlito has connected to the server.
  221. SWEP:SetWeaponHoldType - ActIndex[ "idle" ] isn't set! (defaulting to normal)
  222. SWEP:SetWeaponHoldType - ActIndex[ "idle" ] isn't set! (defaulting to normal)
  223. SWEP:SetWeaponHoldType - ActIndex[ "idle" ] isn't set! (defaulting to normal)
  224. [DarkRP] the king est devenu Loup-Garou !
  225. SWEP:SetWeaponHoldType - ActIndex[ "idle" ] isn't set! (defaulting to normal)
  226. SWEP:SetWeaponHoldType - ActIndex[ "idle" ] isn't set! (defaulting to normal)
  227. SWEP:SetWeaponHoldType - ActIndex[ "idle" ] isn't set! (defaulting to normal)
  228. SWEP:SetWeaponHoldType - ActIndex[ "idle" ] isn't set! (defaulting to normal)
  229. SWEP:SetWeaponHoldType - ActIndex[ "idle" ] isn't set! (defaulting to normal)
  230. Vous ne portez plus la tenue!
  231. Vous ne portez plus la tenue!
  232. Vous ne portez plus la tenue!
  233. Vous ne portez plus la tenue!
  234. Vous ne portez plus la tenue!
  235. Vous ne portez plus la tenue!
  236. Vous ne portez plus la tenue!
  237. Vous ne portez plus la tenue!
  238. Vous êtes déjà sans tenue!
  239. Vous êtes déjà sans tenue!
  240. Vous êtes déjà sans tenue!
  241. Vous êtes déjà sans tenue!
  242. Vous êtes déjà sans tenue!
  243. Vous êtes déjà sans tenue!
  244. Vous êtes déjà sans tenue!
  245. Vous êtes déjà sans tenue!
  246. Vous êtes déjà sans tenue!
  247. Vous êtes déjà sans tenue!
  248. Vous êtes déjà sans tenue!
  249. Vous êtes déjà sans tenue!
  250. Vous êtes déjà sans tenue!
  251. Vous êtes déjà sans tenue!
  252. Vous êtes déjà sans tenue!
  253. Vous êtes déjà sans tenue!
  254. Vous êtes déjà sans tenue!
  255. Vous êtes déjà sans tenue!
  256. Heяø ⚡ Kylian has connected to the server.
  257. SWEP:SetWeaponHoldType - ActIndex[ "idle" ] isn't set! (defaulting to normal)
  258. SWEP:SetWeaponHoldType - ActIndex[ "idle" ] isn't set! (defaulting to normal)
  259. Sorciere Maldara J: degage
  260. SWEP:SetWeaponHoldType - ActIndex[ "idle" ] isn't set! (defaulting to normal)
  261. SWEP:SetWeaponHoldType - ActIndex[ "idle" ] isn't set! (defaulting to normal)
  262. Draclux has connected to the server.
  263. SWEP:SetWeaponHoldType - ActIndex[ "idle" ] isn't set! (defaulting to normal)
  264. (GLOBAL) James Jaguer: Marcus la V
  265. (GLOBAL) Maeylis: Quelqu'un a un remede contre l'invisiblité au conseil mdr ?
  266. SWEP:SetWeaponHoldType - ActIndex[ "idle" ] isn't set! (defaulting to normal)
  267. SWEP:SetWeaponHoldType - ActIndex[ "idle" ] isn't set! (defaulting to normal)
  268. SWEP:SetWeaponHoldType - ActIndex[ "idle" ] isn't set! (defaulting to normal)
  269. SWEP:SetWeaponHoldType - ActIndex[ "idle" ] isn't set! (defaulting to normal)
  270. [DarkRP] Nain Vincible est devenu Loup humain - VIP !
