
[AiE, clop] Fluttershy makes Anon feel better

Mar 11th, 2015
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  1. >you lie in bed
  2. >you know you should get up but you just can't be bothered
  3. >it's been light for a while
  4. >but you keep letting yourself go back to sleep for 20 minutes at a time
  5. >you gave up on snoozing your alarm long ago and turned it off outright
  6. >it's probably 11 already
  7. >but you don't care
  8. >you know you shouldn't be like this
  9. >you landed in equestria, a regular utopia
  10. >ponies accepted you, gave you a home, give you little jobs you can do
  11. >and you didn't exactly leave a worthwhile life back home
  12. >you have no excuse for being depressed
  13. >and the fact that you are anyway makes you feel guilty as hell, compounding the depression
  14. >you just feel so... alone
  15. >and so you just keep lying in bed
  16. >at least it's comfy
  18. >*creak*
  19. >"Um... hello? Anon?" comes a hesitant voice through the crack in your bedroom door
  20. >Fluttershy
  21. >she's always been nice to you
  22. >well, everyone has been really, but she's extra nice
  23. >you don't get visitors often, but once in a while somepony will drop in on you to say hi
  24. >what timing, like you are in any state to entertain someone right now
  25. >or in any state you want someone to see you in
  26. >you don't want to burden the already kind pones with your troubles
  27. >or infect their world with senseless depression
  28. "mm" is all you respond with
  29. >"Oh, I'm sorry, I didn't mean to wake you up."
  30. "s'okay" you mumble
  31. >she walks in and faces you, her head just above your mattress height
  32. >"Are you feeling ok?" she asks in her trademark soft, caring voice
  33. >you're not sure how to answer, so you don't
  34. >she studies your face for a bit
  35. >a minute passes in silence
  36. >you do your best not to show anything
  37. >don't want her fussing over you
  38. >you don't deserve it
  39. >but... these ponies are pretty perceptive
  40. >she gently (like there's any other way she can do anything) climbs up onto your mattress and lies down perpendicular to you
  41. >"Anon, I... um... well, I think I can make you feel better... maybe"
  42. >with that she sticks her snout under the edge of your blanket and wiggles her head until it is covered
  43. >she scoots forward a touch with a small shuffling of her four legs tucked under her
  44. >holy crap, what's she up to?
  45. >you stay stock still, not quite sure what to do in this situation
  46. >she moves her head around under your blanket out of your view
  47. >you hear a faint sniff and she moves just a bit lower down
  48. >a forehoof reaches out and catches your pyjama bottom waistband
  49. >she pulls it down and you feel more air on your all but forgotten equipment
  50. >the hoof moves to touch your member, which is in a state of confusion
  51. >it wants to get really hard at the knowledge that someone is paying it attention but this is so out of the blue
  52. >no-one has given you any romantic or sexual indications in all the time you've been here
  53. >and you've never thought to be the instigator of any such indications either
  54. >you rather assumed they weren't interested
  55. >for that matter, you weren't even sure whether pones were for sexual
  56. >so the idea of this exceptionally attractive (by pony standards, and you could see why), shy, and proper mare coming straight for your junk kinda shocked you into status quo where your dick is concerned
  57. >but as she starts to stroke you gently, your little head, never being much for deep thinking, quickly shakes the shock and comes to life
  58. >it doesn't take long before you see another minor shuffle forward followed by the feeling of wet heat on your now mostly hard member
  59. >no hesitant taste, no exploratory licks
  60. >she just took it right in her mouth
  61. >she sucks lightly on the first couple inches for a bit
  62. >then you feel her take in a little more
  63. >she continues suckling, with just a little bit of tongue action on one side of your shaft
  64. >you... can't say she's especially skilled at this
  65. >not like the fap stories you read at home talking about long tongues doing impossible things
  66. >but... damn does it feel good
  67. >you realize quickly that it isn't just the attention being paid to your dick
  68. >it is the attention being paid to YOUR dick
  69. >a living being actually paying intimate attention to you
  70. >it feels really fulfilling to have someone joining together with you like this
  71. >telling you you are worth loving
  72. >but she doesn't actually love you does she?