  271. (GLOBAL) Sara Olson: ah bah nan je suis pas sénioresse on m'a enlevé la whitelist x)
  272. SWEP:SetWeaponHoldType - ActIndex[ "idle" ] isn't set! (defaulting to normal)
  273. SWEP:SetWeaponHoldType - ActIndex[ "idle" ] isn't set! (defaulting to normal)
  274. SWEP:SetWeaponHoldType - ActIndex[ "idle" ] isn't set! (defaulting to normal)
  275. SWEP:SetWeaponHoldType - ActIndex[ "idle" ] isn't set! (defaulting to normal)
  276. athomix86 has connected to the server.
  277. [ACD] Successful cleaning decals on the map!
  278. [DarkRP] Volki est devenu Enfant de Villageois !
  279. SWEP:SetWeaponHoldType - ActIndex[ "idle" ] isn't set! (defaulting to normal)
  280. (GLOBAL) Maeylis: rip sara x) il on du se fail
  281. SWEP:SetWeaponHoldType - ActIndex[ "idle" ] isn't set! (defaulting to normal)
  282. SWEP:SetWeaponHoldType - ActIndex[ "idle" ] isn't set! (defaulting to normal)
  283. SWEP:SetWeaponHoldType - ActIndex[ "idle" ] isn't set! (defaulting to normal)
  284. (GLOBAL) Marcus Dravactus: Ah bah moi aussi on ma enlevé
  285. [DarkRP] KasutoYT a changé son nom RP en : Nooraxees Von Korto
  286. (GLOBAL) Marcus Dravactus: Nice
  287. (GLOBAL) Sénior Brumelune: Fait toi remarquer maeylis
  288. SWEP:SetWeaponHoldType - ActIndex[ "idle" ] isn't set! (defaulting to normal)
  289. SWEP:SetWeaponHoldType - ActIndex[ "idle" ] isn't set! (defaulting to normal)
  290. SWEP:SetWeaponHoldType - ActIndex[ "idle" ] isn't set! (defaulting to normal)
  291. (GLOBAL) Sara Olson: peut être peutêtre pas x)
  292. Xeno has connected to the server.
  293. SWEP:SetWeaponHoldType - ActIndex[ "idle" ] isn't set! (defaulting to normal)
  294. SWEP:SetWeaponHoldType - ActIndex[ "idle" ] isn't set! (defaulting to normal)
  295. SWEP:SetWeaponHoldType - ActIndex[ "idle" ] isn't set! (defaulting to normal)
  296. (GLOBAL) Douglas Trobovski: tout les jeune vampire sont passer vampire?
  297. (GLOBAL) Maeylis: Sa fait 5 conseil j'essaie
  298. [DarkRP] -I_I- Stoma -I_I- a changé son nom RP en : Naos Osiris
  299. (GLOBAL) James Jaguer: non douglas
  300. SWEP:SetWeaponHoldType - ActIndex[ "idle" ] isn't set! (defaulting to normal)
  301. SWEP:SetWeaponHoldType - ActIndex[ "idle" ] isn't set! (defaulting to normal)
  302. [DarkRP] george est devenu Chien !
  303. SWEP:SetWeaponHoldType - ActIndex[ "idle" ] isn't set! (defaulting to normal)
  304. SWEP:SetWeaponHoldType - ActIndex[ "idle" ] isn't set! (defaulting to normal)
  305. SWEP:SetWeaponHoldType - ActIndex[ "idle" ] isn't set! (defaulting to normal)
  306. (GLOBAL) Maeylis: mais je suis trop petite D:
  307. (GLOBAL) Douglas Trobovski: que vous deux?
  308. [DarkRP] Shino Obsidian est devenu Vampire !
  309. SWEP:SetWeaponHoldType - ActIndex[ "idle" ] isn't set! (defaulting to normal)
  310. [DarkRP] maximegg99 a changé son nom RP en : volt
  311. SWEP:SetWeaponHoldType - ActIndex[ "idle" ] isn't set! (defaulting to normal)
  312. (GLOBAL) Sara Olson: rip marcus x)
  313. SWEP:SetWeaponHoldType - ActIndex[ "idle" ] isn't set! (defaulting to normal)
  314. SWEP:SetWeaponHoldType - ActIndex[ "idle" ] isn't set! (defaulting to normal)
  315. SWEP:SetWeaponHoldType - ActIndex[ "idle" ] isn't set! (defaulting to normal)
  316. kzoo has connected to the server.
  317. SWEP:SetWeaponHoldType - ActIndex[ "none" ] isn't set! (defaulting to normal)
  318. SWEP:SetWeaponHoldType - ActIndex[ "idle" ] isn't set! (defaulting to normal)
  319. SWEP:SetWeaponHoldType - ActIndex[ "idle" ] isn't set! (defaulting to normal)
  320. Oorlo234 has left the server.
  321. [DarkRP] Fantassin L Soucoline Lama est devenu Fantassin Lourd - Ancien Royaume !
  322. SWEP:SetWeaponHoldType - ActIndex[ "idle" ] isn't set! (defaulting to normal)
  323. (GLOBAL) Marcus Dravactus: Mdr je vois unwhitelist
  324. [DarkRP] Chevalier Glink est devenu Fantassin Lourd - Ancien Royaume !
  325. [DarkRP] Daniel est devenu Villageois !
  326. [DarkRP] Un Skeleton est mort.
  327. (GLOBAL) Marcus Dravactus: Nice !
  328. SWEP:SetWeaponHoldType - ActIndex[ "idle" ] isn't set! (defaulting to normal)
  329. [DarkRP] Vous avez trouvé Or: 200 !
  330. (GLOBAL) Jarvis Legrand: sa va comme nom Jarvis Legrand au lue de Julient Biscuit non?
  331. SWEP:SetWeaponHoldType - ActIndex[ "idle" ] isn't set! (defaulting to normal)
  332. SWEP:SetWeaponHoldType - ActIndex[ "idle" ] isn't set! (defaulting to normal)
  333. SWEP:SetWeaponHoldType - ActIndex[ "idle" ] isn't set! (defaulting to normal)
  334. [DarkRP] Chevalier Glink est devenu Chevalier Lourd - Ancien Royaume !
  335. (GLOBAL) Sara Olson: oui moi aussi peut-être qu'ils ont changé d'avis :/
  336. [Cuffs] Nastya has handcuffed volt with Corde
  337. SWEP:SetWeaponHoldType - ActIndex[ "idle" ] isn't set! (defaulting to normal)
  338. (GLOBAL) Maeylis: Marcus dit leurs
  339. [DarkRP] Daniel est devenu Skeleton !
  340. SWEP:SetWeaponHoldType - ActIndex[ "idle" ] isn't set! (defaulting to normal)
  341. Sorciere Maldara J: vous voulez ?
  342. (GLOBAL) Maeylis: Sara dit leurs !
  343. [DarkRP] Nemriss est devenu Sorcier !
  344. SWEP:SetWeaponHoldType - ActIndex[ "idle" ] isn't set! (defaulting to normal)
  345. (GLOBAL) Maeylis: il le savent pas peut etre
  346. SWEP:SetWeaponHoldType - ActIndex[ "idle" ] isn't set! (defaulting to normal)
  347. (GLOBAL) Marcus Dravactus: Mdr mais ils savent
  348. SWEP:SetWeaponHoldType - ActIndex[ "idle" ] isn't set! (defaulting to normal)
  349. SWEP:SetWeaponHoldType - ActIndex[ "idle" ] isn't set! (defaulting to normal)
  350. (GLOBAL) Sara Olson: non ils nous ont enlevés à tous les deux c'est pas une erreur
  351. Sorciere Maldara J: oui
  352. [DarkRP] Irwin a changé son nom RP en : irwin
  353. Sorciere Maldara J: les quelles tu veux ?
  354. [DarkRP] James Jaguer est devenu Vampire !