  73. >there's never need any other indication of it
  74. >even her words and tone of voice suggested more concern and caring than love
  75. >whoa, there goes the rest of your now max hardness member into her snout
  76. >you can hear the occasional quiet gagging noise as she figures out how to handle feeling the back of her throat hit
  77. >she begins to bob her head slowly
  78. >carefully keeping a seal with her lips and never letting teeth touch skin
  79. >you wonder how you haven't climaxed yet
  80. >all this pondering has distracted you from progressing too quickly
  81. >that and the complete lack of foreplay
  82. >you lift your blanket up a touch to get a peek at the action
  83. >her eyes are closed
  84. >a look of gentle satisfaction on her face
  85. >you see her head moving back and forth, making your shaft appear and reappear
  86. >god damn that's hot
  87. >with a real image added to the mix, now you ain't gonna last long
  88. >you quickly drop the blanket back down, and just enjoy the sensations
  89. >fluttershy's ministrations
  90. >it is but 10 seconds before you feel the signs beginning
  91. >as the pressure builds, you lightly put one hand on her forehead and push back to get her off
  92. >she pushes right back
  93. >a forehoof comes up and pushes your hand back to your side
  94. >moments later you release
  95. >a tiny, muffled cough comes from her throat
  96. >she slows down a bit but keeps sucking for another half minute while you begin to soften
  97. >she pulls off you and scootches back till her head clears your blankets
  98. >she turns her head to face you a gives you that gentle smile that only Fluttershy can pull off
  99. >"Did that make you feel better Anon?" she asks with hope in her face
  100. >you reach out of your blanket with both arms, grabbing her around the middle
  101. >"oof!" she squeaks
  102. >you pull her in against your chest in a hug, wrapping both arms right around her
  103. "Thank you, Fluttershy"
  104. >She stretches out her neck to nuzzle your face
  105. >you loosen your grip a bit to let her weight rest on the mattress, hooves still tucked under her
  106. >but you keep her tight against your trunk still
  107. >you can see she is now sporting a big, satisfied smile
  108. >you feel your now soft member resting against her backside but she doesn't seem to notice or mind
  109. >you feel a little remaining cum leak out the end and onto her fur
  110. >somehow that seems really hot to you, maybe a marking thing you think
  111. >you grow just a little bigger before you tell yourself that's enough for now
  112. >"I'm glad I could help you Anon"
  113. >she sounds just like she did the time you got sick and she came and fed you for a couple days
  114. >not lustful, just genuine caring
  115. >you pat yourself on your back for being right about her not having a thing for you
  116. >though you're not so sure you're happy at being right for once
  117. >with your mind returning to full function again, you start thinking about this whole situation more
  118. >well, at least now you have your answer on the pones for sexual question
  119. >but... does this mean they're casual with sex?
  120. >if so, how casual?
  121. >or is this just how much Fluttershy cares?
  122. >does she care for everypony this much?
  123. >does she care for her animals this much?
  124. >you push the last couple thoughts out of your mind cause you're really not sure what to think about those possibilities
  125. >well, you figure she isn't too quick to give out cock cuddling since she wasn't exactly big on technique or skill
  126. >maybe yours is just a problem pones don't see much
  127. >after all they're so surrounded by love and friendship from birth that nopony probably feels lonely
  128. >you know what? who cares
  129. >you are just grateful for this attention
  130. >this reminder of how enjoyable life can be
  131. >you don't mind the sun lighting up your bedroom so much anymore
  132. >even so, you decide to give yourself another 20 minutes of shut-eye
  133. >but this time you'll do so with a smile on your face
  134. >this may not mean anything ultimately, nothing more than an exceptionally kind friend in any case
  135. >and this may not even happen again
  136. >but that's ok, because no matter how this plays out, you know you'll never feel so alone in equestria again
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