  355. SWEP:SetWeaponHoldType - ActIndex[ "idle" ] isn't set! (defaulting to normal)
  356. (GLOBAL) Maeylis: il vous l'on dit ?
  357. [DarkRP] Irwin a changé son nom RP en : Irwin
  358. SWEP:SetWeaponHoldType - ActIndex[ "idle" ] isn't set! (defaulting to normal)
  359. SWEP:SetWeaponHoldType - ActIndex[ "none" ] isn't set! (defaulting to normal)
  360. SWEP:SetWeaponHoldType - ActIndex[ "idle" ] isn't set! (defaulting to normal)
  361. SWEP:SetWeaponHoldType - ActIndex[ "idle" ] isn't set! (defaulting to normal)
  362. SWEP:SetWeaponHoldType - ActIndex[ "idle" ] isn't set! (defaulting to normal)
  363. (GLOBAL) Maeylis: parce que c'est dommage vous etes fort D:
  364. SWEP:SetWeaponHoldType - ActIndex[ "idle" ] isn't set! (defaulting to normal)
  365. SWEP:SetWeaponHoldType - ActIndex[ "idle" ] isn't set! (defaulting to normal)
  366. SWEP:SetWeaponHoldType - ActIndex[ "idle" ] isn't set! (defaulting to normal)
  367. Sorciere Maldara J: 2500 Po
  368. SWEP:SetWeaponHoldType - ActIndex[ "idle" ] isn't set! (defaulting to normal)
  369. SWEP:SetWeaponHoldType - ActIndex[ "idle" ] isn't set! (defaulting to normal)
  370. SWEP:SetWeaponHoldType - ActIndex[ "idle" ] isn't set! (defaulting to normal)
  371. (GLOBAL) Sénior Brumelune: non il re evalue votre cas sara et marcus
  372. Sorciere Maldara J: tampis
  373. SWEP:SetWeaponHoldType - ActIndex[ "idle" ] isn't set! (defaulting to normal)
  374. (GLOBAL) Sara Olson: ok
  375. SWEP:SetWeaponHoldType - ActIndex[ "idle" ] isn't set! (defaulting to normal)
  376. SWEP:SetWeaponHoldType - ActIndex[ "idle" ] isn't set! (defaulting to normal)
  377. (GLOBAL) Maeylis: Demain alors sara :)
  378. Irwin: (( Xero, pour la lumière violette
  379. SWEP:SetWeaponHoldType - ActIndex[ "idle" ] isn't set! (defaulting to normal)
  380. SWEP:SetWeaponHoldType - ActIndex[ "idle" ] isn't set! (defaulting to normal)
  381. (GLOBAL) Sénior Brumelune: donc ne quitter pas le chateau
  382. (GLOBAL) Maeylis: bonne chance ^^
  383. SWEP:SetWeaponHoldType - ActIndex[ "idle" ] isn't set! (defaulting to normal)
  384. Irwin: (( C'est contre les crétures,
  386. SWEP:SetWeaponHoldType - ActIndex[ "idle" ] isn't set! (defaulting to normal)
  387. [DarkRP] Drack Black est devenu Apprenti Sorcier !
  388. SWEP:SetWeaponHoldType - ActIndex[ "idle" ] isn't set! (defaulting to normal)
  389. SWEP:SetWeaponHoldType - ActIndex[ "idle" ] isn't set! (defaulting to normal)
  390. Irwin: (( ?
  391. SWEP:SetWeaponHoldType - ActIndex[ "idle" ] isn't set! (defaulting to normal)
  392. SWEP:SetWeaponHoldType - ActIndex[ "idle" ] isn't set! (defaulting to normal)
  393. SWEP:SetWeaponHoldType - ActIndex[ "idle" ] isn't set! (defaulting to normal)
  394. Irwin: ((qwé?
  395. SWEP:SetWeaponHoldType - ActIndex[ "idle" ] isn't set! (defaulting to normal)
  396. Sorciere Maldara J: elle me casse les couille
  397. (GLOBAL) James Jaguer: je comprends pas comment on utilise la chauve souris xD
  398. SWEP:SetWeaponHoldType - ActIndex[ "idle" ] isn't set! (defaulting to normal)
  399. TetrixX has left the server.
  400. SWEP:SetWeaponHoldType - ActIndex[ "idle" ] isn't set! (defaulting to normal)
  401. SWEP:SetWeaponHoldType - ActIndex[ "idle" ] isn't set! (defaulting to normal)
  402. Irwin: pourquoi?
  403. (Someone) cloaked Reine Tirano De Kinothi by amount 0
  404. [DarkRP] Jasper est devenu Gobelin !
  405. [DarkRP] King Romain est devenu Gobelin !
  406. SWEP:SetWeaponHoldType - ActIndex[ "idle" ] isn't set! (defaulting to normal)
  407. (GLOBAL) Sara Olson: demande la formation à un ainé
  408. (Someone) granted god mode upon Reine Tirano De Kinothi
  409. SWEP:SetWeaponHoldType - ActIndex[ "idle" ] isn't set! (defaulting to normal)
  410. (GLOBAL) Alastor de Lioncourt: Vais fumer =(
  411. (Someone) teleported to volt
  412. Sorciere Maldara J: provocaion + menace a=CK autre perso
  413. SWEP:SetWeaponHoldType - ActIndex[ "idle" ] isn't set! (defaulting to normal)
  414. (Someone) cloaked Comte Harebourg by amount 0
  415. (Someone) teleported to Cornelia Wolfer Vabs
  416. Irwin: Ton perso vampire?
  417. Sorciere Maldara J: encore ?
  418. SWEP:SetWeaponHoldType - ActIndex[ "idle" ] isn't set! (defaulting to normal)
  419. Besoin de FPS? Taper /fpsboost
  420. Sorciere Maldara J: oui ?
  421. [ACD] Successful cleaning decals on the map!
  422. (Someone) brought Cornelia Wolfer Vabs
  423. [*Pigeon voyageur*] James Jaguer: *Shino* J'y suis
  424. Sorciere Maldara J: non
  425. Irwin: non
  426. Sorciere Maldara J: les 2
  427. SWEP:SetWeaponHoldType - ActIndex[ "idle" ] isn't set! (defaulting to normal)
  428. [DarkRP] Jorge Wlison est devenu Garde de Bran !
  429. Irwin: non
  430. SWEP:SetWeaponHoldType - ActIndex[ "idle" ] isn't set! (defaulting to normal)
  431. [DarkRP] Archer Alan Bon est devenu Fantassin - Ancien Royaume !
  432. (GLOBAL) Dame Sally Blanchetête: Mais enfaite, tous les vampires ont le même sang . Donc ils sont consanguins.
  433. Irwin: ?
  434. Sorciere Maldara J: que voulez vous ?
  435. (Someone) brought Cornelia Wolfer Vabs
  436. SWEP:SetWeaponHoldType - ActIndex[ "idle" ] isn't set! (defaulting to normal)
  437. SWEP:SetWeaponHoldType - ActIndex[ "idle" ] isn't set! (defaulting to normal)
  438. [*Pigeon voyageur*] Comte Yavi K: *V* Que tout le monde quitte le chateaux sauf le conseil et bien sur le Lord
  439. [DarkRP] Jour de paie ! Vous avez reçu Or: 70 !
  440. Comte Harebourg: !bring Maldara
  441. SWEP:SetWeaponHoldType - ActIndex[ "idle" ] isn't set! (defaulting to normal)
  442. SWEP:SetWeaponHoldType - ActIndex[ "idle" ] isn't set! (defaulting to normal)
  443. (Someone) brought You
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